Absolutely degenerate.
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consider yourself trolled as fucked America
US-gay US-gay US-gay
Mods are no better than Zionist shills for banning thread calling out trump at this point.
I wonder why this tidbit was left out of the OP
If you're already allowing spics, niggers, mahomedans and women in the military barring trannies is hardly going to solve any problems. As if that's the red line beyond which the quality of the military will suffer. It's already a fucking state.
This is great news! Now when we lose wars our generals can just say they identify as winners! :^)
Does any of us really want the US military to be as efficient and powerful as possible? We should be accepting more coons and pajeets in the agencies that are most hostile to us.
Good. Hopefully it will discourage more normal high T white males from recruiting, who don't want to be around trannies, who will instead look for another outlet for their youthful energy and end up inevitably wanting to fight ZOG instead of fighting for it.
>army full of (((diversity))) is our enemy
What point are you even trying to make, schlomo? We already know that diversity destroys every group it touches. If these groups that are extremely hostile towards us for trying to create a white state, why do they get the privilege of the homogeneous, white force? Non-whites will lower their effectiveness, drive up their costs, and completely shatter morale
nevermind, it's already quite clear I'm dealing with a non-white. Never seen a human type that.
That's pretty fucking based!
It seems that even when you tactically vote [Oy vey Da Overton Window] for genocidal based right wing zionist elite jews to control each and every element of American political office they still somehow maintain total control and continue destroying the country from within.
If you can't trust based genocidal right-wing zionist kikes to preserve white America, who can you trust goy?
Doesn't matter if the armed forces are all white or all mud, they'll attack the US white population if the ZOG tells them to. Would you rather be attacked by highly trained whites or a bunch of half-retarded spics and trannies? The military is not on our side and never will be. They're a branch of Israel, and that's a pretty well known fact around here.
Tell me more blackpills, Uncle Goldberg.
Is telling your child not to drink poisonous water, or put their wet hands in a live electrical socket also a "blackpill" in your twisted up Talmudicly inclined bent-logic?
I'm seriously amused by the shills here. By the way, faggots, don't pretend like no one can pick you and your feeble attempts at astroturfing out from miles away.
They talk about the military like we're going to believe it's merely an expense and not a body of fucking highly-trained soldiers equipped with high end weaponry. They propose that men between the age of 18-25 arm up with semi-automatic AR-15's and fight the zog menace on foot while simultaneously advocating for shitskins to get paid while training, get combat experience, train with and use attack helicopters, mortars, howitzers, tanks, ships, guided missiles, explosives, etc., etc., oh, and by the way, they are now the ZOG menace we're supposed to be fighting with our small arms and no training, awesome.
You guys are pathetically feeble-minded. I wouldn't post but for the off chance you're not spooks or shills.
Do you have any reason at all to believe that the most powerful military in the entire world would be on our side? In what world would some part of it join us, but it's somehow negated if non-whites, homosexuals, and trannies start flooding it? Is exposure to these groups going to somehow prevent them from doing whatever it is you think they're going to do to benefit us?
So how's Holla Forums stance with this?
Do we make something like that #FightForHer trend on twitter where we encourage fags to go enlist so that they can die faster?
Because it kills their narrative?
Isn't (((their))) narrative that Trump isn't in bed with kikes, despite all the clear evidence that he was always in bed with the kikes before any of this was even first planned decades ago.
Keep spinning your dreidel moshe.
Well then we may as well start making cock-sucking an official MOS. Past the tipping point already right levi?
They won't die faster they will ruin our military faster by questioning or flat out not following orders they object to. You can't go into the military giving them rules to abide by and expect to succeed.
They're not deployed overseas though, they just recruit or do desk jobs.
You shouldn't treat law enforcement and the military as your friend or enemy as they're loyal to progressives, as seen with Charlottesville. The reason why liberals and kikes are opposed to them is because those forces don't automatically execute the right-wing and they don't punish the right without due process.
The judicial system and every corporate entity selectively enforces their rules to where they give a slap on the wrist to those who share their views and where they give a heavy amount of punishment to whites.
To say that something that is bad is actually good is demoralization. Besides, filling International Jewry's proxy army with even more political and biological enemies hardly seems like a good thing.
yee haw ANY DAY NOW!
that's you, retard
They also told the half truth that tranny recruit applications are going to be accepted. Literally anyone can apply to join the military and have their application accepted for review. This doesn't mean they are accepted into the military. After their applications are accepted, they will have to undergo a new set of strict mental and physical evaluations. Not one of these mentally deranged tranny fucks is going to pass those tests and actually join the military.
jumping the gun here a bit here ain't ya
Perhaps posting cartoon frogs as Roy Cohn once imagined he would one day troll you all with all those years ago and promoted by all the lying jews in the aut-right, isn't the best way to lead a revolution to overthrow the kikes
I found this interesting: (may explain why he's not stopping this crap)
Surely not.. I mean look at how he goes one direction, then fucks you the other way.
Actually I think Trump is doing what I think he's doing. Or…
Alternatively, what if Trump himself was being manipulated this way..
Trump's either doing this to hurt us, or he himself is being manipulated to do this crap. see
I think the fact that he supports this means he's not whatever some faggots think he is.
But I can't tell if Trump is of his own will doing this, or if he's being prodded.
Part of MAGA.
Desk jobs, logistics, and computer technology are essential for running a modern military. Now they will be even more chalked full of people with severe emotional and psychological problems who are massive security and blackmail risks.
Like with gays and women they will eventually demand to become combat forces on the front lines. They will achieve this the same way they always inject diversity in a supposed meritocracy—by lowering the standards for everyone until the snowflakes make the grade. There was the navy seal who claimed to be a tranny, but he had multiple traumatic brain injuries and intense ptsd. Instead of giving him help, the VA enabled his delusions and pumped him full of estrogen.
Trump can act as a temporary stop to putting men who think they are women in the military, but the next President, Democratic or Republican will cave to the pressure and let them in anyway. This is good since a hot civil war is inevitable by 2040 or so. And having our enemies belong to corrupt and delusional organization will only make them easier to defeat.
Either Trump himself is being pressed by the effects of the media, etc, into doing this or he's fucking compromised from the start.
None of this is what his voters wanted, except maybe milo the subversive faggot kike.
This can't be overstated. Last time I checked, it requires 3-4 active personnel to manage a single foot soldier. This means that one tranny having an 'episode' can take out another 3 people; And that's without us lifting a finger.
It's better than letting women be cannon-fodder.
Still insane though, two wrongs don't make a reich.
our enemy defeats itself
just have to remember to show up to claim the prize
The military doesn't see those people as security risks. The overarching goal is to kill you and they need people who will do it.
At the end of the day front line soldiers are still overwhelmingly White. Minorities, cunts and fags get cushy jobs at the rear where they are safe from harm. It's guys like me or you that risk their lives whenever ZOG demands it.
The Federal court judges are the Commander-in-chief of the military now?
Isn't that unconstitutional?
Get out
I wouldn't trust Trump so wholeheartedly, but shills do work both sides remember.
We already told you fucking idiots where the line in the sand with Trump is. If he fucks up on DACA, we will turn on him. Fuck off already, Eurobros. You're going to make an enemy out of us, and you need us more than we need you.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
So we're just gonna ignore all of this other little bullshit?
Don't you think that was part of the goal?
You can't have a military with these abominations in it. It's blatant subversion of your defence force.
Oh, and Trump really should think twice on this, considering it was the military backing that got him over the line. Now he's replacing that backing with subversion. Just as fucking planned.
US citizens need to get angry again on the right for this. Start calling Trump subversion, because he's ruining your fucking army.
Don't you think the US's enemies would want this shit?
Is this more 4d chess? Try do something irrelevent, fuck up and have it blow up in your face, then do nothing to clean up the mess?
Well what do we do then?
Hound down on him? Look to new opponents?
We should have known that black book connection was an alarm bell.
People did know it was an alarm bell along with dozens of other tells. All of this was out there and known, the (((moderation))) staff here just banned posters and scrubbed/nuked threads whenever this stuff came up in the campaign.
But, I will say that Trump initially was going in somewhat the right direction. We need to see if that was just him giving out candy or if he's been affected by an aggressive conditioning campaign against him.
What the military is, is not a literal arm with which the government does things, it's a structure of individuals who, and this part is important, so pay attention, control and direct very powerful arms and armaments, have access to military and diplomatic secrets, and earn honor and prestige among normies. To have as many allies, cognizant or not, in that body as possible is extremely important. This news can only serve to astroturf the military as a viable choice for moral whites to avoid going to university while also furthering themselves. While the military is a cost burden on the country, who is receiving the benefits being doled out matters. Giving away free money, food, lodging, and military instruction to our enemies is flatly idiotic; only our enemies would advocate for this. The performance of the actual military matters little in ZOG wars, everyone knows we've been fighting it everywhere but Iraq/Syria and Afghanistan with drone strikes for a decade now. This can only further their aims, period.
The military, as an entity, is not an ally or enemy. What it is is an apparatus, just like colleges or the greater government or media. We have allies and enemies in all of those places (some more than others…).
What they've done and what they've been doing for decades with everything else is take over the leadership roles of any group they believe has power and impose ideological conformity, or fill it with repulsive shit so that clear-minded and moral individuals will avoid it. Hell, they're doing that right here! What makes you think imageboards are on our side? No, we have allies and enemies, and our enemies' primary tactics with anything they can't suicide in the back of the head with a nailgun are to subvert the leadership or astroturf.
Was he? I think the first thing he did when he got in office was eliminate future fuel efficiency standards.
Pharmaceutical companies are turning everybody in America into a confused freakshow. Either let the freaks in, shut down the military or stop pharmaceutical companies from making profits.
I think over the next few days we must focus on studying psychological conditioning, tactics of info warfare, tactics of subversion to make us better see through attempts at manipulating us.
We tend to read just a little bit and work on that, but we really need to look at more in depth techniques and build us a stronger immunity against this.
This goes for ALL of humanity, it is our duty to keep our minds free.
That's borderline, the medical bill was the first clear sign of something fishy. But then again, I'm not too convinced on any medical policy personally. Just ambivalent.
This is the first absolute clear contradiction of the policy that the voters wanted to install. There were many sniffs, but this is outright negative to the interests of the voters.
And we can't simply choose another candidate.. can we?
Or perhaps it's finally time to pull those guns out.
It's not just one industry or group. I think the main pusher are those with foreign interests in destabilising the US, though money does have a little sway in getting US corps to comply. Pharma industry is becoming a global menace, even to Jews.
Well then he should call it out STRAIGHT AWAY.
If not, it's weakness as a leader.
>mb carbon-based global warming climate change?
Hello, newfriend. Pics related.
I'm not one of those 'Trump is an idiot lol' types, but I'm not going to assume or believe that Trump knows the ins and outs of every industry under the sun, let alone the ins and outs of both the current letter of the law and the actual outcome of any laws or repeals that are passed. He's one man, and him being elected did not remove juden from government. I have never believed him to be any kind of ethnocentrist, but I do think he's definitely not trying to make things worse.
As for the chemical transformation of America's populace, I think it's clear that most industries have some hand in it, and it's a death-by-a-thousand-cuts situation. So much is ruined by contaminations of various types, land, flora and fauna, culture, history, government, genetics, it'll take a thousand years to correct it all, provided we even get started on it in the first place.
Back on topic, frankly, this is not the first time news has been spun as negative on the Trump administration while they're actually still working on the matter but realize as a legal issue that there's no immediate headway to be made. See . This is effectively the same thing that happened with the travel ban before the second EO was issued with a narrower focus.
what did he mean by this?
Who said anything about peak oil or climate change?
You're also cancer like those posts.
Why else would anyone care about unrealistic fuel efficiency standards being put into place to force spending on leftist pet projects like electric battery fireballs cars?
It's the fact he used the support of the military (at the time largely white male) to win that election.
Now he's just subverted it with cancer.
That's the problem here. Now we no longer have that chip.
Actually scuse this post, I thought I was replying to something else.
Time for bed.
To spend less money.
Nothing unrealistic about it.
There's the buzzword. I'll just go ahead and filter you. It's not like you've brought anything worthwhile to the thread anyway.
Thanks for posting this user, you've phrased this in the best way possible.
I'm totally #WithHer now :^)
The kikes are desperate for literally any shred of a victory they can cling to, lately and its fucking hilarious.
Fuel efficiency has gone up over the last hundred years, why? Because of advances in materials science, aerodynamics, design and engineering, and the rise of costs, not because of government diktat and certainly not because you wanted to cheap the fuck out. The actual result of the emissions standards climb was that more expensive vehicles were produced, either hybrids with marginal increases in fuel economy, or electric vehicles that are plainly less efficient and cost more to fuel and operate. No one suddenly started building chopped down cars with fewer features that were still of practical design. If you're so in favor of spending less money, why not deregulate the auto industry so we can all design and build our own cars on our own time? Something tells me this is unappealing to you.
I work in the transit industry and they were widely disparaged as unrealistic, and they're implemented at a time when baseline vehicle production costs vastly outstrip what general consumers are able or willing to pay. Hence why you see pickup trucks with heated seats, backup cameras, OnStar, and other assorted bullshit I'd never have in my personal vehicle…but that's off-topic. If you want to drive one of those deathtrap smart cars, be my guest, but to basically say that capitalism is bad because we're not all riding around in chainsaw driven rickshaws is…well, I mean, they have a board for that where you can return to. >>>Holla Forums
Again, the outcome was not cheaper or more fuel efficient cars, it was more expensive cars with a higher overall operating cost. So…yeah, you go right along and think Trump was wrong to start chipping away at dumb rules aimed at killing car ownership.
That's boomer shit.
This isn't necessarily a good thing. Assuming there's anything left of the Trump who was campaigning, he would need people in the military to do anything revolutionary. I don't think there are many such people under the age of 65.
Learn the history of Rome and you'll understand this comment
tl;dr: Rome needed soldiers, allowed the foreigners into their military, armed them, trained them and they eventually took over by force.
History will repeat itself. As we see strong efforts to create an EU Army, guess what demographic is going to fill its ranks? Why yes, the black "Syrian" future doctors and engineers from North Africa.
That's even more progressive than Sweden. The Swedes are really jealous of your president now.
He rode in on a wave of kikes, what do you think?