You ever watch a video where someone sets a challenge, or does some crazy shit for fun in a video game, that requires either huge knowledge of how the gameplay and AI works, and/or crazy ass reflexes to pull their challange off? Like those DMC combo videos, or a stealth game speedrun.
There was one of Crisis 1 where this guy was playing a level perfectly throwing barrels and causing explosions at just the right time.It was like a pseudo speedrun where he wasn't going for the fastest speed but rather took out the enemies quickly. It was posted here on Holla Forums a while ago but I forgot what the video was. Anyone have it?
Luke Hernandez
This guy is pretty good if you're into stealth games. One of the few jewtubers I subscribe to and I'm 90% sure he's a Holla Forumsirgin of some sort. Hopefully ours, but he keeps silent, so ideally nobody will ever know.
Andrew Garcia
fucking shoot me
Henry Ortiz
NsN? He talks in some of his playthroughs, but he's really gleeful about it, I enjoy it.
Hunter Peterson
Does Rabbit's Respawn count?
Anthony James
Big Boss is sick of your guantanamo bullshit was what really got me interested in GZ, and then I did a run just like it myself and managed to pull it off. Good times.
Juan Campbell
Donguri does a lot of crazy stuff with Dante.
Lincoln Long
Player manages to clear Rank 6 Arena on Chaos Mode solo as Philia, with not just the standard "No Items, No deaths" people are prone to do for challenge runs with the series, but also manages to not take ANY damage at all (for over twenty minutes, even managing to avoid World Breaker) via knowledge of invincibility frames and a combination of a low health/defense character and no armor for much faster BC gauge growth. No opening the menu to pause either, and some of the enemies (namely the boss ones that show up) have a lot of health to try to deal with solo, let alone try to completely avoid taking any damage from.
Jackson Davis
"FTL not challenging enough for you? Try playing with no shields. Pretty tough, huh! Now try playing with no shields, weapons, offensive drones, doors, sensors, or oxygen (O2). Yes, really." 3hrs
Aaron Allen
Thanks man, i'll check his videos
Jack Jones
I also see your stealth and raise you a cuh-razy
Kayden Scott
Justin Wilson
Melee tech is some nutty shit.
Jordan Howard
postan it
Isaac Reyes
Arcade clears count?
Jonathan Watson
I've done this on three hearts myself (minus the warping shit), and it is the most difficult part by a very wide margin of any minimalist run of the game.
Nathaniel Adams
This was not posted yet? Seriously?
Benjamin Jenkins
Anyone got some awesome Unreal Tournament fragging footage?
Brandon Taylor
I like pannenkoek he's a cool guy
Jackson Price
Don't try this at home.
Isaac Wright
Austin Cruz
It's not so flashy but the guy explains all that's needed to actually accomplish the run, with a dash of everything that's wrong with X6
Ian Mitchell
This shit is insane, thanks for sharing
Joshua Gomez
Joshua Bell
Dylan Parker
Couldn’t you perpetually stack custom spell effect in Morrowind and make holy-fucking-shit-son-calm-the-fuck-down powers? I never played it.
Noah Anderson
I don't know about that but you could get pretty insane with alchemy or enchanted weapon constant effects.
With alchemy all you do is make a potion to fortify intelligence, use it, then make another fortify intelligence that will be stronger because of your new intelligence, and repeat ad infinitum until you have an absurd alchemy skill then you can just make other potions like "fortify strength 59487 points for 2800 seconds"
With effect stacking, when you switch between a weapon with a constant effect and something else extremely quickly it will sometimes fail to remove the effect which gives you a permanent buff of the effect. In the speedrun this was done with Keening and Sunder and if you look at his skills at the end he has well over 1000 agility and speed from it.
Nicholas Jackson
but why? why is it significant to do this is 0.5 a presses?
Dylan Morris
did you not watch the video? He goes over it in detail
Brody Cox
Carson Hernandez
he's trying to complete the whole game in as few A presses as possible
so this means after a previous A press he can just hold the button down and get another entire star without having to press it again
Dominic Howard
This dude had to keep track of stagger thresholds/hammer KO thresholds in his head, while fighting 3 Tigrex on his own, and have great timing on his wystone usage, mad man.
Not to mention great flash bomb positioning and timing on his Triple hammer swings.
The little head turn on tigrex is also an honorable mention, so he could have time to land the 3rd swing.
Alexander Jackson
Half-Life speedruns really are some of the best
James Scott
I seen better ones but I cant read jap language to find it, none the less this girl is pretty good with the hammer. Though there are some japs who are even a level above that girl in the vid.
Asher Diaz
Yeah, I frequent here, but it's not something that will be effecting the channel. I'm actually working on the next episode of the Viewtiful Joe tas at the moment.
It's worth nothing for the record that I don't have monetization enabled, and probably never will since you can't do cool shit with music or no commentary runs like that.
Samuel Lee
Twitch shooters honestly make cover based FPS look like fucking laughing stocks.
Henry Cox
it's like someone vomited all over the screen jesus
Henry Flores
Agreed, but you take what you can get when you talk about high-level gameplay.
the best jetstream sam playthrough you'll ever see
Joshua Miller
post the mario 64 video where hes crawling through the desert
Justin Anderson
Now do it without pausescumming.
Caleb Baker
Jayden Ramirez
Man I love how in Mark of the Ninja on hard mode your vision is more limited, it makes the game so much tenser.
Dominic Cook
Sebastian Smith
Jonathan Lopez
Nice. Don't be one of those faggots who makes money off of youtube. They're the scum of the earth.
Owen Stewart
Carter Jackson
Knowing game programming stuff like this is interesting, gives you an insight how the game was coded and how little bugs and oversights like these happen
Ryan Lee
Elijah Cox
Josiah Murphy
Camden King
I admit that was very cool and impressive, I don't remember the time-freeze ability being so long when I played though, quite overkill.
Ayden Ward
I know which one you mean but I don't have it. I wish the whole game was as fun as that. I replayed it recently and it just feels like MGS3 1/2 as fun version without a camo meter.
Christian Harris
Take it to another threads, board, place. I'm getting tired of every other thread having one or two of your type of chucklefucks who just can't leave it be.
Isaiah Reyes
Luke Myers
Juan Brown
i didn't know people ported ztricks to half life, or that it had such a similar movement mechanics as quake.
Noah Ramirez
Blake Flores
I can't wait to try this game in 3 years when it's 10 bucks.
Jaxson Richardson
The first FEAR game was bretty damn gud
Zachary Sullivan
How would he practice that? Every time he fucks up you need to reload the game or reset. Is there a VR section where you can practice mechanics? I dont remember if 3 had vr missions
Justin Stewart
Hudson Nguyen
Gavin Murphy
Hit me up on Steam, links on the account.
I mean, usually I'd agree but you're the only on I see not contributing.
Chase Bailey
Not entirely sure if this counts, but here.
Carter Gutierrez
I hate that video because it makes skyrim look fun
Kayden Myers
His channel is full of this sort of thing.
Kevin Ross
A great gamemode tied to a shit game series.
Adrian Morales
Nathan Peterson
I really wish I could get good with jets.
Benjamin Robinson
This guy is fucking incredible.
Jaxson Wood
But it's from 2009
Ryan Reyes
Chase White
holy shit
Sebastian King
MikeKob is the bee's knees
Ryan Butler
Have any of you ever done stuff like this yourself, but didn't get it recorded?
I once went 37-7 in Modern warfare 2 with only a throwing knife.
Also in Halo Reach I got through the entire first third of Nightfall without being spotted on the highest difficulty, which may not sound impressive but you aren't designed to actually stay hidden past the first 3 minutes or so of gameplay, and it required litterally like 7 hours of waiting for enemy patrols to pass by me just at the right postioning for me to take out enemies one by one and dash from cover to cover, it was pretty intense.
Noah Bailey
Actually I probably still have the Nightfall thing on my 360 hard drive in theatere mode, now that I think about it.
Henry Sanders
Upload that shit, son.
Nicholas Gray
Holla Forums really has gotten fucking casual over the years
Alexander Bell
This guy does some insane runs of Dishonored.
Jordan Gomez
Holy fuck that is excellent. The only way that could have possibly been better was if the runner didn't cancel their forward momentum but instead naturally arced on top. But still, holy fuck.
Brandon Cruz
No one should be that good at vidya. No one.
James Bailey
One of the few games where background geometry is actually intended to be used
Isaac Rivera
Ethan Martinez
Colton Perry
Nolan Williams
m,y 360 is packed away and I don't have a computer that can render video files right now. I'll get around to it eventually
Shit on Mw2 all you want, It deserves it, but Halo has a bad rep it doesn't deserve
Jordan Powell
David Nguyen
Hunh Hunh Hunh Hunh Hunh Hunh…..
Daniel Anderson
Luis Ramirez
Adrian Butler
Tyler Sanchez
Don't forget this one
Nathaniel Murphy
Enough has time passed, you don't need to try to fit anymore kid.
Austin Scott
Most of the videos ITT are of people playing singeplayer games in a badass way. This one is a bit different. IMO, the peak of competitive SF4.
Thomas Anderson
I could do all this shit on my first try and without the mods.
Carson Johnson
Care to post your channel buddy, I love viewtiful joe
Roses are red Violets are blue Omae wa mou Shindeiru
Jason Nelson
Samuel Rogers
What the fuck. Shit's still hilarious though.
Benjamin Jackson
it's Vman339 or something like that, one of embedded youtube videos in this thread is from it
Alexander Diaz
I couldn't think in another way to name that level
Elijah Morales
It's amazing to think that people actually suck down this retardation in droves
The person who made this video thinks that this is some kind of achievement but it's about as impressive as watching a kid ride a bike with training wheels. Fucking mainstream kiddies have the lowest standards
Also, if you can't fly aircraft in battlefield games you should kill yourself
t. Triggered plane fanny.
Xavier Morgan
GoldenEye with mouse + keyboard.
Isaac Stewart
It's pretty balanced, in that you need to use certain attacks to reduce a meter and once one is fully all the way down, the instakill is unlocked.
Also, Kenshiro used a super that put a timer on the enemy, if you don't kill kenshiro in that time frame, you die, end of story.
The timer super is VERY hard to pull off normally though.
Kayden Kelly
Oh, here's an absolutely absurd match of jojo arcade, especially towards the end, it gets so insane after the 2 minute mark it almost seems tool assisted
Dominic Young
not really impressive, game has liberal auto aim and mouse & keyboard just makes it a joke. Trivial even.
Jaxson Morgan
Still looks fun, I'd play it.
Asher Ortiz
jesus christ
Joseph Roberts
Maybe if it was him and madKOF playing 98UMFE but he's not as good at SF4.
Chase Carter
Capcomfags level up.
Jose Brooks
The cuts are in the blink transitions
Bentley Moore
It may not be super crazy but it's still quite impressive and fun to watch.
Aaron Ortiz
I had to frame-by-frame those Link ones. That's nuts.
Xavier Williams
no selfhating hanon would have a jewtube channel
Connor Nguyen
If I don't document this bullshit at high level perfectionist gameplay, nobody will.
Aiden Torres
It's time to kick-
Bentley Bennett
This guys mods the game to make it impossible, then goes to show that it isn't.
Oliver Gutierrez
Either he's an amazing player or has amazing editing skills. His videos are good regardless.
Anyway, I'm looking for high-level play of Max Payne games, particularly the first two. Surely it's possible to do some cuhrayzee shit in them.
Also, watching speedruns is one way to learn some cool tricks and have a deeper understanding how certain games work. I don't very much like glitches and skips such as , it's just not how I would play it, so I feel like I'm not learning anything.
Hudson Hernandez
Lincoln Nelson
Cameron Ramirez
Jordan Gomez
Xavier Rodriguez
Wouldn't go that far. They know how to play but it's nothing insane, just a cool series of accidents and/or them fucking around with each other. I think the Jotaro player intentionally didn't go for the killer mixup at 1:24 for instance. There's another one where a Dio player pulls off the timestop instant kill glitch in the middle of a match but I have trouble finding it.
Isaiah Wilson
Christian Jackson
Jace Johnson
Dishonored. Game that has a lot of great abilities but you will never toy with them on your playthrough, because mana can only be replenished by extremely valuable mana potions. One fucking time Bethesda made good game and they still managed to fuck it up through resource management.
Actually these two were least interesting because instead of amazing skill they really required few tries. Generally most of stuff I saw there was less interesting than something people do in Quake.
Alexander Evans
And while I'm still posting Melee, here's this classic comeback. With Guile's theme added.
Tyler Morgan
This isn't fun if he's just finding the nearest moving wall to smash himself against every time.
Nolan Harris
Bentley Green
I-no is the hardest match up for me since I'm playing with 2 sticks at once
Adam Sanchez
Caleb Brown
Food farmed food, but yeah he fucked up on the raw part.
Carson Edwards
holy kek I'm dying I miss Lara's home from the newest games ;_;
Ayden Peterson
Reminder we won't get a new F-Zero because Nintendo can't think of ways to improve, innovate or change the game, yet fucking Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, Donkey Kong and Zelda get constant fucking sequels and rereleases forever.
Racing is just not as open to minute innovations as platformers and adventures.
Jackson Anderson
This is why I mention rereleases. Somehow this shit is stuck on Gamecube.
For the record though I don't trust Nintendo with anything new, at all, so I'm not even really wanting this to begin with.
Holy shit.
UV-Fast makes certain enemies easier, though.
Matthew Rogers
Maybe, maybe with all the multiplayer focus for the Switch…
However, I can't imagine those little NES type controllers being very good for F-Zero.
Gabriel Edwards
No it doesn't UV-fast is basically UV with fast monsters parameter on It makes them faster and more aggressive such that they constantly spam their projectile attacks and hitscan enemies are a fucking pain to deal with
Jeremiah Ross
No I mean specifically after Other M, Skyward Sword, Star Fox Zero and every single game they've managed to make uninteresting in the last decade or so I simply don't trust them with a basic fucking racing game.
It makes archies way, way more predictable, hombre, not sure what levels you're playing without them.
Jaxson Morris
Archviles literally have a cool down of 15 secs after doing their flame magic shit the cool down is reduced to 5 secs Just because you find them easier to handle doesn't mean the same for everybody
Hunter Foster
And then he got the bad ending for having fun.
Joshua Hall
Those,and the ones who go exceptionally in depth of a game, are the only kind of youtube video i like to watch.
Michael Gutierrez
Jonathan Perry
Lincoln Wood
Isaac Gomez
Iron Pinapple has some shit going on.
Isaiah Russell
Anthony Campbell
Michael Bailey
Jaxon Cox
Wyatt Perry
Jason Barnes
Heavy mains are the worst.
Nathan Reyes
Tried turning off view-bob and weapon-sway? That's how I have to play my FPS.
Nolan Reed
What made you think it wouldn't user-kun o3o
Zachary Thomas
100% Autism. Fucking awesome.
Samuel Perry
Imagine playing in a CAL M competitive CS match and seeing a V-shaped tower of the enemy team charge towards you.
Imagine the sheer sense of terror.
Gabriel Ramirez
Landon Roberts
Christian Walker
Jaxson White
Carson Turner
Tyler Price
James Edwards
David Anderson
Gabriel Green
Cooper Cox
Levi Nguyen
yeah brah let's chat it up about that new hype COD IW fr rn, bruh i'm hitting that shit day 1 XD just like battlefield 1 bruh sick af 😂😂😂👌 👌 👌
Eli Lopez
could you stop spamming these shitte videos?
Levi Ramirez
Yeah, he's actually not bad, hoping he sticks to pure gameplay, but from what I can tell on his comments sections he has the right opinions. Just really hoping he sticks to not monetizing.
Wyatt Ortiz
It's tool assisted, but yeah, really liking this guy's output.
Jayden Rodriguez
oh fuck he has kamiya's blessing
Gavin Lee
Top tier gaming.
Bentley Sanders
that was awesome man. dem combos
David Cooper
They are found everywhere through eachlevel, and only a few spells take up substantial mana, and this is to circumvent any of them being over powered. Despite this fact though, many still remain over powered. You have room to abuse them, even the more mana intensive ones, but it still expects you to use resources appropriately.
Justin Lee
Here's some bullshit
Jonathan Sullivan
Not sure if this applies but anything that makes people look stupid in multiplayer makes me happy.