What would happened if someone mod weapons and enemys into a walking simulator game?
What would happened if someone mod weapons and enemys into a walking simulator game?
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Then it would become an actual game.
I don't understand the question.
You'd have a modern AAA masterpiece GOTY.
the thing is, nobody ever did it.
well than, take another gameplay mechanic.
the fuck are you on?
Fuck off and take Gone Homo with you.
I never said that you dumb cunt
he is implaying, user. You have to lurk more.
Yes I purposefully warped your post just like you did mine. Maybe now you'll understand the point you made is fucking retarded.
I never said "only games with weapons and enemies are actual games."
Oh yeah?
Well you're stupid
i'm retarded when it comes to modding, never going to happened that i could make a mod but i think it could work very well to add some enemys to these walking sim games. I played maybe one or two of these games and i always was thinking "damn, some enemys now would be cool"
oy vey' !? Is 9c9a0b a triggerd socjus dev?
you would get dayz
It might be a bait post but it is true. There exist several platformers that dont have weapons and enemies and you cant say that they have no gameplay. Here is a classic flash game that proves my point armorgames.com
It might be a bait post but it is true. There exist several platformers that dont have weapons and enemies and you cant say that they have no gameplay. Here is a classic flash game that proves my point armorgames.com
It would crash because the game itself isn't programmed to deal with that kind of situation?
take most moddable friendly game, maybe dear ester because its source engine or was it Unreal4? anyway, both are mod friendly and try it out.
Wow, you mean to tell me that not all games have weapons and enemies? That's truly amazing, a new paradigm, a new age of videogames is upon us.
These. You would get a really boring game with lots a walking.
You don't say?
well than, take 'firewatch' and put fire as an enemy in the game.
How long will it take walking simulator fans to realize that being the most vocal group against shooters or combat mechanics doesn't make them seem like they're an in group with anyone other than themselves, or that constantly proclaiming themselves to be an underdog community doesn't help either? It feels like the entire genre has existed out of spite for a very long time.
Don't even need weapons, just mod in the Texas Gang Rape Squadron and that Walking Simulator got a whole lot more interesting.
Then it becomes a triggering simuator
you'd end up with a Bethesda game.
I legitimately want to see someone take Gone Home and mod it into a horror game.
Not a new paradigm by a long shot.
There HAS been games without guns, games based on not shooting enemies left and right already. A game merely just needs to challenge, and they challenged with puzzles, reading comprehension, or reflexes.
I am not going into the topic of relative difficulty.
He was being sarcastic you dumb, filthy cur.
Not understanding satire or sarcasm is a sign of autism by the way user.
Please go back to school
Fucking says you.
Being intentionally obtuse to Captain Obvious is also fun. Consider yourself trolled.