RIP Holla Forums Holla Forums

Just wanted to let you guys know that this website is dead. You have GOPe kikes shilling for Paul Ryan in the Nehlen threads, all while people call Trump a kike unabated and without recourse from our faggot mods.

I used to care but I don't anymore. There's no reason to come here anymore, this place is a husk of its former glory. Everyone of value is doing things in different spaces now. Ban me dumb cuck mods, since it's obvious you won't take your jobs seriously anymore.


Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is a Kike. Kill yourself. I like Nehlen though. Fuck off Jew shill

Yes yes, I'm a jew shill supporting Nehlen. Your opinion is good and you're very smart.

How are you actually comparing someone who points out the Jews, (Nehlen) with someone who done nothing but grovel towards them since day one and family is completely kiked?

Your a Jew shill supporting Trump

This a new shill tactic? Trying to conflate genuine opposition with controlled opposition?

R.I.P bitch it was fun while it lasted.
Damn we had some fun.
We could influence reality from our bedrooms.
We're probably on hundreds of lists now.
Oh well.

Trump's campaign was a net benefit for our ideas. Never said Trump isn't a philosemite. I don't regret supporting him at all, given the alternative. However now we are supposed to tolerate kikes shilling against BOTH as if there's zero chance anyone can be wise to the JQ in public. Trump was a step in the right direction, and Nehlen seems to be the next. But since our cuck mods aren't willing to ban the reddit/endchan infiltrators this site is swirling the tubes.





He's not?

It wasn't at all. It was in Israel and Jews benefit. Now Jews have a blonde German gentile strawman in the White house. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, bombing Syria, and freeing criminal rabbis does not benefit our ideas.

If you can't deal with shills without mods than you're mentally weak and feeble.

You can't be a nationalist socialist if you don't embrace constant neverending struggle.

He defunded the 'rebels' you fucking KIKE. Posting a Jew picture does not make you my ally. Rabbi/Jerusalem thing were awful, but are you telling me Hillary would have been better?


Checked. Shilling won't stop the shoah.

Being suspicious of Nehlen has nothing to do with support for Paul Ryan, there's no way he's going to beat him anyway. His campaign is "educational", and a shekel grab, of course.


4chan makes google captcha difficulties and floods it with moronic threads
Holla Forums bans and anchors and floods it with normie news and alt-right campaigns.

This is how they destroyed Holla Forums

Openly naming the jew is 'suspicious' now, glad to know this is a controlled OP board!

mods allow bots and alt-right threads and ban users. They are killing it piece by piece, user by user. That way people wont care when it dies.




____ IS DEAD
You're not going anywhere you bullshitting faggot.

Dude, you can make your own board. This board itself has nothing to do with the website because the board owner is also independent thanks to hotwheels fuck ups.

Oh let's go somewhere else. Surely there will be no jew shills on whateverchan. Holla Forums has many problems, yes, but anywhere you want to talk about Holla Forums stuff there will be JIDF.

Look carefully here, anins. Notice the spelling errors? You can tell it’s a shill with absolute certainty when it’s making intermittent simple spelling errors. Most common here tends to be the ‘you’re’/‘your’ error, though it’s not the only symptom.

There are, of course, exceptions, such as english not being a first language, but it’s a good rule of thumb.

Foot directly in mouth.

Surf the Kali Yuga baby, shit

Like there hasn't been like this every month since Gamergate gave this site more traffic and of less quality.
Welcome to the Channels.

While I agree that the current state of this board is a fucking sorry one indeed, please keep in mind that faggot mods have been trying to shut down anons since the m00t/snacks days. You don't kill Holla Forums you fag. At best you greatly inconvenience and annoy it at great risk.
Ancient cancer related.

Nice consensus cracking, kike.

No actually, this is what they started spamming on 4cuck/pol/ just before the first exodus of Holla Forums and its banishment to here. When I say spamming I mean constantly non stop, not the old ever present user's whom didn't realize absolutely nobody gave any shit what some nobody thought of the chans. Once they realized Holla Forums wasn't stopping they filled the board with posts EXACTLY like this shit along with nigger porn, redpill me on this single question threads, arguments about what % exactly constitutes white, christcuck arguments both for and against, and a host of other shit. But this was a major component when they were in between shill waves trying to turn off posters and consensus crack the board. Since old Holla Forums was born of Holla Forumstier shit arguments and oldfags barely even noticed such weaksauce shilling HoverhandMoot went and just nuked Holla Forums outright and raped it into oblivion with his mocking claims of cuking us. Second exodus completed at that point.

Seriously, if you see some 'redpill me' or 'explain this' posts ignore or ban the fuck out of these yid cock suckers along with this OP's shit. If they are reverting to this crap again here of all places they are getting desperate. New user's legit asking such can be pointed out to generic information dump threads or other sites more their speed, they don't need their own faggot thread killing an good one. And while all mods are faggots… at least they are pretty good at keeping the nigger porn nuked to fucking hell and back and do somehow manage to keep an lid on most of the worst distractions old shills used to do. Makes em VASTLY better than half/pol/s shittier mods. Would buy em an beer for that. (your still faggots tho)

You haven't changed a single person's mind on Trump and you never will.

I wouldn't and don't have to tell anyone not to come here. Just look at the threads like and . It's 90% garbage idiots, old memes, bots, anchoring of good threads, and shills.
and slow slow slow threads because everyone left, see (((esoteric hitlerism))) been up for 6 or8 months

When you've bee sucking circumcised cock as long as Nehlen has it is.

The past 3 weeks or so there have been more shills than anons posting… Ive seen several anons saying they were banned for stupid shit and while banned the ban log did not show their ban. Fucking cuck/pol/ is better right now. Is what it is. Keep digging, keep red pilling and keep memeing but unless something drastic happens this place has been pretty fucking useless. There are multiple legit happenings going on right now from iran on the brink of civil war, sorks capturing a chink ship, nork arrested for facilitating missile sales, anthony fucking wiener emails released on foia, etc etc. And I probably woulxnt have known about that shit if it werent for cuck/pol/ and discord.. How fucking faggoty is that shit?

these kinds of threads were standard Holla Forumslack threads that grew the culture. A culture stolen by the deep state. What's the point if you wont defend the memes anons?

You realize this is the exact opposite of what happens, right?

See I'd like to hear about those.

But 8/pol/ is almost 99% taken from popular 4/pol/ threads now. Original threads are anchored:

You're an idiot. While Trump was a good thing for the overall awakening of white America, he is absolutely a shabbot goy, and if you don't think the truth of that is worth talking about, you need to fucking kill yourself. And you're just plain lying. I don't come around here anymore precisely because mods would ban you if you pointed out that Trump was completely in bed with the jew. I'm not sure if they still do nowadays because it's too blatant, but don't spread lies.

Mods, Kushner's project alamo, and the newfags from the election and reddit killed 8pol and most chans in general.

You're right. OP was trying to not get banned right away.

Kushner meme is bullshit from shills though. Trump is in bed with the Jew because they rule the world. So you have to take it as it comes and keep redpilling

And where would you propose we go instead?

Of course not, you bimbo, but it means you no longer lick Trump's boots, and spread more pressing matters now that he's done shit-all of his campaign promises. You name him for what he is: an American politician.

Checked. I wasn't there but I am here now and won't stop lurking as long as there's still something worthwhile among the shitty shill spam. I believe that yet another Holla Forums will rise should this one end up dead or the day of the ropes will come before that and natsoc will be politically correct.

Project Alamo is not a meme. Look it up. Chans were the best place to find true information for many years, but because of the anonymous nature of them, they can be easily astroturfed.

No it wasn't at all. It would have woke up White more if Hillary won. By having Trump as president it makes it look like we are the ones in power when in reality we are being genocided.

post yfw realizing both sides of the aisle are Zionist cancer and the Paul VS. Paul is just a side-show which ultimately ends in Israel's empowerment no matter who you support

There are other places. If I advocated for any place then it makes me a shill. I haven't found a true replacement. I'm going to stop visiting this board, I get none of the wisdom and truth I used to get. You can choose to do whatever you want.

Okay, now thats funny.

Somebody has to create their own site. I offered to fund it in the past but apparently not one Holla Forumslock knows how to fucking code

Even some jews know it's inevitable: "Rabbi Discusses Why Nazism in America is Inevitable."

Hey there user, it's gonna be okay. Lots of people feel down during this time of the year, it's normal. What you need to do is go outside and be around some people who care about you. Recharge your batteries and remember what brought you here in the first place, an undying hatred for the jews and the pleasure you see from seeing them fail and sharing it with your brothers on Holla Forums. Who else are you going to mock Europeans with when one of Merkel's migrants goes ape shit and drives over a bunch of pedestrians? Get some rest and come back later. Happy New Year user.


I think Trump is a kike shill but i will still vote for him in the lesser of evils game until physical revolution happens.
Nothing will change through democracy.

I don't know anywhere else, other than the ones that have been shilled here before, /polk/, endchan, etc.
Can you enlighten me to some?

Go away Hasbara

Show us all one example of Nehlen condemning Israel since 2016. Otherwise kill yourself.


That may be so, but consider this. We "have" Trump now, but say the democrats go full retard and run an even more blatantly anti-white candidate next time and they succeed? We will have had our guy for a brief time, only to be overtaken by even more extreme liberalism. It will wake up those worth saving all the same. I think no matter Trump or Hillary, you will have America rising again. Jews don't know how to rule, only how to subvert, and this is a sinking ship.

How about a better synopsis?
Am I getting warm, CIANigger?

idk man, I've been shitting it up here for a while & haven't been banned (except for that one time) so maybe you're just a fag?


I just read through the Nehlen threads and archived them. Not a single user said anything positive of Paul Ryan. OP just wanted to make a 4th thread on the guy TRS has been shilling. OP if you let things grow organically anons would like him better than when he is forced on anons, then telling anons to exodus.

Get over it, who comes to pol to express the same opinion as everyone else anyway?

I've seen this exact response before multiple times






Come closer I have something for you.


Kid, its the fucking holidays. After an point you get off your ass and make life better for yourself using what you learn here. Getting fit and making white babies is just some fucking meme, its an real call to action. Shitposting and arguing is fun as fuck, but you have to prioritize what is important and you do need to take a step back away from the intense rage being repilled can bring, so that you can actually be the good father/leader/man demanded of any user whom desires to see an future for our white children. Shitposting over the holidays honestly should be secondary to creating an healthy and wholesome atmosphere at home for you and yours. Its a big reason daytime can be so damned slow on discussions too. Also, fullchan is much older compared to the cuckchan's population, as an user from here you should be feeding them the information dumps and cap's needed to redpill and spread out to the new recruits, its an handy practice and furthers our goals. At the very least go on normalfag sites and drop redpills if you are bored, mine the salt.

Also, we are not in the midst of any real happening right now. Stop listening to the fucking talking heads. There are interesting things to discuss, but little that directly effect anything new here. Instead most of that stuff is good only for pushing redpills outside the chans and more into the normalfag spheres. Iran is not near any civil war at all, thats an psyop or the earliest stage of an false color revolution, if you bother to ask people the video's release by the fake news faggots speak in farsi bitching about the kikes capital being moved, clearly bs from (((them))), don't feed the fucking trolls on that. nork's being arrested isn't something I heard about, but do you believe anything the media reports about them at this point? Really? Fuck, I would send fat boy an fucking gift basket if he did us an favor and nuked LA's jews. Why hate on an guy that can do you an favor? Didn't know about the emails, that should be here….. you are right about that so START THE THREAD.

Fuck man, we are not your parents, you CAN contribute if you think some shit is worthy of being discussed. So lets take it to another thread instead of this shill's bullshit post.


beep boop beep nigger

cut and paste response



I wouldn't talk about this in the open. For obvious reasons.

I don't do the 'fix pol' spam. But it's very obvious something is wrong. Things have been going downhill for a long time, but what I've seen happen to this place is pretty fucking sad. Tons of threads on the catalog are dogshit, people who create template memes (hallmarks of leftist kikes, or saboteurs) to shame people who are at least in essence pro-white even if not right on everything. The anti-Nehlen pervasive shilling going on without any sort of defense by the cuck mods is just the nail in the coffin. In the past, we had threads that Trump was redpilled because his book was discounted on Amazon bringing the cost of his campaign book to $14.88. I remember that, it was amazing.

Now, we have an overtly pro-white candidate who says IOTBW and reads KMac. Then, we have tons of shills shitting on him because of historically pro-Israel statements. Must everyone have been JQ-wise since the moment they were a gleam in their dad's eye? It's an unreachable measurement to hold someone to, so this is an effective tactic by disingenuous kikes to destroy any support of a pro-white candidate if he hasn't been 'GAS ALL KIKES' since he was in diapers.

I don't see any discussion happening anymore. Moldy ass threads interspersed with ZERO effort shit tier cuckchan threads and you have a catalog that is not worth perusing anymore. I used to love digging through those top threads about interesting discussions, now there is none. Then you might ask, why dont I make the thread? Well, I could bring back a few of the threads that were popular in the past that I used to do (European Art, Myth/Truth, Memory Hole threads) but where is my incentive? The mods have clearly thrown their hands up after a clearly tiring and nerve wracking year of banning shills. Honestly, having been a BO of my own, I know how it drives you crazy with everyone reporting and screaming at you and walking the tightrope of being a mod/vol. It's honestly hard. I couldn't imagine what kind of mindfuck it is to mod over Holla Forums, and sometimes I don't want to imagine. Well, it's clear this exhaustion has set in, and they can't provide the shill immune response that they used to.

I don't need an echochamber, but what I don't stand is endchan/shareblue/whoever the fuck else kikes stepping in and providing skinner box type replies like 'X IS A KIKE' without expanding why. This 'shill' term has now been turned against us and prevents us from having a decent conversation which now leaves us self-neutered.

I was the guy who led the fight against TRS. I was the BO of /trs/. If anyone who knows about fighting kikes it's me. Someone board claimed my board away from me, but you can check the Holla Forums board mod leak that happened a while back and see that the BO is animeisrael at the email [email protected]. Well this is my account, and I'll respond to anyone curious to prove that it's true. I'm working to get /trs/ back but I think I've proven my case (that I can back up with very specific knowledge of the TRS shitshow).

Anyway, Nehlen showing up on a TRS podcast doesn't make him someone I can't support. TRS is a shitshow but that just means Nehlen doesn't understand the TRS menace, not that he's infected to begin with.

What's all this anti-Nehlen stuff anyway? I haven't been following it. Just saw he posted on his Twitter that he's reading Culture of Critique, arguably the best book ever written at exposing the kikes.

What, he's an American politician who said he liked kikes in the past? That's all that's against him when he's plugging Culture of Critique now?

cut and paste response

Yes, that's the essence of it.

So the usual of trying to make Holla Forums a perpetual circle jerk rather than taking everything we can get to spread racial and jew awareness to the masses.


NOT ALOT HAPPENING LATELY it will happen and when it does you'll be here and be happy that you still have a place like this THE BEER HALLS/BATH ROOM WALLS OF THE INTERNET. welcome to freedom

i can code heres the new pol

Fucking this.

A vote is a vote for ZOG.

Fucking lol.

Quality here have been terrible lately, I guess it's time to give up imageboards once and for all.
I'm starting to think that all imageboards will eventually be cuckchanned.
I learned a lot of stuff here, and I wish I could personally thank a few anons for all the interesting information they shared.

Nah, a certain level of circle jerkiness is helpful. Not all ideas are equal. Except now we have a very coordinated group of malintents running rampants along with very weak wristed cuckolds from reddit who in a better time would have been shoahed so cohesion could be maintained. Now we have people shilling for shilling itself.

There is nothing 'skin thickening' about having your signal/noise ratio disrupted by disingenuous kikes, kike.

This is the 4th thread on this guy that has not been deleted. Holla Forums is being shilled by an outside force that can't check the catalog

Not even in the top 10, read the Protocols instead

im being serious why not move to Holla Forums+ (aka DDMM)

cut and paste excuses

Yeah, maybe in 8ch archives of Holla Forums. You know, where they keep all your meta-data and posts?

The shill is strong in this one.
Don't pay attention to 8/pol/ goyim, it's dead now. Nothing to see here.
(((The wave, continues.)))

speak english not nerd


Which dead Primarch's world are we?

we have more than pol at DDMM (tm) try it today

Protocols are fine but too hyperbolic for people nowadays. CoC has the best breakdown of jewish influence in America out there, primarily using their own sources for the case. Unless you are completely intellectually dishonest, this book proves with jews, you lose.


Trump is likely the only person preventing many /plol/locks from going full IRA or something equivalent. And I think it's too soon to tell where Trump stands with Israel. Israel is a very complicated issue.

Why does it return you to 8ch?

It is not hyperbolic in the least, everything in the book is happening as we speak. CoC has a shitty breakdown and is written by someone who not only admitted in an AMA he took most of the idea for the book and some content from a better book, The International Jew, but he supports jews as well. The book is decent for the alt-kike crowd, but it still doesn't make the top 1 best books at exposing the kikes. You push this book and dismiss the Protocols not because of the actual content in the books, but because you like the namefag author that likes muh based kikes

I think he's saying he wants mods to pay attention to the sorry state of the board and the rampant shilling/demoralization/D&C.
Honestly, if it isnt anything other than completely organic sentiments, The Eurobros haven't been very brotherly lately. They've been rather shit to us and if it keeps going, Americans are going to have no choice but to abandon Holla Forums, maybe start something new. We can't deal with people telling us we need to impeach or ignore the president 24/7 and hope something bad happens to him along with the left because apparently he's ZOG, even though his policies are anti-kike in practice. They keep on buying into the lip service he's giving the jews and yes, the line IS drawn. If he does fuck up on DACA, the wall or the mudshit ban somehow, we will turn on him. You don't have to constantly fucking remind me. These fucking assholes won't let us have our political discussions unabated, without some piece of shit posting the goblin meme, insinuating that we're "mutts" and as such, we should not be allowed to be nationalists. We can't share a board with such people, it's not gonna last.

Baseless accusations based on both acute and irate sperging that has no restraint.
I'd offer you some kind of advise or applicable retort, but I'm afraid you've either devolved into irreprehensible kikery or are the exact thing you seem to have come here to rail about.

Also, thx for the encouragement that we are on-target. Your shilling is much appreciated and your salt is delicious.

well if they are dumb enough for that to be the case whatever "equivalent" they may carry about will be an incompetent disaster.

The amerim utt thing is a brit/kike/ meme. Don't hate all the eurobros because of that shitty subgroup of anglokikes. You are now realizing why everyone hates brits.

Why are they baseless?
Scripted Response

Then you have the cocksuckers who want to play everything off as not really a big deal, even though they arent told the same things we are. They seem to have some form of solidarity with each other, a sentiment that doesn't seem to be shared with us.
Because we don't fucking have to. Fuck you.

Yeah mebbe. If Trump is an Israeli plant or simply a blind Zionist then democracy has sincerely failed and the only recourse is what..? Really hoping Trump is /ourguy/ and playing chess.

No, it's a better book because it's much more applicable to modern people directly today, plus the stigma behind the Protocols, which should be read afterwards, with the detailed analysis in CoC of how jews took over the perception of race, immigration reform, and installed political correctness.

Concerning MacDonald's views on there being good jews, he's just an older boomer so has remnants of niceties. Those of us who are young and become jew-wise today end up with no such pretenses of there being any kind solution.

Coordinated shilling, even!
Ee gads lads, they think it works!

This is some solid 6D reverse backgammon shilling right here.

There's really not; once you get all the data it's mainly just using this place for a not kike'd news source.

And I know everything in the Protocols is happening as we speak, but it doesn't have the amount of citations directly from jews' mouths and pens in publications anyone can look up to verify. You have to connect the dots in the Protocols and conclude it must be true because what their alleged plans were came true, whereas in CoC it's all directly cited and proven for you - which is a much better way to convince the intellectual crowd.

Don't stop now, you're glowing brighter even!

And why were you not redpilling them? Actually, we have a massive shift in our favor among normalfags. You're supposed to step up your game and teach them.

Everyone bitching about voting and politicking ITT is a lying faggot who has no better plan. Fuck all of you shills.

Went to see popular boards. Found this on Holla Forums. Apparently the entire board is gone. Went to lefty/pol/. No more than 50 responses on average (mods talking to mods).

/christian/ is still doing well calling each other's church devil worship. Holla Forums is slow and most posts are on 4ch.

Is there an exodus or is it a larp? Why didn't anyone tell me?

scripted responses

Might have something to do with the fact that you are the most obvious opposition lurker ever seen.

I'm sure they wen't to 2pphchan, fellow anonymous poster.

What anons can't share a board with is TRSholls shitting up the board and trying to divide Holla Forums and drive anons into their honeypots

Fix your spacing
How so? The book doesn't cover nearly as much as it should and the author actually likes jews. Besides that is a shit metric to cover which is the better boook when your previous metric of which one was better at exposing the jews falls on the protocols, it is just TRS shills for CoC and against the Protocols
There is more stigma around CoC today, most have never heard of the Protocols. CoC is not that good of a book, the subject matter was better in the previous 4 volumes by Ford

Even niggers can understand the Protocols, you might want to read it before pushing for controlled opposition which is mentioned int he Protocols themselves

Should we start counting how many kikes and traitors he's appointing?
We deserve to be shittalked; we're the ultimate golem. The original "masons" wanted to steer history and the "discovery" of the New World into the creation of a new Atlantis, but as they were infiltrated and subverted, that plan became instead a plot to create a new Jerusalem. They succeeded. America is the heart of the ZOG empire in our time and Americans of European descent have been viciously severed from their roots both culturally and genetically. Our goal for post-DotR should be the shattering of the nation into cultural colonies tied to mother nations in Europe so that we can re-establish connections with our heritage and perform eugenics to clean our gene pools. Until then, we really are nothing more than the attack dogs of the kikes. We're the ones responsible for destroying Germany twice, and non-Soviet Europe along the way.

This is what nu-Holla Forums actually believes.

Who funds Paul Nehlen?

Wait, shit, nigger, you're telling me that hasbarafag is TRS?

The anti-nehlen kike has appeared.

Imkampy did a good job killing Holla Forums. Let's give him a hand

Notice that people really won't be satisfied with literally anything that doesn't round up every kike in the oven. Admirable, but retarded. It's as if someone is building you a base and giving you weapons and telling you where the enemies are and you say "they're still buying weapons from the kikes so I'm going to be pissy until they've fought the war for me."

Yes, yes, that's nice.
Tell us more about how this site is dead because the user-base doesn't support Zionism.

But please answer the question: Who. Funds. Paul Nehlen?

unparalleled violence that 99% of people will claim you are going to hell for

Hyperbole: The Post



Yes, good job user. That's a hyperbole. That's how you use it. Did you get the point it was making?


If you start dividing by geography your letting the D&C shills win they want Holla Forums to divide so it could fracture into a tiny little pieces. You think they will stop? No, they will divide between dixie and yanks or east coast and west coast and won't stop until it becomes state vs state.

Notice how the shill can only repeat likely focus grouped phrases, exactly as you might expect a person reading from a script. Ignoring the fact Nehlen is a self made multimillionaire who has admitted to self funding and receives a lot of donations from people in WI-1.

None of this matters to him, he'll likely respond with the same phrase right back. Then he won't provide an alternative, because he isn't trying to build, only tear down people who appear to be anti-kike candidates. People are shaking in their boots at a Nehlen run, the shilling has increased markedly.

It's nice to see a fellow oldfag.
Too bad it's in this shit thread.

There is no political solution. It really is just that simple

The point was exaggeration of the oppositions position to justify a strawman argument. Its been a strategy only becoming more prevelant since the end of the election. So yes, I got it.

I thought it was a Holla Forums baseless story before, but then I saw that sticked thread.
At least for me, it is over, call me a shill, ban me, call me a kike, say whatever you want, but at least you schizophrenic anons who believe everyone is a shill/kike and I can agree with something, this place is as compromised as cuckchan.

You're saying our mods are good because they (usually) ban nigger dick spam. That's a VERY low bar.

Should've seen what I was replying to then. I see you're not a fan of context.

Just like Trump, right?

Sheldon donated in the last 10 days of the campaign you fucking kike shill, get fucked. Sheldon withheld support until the last moment when it was clear when Trump would win and he wanted to curry favor, and even then it was to the RNC where it went to the cabal of anti-Trump GOPe kikes. You are a disingenuous/stupid kike and I care not to parse out which.

Going to 4/pol/ after being here for a while feels disgusting. I don't know much about our mods here but compared to the garbage they leave on the board at 4chan this is a fucking paradise.
Their /gif/ is also most explicitly interracial (BMWF) cuck porn. Interesting.

The context doesn't help your case user, because everything you were responding to was accurate.
A clever attempt at redirection away from your blatant hyperbolic rhetoric though.

Trump hasn't given us shit. WE give HIM weapons and he hasn't done anything with them in his year in office. The wall hasn't been built, the border is still open, we're still sending aid to Israel, Marxists are still running rampant in our education system, the media is still utterly controlled by the enemy.

We built the base and the weapons. He won on OUR platform, and has failed to follow through. At best, he's pathetic.

Most people will tell you you're not welcome and call it infiltration from halfies. I say welcome and the assfags who contribute nothing but shillery can rage on.

No you can have threads on cuckchan. You just can't post very well because of (((google))).

They're driving down the user base with CATPCHA


You can't post user on 4chan while on a VPN. 4chan is beyond saving, as this place is. They're just more open about it.

Who is Renaissance Technologies? If you said a company owned by kikes that funds both sides of the political spectrum and was one of Trump's largest donators, you are correct.
I'd post images demosntrating how many Jewish donors Trump had, but I'm posting via proxy because I got banned for saying Trump's direct ties to judaism in his immediate family are likely to influence his thought processes on the issue of jews.

Thanks endchan, you can leave now. I never claimed he wasn't a philosemite.

Anyone got that one image? You know, the screencap with a lot of text one. My hard drive suicided itself and took my image folder with it.


I also wound up getting banned awhile back for posting an image that deconstructed that image and demonstrated how most of it was utter bullshit/not beneficial.

But yeah, the problem with this site is that the populace and mods don't support Trump.

scripted responses
scripted responses
scripted responses
scripted responses
scripted responses
scripted responses

(((Google captcha will kill 4/pol/)))

(((news threads and cross-posting and anchors and constant bans will kill 8/pol)))


I can accurately tell my enemy that my gun is loaded while he shoots me. What good did that do anyone? Likewise, when someone tries to alert you that you're walking in circles you should thank them. Perhaps try a reflection of reality and compare.

Let me guess, Q-user is entirely a larp, the MSM is the narrative that makes what's happening relevant, and Drumpf is as much of a meme as the TV channel makes it out to be.

the solution is NOT remain contained. spread like a virus. that's the game plan of your overlords

I disagree but the solution to all these problems is a federated imageboard system with subscribable mods. See smugboard or nntpchan for projects in the works. Just as we evolved from the 4chan system to this one, we will continue to refine our homes.

Care to go on about Trump? Why do you feel that way?

You can post, but VPN and non-VPN is being blocked by (((Google))). You have to do the pictured like 5 times to post more than twice

Take your own advice m8.


What way?

Holding Trump to a higher standard than Big H now, are we?

Hello, (((you))). It's about time you revealed yourself beyond a doubt.

Then post your deconstruction image. It's not like I haven't already reported you for ban evasion.


Where did I chastise him for not killing jews? What I said is that he failed to follow through on the actual campaign promises he made.

Who tf is hasabrafag?

Lurk more, you'll find out. No, seriously, you will, he's pretty hard to miss.

Hello, reddit, its about time you went back to reddit.

Are you retarded? I already told you, I can't post images because I'm posting via proxy because the mods banned me for suggesting something against the narrative.

More hyperbole.

That was my point user - the mods DO, viciously, support Trump. They've banned like half the userbase at one point or another for saying something they interpret to be anti-Trump. Thus, the idea that OP came in here crying that this site is dead because the mods aren't EVEN MORE vicious in their support of Trump is laughable.



Oh yea, waifu pointed out that the shills used to constantly distract with eye candy to get the younger posters distracted with tits rather than arguments. So this guy is an good example of their new attempts at shit shill I guess.