Every normalfag kid games on a PC now. Where's the prestige?
Perhaps the final game is learning linux and not playing games (except for emulating those psx classics you always loved)
Every normalfag kid games on a PC now. Where's the prestige?
What program?
Every normalfag kid plays PSX classic on Linux now. Where's the prestige?
Perhaps the final game is Russian Roulette.
Of course the final game is linux, you re going to be really busy trying to get shit to work and trying to emulate windows, that is the linux game
Are you a hipster? If so then yes, the "final game" for you is playing on the most obscure system you can. Might I suggest DOOM on your calculator, the "normalfags" will never understand that and you'll be "cool" forever.
What? Maybe if you live in South Korea but everywhere else PC gaming as a whole is still a very exclusive community. Have fun having barely any games to play and having them perform significantly worse just because you are a giant hipster douche.
Thanks for removing one more way for us to tell outsiders apart, Mark.
That's not true though.
They do. Kids all went to PC Gaming.
Only if you're grandma.
You need a new car.
It's about privacy and self respect.
Statement is false.
fuck off back to reddit.
You really shouldn't go to reddit.
What do you mean privacy and self respect?
If it was about privacy and self respect you wouldn't be so worried about "normalfag kids" or "prestige", faggot.
There's never been any prestige in PC gaming. PC gaming has been the standard in most of Europe outside of UK - and not just poorass Eastern European countries where it was more viable to play pirated games at 10 FPS than buy consoles that cost half a year worth of money. Incidentally, in those poorass countries it was consoles that were prestigious, solely because it meant you can afford them. Holla Forums's worship of PC gaming doesn't come from the actual advantages it has, kids here just want to feel grownup (as evidenced by the fact they have no idea how PCs function).
I was using language you would understand. Looks like you understood.
Privacy and self respect
Nobody cares about some european dump.
Did you have a stroke at some point?
Is this replacing "I was only pretending to be retarded"?
How exactly is a bunch of children playing video games on PC affecting your privacy and respect?
Fuck off with your industry OS. Hardly any games support it and all you have are shitty old games with meme communties
Go back to being a CNC machine OS
Like poettery
And it worked. You understood.
They aren't.
Like poettering
Oh, I get it now.
Wow, what a fucking hipster.
Enjoy getting vanned when someone posts wikileaks americans/loli everywhere else.
You know that's been debunked and proven as fake right? Windows 10 may spy on you in other ways but It doesn't send screenshots to microsoft, its really funny seeing as how you think you are somehow intellectually superior because you don't use Windows 10 but you are posting something that is obviously fake.
wew lad, go on source
i am having great difficulty understanding this fellow
keep pretending it's real, i don't support microjew either, but i neither support spreading bullshit that not even failed CS1 grade students could have come up with
The massive number of normalfags that now use computers has made it a very profitable source of data, leading Microsoft to install tracking software on every OS after XP, with the advent of Windows 10. My privacy is very much at risk because of those 'kids'.
How so unless you use their computer? Their privacy is at risk, how does it affect you?
Holy shit how far up your own ass can you be? Gaming is barely a fraction of the userbase for Windows PCs, they have been used in businesses for years and I guarantee you that over 80 percent of people who work with Windows based machines don't how the hell it works past Microsoft Excel of whatever they have to use for their job. To act like PCs have been even for the majority used by people other than normalfags since the beginning of Windows 95 just shows how disconnected from reality you are.
This proves nothing, but makes you look untrustworthy for trying to use this as evidence
and we know he doesn't have the key how?
I now agree, had a look and there are no known microsoft telemetry ips on it
Not obviously, I don't keep a list of microsoft ips tattooed on my arm. Also intelligence!=credulity, but you knew that already, being incredulous yet making that implication.
If you post something that is fake with extreme arrogance expect to get an even more arrogant response.
Enjoy your botnet, faggot.
Don't you have something microsoft to rub
you mean those illuminati cp rituals?
Linux will never be anything but a joke, gnutards.
90% of all people will be using windows 10 in a few years and there's nothing you can do about it.
As long as it runs Quake there is every game you need on it.
Games after Quake were a mistake
smells like halfchan
This place has gotten really cucked lately. From people shitting on Trump to sucking off Xbox and Microsoft in general, I fear that Holla Forums is dead.
I prefer more games to more "prestige". If you forgot, there is no prestige to being a nerd like me.
There are still some good generals but as a whole this place is starting to stink.
Not sure where to migrate to
Maybe it's time to quit Holla Forums for good
This is "PC gaming costs +3k, and you have to upgrade every month" levels of retardation.
It's because 4cuck refugees shat up one board so bad they decided it's too shit and came here to shit up another board.
Fuck off GNUmale.
Fuck your pride, try gitting gud.
Who would have thought it
all me XD
Check out RPGCodex.
Isn't this a tabletop forum??
Right now it's either a server OS or a complete dumbfuck blonde bimbo OS for internet browsing.
You can't do any serious job on that can't be done on windows(and for which windows has better tools)
Anything GPU-intensive is fucked out of luck because shit drivers.
QOL software is dead in the water because of GNUtards who think that quality of life is overrated and everyone should just use console and learn how to write configs and drivers manually.
Don't actually buy into the linux desktop meme.
Yes, I can use Linux.
Linux is fucking easy and exactly the same as windows, anyone who thinks they're some 1337 3914 46|
Kek, windows doesn't even come with coreutils by default. Just because you're too stupid to find alternative A/V editing software that is as good as what you use on Windows doesn't mean they don't exist. And most of those will run fine on Linux through Windows emulation anyways.
OpenGL and Xorg are great, quit lying.
If you took some time out of your VIDYA GAYMEN, and grokked a few manpages, you might just realise that terminals and config files are actually superior to your gooey garbage.
Yeah, keep using your soon-to-be-deprecated Win7, or a phone OS on your desktop like 8 or 10… Linux is the future, whether you like it or not.
Nigger, it's the current year. What are you? A primitive?
If you can't compile your Gentoo's custom kernel with a BFQ scheduler before breakfast every millennial faggot will laugh at you.
Also, Arch is babby's first linux and Debian and Fedora are for grannies.
You mean the most annoying piece of shit I have ever encountered? When it works it works but when it fails it's the worst bloody shit you will ever have to deal with.
oh wait i get it. but i think youre a homosexual
How is Xorg that bad?
What a special snowflake you are. Want a reward?
Good luck getting a job pal. Your resume is going in the trash if you have nothing else but Blender, Gimp, or Pitivi on it. And that's coming from someone who wishes I could use linux as my daily driver but until a company like Adobe ports thier software to linux it ain't gonna happen unless you are lucky enough to work freelance.
Good luck emulating zbrush or any 3D editor then, cunt. And yes, I am aware of Blender which you can't use for actual serious work since it cocks up after passing 1m triangles on any hardware. Smax isn't much better but it at least works at those mesh sizes - and i haven't even got to fucking sculpting.
I have correctly identified the problem. Maybe learning GNU/Linux and never playing games ever again is the right path for you, just be sure to fuck off and never come back if you do.
Wine can do hardware accelerated 3D.
Wine can't do DX10+ which new version rely on heavily for rendering the objects
Wine can't do direct GPU access for physics calculation CUDA-style
Yeah, it "runs" those as in it launches them and nothing fucking else.
Wine can do dx10.
It can't do 10+
+ you blind fuck
And even then the 10 support is as nominal as it gets with applications launching with no guarantee that they can actually do the 10 stuff like that fucking DX9 workaround.
Again, it launches things but they don't actually work.
: \
I was just debunking one of your points, partially.
Sorry for the email tier greentext style quotes.
Shader model 4 still doesn't work properly, blacking out occurs oftenly.
Model 5 doesn't work at all or works with extreme glitching.
Tesselation doesn't pick up most of the time or tends to go haywire if wine catches a bad mood.
Multicore GPU computing is just flat-out nonexistent.
The list goes on, but these are the ones I encountered myself roughly 7 months ago when our boss decided that it's a bit too costly to run our personal workstations on enterprise Windows. As you probably have guessed, that didn't stick around the modelling and animation department.
Ehh, I don't think wine is an enterprise-tier solution, but the glitching might be fixed by setting strictdraworder in the registry(that worked in A2, at least).
The problem is that it doesn't work with actual key features that 3D editing software uses and, surprisingly, that are also used by almost any DX10+-using videogame.
No user. The final game is picking up a compiler and making a game. Or contributing to open source software, that's OK too.
Also, since 6 months ago, DX11 in wine has improved(check the changelogs).
That is not a fucking excuse for being roughly 7 years behind. At this point you might as well stop pretending that wine is usable for actual modern hardware games.
I guess it does its job well for older stuff that supports openGL and i should give credit where it's due for actually working with Glide via some fucking dark magic, but it's way too far behind on the schedule.
What Linux really needs is a proper closed-source solution with a proper fucking team wor- oh wait that's just RHEL isn't it. And they don't give a singular shit about supporting any modern GPU stuff because it's a fucking office and database oriented system.
It isn't, but it still comes in handy.
It was never usable for latest triple AYY vidya you dumb shit.
Also proprietary software is inherently inferior, because if there's any problems with it you're left on a mercy of devs to go and fix it. With open source software, anyone can go and make a fix, any time. Also, they wouldn't tell you if they have absolute dick ton of bugs, compatibility issues and security holes so that they can avoid fixing it - tell me how is that a good thing.
Except for when there is no actual quality control and coding is done by the principle of "if it works it works and it doesn't matter how exactly it does so"
I could continue but there's a very fucking obvious example of CSP versus Krita. Or Photoshop versus GIMP. Or any proprietary 3D editor versus Blender. Or almost any proprietary project versus OS project.
Yea because these people get fucking paid for doing this and work full time and not whenever they got some spare hours to make some small addition, you stupid quadruple nigger.
Bullshit, FLOSS is under heavy peer review and developers actually care about their software being very good because they will have to actually be using it. Why the hell would you want your software to be shit if you made it? Whereas Microsoft's shitware has tons of malicious exploits found everyday because they halfass it knowing that tools like you will eat it up regardless, sometimes even leaving intentional holes so that NSA can fuck with you.
that is only an argument if you own a 1999 thinkpad that overheats just from running XP
Mostly in regards to multicore shit and my HD 6870 which AMD has fucked over with shitty drivers
He isn't making an argument you stupid fucking nigger.
i ve been screwed with their drivers too, i used to own a 7850 and after a driver update the fans would go crazy, it was also overheating from shit that i used to run 16 hours straight without problems, they are almost nintendo tier when it comes to legacy support
pc has always been full of shit kiddie games, real adults play games on console
you're part of the problem. the point is staying away from the cancer and using the open platform. "I'M LE GAYMER XDD" fags such as yourself are what's wrong
Wow the microshit cocksucking here almost makes Holla Forums reddit 2.0
i have a core i5 4670k and a gtx 770 with windows on it's on 60GB 300MB/s ssd and a hard drive for program files, another for games and another for media and it STILL runs like a pair of legs cut off from it's body and wearing super strong magnets for shoes on a track made of copper
Using windows is reddit
Not being a contrarian 24/7 is reddit
Using double line breaks is reddit
I feel you man. There should be an underwater bunker where we could all live and shitpost.
i don't even know who's shitposting or reddit anymore
but fuck off
cuckchan brought with them the worst of reddit
I think you were the only one who didn't get the joke/bait.
everytime some fag posts that vid i'm going to point out that there is no fucking way some russian nobody has the god damned encryption keys to Windows 10 and this is a fucking hoax.
plus, all those Cisco LAN IPs… yeah I totally believe this random fucking Commie got his hands on Microsoft's encryption
dob jej
Hello >>>/cuckchan/
Fuck off with your forced meme, cuckchan nigger.
Wesnoth is the best open-source free game.
You need to go back to your containment board.
It's already happening. I've been seeing an increasing number of smug BSD posters ever since every major distro under the sun switched to systemd.
Too bad BSD has no gaesm.
You have to go back, Holla Forums.
Are you pretending to be Holla Forums to start interposed drama?
Damn. You cuckchan faggots just moved in here?
Nice try Holla Forums, but those hegelian tactics won't work here.
BSD's always been the refuge for smug. It happened back in '99 when Linux got mainstream. All the "I need to be seen as special" crowd went BSD. Then OS X came out and they all switched to that.
BSD is better than loonix though
Oy vey.
Meanwhile the response that shows he apparently "understood"
So being told you're full of shit means that the person understood you?
Understood what? That you're an idiot? That you really don't consider it to be about privacy and self respect
I want to believe this is all bait, but reasoning this dysfunctional is hard to emulate.
the prestige is in playing good games, as it always has
Gaming on "home computers" was the norm, also inside the UK with a blooming computer industry. NES and Sega was viewed as child's toys.
That was changed by the original PlayStation.
This is what PC "games" mostly resemble now: Third world gaming on outdated used hardware. A look at any multiplayer server and who's playing there is pretty enlightening.
Hipster faggot detected. Get a job that pays salary before spouting your teenager opinions again, millennial trashbag.
Source on the background?
You do know you're the laughing stock of the political world, right?
yes goy you need to slave away to make someone else rich
It's the computer company steve jobs headed after he was kicked out of apple. Only the most advanced autist hipster would use it. Don't lead him on, filter him out, because you'll find he's on of the most pretentious users on this board.
it's OK little ben, no one can tell you're 5'2" unless they see you in person
You need to pay for this shit called food and maybe a roof over your head. When you grow up and find out that money isn't handed out to you then you will find your opinion has changed on many things and 'prestige' in a hobby like videogames is for angsty kids. Millenial douchenozzle, get some certifications.
no u
The final game is setting up PCI passthrough. Once your virtual machines have the same power as your real computer, you're free to use whatever operating systems you want, with the ability to create an arbitrary number of computers that you have complete control over.
vmfags are delusional and the worst kind of cancer, even worse than windowsfags since vmfaggotry normally stacks on top of windowsfaggotry
there's no difference between using windows and using windows, you lose the benefits of having the better operating system and to anything tracking it's user base's operating system you're just another winblows user with additional overhead because the vm still needs ram reserved for linux and cpu time for simulating what isn't just being passed through
Because being normalfags they are they only play hyped shit, either AAA garbage or indie trash.
You won't find a normalfag playing HoMM 3 nowadays.
True, you're still using Windows either way, but in a VM you can stay logged in to your preferred operating system if you don't want to directly boot into Windows. Another benefit is that if the Windows VM fucks up, it (usually) only affects the VM and not the whole system.
How? It's still running in the background. You can alternate between the VM and host. The idea is to benefit from both operating systems at the same time without having to reboot into the other.
Wait, running 2 operating systems requires more resources than just running 1 operating system? Wow, who would have guessed?
Nobody's going to want to use Linux if you turn it into a shitty forced meme like this.
Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed a sudden change in writing styles too, as if the entire userbase was suddenly replaced by someone else. Isn't halfchan finally dying?
see, look at this faggot
Even basic shit like skype takes ages to instal on centos.
Well gee fucking thanks.
fuck off
Stop shilling GNU/Linux or other alternative operating systems to people that explicitly use their computer to play video games. They're not going to give a shit and your autism will make it more difficult for them if they ever develop a genuine interest in computing.
This. GNU/Linux is holding back the true best operating system.
>Linux is fucking easy and exactly the same as windows, anyone who thinks they're some 1337 3914 46|
This is correct.
They don't though. It's the only reason I still have Windows installed on anything.
You you know absolutely NOTHING about what you're talking about.
You what mate?
You type like a fucking idiot. Has /g/ finally spilled over? Don't bother with 8ch our technology board is even worse than yours somehow.
OP is a pretentious nigger.
Yes it's outdated tech from the 1980s, so Linuxtards have to replace it with something worse.
I have learned its not the platform you play on. It's the games you choose to play and how you play them.
most PC gamers i meet fall into 1 of 4 categories. the MOBA/MMO crowd. the steam fanboy "praise gaben" crowd. the candy crush/flash game crowd. and the smallest of all 4; the emulator/goodgame/pirate crowd.
Most console gamers arent much worse than the steam mustard crowd because they stick to AAA trash and play whatever IGN tells them to play. the way i see it, the only difference is the PC gamers are on the proper platform, but it makes no difference if all you play is casual trash.
playing a console doesnt automatically mean youre trash. playing a PC doesnt automatically make you "prestigious"
Quality post tbh.
are there any korean grindy MMORPGs that run on a toaster?
1GHz dual core, 2 GB RAM
Welcome to Holla Forums, Contrarian Central
sage for eternal OS war
You fucking what mate. X11 is a piece of shit. If you look at all the STUFF in the spec, vs all the stuff that actually works and/or all the stuff that is actually used it's insane. X11's job could be done by a tenth the LOC, so ten times easier to maintain, and ten times easier to implement new features we actually do want.
I want a windowing system that can be killed and restarted without knocking my whole system over.
In what context would you ever need to do that though?
the true prestige was always on consoles. PC even back in the 80s and 90s was just a few tasteless idiots circlejerking over their limited technology and lack of money for console games so they just pirated mediocre RPGs and eventually strategy and FPS and simulation games. As the industry on the PC expanded and hardware surpassed rather stagnant consoles, then came the PC has better hardware shills. This didn't always mean better looking games, but there were higher numbers, and if anything all those slow, table top translated RPGs taught PC gamers higher numbers always means better–
there were still very few games worth a damn, however. Once Steam hit it big, the PC started seeing a trickling of scraps coming to the platform. A few lower budget developers released a few exclusives before shutting down for one reason or another - or flat out transitioning primarily to consoles because there was more money to be earned there.
Many PC faithful kept on, perpetuated memes that mocked the elitism, ignored the flaws of the platform like an increased presence of DRM, terrible game optimization that negated the supposed perks of PC gaming, and many more issues that continue to go neglected.
These days they just argue over who makes shittier GPUs, play old games that could run on PS2 hardware, or at least look like PS2 games such as mount & blade warband, but here we are.
PC gaming never really had any prestige, it was just pretentious idiots defending their platform vehemently.
So at least every time my shit drivers nukes X11, it doesn't make me want to neck myself.