Someone recommend a good megawad for me to test D4D as Halloween celebration.
Someone recommend a good megawad for me to test D4D as Halloween celebration.
Other urls found in this thread:
Epic 2
Slade or GZDoom Builder?
Doom 2 levels remake.
It's a complete redesign of all the levels in Doom 2. It changes so much that it's hard to see the similarities.
Why aren't you playing Guncaster?
What's so fun about instantly killing everyone with no effort?
Do you use custom spell A to instantly kill everyone or custom spell B to instantly kill everyone?
Guns are xboxhueg too
The enemies in the game aren't actually that underpowered, especially in higher difficulties.
All the spells have some kind of drawback to them. Some enemies will die in one hit to most spells, while others require you to use other strategies instead.
There is one spell that allows you to kill most enemies instantly, but it consumes so much mana, that you can only really do it in a short burst, until you're out.
Overall thou, it's just a war to play for fun, and does require you strafe and always be on the move. It's not the hardest wad out there, but it's really fun, and still somewhat challenging.
I watched the video retard. Everything dies when you use the abilities.
Doesn't matter when they all melt the room.
Very well, then.
And I've played the mod, and I can tell you that there are still drawbacks too it.
Furthermore, it looks like he's playing on a lower difficulty, considering how many spells he can cast, and how little damage he seems to take. despite going into hordes of demons.
Also, it looks like he has turned on cheats, you aren't suppose to have unlocked all those spells that far into the game.
Not all spells completely devastate rooms. A lot of them certainly do, but most spells still have drawbacks.
One spell can for example, but it's pretty much useless in open areas, other spells can be used, but still have drawbacks.
Also, you really shouldn't play this with just the standard levels.
As I said, this isn't the mod you want if you want hard difficulties, it's a mod to have fun while still having somewhat of a challenge.
One is all you need to break the game
Try this instead.
Wait, are you referring to how enemies die after a couple shots? That's pretty standard for Doom enemies, they're not damage sponges excluding the boss enemies.
Might as well post the trailer.
better than nu-wolfenstein but still not great, at least the gauss cannon is really cool
I genuinely don't know how to feel about this.
What a time to be alive.
Having played nuDoom I wish it had done half the shit this mod does in the actual game. I'm completely serious about this, the execution is perfect.
Except the music.
Does that mean lions are sexualized?
Okay I see where this thread is going bye
Ok, I umm uhhh…
I've just downloaded Chocolate doom and Freedoom for my linux laptop.
It's pretty shit so far, considering I can't rebind keys or make the image any crisper.
thx I'll try.
Anyone here willing to host a server again? I had a great time last time even if it was just vanilla tbh
At least remember to change your halfchan filenames
But you can rebind keys in Chocolate Doom. At least it's possible on Windows.
We used to have Unicode timestamps here not that long ago, bruh.
That timestamp is extremely recent lad
They didn't hit 1477 newfag
I want a dragon bf~!
So I'm following this guide:
and I've installed the game itself and I have the base wad files on hand, but I can't find the .ini file nor the executable. Or even a proper place to place the wads.
Linux never fails to make me feel like a damn retard grandmother with the memory of a goldfish.
We're still pretending this game is relevant?
How new are you?
Shit, is Doom finally dying?
We should do a quick n easy modding tutorial to revitalize it.
Jesus fuck, the colouring and shading on that is godawful.
When is the release anyway? I've been checking the zdoom forums daily, pretty hyped. I just hope all this new shit doesn't chuck balance out of the window. Part of the reason I enjoy stuff like D4D, project MSX and Demonsteele is because they remain challenging, while shit like Trailblazer and Guncaster turn you into such an OP motherfucker they quickly lose their appeal due to any hint of challenge being gone.
The anatomy is shit as well.
wads should go into "/home/user/.doomseeker"
the .ini is in home/user/.zandronum
check your /usr/share/applications folder for the launcher shortcut. it automatically put mine in there during install on Ubuntu
I just tried to launch it from the terminal…just type "doomseeker" and it should start up
-Forgot to install Doomseeker. Installing it now.
-Can't find any /.FOLDERNAME folders (are they hidden?)
-Tried running GZDoom from the main menu and this error prompt came up even though it offered me to run the freedoom IWADs.
I am slowly, but surely losing my mind.
Thanks for the help anyway.
case in point, forgot to post screen
hi: command not found
How are you today?
those reflections tho
crtl+h my man
Why didn't I just google it "view hidden files linux"?
Alright, I'm getting somewhere now.
GZDoom is now displaying the proper Doom wads, but still won't launch. Displays the exact same error message.
And Doomseeker is complaining about the wrong version, like it always does.
OK, so I can launch the game through the terminal. Or rather, through the executable hidden in the buildclient folder. Gonna figure out how to make a desktop shortcut.
i use alacarte for that
just tried it.
You can add custom icons by clicking on the icon place holder to the left.
For whatever reason it keeps dumping it in the "other" folder, but you can just move it around afterward.
polite sage so we don't keep bumping this
Didn't work on my machine (tm)
Whenever I tried to add the executable, it just didn't want to be added to the actual main menu, and it didn't even appear in the Games section.
Who wants to test some dumb levels I've been working on for a while now?
I'm not gay
Trailblazer and stuff works fine on multiplayer-designed slaughterwads like Hell Revealed 2, it's pathetically easy for vanilla doom.
Just post em nigga, im sure at least one user is willing to try
For Doom 2, play on Ultra-violence.
Two beatable levels, have implemented secrets
I've been posting these for months, and have been improving/updating this thing non-stop. I don't want anyone to think I'm spamming or nothing.
Why does that guy's visor fluorescent light bulbs?
Why english am very hard language?
Does anyone else read shit like that all the time, but their brain autocorrects it and doesn't even notice the flagrant errors?
Why don't you just use a newbie friendly distro? There's literally nothing wrong with it and it will make learning *nix a lot more do-able.
Not all the time but pretty often. I make somewhat similar mistakes from time to time as well.
Because noob distros are considered harmful.
If you're not using Void, you should kys.
A) It's a toaster laptop
B) LXLE is one of the few distros that came with the broadcom driver preinstalled, since installing it via Synaptic destroys the cable connection as well, so you are completely cut off the internet
C) I really don't like Mint.
LXLE has been the second friendliest distro so far, although a little bloated.
Void didn't have the driver pre-installed.
Looked neat.
Your map isn't fun if the enemy distribution is devoid of creativity.
Fuck this kind of shit
dunno if it's this simple on your distro, right click create launcher. Don't browse for the executable in the command section, just type what I have.
Don't use newspeak like "aggro" user '3'
Why don't more people make wads specifically designed for gameplay mods?
Because there are so many mods that it seems to be a waste to dedicate yourself to only one mod.
RIP Cyberrunner.
you too
It'd be like attempting to please a niche inside another niche.
Most mappacks nowadays are made for vanilla because most gameplay mods are also made to switch up vanilla gameplay and thus you get natural compatibility between most of them as long as no new weapons or mechanics are introduced in the maps.
The issue comes with total conversions like Aliens and Nocturne in Yellow or certain gameplay mods like Hideous Destructor, Push or Cyberrunnerrip*. They need an entirely different ruleset for maps to be compatible with them, and making mods/mutators for each not only requires knowing what was changed and how, but also costant updates as the main mod may get updates every once in a while, which may break compatibility with your mod/mutator. There's also the problem of other people not playing said mod in the first place anymore in the case of multiplayer ones, so it reduces the likehood of someone modding for that even further.
Here's my shitty first attempt at making a wad, from the end of last year or so. The speech bubble is a secret that you get to by walking to the right of the barrel at the start. It's for Doom II and should work in any sourceport, I even tried it in vanilla on my DOS machine for the hell of it. It's not a serious attempt at making anything good, I was just learning how to use the editors. (I used Doombuilder, XWE, midi2mus, and GIMP for the textures)
Most gameplay mods ruin maps though. It'd be better if they had their own maps, designed to use the features that they bring to the table. Some examples of mods that should really have their own mapsets:
Yeah, I created a new link to an application via right-click, but I had to specify the excutable's location. Looks like I installed it wrong. It still works, but I can't join any matches because of the "wrong version" bullshit.
Some require maps, but most would require new set of enemies.
Guncaster was the latest one I played and it would really use maps that acknowledge the ability to fly. Doom and Heretic played quite differently. It feels like it was balanced a bit more towards Heretic type of enemy placement and behaviour. It actually would be one of my fav mods if Pillowblaster could stop wanking over his power fantasies and do actual gameplay balancing.
I recognize Demonsteele's worth, it's much better designed as a game, but it also has some frankly annoying features like making my fingers hurt from the mashiness.
For whatever reason Zandronum devs like keep new versions in alpha forever without really telling anyone, but still complain they don't have anyone to test them out. It's pretty much why most servers still run the last stable release.
This seems to be better than The New Order, at least.
>inb4 you were playing as the villain the whole time
the local jewtuber reviewed the early version
I dislike how it takes both the realistic path where Nazi Germany is just another country that happens to be the enemy, and the unrealistic route with crazy Nazi science fiction. It's either one or the other, you can't have both and be coherent.
Also, Brutal Doom 64 soon.
This is supposed to make me want to kill them even more, right?
How on earth do you use keycards in project brutality? I got the red one in the 2nd mission but I can't open the red door
Considering how tastelessly designed each of those presented in the image are - absolutely.
it does look like a herd of Tumblr completed their transformation in to hellspawn.
So when is DooM 5 coming out? By that shit ending of 4 they you can tell they already had some of the game made
While I appreciate not going the HDoom route, I do have to say I'm not a fan of that stupid fucking hair and their weird heads/faces. I mean, compare that Hell Knight's face with the original concept art.
The artist also sort of messed with them a bit. The Doom 3 Hell Knight doesn't have horns or goat legs, but the artist drew it with them. The Cacodemon, Pain Elemental, Hell Knight and Baron of Hell all have ears for some reason.
Also 0/10 for the Pain Elemental and Cacodemon. They're meant to be creatures with giant mouths, you could do something freaky with them other than completely changing their design.
guys, where can i find some good modding tutorials for complete beginners? i'm planning to make wh40k themed wad but i don't even know where to begin.
D4D 2.0 is everything I expected it to be and more. I'm having a fucking blast.
Don't care for BD64 because D64 EX exists and I don't need a bunch of overblown gore ruining the atmosphere of the game. Yes I know he said he would tone it down to not fuck with the tone of the game, but I think it's simply unnecessary either way
thanks user!
I finally caved and tried nuDOOM thanks to CPY.
Is it just me or this plays like Halo? The weapons look very Halo-ish and the enemies jump around a lot and take quite a few shots to kill. Something about the shooting in this game definitely feels hipsterish, like shit's too pretty and shiny, I don't know how to put it.
The thing that's annoying me the most is how they completely separated combat and exploration. You spend a while running around an empty map and then you pick something up or flip a switch, get locked in a room built like a small UT map and fight a few waves of enemies that just teleport in before going back to the empty map. It's like you never go around killing the enemies that were already populating the map, I fucking hate it, it's repetitive and boring as shit, feels completely artificial.
Overall I'm not liking this game at all, I'm even regretting the 60 gigaboos it took to download.
Oh and fuck the wubstep soundtrack, that's straight up heresy for DOOM, this isn't fucking Quake.
Super Halo 2: Painkiller Edition
What are some downright goofy mods that are actually funny?
Don't need mods for that. Play Going Down.
I meant maps
Contrarians are garbage at gaming, news at 11
Going Down is a series of maps.
Nudoom is fucking garbage and so is your reading comprehension
I know, I was just clarifying becuase I said mods instead of maps like a retard
So, how do you guys start designing maps? Do you draw it out on graph paper first? Wing it? Carve shapes from a slab?
I'll begin screencapping this shit, holy shit you are the most annoying piece of shit shill in history. NuDoom is shit, accept it and move on to the next fad if your contract hasn't ended.
Do enemies become less spongey on higher difficulties? Do higher difficulties fundamentally change the game's design so that it doesn't use ambush arenas every time?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm not even playing on easy, I went with whatever the default was.
This is pretty cool. Where do I get the Doom 4 wubs for my gameplay? They weren't in the zdoom forums.
Hourly reminder that none of your fad mods will ever gather a tiny fraction of Sgt. Mark IV's world success.
And that as soon as Brutal Doom goes out of style, so too the original game will go under the radar for another 15 years.
Fuck off, Sgt. Mark. Stop trying to force me use your suspicious executables to play your fucking mod.
I'm so mad and jelly I'm going to put code in my mod to crash the game or possibly the whole computer if it's loaded with Brutal Doom.
More importantly, why would you want that?
Just pirate the OST and follow the instructions on the forum nigga and turn that abhorrent texture filtering off while you're at it
Btw, what is the ceiling/floor light mod called? I've had gameplay mods add it, but I've never found a standalone verion?
The one that adds a colored "glow" to the walls connected to the emitting sectors. Like the waste here in this guncaster screen.
Nah, it fits in the game. Lot of the sprites in D4D ain't very good, but as long as they ain't getting blurred, it's fine.
I disagree, but suit yourself.
Removing all OGL texture filtering makes each pixel incredibly sharp even at long ranges, therefore they aren't blurred out and help out make out targets better. It also looks much better unlike the mush of shit that AA makes everything when looked at up close.
Tried playing BD64 earlier today, wasn't a real fan of it. Just a questionable Doom 64 enhancement, the base game was already good but the new enemies and map changes and brutal gibs just…eehh.
You're on dev, you should be using stable.
It's not really a mod, it's just simple GLDefs and brightmap definitions for those textures.
No, in fact the harder difficulties increases the damage spongeyness. Basically you have to go for headshots and weak spots or go home. Provided you don't Glory Kill.
You're supposed to run it in GZDoom, ver 2.2 and upwards should all run fine.
Anyone know how to make it so that hitscan shots pass through/don't hurt monsters of the same species? With missiles you can add +DONTHURTSPECIES but it doesn't work with hitscan (I tried adding it to the puff)
You can add +THRUSPECIES and a species type to the puff, and then the same species to the monsters.
Been playing it for a while now, the mod's fun, but it has some clear balancing issues.
Barons need to be much more aggressive. It's pretty easy most of the time, but these retarded ambushes like four cacos spawning right around you tend to fuck you up.
Don't use static rifle or the burst rifle, they are Pillowblaster-tier broken, especially when upgraded.
Sincerest thanks, user.
Merry Spookmas.
Anything more than a mipmap equivalent is cancer.
You've dodged a bullet, from what I can tell reading other discussion about BD64. The new monsters are ugly as fuck (in a bad way), lights are all sprite based and are programmed as fucking monsters for some reason, the unmaker is incredibly nerfed, the bfg can do splash damage to yourself, night vision looks like shit because of the fog, 300Mb out of aruond 340Mb of it is mp3 files, and at least some of the weapon code for the new ones was stolen.
nudood is actually pretty good, but it does need to be played on nightmare to cancel out some of the heaps of bullshit. It gets rid of almost all health recovery from glory kills unless critical, and you can die fast enough from poor play from critical that it retains some challenge. It also makes it worthwhile to avoid glory kills (the worst part of the game) all together later in the game as they become more risk than reward. It's probably still too hard for most of you, sadly.
When I played it I felt lied to by Holla Forums. It has the least amount of cancer of any AAA game in years and no SJW / white genocide content and we should have been promoting it. I'm curious if some of thw voices here the most opposed to it are actually funded by Soros.
Jesus christ, those revenants look ugly as sin, and that dog enemy looks like he took the sprite from the Cerberus boss in Blood and barfed all over the color palette.
Are those just enemies from Blood?
That hue thought this was good enough to ship?
I bet it's so people could say "KILL THE LIGHTS!" and then kill themselves because puns are the lowest form of humor.
I've been playing D4D 2.0 with BD64's maps. It's quite fun that way. It's not perfect though as you get a few odd exclamation marks around the map.
The cerberus dog is. The revenant looks like some kind of horrible abomination with one of the other boss sprites used as a base.
Someone made a big improvement to Aliens TC and posted it in the thread, does anyone have a link to it?
Any info on this one?
Thanks a lot.
Anyone able to dump the Doom64 ROM so i can try it out on EX?
tried BD64 and it was pretty okay, not a big fan though
Nope, doesn't work, forget it.
No wait, it worked. I had forgotten to put +ALLOWTHRUFLAGS on the damn thing.
oh shit, thanks fam
He is never going to stop doing this, is he?
That looks fucking cool
I get this error every time I try to host a game of Moonman Doom in Doomseeker. I have the latest version of Zandronum as well as Doomseeker. I have tried the newest version of this mod as well as an older one but regardless I get the same issue.
Are we allowed to talk about Doom 4 in a positive manner?
The Kins has some impeccable taste in music.
wew lad
It's Halo with QTEs, WoW cooldown timers and the compass from Skyrim, yes.
It's sad. I take a trip there only to find a guy who got banned for trying to say "We shouldn't be talking about gender politics on a gaming forum". Though to be fair I'm pretty sure everyone saw this coming.
we should double down on those moonman mods
then fork zdoom
Is GZDoom connected to ZDoom in any significant social way?
gzdoom is a fork and is maintained by one of the same zdoom devs
the healer stalks inspiration?
Tried D4D, monster reskins were awful and useless as the AI didn't change. Gonna try BD64.
Good: imps, invisible pinkies, chaingun. Bad: sshotgun and pulse lack kick, zmarines too akward.
So in other words, you didn't actually play it.
Totes new game fam
Thanks for confirming it once again I guess?
What did he mean by this?
For what purpose?
Just to see his reaction, apparently he liked the tweet, i thought he would hate it.
Romero tends to not look at the content before pressing a button as long as it's something he made in the past, this is shown by him "liking" brutal doom, despite afterwards saying indifferent statements about it.
Do you think he would do the same thing as Kamiya where he would complain about it?
Holla Forums casuals think they can fool anyone that actually plays games, not a single one of these posers played this game on nightmare without using the glory kills
This is getting retarded. I think I need to just do suicide rushes until one of these fucks drops a demon rune.
not red enough
Doom 3 RoE > nuDoom.
Yeah, I don't like the aesthetic of these hell-levels.
I'm going to steal that phrase for when I eventually go to hell.
nuDoom is okay… But i'd take Doom3 over nD any fucking time of the day.
Mainly because nD feels tone-deaf. As if it didn't know what it wanted to be. On one hand it has the more arcade and 90's bits, but on the other it feels like Halo 5 mixed with some drone hunting for upgrades.
And it also feels more Serious Sam-y than Doom.
IMO though.
I think nu-doom was made for the contrarians of today's market who love anything that 'isnt call of duty,' simply because it isn't. In other words, kids who 'love' oldschool games, but probably have never played an actual old game in their life. The game makes it a point to say 'lol dude ur so badass rip n tear' and make you feel like a badass, despite you putting in minimal effort to get anything done.
Can confirm. There's a guy in my class who told me NuDoom is great because it harkens back to the glory days of FPS. Then, when he saw me playing a coffeebreak session of Doom 2 he asked me where my crosshair was, why I couldn't do headshots and how silly it was I couldn't "look up and down".
you're making that up
I know people are stupid as shit, but this is too perfect
I'm afraid I have no way to proof it, so you'll just have to take my word on it. Head to any college campus to pick up some seriously stupid shit, I'm swear there's people like this out there.
Yes, but I'll shit on you for having shit taste.
Unless you're a vet of Doom maps you don't really notice AI changes. A very sophisticated enemy AI won't seem all that impressive since it's primarily a sprite so whatever fancy shit it's backend has the chances a player ill notice is virtually zero unless you made a full set of sprites for it for the player to notice.
Nudood is way closer to old-school FPS than any other AAA FPS in almost a decade. Why was he wrong? Am I forgetting some games?
Yet not even close. Forget even trying to be an 'OLD SKOOL SCHUTER,' the game 100% misses the design philosophy of the original Doom, and fails to do anything cool or interesting on its own. The game is essentially an improved Shadow Warrior reboot- taking elements that people think are 'old school,' and them hamfisting them into the game. Pseudo-RPG elements like abilities, stat/weapon upgrades, having more than two or three guns, and some level design that isn't just walk forward in a straight line (though the core game is designed in such a way that the level design will barely matter in how the game plays out).
Saying a thing is "way closer" to something than 'anything else' (especially when the bar is set at subterranean levels) is a total non-argument that does not speak to the quality of that thing.
Granted, it's not AAA, but it's ABSOLUTELY MILES BETTER than W:TNO and nD4, which are both spits of pure rancid turd into the glory that was 1990's shooters.
Post download link to original doom pls.
Read the thread
We're in 'just wait for Hitler' territory. If the industry starts taking steps in the right direction, encourage them.
Satan isn't just the bad guy, he's a genetic dud that should be killed. He honestly thinks that any shooter released in the 90s is infallible despite there being endless hordes of shitty doom clones still being discovered to this day.
Is it on doomworld? That's the only link I found
It's hardly a step in the right direction. Just because a game isn't as bad as others does not mean that you should praise it or ignore how faulty it is. It a monotonous, repetitive, and overall mediocre game. It doesn't do anything new or interesting. It doesn't capture any kind of old-school design whatsoever. The game doesn't even put up a decent challenge what with how you are SHOWERED in health and ammo.
The game does little in the right direction and is all marketing hype. To praise this game and say 'good job,' especially without proper criticism, will not result in good games. Just more uninspired tripe created by people who don't know and probably don't care about making good games and made for contrarians and kids who don't know better.
I'll link you a 7zip with the IWADs, you're on your own for an executable to run them with, or maybe another user will spoonfeed you the rest of the way.
When did the Doom community turn into a bunch of faggots? Pic related, Fraggle, one of the big names of the old community, big into development of a lot of source ports. Look at what this faggot is now.
I've never heard of him. I only know that Scythe 2 is the best Megawad ever made.
There are very few people here that wouldn't feel challenged by nightmare mode (it's more like old normal mode despite the name). I can only make it four levels on the permadeath nightmare mode and I'm pretty good.
this is the same faggot who named a port Smack My Marine Up, obviously derived from 'smack my bitch up'. changing a word doesn't change the fact that sexist phrases are still sexist, "it's just a joke" or "it's just a name and I changed a word" isn't a defence. when is he going to report himself for wrongthink?
also, there have been female Marines since 1918.
God only knows, but it's infected everything from ZDF to Doomworld to cuckchan.
Are you retarded? That's just lazy as hell, especially when the original Doom changed the hell out of enemy/weapon/health placement on higher difficulties, effectively changing how the level could play out. Then Nightmare! which was a legitimately unfair mode where enemies were fast as hell, shot fast as hell, and dealt a lot of damage. Not to mention dudes teleporting in out of nowhere.
Newfag detected.
But user, that was in the past, he's totally atoning by being a total faggot. :^)
He's done… Chocolate Doom 2.2.1 (which means I need a new "vanilla" source port), some work on Doom Legacy with "fragglescript", and fuck, I can't really remember anything else but him being huge on the doomworld forums. I walked away from the "community" years ago because it was full of faggotry, but back then it was autism like "MUH PURISM" and this faggot named 40oz getting triggered by levels of detail the original IWADS would have, not this socjus tumblrfagging.
My best theory here is it has to do with tumblrtale. Mix shitty skeleton memes for the "revenant" with more shitty skeleton memes of tumblrtale, it brings the latter userbase over and pussifies the former.
You know, the former, where even Romero and crew used to call each other faggots while playing deathmatch in the office. Where people would call each other niggers and nobody gave a shit.
You know what I saw the last time I had any multiplayer port installed? A server whose rules stated you'd get banned for "racist, sexist, bigoted remarks". On that day, Doom died.
Name a Megawad better than Scythe 2. Protip: you can't.
I hate to say it but you're right, it seems every modder these days runs a tumblr too, so they all get into their little inner circles and jerk each other off, which attracts attention from total faglords and is ruining the community. If I had some money for hosting I'd just make my own damned forums/imageboard for Doom just to have a place for the normalfags who don't agree with this BS.
Reminds me of the time the TF2C server was up and we tried playing Moonman Doom.
"Screw you, faggot."
- John Romero, 1993
Nudood's nightmare difficulty is clearly the original difficulty as it's the best balanced. The lower modes compensate by spraying health out of every kill. I assume you played babby mode. Should have read the threads first.
Tell me, what does nightmare mode change besides how much damage enemies deal?
I just don't like how the enemies seem to blend into the background for me at times.
…also when they move vertically it fucks me up since I'm not used to aiming up and down quickly…
Why are you getting hit repeatedly? Other than the rare hitscan shield guy who is total bullshit the rest is just being bad. People (obviously not you) finish it with zero deaths you know.
Only when critical and it only heals you partially. Since enemies don't freeze while you do it, people trying not to die avoid doing the glory kills. You'd know it was a liability had you played it. Or maybe you'd not learn and just keep swearing at how 'bullshit' it was that you kept dying from glory kills..
Feel free to use everything it gives you. It won't save you.
It massively reduces health and armor pickups, glory kill health, and spawns harder enemy types. Armor pickups are reduced from 5 per shard to 1 per shard, and health from glory kills above critical is so low it's not worth the risk unless critical. The big change here is how glory kills go from boon to bane, which is great as they're the worst part of the game. You'll have a better experience with that crutch taken away from you.
now that's something fresh
Shit, do I push through the rest of it vanilla, or enjoy it with Metadoom and enjoy it further when I get to the yet unexplored levels? Do you guys approach every new wad without mods or with them?
You seem to be missing the point of my post. He's pretending he knows what an old school FPS is, but it's blatantly obvious he never played one. The only place his opinion belongs is in the trash, he doesn't even know what he's talking about.
Evilution is fucking shit, maybe that's why.
Gameplay mods tend to be fun for a little while because they offer something slightly different and refreshing, but after a while I always end up going back to vanilla doom with maybe some smooth doom to make it look a bit prettier. The formula is just that rock solid. When it comes to WADs I prefer playing through them vanilla, because pretty much any gameplay mod will break the way the map's supposed to be experienced, be it in terms of navigation or monster placement/balance. Don't know enough about metadoom to comment on that. While I appreciate the originality, it just ends up feeling like yet another weapon mod, so I quickly got bored of it.
By the way, is there any mod that turns Doom 1 into one giant episode or at least allows for smooth transitions from one episode to another? I need it so I can actually do a full playthrough with D4D without having to start over with each episode.
Not sure if a mod for it exists, but if you're on the last map of the episode you can just use the console to change the map to the first level of the next episode. For example, if you're on E1M8 and you're at the exit switch, open your console and type in:
changemap e2m1
This will load the next episode and keeps all your gear intact. Only changemap keeps your gear intact, map doesnt and I don't think nextmap does either. The latter doesn't work when you're on the last map of an episode anyway.
So D4D is pretty fun on Nightmare, especially if you look at it as an arcade game.
But NuDoom added an Arcade Mode.
Haven't tried it yet though.
nudood's arcade mode is shit. I wish they'd stop trying to make 'modern' systems and would just give us deathmatch in single player levels with singleplayer weapons and no bullshit at all with 1 hour round timers. More is less.
why do we need D4D v2.0 if we have MetaDooM?
Like Reelism, but kinda crappy? Single player but the enemies are replaced with Doomguy bots?
We could just bully The Kins until he makes a megawad.
go bully a guy in the mirror.
Well if I'm going to abandon playing Evilution for something, might as well be this.
Unless this is you shilling your own WAD Terminus.
Nope, not me.
Friendly reminder that the alpha for this is will be released in 5 days.
No, like old id multiplayer where they just reused singleplayer and spawned everyone into it rather than fag it up with classes, XP, teams, streamlined MP levels, Unreal Tournament weapons,10m round timers with 5m intermissions, etc..
It's actually getting a release? Wow.
I can't even remember how long it's been in development.
Looking at the code for this will be interesting.
its ok to look up and down user
I'm spoiling myself enough with double jumping as is.
Static rifle doesn't lock onto enemies though, so I had a really hard time hitting cacodemons with it.
Any open levels which favor exploration and creating different areas that you can go to in any order that you want with some restrictions like some being locked behind a keycard that you have to find by exploring and etc? Bonus points if they actually look like places you would see in real life, like city or something like that. I already tried the island but it's not really the thing I was looking for, still kind of nice even if my fun ends when I tip off the entirety of the map, unable to fend off all of them
Just caught a Doom movie on TV. It's still bad.
It's already OP as fuck as is, I don't think it needs a lock on, unless it's the auto aim you're talking about. And yeah, I would say playing the mod with full mouselook is pretty much required, I don't see how you'd ever chuck grenades where you actually want them to go, for example.
Oh, and also, good levels for playing Demonsteele?
yeah I was talking about autoaim, brain fart
the fun factory wasn't very fun when I tried to get the blue key
For whatever reason the sound on several of the weapons doesn't work in my freshly compiled GZDoom.
Pretty sure the creator of the mod states that the GZDoom 2.2.0 stable build should be used for the mod. Any of the current dev builds causes problems.
That's the version I used.
Did you play any older versions of D4D? Maybe try deleting all the D4D CVARs in GZDoom ini and see if that fixes the issue. No idea what could be causing it otherwise.
But are you you?
Well, that was fucking fun.
What's the deal with DUMP 3 also being a gameplay mod with new weapons or something?
I played original doom more than two hours because it's fucking boring but I think DOOD seems really more fun but hey who gives a shit it's Holla Forums we hate everything
Fuck off back to Reddit.
If you weren't so asspained you might've realized how little sense your post made.
The alpha will be two levels. The first level will be a linear level to teach the player and the second level is going to be the meat of the alpha.
Only the Holla Forums-shills truly hate videogames around here.
Is that a cyberdemon transformation?
If it's impossible to tell, you still really shouldn't reply. If it isn't bait, you're not going to convince them they're wrong and/or stupid, anyway.
Does anoyne know good levelpacks to play with DoomRL Arsenal?
The default maps get boring after a while and the first couple of maps have little to no upgrades. Also, how well you do can depend very much on complete and utter luck. Sometimes you just find no good weapons.
you could try polygon.wad for a sprawling expanse of bullshit, but its mostly corridors
the what? quit responding to bait you moron
And sometimes you find a nuclear barrel.
That explains those deaths…
Why do these things even exist?
show me
What the fuck is he doing?
yes but I'm dyslexic
I agree but I'm lazy
low energy meme friend
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
What he always does, this very same thing happened before he even released BDv19 and even before that. He'll keep fucking it up until the mayority of the playerbase actually tries it and then complains about it on his echochamber.
It's a known fact Sgt.Mark can't into doom balance.
hey man that is not fair, I did not sell my soul to the shitfest that tumblr is.
Yes it does. Unequivocally.
Keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you justify being a tumblr faggot. Unless you're
about IRC fags, which are nearly as bad as tumblr fags.
I'm not even sure what you're getting at.
How has this not been posted, yet?
What is this
Your own projectiles also sprout legs to run at enemies.
Runballs, a wip mod where everything runs.
Look up 'Epicus Furor'. It is pretty cool I think.
Right, I saw the Youtube title, but what is this.
Why is everything running.
Why is this a WAD.
What is the WAD making community.
What is DOOM.
What is life.
Why do we live.
will report back if I don't shit myself from laughter
What a nice mountain.
Where the fuck is the option to set up the reload button in guncaster? For some strange reason I don't see it anywhere
It probably uses the engine's reload button if there isn't one under Guncaster specific keybinds.
For some reason still doesn't works, fuck well seems that there no guncaster for me
Does guncaster even have reloading?
The shotgun I'm trying to make is using 2 ammo per shot and it's driving me up the fucking wall. Some coder user help me out with this. What did I do wrong?
Weapon.AmmoUse 1
Weapon.AmmoGive2 7
TNT1 A 0 BRIGHT A_FireBullets(4, 4, 10, 16, "CustomPuff1", FBF_USEAMMO|FBF_NORANDOM)
Weapon.AmmoUse 2?
I mean, just copy
loving BD64. Doom 64 has awesome heavy quake atmosphere, the music and sound queues are great. lights look good too after the sprite change.
favorite thing so far is the invis pinky and imp. they fade in and out and leave an afterimage, if there's a group it gets difficult to aim at one, cool effect.
I think he meant he wants it to use less than two ammo per shot.
Welp, I totally read that wrong, I'll blame fatigue for that one.
Post the whole thing.
And hades 2 became a half life clone.
He's playing brutaldoom and isn't disgusted at the headshotting centric casul gameplay, no wonder he doesn't mind his game looking like complete shit either.
Shit, so that's why everyone looks down on it. My impression of it was positive overall, but I didn't try to do headshots. I mean, it's DOOM, and I've only ever played vanilla and "official" expansions before.
I wouldn't mind headshots in Doom mods that much if it's just an animation that plays when the last shot to kill the enemy is aimed at its head instead of a way to kill enemies faster and easier.
Headshots do x5 damage to monsters on BD. You can kill Hellknights in like 4 shotgun blasts, or cyberdemons in 7 to 8 rockets to the head, it's ridiculeous.
Well, I never noticed that there are headshots because I aimed for the torsos "as usual". The excess gore was excess, but the cheesiness felt appropriate, thematically. The only really bad thing was HP and armor stacking past 200/200, but I got around that by acting a little more reckless than usual. I guess BD needs a mod to cut out all cancer.
Not entirely doom related, but what programs are there for editing and creating midi files?
I hate it but I can't remember how to turn it off
options > display options > opengl options > texture options > texture filtering mode: none
Yeah it's hidden behind 4 fucking layers of menus, that's just how it is.
Where is the download link for this? It's not in the thread for it.
I personally use Finale (2001) but it's actually really shitty for actual doom general-midi music along with other issues. I heard there's free midi editors you can get online now that support USB keyboards as well as actual manual edition of each note and their tempos, but i'm too lazy to look one up.
Just search for them in your search engine of choice, it shoudn't be hard.
Doom is more about positioning. Oh, and suddently aiming a couple cms over the torso of a very slow moving target for quintuple damage is now """""" skill"""""".
What kind of clown are you? The one that gets off at whoever looks at him or the one that expects others to take himself seriously? Because i will end up laughing in any case if that's your goal.
much better, thanks
awaken my buff imp masters!
Didn't you post nearly this same exact thing on the /vr/ general?
4chan? no, i don't go to 4chan
I looked back and it seems I was mistaken over the similarity. Carry on.
The link was in a broken image link. Something got fucky with the images in the Zdoom forums.
Ah, so it's like Musescore but older. Can it properly do slurs and the such?
Nice job at distorting what I said.
Yes, it has that and pretty much every feature you can imagine except USBpiano-to-score writing, but the problem is that the interface is shit (it tends to autocorrect you all the time for stupid shit) and it doesn't handle certain midis really well. It can do scores just fine however, and converting and extracting singular midi instruments to score parts is easy with it, but i wouldn't recommend it for actually MAKING midis, it's just what i've been stuck with because i'm lazy.
I wonder
Is there a mod that replaces the weapon pickup sounds with the announcer from Metal Slug?
Nevermind, I actually decided to google it
a meme mod.
>my first thought was 'I want to see R34 of those rockets'
I need help
isn't it enough that there is a damn R34 of chess pieces