Get the game here:
(Select the "Viewing" mode with that green button that is top-right)
Get the game here:
(Select the "Viewing" mode with that green button that is top-right)
And if you want the save with everything unlocked, get here:
Also, the game have a "pose mode". So, have fun.
Was this done by Mike Inel?
got any webms OP?
Is this game pornographic?
Oh shit,it's out. Is there fucking in it this time? I've been holding out hope for fucking.
I dunno, guess.
Also, isn't there already an Adventure Time video game? Undertale I think it was?
Yes, but this is lewd.
Go ahead and post in on /hgg/ too.
Yes user, that was the joke. I hope you understand now. This isn't halfchan anyway, worst that will happen is mods will spoil it.
Actually the worst that will happen is you'll get banned for 24 hours. That happened in the last LOL thread.
Yeah when someone posted 5 pics of unspoilered furry porn. Remember that 3 is the limit
The game has nudity and lewd but not sex. but you can hide this if you want. (pic related)
Well, I posted here because the game can be played without the nudity/lewd. but, yeah. this can be posted in /hgg/ too.
pls use spoiler next time.
Some people here are bizarro SJW, don't take em seriously.
I appreciate you posted it.
3 posts is the limit, not three pictures.
anime boobs
No, problem. Have fun with the game.
Oh I forgot to check if it updated from last time, thanks OP
are there futas on it?
Yeah, like anyone would ever do that. Anyone who actually does is a disgrace.
that is big dick
There isn't any official futa, but people have been nigger rigging dicks on to the characters using the other male models.
I feel like I'm looking at kingdom hearts with an Adventure Time skin.
Why don't these fags just make completely original games?
I'm sure the second pic is someone's fetish.
user did you play the game? Because that's what it basically is
No problem, user.
No but you can "make" futas in the pose mode. see
My dick is already pleased and I haven't even downloaded it yet.
aw man, that sucks.
this is like yiffalicious all over again
It's not so bad.
The basic enemies in this piece of shit take exactly one full combo (that makes them fly 20 feet away) and one extra hit to die. This angers me way more than it should.
Can I just skip the shit and get to the porn?
Where is the webm? Stop deleting posts, you shits!
What if OP wasn't a nigger?
Mike Inel is based.
here some.
Sorry, was me. I forget the spoiler.
Too bad she is fat as fuck in that.
is this the guy who made the gumball animeme porn?
Go see a doctor about your eyes
Not fat, just a little.
I want to see footage of the gameplay before I waste my time with yet another thing that Holla Forums only posts the porn of.
I want to see footage of the gameplay before I waste my time with yet another thing that Holla Forums only posts the porn of.
The game is very like kingdom hearts. but with lewd and some spooky. Just try it, user.
Fucking show the gameplay then.
Hang on, lemme take some webms from my pocket…
Sorry I only have this webm but look here this user post
Yeah. I don't found this one. so, I posted a edit. Thanks.
Thankfully, the dash ability breaks the game by allowing you to quickly mash dash+attack to get infinite hits at a very rapid pace.
So is this fun to play?
I came in here for porn, but I gotta admit this was pretty neat.
oh my goodness
Yes. Short but fun.
Yeah but don't worry. The porn will come eventually. For now, let's play the game.
inb4 lostboy.exe
What if Adventure Time was not complete shit ?
game of the year?
I remember last time I looked into this, him implying he wanted to tone down the lewd content. I'm glad to see he changed his mind about that.
I'm surprised at the amount of porn artists that use tumblr. I thought tumblr and porn dont go hand in hand.
Why did they had to make it anime? it looks like anime girls cosplaying as AT characters, even horsefuckers have more artistic integrity than this!
Are you retarded? They're two sides of the same coin.
nigger you better post the full thing.
porn and tumblr are basically a perfect match. I'd go as far to say that it was clearly designed to make porn easy to share. The only thing it isn't good for is loli or shota.
There's wide hips, and then there's just plain disgusting. You could make an easy chair out of her fucking hipbone. It's like a goddamn whale jaw or something, it's like something out of moby dick
For what purpose?
mark and his faggot cuckold goons will ban me, i dont feel like resetting my router tonight. So look, its called Futanari Time, go panda it.
>Muh mark wont allow me to porn dump :(
You're a low test, high estrogen cuck.
This has never been a thing on Holla Forums.
not like its a deep hidden comic, it gets meme-dumped at least once a week in Holla Forums
>Find out you don't actually lose any HP when you fall off the edge so you can just run off the edge over and over to lame it out
It was a very hollow victory but I don't have a doubt in my mind that I could have done it any other way.
Have it so the camera clips through her body for a fun surprise.
Yeah, you can't get the ??? sword if you've already picked up the 4D sword, it's a bug.
he seems to want it fam
Thanks user.
go ahead, dump it, so you can get banned and remove one retard from Holla Forums for awhile.
someones angsty today, did you get bullied in tumblr today?
good fap
Get the infinite dash and you'll suck less dick.
definitely bullied today
That's pretty thicc man. Post some more.
Just play the game
The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY-kul), and for "little circle", kikeleh (pronounced KY-kul-uh). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an "O" in place of an "X" a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.[5]
It's literally kingdom hearts.
It will freak you the fuck out for a good 30 minutes, but then you'll get used to it.
Finn looks like a faggot
So you're saying it's shit?
I'm saying there's no reason to imply it's not a game.
Your opinions are your own.
What? Kingdom Hearts has good combat.
futa must have balls, otherwise its shit
Every cropped image turns out to be something completely shit. It's as if it's a subtle meme at this point.
I can't wait till this garbage gets DMCA'd by CN or whatever.
Don't bother with a shitposter, I'll offer some opposing input.
Problem regarding the game is it's slow to get the ball rolling. You have that single lackluster combo that you have to see over and over again, and it's lame even when you're able to dash cancel. You can jump attack into it to make it last a bit longer (Something I think I did a lot in Kingdom hearts as well) But it's still a pain.
The boss fights are this point are "evade their cool attack patterns until they get tired and you can wail on them with your sad combo."
Then you get the some upgrades and the Demon Blood Sword, and things get crazy. The gameplay's feeling good now and you can work out some different techniques.
Problem is the bosses (well, beside Marcelline) are the same. You dodge their shit while you wait for their shield to go down, at which point all your fancy moves don't matter. You're just using them all while they do nothing.
The game is very well polished for the most part and it's certainly fun, but Mike needs to step up his game regarding design. It feels like he's just doing a lot of copy and pasting from Kingdom Hearts without really understanding it.
tumblr WAS for porn before livejournal took over. Now, it's about porn and social justice.
Gameplay is actually kind of fun in a simplistic kingdom hearts kind of way but much faster and less polished. I'd like to see this guy try to make an actual game in the future with some experience under his belt.
They actually make a joke about that in game. Something like "you could fit four normal people in those hips". It's one of the few meta jokes that kind of works. Most of them fall pretty flat.
For a one guy team game it's not bad I did not expect to get my shit pushed in on what I thought as a porn game
The lock-on system is bothering me, and the reason is that it doesn't really feel like it's doing anything. In any other game, I lock on to an enemy, I expect the camera to rotate around the enemy so I always have it in my sights. But here, I lock on, and the camera stays the same, and when I have a new enemy in my line of sight, it just locks on to that fucker instead.
Yeah, pretty odd. It seems to just keep the enemy in the bounds of the camera, wish it was a bit more standard as the camera speed is fairly sluggish.
Fucking degenerate apes. All of you. Why don't you go eat your cum if you're so obsessed with it.
are you a homosexual?
It's eggs.
It's eggs.
You sound like a huge queer bud.
We're getting a lot of double posts recently. Is the site fucking up?
It's caused by people being too exited to post and hitting the reply button 1 too many times.
Where do I put the save, I've beaten this game twice already, I have no interest in playing through it a third time.
in the same folder as game.exe
We've always had this issue, it's people pressing post after getting an error instead of updating or refreshing the page.
So, this makes Adventure Time actually bearable?
Yea but I've been seeing a lot more often than normal. I guess it's newfag influx or something? Whatever.
Big anime tiddies make almost anything bearable.
I clicked once. It said posting. I waited. Two posts showed up.
You know Pendleton Ward is furiously masturbating over the same thing you'd be in the game, so no, not really.
i would if you were cute, but you're an obese virgin Holla Forums neckbeard
are you new?
Dude, why am I having trouble with this section?
Working hard for the poon tang is really worth it.
Nice bits.
I think it's something related to the captcha, don't recall it happening in the past.
Did you just start? Dash is needed there.
I knew Mike Inel for a while when we worked on a game together. He was a really nice guy.
much like hyper light drifter, everything is cancerous except for one boss fight, except instead of the beginning its right at the end
What game?
What game?
I don't disagree, but for what purpose?
Missing Stars by Somnova Studios, one of the VN's the was inspired by Katawa Shoujo and one of the few that didn't fall apart immediately. Mike did some sketches and drawings early on.
But Krapwata Shitjo isn't a game.
The guy just does good work, man.
I keep making this mistake
And he deserves more money for it, he was always busy on commissions to pay the bills.
Is there a sword I'm missing?
3 of them, one after you beat finn's story, the cheat one mencioned earlier in the thread and the final secret one.
Also, who in the fuck is between Jake and Marceline on the model viewer? I completed the game but there's still one character missing.
So I downloaded the complete save, and two questions, how do I make everyone their normal genders, and how do I access the character poser?
how do i solve the repeating maze to get the tittys
solved the bomb one, that was easy, but the note in the ice kings cave was kinda cryptic.
also, fuck my shit up, this game is actually good and they had to make it about autism time. there's no fucking justice in this world
Talk to beemo to revert the genders the climb the high ladder to the left of marceline's house, then enter the white door.
Tell me who's between Jake and Marceline when you find it.
anyway, whoever made this game can't decide if he wants mega tits or not. It seems like marceline and breakfast have fairly small breasts, but then everyone else has fucking gigantic ones.
porn is in one side of all coins
Variety over quantity, bro.
Figured it would be it but how it didn't unlock is beyond me.
Also, the game has some female enemies that you can strip but they're not in the poser, yet the shitty blank eye dolls are there.
That's what I mean, there is no variety, it's either small or fucking yuge.
I don't understand, who am I missing?
Use the 4D sword to go all the way up in the intersection.
Up, Right, Up, Left. There's an arrow on each poster if you turn the lights off and look at them with lewd turned on, and you only count the arrows on Princess posters.
Even the music feels copied from that. It isn't bad, definitely experience he could use to make a full original IP game if he wanted. As far as the porn, well, its just tits out after smacking them with a censor bar. Amusing, but given the teasing about /ss/ before a boss fight, I wish it at least implied /ss/ happening.
I just wanted /ss/ dammit.
How the fuck do i get the 4th dimensional sword
jesus thats funny
But why
Everything is laid out in the linked guide in the very first post.
Wait how do you access viewing mode?
Yeah, this sucks. In the game there's constant mentions of the characters being or not being of age. Not only this is stupid because thei're ageless fictional characters, but there's no reason not to just state they're all over 18 or whatever, despite looking younger, they're all cartoony and shit anyways.
where is this 4D sword?
What if the thread was a dub thread?
Considering how many people get their fanart or videos taken down just because someone complained, even if the complains are wrong or straight out lies, he cant risk that. Seen way too many artists getting kicked out of sites, specially Patreon, for that kind of shit
yeah man, the SJWs got to him back when he was making Gravity Falls stuff and coerced him into not doing loli through patreon
so much for freedom of expression in the arts in burgerland
I don't want to white knight for him, but he might just be trying to protect his brand or whatever. If he does anything professionally, and people realize he's "That dude that does loli porn" he can kiss his job goodbye. It's a toss-up, he could have cucked out into not doing loli, or he could have just realized he has to distance himself from such a blatant faux-pas if he wants to stay afloat.
Unfortunately, even in our degeneracy-laden world, you can't draw lolis without being put in the trash can but you can walk down the street with your tits out and be hailed as a hero of progress.
>I did find a way to make this ship happen (legally)
I think maybe there's more than choice factoring in here perhaps? Lolicon and Shotacon is illegal in some countries and there are plenty of people who are petty enough to try to get someone jailed for drawing that stuff.
Same thing happened to GunSmoke4, he had to vanish and resurface like a year later under SunSetRiders7 thanks to people reporting him to the police in Canada.
Isn't he in the USA? Last time I checked lolicon wasn't illegal here
It's complicated. Technically legal, but still something you can get in trouble for due to various obscenity laws and such. Even then, you can be charged internationally for distributing crimes pertaining to obscenity and child pornography, differentiated by simulated cp or not, by taking commissions for it in other countries.
So is this a porn game or not? I see all these pictures of what looks like a third person action game and I have no interest in playing a small fanmade action game because those suck 9 times out of 10 but if there's enough porn in it I might power through.
I believe it is a game base on an old VR concept
so porngame yes and real game it seems so
Now that's something.
It's like an unholy union of the backpack cuck, those weird 3D WEBMs and forevorally entangled in rope pickled with swollen tongue and enjoying it.
This is fuckin' funny.
now that I read the thread more there are people saying very much the opposite of what you say and that it's more just lewd and not actual porn. a model viewer that has nude models doesn't make it a porn game.
considering I don't know what adventure times is apart from it being some cartoon and have no interest in the source material I think i'll just skip this.
that's twice the size of the original mp4
forgot to spoiler the images
try rogue like evolution as in Rogue from x-men evolution yes Kitty is now in it but only as a place holder for now
you fags are delusional
what? did you link to the right post? why are you telling me to play some year 2000 newgrounds level flash game looking thing?
Here's your reply, hun.
Do any enemies actually molest/rape you or is it mostly PG with optional adult shit?
I can feel the butthurt through my screen
I can feel the butthurt through my screen
Can't wait to go home and try it out.
because it's low effort as fuck to get into rogues pants you play as leach
here we go
Is there sex animations in the game or its just poses?
I last played this game a few months ago. Has a bunch of stuff been added lately?
Only poses. but you can find sex animations with the game models around the internet.
fuck this mike inel faggot
shit, forgot to spoiler
Well, this thread's already on its way to hell.
that second panel caught me off guard
this thread is more fun than it deserves to be
Man, forgetting spoilers tends to be a thing here.
Thanks for the info. That sucks but understandable. Mike inel has gotten a lot of attention. Even the creators of AT know about this game. So, put sex in the game can fucked up his patreon and more.
The funny thing is, with the pose mode you can do a lot of shit and Mike cannot be blamed. (pics related)
Also, like I said here
another artistis can make sex animations with the game models. So, in the end, this was a good decision.
Imagine someone making a huge stink that children shows creators are ok with people doing perverted games with the underage characters from their shows
The first one resembles it but the second one has a totally different artstyle
Pendleton Ward furiously masturbates to his characters. Mind you when he's an SJW most of the women he's surrounded with are pig-ugly.
People makes porn with everything, even children shows. you can not prevent this from happening. and If you tried…well, you know what would happens. So, it's not a big surprise if the creators don't give a fuck about.
Okay, user. I agree. but you have to agree that with no work with sex animations, Mike can add a lot of extra stuff in the game.
Let's go mining, lads.
I got maya open and ready for geometry viewing.
You have to go back, faggot.
Keep crying shitter.
Nah, user, not all SJW are ugly. They own neon hair, so as long as they aren't fat, I guarantee they'll be somewhat attractive.
Now it's (2)
What'cha gonna bitch about now faggot?
What did he mean by this?
It means that you still have to go back
Fuck off to tumblr if you want to play pretend.
some look good, some don't, most are bitches
I didn't meant to say those weren't SJW, I was making my point across with neon hair. Want a real SJW naked? Alright, but this one is obvious and I consider it at least attractive enough to masturbate myself with it when she was younger.
Being bitches and looking good are 2 different things, user. They are crazy, though, so that means good sex as long as you know how to deal with them.
Fuck off back to cuckchan if you love to slur sjw manpussy so much then.
You are a failure of a human being.
With mining and some level of programming I guess you can restore this function, right? Maybe as a mod or something of the sort, and the guy will not be blamed for it.
Fug, is there now way to unlock ??? sword without resetting? Save file appears to be plain text, maybe I can just enter something in there?
That explains the big "user made pose" on everything there. Still wish there was at least something implied.
Doesn't that depend on the engine and how spaghetti the code for the game is?
Yeah. Although the guy himself an release the "mod" for the sex scenes and no one have to know it was him.
Crashing this thread, WITH NO SURVIVORS.
You just have horrible taste. Christ.
I'm only doing this so I can steal the penile geometry off of one of the boys and graft it onto loli Marceline.
and also so I can make finn more feminine
>Someone is trying to call ugly manwhales with neon hair "pretty"
Zoe Quinn is a manwhale NOW, not when she did that photoset. Arguably, that's the destiny of all SJW,so they're probably good when they aren't famous or a lot into it.
Either way, Neon Hair is a +4.
Cool. If you're bored you could mod it too.
Of course! no one cared who I was til I put on the mask.
Enjoy your bans, newfags
Very nice, user.
I like the way you think user.
Good to see the use of the swastika flag still triggers kikes like you to this day.
It'd have to be someone he trusts, and is tech savvy enough to use proxies when releasing it.
can I make /ss/ in this game?
Game is great. For a demo it will last you good 4-6 hours to unlock everything, which is about average lenght of full AAA game nowadays.
OP is a total bro, and how this thread turned to shit is beyond me. Holy fuck Holla Forums pull your shit together.
Unlock ??? sword before you're going to do anything, otherwise you'll be forced to reset or settle for blindfold on your character. Demo is bugged and you can't get this sword after certain point, wich means your completionist profile is fucked.
This is an action game. Some compare it to kingdom hearts. There are different weapons, that have different unique attacks. For example one sword allows you to parry, while other lets you shoot projectiles.
This is not a porn game. There is nudity and ability to undress characters but it is a bonus and can be turned on/off. There is no sex in the game.
With the pose mode, yes.
Thanks for the review, user.
Here some examples of /ss/ that you can make with the pose mode.
This just reminds me how I just wanted Finn to get one of them. I mean come on the first few seasons basically said "These two women are interested in finn's sword" and I was rooting for the guy to get something. Then flame princess happened and everything went to shit.
it's not all bad >.>
Honestly, I wouldn't mind it if it werent for tumblr forcing it into every goddamned thing and making me get tired of it Same with futa
Yes. Yes it is all bad. In fact it's arguably worse now.
Finn canonically got cucked by a pastry, don't forget this.
A retarded half-baked one, even.
Oh for fucks sake, is this amateur hour? Supply the porn while the player plays, not after they've beaten the game without rewarding them. It's fucking obnoxious to play a porn game for several hours without any fucking porn appearing in it, and the porn not being part of or given out through the gameplay. Just call it a fucking game and put the nudity separately so you don't waste everyone's time.
This was alright.
I like exploration games.
haha nice post my friend, you sure told me
Why are you responding to posts from hours ago?
it could be worse, at least doxy isn't shadman
Ball draining noises
remember haydee threads?
this thread turned to shit for the same reason haydee threads turned to shit, VIDEOGAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED ON Holla Forums UNLESS ITS NINTENDO OR 3xA
its pretty much kingdom hearts, the battle music, the "dash", the combat style, even that slowdown moment when you die/beat a boss, taken straight out of kingdom hearts, Marceline fight is almost straight ripped from Saïx fight in KH2. But with some soft porn thrown in.
it was still a fun 3 hour thing to play, the only shame is that it had to be autismo time and not something better.
Oh for fucks sake this is just an exercise in time wasting and tedium. I'll just download the complete save instead.
cool story bro
why can't all indie games be this charming?
What are you even doing here,
just go back to halfchan already.
Who did I miss?
Poo-brained horse.
How do I make it appear in the machine? I obviously fought him on both genders.
I cannot for the life of me get the 4th dimensional sword
because none have the talent to rip off other games or be made by filthy inferior koreans
There's a hole in the wall in the cave near Marceline's house, it's the one where you need the sword to break the planks. Go into first person and stare at him until he stares back, afterwards it'll begin to follow you. At that point you go see the Ice King and tell him to stop following you.
imagine a room full of interns that make the show, none of them know how to draw beyond noodle limbed shit that has tiny black dots for eyes, suddenly the cartoon network boss comes in and asks for a horse in the show, a few interns try to ask why does there need to be a horse and those who do are all instantly fired.
The rest of the interns are all trying to draw a fucking horse but they can't since they don't know how to draw any better than a 5 year old with a box of crayons, one of them happens to draw that thing.
The boss looks through the hundred or so ""horse"" drawings, each more awful than the last, then he sees it, near the bottom of the pile. that circular amorphous garbage with a "funny" face. he grabs his bottle of scotch from the drawer, opens it up, chugs about 1/4th of the bottle while looking at an old battered poster of CartoonCartoons. he then looks at the gun in his desk and says "not today my friend, not today".
and thats how that awful looking garbage came to be in the show and get called a "horse"
It doesn't appear here anymore. He either follows me or stands in his ice room.
Is this a fuck up similar to ??? sword?
how do I use potions? I've got one in my inventory but there's no way to use it
where do i get double jump?
i need to find the last key for the cain door and i am stuck
look at the commands in the top left
It's in the same room where you get that key. You know that elevated platform in the Twilight room? It's hard to see, but there's an exit in the back that leads to an upper part of the main cave. There's a couple puzzles to solve, you'll figure out what to do.
Also, you need to have flipped the Magic Man switch at this point.
I wanna fug that marceloli
You talk to him in the ice room, (The horse is Ice King) and you tell him to stop following you. It's a dialogue option.
yes exactly, that's why I'm asking, there's no command for use potion
God damn. I AM autistic faggot, but that's too much even for me.
Are there any other action games with similar combat/movement system?
God damn. I AM autistic faggot, but that's too much even for me.
Are there any other action games with similar combat/movement system?
aren't you dying of old age soon anyway?
I missed a lot during PS2 era because of real life.
My question remains.
maybe you could try it and realize you're missing something really good
have you never watched that episode of spongebob with the color-burgers?
The only potentially good thing I'm missing is the combat, and I'm not dealing with Kingdom of Cringe just to experience it, thank you.
oh and no, I don't watch fucking spongebob.
What a gay
man i bet you're so fun to hang out with.
did you just try to pretend that kingdom hearts was good? Shouldn't you be on tumblr?
Spongebob is my favorite anime.
Yes I'm antisocial and visit this place, what a shocker.
I get it, you dig animal people and cloud strife and all that, a lot of people do in fact. I don't. I just want similar combat attached to something I can stomach.
Now, can anyone tell me if there are any games with combat similar to KH and this game?
Spongebob is great.
Kingdom Hearts is just trash.
Final Fantasy XV :^)
No you're a faggot for not liking old spongebob
It's not out yet. Aaand it looks just marginally less gay, since it doesn't have micky mouse in edgy trench coat.
There is old and new spongebob? Fascinating. I'll definitely give it a watch when I'll feel the urge to submerse myself into the world of talking animals and living sponges.
KH is fucking amazing. you guys just hate anything that other people like, regardless of its actual quality.
ie: something that for some reason gathered a horrible fanbase (like undertale)
you guys loved undertale when it was just a demo, then hated it when tumblr started every character as a nigger mudslime omnisexual transatlantic.
How the fuck do i pop the white bubble?
there must be a secret, it keeps pitching up but it never breaks
fire dash 5 times in a row on it before the timer runs out.
the real question is why can't i get Fionna naked and with huge M cups
You probably will in a month or tow
Ok Ima fucking downloading Kingdom Hearts.
It better be worth all the ruckus. Does it emulate well? Because I don't have TV for 5 years now, and attaching ps2 to modern monitor sounds like a pain in the ass.
you should get the final mix version because it has more content
Not only I don't want to fuck around with patches and shit, but there are like 5 sequels to this goddamn game, so it's not like I'll be short on content if I get hooked up.
Also isn't another one currently in the works? This shit just doesn't end.
the ice queen battle is fucking harsh man
Seconding this.
It's E by default.
I'm using controller. For some reason the Y button wasn't working or something.
I can't beat it. I literally threw my fucking mouse
you can cheap it out by falling off the edge continuosly
And lose all my stamina? And cheat myself of the satisfaction of winning fair and square? No thanks. I'll come back and try it again when I'm less angry.
you only need the stamina to attack when she does the spinny thing.
Btw what do i do to get the final secrets?
I saw Vampire showering, but how do i make the others nude?
I also miss 2 more swords apparently.
Go beat on some enemies until your meter is full.
Is Adventure Time any good? I only know the show through the porn and this game.
It's not my fault it's now property of SJW. back in the 90s it belonged to punk/grunge qts and something of the sort. They were always crazy chicks, but at least wasn't annoying about it.
First three seasons are okay, after that it becomes Finn and his impotence.
What? Is that really what the show is about after season 3?
So, what you think, guys? new thread?
Wait till it goes of the catalog.
Once it's at page 14 or 15
okay. thanks.
The show blueballs and cucks finn as hard as the SFM fags cuck Link.
I thought the limit was page 12. That's when I do it anyway and nobody seems to care
This is only if you play the first one. Everything past the first one is pure garbage that only a myspace using emo shitter would love.
That sounds painful, and relatable.
Here's another one for you.
i love kingdom hearts, you quoted the wrong post
It's horrible and soul crushing, and makes me wonder if they're not setting up young boys to give up on higher standards so they settle for being beta bitches that lick the boots of these escaped mental patient sjws.
Finn sounds almost like Bill Dauterive the Adventurer.
Made this in the model poser for those anons who cannae be arsed to play through the game or even download it. ik it's shit, but what'd you expect?
So what is there to do after beating Marceline?
Find secrets and the hard mode.
There should be a note on the wall by marcy's house. Follow the directions it gives you in the cave maze
Literally how? I'm trying to fire dash as fast as i can but it never breaks, sometimes it changes the sound effect but immediately after it reverts to normal.
But doesn't that give you genderbend?
How do I get the school girl outfit for Finn?
I need this
how do you even unlock the thing? i've followed the guide to the letter and it won't unlock
i have done this with both the arrow and WASD keys
There's a glitch that prevents you from getting it if you have the 4D sword.
I did it regularly, by doing the full combo on it, dashing and starting over.
Might take a few tries because the hit detection on the bubble sucks.
The Google Guide is a fucking mess. Nice job OP.
How do I get the Bath Achievement?
Technically, Finn never wanted anything with Marceline. Also, Finn is basically a playboy in that world, there was an episode where he wanted to get over Flame Princess by kissing a lot of princesses and he did, and he have plenty of potential romantic partners
In retrospective, those you mentioned are pretty bad choices, but I do admit he was cucked hard with Flame Princess and Bubblegum Princess.
Yes, misquoted.
Sorry for the guide. It's not my fault.
If I'm not wrong. you must ask to the girl in the beach to prank marceline, then go talk to marceline and choose "your face" in the chat. marceline go to shower. then you look through the hole under the stairs.
Also, shame I couldn't share this before.
as Fiona go to where you got the bomb as finn
It looks kinda difficult, so I wouldn't begrudge him getting hit a few times, but come one, make a little progress.
That's the shower achievement. I'm looking for the Bath one that's next to it.
Yeah, definitely setting up young boys to enter the world of self-determined gender identity trannies.
Also, Finn canonically saw marceline naked, I would have to pull some hefty suspension of disbelief to say he wouldn't have any interest in the shapeshifting vamp poonani.
Nah, they're feminine enough, maybe except for the huntress wizard, and Breezy was a normal bee, so it would be more like zoophilia, but a female bee nonetheless.
He is a teenager, so he is probably horny about it, but not wrist cutting emo about it as he was about flame princess or princess bubblegum. Also, is not like Marceline denied, they both agreed to be just friends because they are really not interested at the time. If you go that way, I'm pretty sure Marceline is also interested in some shota dick.
As opposed to pink no-nose bubblegum or grey no-nose vampire? The only people with noses in Adventure Time are comic relief characters and the only person who isn't some weird color is Finn.
That's because Finn is the last human. It's kind of obvious. Maybe except for his dad.
Also, Huntress Wizard isn't that androgynous either
you'd think being unique would get you laid more often. does no one want to know what human is like before it goes away?
Try this video
I get that, I'm just pointing out that saying
about an Adventure Time character is basically just saying
Well, most if not every princess want his dick, but not because he is the last human, mostly because he is a hero and kind of a celebrity because of it, not his last human condition.
new thread when?
AT is a dystopian future where everyone changed gender SO MANY TIMES that they started to change other things, such as organs, and matter that their body is composed of, eventually everyone became amorph genderless things, for example, the walking videogame.
Finn is the last pure "human" in a world born out of tumblr & leftist retardation.
Not really user, there's nothing that suggest, that. It is suggested that people changed, but over time, and is also true that Finn is the last "Pure" human, but most shit happened when that nuclear bomb exploded, that changed everything, not only humans. In an episode is explained that Hyumans are just humans that expended hundreds of years overseas, and Princess Bublegum is just a mutated bubblegum blob. There was another human, Moe, that modified himself so heavily that he didn't consider himself human anymore.
Basically, AT is Fallout with rainbows, and there's really nothing LGBT related other than Marceline/Princess Bubblegum implied relationship. Although at that point is pretty obvious they finger each other.
There is hope, head writer and show creator confirmed on Twitter that Cinnamon Bun is literally just her white knight and there aren't any romantic feelings.
Plus Finn still likes her, he thought of an older Flame Princess when he saw his future when the whole comet thing happened.
Disney isn't really furry, it's just cartoon animals. They make porn of it, but the originals are fine.
He just skips right over how you get it the shit on his face. That or my game is bugged. Is there even a reward for getting all the achievements?
The first one is honestly kinda shit, but it's alright if you really like that grindy kinda combat. The second one is way better, and the third one looks to be pretty good as well.
Spin offs vary gameplay styles, so they're a mixed bag.
Figured it out. You just make Breakfast slut do it again but you switch to GenderBender before you make Vampire slut shower. Also it looks like there's no reward for getting all Achievements. Lame.
First one is considered best for people that like challenges since is way more stiff and unpolished than the second. It's not really shitty, just unpolished.
I know is page 11 but I think is time for a new one. also, this gives chance to other people read this thread before he gets 404. So, Ignore the shitposting and let's have a good thread.