Things that video games never do


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pic related

that said i honestly have always kinda wanted to make a game where weapon damage is based on caliber and not on some arbitrary number. i actually tried it out with a homebrew **pen and paper* RPG and it worked really well as long as you add some new stats like Control (higher caliber generally equals lower Control, which gives a significant negative to follow-up shots) and Reliability (simpler weapons like revolvers work under almost any circumstances, while Kraut space magic weapons are prone to jam or otherwise fail)

tl;dr good idea even if you like a meme gun


You don't like them?

fucking shit game man

i like them; for their time they were a tremendously cool gun and they still are from a collector's standpoiint. that said you can get a better, more accurate, more reliable and larger-mag .45 from almost any manufacturer nowadays and this has been the case for a long time, but a lot of fags still like to hold their hands over their ears and yell "no no it's a wondergun best pistol ever"

I can agree, it's much better in .38 Super, anyway.

Almost everything today is either a 1911 clone, a glock clone, a fun such as a revolver, or esoteric shit no one should seriously consider owning (five-seven).

It's like listening to a sperg whose "knowledge" of firearms exclusively comes from vidya.

I go shooting once a month or so. There really isn't much variation in modern pistols unless you try to count esoteric garbage no one buys. Like I said, they're now almost all clones. Try stepping foot in your local gun store and look at the display case.

that's pretty retarded tbh onii-fam

I understand they had to meet regulations for certain states, but fuck me is that thing ever ugly.

You're a retard.

There is no need to say it twice.

Feel free to show me the amazing variation present in the mechanisms.

Blame Matchbox for fucking up the captcha

Video games need more CZECHNOLOGY

It's not ugly because it's trying to get around feature bans like pic related, but because Taurus is shit at designing guns and decided to make one curved (hence the name) as it would supposedly be more ergonomic when carried. Obviously it failed miserably.

user you're wrong and retarded, stop.

Gee, I wonder why that is.

Is it bad if I kind of like the look of the butchered commiefornia ARs? With a slightly different foregrip it'd make a damn good pseudo-cyberpunk aesthetic.

Pretty much no games feature this.

Questionable taste aside, there are some ban-state guns that clean up nicely, like the SCR.

they use a proprietary shorter bolt with a tail that curves down in the stock, like benelli semi-autos

Those are features that you can find on modern handguns, even though there's not much difference in the action, it's most of the time locked breech or blowback, the guns have lots of different features and thus saying that a P226 in .40SW and a Browning HP in .9mm are 1911 clones is a pretty big fucking stretch.

Still waiting to hear from you guys about all the innovative new features in modern pistols that are nothing like what's found in 1911s and glocks. I'm shocked that I'm still waiting, you all sounded so confident!

Adjustable backstrap?

user you're moving the goalposts, and you're back to your "every car is a model T" argument.

They probably didn't reply to you because they don't give a shit about some random dickweed's opinion.



One one user so far is even capable of identifying design components like a circular steering wheel.


There's that DoomRLA mod which lets you upgrade certain statistics in a weapon, like reload and magazine size.

Why would we even bother? You're retarded enough to think that any handgun with a hammer is a 1911 clone, and that any striker-fired handgun is a glock clone. Well, guess what genius; those are the fundamental actions of handguns. According to your logic:

This guy is fucking right, though.

Just because one gun has a slightly different shade of plastic crap littering it's body compared to another's doesn't mean they're not all essentially the same thing from a practical standpoint.

Oh wow, this gun has a .002 lighter trigger pull and takes 8 round magazines while this other gun weights .5 of a gram lighter but takes a 7 round magazine, big whoop, they'll both kill you dead if someone uses the butt of one to bash your skull in.

What the fuck happened to actually innovative shit like gyrojets or Dardick trounds? Why is the biggest change we've seen in recent history an ever so slightly curved grip?


P99AS is a DA/SA striker-fired pistol with a decocker. Incredible gun, but Walther is shit at marketing in the states, so typically only waltherfags know about it.

There are plenty of innovations, but most are a combination of ergonomics+form factor.

Fuck that lazy bullshit, I want original weapons.

You wish.

According to that's a 1911. Nice 1911.

Adding to your list, lock breech and the so-called blowback based action is also a big divide between handgun designs. Within lock breech, the drop barrel design (often called Browning design) is the most prevalent, but it is far from being the only one. Right now there are 3 different guns actively being sold that use rotation to lock the breech and those three relay on a different approach. Drop-in tilting barrel also has variations: A 1911 doesn't drop the barrel the same way a CZ or a glock does and they all fall under the same breech locking mechanism category. One of the most prolific guns now a days (the Beretta 92 and variants) isn't a tilting barrel design, not even remotely like the 1911.

As much as I love EYE the Bear Killer isn't original.

It's clearly inspired by the Blade Runner gun, I know that. However, it's got a lot of differences, unlike the .223 pistol from Fallout which directly copies it.


well, if we decided to model video game firefights like the actual statistics from police and military engagements, every game would just roll a d100 and pick from

but that would make a shit game.
however, modeling ballistic characteristics but leaving out 'everyone is too blown out on adrenaline to think straight' is a good middle ground. and you can make non name-brand funs that use real world characteristics without licensing them. some of the liberties games take with how guns work are just absurd.

Under that logic I could say Chiappa Triple is basically the same as Remington Model 1882

Is there game that has chinese ak with usable bayonet?

Most "misses" are actually suppressing fire, AKA keeping the other guy's head down so he doesn't shoot you, not nobody in the army being able to shoot straight.

I wish, that hooded front sight is so sexy.

Shitting your pants and shooting in the general direction of a hostile 300M+ out until air support arrives.
Shitting your pants and mag dumping in the general direction of a nigger 5M away, missing most of your shots

No, because both the BK and the Blaster are fictional firearms with non-functioning internals, thus it's only the aesthetic that comes into play in a comparison.

Otherwise that's like arguing that the Millennium Falcon and the Fillennium Malcon are TOTALLY DIFFERENT designs because the Malcon shoots green lasers instead of red.


Bullet wounds are stupidly erratic indeed and actual combat effectiveness in terms of accuracy is shit (for very good reasons, mainly, trying to avoid getting shot and coordinating your movements and positions with other people in the middle of a messy situation).
And handguns are, by large, really shitty at stopping a treat.

Are you one of those
Because that's false, in a life or death situation you're shooting to kill. Actually being able to accomplish that and trying to do it are two very different things.

There's plenty of modern guns that are innovative, and there's plenty more ways to innovate. You just have to scrape off more than what you'd find in a gun shop.


There was a lot of Blade Runner in EYE.

Where did he say suppressing fire isn't meant to kill? He said it was meant to keep the enemy pinned down, and the only reason it is effective at keeping the enemy pinned down for the soul reason that it is meant to kill the guy if they poke their head out to return fire.

Yeah, but his implication was that a large amount of shots are inherently misses due to luck of the draw IE inaccuracy or poor marksmanship, and not because of deliberate volume of fire because modern weapons have large capacities and even if you miss it's still keeping your enemy down. It's absurd to say people aren't trying to kill when they're shooting at somebody, but you must also acknowledge the role of suppressing fire and the amount of "misses" it requires in real combat.

To really reflect things in video games you'd make it so you want to lay down suppressing fire because you value your character's life, and have it effect the enemies because they value theirs.

I asked, I didn't claim you were saying that. Given so many retards actually believe intentional missing exist, it is a valid concern on my side.
Regardless, the whole point of the thread is fucking retarded, too many variables can't be portrait in a game, the value of suppressive fire is one. Most players will end up doing something that would be stupidly life risking and that ultimately changes the dynamic a real battlefield would have. If the AI really fears for its life, you end up always going after them when you're even conditions or better and running off and waiting when you're not. It doesn't work from a gameplay perspective. Your best bet is to get like-minded people and do what private/small ARMA servers do: Get into role and self impose some limitations.

Now, I can't recall the exact parameters of the function, but I recall RO2 doing quite a bit to simulate battlefield stress. Being shot at with automatic weapons or coming under artillery fire caused your aim to wobble and your sight to lose color and focus. Suppressing fire was effective because it would make your targets' worse shots.


But your target can still do something stupid no one else would do (or of which there are counted examples through out history), even worse, maybe your target doesn't do it and someone else does, you're wasting time pinning down someone and some random faggot charges in from 300 meters and somehow manages to get through by sheer luck.
It doesn't work and that's just the tip of the iceberg. You can't simulate the coherent coordination of multiple armoured, airborne infantry units working together, no game has come even remotely close to getting that correctly. The impact of logistic chains in the flow of battle and so on.

On a side note, onward (vr FPS game) has a suppressive fire system that actually reduces your combat awareness while getting lead near you.


this is actually something that has always bothered me about a ton of FPS games. people will fire rifles next to each others' heads within seconds of breaking out of a Cong prison camp or something and nobody flinches from the sound, there's no player feedback, nothing. i once fired a k98 mauser after forgetting my earplugs and even in the safe-ish zone behind the rifle my ears still rang for like three hours


This is the only game that has me interested in VR.

Both of those were completely impractical and outright inferior to conventional arms. The reason why you dont see any innovation is because firearms technology has peaked, and will most likely not go any further for the next century or so.

I don't think whatever

So no progress ever then.

Probably not much from a mechanical standpoint that's applicable to civilian arms. There's interesting "new" takes on the PDW/Subgun category, like the Vector, but that doesn't mean much when we're stuck with a semi-auto version with a 16" barrel unless you SBR it, and even then it's functionally just a bulky handgun without select fire.

We're still getting interesting new developments in bullets though. LeHigh's XP round in particular is a game changer for .380s.



bolt action rifles don't kill people in one shot

makes no fucking sense, look at the size of those bullets


Just admit you want a /k/ thread, jesus.

Why do they always do this in vidya?

the dashes are just there indicate an elongated syllable. Actual word is just "baka" or "idiot".

Forgotten Hope seems to be the only one to get it right

speaking of which, could anyone recommend some vidya with proper damages instead of (((balanced gameplay)))

Modded STALKER, Far Cry 2 with Dylan's Realism Mod, Far Cry 3 on Normal, almost every Milsim (Operation Flashpoint: CWC would be my #1 recommendation in that genre). There's more, but I'm so fucking tired I'm chain-yawning and drawing a blank.


A thing I like in Metro 2033 is that if you reload your gun before the clip is empty, it'll take more time to reload the gun
Also in EYE, if you reload before the clip is empty, the bullet left in the clip are lost

They could at least have character voices sound muffled.

Your a fucking Cyber Psi Warrior Monk, we don't need to worry about half spent mags.

It's easier to just apply 'higher attack speed equals lower damage' and call it balanced.

Trying to simulate things like weight, cost, and weapon maintenance requires effort on the part of the developer.

Nah man, that fucked up AR looks nifty as shit. I wanna play a cyberpunk dystopian game where the only guys you can find in the beginning are fucked up regulated ones.

but seriously thew. 90% of damage done by a round is by the mass of the bullet forcing the round into your gut. you cant be sirius about rounds that expand or such bullshit unless your worried about over-penetration. or being able to mag dump on a nigger in a t shirt at point blank. at witch point just about any hollow point will do, regardless of how fancy it clams to be or if its covered in pigs blood.

fun stuff about over-penetration thew, me and my family go deer hunting and my father got his dream rifu a featherweight 30-06 and we usually go after white tail deer/ mule deer, but we went after antelope. now the fucker just pokes holes threw them. you find the entry wound the size of the bullet and the exit wound a little bit bigger but fuck. you manage to land one in the rib cage and it just passes threw them the lungs and liver are way fucking softer than whatever that ballistic gel shit clams to simulate. last year the antelope shot ran 200 yards into a state park before it dropped with one of its lungs popped. witch pissed the fuck out of the local park ranger as we insisted that he fallow the blood trail off his private fucking reserve as proof. but even then we still have the same story again and again. we tend not to use hollow point because where its a lighter load it tends to fuck with how you sight the rifle as it changes the drop. not as bad as the one time my brother in law shot at the "center of mass" as that's is what the army told him to always shoot at. had to chase the deer half a mile deeper into the ND Badlands up and down those fucking valleys, then drag it out.

also i don't get why people are bitching about rifus being loud? both with the one shot doesn't fuck me up so much and with the why the fuck would you want it to be "realistic" i mean for fucks sake i don't want to wake the neighbors with my viga games. and certen liberties to make the game playable are fucking necessary

woops second pic didn't go threw


I've said this an another thread but suppressing fire is very common in CS, especially in 5v5 matches, simply due to the lack of respawns.

Some of my friends want to go hunting for the fist time soon. I worry that it'll end up going like what happened in your post.



what game?

I'm a /k/fag so this shit bothers me. Ever studied the Deagle model from GTAV? It's fucking retarded. They made the slide release into a safety switch.


I wish five-seven bullying would stop.


You don't like your BayClay-FoubySeven user?

This fucking pisses me off
Do gun companies also own copyrights on their names like cars companies and musicians?
But then how come pic related has accurate gun names, though it out 16 years ago

That fucked up Assault Glock looks bretty cool tbh.

is this a guy

I think they do, yeah. I recall something about needing to buy licenses for the use of firearm recreations in videogames.

Yeah they do and many devs pay them money just to have the name in their game

Gun manufactures are so strict about this than the guns you've licenced have work the roughly same way as their real-life counterpart. So if it's maximum ROF is 650 then the gun absolutely cannot fire above 650 in-game.

That sounds like a pretty fucking great idea, some games do ID-lock bullshit, but I have yet to see a game that has different weapons actually effected by where you get them from, beyond:

Is the same for soviet/russian and similarly made weapons?

Gun manufacturers realized they were losing out on a lot of money sometime around COD4.

I don't think the AK-47 is because of its age and its being owned by a defunct nation. Not sure, though.

Ever wondered why Russian guns from the Soviet Union like AK-47, which was actually just a prototype model, are in pretty much every single AAA game since the dawn of time? I mean, the Russian company that makes modern AK variants filed the application to make the AK-47 trademarked only two years ago.

dont be a dick and fallow the letter of the law its not that hard

and go for the heart, watch out for the shoulder as its a bitch to shoot threw and you ruin so much meat

dont be a dick and fallow the letter of the law its not that hard

and go for the heart, watch out for the shoulder as its a bitch to shoot threw and you ruin so much meat

You two will love Shadow Warrior 2.

What's wrong with the Five-seven ? 20 bullets in a mag doesn't sound so bad.
t. nofuns frog

ill have it

Because it's the most heavily produced gun in existence and you can get one anywhere?

Fill the void

I'm afraid I don't have time to learn how to program. I've already spent a long time learning how to be an aviator and I'm busy enough as it is.

Guns suck, real human beans don't need them even in vidya. All you need is a knife.


I think they jacked up prices drastically for licensing names recently, which is why MGSV had fantasy guns.

pshh wanna get sliced up by my dark magic katana little edgelord kid?

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The AKM was heavily produced, the AK, even the 2nd and 3rd model, weren't produced in incredibly high quantities as many people assume. The first AK model is unicorn tier.

They only sell the good ammo (armor piercing with hotter load) to law enforcers and military. Unless you're dealing with armored targets, it really isn't all that better than 9mm or 7.62x25… and if you're trying to kill armored targets with pistols you're doing something wrong.
Other than that, there is nothing particularly wrong with it. The cartridge works better out of a longer barrel and it's kind of wasteful to use it on a pistol.

The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.

I want to fug that jew loli.

Best peestol coming up.

The smg does higher damage, because of faster fire rate.

chkm8 atheist.

Because commies hated copyrights or is it that 'ol Mikhail couldn't copyright his own creation?
I'm betting that it's because most soviet weapons were made by the government itself, not private ventures. Correct me if I happen to suck dicks about this one.



Some soviet weapons are just unbelievable.

Make that Russian, they never stopped making retarded shit.

No funs here, is there a use of "akimbo" in actual combat situation? So far, all i see is a disregard for practicability and accuracy just to fire an extra weapon.

In Verdun bolt action rifles and machine guns kill in one hit. Feels good when you set up a MG in the right place and mow down literally half the enemy team when they run into your fire.


But user, muzzle flash also affects damage of the gun, why else would they make compensators, then?

How this isn't in FPS games to this day baffles me.

I remember mods in the Arma series had this effect where if you fired your weapon for too much in a period without earpro, you could make your character go deaf.


Soviet Union had copyright laws, though they were pretty lax until 1973, when USSR joined UCC. But I don't think they apply in this situation.

You mean "awesome shit"?

Nice autism containment thread tbh.
Bullets don't have differen't "damage" values in real life, but their lethality is affected by penetration, velocity, and point of impact.Body armor, range, caliber are all variables in real life.
You hit anyone in any vital organ with any sized bullet and there is probably a 95% chance of them dying. 99.99% chance that they are incapacitated if they aren't dead. You hit them in any non-vital body part, the arm, through the shoulder, guess what, they are more than likely incapacitated, unless they are on drugs or adrenaline but that body part will be useless and their body willl go into shock, severly hindering their capability to fight back.

But I digress. The reason you are autistic my dear OP, is that FPS video games are video games. They don't claim to be simulations. In order to have a competitive experience that is fair for the player or players in question some liberties have to be made in order for the point of the game (shooting other players) to be fun.

One is a handgun with less ammunition and a slower fire rate, is less accurate, has less range and penetration power. The other is fully automatic, has a longer barrel, so more sustained velocity/range/accuracy and a larger ammo count.

Why in the actual fuck would you be using the pistol instead of the SMG? You wouldn't so then you might as well only have one gun in that game to use.



Any realistic mods for CoC?
I tried a couple, but they're shit.

Cost, weight and a variety of other external factors lazy devs won't bother to program in.

SToCP with Smurth's Dynamic Hud.
Remove crosshair.

Not yet, but I'm going to crank out a modular unfucker for the latest version sometime this week. Fixing the locational damage multipliers so that you've got realistic damage on all enemies isn't particularly time consuming, and reasonably would be compatible with any patches they throw out at least until the next major update.

Doing a full weapons/ammo pass to bring every weapon in line with their real life stats is far more time consuming, and also highly likely to be overwritten by any minor patches, so I typically wait until a mod is "done" or at least done for the foreseeable future before doing those. That said, it should feel pretty great with just the damage fix.

Stay tuned and keep an eye out in the STALKER threads.

Is Verdun worth getting? I love the feeling of a hard hitting bolt action rifles, ever since the days of MOHAA.

It is very intense. Running around enemy trenches is fucking heart attack inducing.

It is very intense. Running around enemy trenches is fucking heart attack inducing.

Are you one of those
Because that's wrong. Hydrostatic shock is very real and a valid way to incapacitate a target. Worth mentioning too, penetration and getting that round to hit some specific organ that might incapacitate the target almost instantly can't be given for granted, at least during an actual firefight (which is what most games are about). The round might hit right where the organ should be, but due to external factors, what the target is wearing and other assorted reasons, the vector of the round might shift right after hitting the surface, this has been reported even with full power cartridges within reasonable combat engagement range (300 yards or so). Actually trying to hit a vital organ is not a viable combat approach, you just try as hard as you can to land a shot somewhere into the target and hope for the best. Snipers and situations where you can actually aim your shots for a while with conditions and within ranges that allow for reliable and consistent accuracy are a different matter entirely.
Most gunshot wounds kill by bleeding out the target rather than hitting a vital point of the nervous system (brain or spine area). Targets hardly ever die right after getting shot in real combat situations, but, once again, properly portraying the dying out state would be difficult for a game, not to mention it isn't always the same, some people would go into shock and stop functioning really quick, while others (depending on the wound, person and conditions) will keep on shooting until their bodies cease to function (a very common occurrence when shooting someone with intermediate cartridges with a projectile that is below velocity range need to have reliable fragmentation/yawing after-impact effect).

pretty much anything copyrighted under the USSR is public domain now, as far as I understand it. you might not be able to call your invention a Kalashnikov AK-47 because Kalashnikov is still an operating company, but the AK-47 name, likeness etc are up for grabs. same with tetris, I think, I'm pretty sure that nobody owns the copyright to the name or format anymore

pretty much anything copyrighted under the USSR is public domain now, as far as I understand it. you might not be able to call your invention a Kalashnikov AK-47 because Kalashnikov is still an operating company, but the AK-47 name, likeness etc are up for grabs. same with tetris, I think, I'm pretty sure that nobody owns the copyright to the name or format anymore




I will never understand these design choices, make it a stealth game or let me play how I fucking choose.

Silencers do not make guns silent.


i can't really think of any real-life application where i would rather have two pistols instead of one, honestly. i mean, maybe if it was some ugly, messy warehouse shootout with a bunch of fellow amateurs where you'd want them just to keep their heads down, but really if it came down to life or death i'd rather just have one weapon to have to focus on

double gun = double damage, duh
that's why ninjas use those star things, 6 blades is better than 1

1911s are a good starter carry gun
so long as they're not in .45 I say this because 1911s are thin as fuck and can be concealed on a person well while still being heavy enough to mitigate recoil

The Rhodesians added stocks to theirs and were striker fired.

I want to make love to that gun in a literal sense.

Just bought it and the Gewehr 1898 rifle kills in one shot like it should.

depends on what kind of 1911 you're talking about because the original 1911 is the worst 1911, the improvements of different configurations afterwards are night and day differences that absolutely makes the original look like a piece of shit

Pretty sure its a girl

Name is Alexandra Gaier and she is from Russia.


tfw you'll never have a game where you're just as miserable loading ammo into magazines as you are in real life.

shit feels

>nobody bleeds out


You'll like browning's other gun.

realism is for faggots and you're a huge homosexual, but the source engine is inexcusable

New Vegas?

This is what FPS gaming needs.

Your guy is hyper and jittery as a baseline because he's on government speed, he's terrified and demoralised because half his friends are shot to ribbons all the while trying not to shit and piss himself or get pwnt by snackbars.

How wild ones aim is is determined by how much anti-psychotic medication you could afford before the level starts but now you're faced with the dilemma: Do you opt for the Calmodrine injections or the rubber piss-proof pants to keep you from slipping over in your own excreta?

'Through' not 'threw'.

Loading magazines in ZoA was fucking suffering.

It's even worse - in Payday 2, putting short barrel on some guns makes them do more damage, and vice versa.

Why does it need to be new? Whats wrong with toggle locks or rollers on pistols?
There are plenty of different mechanisms and most have been dropped not because they don't work but because they are slightly more expensive to produce.

ARMA with ACE3, it's everything you want.
Old video, it's improved a lot since

Receiver tries to come close to that.

Verdun actually does that. The M1911 takes fewer shots to kill someone than the BAR or the MP18/i, generally. And the revolvers (Webley, Reichsrevolver, and I think one other on the Entente side) kill in one hit even on body or limb shots.

German MGs kill in one hit. Entente MGs take two or three unless it's a headshot, but Entente MGs can be hipfired whereas German MGs can't.

It would help create variation since failure types and occurrence rates relate to the firearm complexity, ammo, and/or how the gun is being used. Firing a handgun with a slide while running, now there is a chance you will get FTF. Don't want that problem go grab a revolver.

Is that ye olde timey version of the child dozer?


Maybe they are video games


Is that a gun used by Zaku's?

Luger P17 Artillerie (modified Luger P08) with all the bells and whistles. Increased barrel length from 103 mm to 203 mm (~4in to 8in), tangent sight calibrated at 800m instead of two-point sight calibrated to 200m, improved magazine capacity from 8 box magazine to 32 round Trommel (drum) magazine, a holster which doubled as a extended stock, and full-automatic fire mode.
I don't know why but I have always liked the look of the Luger toggle lock action. The Luger P17 and the Luger 1902 Carbine are the two guns I would want to own if money was no option.

Maybe it was shown to brag about its low weight? I wonder about the recoil if held in just one hand.

A bit of an overkill there, for what purpose?

Best guess since they were given to German artillery soldiers they expected them to be firing at targets hundreds of meters away. Despite the gun not being particularly effective at that range. But that is just my best guess at why. Also the setting the sight is a huge pain. It has 2mm divisions and a small reticle that has to be adjusted by a screw.

The only guns I like are the futuristic bonkers looking ones like the Steyr Aug and whatnot.
Guns need more weird angles and sci-fi aesthetic to them.

FAMAS, actually.

finding the source on that soldier face meme is impossible

It was common around the turn of the century for gun to have ridiculous sight ranges. I think it was the old timey sales wank "accurate out to 2000 yards, the sight says so".


Back you go

this is a feature of ACE
arma 2 and 3 by default doesnt have this, ACE2 and ACE3 add the deaf stuff to the game

New Vegas was nice with its interpretation of real firearms, like the 9mm being basically a hi power and the various revolvers and lever actions. I really dug that NCR jabronies have a crappy AR clone as standard issue, for example.


I'm pretty sure that's virtual rape. You're getting your ass reported.