NatSoc Physical Training

I know there are several individuals here who are very much into physical training. It is a new year and time that I get my lard ass into shape. I need some routines which the Whermacht would have used back in the day. I have yet to find a physical training manual from the war. I can translate to some extent if someone were to find it. Any suggestions?

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Whatever your daily lift is, do 1 set of 20 and that's it.
You'll look like a god in a matter of weeks.

Why do you espouse ultra-high rep?


> 20 reps is ultra high.

do these exist? or did they burn it all?

Lmao. Babbys first workout

This is what I've been doing, for about 2 months now, to great results:
Do this set 3 times. It will take 30-40 minutes to do.

Start out small if you need to, but slowly work up to this. The best part is you can do it entirely from home.

Are you really going to pretend that 20 reps is not more than double what most people consider to be high rep?

I’ve only been lifting for 4.5 years and to hear someone say 20 is ultra high rep is quite honestly repulsive. Are you really that impressed with yourself to believe doing 20 of anything is ultra high? If so just give up now.


300 push ups. 20 every 90 seconds.

Dips. Straight up and down, no leaning forward (become a Kangaroo) 10 sets of 10.

Sit ups/planks for stomach muscle but this will not get you a flat ab.
Running will. When's the last time you saw a gut on a Marathon Runner?

Pull up bar.

Lunges. Walk a path. Each step place one knee down to the ground and the raise. Alternate.

Calf raises. Just stand and raise upon your calfs.

Highest reps wins lean and mean machine. Avoid maxing. One bad max and your toast. High reps develops endurance strength. And in a battle. Nothing counts more than endurance.

You must be either a nigger or with the iq of sub 50 to believe that 20 reps is not considered ultra high rep. Power lifters TYPICALLY rep between 2-5 regular lifters between 4-10 and your autistic ass between 15-20.

Sorry you think you are special.

Enlighten me please.

What's the point of doing jumping jacks?

I wish I could laugh in your face. Like I said.

I mean that. If you think 20 push ups at a clip is ultra high reps, you haven’t stepped foot into a gym. Sage for this dumbass soyboy trying to get his hand held into a gym.

Nigger are you really this retarded.

We have already established that, but com on son.

Literally no one when talking about rep number is talking about push ups except your nigger ass.

20 repetitions, depending upon your set ranges is high rep, maybe not "ultra" but high. If you are looking to build lean muscle mass you need to be aiming for hypertrophy which would mean sets of 10-15 or 8-12. You should never go into a set with a rep range in mind, you should be looking to fail (caveat: compound or Olympic lifts with no spotter you should probably not look to reach failure).

Based on what I have seen from others on here the preferred body type for our lifestyle dictates high T levels. This is promoted by a mixture of high weight lower rep range compound lifts with an emphasis on the back and lower body, meaning lean more heavily on dead lifts, squats, power-cleans, etc. Do not ignore isolation exercises, body weight exercises or cardio.

If you promote lean muscle mass your BMR will rise and thus your fat level should decrease unless you make no effort to at least keep your calorie intake constant. If you must take in more calories make sure they are weighted more heavily toward lean proteins. High protein diets are much more satiating.

Probably a lot of bodyweight stuff. I did read in some soldier's account about one guy being the envy because he could do 50 knee bends without fatigue.

Do 5/3/1, don't forget to warm-up, and after stretch and use a foam roller to prevent injuries.

We on the hard right need to hijack the American Turners

Physical fistfight? No. First I advise everyone to stay away from soy and train strength and only strength as it is the basis and most important part, then if you have the resource train other things but strength is the bare minimum and will have the most positive impact on your psyche, and strength is harder to acquire as you get older.

Now I may favor strength but I know that everything is interlinked, limiting yourself to one thing will always have drawbacks, it is why we say never say never.

deleted. sry bro, ur not allowed to get fit

The US army copy and pasted allot of their doctrine after the war.

I'd probably go with "Beyond 5/3/1 but good choice. Learn proper form, use proper programming and have a proper diet. Also do some cardio. If you haven't done any ever, start with something like CouchTo5K or at least some biking/rowing/swimming. Work up to full on sprints, lots of them

Oh really? How many proper push-ups can you do in one set?

I told you i am out of shape shitskin so now about 40 or so

This literally has nothing to do with the fact that your nigger as is wrong.

to add variety to jumping up and down, I guess, which is a nice thing to do to keep warm. Only the leg motion makes sense to me though, I don't understand the arm thing.

How to get /fit/ for retards
If you feel it necessary you can toss some shekels at your local gym, but just know you can also work out without equipment.

Stopped reading.
Here is some material to get anyone starting in the gym. The playlists are optional but i would recommend the rest of the material until you can figure out things on your own. However i do recommend the klokov one, because sitting is cancer. The reason i hate these threads is because everyone has very different goals depending on where they start and any answer is open for attacks. I will probably get some flak for some of the links despite being aimed at beginners. Just build a good foundation and then decide what to do with your life be it bodyweight, martial arts, military or whatever. At least you will learn a lot about the body in the process.

Squats Part 1: Fold-Ability and Proportions
Squats Part 2: Fold-Ability and Proportions (Examples and Adjustments)
Problems With Squat Illustrations
Deadlifts - Part 1
Deadlifts - Part 2
Squat Stretch
Back Extensions (Klokov)
5 Step Deadlift
Full Workshop Series
Basic Barbell Tutorials
Common Injuries
Beginner guide
Fitness goal program picker
Tool (could be used for comparison and to set goals, but see About & FAQ to determine if you find this relevant at all)

Not him but
Pushups are a meme if you are skinny and have decent cardio. There is no use in this penis size competition unless given more information and even then it is a meaningless comparison if one can't translate the strength into e.g. martial arts or other skills. Doing pushups does not grow food, give shelther or offer protection so just leave it be.

Thank for the wordfilter. That could have been embarrassing.

Nah, here's a good home workout, only about 30 minutes and actually builds strength. Do anywhere to 3-5 reps. Depends how you're feeling or how much weight you have in a backpack.
A minute for each rep. 30 second breaks. Put rocks or weights in a backpack if you need more of a challenge

Jumping jacks excel as a form of warm-up and dynamic stretching, especially for body-weight training. Otherwise you risk injuring yourself and lowering performance. It also doubles as good for when you're doing cardio training, and as a result, can be used for when you're mixing cardio into your workout.

Anything higher than 15 reps is extremely high. You're going to generally only see anything in the 10-15 range if you're focusing on muscle endurance, and that's involving a much lower amount of weight being pushed. When going for strength, you're looking looking at half that amount.

However, this assumes you're talking about exercises involving high amounts of weight. If you're doing body-weight training (push-ups, sit-ups, etc.) you can't apply that same logic. In these cases, you have to think of the count in the same way you would think of the weight. So rather than adding weight to each rep, you're adding push-ups to each rep. Which means your sets should be extremely high - because what you're doing is endurance training, not strength training. I also find doing reps "to exhaustion" at lower weights can be useful.

And before some idiot jumps in: Yes, endurance training will make you stronger. You will not see gains nearly as rapidly, but they will be far more sustainable. You will also tend to look much leaner. Technically, all of this is considered "strength training".

All of this being said, this:

Is an absolutely terrible idea. You'll see some results, that's certainly true. And if you've never lifted before, the gains you'll see from just starting out will definitely show. But this comes with very limited returns, especially in the long run, and a much higher risk of injury.

Moving on to OP:

No, you don't. Physical fitness may have been valued in the Reich, and they were operating with better working knowledge than a lot of their rivals,but that doesn't mean much. Actual knowledge of proper fitness has advanced a great deal in the past decades.

Under no circumstances consult the US military. The military practices training which is meant to be applied in a basic training type scenario. It's most athletic people are the ones who do none of this shit, and just straight up do weight training and running. Never both at the same time. The training you see in Army or Marine manuals and instructional courses can be consulted purely to see things you should never do.

If you already heavy, you're not going to want to start off with running - but you will need to get around to doing that in the future. You're going to want to change your diet to something with a lot more fruit and vegetables. At this point, I would recommend getting into endurance-type training with body-weight exercises.

I would say as a jump point, without a gym:
- 1 set of push-ups (80% max) before your daily shower
- 3 sets of push-ups (80%/80%/exhaust) every other day
- equal set of push-ups
- equal set of squats
- equal sets of other shit like hanging on trees or doing dips or basically just anything that isolates a single muscle group to push or pull your fat ass against random objects around the house

When you're in the "overweight" range BMI-wise:
- 1 run every other day (just do something)

While doing all of this you can start digging. If something looks bullshit, or you come across someone saying "this is the definitive way" or "this is the fastest way", then you can immediately discard that into the trash. If someone tries to sell you something, it's immediately trash.

Get a mat of some kind for core exercises so you don't chap your ass and feeling like you skinned yourself when you get in the shower - it's not a good feeling. Make sure protein is your major source of calories, or at least, as much as fits your budget (assuming you want a lot of strength - don't do this at the start). Personally, I'd recommending investing in an MP3 player with ear-buds; you'll want music, but phones are heavier and more distracting. Start reading up online - /fit/ should have a few guides, and /pdf/ might have some stuff if you dig about - and try to educate yourself. Just throw some questions into StartPage, or even statements with their antithesis (throw something like "endurance training is best" and then "strength training is best" and see commentaries on both).

In the end, getting /fit/ is a personal thing. There is no single correct solution because everyone has different goals and ideals. You need to take the leap on your own.

Strength is important, but not decisive. Being trained so you know how to use your strength is more important. Proper balance, form, speed, and reflexes will all help you a great deal more in a fist fight. Strength becomes a little more important on the ground, but only if you have the technique.

Pain tolerance is also important, but that's not quite as easy to build up. So too are factors like aggression and quick thinking - the latter which is amplified principally by experience, which is the true king of combat.

No matter how through the purge was, at least a few copies would have survived, if nowhere else, then in eastern Europe. We're talking about millions of soldiers, there's no way one didn't manage to bury or otherwise hold onto his copy. I'm not sure why info on it is so scarse, but if OP really can mange some kraut speak, it may be best to simply ask them directly, as if anyone would know about a copy floating around online, it'd be them. /Deutschpol/, KC, some other place off the beaten track, someone will know.

Might as well correct the record before someone believes that i don't suggest pushups. I was refering to the need to compare stats with poor information (while most lifts in the gym except for pullups and dips are not that dependent on bodyweight).

I don't know what the Wehrmacht did but I can give some pointers,

lean meats are your friend

3 types of muscle exist type 1 muscle is body builder muscle essentially fluffy muscle type 1 muscle is obtained by using high weight and low reps, type 2 muscle is dynamic muscle think football player muscle cross fit essentially creates this type, type 3 muscle is endurance muscle which allows someone to combine high explosive strength with many repetitions this is the muscle desired for combat as it combines body weight exercises with medium weight very high rep weight training and running or swimming essentially what most armed forces put you through in training

/fit/ told me you have to eat big to get big
and we're all going to make it

high reps can be defined by thinking of low reps max weight and working backwards so if you're max weight is 20 lbs dumbbells and low reps is 5 reps 2 sets of reps then low weight high reps would be 10 lbs weights 25 reps x 3 etc.

cut out all of the artificial crap snacks and soda you can slowly add them back to your diet but your body needs to detox and get back into prime shape during the first few weeks

fat and cholesterol are needed in your diet to make muscle and testosterone

selenium iron and zinc are probably lacking from your diet vitamin D as well so supplement your diet with these vitamins and minerals

here is what i have been doing lately
i like it because it's simple and easy

day A
pushups 100 reps
day B
run as far as possible in 101 seconds
day C
pullups 10.2 reps
day D
run as far as possible in 103 seconds

so add one for each succeful day
feels good man
infinite gains

how do you do .2 of a pullup?

you go up one fifth of a pull up

Good post. I’ll agree with most of what you said. For Progressive loading workout routines, yea anything after 10 is unnecessary. However that isn’t to say like you mentioned endurance training is still an excellent form of training and is currently what I’m doing for my cut. I’ll do 400-500 reps in under 45 mins of various workouts then a 10-20 min cardio session. Anything from weighted dips, push-ups, squats, deadlifts, mountain climbers, shrugs, bicep curls, bench press, you name it I do it. I also throw in a day of heavy dead’s and squats(500+/400+). And that’s at a BW of 245 @15bf.

Granny puts a lot of you boys to shame. However, that weight is what I do shrugs with. Btw, start doing shrugs….the muscle grows freakishly fast and gives you that thick neck.

All great work-outs.

I think one big factor that gets missed a lot is time. If you have only one hour to work-out, you have to think a lot differently than, say, a NEET who has the full day available. Your resources available also determine a lot.

Truth be told, I honestly think all of the stuff we do for physical training is kind of bullshit. It all works, and honestly, I think it's actually pretty fun to go into the gym and toss some weight around. But I can't hold a candle in overall "fitness" to a friend of mine who's main work-out is indoor/outdoor rock climbing. The guy can't lift nearly as much as me - he's pretty small - but his physique is amazing, and he's got great cardio on top of it. Hell, I think his fastest run on record was after he hadn't gone running for over a month.

I also knew a guy while growing up who held the secret of success to be "digging a hole". Amazingly strong, amazingly fast, and all from just doing farm work - including digging and then filling in very large holes.

Personally, I wouldn't want to dig a hole, and I'm not a big fan of climbing, so I go with the gym. But from experience, I definitely have to say that "serious" fitness comes more from the lifestyle you lead - in work and hobbies alike - than it does anything else.

Just do starting strength, MMA and firearms training.

scapular pulls?
There great for beginners to learn to do pullups after learning negatives Also It's full range or it doesn't count

Climbing and sprint training will give you a much greater chance of survival for any given situation. I think 80kg for an average height male is a good weight to be at as you can generate enough speed and power for fighting as well.
Jump training as well will help your survivability.

Tactical firearms training

Not a fan of Crossfit?

All true.

what about psychological training?

I usually just take weapons into the field and do field-grade combatives with them…but I have never been a star athlete or anything. It does keep one in adequate shape though. It's a shame I moved to a place where I can't do that right now REEEEEEEE