St John Paul II ‘had vision of an Religion of Cuck™ist invasion of Europe’

Other urls found in this thread:



We the people.

when someone drives a car and strives to be the fastest and make first place and win, are they attacked and shamed for being racist?
when someone lifts a heavy weight and struggles to be the strongest, do people demand they be weaker so that they may be more fair to everyone else?
when someone gives their sweat, blood, and tears to protect their own family, their own people, and their own country, must they apologize for wanting to be free and safe?

loving your own people and your own country does not mean that you hate everyone else. it's okay to be white. you are not guilty of a crime for being the best you can be. you are not a monster for wanting a better world for your grandchildren. you are not a disease for spreading good ideas to your countrymen. you are you. do the best you can to be the best you can. help those around you be the best they can too.

We are often told that Holla Forums is always right, but to be truly honest we must give credit where credit is due. God is always right, and it is God who has chosen us to drink memes from the breast of life. it is God who guides us through this maze of darkness and deception, and it is God who will save us from those who hate the innocent.

it is highly unlikely that the board owner and mods on Holla Forums and similarly named boards on similar chan sites are not working for shareblue/another shill agency linked to the dnc and the un/eu/globalists.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

we are being targeted and subverted by multiple disinformation terrorist shill cells who hate us for telling the truth, and simply being who we are.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

never forget the connection that Holla Forums has to /x/

This plan was known for a very long long time and the most logical.
The polan pope is hardly a prophet.
aka lick their feet an assimilate into the mongrel race


When the peoples of Europe return to the embrace of the gods to whom they are connected by blood.


Well duh, he was in on it. Vatican II is cancer, as is your post.

Reported for trying to blend in and failing miserably.

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

anti-sage bump

Thread being slid H A R D


and it looks like he's used to doing circumcisions

I keked heartily when I saw that on drudge. How can anyone see that and not immediately think "there is something profoundly wrong here". Fuck that baby statue even looks like its enjoying it. Sick fucks.

When he said 'vision' did he mean dream? John Paul II was no less in on this shit than the current fucker but he remained more crypto about it.


Look at all the shills flocking to this thread. Kikes are terrified of white people being united as Christians again.

Really activates my almonds.

OP, you're not very bright. Holla Forums is anti-Christian and has been for a couple of years now, partly due to D&C shills and partly due to the IQ drop Holla Forums has undergone recently. If you want a more serious discussion, go to >>>/christian/.

That isn't the pope. That's a fraud.

christians aren't white, they're christian. just like jews are't white, they're jewish. christians don't give a fuck about race. look at how big a deal it is to "save souls" and convert heathens in savage places like china and africa. they want the world christian, not white. white isn't a priority, christianity is.

I love my Polish Pope, he even got shot by an angry mudslime.
We need him back, just to fight this false pope, or get Benedikt back into action and reclaim his place to throw down that argentinian "pope".

You forgot Poland.


Pick one, Christianity is a divisive religion created by Semites specifically for the purpose of drafting the lower castes of other races into a messianic cult which overturns their own traditions and cultures. Europeans cannot be united by the foreign teachings of a false religion from an evil race.

At what point was Europe united under Christianity? Nearly every brother war fought from the twilight of Rome to the present day has had Christianity as an inciting factor. Protestants and Catholics consider their counterparts not to be Christians, and most other sects of the Yeshua cult similarly state that only their sect is the true Christianity. Even the Christcucks here will state that only their special snowflake interpretation of the Semitic holy texts are correct. There has never been a unified Christendom.

He keeps spamming that shit in multiple threads. I think he's trying to get TORposting banned or something.

Literally the one example. Not even Hungary is christ crazy and they do the same shit.

No it simply means that these fedoratippers are fucking retarded for saying that Christianity is the wrong way. It has been used for centuries to control the masses, and no, jews weren't in control.


So he sees a vision of invasion. Literally warns no one or makes little effort to including the retard he told claiming he did to him while the invasion is well underway. Then proceeds to demoralize about armies being pointless preaching the same old give up attitude ("Gods Plan", "Allahs Will") sentimental bullshit.

You don't even need more examples of the absolute weakness of Catholicism and modern day Christianity at this point. Way to go with your vision bro. For some reason a greater power than your material self felt the need to provide you with eyes to see and you chose to do nothing.

Talk about being an absolute failure.

So you know nothing whatsoever about Holla Forums. Got it.

Also a reminder that the majority of christians are non-whites in the third world. The Thirty Years War was the first to be called a "Total War" and killed over half of the german population. The Swedish protestant army was even financed by Catholic France, just with the intent to fracture and destroy Germany, meanwhile the Turks, their historical allies, marched upon Hungary unopposed.

Not to mention the pedophilia and the direct importation of their christian "brothers" from Africa into Europe by their "missions" that they do to follow "christian teachings"…

All christcucks need to lurk moar and look into Kirchenkampf…

Tip harder, please.

It is all about understanding, obviously, you are missing the point.
What good does an army serve, if it has no morality and attacks the ones it was supposed to serve instead?

Brother wars are a terrible thing, but they have been happening since time immemorial regardless of religion.

Whether the tippers and shills like it or not, Christianity is inextricably linked with nearly two thousand years of white culture and achievement. It was instrumental in driving moslems out of Europe the last time they seriously invaded. Until kikes began to succeed in making being anti-Christian a fashionable way for leftists to virtue signal, Christianity was the bulwark against degenerate cultural influences. It remains one of the best chances to unite all white people before it's too late, and thus kikes and their pets fear it.

The Church has been infiltrated and subverted though. No argument there.

Yeah, well now its being used to import the third world into white countries because brothers in christ bullshit. Polytheism was used for centuries too, things change.

I have a prophecy… Jews gunna jew now until forever.

He had a vision because he was in on it. You think he wouldn't shield muslims if muslims include pedophiles?

Actually, it was +Abp. Marcel Lefebvre [of the SSPX] who predicted this invasion back in 1989.

See here:

Pope John Paul II was known to kiss the fucking koran and celebrate voodoo with niggers. Probably had remorse for doing something stupid like that.

Because the Romans had such troubles dealing with arabs and Europe wouldn't have defended itself without christianity? Religion of Cuck™ wouldn't even exist without christianity and it's ideas of "universal conversion", much less without christianity weakening the Roman Empire and completely wiping out the classical world, to the point where we have to go to ruined places like Pompei to see it's remains…

I'm not saying infighting didn't happen before christianity, but that the idea that "christianity unites europeans" is a complete fallacy, propagated unorganically by "christian identity" shills out of their containment board, who are extremely unproductive to our cause and directly contradict National Socialist ideas and actions.

We don't care what leftists bark about, they're not worth it, christianity is an incompatible mentality and we will only get rid of it by pointing it out, not by appeasing it. While before christianity had a deafening silence towards degeneracy, preferring to set up missions in Africa to convert the subhumans, rather than to fix the kikery going on in Europe, nowadays they actually endorse it, proving for the millionth time that they are a worthless washed down kikery completely incompatible with the european nature. Hell, they even consented with the Rothschilds banking - their subversion, pedophilia and shady practices long are thousands of years old.

You don't see kikes subverting churches in the Third World, in fact, jews even align with them over there because they are proponents of socialism - not some "bullwark" against degeneracy - that is because they hate whites, their agenda is anti-white, not anti-christian, and the churches are complicit with this, and so is and putting "denomination" above race - these people are pushing a DISTRACTION.

Holy fucking shit, the shills are absolutely livid at this thread. I don't think I've ever seen so many kvetching kikes descend on a thread this fast, not even threads outing Shareblue or investigating Tavistock. This is some next-level butthurt.

Then why does the article say John Paul II had a vision of it? Disinfo?

Christianity is of the kikes and Christcucks are race traitors who serve the kikes. Christianity had nothing to do with our achievements, as all of the philosophy and science which has come from Christendom is based on Greek, Persian, and Egyptian traditions reintroduced to Europe through their preservation by mudslimes. Reintroduction was necessary in the first place because Christcucks plunged Europe into a dark age through their destruction of native cultures as well as the "Roman" (truly a mix of cultures ranging from ancient Egyptians and Greeks through to contemporary Germans) culture and implementation of backward Semitic ideas. There is no influence more degenerate than Christianity because it is a religion of treason against one's own people in favor of adopting Semitic ways. The basic ritual of the cult is the consumption of the blood and flesh of a Semitic idol so as to enable communion with a Semitic tribal deity. Atheists would find such a ritual distasteful, but those who have studied the old ways understand that this is an offshoot of forbidden forms of magic which results in the participant becoming attuned to the Semitic race. Thus, Christcucks are spiritually corrupted to serve Semites while becoming more and more like those vile barbarians.

The Church has not been infiltrated and subverted, it was also a vehicle for infiltration and subversion by Semites.

Best Pope.


Slide tread.

You must be jew here then, because this is the standard reception for Christcuck threads since they attempted to take over Holla Forums a few years ago. Here, witness this relic of a past when Christcucks floated multiple "deus vult general" threads 24/7.

Tip somewhere else.

Reported for intl spam.


I don't think it's disinfo. He probably did have a vision - Probably God's way of reminding him of the First Commandment.

IMHO, Lefebrve was way more based and therefore more capable of seeing the danger of inviting these savages into Christian countries.


The standard reception for religious d&c like the kind you're peddling is a ban.


user, Holla Forums is a no-bullying zone. Please respect the rules.

Yeah, let's just ignore the inorganic shilling made by christians here and ban all discussion exposing them and their non-white asses…

So there's actually nothing wrong with the article in the OP.

There's literally nothing wrong with being Christian, Catholic, or Pagan as long as you want to gas every kike and pull the trigger on every nigger. Now begone with your tired d&c, Shekelstein.

You're screeching shill because you refuse to challenge the fact that john kike II was a pedo-enabler. When a jew gets in trouble he flees to Israel because muh dual-citizenship. When a catholikike gets in trouble he flees to vatican city.

Fuck off /christian/. You faggots are the most cucked board after Holla Forums. You would side with a racemix promoting pedo enabler before a non-christian white.

Actually he's right. Where the fuck have you been? Besides you're only hoping he gets banned because that would be one less person to debate.

What the fuck kind of nonsense is this? You just gave away that you have no idea what you're doing here.

This would be generally true but if you have seen enough christian threads on Holla Forums you would know that christians want double-standards and compromise on every thing Holla Forums finds sacred in the name of /theirjew/.

>“The Pope told me: ‘Tell this to those whom you will meet in the Church of the third millennium. I see the Church afflicted by a mortal wound. More profound, more painful than those of this millennium,’ referring to Communism and Nazi totalitarianism.

Have you read the OP? There is nothing wrong with following some interpretation of the jewish tradition over National Socialist ideas and putting "denomination" above race? Like the christians who don't care for the quality of their followers, just spamming more of them in places like Africa?

True christianity is incompatible with the European nature, modern christianity is cucked to the core and "christian identity" shills are extremely counterproductive to our cause and need to be exposed.

Lurk moar.

I've never been banned for spreading the truth about the false religion of Christianity, only for shittalking the mods. Furthermore, there is no such thing as "divide and conquer" when it comes to Christcucks. Christcucks have been divided from their own traditions by a foreign, evil power and thus conquered by the mortal manifestations of that power, Semites. To unite with Christcucks is to become conquered with them. In that regard, it would be more accurate to state that Christianity itself is "D&C," but decrying something as divide and conquer fodder is nothing more than an admission of being a shill unable to argue against that thing.

Christians are incapable of desiring to gas every kike, they worship a fictional kike and the tribal deity of the kikes. They are spiritually bound by their submission to a kike religion which has as its most basic ritual communion with a kike through consumption of blood and flesh. Christcucks are race traitors, whether they want to be or not. Anyone who said he worships Marx as the son of Yahweh and participates in spirit cooking would be run off, and Christianity is only different from that in that Marx was an actual being rather than the fictional amalgam of Semitic revolutionaries that is Yeshua.

If you aren't a follower of a European religion, you are not an ally of Europeans.

Bumping this thread because the kikes are apoplectic over it

Ratifying the bump.

Reported for bumping a slide thread.

As if there weren't enough signs already with this one.

Except that Lefebvre knew it before JP II and without having a 'vision.' (Just by being what a Catholic is supposed to be)

Back to your sand dune, sandnigger.

The account of JP II's vision isn't wrong though. Lefebvre just came to the same conclusion earlier.

This one's especially funny since Christendom, as a whole, from the top down, is literally cucking itself to Moslem invaders. It's like the double negative of ironies. Bravo to the mods, who apparently have tons of free time.

The muslim migrations were already materializing decades ago, this is not a fucking "prophecy", you fanatic shill. He even told people not to fight this, but to be "even more good goys and sheit", yet you dumb zogbots will continue to parrot this while say "BASED!"…

Tells a lot about your argumentation and loyalty, christcucko. Enjoy getting your non-white ass banned and stick to your containment next time.

That's an ironic thing to say considering (((you're))) getting banned for religious d&c as soon as the mods wake up.


I've never seen the kikes go into SHUT IT DOWN mode this hard over a thread before. Seriously, what the fuck?

All to keep shilling a slide-thread. You also didn't reply when said twice that you're a non-white, you filthy fucking spic scum.

Oops, I forgot to filter you. Sorry :^)

Or, you know, MAYBE users can see your bullshit and the inorganic narrative you're pushing, you sub-human. You bumped this thread 3 times now, all to bitch about "muh shills who are hurting your feelings" in a thread that is going to get locked…

Except he's not, the most that will happen is that this thread will be anchored. The mods rarely do anything.

Again, you have to be new then, because this is what happens to every Christcuck thread and it's been this way for at least a year. Race traitors aren't welcome here.

I see now, you're fresh off the boat. Go back.

He's not going to give anyone a serious well-thought answer because that means putting (((christianity))) to the test which it fails everytime. They do this on /christian/ too, and when posting amongst themselves. This means that no one there applies critical thought to their religion because doing so makes it fall apart at the seams. Everyone on /christian/ resorts to this behavior now. Not exaggerating in the slightest.

Oh where have I heard that before? Make the problem inconsolable and then have the goyim fix it for you with their blood to waste on fruitless struggle which wouldn't have happened had the Catholics not proliferated it.

this pasta is really shit

Pro-tip, the church he's talking about isn't the Catholic church, it's the church of Satan.

Maybe he shouldn't have opposed the one group that could've stopped all this before it started then, huh?

I want everybody to see this video.
I want everybody to see George Webb from the previous timeline at 1:01

Now I need situational awareness out of you all. Undertand what those vaults in the Catholic church are. Timelines, you always hear people talking about timelines and cannon. Open your mind.

He must be like, the physical manifestation of God or something. Wowee.

Are you trying to imply they were christians using that video? Because it says:

Just in case you are, really redpill yourself on Kirchenkampf and the executions, imprisonment and deportation of thousands of priests, the long emnity between the church and the Third Reich - the pope condemning it, clergy attacking Third Reich officials and so on - the catholic groups, the party of Angela Merkel today, were Hitler's main opponents inside Germany and even propped up militant groups like "The White Rose", during the war, effectively siding with the Rothschilds and the Soviets over the European people. They opposed eugenics due to "muh abortions", that is the level of cuckoldry and treason they were in. All you have to look at is the symbolism of the Reich, the parades, the inspirations and the fact they planned to replace the church after the war to dispell such ridiculous claim…

Which is why its really bothersome and ticked off some of the christcucks the minute it was pointed out.
If you weren't some useless disassociated individual to reality then you'd easily see that NATSOC was the only ones in modern history trying to reverse not just the 20th, not just the 19th, but at least up to the 18th centuries bad mistakes.

The disconnection that idiot has trying to have his cake and eat it to.
Can't do nothing, but then compare it to this as something bad.

Seriously, fuck Catholicism and FUCK the Pope(s). Last decent Pope served during WW2.

>If you want a more serious discussion, go to >>>/anywherebuthere/

sliding a board full of shitskins
Where do you think you are?

Where do you think you're going, christcuck?

Hey, good news for you - you get to be a "martyr" along all the other christcuck priests and "saints" of the Third Reich executed during Kirchenkampf - fuck off back to your proper place, which isn't the actual shitskin christian containment board but the >>>/oven/

the current pope is a jesuit the black pope was said to be a jesuit and all jesuits are jews and the black pope was said to be the false prophet

Will you shills ever learn your retarded one liner attempts at insults and calling people intl/reddit/cuckchan with no argument makes it obvious you’re a shill. Of course, it would be worse if you actually tried argumentation, then we could all see how dumb you are. I guess you’re fucked either way.

The "reported for intl" guy is a prolific shitposter who appears in many Christcuck threads, recognizable for various stock phrases such as that one as well as variations of "because you/I say so," "reported for admitting to being a shill/paid," and "still posting debunked claims." For a little while he tried posting links to pastebin rants, but he stopped because no one even bothered following them. I'm actually just assuming they were rants; I never looked. If his schedule allows, he will post the same garbage for hours while racking up huge post counts just announcing reports.

Holy fucking d&c.
This will cause a divide in the church and turn the catholics against the current pope. Meme this far and wide!

lmao, the fuck? why are you so salty? I didn't know this and I am thoroughly glad to have found out.

Those that laugh in the face of religion are total fools. The single consistent rule that anthropology teaches us is that faith is universal and naturally occurring in all peoples. Smooth brains interpret faith being utilised as a tool to manipulate people as sufficient reason to abandon it. However, the forced abandonment of faith has for Europeans proven to be disastrous. With no God and therefore no unifying bond we are clearly lost and in much of the west being overpowered by those who still have one, aided by those who took ours from us.

A central faith is essential, you will never in the face of such a powerful group of enemies as we face today convince the masses of the virtues of volkism, you can however lead them back to the pews. Men have existed throughout history that understood the nature of faith and bent and with it their people it to their own will. This is perhaps the most pressing task for those of us who wish for our people to survive. The youth hunger for faith, fanatic faith in fact. No Christian order is currently offering it to them, but we can.

Finally, the end of the abomination of Rome: Christianity/Catholicism.

Hitler was a christian. checkmate fedora

So basically any footage of europe clearly overrun with subhuman invaders


Spam somewhere else, yid.

Sounds like a line from Hitler's Table Talks, and largely fabricated book. Irving made the author admit at least part of the book was a complete fabrication.

Hitler was a christian who:

What kind of christian leads a party that would accomplish all of that?

As far as I've seen, some of its contents have been challenged by one researcher, whose contentions have been counter-challenged by others. I've never heard of Irving being involved. The facts of the matter are clear to see though, Christianity was being eroded in preparation for deletion in Germany.

Don't forget KIRCHENKAMPF, the official campaign of suppression against Christian churches led by Rosenberg who stated that the post-war plan included a complete ban on foreign faiths with the removal of crosses and a halt to publication of the Bible.

The legitimacy of ones faith is second to understanding the function of it. Faith can (and often has) unify entire continents. If religion is not utilised we will lose and the only faith that is viable to us is Christianity. Nobody cares if you believe a word of it or if once victory is achieved it is fundamentally changed to better future proof our peoples but no serious plan for triumph can ignore the fact that Christianity WILL be a factor.

The conservative coalition was mostly business men, and upper-middle class, to upper class aristocrats and moneyed types. History repeats itself.
Like what?
Sorry this conjecture isn't powerful enough change history

The criticism of the table talks make little sense, because they were largely collected by Bormann, who was extremely close to Hitler, had no reason to lie and fabricate things, and died in 1945. It's definitely not source material, but it's corroborated by things said elsewhere and the general attitudes of the NSDAP and writings by other people like Speer.

In the end, it matters little in regards to things and the claim that such position is based on the "falsified table talks" seem like strawmanning.

Nigger, lurk moar. This and the intents to replace christianity after the war are common knowledge, if the swastika as the main symbol, and the Sowilo Runes with the other one in the middle as the SS didn't hint you as oddly non-christian… Here have these pics because I'm lazy right now.

Also, a lot of the generals who later betrayed Hitler were involved with Political Catholicism - like Paulus and the 20th of July plotters (not even kikes, but catholics, heavily associated with the "White Rose" militant movement) - the loyalty of the Heer and it's aristocratic leadership is always something to be looked upon…

Work on your chutzpah, kike. Anyone who gleefully eats the blood and flesh of a dead jew every sunday is not white.

I'd have to think that only an actual atheist would be capable of producing such a foolish statement. Christcucks literally consume the flesh and blood of a Semitic idol. For an atheist, that must be merely a silly custom, but for someone with a religious understanding of the world it is a significant communion with the spirit of the enemy. Similarly, that the god of Christianity is a Semitic tribal deity is not something that can be ignored unless you do not believe in gods. To those of us who do understand the truth, it is no different from declaring oneself to be politically aligned with the Semites.

Both the true nature and function of Christianity are pro-Semite, at the expense of all others. If you want your people to be freed from Semitic rule, the most impact you can have is removing Semitic influences from your culture. There has been no Semitic influence greater than that of Christianity. Christianity will indeed be a factor in any victory, but that is because any victory will be dependent on the removal of Christianity.

The explanation I've seen is that someone tried to compare the dates mentioned for the materials with the known schedules of Bormann and Hitler to find inconsistencies, talks which could either never have been given or which could not have been heard. Whether that research is legitimate or not has been called into question in turn, but there's apparently no interest in following up on either side.

You have no idea what you're saying do you. You're trying to justify subverting christians but then advocate for christianity in the same breath. What's stronger than a false basis for societal cohesion is blood and one's people, not a jew religion. If Christianity was open source software it would be bloat at best because the method to achieve national strength is recognizing the common bond shared by blood.

German officers and communities routinely observed pagan holidays and enacted rituals. Restoring festivals and remnants of ancestral cultural hallmarks. This stuff is so commonly observed about NDSAP Germany that jews decry that as antisemitic and proof of NDSAP's reputation of being a bad goy aside from the holohoax.

No one is saying he wasn't "christian," the point you're trying to sneak past is that Hitler worked to undermine the christian useful idiots by subverting christianity so that its threat was minimalized. Hence, what kind of christian undermines christianity and raises paganism?

Then by propping up paganism, christianity's influence waned. Some of the concepts founded in the Positive Christianity psyop was the myth that Jesus was aryan. The NDSAP spread that myth so christians in germany would recognize the threat of jews from a religious standpoint because that was their priority rather than one's blood. Even to this day christians on Holla Forums repeat that myth because of its symbolic and propagandist significance, so much so it spread out of germany's borders.

This hits hard.

If it makes you feel better mudshits will smash those old relics.

The armed forces of Germany still use an iron cross, does that mean that they're pagan today, even though they'll be under muslim rule in 30 years? Nothing wrong with representing your culture despite religious denominational make up. Even in the Reich's days, reconstructing a germanic pantheon, would have been a little awkward and hamfisted, just like the pagan LARPers of today. Hell even the catholics are 50% roman ritual but no one says they're secret paganists.

I’m not an atheist at all. Faith is a tool and one used by our enemies. Many religious people experience a routine crisis of faith, devotion to the ritual and rule of a faith is sufficient in the majority as it produced the same effects.

I am yet to see evidence of a faithless people proper in the long term. A Völkisch movement was established once, it didn’t last very long, and it was obliterated by a fanatically religious group of people.

Not very nice is it. It is also exactly what our enemy does. The end result will be a better-rounded people, an eversion to degeneracy and a reestablishment of community. It is manipulative but justifiable.

Crosses were appropriated by christians. Most people see one and think it's applicable to christianity.

Hi schlomo.

Except those cultural hallmarks were suppressed before that.

Hence christian appropriation. Any other non-points you want to pass off as true?

NDSAP accomplished that while weakening christianity's influence. Blood is stronger than a jew religion.

If you aren't an atheist then it should be easy to understand that Christianity is a tool which can only benefit Semites. Those who worship a Semitic idol and Semitic tribal deity are bound to that vile race. It does not matter if you convince them of a falsehood such as Positive Christianity, because the spiritual truth is that they are still bound to the Semites even if they believe Yeshua was an Aryan or if their avowed political alignment is nationalist.

The only possibility of victory lies in the total removal of Christianity and the reestablishment of native traditions. Those two things are linked spiritually, culturally, and politically such that the success of the removal of Christianity is the same as the removal of the Semites themselves, as they cannot exist within a society which rejects their influence.

And what did I say about the Heer and it's Prussian Origins - they were of separate loyalties than the NSDAP. A great thing exemplifying this was how the Prussian-founded Wehrmacht had "Gott Mit Uns" written in their soldiers belts, while the NSDAP-founded SS had "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" under theirs… Besides the Iron Cross is also a pagan symbol that long predates christianity (or do you think Jesus could have got nailed on that)…

And, according to the Pope's "vision", what we need to do is have more faith, so to convert this newcoming invaders (although I don't they believe in "conversion" anymore, so let's just say we need to show kindness to these people to win them over to our semitic tradition…)

How is this cuck-tier thread still up?

The entire Reich was destroyed along with their Volkisch movement…

< predicting
< after the fact

What we need to do is to have more faith, so to convert these newcoming invaders (althought I dom't think Christians believe in conversion anymore…)*

Yes but they lost and we are in a total mess. Further still it is infinitely easier to convince ones friends and family to attend a church than it is a totally non existent Völkisch movement. What you are advocating for does not exist! A four-wheel drive might be preferable to a pushbike but if all you have in your possession is that bike then you must use it for transport. Your advise in the face of analogy is essentially suggesting that one walk instead.

Can’t be done in time. You are talking in utopian, idealistic terms but offering no practical plan. I am simply suggesting we use the tools at hand. I would sooner Europe had not had its native faiths taken from it but it did, we did. We need to unify our people, they will not be converted to blood and soil arguments but Christianity can unify them for now.

Compare current day Poland with it’s >85% Christian natives to current day Germany or Britain with there

Get a "Ghost Gunner" 3d Printer, make your own guns and silencers. Use them once and discard / destroy. Follow them from their mosques and pick them off in the middle of the night, one by one with a solid escape strategy. Cleanse Europe.

They lost a global conflict, not a religious competition. Stop being a disingenuous kike.

How? No really, how? I'm genuinely curious how you would explain attending church is "infinitely easier" than participating in a Völkisch movement, which apparently doesn't exist in any shape and form.

Your explanations and excuses are getting worse and worse. NSDAP Germany is proof that you don't need christianity, in fact you must do what you can to suppress it. The success of NSDAP was so evident that the jews wanted it destroyed. But a disingenuous kike like you would insist it was because it wasn't christan enough. Nobody is falling for your compromises and false promises.

You think they weren't in a total mess? Germany was completely broke financially and broken spiritually, before Hitler in just a few years made it into probably the most advanced country on the planet.
I agree with you though, a solution that works right now is much better than a perfect solution that only works in ideal conditions, never let perfect be the enemy of good. If we win future generations can fix it.

I doubt anyone will follow your advice, but if anyone does that person would be foolish not to burn the clothes used as well. Otherwise if they're caught at some point it's possible to link them back to the other crimes.

The only thing that unifies people is nationalism - and they can only coexist in a broader "european" frame under christianity because it's meaningless to them and a dying religion - the moment they began to take it seriously, well, first they would not be nationalistic, second they would be infighting among each other to determine which sect has the correct interpretation of the jewish tradition.

No, christianity is a tool that can be use to divide us and to push us away from true NatSoc ideas. Your talk of the impossibility of reviving our own religion because of this dying cult is non-sense and appeasement (to a mentality that is, in it's true form, incompatible with us) - you may as well tell us to give up trying to change the world because the kikes have nukes and we have to work with them.

Overcoming christianity is a not a monumental task, and it has to be done today. The only reason the Third Reich didn't do it outright, was because it was an actual political force back then, and hugely supported by the aristocratic classes behind the army and sympathetic peasantry (because of indoctrination and despite the religious divide) - and even then it was extremely difficult to keep the loyalty of the army generals - something people like Mussolini never managed to do (the Higher Ranking christians are all associated with secretive organizations).

Read Mein Kampf to learn what Hitler had to say about the need of equal fanatism - to OVERCOME christianity that was imposed upon us - and about praising your enemy in propaganda…

I don't know how many times I have to say this before you understand. EVERY Christian is a slave to Semitic interests. They are already unified in their submission to the Semitic hegemony which only came about due to Christian influence in the first place. If our peoples are not converted back to their native traditions, they will die out. It is indeed possible that time has run out, but there is no possibility for even extending that clock by propping up Christianity. This isn't a utopian view, it is an acknowledgement of the truth.

The most likely outcome is an extinction event which is only survived by isolated groups of those who can be converted to the old ways before the decimation begins, if at all.

Meanwhile current pope kisses shitskin feet. That camel shit and fungus must taste delicious.


It was a past pope and he told us to have more faith to convert these incomers while bitching about "muh natzees"

Kill yourself.

Pathetic. Christcucks can never risk debating. Jews never debate in good faith and with honesty. Christcucks always avoid debates and virtue signal while mocking non-christians.


reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

You do not belong here.

How? By the simple fact that there are dozens of churches within a five mile radius of my location and not a single Völkisch movement anywhere in my entire country!

I’m not disagreeing that your ideal isn’t preferable; I am stating it is unpractical. You will be clinging onto those ideals as Saracens rape and pillage through your town or city.

Or, prove me wrong. Start a movement. Obtain millions of followers. I’ll be one of them, but until then I will be in church.

And nothing of value was lost there…

Did I mention protestants, nigger? No?
Catholicism is nothing more than a giant collective cuckshed without a spine

Abrahamic religions are a complete joke. He could have warned and stopped it but no.

TORpedo didn't sage

The reflexive and unwarranted vitriol against the Church is astonishing when you consider that the lion-share of your like minded political and cultural allies are rural Christians. It really is quite foolish, but no matter how many times this is pointed out, none of the right-wing LARPagans or Fedoras seem to care. It's like their hatred of the Jews and the Church is greater than their love of their nations and traditions; if true they are already doomed.

No one wants a spineless follower who doesn't live according to his ideals. Not only did you fail to prove how christianity has value in any way but you yourself admit it is not "preferable." It would be preferable for you to kill yourself so there's one less useless person.

But seriously, nigger, if you think "doing a part for nationalist movement" include attending some random church and passively standing there for hours listening to some random bible readings, you may be partially retarded. You'd hardly get any connections in church, last time I went to one there was a race-mixing promoting pamphlet near the children's catechism area…

You will find a lot more like-minded people in the Volkish movement, and it's a lot easier to connect with them - because you share values and it's YOUR tradition, not some shared meaningless denomination that only old people attend. The volkisch movement is quite grow, it has the highest fertility rates and most redpilled political affiliations, but you're probably too lazy to look for it and too unworthy to take part…

And even if it was the case, start things yourself, don't expect solutions to fall under your lap, you faggot.

How about the sand nigger loving excuse of a personality cult? Call me when you have the balls to purge the cancer. Preferably burning down the vatican

Christianity destroyed our cultures and enslaved us under Semites. No Christian can be a cultural ally of the folk. Rural Christians do not love their nations and traditions; they love Semites. The vitriol is more than warranted, it is necessary. There is no hope for victory over the Semites without first eradicating their cult.

You're right, when you narrow it down to the christcucks.
The only ones that matter are the ones that are white and can put aside their false values for the sake of saving their fellow whites. A devout christcuck would see a shitskin as his fellow brother.

Oh hi, msm

Like the BASED white christian southerners supporting zionism in their cardbox churches? You saw that on Alabama. "Rural christians" are just lemmings. No other group of people besides christians and jews themselves support zionism, and only the christians invaded europe, imposed the beliefs of the "benevolent jews" upon europeans under the behest of certain (((elites))) and actively work to bring in migrants to europe while being silent against degeneracy…

To even find the remains of the classical world, you have to go to ruined places like Pompei - because of the deliberate destruction by christians - hordes of jews, arabs and copts swarming out of the desert to destroy every trace of European culture.

What a surprise we stick to NatSoc ideas and resent such a cult… Fucking idiot.

Faith is the key to our success in the short term, you haven’t convinced me otherwise. All you have done is got mad online and repeatedly accused me of being a semite.

That is not the extent to my plans or thoughts upon the capacity for Christianity to play a role in our survival. I respect the fact that you may have a volkisch movement in your country but I assure you I have none. I'd know, just because my ideas on how to save our people may differ from yours it does not mean I am uniformed. It is rather you who is the faggot.

As for starting a movement, I would rather in the short-term piggy back an existing one. I see merit in this as it is covert.

You're not worth convincing nor would allow yourself to be convinced because you are not a person who would fight for what's right. The key to success in the short term is redpilling people so that they stay away from all jewish influence. You aren't worth saving. You can die alongside every other traitor because you already are one.

Oh hello Mr. Messiah complex

The term I would use is 'memes'.

"Faith" is cosmetically addhering to a random set of beliefs, one that is opposed to what we stand for and actually led by our enemies (or you think the pope believes the same thing he preaches to his flock of sheep, while wearing saturn hats and decorating Rome with Obelisks?). You might we should join freemasonry because it would benefit networking…

Gee, you're so full of shit. You're not only wanting to stick to a few pre-set of beliefs because others told you to (so much for faith), but you're actually begging for others to lead you.

So here is my tip to you: be as Christian as Hitler.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

Which jew said this? Do you mind providing the source for the quote you just parroted?

Reported. And stick to your containment.

A christcuck cucks at you when he runs out of options. - Anonymous

So it's AOK for pope to kiss Sandnigger ass? Oh okay.

Stop getting mad online


I don’t think it’s doable without Christianity. That might make you mad but you haven’t convinced me otherwise. You can’t anger me by insulting Christianity, you are angry, not me. Nor can you upset me by telling me Hitler would be cross with me.

user, you are debatng shills. This thread apparently terrifies them. That and they're commanded to spread religious d&c whenever the slightest opportunity arises. Half this thread needs purged.

That makes just as much sense as saying that our peoples need Marxism in order to oppose the Semites. After all, if you remove the spiritual element of Christianity, it becomes all but indistinguishable from that other Semitic ideology. How does being unified in submission to Semites help?

>says we need christianity, can't explain why

Yeah, I'm terrified of some pedophile cult-leader making a "prediction" 30 years ago and saying we need to pray so to integrate these newcomers, not to act like "natzees".

Thus, I must "divide" GLORIOVS europeans like christian zionists, by pointing out the truth. I mean, it's like shills want you to be a National Socialist I guess…


Except Hitler purposefully suppressed christianity in Germany. Can you be any more disingenuous?

If you hadn't kept repeating it you would have been innocuous but since you're not, it's obvious you actually are.

Did you even read the guy's posts? Is this your first christian thread on Holla Forums? This is how they always end up. Lurk for ten years.


After I filtered a couples of the main pagan larping faggots in the thread it's almost like a regular thread again.

I want Christianity subverted to achieve an ethno nationalist agenda.

no u

Oh, great. Now you can circlejerk about the BASED thing the pope said without having to hear these "mean" natzee arguments…

Except the pope said some extremely cucky irrelevant shit about obvious things 30 years ago and that's somehow worth a thread and organic posting, not just "christian identity" shills pushing their bullshit.

Consider leddit next time you need a safe space.

meanwhile in reality:

How about today?
Do tell.

Maybe because Pagans didn't let kikes into their countries in the first place, brainlet.
Here's an easier question for you, though:
It were feral Christcucks too concerned with petty rivalries that sacked – and subsequently allowed to be conquered – the very city that you today meme about retaking from the T*rkroaches.


You forgot who destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem and shipped enslaved jews to built a Victory Arch upon rome? That’s right the Pagan Romans.

From kikepedia. And, may I remember that kikes did not live in ancient germanic societies, while the Christians just wanted to pray the jew to stop being so sinful, meanwhile giving them usury privileges and having court jews in every single kingdom.

The only reasons kikes would even get expelled from some western countries, is because the populace forced the rulers to – and the jews didn’t bribe them enough – and even then, they just moved to another christian country. Hell, the popes, when not jews themselves, even invited and maintained the jewish communities in Italy, and consented with the Rothschild banking – the subversion and pedophilia going on in the church is long dated…

And how is that supposed to be easier than restoring the native traditions of our peoples? Remember, Europeans don't want to be Christians; it is a religion which is only gaining in popularity with shitskins. You not only want to turn a treasonous ideology into its complete opposite, but you want to do so while somehow making it palatable to peoples who are rightfully rejecting it. That's far beyond idealistic and utopian thinking. The National Socialists were not successful in turning Christianity into a tool for an ethno-nationalist agenda, so why should we think it's any more possible for us?

All ZERO of them. Name a Christianized country without a Rothschild central bank. Name a Christianized country from which kikes have been exterminated and banned in perpetuity. Before Christianity, there were no Semites in our nations and we were not ruled by Semites. After being invaded by Christianity, every single nation has been opened to Semites and put under their hegemony. It has always been Christians responsible for carrying out such changes as well, and Christians are also the source of the liberal political movements.

Supposedly "NatSoc Christians" like yourself calling anyone else LARPers is laughable. The Deus Vult mentality of killing all non-whites in the name of Christ the White is as fringe as racial paganism is; for where we have mainstream wiccans, you have legions of white guilt cosmopolitans more concerned with building hospitals in Africa and hugging their muslim "brothers in faith" as opposed to taking up any kind of righteous fight in the name of the Lord.

It's infinitely easier to redpill people on jews which leads them to not wanting anything remotely jewish in their lives and that includes christianity. People who still cling to christianity and say they're redpilled haven't rejected the jew. They rejected "satan" but not the jew.

Meanwhile in redpilled reality:

What is forced conversion? Once the catholic church was built and had enough money to raise armies the rest was easy.

Well said. I fear that Holla Forums, like the original followers of Moses, will exchange God's truth - despite His granting us many victories - for the worship of material things, of ourselves, of frogs even. The devil prowls the Earth seeking those he may devour; you can bet that he is incredibly angry at us for making a mess of so many of his plans; remember always that the Jew is simply the tool of Satan, his child - they are not at the top. Satan however does not fight with armies or strength, in the same way that his perverse children do not; he will use trickery, manipulation and deceit.

And so Holla Forums turns to gnosticism, to paganism and kek-ism. A sadder truth has never been known.

Point out where was the Muslim invasion in 1992?

Jews were repeatedly sacked, enslaved and destroyed by their PAGAN neighbors - only after abrahamic religions like christcuckery were imposed upon others did they find any haven…

could someone explain why does every pope wear a yarmulke? thanks

t.calvinist baptist

*40 million oy vey, the blood was literally up to our nostrils (verbatim quote).
The Jew fears the Roman

Except the 100 times they were expelled from Christian nations. Shoo shoo shill.

What did he say that was "cucky" you faggot? That we should hold to our faith and defend it? It has been Eastern European Christians who have held the line against the Muslim hordes for centuries, not to mention the French/Spanish in the West.

Because he said that armies won't be enough? Were armies enough to stop the Eastern Europeans for hundreds of years? No, it was their faith, tenacity and military ability that kept them going. A Christians have been attacking and massacring Jews longer than any other group has so I don't get what you're getting at.

All I see from pagans is retarded shit about dancing in the woods and talking shit on the Internet. You faggot larping pagans are so ass blasted with this thread, I don't know if I've ever seen a thread get shilled and saged so fucking hard in a long time.

I know it's a waste of time to talk to you though, since you sound like a Jew.

don't catholics know that worship of graven images goes against the bible?

We worship God. But keep living the lies.

Non-Christians destroyed the Jewish Temple twice over before Christianity even existed. In fact, the emergence of the cult of Yeshua was only possible because of the massive disruption of Jewish society caused by the destruction of the Second Temple.

sodomites run the vatican aka whore of babylon, so no wonder europe is spiritually bankrupt and being invaded by mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans

And straight into other christcuck nations, whose christian rulers where thirsty to welcome them. And they were only expelled after the european populace forced the rulers to - the church never called for it.

And remind me, how many jews lived in ancient germany, Gaul or pagan Scandinavia?


A funny thing is Jews only got into power when Catholics were weakened. Their greatest allies were either protestants in Netherlands, England and USA, or secular atheists. Catholics didn't enable them until they took over the Church after WWII.

you can worship god but are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

…after being invited by the christcucks to begin with.

all you cucks and your 'muh brothers of the book' only to find out they are the synagogue of satan later over and over and over again. it's already starting to happen in the usa and i predict future generation will gas all the jews in america but that does not absolve you from the crime of welcoming sheltering and allowing them to thrive to begin with only to learn what your idiot christcuck ancestors had to learn hundreds times over. abrahamics have no place among europe any longer and they should all be weeded out whether christcuck kike or mudslime no difference no mercy.

I bet their number was less than the number of cucks there.

The process of moving large amounts of muslims into Europe by the globalists had already started then. There were communities of Africans in France, Pakistanis in England and Turks in Germany, and growing…

To say it was a “prediction” is as laughable as his prescription on how to deal with it.

You known, you could read Mein Kampf, but you have to go back.

all I know is that the only guaranteed way to salvation after this life is through the salvation of our savior and lord jesus christ who died for your sins, the vatican promotes false teachings and follow laws of man aka church law, not god's law

Spare the bullshit. Protestants talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. All hte protestant nations reek with degeneracy, faggotry cunt rights etc.
Protestants are fedoras larping as Christians.

Nothing to do with the Church. France is secular with their licité shitfest, England and Germany (sans Bavaria) are prots. They dug their own graves, the Pope just pointed it out.

we've turned away from god as a nation yes but this was predicted and the remnant of true christians will be hunted down and killed during the tribulation

do you even read kjv bible brah?

I will pray for your salvation.

People could have all read the torah, quran, and talmud to find out they're all fucking evil genocidal semitic savages with rabid murderous hate of the goyim/infidel but nooooooooooo.

Of course not, it's the kikes. The pope could have pointed it out and fight against it, but instead he claimed to make some bullshit "prediction" and told us to have faith and be kind to welcome these newcomers.

That's why these church leaders are compromised and it's not a viable "identity" in anyway to our movement - it's counterproductive and an anti-white mentality at times.

The only ones spreading gnosticism are other christcucks too cucked to give up the kike worship. Go languish in jew worship on Holla Forums's gay neighbor board.

Expelled, but not killed.

Yeah. Christians have been massacring jews so long they even let them in. Get it? I guess they found out that if you kill your enemies they win before Cuckdeau was even born.

So how do you explain Pope Leo X getting the ball rolling in allowing jews control over Ursury as early as the 15th century?

Oh wow the kjv autist is back. We're in for a real treat tonight. Autism knows no bounds like you.

I don't really need heretics to pray for me, but thanks. I'll work for it myself. Ora et labora.


You know he's right. Every protestant church gives shelters to deported rapefugees, allow fags to marry, cover kiddy diddlers and allow women to become priests


While you christcucks could hold cuckoldry contests endlessly among your sects, the pope literally kisses the feet of nogs and the catholic church actively helps border-hoppers too…

But the protestants have this gem: the church of sweden!

How many Jews did you kill?

The renessaince papacy was cancer on all levels.

I don't need an English Bible to read it.

Pay tribute to muslims faggot, they can use this as propaganda as the Pope submits to Religion of Cuck™ and more will invade Europe. Fuckin submissive degenerate weak fool.

if you ever opened up a kjv bible before you would know that we are in the days of noah where sodomites, pedophiles and satanists rape and murder children, etc all I know is that only god knows your fate on the day of judgement, same goes for me as well, I'm just ready to go home

you're confusing me for the furry who just larps as a christian, no real christian would be a furry degenerate

But the renaissance was also the period where europe advanced the most after 700 years of near-stagnation, church control, and muslim incursion. I thought you said church influence was good. Jews and muslims weren't a problem until the church grew to power.

Can either of you explain in great detail how the kjv is the literal salvation for whites? A lot of people on Holla Forums need to hear this.

So by that logic is all cool for the house of god to shelter the cancer killing my nation?

Read previous posts

I dare any Christcuck to name one major Christian dominion in all the world that is thoroughly counter-semitic as past Christcucks. Go on.

You can beg for mercy with the Religion of Piss and Synagogue of Satan.

You aren't going to convince Christians to give up their faith for nihilistic atheism or a dead religion that got conquered and we forgot 75% of. Christianity is embedded in European culture. It's art, literature, history and the language you are speaking right now. It's churches are ran by people who can be mislead like anything else as we've seen. It's also the widest religion held by whites. If you tell these people to fuck off or give up their beliefs in objective purpose and meaning for a political ideology your movement is going to stagnant and die. You can either learn this now or find out later. For Christians God is the god of the entire world not just the Jews. That is also why so many Pagans converted so long ago.

You're over-exaggerating the effect that christianity has over european culture. Ultimately what matters is the spirit of whites and their ability to beautify what matters and innovate their societies. NSDAP Germany is the eternal example of this.
Most christians are passive in their regard for their religion. They never attend church or any ceremony or meeting unless it's a wedding or funeral. Only the devouts make a fuss over their semitic worship. Getting people to drop kike worship is easier than ever.

They had no choice once the catholic armies rolled in and converted them by the sword.

See how angry the mere mention of Christ makes the kikes here. Any objective non-believer should notice these things.

Whether you believe it or not, the Bible says that your people will be replaced, strangers in their own lands, and see their cultures and homes destoyed by foreigners; this is the punishment of those who reject God. It happened to the Israelites, and now it happens to us as we reject Him. Before we rejected Him, He used us to punish others for their sins - today He uses the same savage tribes that He used all those years ago when Rome abandoned Him. God will punish these muslims too for their unbelief, likely with us - so long as we return to Him - we will be His fury and will descend upon the jew and the muslim alike. If you follow history this has already happened many times - Christians became weak in their faith, so God has jews and muslims infiltrate their lands and bring them to ruin - so Christians become radical, and in turn pogrom the jews and muslims and then go on to perform many great things, simultanously punishing the non-believers the world over as well as bring the truth, glory, order and justice of God where-ever they go - making everyone's lives better, so that none can say that Christianity (so long as people are actually fervent) has bad fruit.

1. Nobody here is forcing Nihilistic atheism upon others by repeating National Socialist ideas. Christian cults are obviously better than that, and you can keep them, but you need to recognize they’re worthless in regards to our politics, and, when they’re outright opposed to it and NatSoc ideas, you need to stop pushing it. “Christian Identity” shills put “denomination” above race – as can be seen here in this shill thread.

2. Christianity is embroided in European culture, but rooted in Judaism – and look at what it has led to, things like the “Church of Sweden” and the nog-kissing pope. You know what is also embroided in European culture? Actual European culture.

Misled over and over again to work against our interests… Yeah, sure. Read what Hitler said about the imposition of Christianity upon the ancient world in Mein Kampf (volume II, chapter V)…

Christian identity shills are trs-tier

No, that would be because the choice was conversion or the sword, and despite the attempts by Christcucks to murder anyone who practiced the old ways they are still alive in European nations to this day. All of our major holidays are not Christian in origin. All of our philosophical schools, sciences, and wisdom traditions are not Christian in origin. All of the great "Christian" art, literature, history, and the language we are speaking right now is derived from pre-Christian culture painted over with the story of a fictional Semite and tales from Canaanite tribes. Europeans have already rejected Christianity; it is only growing in shitskin nations.

If you actually want to represent the thread accurately you can see how people were calling out the pope for being a pedo-enabler and exposing the fraud of the vision since it's post-mortem.

They're the (((ones))) that wrote the book.

Because he's a loving god.

But Rome collapsed after it converted to christianity.

How does that fit into the part where the christians let the jews and muslims in?

You're not fooling anyone. You don't reply to people because you're shoveling more delusion and refusing to test it to see if it's valid.

How is this related to politics? You think we can't see you non-whites from /christian/ shilling here? This thread has no purpose to be up, and you're just buttmad people aren't buying your forced narrative.

We don't care about the bible says about this or that, we care about removing the kikes and securing the existence of our people and a future for our children, bur your religious narrative is getting in the way of that…

The muzzie mods needs to go.


They weren't very cucked if they were conquering entire nations of people. It was a whole different time and mindset where people weren't afflicted by modern movements like Marxism. Even as recent as the British Empire.

The Saxons and the Lithuanians, and essentially no one else. You're entitled to be a little angry about that, but it was the exception - not the norm. Let's try to be truthful here.

And yet Christianity fit better with those ideas than with our own. Aristotle, Plato, Antisthenes, hell even the myriad advocates of Stocism; their ideology was embedded in monotheism, and a reverence for truth, order and justice. Christianity made these virtues divine in origin, it perfectly fit - far better than the previous pantheons and beliefs of the Greeks and Romans. The way I see it, I believe that these men (among many others) knew much of God, just what was revealed to them was different to what was revealed of others. God was active amongst all people, and though many likely did not understand Him, and in time would come to corrupt and pervert the beliefs and histories of their heroes - they themselves still did His will, and knew of His aspect. You will deny it because you want to say its a 'jewish religion', but if He is the God of all - as Christians claim - then it makes perfect sense.

How is religion related to politics? Gee-um-ohhh. I'm not even a Catholic, but mobilising much of Eastern Europe into a freaking Crusader army intent on purging the Saracen seems like a fantastic idea. Just imagine for a second if we can push the idea of this current Pope being the 'black pope' or whatever the Papists call it, the one that facilitates the anti-Christ. Have the Eastern Europeans elect a new, actually Christian Pope, and purge this pretender and all of his vile policies.

This has historical precedent. It could happen again. Times are pretty desperate.

>They're the (((ones))) that wrote the book.
An awful lot of that book is them saying how God smote them for doing all the vile things that the Jews today do. It also differentiates between genuine followers of God, and followers of Moloch, scribes, pharisees (who are the literal pre-cursor to Jews) and so on. All of them are talked about as vile, evil creatures that deserve to be exterminate in an oven. Yes really.

Discipline is love my friend. So is justice. You bring your kid up without discipline or justice, and you create a bad kid.

No. Rome was a fragmented nation that was having a civil war or two every year for over a century. Rome was dead. Christianity unified it, then (in my view) they tried to use it for their own ends so God punished them again. Read 'The City of God', even if you hate Christianity that is one of the most important texts for Western civilisation. True Rome would go on until 1400, in the West ROMAN Catholicism still holds sway over today, and did so to a much greater extent up until the Protestant reformation - literally ruled most of Europe.

You're not good at spotting opportunities, are you? Even if you have no care for Christianity - this is a great way to rally and unify white people, and have them fight against their eternal enemies.

Again, the conversion of Europe was forced and has since been reversed. Protestantism was merely the first step in that reversal. Christianity is a false religion based on a fictional idol and the worship of a Semitic tribal deity, nothing more. Our peoples have rejected it, so it is time to return to our true heritage.

The last decent pope predicted current year in 1992? No wonder (((they))) tried to assasinate him.
Since all current year pope does is lick feet, the next crusade will have to be started by /ourguys/

Yeah, they were just cucked enough to kill their fellow whites because they didn't worship a jew. Also to be accurate, the church armies that paved the way for missionaries were just made up by your typical soldiers for hire.

Oh okay, let's just ignore the Northern Crusades where the Nordics were converted by the sword too. Being truthful.

Whoa slow down there. You were flying off the bullshit scale. You surpassed the part where you have to prove that those greek thinkers somehow didn't know how their thoughts weren't good in their own hands. So much so that jew worship was essential to completing their ideas.

So virtues weren't virtuous until christianity somehow came to exist. Amazing. Virtues have to be made divine, fascinating.

So you at least admit you are throwing in your delusion interpretation and passing it for explanation.
You don't have to be religious to call out the pope for being a fraud.

And punish your kid by having him raped and murdered. Really, user?

I'm going to give you some credit whereas you at least admit you don't know. But in that case you need to know before spouting off. Christian senators in rome were some of the most degenerate kikes that most roman degeneracy stories were actually about them.

Spreading what should be common knowledge which is that the pope is a kike enabling, pedo-protecting muslim lover is fine. Trying to promote any form of christianity doesn't help us.


First, the Lithuanians weren’t converted by the sword (they defeated the crusaders and their ruler only converted when offered the throne of Christian Poland and a chance to permanently defeat the Teutonic Order), still, it would be extremely naive to think the adoption of Christianity was the product of “popular conversions”, and not the imposition of certain (((shadowy elites))) inside the Roman Empire, who saw it as a way to maintain their power after the inevitable decline of the empire after the Crisis of the Third Century. Hell, they even had laws punishing people with death for merely looking at the ruined temples they didn’t cannibalized (Edicts of Theodosius), in the Dark Ages, you could be judicially tortured and killed for not attending mass, or even for eating the host wrongly – to name a few of the atrocities. And still, the last pagan village in France, the main propagator of Christianity, was only Christianized in 1780.

Thus Christianity had to… suppress them and restrict philosophical thought to scholastics up to the after the renaissance (when they recovered texts preserved by mudkikes), banning all literacy outside the church, even the bible? To say philosophy flourished under Christianity but not the ancient world is to go full retard. Remember, to even find the remains of the classical world, we have to go to ruined places like Pompei.

Or maybe we can push National Socialist ideas. But keep pretending…

A work designed by christians with the explicit intent to justify that Christianity did not bring the fall of the roman empire (because even in the 4th century they knew about it and they had to kvetch) – yes, parts of Rome survive, by the 7th century the Christians only held fortified cities along the greek coast and Anatolia, being attacked yearly by the arabs…

Not going to argue history a lot here, but come on, don't be a kike.

What a coincidence, I named every gun in my house Faith.

You're an idiot.

Protestantism is a far more 'pure' version of Christianity than Catholicism. I imagine you're trying to get me to start my own little D&C here as Catholics will no doubt want to fight me, and so I'd ask that any refrain from doing do so.

Catholicism goes against many of the teachings of Christ, sometimes in hilarious fashion. Protestantism was all about going back to Scripture and doing what God actually told he people to do, actually following Christ as much as they were able. To be a follower of Christ = to be a Christian. (Do be aware I am not saying that Catholics are not Christians, just that Protestants purposefully tried to be closer to what they believed Christ wanted - so they are CERTAINLY not the first step in reversing Christianity - such a claim is ridiculous).

We know your people rejected it you filthy kike. You will all burn in hell just as Christ promised.

To any non-Jews here. Just look. Look how enraged these fools become, look how they deny history and change it to fit their disgusting narratives. It is these attitudes that will make our people rot. Christianity was a bulwark against the invasion of foreigners; let it be so once more.

… And to all of you jews attacking me. Good job. Keep wasting your time sabotaging a few autists on 8/pol/; you do realise the fire is already alive and our people are coming for you, right?

Protestantism was always about overthrowing the tyrannical rule of the Catholics. From the Hussites, to the Lutherans, to the Anglicans; the schism was always rooted in nationalism and a desire for self-rule rather than the yoke of the Vatican.

Ah yes, Catholicism's biggest sin, to the Protestants, was that it wasn't jewish enough. Oy vey!

It warms my heart that the amount of (((christian))) resistance to the true European religious Tradition on 8/pol/ wanes day by day.


Anti-Vatican is not anti-Christian.

Whites on Holla Forums wane every day as people get sick of all the redditors and shills. We have myriad other places where we meet and debate, an exodus from 8ch was a certainty from the very first day. Be afraid kike, you're going to have to infiltrate a great many more online strongholds to root us out - though even now it is too late, for we have moved to real life.

Sieg heil.

>It warms my heart that the amount of (((christian))) resistance to the true European religious Tradition on 8/pol/ wanes day by day.
It has been truly amazing going from being one among a dozen voices spreading the truth about Christian treason to one among dozens. Sometimes it seemed like I was alone in understanding the messages left for us by the National Socialists about the danger of a Semitic religion, but now I am pleasantly surprised to find so many others beating me to the punch when I open up the latest Christcuck shill's thread.

That's why I said it was merely the first step, the reduction of the hold of the Church over the culture of nations.

Shill takes pride in the fact that more shills turned up. Topkek.

Heil Hitler, and Heil Odin, brother.

Says the kike who:

So why exactly are you against Eastern Europeans (and the Catholic remnant in the West) forming a Crusade to purge Saracens from Europe? You shills always move the bloody goal-posts, just answer the question.

This is a fantastic opportunity and its sad that this thread will be deleted by mods due to D&C, Get it back on topic. Why is a Catholic Crusade to purge false catholics and muslims (and hopefully jews too) a bad thing? Why do you want to stop it, why do you want to waste this golden opportunity?

Hey kid, orthodox christians have never done “crusades” and they can’t because they don’t have a pope to call for it. Reply again when you’re past 18 years old. Most religious leaders are cucked to the core and would never endorse “purging” muslims, but trying to be kind to convert them, just like the pope said on OP – because that is what is in accordance with Christian doctrines.

The eastern Christians couldn’t barely unite to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo, but keep your power delusions – most just want to be duped consumers anyway and will never revolt unless the system collapses. Russia is 20% muslim and so is Bulgaria.

The crusades were led by proto-masons and were a failure, leading to the sack of Constantinople, the establishment of the Ottoman Empire and thousands of Europeans dying of dysentery in some meaningless middle-eastern kike land, instead of just walking 100 miles to muslim-held Spain. Here on this board we promote National Socialist ideas, not the mental masturbation you’re going on about. There is your reply, now lurk for 10 years before posting again.

No one is talking about Eastern Orthodox, we're talking about Eastern/Central European Catholics. You know, the ones in Poland and Hungary who do marches in the thousands where they wave Crusader banners and talk about removing kebab? Yes, let's not use that to our advantage.

There is a Polish Priest who is banned from half of Europe because he wants to remove jews and muslims. New Pope candidate, perhaps.

Even if true, who cares. This is an opportunity to unify whites and oppose muslims and jews. Even if very little materialises it will serve as a moral boost to whites and get many Europeans to be more 'militant' in their mindset.

Why do you people always want to throw away opportunities? We are handed so many and so often it just becomes D&C where you argue for your own petty points of view. Think about what helps whites as a whole and push it. You do not always have to 100% agree with it.

Speaks a lot about how “anti-semitic” they are, eh? Meanwhile most pagan symbols are listed as “hate images” by the ADL, for a reason…

Poles are extremely nationalistic, and they only push christianity because they see it as something their own. What is there to exploit is their nationalism and European identity, not the Christianity that is actively opposed to it.

You’re delusionaly retarded, why did I even bother replying…

I'm tempted to call you a shill, but I can't argue against that. I've been organizing more than posting over the past several months, building up redpilled connections and raising funds in the process. By the end of the year, we'll be a small army with several politicians in our pocket. I hope to Kek that others are doing the same.

You kikes cannot help but out yourselves.

You know how I said:
That completely dismantles your assertion. But you wanted me to just have to constantly repeat myself so as to present it as D&C so that the thread can be deleted.

I will say again:
Why exactly are you against Eastern Europeans (and the Catholic remnant in the West) forming a Crusade to purge Saracens from Europe? Why is a Catholic Crusade to purge false catholics and muslims (and hopefully jews too) a bad thing? Why do you want to stop it, why do you want to waste this golden opportunity?

Ironic they call you a kike for pointing out how much kikes truly hate Christianity.

Remember where the word kike comes from…

Theyre fucking shills user, they use the same lines every fucking time. No Holla Forumsack needs to give a shit about the pope. What matters is that the previous pope can be used as a weapon against the kike, as can eastern european catholics.

They do hate christianity, but only because they see it as a vile misinterpretation of their traditions, in their eyes. But they see it as “Judaism for the goyim” and they’re glad their traditions are at least being spread. Ultimately, the beliefs of the goyim are of secondary importance. Race is important. You don’t see kikes subverting churches in third world countries, hell, they even align with churches there as they’re proponents of socialism.

Redpill yourself on Kirchenkampf.

What exactly is wrong with judaism if applied to whites? After all that is what you preach in the first place. The only difference being is that whites are the chosen people, not jews in your case.

Much like 'white' Christians prefer godly niggers, poos and anything non-white over agnostic or atheist whites? Quite a pickle that one. Get the fuck off that high horse, faggot.

but muuuuuuuh fantastical delusional plans, I will grab a sword and fight every muzzie I see waaah

Pic related, being satanic and completely opposed to our nature.

Reported and filtered.

Can any LARPagans unironically reconcile the fact that they are basically atheists version 2?

They use the exact same arguments a fedora does, even the appeals to emotion

Most of them don't even unironically believe any of their myths, exchanging it for a naturalistic modernist abortion.

Ironic that one of their heroes (Evola) would have rightfully thought them retarded.

They hate it because Christianity says to not be a greedy kike, it's the philosophical opposite to the Luciferarian cults that the talmud led to. They've hated long before white people ever got a hold of it.
That's not to say they don't hate whites specifically, or more, than christianity.

No, the reason I mock LARPagans, and agnostic/atheists is because when your brother is being a retard, you chastise him. I don't give two shits about christian niggers. The problem is simply modernism, and the values that have propagated because of it, it's subverted every single facet of culture, including religion (pagan religions not excluded).

Thanks, I laughed.

I thank the (((benevolent jews))) to bring knowledge of God to my ancestors who certainly knew nothing about him and creation and deserved to have their cultures (superstitions) erradicated and be sujugated by foreign shadowy elites, resulting in the modern world.

This is what bluepilld "christian identity" shills actually believe. They're no dofferent than race traitors. But "muuh larp"…

Here's some examples

(All dates AD)

Immediately after its full legalisation, the Christian Church attacks the Gentiles: The Council of Ancyra denounces the worship of Goddess Artemis.

Emperor Constantine declares Christianity as the only official religion of the Roman Empire. At Dydima, Asia Minor, he sacks the Oracle of God Apollo and tortures its Pagan priests to death. He also evicts the Gentiles from Mt. Athos and destroys all local Hellenic Temples.

Emperor Constantine, following the instructions of his mother Helen, destroys the Temple of God Asclepius in Aigeai of Cilicia and many Temples of Goddess Aphrodite in Jerusalem, Aphaca, Mambre, Phoenice, Baalbek, etc.

Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the Pagan Temples in Greece to decorate Nova Roma (Constantinople), the new capital of his Empire.

Constantine sacks many Pagan Temples of Asia Minor and Palestine and orders the execution by crucifixion of “all magicians and soothsayers". Martyrdom of the neoplatonist philosopher Sopatros.

Emperor Constas, son of Constantinus, persecutes "all the soothsayers and the Hellenists". Many Gentile Hellenes are either imprisoned or executed.

New large - scale persecutions against the Gentiles in Constantinople. Banishment of the famous orator Libanius accused as… "magician".

An edict of Constantius orders the death penalty for all kind of worship through sacrifices and "idols".

A new edict of Constantius orders the closing of all Pagan Temples. Some of them are profaned and turned into brothels or gambling rooms. Executions of Pagan priests. First burning of libraries in various cities of the Empire. The first lime factories are built next to closed Pagan Temples. A large part of Sacred Gentile architecture is turned into lime.

A new edict of Constantius orders the destruction of the Pagan Temples and the execution of all "idolaters".

Constantius outlaws all methods of Divination (Astrology not excluded).

In Skythopolis, Syria, christians organise the first death camps for the torture and execution of arrested Gentiles from all around the Empire.

361 to 363
Religious tolerance and restoration of Pagan cults declared in Constantinople (11th December 361) by the Pagan Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus.

Assassination of Emperor Julianus (26th June).

Emperor Flavius Jovianus orders the burning of the Library of Antioch. An Imperial edict (11th September) orders the death penalty for all Gentiles that worship their ancestral Gods or practice Divination (“sileat omnibus perpetuo divinandi uriositas”). Three different edicts (4th February, 9th September, 23rd December) order the confiscation of all properties of Pagan Temples and the death penalty for participation in Pagan rituals, even private ones.

An Imperial edict (17th November) forbids Gentile officers of the army to command christian soldiers.

Emperor Valens orders a tremendous persecution of Gentiles throughout the Eastern Empire. In Antioch, among many other Pagans, the ex-governor Fidustius and the priests Hilarius and Patricius are executed. Tons of books are burnt in the squares of cities of the Eastern Empire. All friends of Julianus are persecuted (Orebasius, Sallustius, Pegasius etc.), the philosopher Simonides is burned alive and the philosopher Maximus is decapitated.

Emperor Valens orders the governor of Asia Minor to exterminate the Hellenes and all documents of their wisdom.

oy vey how intollerant.

Abrahamists resumed.

New prohibition of all methods of Divination. The term "Pagan" (pagani, villagers) is introduced by the christians to lessen the Gentiles.

The Temple of God Asclepius in Epidaurus, Greece, is closed down.

On 27th February, Christianity becomes the exclusive religion of the Roman Empire by an edict of Emperor Flavius Theodosius, requiring that "all the various nations, which are subject to our clemency and moderation should continue in the profession of that religion, which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter". Non-christians are called "loathsome, heretics, stupid and blind". In another edict Theodosius calls "insane" those that do not believe in the christian god and outlaws all disagreements with the Church dogmas. Ambrosius, bishop of Milan, starts destroying all the Pagan Temples of his area. Christian priests lead the mob against the Temple of Goddess Demeter in Eleusis and try to lynch the hierophants Nestorius and Priskus. The 95 year-old hierophant Nestorius, ends the Eleusinian Mysteries and announces the predominance of mental darkness over the human race.

On 2nd May, Theodosius deprives all rights of christians that return to the Pagan Religion. Throughout the Eastern Empire, Pagan Temples and Libraries are looted or burned down. On 21st December, Theodosius outlaws even simple visits to the Temples of the Hellenes. In Constantinople, the Temple of Goddess Aphrodite is turned into a brothel and the Temples of Sun and Artemis into stables.

"Hellelu-jah" (Glory to Yahweh) is imposed in the christian mass.

Emperor Theodosius orders the Praetorian Prefect, Maternus Cynegius, a dedicated christian, to cooperate with the local bishops and destroy the Temples of the Gentiles in Northern Greece and Asia Minor.

385 to 388
Maternus Cynegius, encouraged by his fanatic wife, and bishop, "Saint" Marcellus with his gangs scour the countryside, sack and destroy hundreds of Hellenic Temples, shrines and altars. Amongst others they destroy the Temple of Edessa, the Cabeireion of Imbros, the Temple of Zeus in Apamea, the Temple of Apollo in Dydima and all the Temples of Palmyra.

Emperor Theodosius outlaws (16th June) the care of sacked Pagan Temples.

Public talks on religious subjects are also outlawed by Theodosius. The old orator Libanius sends his famous Epistle "Pro Templis" to Theodosius, with a hope that the few remaining Hellenic Temples will be respected and spared.

389 to 390
All non-christian calenders are outlawed. Hordes of fanatic hermits from the desert flood into Middle Eastern and Egyptian cities, destroying statues, altars, Libraries and Pagan Temples, whilst Gentiles are lynched. Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, starts heavy persecutions against the Gentiles, turns the Temple of Dionysos into a church, burns down the Mithraeum of the city, destroys the Temple of Zeus and burlesques the Pagan priests before they are killed by stoning. The christian mob profanes the cult images.

On 24th February, a new edict of Theodosius prohibits not only visits to Pagan Temples but also looking at vandalised statues. New heavy persecutions all around the Empire. In Alexandria, Egypt, the Gentiles, led by the philosopher Olympius, revolt and after some street fights, finally lock themselves inside the fortified Temple of God Serapis (The Serapeion). After a violent siege, the christians occupy the building, demolish it, burn its famous Library and profane the cult images.

On 8th November, the Emperor Theodosius outlaws all non-christian rituals and names them "superstitions of the Gentiles" (“gentilicia superstitio”). New full scale persecutions against the Gentiles. The Mysteries of Samothrace are ended and priests slaughtered. In Cyprus the local bishop, "Saints" Epiphanius and Tychon destroy almost all the Temples of the island and exterminate thousands of Gentiles. The local Mysteries of Goddess Aphrodite are ended. Theodosius' edict declares: "the ones that won't obey pater Epiphanius have no right to keep living on the island". The Gentiles revolt against the Emperor and the Church in Petra, Aeropolis, Rafia, Gaza, Baalbek and other cities of the Middle East.

The Pythian, Aktia and Olympic Games are outlawed as part of the Hellenic "idolatry". Christians sack the Temples of Olympia.

Those are my ancestors. Kike.

Two new edicts (22nd July and 7th August) lead to new persecutions against the Gentiles. Rufinus, the eunuch Prime Minister of Emperor Flavius Arcadius directs the hordes of the baptised Goths (led by Alaric) to the country of the Hellenes. Encouraged by christian monks, the barbarians sack and burn many cities (Dion, Delphi, Megara, Corinth, Pheneos, Argos, Nemea, Lycosoura, Sparta, Messene, Phigaleia, Olympia, etc.), slaughter or enslave innumerable Hellenes and burn the Temples. Among others, they burn down the Eleusinian Sanctuary and burn alive all of its priests (including the hierophant of Mithras Hilarius).

On 7th December, a new edict by Emperor Arcadius orders that Paganism be treated as high treason. Imprisonment of the few remaining Pagan priests and hierophants.

"Demolish them!" Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all the still erect Pagan Temples demolished.

The Fourth Church Council of Carthage prohibits to all, including its bishops, the study of Gentile books. Porphyrius, bishop of Gaza, demolishes almost all the Pagan Temples of his city (except nine of them that remain active).

With a new edict (13th July) Emperor Flavius Arcadius orders all remaining Temples, mainly in the countryside, to be immediately demolished: «Si qua in agris templa sunt, sine turba ac tumultu diruantur. His enim deiectis atque sublatis omnis superstitioni materia consumetur»

Bishop Nicetas destroys the Oracle of God Dionysus in Vesai and baptises all the Gentiles of this area.

The christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys Temples and "idols". In Gaza too, the local bishop, also a..,"Saint", Porphyrius sends his followers to lynch Gentiles and demolish the remaining nine still active Temples of the city. The 15th Council of Chalkedon orders all christians that still keep good relations with their gentile relatives to be excommunicated (even after their death).

John Chrysostom sends his hordes of gray-clad monks armed with clubs and iron bars to destroy the "idols" in all the cities of Palestine.

John Chrysostom collects funds from rich christian women to financially support the demolition of the Hellenic Temples. In Ephessus, he orders the destruction of the famous Temple of Goddess Artemis. In Salamis, Cyprus, "Saints" Epiphanius and Eutychius continue persecutions of the Gentiles and the total destruction of their Temples and sanctuaries.

A new edict outlaws once more all non-christian acts of worship.

The Emperor of the Western Empire Honorius and the Emperor of the Eastern Empire Arcadius, order together that all sculptures of the Pagan Temples be either destroyed or confiscated. Private ownership of Pagan sculpture is also outlawed. The local bishops lead new heavy persecutions against Gentiles and new book burning. Judges showing pity for Gentiles are also persecuted.

Once again, an edict orders Astrology and all methods of Divination to be punished by death.

In Alexandria, Egypt, the mob urged by the bishop Cyrillus, attacks a few days before the judaeo-christian Pascha (Pesach-Easter) and hacks to pieces the famous and beautiful philosopher Hypatia. Pieces of her body are paraded by the christian mob through the streets of Alexandria, and are finally burned together with her books in a place called Cynaron. On 30th August, new persecutions start against all the Pagan priests of North Africa, who end their lives either crucified or burned alive.

The inquisitor Hypatius, alias "The Sword of God", exterminates the last Gentiles of Bithynia. In Constantinople (7th December), all non-christian army officers, public employees and judges are dismissed.

Emperor Theodosius II, declares (8th June) that the Religion of the Gentiles is nothing more than "demon worship" and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and tortured.

The Temple of Goddess Athena (Parthenon) on the Acropolis of Athens is sacked. Athenian Pagans are persecuted.

On 14th November, a new edict by Theodosius II orders the death penalty for all "heretics" and “pagans” of the Empire. Only Judaism is considered a legal non-christian Religion.

Theodosius II issues an new edict (31st January) against the Gentiles, incriminating their "idolatry" as the reason for a recent

440 to 450
The christians demolish all the monuments, altars and Temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities.

Theodosius II orders all non-christian books burned.

I'm talking about 'christians' brothers and sisters in faith. Christians go for the gullible easily convertable new meat which is rare or sub-human niggers to create impure half-spawn.
I value loyalty for one's own race over religion.
Born agains, various lutheran sects and other loons date and breed with oh-so-persecuted Christians from China for example.
I for one don't tolerate or look fondly on that kind of mindset.

Saging because, quite frankly Holla Forums has more important things to talk about

All the Temples of Aphrodisias (City of Goddess Aphrodite) are demolished and its Libraries burned down. The city is renamed Stauroupolis (City of the Cross).

A new edict by Valentinianus and Marcianus (4th November) emphasises that "idolatry" is to be punished by death.

457 to 491
Sporadic persecutions against Gentiles of the Eastern Empire. Among others, the physician Jacobus and the philosopher Gessius are executed. Severianus, Herestios, Zosimus, Isidorus and others are tortured and imprisoned. The proselytiser Conon and his followers exterminate the last Gentiles of the island of Imbros, in the northeast Aegean. The last worshippers of Lavranius Zeus are exterminated in Cyprus.

482 to 488
The majority of the Gentiles of Asia Minor are exterminated, after a desperate revolt against the Emperor and the Church.

More "underground" Pagan priests are discovered, arrested, burlesqued, tortured and executed in Alexandria, Egypt.

Baptism becomes obligatory, even for those that already say they are christian. The Emperor of Constantinople, Anastasius orders the massacre of the Gentiles in the Arabian city Zoara and the demolition of the Temple of local God Theandrites.

Emperor Jutprada (Justinianus) outlaws the "alternative" Olympian Games of Antioch. He also orders the execution (by fire, crucifixion, tearing to pieces by wild beasts, or cutting by iron nails) of all who practice "sorcery, divination, magic or idolatry" and prohibits all teachings by the Gentiles ("..the ones suffering from the blasphemous insanity of the Hellenes").

Emperor Justinianus outlaws the Athenian Philosophical Academy, which has its property confiscated.

The inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus, a fanatical monk, leads a crusade against the Gentiles of Asia Minor.

Emperor Justinianus allows the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus to convert the Gentiles of Phrygia, Caria and Lydia in Asia Minor. Within 35 years of this crusade, 99 churches and 12 monasteries are built on the sites of demolished Pagan Temples.

Hundreds of Gentiles are put to death in Constantinople by the inquisitor Ioannis Asiacus.

Justinianus orders the notorious inquisitor Amantius to go to Antioch, to find, arrest, torture and exterminate the last Gentiles of the city and burn all the private libraries down.

Mass arrests, burlesquing, tortures, imprisonments and executions of Gentile Hellenes in Athens, Antioch, Palmyra and Constantinople.

578 to 582
Christians torture and crucify Gentile Hellenes all around the Eastern Empire, and exterminate the last Gentiles of Heliopolis

Christian inquisitors attack a secret Temple of Zeus in Antioch. The priest commits suicide, but the other Gentiles are arrested. All the prisoners, the Vice Governor Anatolius included, are tortured and sent to Constantinople to face trial. Sentenced to death they are thrown to the lions. The wild animals are unwilling to tear them to pieces and they end up crucified. Their corpses are dragged through the streets by the christian mob and afterwards thrown unburied in the city dump.

New persecutions against the Gentile Hellenes by the Emperor Mauricius.

Throughout the Eastern Empire, christian accusers "discover" Pagan conspiracies. A new wave of torture and executions erupts.

The "Penthekte" Council of Constantinople prohibits the remains of Calends, Brumalia, Anthesteria, and other Pagan / Dionysian festivals.

The Gentile Hellenes of Laconia, Greece, resist successfully the attempt of Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, to convert them to Christianity.

950 to 988
Violent conversion of the last Gentile Hellenes of Laconia by the Armenian "Saint" Nikon.

What's next, christcucko. Gonna say the "nazis" deserved to die because they were "mean" and "sinful"? Thanks again for proving you're race traitors pretending to be european.

So if your "european brothers" all convered to Religion of Cuck™ you wouldn't oppose them? If our "european brothers" embraced SJW cuckery should we follow them along? Our battle is of ideas, blood is secondary.

k, thanks for clarifying that. reported for spam btw.

Wait, what? You understand that your version of paganism is exactly the definition of satanic.
Not in a meme
way but rather literally embodying the values of Satan like
You don't seem to get that your paganism is literally Judaism but for whites. There really isn't a difference. The values that you hate in Christianity are actually christian values, not Judaic values.

Evola thought neo-paganism was worse than traditional catholicism. See "against the neo-pagans"
I never said he hated them, I said he thought they were retarded. Specifically neo pagans too, as he valued highly the pre christian religions.

Your ancestors spent thousands of years killing each other of far pettier shit, grow up.

oh no, a couple brown people that are escaping from shitty conditions moved to Europe, this is LITERALLY white genocide REEEEEEEEEEE

Christians, when not foreigners themselves, adopted a foreign religion and killed your people. It's because of ideas that I don't mind speaking out against white christians…

Not that it's your case, because you're non-white and even called pagan as "syrians", in a classic kike projection (remind me about where christians came from…).


No comparison there. We are talking about the persecution and replacement of an entire identity and an introduction of kike religion. I have no tolerance for anything jewish.

Pro vatican is anti-Christian however.

My people are still around though despite some 1200 years of Cristianity that uplifted them from ogga booga tribal spearchuckery into a civilized nation. What a holocaust.

And again, your ancestors were genociding each other for far pettier shit.

To say it isn't comparable is wrong.


duurrr the refugees no have white skin this is bad and literally white genocide duurrrrrr

Is this the extent of LARPagan argumentation?
Is this the savior of the white races?


Oh really, let’s look at the Thirty Years War, fought between Christian “brothers” over interpretation differences and the first to be called a “total war”, which killed 50% of the german population

In comparison, the “Gallic Wars”, the bloodiest recorded conflict in pre-christian history, where the romans genocided entire tribes out of hatred, “only” killed or enslaved about 20% of gaul.

But keep the fallacy going, I mean, you got to defamate your own ancestors because of your middle eastern anti-white cult…

In case it wasn't obvious enough that the entire board is being raided

Are you a leftykike, I mean, we're being raided now and you clearly didn't mean to say christianity is the "savior of europeans"… right?

You are trying to divert attention away from the fact that I just blew that christcuck's narrative that peaceful conversion was the norm.

My instincts are always right

Peaceful conversion WAS the norm. Most modern countries converted because your based LARPagan kings did, and told all their subjects to follow suit.

Nice blackmailing. Very Christian.

Christcucks were the first liberals, accepting a foreign cult of global Semitism. If you ever take a safari to see /christian/, you will think you've misclicked and ended up on Holla Forums.

And yet the germans are still around despite all that, all the while the Gauls only exist in history books.

But it's not your people, you're clearly non-white.

Buuut muuuuuuuh cucked civilizashun, only christianity could have built that not the white race Hallelujah!!!

Nice meme.

I've made arguments previously, as have you, but since you have no interest in making anymore, I met your shitpost with a shitpost.

I'm not a leftist, nor a kike. I also don't think Christianity is the savior of Europe, but it's certainly better than neopaganism.

It's clear that Holla Forums has no interest in Christianity or transcending it, but instead pursues it's naturalist and modernist abortion of paganism, so go ahead with that, it's completely worthless however.

Except you didn't, because the majority was peaceful. There were pogroms, there were arseholes, there were draconian measures. Some of these were deserved; Christians(perhaps not even identifying with Christianity) fighting some foreign invader, and it gets written by history as a religious war (just like they're trying to blame 'buddhism' for trying to stop muds from taking over), some were traitors trying to sell the nation out to foreigners (muh inquisitors is bad), and some were as you said; there were arseholes.

Most people in most nations converted peacefully however. Mostly because their king did, or because their mother or father was a Christian, or because the newly founded schools taught Latin and the Bible. There were lots of missionaries, far more missionaries than crusaders.


Stop wasting opportunities. I know most if not all are kikes, but those few pagans and atheists - realise what it is you are currently fighting for. You do not have to like Christianity, but this is great opportunity to push things further into our favour.

Because the gauls assimilated – the romans, as harsh as they were, built temples to the Gallic gods – because their religions were the same. It became Gallo-Roman culture, the province grew to become hugely important.

The kings converted/were bribed or military threatened by the (((christian))) elites (or even given whole thrones and privileges, like Poland cucking out for Lithuania) and then forced the religion upon the populace, thus proving his point. Moron.

Lets argue about history :^)

Because Christianity can never work to our advantage. Worshiping a Semitic idol and communing with their racial spirit through the consumption of the flesh and blood of that idol makes one into a race traitor, a slave of Semites. This is unavoidable spiritual fact. To believe otherwise, one must be an atheist. All Christcucks are incapable of advancing the cause of their race because they are spiritually degenerate.

Kay, you're a Jew. We get it. Holla Forums is well versed regarding how you people argue. It's tiring and annoying, and the mods are somehow painfully slow and finding you. No matter.

Let's get back to discussing ways of pushing this Pope's prophecy. The main purpose is to discredit the current Pope and all of his fagged up ideas, and also to encourage the idea of being a 'Crusader', a warrior who fights for God and his country (even if you do not believe in God, this is a great archetype for people to aspire towards!).

Too bad you goys haven't learned sin denial. Life is easy when you're guiltless, sinless and blame the goyim for everything.

I highly doubt it was so. If you account the ammont of times this many people were supposedly killed throughout history you would realize that most of these are just politically motivated exagerations much like the holohoax of today.
Lel. Romans completely wiped out Gaelic culture and replaced it with their own. They did this everywhere they went. Remind me which language is spoken in France today and to which language group it belongs, celtic or latin?

>The kings converted/were bribed or military threatened by the (((christian))) elites (or even given whole thrones and privileges, like Poland cucking out for Lithuania) and then forced the religion upon the populace, thus proving his point. Moron.
Oy vey how undemocratic. A based LARPagan leader would never do this.

Go crusading
… and Die for Israel!

buuuuuut muuuuuh JOOOOS VOOOOOOLT!!!!
buuuut muuuh knights
buuuuuuuuuuuut muuuh BASED christian shitskins
buuut muuuuuh proto masonic crusader knights versus sinful Hitler

Sounds like bullshit to me fam.

This whole site is centered around people who believe that Europeans do share a common identity.


Nice meme.

into the oven with you kike
dont mind the hissing sound


39 posts? How many shekels does that earn you?

Oh no a foreign religion was imposed upon your people and thousands of your ancestor were killed - let's laugh about this and mock those who don't as being soft!

Oh jew.

Not even going to read this about soviets supporting christians…

These arguments sound (((familiar))).

Nice meme.

>you're a kike for caring about the murder of your ancestors, just accept that foreign cult that killed because it was imposed by (((benevolent jews)))

fat chance

Crusaders weakened the middle east and sacked Constantinople, and guess which empire sprung in these weakened areas just a few years later and went on to invade Europe?

So much for the crusaders protecting Europe… If that was ever their intent they would just cross over to Africa, not travel thousands of miles to liberate kike-land…

Or, you know, these europeans could have just stayed alive and the muslims would have been repealed by the mongol empire genociding them anyway…

buuuuuut muuuuuuuh crusadess for the (((holy land)))

Your arguments are full on kikery and your data is faulty and biased and here you are still playing the victim.
Here's a hint, the HRE wasn't Germany.

Who's cheering the death of his own people now?

A proper examination of the 30 years war reveals that a small sect of 'nationalist Protestants/proto-Protestants' had attempted to secure the freedom to live in their own communities and praise God in the way they wanted. This unsurprisingly irritated the Vatican who had previously had ultimate power, and especially angered them as men like Hus and Luther were trying to deny them money by saying that indulgences were un-Biblical. Small scale battles broke out after Hus's execution, with the Hussites winning some remarkable battles. This would more or less continue with various other, similar factions, doing the same and denying the supremacy of the Vatican.

Opportunistic nobles then used the anger of the peasants and the anger of the Catholic Church as a way to justify a larger war that was all about their own personal gain. If you think this war was about religion you're an idiot, small scale skirmishes between what one might calls cults and tax collectors was all it originally was until nobles and monarchs decided it might make for good justification for their expansionist desires. If Christianity wasn't around they would have used something else - at least Christianity allowed for many to find sanctuary in Churches and mercy.

It's so tiring seeing people use a single-word as justifcation for the dismissal of certain things. You either have no understanding of the 30 years war, or else are a kike who is purposefully trying to waste people's time by having someone (like me) explain it; at which point you'll mention something else. Always moving goal posts. No one discussing the actual topic. And eventually mods delete the thread.

Please mods, do not delete the thread. Delete and ban all the shit replies (including my own) that are trying to turn it into D&C.

This is an excellent opportunity to encourage white men to be strong, to be warriors, and to attack the kiked papacy as well as turn people against immigration and Religion of Cuck™. Let's not waste it.

And you're still the one cheering the murder of your people by promoting thr crusades and the proto-masons temple builders behind them. Most of these killed by arabs were christians shitskins in the middle east and north africa anyway…

Check the catalog. Another pathetic raid, I wonder what they're sliding.

The Swedish Army in the Thirty Years War was actively financed by the catholic French, with the explicit intent of dismantling Germany. All while the Turks, the historical allies of France, marched upon Hungary. Luther was a kike, the Vatican was full of kikes. This was just another bullshit made-up conflict designed to keep whites down, as Hitler said – the dream of those powers was the fracture Germany after 1648. How they did that, by using Christianity to divide Europeans (reformation = judaizing attempt)

>still can't contradicts my facts who are supported by (((everyone else))) and keep bullshitting
Boo hoo, muh ebil christians are the root of everything bad that ever happened since 300 A.D. Based LARPagan Romans never had civil wars every 20 years or so. Based tribal snowniggers were all peaceful and never fought each other either (disregard the fact that their entire religion revolved around warfare). They were all noble savages like in the myths!
It was Germans killing Germans over politics with a bunch of their neighbors interfering in the war.

The filthy non-white rat with an inferiority complex (well deserved) shows himself. Typical Christcuck.

Ah, thanks for confirming that you're not even a Europoid.

I never said actual NS content isn't. I have consistently pushed for the use of everything we have as a means to strengthen the white race. You may not like the fact that I am Christian, but surely you can like the fact that I am willing to use all sorts of things to strengthen whites.

Crusader imagery, regardless of whether or not the Crusades to Jerusalem were a good thing or not - is great for motivating whites. Many white men are weak, demoralised and broken. The new term that has popped up out of nowhere seems to be 'soyboys', although I do not like this because it seems to imply that they are too far gone because of choices they have made - I'd rather we continue to view them as those who have been infected by vile kike propaganda.

Reminding them that their ancestors were these strong conquerors who purged foreigners can do wonders for self-esteem. Crusader imagery, regardless of your view of Crusaders, is great - militant, pure and wholely white. Again it doesn't matter what the actual history is in this instance, it is what people believe it to be - and most people believe that it was an era where superior whites purged all the physically and technologically inferior shitskins. So let's go with that.

Encourage whites to be strong. Give them evidence from history to encourage them.

… But there's more to it than that. The Vatican today is a disgusting husk of what it once was, and I say this as a Protestant who has viewed it as the whore of Babylon for centuries. Catholicism, despite me not liking it, can aid whites - and it would do so far more effectively were it to denounce the current communist darkie-lover. This gives us yet another way of attacking him, using a previous, more-loved Pope - a respected authority to many Catholics - and we can use it to weaken the current Pope's ideology as well as, best case scenario, memeing a crusade to purge the saracen (or more likely - get more white men to aspire to be like their conquering fathers of old).

Use any and all other opportunities as well, even those that have nothing to do with Christianity. We need to stop squandering them.

It was Swedes and Spaniards financed by other killing Germans civilians for the sake of the correct interpretation of the jewish tradition. How low can you sink to justify that and claim wuz gud bois there? I'm not claiming to be "holier than you" but stop spreading fallacies and falling for the "christian identity" meme, you cuck.

I never questioned your intentions, I think they are good but can't bring myself to agree with your ways and think you have motivation, but need to lurk moar to understand the bigger picture.

We can stop arguing here, just don't be a fucking race-traitor and activelly shill against your owm race and NS ideas.

And the thread needs to go. You can go raise the moral of europeans over at leddit…

According to the same prophesy, he's the last pope, the pope that will corrupt and bring down the Catholic church.
He seems to be doing a good job of that. Even Catholics are starting to wonder about him.
And considering that prophesy is a Catholic prophesy (Saint Malachy), I wouldn't think too many Catholics would question it.

The thread.
You shills are really fucking trying to not lose your contract on the first, eh?

Whoa. So tell me then, how were they different from sand niggers and jungle niggers? Oh wait, they weren't. Now you're just defending them because they were white, because apparently being white excuses any sort of behavior. Brongs to mind andother (((tribe))) that has a similar attitude.

Based and merciful Romans never massacred their own fellow WHITES, those are lies and slander! They were based national socialists creating a WHITE utopia and respected the cultures and traditions of their fellow WHITES, Gauls, Britons and Germans.
There we go with the muh 6 gorillion shamans mantra again.

Good work user. You're right, we can spin these two prophecies together for a massive win.


That fixation on defamating Europeans, especially romans reminds me of a (((certain group))) who got destroyed by them…

Christians want Holla Forums to stop fucking with them they better straighten the fuck out and go after the Synagogue of Satan. For Protestants, read Martin Luther's The Jews and Their Lies

If only you "christian identity" shills cared and had kindness for your fellow christians who died needlessly during christian religious conflicts, or for any innocent soul for that matter, but no you just pretend to be crusaders and masturbate about the middle ages and the destruction of europeans cultures and civilizations, who had to survive such onslaught…

Really makes you think why it required 1700 years of "inquisitions" to maintain itself, supported by some (((shadowy elites))), and, when these elites were shaken off christianity, the whole cult fell into irrelevance and mockery - for rootless atheism, sadly

Or better yet, Holla Forums could utilise already existing Christian beliefs and texts to create a powerful weapon to use against the Synagogue of Satan. This prophecy about the black pope who wants to end Catholicism can get some Catholics on our side; Luther's book can rally Protestants, and can all the actual Scripture where Jesus flat out attacks the Pharisees and says he has disinherited them, and that they will be destroyed.

Why wait for a few of them to come to us, when we could turn lots of them into allies by waking them up to the truth of their own religion? We must be actively seeking to expand our power and fight the parasite; we must not passively hope that people will turn up to help us.

Or you could just get europeans out of christianity alltogether and return them to their own beliefs, who are, not just "anti-semitic", but completely opposed to the very nature of judaism…

But hey, maybe these prophecies will appeal to the small percentage of people under 60 who attend church in Europe…

What next? We shouldn't judge the niggers in africa nigging since it's their advanced culture that's just as valid as ours? It's really getting ridiculous to see retards like you equating tribeniggers with civilized Romans.

The truth of their religion is that they worship a Semitic idol and through communion with that idol their souls become twisted such that they cannot help but serve the Semitic agenda. Christians will never be capable of fighting the kikes; their souls are bound to that tribe. The only way to create allies among our countrymen is to free them completely from Christian influence. Reading the Bible and dedicating oneself to Yeshua is no different from reading Marx's canon and devoting oneself to him.

I don't care if my kin wants to worship some past rabbi as a god, but I am disgusted by this acceptance many Christians have been hoodwinked into, to accept ANYBODY that joins their faith as kin.
They are not, and the rest of the world, not thinking that way, will overwhelm us if we start ignoring our own and falling for this "kumbaya" one-world-race crap.
You don't see the Jews promoting this among their own, do you?
The Ashkenazim seek to be the only white-skins left, after the rest of the world is some genetically-fucked-up amalgam of human meat-machines, throw-away serviles to their hoped for "pure master race."

Remember the Jew-supremacist M.O….always accuse your enemy of what YOU, yourself, are doing.
Hitler wanted no "master" race, just a more pure-bred and viable race of Europeans.
Ashkenazim actually want to be the master race, not by improving their genetics (that would simply make them white Europeans), but by fucking over the genetics of their rivals, the white Euros.

Hitler wanted superiority through improvement…kikes want superiority through the degeneracy of others.

In 2011 Poland was 87.5% Catholic. Probably higher now as lots of their scum left for Western Europe.

That's a lot of potential allies who can be turned, even further, towards our cause. Use every weapon in our arsenal. All these people who oppose using this stuff to our advantage must answer this question, otherwise they out themselves as shills.

LARPagan wisdom, everyone.


The vikings didn't change the slave trade networks they came upon - the Christians (or well, the jewish merchants under them) ran a massive slave trade of Europeans through Frankia in Verdun towards Muslims Spain - the very christian city of Venice was a major slave port (including of other christians) and the Byzantine greeks (jewish merchants) sold slaves to their arab enemies who attacked them YEARLY.

Because the christcucks actually did that, right? The shitskin bunch with passages like "there is no race" in the Bible? You're going full retard there, all to defamate your own ancestors.

The european tribal cultures were incomparable with africans, because not only had things like domestication of animals, mastery of agriculture, building of huge burial mounds that we aren't able to replicate up to today, iron and gold casting and massive armors like what I described, and were able to write, despite keeping oral traditions - hell they even were able to use the curvature of the earth to plan their raids on you, while you christians believe in a flath earth - but you can't seem to known any history or accept any good aspect about your own ancestors, because of your butthurt and self-flagellation due to (((christcuckery))).

While the pagan would capture and ruler over subjects, the christians carried out huge senseless massacres like the protestant army burning half of germany for no strategic gain…

Wtf i'm pagan now, praise Odin.. Erm.. I mean .. Zeus or was it Jupiter .. wait.. uhhhh Ra.. wait no, this one's semitic… uhhhhh Amaterasu.. no wait that one's not even white… uhh

Glory be to the Sky Father. Blood and soil!


Thank you for enlightening me.

I'm a non-white but I will praise Jesus now, brotha, because its just so singlr just go OOOGA BOOGA and sing Hallelujah in the singing church and sheit!!!

I mean, what would desert dwellers even share? At some point, the church 33% of European lands. But hey just gotta pay your tithes, so our rabbi, eh, priest can afford that gold church robes and time with the local escort, hehe

Totally not like communism :^)

You sound like a liberal who watched too much pedowood.

I don't know man, our European culture is still here yet your pagan tribeniggery is gone.

Christianity was their common identity and it was much better than tribal niggery that it replaced.

Hopefully they actually act on what they believe soon then.

My problem with modern Christianity is that, they have apparently forgotten that it was the Jew Pharisees that riled up the Jew masses against Jesus, who then dragged Jesus, who was not guilty of any crime, before their Roman overlords, who, being Pagan, didn't give a fucking rat's ass about Jewish religious squabbling, and so executed Jesus just to keep the peace & stop the Jewish whining.

I guess all that's forgiven now, eh? The Jews are your brothers in Yahweh, even though they still hate Jesus & believe Yahweh has him drowning eternally in boiling excrement down in Hell, right?

If the Jew is right, and the very founder & god of your religion has been sent to hell to choke in boiling shit, then what might Yahweh have in store for you followers of Christ, in the minds of the Jews?

And if they respect or love the Christians, how would their version of Yahweh feel about THEM?

European culture IS Pagan. Even Christianity had to alter itself to take on Pagan attributes, in order to gain a foothold in Europe.

But jews want you to destroy nature, right. And Hitler didn't start massive landscaping and reforestation projects and even animals (banning demonic kosher slaughter and such), while persecuting christian clergy on Kirchenkampf.


Catholicism… you get down on your knees in front of a man in a dress that puts something in your mouth and tells you to swallow.

Could this be any more degenerate?

The answer is simple. Jews. As for Pilatus, He really didn't care about jews arguing over religion. He sided with the pharisees because he didn't want to be held responsible for a major revolt by proteting Jesus.

He isn't. He never was ever since they rejected God. And they paid a terrible price for that. They instead turned to worshiping the devil. If you take a look at their history, they were never 100% aligned with God to begin with and were non-stop fucking up simple things from the start. All their misfortune has root in that defiance.
Then they would become just another Christian nation among many, probably one of the better ones. But we all know that is not going to happen because they are spiteful assholes bent on supremacy and domination.

Which one? Roman culture? Greek? Gaelic? German? There was never a unified pagan European monoculture, at least in recorded history. However Christianity managed to mitigate that and provided SOME common identity for Europeans to rally around. Without it, as I stated before, it's just savage tribeniggery.

Nature and freedom are great. Hippie treehuggery isn't and neither is the presumption that freedom means freedom to do whatever you like and disregard the freedom of others.
Good for him.

There we go again. No such thing existed before christianity.

Which ones? Roman ones? Germanic maybe? People had their holidays and nobody really cared to stop them from celebrating. If anything they simply attached christianity to them because it was convenient.
And yet somehow those damn christians managed to convert literally everyone.

Whoa, are you trying to say they could make obvious observations? Are you trying to say they had had words denoting and grouping outsiders by common traits and origin? And yet I highly doubt any of them would care about based niggers. They saw them as outsiders, sure and rightfully so, but that is the bare minimum really. The separation of races into the "master race" and the lesser ones are concepts created by Darwinism, otherwise it was just base tribeniggery that could be observed literally anywhere humans ever existed.

You mean rank them? Because acknowledging them IS distinguishing them. Neither does any pagan religion state anything on race though. Did Zeus ever command the greeks to go kill all the niggers? No. Did Zeus even say anything regarding browns? No. Not even going to talk about odin and whatnot, but I would say paganism is even more colorblind than Christianity on the matter, especially since you tout it to be the (((end-all universal peace religion))) which again sounds awfully familiar.

Wow a minor war in the history of warfare of Europe.
You are like BLM bitching about cops killing niggers while niggers slaughter each other every day.

You just think they aren't jews because you claim your interpretation of the jewish tradition is the true one.

And nobody claimed that, or that indeed Christianity created one. What is true that the European cultures shared the same religion and several common aspects (not just the same language branch) even before Christianity (which didn’t do much to unify them religiously either, as Europeans since the beginning follow as sorts of different branches of Christianity, all competing with each other).

And when you go to say Christianity “started” culture in Europe, you’re just plainly disregarding the European Cultures and traditions stemming from 500.000+ years of history, that materialized in the Germanics, Romans, Greeks and so on…

To say these religious are hippy “tree-huggery” because the noahide law is absent is the same as one claiming Christianity is instituted cuckoldy and emasculation, kneeling in front of a foreign idol. You know this is a strawmanning, and you can do better than that.

Yeah, a Christianity so washed down and a mashup of some many previous elements that most simply said “hum, OK, I will stand this and not be cutted down and executed”.

And yes, “Zeus” did command Greeks to kill Persians, Trojans and many other enemy peoples on several occasions. They saw Ethiopians as foreigners – the Greeks had extensive treaties on race and calling the Ethiopians physically inferior and so on… The Romans noted how the Germanics were entirely indigenous and racially-mixing, even within Europeans, was nearly absent from them. Stop making up things to nay-say, and look into the actual history of European cultures before Christianity.

Way to be a nigger.

Oh and the Germanic had racial awareness, and even united their tribes to fight against Rome, so did the greek city-states join against Persia, the Gauls against Caesar and so on. There was cohesion and strong tribal bonds between Europeans, who were of the same people, shared the same practice and the same forebears (and were willing to sacrifice for each other, or for the state/their lord – a concept that was greatly missed from the roman armies after the Christianization”). This is what European identity is about, things that manifested only in Europeans – foreign middle-eastern religions have little to do with it.

Christianity changed this for the worst, as people saw themselves less as “Germans” but more of subjects of the “Holy Roman Emperor” or of “Petty Christian Nobles”. It weakened their tribal bonds – and it didn’t provide a “common” cause for “Europeans” to rally upon, but for ALL peoples to join, middle-eastern Christians, Ethiopians and so on. It’s an universalist religion. There wasn’t a “pro-european” Christianity, just a Christianity that happened to be squashed out north of the Mediterranean due to invading arabs.

Only these weakened cultures by Christianity could have been “mitigated” in the first place… And remember Gaelic=Irish/Gaulish=from Gallia.

Where in this thread is anyone advocating odin as having omnipotence? You're delusional and hilariously ignorant. You honestly believe that you're dealing with LARPagans here?

It's posts like these that truly woke me up to the christcuck problem. The fact that there are posters like you on this board who consider yourselves redpilled but exhibit poor & pathetic degrees of logic is both amusing and frightening. Some call it christ-insanity or whatever. Whatever it is, it's not something that needs to be on Holla Forums.

Disgusting. But only honest of your attitudes towards whites.

It would never happen and that wasn't the train of logic that other user was showing. Religion of Cuck™ is still an (((abrahamic religion))) and just as disgusting as the other two major (((abrahamic faiths))).

When you say something incredibly stupid and obviously untrue, you don't deserve a serious answer. Not even a jewish shill would make that idiotic of a post. You have to try in order to post something that retarded.

Putting aside the delusion that the spread of christianity in europe was peaceful, which it wasn't, trying to get papists to hate the pope is as much of a waste of energy as getting Israel First Boomers to hate Israel if not more. The core of papist christianity aka catholicism and assorted flavors is based around papal infallibility. An exercise in futility would be to try and play the PR game.

If you mark the exact hour where a sudden influx of christian posters appeared when the thread just had 1 or 2 before, that's when the catalog sliding happened. Shills blend in with christians and christians blend in with shills. If you didn't know this before, now you do.

Wow, this threads gone to shit since yesterday.

sage the shills


The problem is most poster here are from protestant countries and confuse their judazing heresy with Christianity
Historicaly protestants are jew and muslim enablers
I don’t take pagan larper for serious, they most probably are jews anyway, it is mostly a (((phenomen))) of protestant countries
Pagan larping lacks everything a true religion has, faith, credibility and tradition it is even based on Christian reporting about the heathens

Hitler did know why he did laugh about pagan larper, he instead tried to promote “traditional Christianity”, that is how he did interpret that. Hitler did know and write about the corruption of the Church(s) already before the first world war.

He was as “conservative Christian” as the Poles are in general.
Woytila prime objective was to fight the Soviets (Russians), for that he forged a pact with the (((US))) devil.
Woytila turned a blind eye in the subversion of American Catholicism by US intelligence agencies and their evangelical, protestant cover organisations all over the continent. This did include the large scale murder of Catholic clerics by evangelical death squads trained by the CIA and US-Army. Not even the KGB did get away with such.
Woytila treated the faithfull Catholics around bishop Lefebre much worse than he did treat the subversion of US Catholicism by communist sleeper agents, or the open marxist “liberation theology” in South-America, were most could keep their position and could raise through the ranks. The result can be seen in this open Anti-Christ “pope” Bergoglio. My spellcheck suggest to replace Bergoglio with “Goldberg” all-knowing AI

Koran kisser Woytila created also that pan-theist theater in Assisi.

Benedict/Ratzinger was a aide to Woytila and as a aide influential creating Vatican II. Ratzinger had second thoughts about that later and would have preferred a return of traditional Catholicism he did grow up with.
Benedict was isolated in the Vatican and surrounded by traitors, realizing that, that he can’t fight the machine and most probably blackmailed he did resign, open the way for the NWO anti-Christian pope.

Good to know that popes like Urban, Pius and Calictus were no „Christians and Catholics“ but (((you))) and Bergoglio sure know better what is Christian.

The USA is no Christian land, it is an utterly judaic heresy. Everything what the burger think is “Christian” is rubbish.

Because anyone, not deaf and blind, in Europe in the 1980’s was able to see were the ride was going to. I.a.w. the massive shilling of the jews for massimigration of mudslimes to Europe.


It is jewish.

The Romans couldn‘t defeat the Persians, but the Persians were defeated by !slamic Arabs.
The Romans were those people responsible for spreading jew everywhere in their empire.
Europe could not have been defended without Catholic church, because the protestants did help and submit to !slamic rule.
The pantheistic pagans of India were utterly trashed by the Mudslime invader and would have been under !slamic supremacy still today if not for European interference, eliminating the Mudslime rule over the Indian subcontinent.

No part of Europe which wasn‘t Catholic could defend against !slam, they all had to submit to Mudslime rule, like the “Orthodox”, or were even enthusiastic to do so as were the protestants

The USA is no Christian land, it is an utterly judaic heresy. Everything what the burger think is “Christian” is rubbish.

Merkel is the daughter of a protestant priest.

That was in 19th century, hundred years before Hitler and a conflict with protestant Prussia, not Germany.

The Scholl sister were members of the Hitler-Youth even before Hitler became leader of Germany.

Don’t talk about shit you have no knowledge of.

What a load of bullshit. The Nazis created the Nurnberg Christmas market as it is presented today.

I’m really feed up with that judeo-protestant-anglo desinfo constantly repeated here and everywhere else, We are not the “History Chanel or the Daily-Mail” you shill.

That is not funny, but the reason and the way why we got into that mess we are in today.

Borman didn’t survive the war and everything not published by Hitler and the party but “discovered” after the war is highly suspicious, as is “Hitlers second book”.

Speer is a known liar who changed sides after the war and was probably the only person in Nurnberg who might have justified accused of war crimes but coincidentally was the only one spared capital punishment and his “confessions” were widely published and pushed after the war.

Most plotter were protestant Prussian junkers from eastern Germany.

What is that going to proof?
That north-eastern Germans protestants are pagan larper?

Strange that Hitler and his gang were mostly “Catholics” from southern Germany, that includes Himmler who was the only one who was in that pagan larping.

There was no Germany, and every piece of land stolen belongs rightful to Poland and France as the Versailles dictate commands. Don’t mind that Catholic Germany is the constituting country for Europe and the Occident, already removing Kebab even before half of Europe appears in history books.

The church did forbid slavery and slave trade among Christians in the early middle ages – fact.
The jews continued to trade pagan Slav slaves across central Europe to Muslim Spain, as did the pagan Vikings.

The church then did forbid any slave trade in the middle ages, for each and everyone including jews. Coincidentally that was at the time of the crusades and anti-jewish pogroms in all of the former centers of jewish slave trade.

Hi, Shlomo!

Jews don’t like the crusades and constantly kvetch against them. That is not even a controversial observation, just look how the crusades are presented in today's (((media))).

Don’t you think that that 99% of the foaming out of the mouth “christ cuck” messages are written by jews?

How about whites who prioritize their race over religion, TORpedo?


The 30 Years War STARTED as a rebellion within the Holy Roman Empire over religion; specifically, the kaiser wanted to force everyone to be Catholic, not Protestant.

Then it turned into a POLITICAL war when Protestant countries (and Catholic France) attacked the Empire in order to oppose Habsburg rule (if the kaiser got his way, power in the Empire would be more centralized and he would wield more direct power, whereas previously the Empire was a loose confederation and the kaiser had little direct authority), and the Catholic countries (minus France) all sided with the Empire because they were members of the Habsburgs. Sweden got involved because they wanted wealth and power.

The war had very little to do with religion and a LOT to do with politics and opposition to the Habsburgs taking control of every monarchy in Europe. Saying the 30 Years War was a religious war is like saying The Troubles in Northern Ireland was a religious war. Only the extremely ignorant would think that.

Maybe instead of tipping your fedora, you should try reading a history book.

That is like saying the reconquista started as a rebellion within Spain over religion; specifically, the Catholic monarchs wanted everybody to be Catholic, not !slamic.


Never said he did. It's a common Jew tactic to put words in their opponents mouths, really makes me think.
They certainly have some power, and they wouldn't care about babies dying. The personal, caring and loving aspects are just properties of God projected onto them.

This is childish beyond all measures.

You are a petulant child that your ancestors would be ashamed or angry with, hell they may have even sacrificed you, depending where you were. One thing that the ancients hated was hubris and excessive pride. Humilty marked every single great man in history.

It's clear you hate christians more than you hate (((them))), maybe you should reflect on that, if you aren't one of the (((tribe))).

The way you were mocking pagans was describing a situation where someone used Odin in place of the christian god the same way a christian god is considered to have omnipotence. So it wasn't putting words in your mouth at all.

You actually are delusional and ignorant. You couldn't even tell what kind of gesture you were making and understand it when being rephrased. If you're unable to catch that, you clearly are a simpleton.

user I'm not a LARPing pagan but tbh if we fail and Religion of Cuck™ takes over europe and yet we manage to move on from the mental retardation associated with it and our race survives by some miracle without being fully muddied ,in 2000 years people would say europe was fundamentally muslim,it's the religion of our ancestors etc etc.
I dont dislike it because I know generations of brave white men died for the ideals of Christianity but to me it's still non white,and it's precepts is what made south america(all are based native christians with based negro converts with whatever hue monkey we find) or our beloved african kangz that were just to be treated in a Christian manner and to be taught about God.
Those we are all equal under god shit even got mixed with the declaration of independence ideas of free white men and ended up somehow into the american cattle as being enshrined into the constitution.

That's the most inane leap of logic I've seen today. My argument is that pagans will use the exact same fedora arguments. In this specific meme example it's the classic appeal to emotion
Odin or any deity that has wordly power can easily be substituted as omnipotence is not required for this argument to work,
It's just ironic because historically the gods wouldn't care about a matter so beneath them as babies dying, and pagans attempting to argue within a modernist worldview, as this is an argument that pagans unironically make.
How do I know you're 16? Most of you're post history has next to no arguments, just oversimplified platitudes, reminds me of a (((certain))) argumentation style, or just immaturity and lack of any real critical thinking or a fleshed out worldview.

If you aren't a kike shill I'd advise finishing High School before posting again.

Point out such an argument then

Then you don't know how omnipotence works because your first example was substituting the christian god for odin.

I guess I have to point out to you that one of the reasons why you're delusional and ignorant is that you jumped into the thread wanting to argue about pagans. When people on Holla Forums are exposing the jewish usage of and origin of christianity, that does not automatically qualify their posts as promoting paganism. If they are doing that aside from the other content in their posts that's on them. Next and just as important, there is no definitive nor ever was a definite structure for pagan aka gentile religions. This is the most important aspect of original and modern worship. You can define every flavor of christianity but a pagan worshiper has their own version and so trying to strawman all of them is not only futile but hilariously ignorant. This only adds to how invalidated your example was in a desperate attempt to make an analogy to atheism. It is a telling sign of a christian shill to group all non-christian critics in one category and assume they're all the same.

So when I referenced positive christianity much earlier in the thread and used that as a basis for explaining what kind of "christian" hitler was, that wasn't at least one argument? If you wanted to make a valid and simple point you should at least try to be honest. But I suppose honesty is a quality beyond that of a simpleton.

And clearly you were graduated only because your school needed to fulfill its graduation quota. Congratulations, you're graduation fodder like niggers.

Because he can be.
The premise
are both true.
If there weren't LARPagans in this thread that would be relevant. Since I was specifically addressing them, this is irrelevant.
This doesn't matter, just because there is no formal agreed upon doctrine, there is still doctrine, I can still address "pagans". This no formal system thing wasn't even historically true and is just another symptom of the modernist abortion of paganism that constitutes neo paganism.
Proof you haven't graduated High School. I wish you were ironically being this underage.
My last (You) to (((You))).

well several of them are circumcized, so they're zogbots

The entire concept of "sin" is jewish. As Europeans, we should have no interest whatsoever in the semitic garbage that has become predominant in the modern world.

That's not how that works, especially in christian doctrine. Otherwise you would be dangerously close to the territory of thought where admitting that odin's personification was used for christian worship. That would only validate a sliver of your poor excuse of logic.

This is hilariously incorrect. I suppose you haven't even seen a cheat sheet for basic facts for norse gods. The closest you could say about odin's powers is that he's very wise.

That is not exclusive to the problem of assuming they're all subject to your poor attempt at strawmanning them.

You didn't compare them. Your challenge to answer their example was meant for all of them.

Desperate. Only abrahamic religions have doctrine. Not following doctrine is heresy, and the heretic is subject to punishment, hence the use of doctrine.

The reason why I cited just that one was because it points out how desperate you are to find a leg to stand on. Similar to grouping all pagans as the same, you have to pretend you've encapsulated the person's contributions to the thread and decry them in the laziest way possible. Then I briefly mentioned what that example was to see if you would respond to that but you weren't interested nor were honest enough.

>My last (You) to (((You))).
Thanks for admitting defeat. Your time was greatly appreciated.

I already mentioned that it is kikes and mudslimes kvetching about the crusades.

Early on the Spanish inquisition did identify „protestants“ as judazing heretics, called them that way, not Lutherans or Calvinist or whatever other names are used.

Protestants are exactly those persons who did and do accuse other people of not being Christians, people who practice their faith like their ancestor did for at least a millennia. The people the protestants accused and still accuse of not being Christians are the sole source the protestants had and have of anything Christian. That is such a crazy leap of logic by the protestants that them being a jewish psyop is not very far fetched. It is a historical fact that protestantism and jewish meddling in European affairs are parallel, fact is that jews supported the spread of protestantism in Europe.

Another fact is that it is jews who are behind atheism and secularism in Europe, most visible in France. Were “atheism” is always the fight against the Catholic church or anything related to Christianity. Atheist never attack judaism, many beside of the shabes goys are jews themselves. Same is true for the atheist political movement, which is socialism/communism.

Another vector of jewish attack against Christianity are parody religions, like neo-paganism or “jehowas witness”.

I know protestantism is a judaizing-op, but you're forgetting that catholicism is also compromised and christianity as a whole is an ancient judaizing-op.

Read "A real case against the jews", the fight among protestants and catholics was because the protestants claimed catholics didn't follow the jewish tradition well enough - it was a fight between the catholic church trying to maintain the judaized european status-quo, against agitators demanding even more judaism…

Surely, Catholicism is compromised to the core, eventually unsalvageable.
Ancient judaizing-op? I think that is to far fetched, not reflecting the complicated way how Christianity emerged. There are conspiracie theories about it, they don’t convince me. There always have been individual temporary cases of compromising the Church, all in all it was most of the time an efficient anti-Jewish org.
If you think it is all Christianities fault, how do you explain Jews in China or India?

Daily reminder that by definition a Christian is obligated to prefer a 100% black nation of Christians over a 100% white pagan ethnostate.

(Citation needed)

Good morning Shlomo how is the weather in TelAviv?

Irving, whose authority on the matter I respect, commented that there are in fact two Table Talks, one being the tampered version that was bought in Switzerland from the family by a kike. Imagine my surprise…

To cop a phrase from their own dear Rabbi, we need new wineskins for new wine.