Last thread hit 300 posts. Episodes 9 and 10 of Pokemon Generations are up.
Pokemon Thread
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Episode 10.
daily reminder every generation is great and there are no bad Pokemon games and if you disagree you're normalfag casual
You forget these people don't actually play the games, they just idly absorb as little as possible to pass as "fans" while idolizing the few Pokemon games they like out of nostalgia.
I want to fuck a chansey
At this point I'm in debate on what to do. I bumrushed Soul Silver by soloing it, and am in the process of finishing up Emerald doing the same thing. I'll probably do the same thing for at least Platinum, if I don't get to Black 1 & 2 before November 18th. IF Sun/Moon end up being good, I'm not entirely sure I'll do a proper run, I might just end up soloing that too. I guess part of it is how grindy S/M will be compared to previous games. If it's anything like Soul Silver, where my previous file had over 30 hours without having beaten the Elite 4, just out of sheer hours put into grinding for preparation, then I'm not doing a traditional run, fuck that.
Hay it's a Gabby episode.
Oh, oh holy shit the old chateau, that was legit unsettling.
Hay it's a Gabby episode.
Oh, oh holy shit the old chateau, that was legit unsettling.
Gen V had Stunfisk so I'm happy
Gen V wasn't shit
I was not expecting something that unsettling from some terrible cambodian cave drawings.
Gen V gave us some pretty sweet remixes of older songs along with a solid soundtrack of its own. The only thing I really disliked were the sprites. They looked so weird moving like that.
I was not expecting something that unsettling from some terrible cambodian cave drawings.
Gen V gave us some pretty sweet remixes of older songs along with a solid soundtrack of its own. The only thing I really disliked were the sprites. They looked so weird moving like that.
At least admit you play the games just to fap to animals
I already did faggot
well humans are animals (relatives of chimpanzee and bonobo), so you're not wrong
This is the kind of logic that will send humanity to mars
Nintendo: Fun for the whole family~
Welp I didn't need to sleep tonight.
is this a lure ball?
Reminder that Serena accomplished what no other travelling partner did.
Seriously, James kissed Ash before Misty and the others.
Post mermaid waifu
Can I just take a moment to go full out autistic here about Rowlet's final evolution
1. It looks cool as shit
2. due to the considerable body differences, it makes, Rowlet resembles more of a baby owl version of Decidueye whereas the other starters just look like smaller versions with the extra shit cut out. Like, it seems like they went out and learned the differences between a baby owl and an adult owl
3. Grass/Ghost that prioritises Speed and Attack is a fucking kick ass combination. Ghost type offensively has always been really solid and the Ghost removes two of Grass's hard to control weaknesses (Poison and Bug) for more manageable weaknesses (Ghost and Dark) as well as reduce the damage from Ice attacks
4. Spirit Shackle to lock in opponents is a great way of punishing defensive pokemon who try to cheese out stuff like Regenerator and allows you to set up on them
5. It's description, in particular 'A skilled Decidueye can boast acrobatic curved shots. It seems some are also able to shoot arrows that reach up through the sky, only to come drilling down from above, piercing multiple targets one after another.' suggests that the move Thousand Arrows will be learned by Decidueye, if this is the case then it might have a way to hit it's hardest counters incredibly hard, these being Skarmory and Heatran.
6. Considering it's Ghost type, it might Learn Will-O-Wisp, if it's speed is decent, This might give Decidueye a nice defensive measure against hard hitting pokemon, in particular Dark, Ice or Bug types that can't handle burns well
7. It'll be one of the few Ghost types that doesn't rely on either Rest or Pain Split for Recovery since it'd probably learn Roost
which one?
I'm so fucking close to putting that into one of my fap folders.
Already did. Filed it with Vidya Mermaids
Bug and poison are really rare attacking types while ghost and dark are somewhat common.
No it doesn't. Unless you mean compared to grass/flying, but that's retarded because it's still weak to ice.
Only if you hit them on switch in. It's not shadow tag, anything that doesn't want to be locked in can switch out before it hits.
Why would a grass/ghost learn a move that's supposed to be the signature attack of a ground type legendary?
Secondary typing is something to keep in mind. Froslass for example can't learn it, and either way it's going to be a frail attacker so attempting to burn would just be a waste of time.
Again, frail.
You know damn well which one I'm talking about.
Too thin for a seal, IMO
Fucking hell 1st pic reminds me Latias was my waifu before I even knew what a waifu was…
Im over that gay shit now, honest
At the very least stop posting lame human shit.
It's supposed to be a sea lion
better series has only a few mins per an episodes thousand times better then all of generations of following Ash to be a continued failure time and time again.
they should just can ash and the sun and moon series start over and do a more in depth Generation series.
would you an owl?
theyre not that thin either;
i just prefer naturalistic designs, which pokemon will never have./autism
Birds are gros.
I bet you like gardevoir too.
yes, i like humanoid overprotective paper dolls, what about it
There's some potential there. It'd get shit on by certain Dark-types running Pursuit, but still a pretty cool combo if they go that route.
You could not be more entry level if you tried holy shit.
Literally any steel type accomplishes this.
this is why the white race is being outbred out of existance
you also like garbage artwork made by deviantart tier japs
Well this is extremely shocking and confusing.
"Fuck Consistency" should be TPC's/GF's motto at this point
They still stick to the fedora thing even though the biggest fedora wearers are male feminists.
This artist threw such a tantrum over its look, it's hilarious
Alolan Persian reminds me of Garfield.
Me too, just because it looks doofy doesn't mean it isn't likable
I mean, its likable, I guess, but god does it annoy the piss out of me that Persian's normally feline head got replaced with an egg with a face painted on it.
I think that's why I like it.
I like it in a "so bad it's good" way. It's so stupid and goofy that I can't be mad at it, kinda like Alolan Dugtrio.
Ironically, it looks more like a real persian cat. Like, inbred, retarded looking, no snout, flat face, it's all there.
God, why is she the best?
Woah, shit nigger, what?
Eevee is overrated garbage and your retardation is symptomatic of its undeserving popularity
Does anyone here play the Pokemon TCG? Either the gbc game or the physical game. I've been playing the gbc game and loving it. Plus I just found my old stash of physical cards but im sad that i have no one to play with.
I've notice a sharp rise in anons that don't understand how repeating digits work, though nicely done on yours' there.
Why is Holla Forums full of secondaries for Pokemon of all things?
i will strangle you with my 6 foot dick, then go to the hospital because of dick pains because I strangled you with my dick.
Not gonna lie, I never cared for original persian and now this retard bee sting makes me want to actually use it for once.
Well I fucked that up somehow.
There's always people playing the TCG app thing and they do a pretty good job showering you with virtual booster packs. One of the best online tcgs all around, actually.
Glaceon, Eevee, and by extension the other 7 pokemon related to it are garbage
Counter argument: you have garbage taste.
Those are some nice numbers, but they are pretty shitty.
Anyone playing randomized Pokemon games?
I started playing a completely randomized Platinum recently and just got the Poketch. My current team is:
Chatot: Ice/Fighting-type. Starter Pokemon. Kind of lagging behind the rest of the team, but at least he can point out when wild Pokemon have stuff (since that was also randomized).
Smoochum: Grass-type. Has Avalanche (which is a Grass-type move), so the low Speed can actually be a plus. Also, Magic Guard.
Ralts: Dragon-type. Despite the low stats, he does very well in fights (at least for now) because a Ralts starts out with Fire Fang, which is a 100 power/100% accuracy Dragon-type move.
Garchomp: Ice-type. Probably the strongest team member overall, but her attacks are slightly inaccurate.
According to the JP trailer Cosmog is going to play a role in the story.
I think it's been speculated that it's the pokemon in Lilly's bag.
Does anyone know how the progress on Pokemon Sage is going? I just wanted to know what's currently being worked on.
I should try one sometime. They look fun.
You post that as if I haven't seen it before.
I wish Mizone would do another one.
I haven't played any pokemon since fucking firered.
It's a good idea to jump straight to sun/moon or should I play the rest first.
is there more bigachu?
This is all that bkub has done on it
I'm pretty sure you can hop back in. Personally, the 2 week lead-up to X/Y, I sped through the story of White 1, which was good aside from the cliffhanger stuff to set up for Black/White 2
That gif reminds me to ask something about Pokemon.
Why is it that Pokemon back in the days had deep vibrant colors to them and now all of the Pokemon have this washed out color to them, I don't really like it.
Is there a reason for this?
You can probably jump right in, theres one important change since your last game though:
Since Gen4, a move using using Physical or Special stats is no longer tied to type, but to the moves itself.
excessive lighting
Game coming out in 2 weeks and some change, so have a bump.
Reminder that Pokemon jumped the shark after Gen 2 and if you disagree you're an autistic kid that grew up playing the worst Gen (Gen 3)
But that's wrong you normalfag
Certainly wasn't expecting that.
Damn that's awesome, so what do we have now as extras, scizor, darkrai, and croagunk?
i came here to see lolis
No lolis here.
i'd like to see more Fairy Tale Girl
Holy shit that looks amazing, and I'm really glad we got another tiny fighter. Lot of character in those animations so I'm glad we got that little spaz as opposed to Infernape or some shit.
Though I would have been intrigued if they brought in the new BaraCat, but they'll probably save him for the sequel.
If the deciding factor for your favorite pokemon is whether or not you would fuck it you should probably rethink your criteria.
It's definitely tempting but I'm going to go with the heel wrestler tiger with added SPIN STORM if I actually bother with this gen.
Global trade means I can just get all of them anyway.
There's really not enough change in the formula to justify playing the others just for Sun and Moon. I would recommend emulating HG/SS though.
I was worried they were just going to be adding the popular ones with Scizor but this is a pleasant surprise.
wasnt cirno alpha russian?
I missed that when making the filename.
Also Cherno is best Jaeger.
Alright, now which Pokemon would you hug?
Pics related my top list
It hurts being a gen 5 fan. Sometimes it feels like even Gamefreak are genwun fags who only care about nostalgia.
Golurk doesn't need a mega, I do plenty fine in Showdown with him. I still hope someday he gets into Pokken, he's got more punching than most of the current roster.
The fun thing is files relating to Croagunk were in the patch that was datamined to figure out that Scizor and Darkrai were going to be added, but everyone overlooked them because he's already a support character.
Huh, some sort of Glaceon thread?
what is that?
I remember once I was talking to a friend about what if Toxicroak was in Pokken? I guess this is the next best thing.
Why don't we take this vore and PUSH it somewhere else?
I just want him to take that seal off his chest and unleash the BURESTO FIYAA like he was always meant to.
If only we could get good things.
I actually loved the way it looked when the datamining was first spread around, even before all the Garfield jokes. It looks even smugger than Smugleaf. It's the smuggest pokemon.
The absolute best Alola mon has got to be Dugtrio though
well all Pokemon are for hugs only
Playing through VW/BB and eventually the sequels. Did they make the Kyurem boss challenging in 2?
the chansey looks retarded
Preloading began for Sun/Moon. Can preloads be hacked to play before launch?
oh boy punchman dragonite and form-changing rotom here we go
speaking of bonnie and lewd :^)
Considering we couldn't crack open the demo early I think we will just have to wait again. Hopefully it's different this time and we can get the full game early.
This is surprisingly arousing.
I can get into that
There is a decent amount of porn of it. Search 男装セレナ on pixiv
How many people are still into Pokemon just because you wanna fuck them?
me, and I would guess just about everyone in these threads, because most mentions of competitive pokemon or the game's content is laughed at. I also just find pokemon very endearing, and I don't know if it's because nostalgia or there is some redeeming quality about it.
Fuck off, retards, not everybody is a casual ass secondary like you fags.
then tell me user, why do you still like pokemon?
Shit, I wanna BE_ that dragon
As awesome as it is, it's going to get Sniper as an ability isn't it?
it's fun
You wish. Overgrowth is confirmed.
So there's hope for Mismagius?
Serena wins
>mfw Mistyfags just got BTFO
>implying Misty ever had a chance
So I guess this means the series is finally coming to an end.
That's her own fault.
She could have confessed her feelings for him before going their separate ways but she still stuck to the YOU OWE ME A NEW BIKE excuse.
Now she's stuck in the friendzone for eternity.
I mean I'm glad that the show is finally shaking things up but come on.
Pokken/Gale of Darkness and Battle Rev have that old style lighting if you wanna play them
Are you retarded or something? Do you seriously not know about HA?
I can say I did honestly did not see that coming considering all the seasons before. Too bad this happens afterwards.
why are his eyes so small
Look at yourself in the mirror, dingus.
So Dragon Hammer has 120 BP meaning it maybe be a better option than Outrage.
I have no idea. The humans in the SM season look like shit compared to the pokemon somehow.
Too bad it makes him look younger and dumber, which I didn't think was fucking possible.
Episode 11 of Pokemon Generations is up.
You know, misty dressed like a prostitute. Look at her fucking fish lips, no wonder she used water type pokemons.
Were it not for the spin-offs, especially Mystery Dungeon, I could safely say all of them.
If the Gen 7 season tanks (unlikely), you think they'd just make a Mystery Dungeon-style series that's just Pokemon and only Pokemon doing Pokemon things without being dragged down by boring hairless meatbags?
Enjoy watching hours of nothing. Do you seriously want another Star Wars Holiday Special?
You have a pretty weird definition of sexy, user.
Generations is trash. They got lucky with the Origin special, but they still used it to push the (((current))) games and generations ain't doing any shit differently.
fucking christ, it's like the animators haven't seen jack shit from the source material
shit like you is why Pokken is full of shit roster and anime choices, you fucking flaming faggot.
87.5% male
You're autistic as fuck
Origin was shit tho
Explain how we got croagunk instead of Greninja.
Also using the gender ratio is retarded, it exists like that to make starters harder to breed not mean that every instance is male.
But I didn't buy Pokken or a Wii U so its not for me. Why would Shitendo do such a stupid move to pander to people like me who don't buy their shitty games? That's even worse than SJW pandering
>87.5% male
As if that matters to anyone that actually likes Braixen
I'm guess people liked it because after the first episode and getting schooled by 2 people, Red gets some sense and doesn't act completely retarded for the rest of the miniseries
No he doesn't.
It's emulating our experiences with the game as kids and how shit we were.
First, what said. Second, jog my memory. Did he do that after Giovanni revealed he haxxed his pokemon so they suppressed their weaknesses and were stronger than usual so a water or fighting type might not have been able to stomp? And he rekt Giovanni anyway, Ash would have spent 3.5 episodes on it and half of those would be spent going back and forth to the Center to get a new mon to get one-shotted and he wouldn't have been able to win conventionally anyway.
No one would get that far and still play that retardedly
and if it was emulating he's only have a level 90 charizard and a bunch of level 5 hm slaves
That's a terrible way to write your protagonist and means that Red is no different from Ash.
He didn't Giovanni's pokemon are better trained. He tells Red throughout the fight that because he's relied on Charizard so much it's the only pokemon of his that is any use.
Little kids would and do still. You forget how retarded the human race is in general, much less when they're children. I mean some people didn't know what a Rhyhorn was at that point because they could have only encountered it through Safari Zone.
He basically did, which is what this poster says
He's less annoying and does eventually get good. Like I said above, not everyone knew the exact typing of Rhyhorn, you can maybe figure it out by looking at the shit sprites of the time (more so in the original Japanese version, which is what this is really aiming to emulate), but not everyone is gonna do that. Some of them are just gonna get schooled like crazy.
And it's not really a shit way to write a character if you only goal is pure nostalgia. That said the ending of Origins basically fucked that up, but hey, GOTTA PLUG THE NEW GAME SOMEHOW M'RITE?
But he knows Rhyhorn's type he probably caught one since part of Origins was Red catching all his pokemon offscreen He opens the battle with Victreebel and Kabutops and they both get taken out easily with Giovanni lecturing him that type effectiveness means nothing if the gap in level is too vast.
Fair enough. It's been a while since I've watched Origins.
So he did open the battle with two mons that would have the upper hand type-wise and they get popped because Giovanni knew how to git gud and 10 year olds don't. Well at least I know now they didn't do anything interesting or edgy grimdark with his criminal side and use haxxed mons even though that sounds like something he would probably do. Though I do remember the point of the battle being Giovanni remembering his enthusiasm and love for Pokemon as a kid (because Genwunners) and that's what leads to him disbanding Team Rocket (even though that's dumb and I don't think he actually did it just to make Red feel better about taking the badge).
Bonnie is still pure.
His entire moveset could be cribbed from super robot shows
Gen 7 Pokemon and which island you can find them on.
i want her to pat my head
If I wasn't shit at webm making I'd make one using the BD release. It looks glorious, user
Well fucking duh. No one who watches the autistic anime plays the fucking games, the game players can't stand how retarded the fucking show is, but it's like any fandom where the fucking retards are the loudest, so it just fucking pushes the envelope.
I don't know why greninja isn't in the game yet, it fucking might as well be.
yet it's better than this retard shit
Both of you are autistic.
I forgot that was a gif
There isn't just one Red. Anybody who claims this is retarded and doesn't know shit about Pokemon.
confirmed for not seeing origins.
There are only about 3 (maybe 4) reds total, cool your autism.
Where in my post did I indicate that?
I just listed all the Reds, dumbass.
you thought i posted details about pokemon adventures Red and think none of the shit listed happened in origins.
Oh hey I got magically better at webms
Except no one (here at least) who plays the games care about the mainline series anymore and only really pick up specific spinoffs and probably won't play all of them. The biggest problem with Pokken aside from its shit and lackluster roster is that it was released on the WiiU under the assumption that most Pokemon fans would put their 3DS down and buy a WiiU and the game instead of existing WiiU owners being interested in a fighting game on that system (was there even a fighting game aside from Smash on WiiU?). If it didn't succeed for that reason, then it would be a million times dumber to pander to random gaijin who only look back at Pokemon to fap to R34 and probably wouldn't play another Pokemon game again unless it was one of the few spin offs they still like.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Injustice, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends
Yeah the Wii U sucked for fightan
this looks like a jojo reference
Am I the only one here who actually PREFERS the new SM style? It reminds me of One Piece, but since it has a better animation studio, the end result is going to be a hell of a lot better. It's made to be dynamic, of course THAT specific image is going to look like shit as a static model, most likely made for storyboarding.
I feel like editing was cherrypicked to make the new ash seem bad
Opinions, Opinions…
Come on Nintendo! It's 2016 and you only have 4 fighting games and virtually all of them are ports!
Fuck I don't have a John Oliver jpg so fuck it
I like it too, it's very Dragonball like, which is a good thing.
It was
Wish he didn't have nigger-lips though. Would have preferred Machoke
Red's a fucking moron because he doesnt train any pokemon other than his starter. Get over it. Also Ash has beaten Gary twice both during league matches.
hi reddit underaged
irish cuck
Of course the Meme Maniac loving redditfag would shit talk KND
one wing attack isn't playing through at a reasonable pace, try a couple of mega punches/kicks from wartortle
Ive never visited Reddit before so my experience with it is limited. I have however seen a good bit of "KND" and its fucking shite.
There'd be nothing wrong with that if he lead with Charizard but faggot origins Red let's his other 5 pokemon eat shit until he decides to throw out Charizard.
I'd also like to point out that while I don't like the main anime the fact you used a reaction image from it proves something it has over Origins: The pokemon are actual characters with personalities.
I was expecting an user to start shit talking me, this is a nice change, thank you user
fuck off faggot, I'm not going to suck your dick
So it seems that based on demo videos for the games and the demo itself, the Gen V experience system seems to be back. Hopefully this will nerf the fuck out of Exp. Share, I felt like shit after using it in X/Y.
Casuals would freak out at actually having to use their party to level it up.
Bumping with one of the best starters.
shaking my smh head
at least machamp got a little time to shine
i forgot
squandered opportunities
my problem with machamp is they rarely have his arms move separately.
his top arms are either flexing or doing what the bottom one is.