boba is life
Boba is life
Other urls found in this thread:
das me
Remember to keep it so that you can look back on it as an old man and remember the kind of life you led.
*rifles through old files for luka i need a better filing system, srsly
about me irl rn
maybe then.. when im still here I can post it and it will no longer be CP
you're a cute girl whom i want to fuck?
its time
god save the queen
*bagpipes in distance*
8:19 PM - furiko: also i came up with this great line in the car: "blood-chan is my cleopatra, minus the human sacrifice"
8:20 PM - furiko: and im capping this with the timestamp so you cant steal it
dont stop boo...
I kind of wonder what would happen to Luka if people here stopped feeding his habit so he was forced to get a job to pay for League skins.
he reported me and goggles for doing this according to bebop
for 'bullying'
Whatever you say, you dirty old man.
That is nothing even approaching a great line.
Aren't you old as dirt too?
Or you could just get a job.
some stuff, idek
I'm disabled.
*shakes his "cane" at you
im not old as dirt... my ass is only just turning to vinegar
8:22 PM - furiko: tell kaybe hes a dog fucker and i hate him, not really, but dont be mean please
Older, some say.
At least you're not caning your shaker at me.
Tell furiko that you were very mean and now I will never talk to furiko ever again, whoever he is.
You're just fat as fuck.
You still can get a job.
You don't have a job Tsuchi.
8:22 PM - X: i used to jerk my little kid dick to the chick from Phil of the future, She sparked my first fap. The shameful part was as a kid I had no idea what a vagina looked like, just knew it was a wet hole. So i filled a glass up with water thinking I just created a replica pussy. Essentially I just dipped my dick in a glass of room temperature water while watching Phil of the future.
aaaand shared... FINALLY!!
[8:26 PM] nigger daddy: 🍑 🍴 👌🏽 😫
do what now?
I have to go, we'll do this on steam okay?
I'm basically a secretary that never has to show up and just deals with subcontractor stuff and filing permits. And getting overpaid for it since there's an office but no one is ever there.
fireworks in San Diego?
No, you're not.
Wow, you really are old.
moar broharu
That wasn't Broharu.
ah, I read the tripcode that time, lol
Let him have his reminiscences, they're all he's got left.
It's time to just put him in a home.
I'm not made of money. Can't we just release him back into the wild?
We can just buy him a one way ticket to Zaire and just...let him go.
man.. bummer ive always wanted to do that
The time machine might be a bit more expensive than the ticket.
BRITEX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peyote is technically legal in some states and non-criminalized pretty much everywhere.
Oh right.
It's one of the shitty Congos now.
TASTE THE FREEDOM YOU GOD DAMN BRIT CUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boba is gross
Like who thought of putting balls of shit in the bottom of tea drinks
Fucking Asians and their weird shit
Bubble Tea is great, fuck you.
Bubble tea is kino
Sake is superior Asian drink
Sake isn't carbonated you baka gaijin
bubble tea is thai
I was talking about the shitty bubble tea.
Isn't bubble tea Taiwanese?
Of course Augustus Gloop would know about food.
Nailed him.
Shut up Colbs you love balls in your mouth :3
Not weird tapioca balls
Yeah, see, Taiwanese.
yeah, years ago..
Howdy, threaders~
Someone start A tc, Im drunk as fuck
They are chewy
You can play with them just like regular balls lol
How did I do? :3c
What's good Elma
im digging as we speak... all the proper archive has been scanned. and about half of my screen cap files. no such luck so far. are you sure there were no other aliases or user posting?
I think...
I think I can sleep now.
I'm going to try.
Who even are you
They're gross and weird
Who else comes to 8ch drunk only.
Come one Ian Wolf.
Mother fucking double A you noob.
Well jeez man, you go around name dropping and only drunk posting and I just assume you're TP sorry
Fair enough
I forgot TP was our designated drunk-o
cool guy
Well yeah he basically only ever posts here drunk, it's kind of his thing
I thought it was Gnomes tbh.
Got home from work. Quick close tonight.
How's you?
Hey, Colby. How's it been?
You're not around much anymore :/
Are you hositng the TC or not motthhhafuckka
He posts sober a lot too.
He's just user.
im gnomes
Busy busy busy, they've got me working a lot lately
Now I'm just drinking some sake to celebrate my new job :3
I'm just perpetuating the myth he likes to half-assedly project
legit shit is 2 legit 2 quit...
congratulations on the job.
Whats the position?
Went for a ride after work to calm down
About to jump in bed
Do you have any pictures of you in your work uniform?
He's probably in Sweden sucking all of the Muslim dicks he wants.
No homo, though.
I'm not in the mood to stare at a camera tonight lol. Insurance claims, it pays like twice as much as my current job to start so I'm hype
You left the home improvement industry?
Ah, that sounds nice. I just go to and from work cause my car is kinda scary to drive too much atm lol
Nah, man. It's really nothing special...
lol... this entire archive is pretty much lame
Good shit boi. Make that million and start a family
I haven't quite left it yet, I've got a couple weeks. New job starts on the 17th, see
I find flowcharts calming...
I was drenched in sweat
Fucking nice and cold out lol
You need a sound system in that car
and some rims!
I still wanna see it :3c
That guy had some serious cock slut he couldn't keep hidden
dfw grim was in orlando and didn't come to visit me
boy howdy did he love him some dick
Well I dunno about that but it's a start :3
You really wanted that?
I have no idea tbh
you wouldn't?
I think he asked me about my dick a few times too just cause we both worked out....
Very nice. That switches it up a bit with that gross heat, huh?
At least a new speaker for my driver's side lol
Why? It's just black pants and a black collared shirt with a hat. *shrugs*
guess no tiny
elms where you at
he only asked me about my dick once... :/
tuck me in welms
good :)
Don't do it.
It's a trap.
alright, almost done, in the last folder now
good luck!
TC crashed right quick.
What's up?
Not really, guy was chill maybe the first few weeks when I joined but since then he has acted really unstable so I would steer clear
farge bardge
I once called a coworker cute and my manager pulled me aside and said "You're here to work, not judge others, now get back to fucking work"
Jokes on him because she was my gf.
She's dead now though
i hope you think about her every night and cry yourself to sleep because youve forgotten to remember what she looked like d
where can i find grim? I want to pin the orlando murders on him
unless someone already made the comparison
i heard about that shit for like 2 months before people finally let it go
Out for the night
Have a good day/night everyone
GG brits welcome to freedom
i love you boo
Too bad it wasn't you.
what's it?
may i ask whos calling
My latest three day neck kink.
It's so scary when it pops back but like feels so good.
When I was in the mental ward there was a girl that reminded me of her a lot. similar facial features, pregnant (the gf had a son), suicidal, half hispanic. the ward was overcrowded and she didn't have a bed when I woke up in the middle of the night so i gave it to her.
it kinda gave me some closure. the ex went missing for 2 weeks before I heard about her commiting sudoku
The Cuban.
Karp, I missed you btw
Where the hell have you been?
Also, Mark Cuban is annoying as fuck.
karp, i missed you dude
how dare you abandon me
nel is top waifu
fite me
He abandoned you so that you to give you some perspective on how much you really had.
Shit I got stuck between two sentences.
growing out a mustache
console peasentry
generally not at home and especially not my computer for periods of time
who was that dude in the tiny?
you saw too much, i got shy
sorry bb
Someone tuck me in
I need some extra warmth tonight
I killed it
I was not there.
I think they have before
Nice, man.
Glad all's well~
yeah whatever faggot
youre back now though, right?
Tsuchi, what's the song in this video lol
Fuck if I know.
Good night, threaders.
Nini, Karpy-poo~
loco would know ;;
actually this affects my life none
i'm pretty sure.
i'm too late
eerily similarities should be reported immediately, i know this now
nini elms. sleep tight
god DAMN this is good
i will pray to my great lord kek that you will return
Britain will rise from its current embers and be great again as an independent nation.
i might take up university in britain if trump loses
but i dont think he will
meme magic in our side
gracious kek knows whats right
i've recently learned banana flavored ice cream is bomb
tbh Brexit will probably make Britain shittier and that's all I really wanted.
spoiler: it wont
britain will now
I kinda just want to watch everything fall appart in a glorius fire.
inb4 britain stops taking any and all refuges and muslims riot
It won't really affect anything since most of its exports are to EU countries.
It's more or less a net loss for them to leave since it'll just lead to raised tariffs on British goods.
you just ignored every point i made...
why the hell should i discuss this
If they specifically start to enact policies against the EU mandates, then the net result will just be sanctions against them to hurt them economically to force them to change.
Since the majority of their foreign market is EU countries, it would only hurt them.
ur a year late
celebrations are at
Good afternoon.
What timezone are you even in?
JK Rowling said this was bad
she's smart, right?
why would she say that?
Nigel Motherfucking Farage
JK Rowling supported Scottish independence too.
Yet wants to leave the UK.
luka still here?
I was wrong.
She was against Scottish independence.
she's just a typical corporation bought celebrity
no solid opinions or basis on any of her convictions besides 'w-w-w-wacist! b-b-b-bigotry!'
That post. That face. My sides.
I'm honestly not sure if it was a good thing, or whether this is. There is a lot of misinformation out there.
Guess the actual effects will come to light in the coming weeks.
speaking of a lack of solid basis
that accusation!
ok kanra
Scotland leaving would benefit the UK but hurt Scotland tremendously.
The UK leaving the EU will hurt the EU in the long run and the UK in the short run but be generally negative for Britain if it tries to go fully against EU mandates.
Wow you actually met him
When was this and is this the first time you posted it? o.o
Seriously, I don't even care about the guy's political ideas and all that crap. I just love the fucking smiling faces he makes. The dude's charismatic.
When and where was that taken?
What are the important mandates that EU had in place?
kinda depressing a degenerate like you is actually allowed to get close to king farage
Is Tokai retarded?
5th of April, he came to Volendam to support a referendum we had on the Ukraine treaty.
cant tell
Stuff regarding immigrants and EU regulations of goods.
The former would get sanctions against the UK, the latter would just make whatever goods unavailable for export to EU countries.
Hooray, the tyranny of slight inconveniences and bureaucracy has been lifted
Truly the dream of every conservative patriot
ok so heres what I got... after rifling through years and years of caps and archives i remembered your old msn account
[email protected]/* */ - Luka
which naturally pointed to another alias you had used. naturally i hadnt realized this until after pouring over my entire archive and subfolders...
maybe another time ill set the search under your old alias... but my eyes are bugging out of my head from the last one
I found the song I just wanted you to see the speech lol, dw
It's "I vow to thee my Country"
Have their parts risen cause of you? : ^)
How can he know what he's doing,
and people that disagree with him also say they know.
How do you determine the truth, Tokai?
What's your Skype?
It's so weird seeing Tokai be a nationalist weirdo
Generally traps aren't into that
i dont use that account anymore. why?
Just wanted to talk about something in private.
I thought I had your MSN added from long ago.
Just think: he goes to nationalist rallies wearing pantyhose too.
Though I guess Scarlet and Ghostie are Trump fans
But I don't know if that's just trannies memeing or legitimate retardation
i have a google im account im using if that suits you ...
traps are almost always far right sided
especially here
they're almost all far left freaks obsessed with sharpio and molyneaux or milo or whoever
far right freaks*
I...don't even know what that is.
Like hangouts messenger?
Yesterday I could see our local major smash the green parties in every way and today I wake up to UK independence day.
Gay sex and conservatism
What a world we live in
It just doesn't sit right
Are you sure you're better researched than the politicians and intellectuals voting Stay?
Most certainly
yes... i longer use the msn account
ive considered it plenty of times
it makes perfect sense
traps are made traps through 4chan, where they acquire homolust and proper political values of rationality instead of emotion (ie the far right)
He just gets old, closeted politicians to take his loose asshole to poundtown.
Sure. What's the email?
copy pasted from my fb
[email protected]/* */
Move in with me !
Do you have any uncertainty? Any doubts or hesitations?
Or is it morally right, so therefore cannot be false?
another group of freaks moving to America
oh... so only 38chan stuff :(
thanks anyways.
That really does not make sense
Who was that one guy that was like a serial rapist ex-politician that got arrested recently?
theyre not gonna come here because of our great lord trump
The greatest Dutch politician in modern time was a openly gay man.
(and murdered by a leftist radical)
It is fits completely within my personal interests and values.
It sounds really familiar but I cannot remember.
the whole other alias thing...
come now colbert
4chan made me bisexual just like it did to you
i literally watched you turn from a straight hetero male to a sissy anime poster
and 4chan has always been a part of the right
But will it benefit the people?
He was like just arrested
Lol nah, you're just a fagr
trump is the second coming of WHITEEEE jesus
When an Imam asked if he ever even met a muslim Mr Fortuyn replied: Oh yes,I even sleep with them.
It will benefit the people I'd like to see benefited.
no colbert youre right all of our personalities come from GEEENES
Kay :3
Got anything solid?
In a sentence or two, why was this the preferred outcome, and the chief irrefutable argument against Staying?
Lol what a weak bitch
The worst part of this is that now Tokai will never shut the fuck up over something that barely even matters.
tbh fam.
what other alias?
i literally saw Holla Forums turn you from a straight white male into a flirting anime poster, posting a blonde haired anime girl as you spammed your tildes and requests to 'take this to steam~'
Boy this is rich!!!
I can only imagine the near lethal levels of shitposting when Trump wins the presidency.
I answer in the same manner as the question.
The ever growing frustration and discontent with the EU has finally showed result.
Finally for the first time this was the last straw for a nation, it no longer puts up with Brussels ruling. Especially since they cannot ignore this referendum like in 2005.
But some frustrations are illegitimate!
Politicians lie, exaggerate, so does the media.
Some people are frustrated over absolute falsehoods!
Some people ignore the entire other half of the argument.
What are the factual benefits?
Other than feeling better?
I guess most people voted for Obama without really knowing what he did...
Most people don't care about the complex numbers and deals and arrangements.
In fact, they mistrust the complexity.
They're certain they're being screwed over.
Even if they can't point to exactly how.
top kek
crocodile semen
does this mean erin and loco will be cut off now that they left the euro?
It's actually the politicians and media that have been the greatest tools of the remain camp.
This victory belongs to the people who saw their businesses die because of EU ruling, the people who saw the complete lack of leadership and chaos over migrants coming in.
They did not feel, they experienced their power being taken away, and they took it back.
They can now decide on their own how to solve their problems, instead of complain to Cameron who then complains to Brussels.
They took power from the ones who did nothing.
thats still soros you know mate
the moneys dropping because investors are panicking because of all the fearmongering they did against leaving the uk
an immediate effect from actually leaving is just straight up silly
british media has been plagued with anti brexit propaganda comparing it to the end of the world
crocodile semen!!!
actually yeah
a lot of government 'let me do nothing and get paid' programs are gonna get fucked under king farage
we're gonna be getting a lot of desperate begging from them before they decide to GET A JOB
I'm happy the pound is down tbh.
Makes it a little easier when the ball and chain sponges some money out of me for drugs or whatever.
Why would I wanna lewd democracy? Tokai is the better option
i cant believe a human being has to survive in the circumstances that you do
i cant believe you manage to joke about it either
alligator nut
alligator nut!!!
French and Dutch parties are already calling for their own referendum now.
It's all breaking.
I'm occupied.
That's the nicest lie anyone has ever told me.
Nigga what
vixis trest... :)
Maybe London will set it's self on fire again.
Like France in ww2?
It is Seff.
I would fuck the Ken Ashcorp panda
fucking salty about that boo comment I see
ty tokai. Obviously it's hard not to want the best for both sides in the long run.
As Nigel said, this is a "victory for real people; a victory for ordinary people; a victory for decent people."
Maybe in this case it's not just rhetoric?
Oh god that autist
Where is he now anyway?
What does Boo have to do with you?
It better have a penis.
Nothing, I'm just an innocent bystander and a victim of random salt-related verbal violence.
Like Northern Italy 1944
The other side voted out of fear and disinformation. The remain politicians voted because of lobbying. Cameron and Corbyn had always been very critical of the EU and both agreed the UK could do without it, but then they switched sides when in proper power.
The best has happend by denying a remain.
You can't top anything liar.
Honestly if it doesn't then i'm gonna lose interest.
I wanna lick those legs
It's name is Kenny so the safe bet is on the dong.
yeah it's called being a power bottom
you see
when i say pound her to the moon, i mean she rides me, and my violent thrusts propel up upwards
it's not really a top or bottom issue, more an issue of how much power im willing to produce
I like my girls the way I like my coffee.
This is good.
Thats gross
10 likes and I'll post my dick no scam :^)
I don't expect to get a fully, multi-faceted argument out of anyone on the internet. But it seems like a cop-out to say one side voted out of fear and disinformation.
Maybe some people did. A lot of people do.
But did any of them have good arguments for staying? Why are you so rooted in your convictions?
Brexit in
England, Out
"You're so hotly contested, here's a tip
You should rename your thighs to the Gaza Strip"
Well done racists.
Thank you vagina.
No one said freedom wouldn't be costly.
did i do good?
Aw this girl is cute
why is this arousing
Good joke.
Sleep !
sometimes i have trouble comprehending that scoot has the political mentality of a 14 year old tumblr girl
Probably dead.
i wanna buy alot of brit money now that it is sworthless
and then trade it abck to real american money when it is expensive again
You did okay,
I don't understand why all of my friends play mercy so much.
the moneys only dropped because of soros fearmongering to get people to vote remain
its a very good investment
maybe they like reviving a whole team and winning
you're giving him too much credit
There are at least three faggots in this thread
top kek from the slaves
You tell me sweety.
what is it worth atm and where can i trade my ameridollars for it
no you got it wrong again
subtle, not me
I'm not.. I need tea
Think I am gonna catch up ion all my anime
But my bed looks so comfy right now ahh..
this is sexual confusion
spoiler alert: I'm all three in one
to be a slut people have to actually want to get near you
I am convinced in experience of seeing what happend in the European Union. Day in day out reading what it has done and what it will do.
It is on the inside so terribly corrupted and so completely none acting on local levels, on top of that it has in it's history never listened to any citizen protest. The arguments they had came simply out of fear.
You will not make tea and you will sleep. We have a big day planned tomorrow.. Sleep now !
h-huh ?
Japanese fishermen are after him pretty hard.
I don't need him to tell me.
Everyone is a heal slut
better than the political mentality of a 14 year old Holla Forumstard
You sound fat
ur an autistic liberal kanra
im not arguing with you
i just hate when some other guy's bitch talks to me
it's so weird
I-I don't even know what you look like though
We take turns
I can't wait for the US to become further trash under trump xD
It'll be worse than any brexit ever could be
pic related me irl
Time to get HIGH
as a kite by then
Bard is actually pretty handsome
seriously though, add me on steam (id:amyvictoria) or some shit because I'm very rarely into guys
It'd also be nice if boo didn't have the comprehensive skills of an autistic 8 year old
soak up those made blunts 380
His dick's huge and he has a tone tummy.
not an argument
kill yourself you attention seeking piece of shit
knew i shoulda just kept drinking...
You poor thing
What charity can I donate my money to? Perhaps one that supports special needs children?
Iiiiiiii am sort of meming
ur nice but Idk if im interested in anythging romantic silly
why do you expect m efgfsgsgag
i give up
I keep it real.
such a fucking savage rejection
Hey, man.
He's totally going to use his lesbian penis on girls.
The Society to Prevent Funny Posters from becoming Gay Salty Weeaboos who waste their lives playing League of Legends Foundation.
this has all been a plot for free steam summer sale gifts
Vitas is love, Vitas is life
There was fear at work on both sides.
Day in and day out reading doesn't mean you have the right view on things. There are people day in and day out reading that are firmly opposite your opinion.
Of course you'll hear about migrants behaving badly and corruption, but are you sure you have the best possible perspective on this as possible for a EU citizen to?
Just like luka
ok let me try again
obviously you know youre fat, right?
thats all you fucking talk about
so why do you bloody try and flirt with people/beg from them while knowing this?
just doesnt make any sense to me
I will donate, gay salty weeaboos who waste their lives playing League of Legends can NEVER be funny ever again
It's such a sad sight tbh
ah yes my video
thank you colbert
this is just what i needed
I hate my life
Bard is pretty chill, would hang with
rip money
blblblblblblblblblblblblbl ahaha
youre literally just a better desu
what's there to hate?
I want to shotgun weed from Bard with a kiss and just hang on the couch together kind of cuddling.
desu part deux
nothing im just memeing
If you have a loved one with this disease
Please, do the humane thing, put them down, end their suffering.
life is shit
I have this.... friend, see. He used to be such a lively guy, full of promise... and then the MOBAs came. Can you help me give this um... friend... a better life?
and it is probably coldly indifferent to you unless it was food
was gonna say
you're white
life will be great soon
Much like everything you say
No facts
Just baseless bullshit
Not a surprise given you are a hs drop out
Poor autistic boo
let teh dragn' consuum u
lol same dude
I do not look at media with an open agenda.
I avoid any sensationalist media like CNN, Breitbart etc.I form my opinion by thinking about issues and finding the views on them from a variety of papers and authors, I always take into account the background of the author and the source. With enough time doing this I can judge the piece and form my own thoughts on the issue.
For example, a geopolitical channel I view a lot is hosted in Azerbaijan. It's videos on western problems and historic problems can be more unbiased because it has little connection with the west. But if it is about Armenia they are biased because of the war.
can't wait to spend all of my government money on drugs, video games, and weeb shit
I apologize
Boo is a piss poor level troll
Love winding them up
Look at em go 😂
Maybe that's why you're trash.
the real question is do I filter or not
i have my cap and gown hanging up behind me
should i put it on
Also tokai, you are so full of shit. Holla Forums please leave
I don't go to Holla Forums
I never filter, on principle
i know
that's why i hate that bitch with a passion
not soon enough
goodbye cheaper eu tuition plans
it was ok having you but the muzzies
Oscar doesn't wear that stuff.
same, but something I'm temped because I wouldn't exactly be missing much
scoots has legit mental problems if you havent noticed
why even bother arguing with him
lol cats are assholes
Oh no, is the world going to end?
Goggles and Scoots agreed on something...
I know right?
Life sucks when you are a wageslave cuck.
Well, I have this hammer that's used for the slaughter of cattle.
Just administer it right to the skull with a good thwack and that ought to take care of things for your "friend".
idk what that means
RIP economy
How are you guys up so early? :c
You're Oscar the grouch.
quit bullying meeeeee
or ill indirectly talk about filtering you!
I only filter sci
but that fag keeps changing his name
i wasnt much of a sesame street kind of kid
weird that u think im a grouch though
I have a 30hour shift to get ready for
ya thats my problem with bloodchan
it's not that you bully me it's that you literally never add anything to any conversation.
no no we are leaving because of the economy
bailing out of trade groups is good for economies
Can't sleep. not everyone is as privileged as you are.
Elmo's world was the best.
Because they're responsible with their sleeping schedules.
Hmm... I'll run that proposition by you.
Btw I think this is the longest interaction we've had in a while because you seem to be avoiding me for whatever reason
and its just a coincidence that the one person i bully the most holds this opinion
really makes you think huh...
i see this conversation got distracted
i wanted to put on my gown too
tbh I'm more bothered about the uncertainty than anything else
Boo you try to suck me off every five minutes and I think that of you
that's why i like them
they remind me of me
And then you try to just ignore the posts cause it's annoying but they post literally every 5 seconds so you can't.
Actually I didn't sleep yet!
I already started watching Boku no Hero Academia ep 12, it's MARATHON TIME
Not actively or consciously.
You're just boring
tbh i'm bothered that it's literally an immigration thing
UK trumping it up hard
you a fucking neet mate
its a reasonable conclusion
i dont bully you because i like you and think youre fine
but i dont compliment you, like at all
i even made this one to make fun of you
your claim doesnt make a lot of sense
i dont get why you have to be mean to me everday though..
OMG I still have the green bar
I'm mad
i'm not reading all this
youre an asshole? no... really?
yeah theres not really much of a difference between bloodchan and sci
except that the retards actually like bloodchan
You wear a sleeping gown? that's so 1800s.
Pretty much, country of racists it seems. Rather have less black faces and an uncertain evonomy
Sounds like a good intellectual attitude.Some people recoil at the 'I' word, but it's apt. The sort you need for learning about history too, I assume. It would take something special though to understand with clarity each decision made by the EU, and where policies came from. Whether or not it's a multinational, corporate conspiracy, or a necessary regulation.
Was it possible that things were bad, some regulations were bad, but solving those complex regulations would have been better than flat-out leaving? Is it possible there was justice and an effort for fairness, at all?
just filter me then you cunt
yeah most my friends tell me I'm an asshole at one point or another
mainly just passive aggressive
gonna be some awkward football coming up
I saw Sister Act 2 on TV last week and the guy who plays Mr. Noodle was in it and I recognized him vaguely but had to look up who he was and I went AAAHHHHH with nostalgia when I found out
Have a nice breakfast :c
I swear to god you're way harder to convince to >>>/sleep/ than Goggles.
i made it when we were making fun of (ghostie, i think?) and he automatically assumed we were all doing it because we were transphobic
white knight argument, you know
I didn't know he wasn in that movie? TBh I didn't know Elmo's world was made from a long time ago.
one the scale of pissed off, angry red, puckered, raging asshole i give you a puppy riding a tricycle
Time for brexfast
things that literally never happened
He was a teacher or a priest or something.
First aired in 1999 and there was nothing else on in the morning at the Lincoln Military Base in Germany.
8ch won't let me post what I want to post for some reason
Will this go through?
I feel like death and it's not even 8am yet, feelsgoodman
I try to have it, but I also like to meme.
So that gets a bit confusing here.
Yeah don't get me wrong, the EU did have things I do support. Having students be able to go all over Europe to study is something I support. But the vital crisis point for example, the union never handled well. And that's where you see a lot of it's flaws.
+1 reply just 4u
We both need sleeps.
Ken ashcorp is such a qt
m-more like POO posting
am i right...?
that's funny
what a fucking hot nerd
im different irl, hell, most the time i hold back on my posts here because I can take a step back, look at what I'm saying, and change it
I would fuck the panda.
Just sleep
Can you kill yourself by aging
I remember watching we bare bears in a different language once on youtube and liked the show, when I got around to seeing the english one, their voices were weird because I wasn't used to it.
Yeah okay so something in my post was like blocked or something by Holla Forums? idk here's a pastebin
Thx fam
Well yeah, but slowly
like, the fact that you willfully go on living and continue to age means that you are literally killing yourself
so you either kill yourself or contine killing yourself
I'm slowly killing myself with natural causes
i actually dont have a problem with him
he's just so aggressive towards me though idk why
kinda the same i guess
np breh
My dad texted me if he should fear for a Nexit now.
He kinda flipped when I said the referendum proposal is already on the wait in parliament.
Panda and Grizz sound fat and Ice Bear has autism.
You should watch Polar Bear's Cafe instead :3
I don't know how to feel about a Fixit.
In that case, it just seems like taking a hammer to a problem that could be solved with a scalpel. But I guess hammerlike acts like #stay or #leave are easier to get behind and make a policy changing fuss over.
Can't imagine many people can point to specific legislation that is responsible for the things they don't like, but they know with 100% certainty they don't like it.
Amexit when
ell me how you'd do it .////.
mexexit pls...
CAxit when
im tired of being blamed for all of our problems
Wouldn't that just be Mexit?
Tex mex
mine sounded like food so i went with it okay1!!
yes this is the evil racists fault...
this referendum literally caused the pound to drop all by itself
how? who knows, but it was the ==white people== for sure
I would penis butt it and then stick my fingers in its mouth while I push its face onto the bed.
That's no worry, just make sure you know if it happens.
People opted for a scalpel since the beginning of the project, but the ugly statue just kept growing bigger instead. That's why they felt the need for a hammer.
Well the Fishermen for example hated the union for selling their old waters to iceland causing their business to go.
happening when
ah, well maybe it's just what you say, it can be kinda easy to misconstrue what you say on here sometimes, even when you don't mean it
hi luka
nice try
i legit wanna meet up but you live on the literal opposite side of the country :(
f-fuck that's so hot....
unless it has a vagina
Panda and Icebear are my favorites.
Dont be silly
I l ive in the center of the country
yeah i dont really wanna brag
but i dont really have another way to say 'all the idiots in the thread hate me' with a very strong correlation
how's that even work
The cub episodes are super cute
I like being cool more
lmao I thought you lived in Washington
Mom's dutchm dad's an aussie jew
nobody cares about your fake monopoly money
i only speak usd WHOS WITH ME
i live in the greatest country in the world
ehs a landlover...
and so what if theres economic disparety between races? i thought variety was supposed to be the spice of life
Super cute indeed.
Washington, Iowa
almost moved to dubuque once...
The name was the joke, but people are still divided by their feelings about EU.
Same thing about joining NATO.
Damn fish you don't know how to talk about anything else, I don't even talk to those people they're just riling you up 😂😂😂😂😂
Pandas aren't actually a bear.
The word Panda is a misinterpretation of the chinese words Pang De, meaning fat one.
hi luka whats up my man hows it hanging bro you good dude?
well, if it's hate for no reason then i see no reason to not be a bitch or whatever
You replied twice.
I'd adopt Panda but he'd be a total shitlord all day and contribute absolute nothing and I'd have to drive him to McDonald's or something ever day.
Fat weeaboo trash.
every american heritage is such an adventure.
I only ever saw one thing about finland and the eu.
and it was how we are both the good boys of the union.
Donno if you want to poke more at the bear.
so close but yet so far
oh by the way boo
enjoying that.'everyone in thread who hates me must be stupid' rhetoric?
i pioneered that
youre welcome
im not man
That is why you hire icebear to take care of home duties.
So is an advanced being
Thats like saying
'wanna hear a funny joke I invented
why did the chicken cross the road?'
i mean
it's either theyre genuine retards or just cant handle banter well like grim
can you blame them though, bae?
im a fucking legend
sci don't cross the streams
Sci is kino af
The Netherlands should have a binding referendum about the EU as well
Looks like the progressives are pretty divided.
this is from the People's Paper.
meh... afternoon drive
I'd rather have a pyramid head loli over anything to be honest.
LOL that has been around for years dude
People in power when there's money to be concerned, will always try to play things to their favour. It's a further removed form of democracy, so there will always be mistrust. Again, I'm the sort that argues that the general feeling of the populace, no matter how uninformed, actually shapes policy.
There are memes that are inherently simplify complex issues.
That fisherman thing seems like it might be straightforward, but was it? I won't peg you down for any more specifics, since it's 3am. ty for chatting. I don't know much about the EU in the 21st century, and now I'm skeptical of what I thought I learned about the 20th century.
Harems are gross
br exit stage left
you're not good?
aw why not dude
i can't handle banter, t b h
idk about legend but you seem okay
also u didn't get dubs but ur postin dubs man ??
Apples and oranges.
1 person > harem
I believe the common opinion here is that we're in the same position with Germany, in other words way too deep into it all and if we leave that'd be a huge loss for both parties.
But the people who want to leave EU also want to bring back the old retarded currency, Marks.
Which in the end had same type of a value akin to the other Nordic dosh, a.k.a shit.
i woukd definitely have to agree with you in thr FACT that my rhetoric, the rhetoric i pioneered, is as important as the chicken crossing the road joke premise, yes
i dont know what that is explain it to me
shut up monopoly man
yes, two
thats how long ive been a poster
Based aeroplane
I just want a big bear-like dog I can cuddle.
im no dude
get a face
so it means based?
yeah okay i can live with people thinking im that
thank you
our great lord kek has been very busy tonight
i dont want to disrupt him by praying for random dubs
Korra had something like that.
I'd love to agree on that.
There's a big split in what happend, perhaps all clearer when it's over.
It was.
We have one far party that wants that, but we now successfully got moderates too.
We'll just see how it's gonna play out.
did you tell me that before?
luka is a man btw
;~ ; I found a dog like that and I brought it home and named it Kuma but then I found out her owners wanted her back.
I remember a south african coming to our high school to teach about aids.
we were made to dance the aids go away song.
I'm not making this up.
I really don't want the old currency back, it sucked ass when I was younger.
old news
oh sorry
i-i forget easy
i also just call everyone dude and man
anyway whats up
but where's da bengis?
I thought it was 2003
Hey scoot
You did the right thing or something.
I'd need to like know the economic model.
But I get it, our old Gulden is not worth as much as the Euro either.
im cooling off from a hot day.
gona shower shortly. and play more video games
dude snapple sucks
even minute maid is better
hey loco
it's you
1 euro was about 6 marks during the time they were exchanged.
i wanna play more DayZ but now I HAVE to play with boo, since you can't have more than 1 character at a time
water u playin
id fuck some of those ladies
Did you know if you rent a movie from Blockbuster, You actually have until the morning of the day after the next to return it?
I think I might have stolen a dog.
ah that's worse than I thought.
our Gulden was around 2.2 for 1 euro.
I hope you mean the adult
for the record i thought it was 'minute made' up until afew minutes ago
Yeah, in other words shit currency which you had to carry around a lot of, not to mention that it even had pennies.
It is
As long as you didn't kick the dog
Luckily cash is dissapearing all together.
I'd like a minute maid ;)
I honestly cant tell who is worse scarlet or sci
Scarlet beats her gf apparently so i'll put money on that one
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