post comfy games
Post comfy games
depression quest
pajama sam
the mafia series
The Talos Principle
It's pretty comfy to just ride your horse around in Red Dead Redmption, or do some hunting sessions.
What's a comfy game in space? I liked Rodina, but I haven't seen much games like it. Though it may be because I don't play space games that much.
The comfiest.
First three Spyro games for the PS1. More-so the first though.
Also, why is Epic Yarn so underrated?
The comfiest turn-based RPG.
Because not enough of its fans sing its praises.
It's comfy in a way where you can carelessly blow shit up.
absolutely comfy
ODST is pretty comfy when it's a dark, gloomy, rainy day.
shit movie, dumb protag
No game has honestly make me feel as empty and helpless as that. Like holy shit, especially the ending.
what a hothead
Say what you will about the RPG mechanics, the gameplay, level scaling, the AI, sweet little lies and whatever else, but Oblivion is what comes to mind when I think of comfy games. Dat OST too, damn.
it was all ruined the moment when they launch that arc and you could feel just how it would turn out, but the protag, having been shown the process of copying not once but twice I think it was twice did not fucking once think about it, neither after he had seen it, nor when he was about to launch the arc
maybe it's just me, but this really ruined all of it
Ok, Cath.
Dragon's Dogmeme
you should get comfy in the company of an octopus
This time of year? REmake with best girl.
Wurm unlimited with Holla Forums was some of the best gaming time I've ever spent. I felt like I was doing something, I forgot all my other problems. I took a step outside of reality for a while and by god it was beautiful. I didn't think I could still get that sense of wonder and joy at my age, but I did. Sad that ended, but maybe it'll start again one day.
But user, best RE girl only shows up in Chris's scenario.
STALKER and Witcher 3
Handheld games in general are pretty comfy.
VTMB is great, very comfy, modern gothic nightlife atmosphere, you even have your own comfy shitty apartment, complete with a radio and a tv
What makes a game comfy? Is there a metric we could apply?
Reccetear and FTL are my comfy games.
i guess it's games with at least a semi-open world, good music and where you don't need to think that much, that's my jam, but everyone has their own comfy zone
The only thing Rebecca is good for is being the second woman when I make a Jill sandwich
I've been waiting for RF4 to go on sale on the eShop for ages now, and by the time it ever does the Switch will be out anyway. And since the developer got shut down that means no more RF for me. That's maximum uncomfy. :(
I think one of the requirements of a comfy game is some sort of home base, where you actually have to spend time to do stuff, but it's a cozy place where you're free from harm. In Reccetear you have your item shop, and in FTL your ship is your safe place, even if it does come under attack sometimes. Games where you're always moving from one unfamiliar place to another are hard to make comfy.
Comfiest RTS that I know of.
know how to get it working with dosbox?
It didn't come even close to Morrowind in terms of comfyness but the overgrown ayleid ruins and quaint forest landscape did remind me of comfy pastoral oil paintings.
The first Witcher game was incredibly comfy, the third game comes close but the first one had this incredible soundtrack. One of the best games to play while wrapped in a blanket and drinking a hot beverage.
you know if I didn't have do grind and dungeon dive so much I would notice it more, thats a good game for comfy
the way you talk about it reminds me that Warbros #1
Rune Factory is great, I like Frontier more though
soft mod your 3DS
there us usually a Holla Forums thread about it with one of Eosalinas stars on it
also you can play Frontier on the Wii
Vesuvius was the comfiest part
dat music some times I would play it on repeat to help me sleep
I think the number one requirement is, does it feel like you are bundled up on your back porch under cover during the rain while drinking hot cocoa
that is what I think of when I think comfy
I'm a fan of rune factory and Harvest moon for comfy as well but I'm going to put forward one that hasn't been mentioned
Tenchi Muyo turn based strategy game for the SNES
no timed hits or really any time limit to stress you out
lots of cute girls and cool dudes
I think it's translated now but you don't need to translate it to be able to play, I didn't when I played
and it's a turn based strategy game like ogre battle and Final fantasy Tactics
and now that I think about it Final Fantasy tactics is also comfy
Also True Love hentai dating sim game, super fun and comfy
Fuck all y'all
tell us about the game fam, I know nothing about it
1. The soundtrack is absolutely essential for comfy games.
2. The pacing is important, it can be challenging but it can't be too fast paced and it needs downtime during which you can take it all in.
3. Environments, a home based of some sort or beautiful nature.
4. Weather can contribute, be it rain or snow.
5. Art direction, can make any location comfy.
Ragnarok Online
Do you like building villages
Do you like to watch people die in the dozens
Do you want to eventually learn how to not see people die horribly all the time
Also get the Colonial Charter mod if you're going to get it.
It's the Dark Souls of city management sims. :^)
Chapter 4 is actually one of my favorite moments in all of vidya. So atmospheric and comfy.
Then stop playing in Hard/Mountains. And don't let niggers migrate, they fuck up your development plans and often bring plague
clockwork empires is pretty comfy.
I don't know fam, high system requirements aren't very comfy
Is it worth buying both Morrowind and Oblivion, or should I just pirate it, and say fuck it to the devs? not sure I want to endorse Bethesda.
Hold up! Is that a Tenchi Muyo game that isn't a VN or DS? Help an user out? What is the name?
Never mind. Found it.
let me guess
Easy roguelikes like Dungeons of Dredmor.
Master of Magic or Age of Wonders I/II
Any colorful RTS with active pause, like Rise of Legends for example.
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim HD
Action RPGs like Torchlight, Sacred and Dungeon Siege series are a little too twitchy for comfiness, but I like them too.
Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen
Fantasy Life. Just listen to this shit.
I'm absolutely loving this. I finished part 2 before but don't even remember the story. I think I like the Witcher 1 more than 2.
Witcher 3 is comfy as fuck
Especially Skellige and toussaint
One of few recent games I've purchased, super comfy.
I neet to get that actually
Well, I've never seen the point of buying digital if you don't want to support the devs but personally I think it's worth owning a physical edition of Morrowind, it's really something. If you don't care for physical releases then I'd say pirate it, unless you're one of those people who have a hard time investing time in something they've pirated. Oblivion is probably best pirated but if you do want to buy it the steam edition is the most complete, it was one of the first RPGs to implement DLC. Oblivion might also be easier to mod if you buy it IIRC, I never mod TES games these days so I'm not sure.
There's something about the folky tone that I find incredibly appealing. It's completely unique to that game.
It is.
This is a good one.
Before it starts, it even tells you to get comfy.
This is one I plan on playing through when winter break comes.
Also, shame on you for not linking some of the amazing tunes of that game.
This is a game that has been sitting in my catalog for ages and I've never really gave it a shot, I love management games so I dont see why the fuck not to try it out.
You mentioned mods, is there an active community for it? Or are there just a handful of small, old high quality ones?
Third attempt now, very sorry if this multiple posts but internet is being pretty shitty right now
It's not a video game, but this site is fucking perfect to feel comfy.
Sit back, relax, and be ready to be comfy to this Best Of Comfy soundtrack.
Even your leaders despise you, shovelhead.
Skyrim can be sometimes, especially with its atmosphere.
Just play it with SCUMMVM, user-kun!
Halo was such a promising setting…
Some revision work on Oblivion done by people who know exactly this style and would be able to really bring it to life throughout the game is something I've kinda dreamed about since the game's release.
No, Bethesda/Zenimax are a horrible company. Take EA's tendency to kill the companies they work with, then turn it into an actual, established practice of softening companies up for hostile take-over (and from there, gutting of employees and intellectual property rights) at every point of the process of working with them, holding those companies' games as hostages to make sure they don't try to escape. That's Bethesda/Zenimax, and that's just for starters with them.
INB4 skyrim is shit
Senran Kagura is pretty comfy. At least when it's not being edgy. This track related.
Oblivion with a truly absurd amount of mods
And to anyone from the last tes thread it turns out that the installation isn't as portable as I thought, sorry.
Euro Truck Simulator 2
There is a jazz radio among the ones you can connect to out of the box, guaranteed comfy
But skyrim is shit.
Oblivion was also shit and it was more comfy than skyrim.
why are there so many plants in high traffic areas? It looks terrible.
can we have a mod list at least? you can export your load order with nmm if you got that
Probably because I hardly played Oblivion before since it is dogshit without mods. The only TES game I've played to a great extent is Morrowind.
Sure, I can also just upload the installer archive files that Wrye Bash uses (there are several mods that will not work with NMM, you should use Wrye Bash and OBMM/TMM).
free on the delaystation 4
along side fellow comrades
i loved this game as a kid
only had the demo though
You and me both fam. Comfiest game I've played in a long time I'm in that first screenshot. RIP in piss richfag.
Comfy is for the weak. There must be struggle.
Also, say what you will about the game but this track is comfy as fuck.
outer wilds
Agreed, except for what happens after 20 minutes. Has there been update recently?
Thread is 3 days old and no ones posted it yet.
There is a struggle. It's always there.
Banished for town building comfy.
OpenTTD for autismal design comfy.
the moment you apply a metric onto an ambiguous concept, it is lost beyond recovery.
Gothic I and II (+addon)
Civ V+ rainy sound on background
i do use them but i didn't know if they had easy modlist shit, please do upload fam, i need that shit
I'm normally the kind of person that recommends that you buy good games made by devs that have become shitty to encourage them to make good games again, but if Bethesda ever goes back to making decent games again it will just distract everyone from OpenMW + TR so it's best to not encourage them to make tolerable games.
You never played EQ.
sauce? i reverse searched and nothing came up
Get out of here, stalker!