Why is everyone on second life so rude and antisocial?

Why is everyone on second life so rude and antisocial?

Second life is full of 25 - 35+ social rejects. That's all you need to know

Because they migrated from Meridian 59 and are pissed off, because you are retarded.


I loved Meridian 59. I wish the open source server wasn't dead.

How old do you think this place is? I've often wondered.

Gay sex

Gay sex

whats op image trying to show

Top one shows that Zuckerberg tapes up his webcam to make sure no one's watching him.


I think he taped his laptop camera. You know, setting an example regarding protecting your privacy and all.

because you look like freebie noob

The webcam is obvious, but what is the other circle for?

Microphone maybe? Not sure if that'd help.

That would be odd, might muffle though. For once I wish I knew more about iShit so I knew what was right there.

It's the microphone, retard.


Calm down tough guy.

Because the only people playing Second Life are you and britbong

And Trolls and Furries.


People still play Second Life?

Feels bad man

Fuck was his name again?

Esteban winsmore
looked it up on youtube and apparently the channels name is charliezzz

esteban winsmore, a bunch of autistic faggots started following him around from what I hear, and people started catching on, so he couldn't keep making videos because of the publicity.


When I was younger I met this hot brazilian girl on omegle.
I would jerk off all the time while she would slich, maybe I'm paranoid but I think she would record me and sell a video of me fapping.

I don't have any evidence but I doubt I was able to pull some super hot brazilian chick when I was a kid.

Because second life it the bottom of the barrel.

You just lost out on some potential money user.

I was young and dumb what I can say?
My biggest regret though is not recording it so I could jerk off to it forever.

I could of been 70 jerking off to some hot brazilian chick.
Youth is wasted on the young.

Go home manlet tears

also checked

More mistakes were made, cant use the I was young excuse now!

He still makes videos, just with a different youtube account. The charliezzz one is just SL stuff.

What the fuck

Yeah it's not as good as his SL shit but there's still some decent videos here and there. The h1z1 ones are pretty fun.

I can't tell if this poo master was making fun of him the entire time

Because if they were viable human beings they'd be on First Life, obviously.

The only thing second life is good for is looking at retards and being happy you're not them.

why do these autists spend so much money on virtual shit, but they cant afford to spend $15 on a decent microphone

Because they're also rude and antisocial in their first lives.

Wouldn't you be pissed off if someone came and interrupted your 3D sex dungeon?

This is the part where I come in and explain everything. 3 years ago I dived into this hellhole with one purpose in mind: figure out the same question OP is asking. "What the fuck is with the people in this game? Why are they so strange?" After a year, I found myself victim to the same mentality they had and only after cutting myself loose from the thing did I realize I had become just like them without even realizing it. "How the fuck." I thought. So after a few months of detox, I went back in and conducted a proper, scientific analysis of the place. A search to find the root of the problem, and after a year of recording findings and writing thesises on it, I found my missing link:

Immersion. Consider drugs, like LSD. Fun to do recreationally, but quittable. Now consider the hardcore drugs like krokodil and heroin. Why do people do them? It is because they no longer have a choice. They are hopelessly addicted. Second life operates in the same fashion as a hard drug does: it gives the users EXACTLY what they want almost to a fault. Want to be your fursona? You can do that. Want to be a slut? You can do that. Want to be a badass giant robot? You better believe it. I've yet to see any game come close to the level of freedom SL gives. Everything can be changed. The way you move. Look. Talk. What abilities you have. Everything a user could want can be created and sold for a profit on here. As a result, people naturally become immersed with their own characters.

This becomes a problem when you consider the long term effects of believing you are a virtual character. As people "live" as their characters, they begin to lose touch with reality subtly but surely. I likened it to a miasma; an odorless gas that is extremely toxic and ultimately fatal. As people play it and become more and more addicted, this "miasma" gets deeper into them until they completely forget they had a life outside of second life. They experience such a deep feeling of depersonalization that their only solution is to protect the only personality they have left: the one they have in their Avatars. When people come into the system and are seen as "outsiders" or "griefers", it temporarily breaks and threatens the illusory "life" they have fallen under. With no life left to them in reality they will fight, tooth and nail like cornered beasts to protect their only value and only life left to them.

Most of the people in here are like I have described. They are under the idea that their second life is their only life due to deep mental problems brought on by literal addiction to an overwhelming drug. Imagine if you had a machine that let you be whoever you wanted for as long as you were at it. You'd never want to leave it after a time. That is why people on second life are so rude and antisocial. They can't understand reality anymore. Their world is a fragile glass one and any cracks in it cause them to lose their minds. The moment people show up with weird deformed monstrosities, it breaks them and you may as well just reason with my pet cockatiel which is only capable of high pitched screeches. You'll get the same quality conversation, I assure you.

Thank you for that scientific viewpoint user. May you stay addiction free.
