Fingolian president elekshun

There aren't any threads about this since my winterblasted country does not have much impact or influence in EUSSR's Brysselsphere. Though I thought it might be important enough to warrant a thread since real life shenanigans could be had and rusing newfags at ylilauta to do the raiding in person, spreading shit on Faceberg and so on. I'll list candidates here and add some and shit I got on them
>Tuula Haatainen Social Democrats (Woman, inept minister of education. VERY left leaning
>Pekka Haavisto (((Greens))) (Green party is like a watermelon green on the outside but red as communism on the inside and worked for the (((UN))) )
Nils Torvalds Swedish People's party (Swedish cuck, former member of (((communist party))), father of Linus Torvald)
>Matti Vanhanen the (((moderates))), (This faggot is completely inept. Went through infidelity scandal in year 200X)
Proofs below
Members list including Paavo
Jussi niinistö's wife is half poo

I'm in middle of work, so sorry if my thread looks like shit since I'm a mobile poster and I'm in work.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kike free first post, OP

President has nearly zero power so it's basically just a decen't-paying mix of interior and foreign secretary PR person than anyone with decision power.

Kekkonen went full Trump before Trump was a twinkle in his father's eye. So yes Finnish president is pretty gimped power and influence wise.
Though stirring up shit might be hilarious since presdential candidates do public speeches which leave open mic. Dropping said members list in one of those events might be funny.

oh fug :DD

Come on Suomi. You are the last bastion of National Socialism. If you fall, it will be a mess and I have no place to go to rally and regain continental europe.

More proof of the fact that communists breed retards.

Linux is fine.

Please don't, the cringe would be too much to handle.


We the people.

when someone drives a car and strives to be the fastest and make first place and win, are they attacked and shamed for being racist?
when someone lifts a heavy weight and struggles to be the strongest, do people demand they be weaker so that they may be more fair to everyone else?
when someone gives their sweat, blood, and tears to protect their own family, their own people, and their own country, must they apologize for wanting to be free and safe?

loving your own people and your own country does not mean that you hate everyone else. it's okay to be white. you are not guilty of a crime for being the best you can be. you are not a monster for wanting a better world for your grandchildren. you are not a disease for spreading good ideas to your countrymen. you are you. do the best you can to be the best you can. help those around you be the best they can too.

We are often told that Holla Forums is always right, but to be truly honest we must give credit where credit is due. God is always right, and it is God who has chosen us to drink memes from the breast of life. it is God who guides us through this maze of darkness and deception, and it is God who will save us from those who hate the innocent.

it is highly unlikely that the board owner and mods on Holla Forums and similarly named boards on similar chan sites are not working for shareblue/another shill agency linked to the dnc and the un/eu/globalists.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

we are being targeted and subverted by multiple disinformation terrorist shill cells who hate us for telling the truth, and simply being who we are.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

never forget the connection that Holla Forums has to /x/


Dear God…
The Finns are irl shitposting again



So, would Niinistö be the best option here?


Has Holla Forums taught you nothing? Voting literally does not matter you stupid fool.
Just do nothing and prepare for race war. Everyone running for election that isn't explicitly calling for the genocide is controlled opposition. Simply naming the Jew isn't even enough and these candidates aren't even doing that so they are all obviously zionist cock suckers.
Accelerationism is the only way, how will democracy cucks ever recover?

Yes, yes. Mr. Do not vote. I'm all in for to have a blast and possibly exploit this situation for some cheap lulz.
It's matter of voting the lesser of evil. Call Trump a zogbot if you want, he's still the best option.
For fucks sakes over half of the candidates have leftist ties.

Ei vittu

Accelerationism is the most failed ideology of the 21st century. Only actual victory has managed to increase morale and steer people further to the right.

You're saying that you have 0,0% ourguys that can be meme'd towards victory?

Don't be so sure, see pic one.

What is the first pic exactly? The number of posters here, or what? Those numbers seem to be a wee bit high for that.

You're confusing passive accelarationism with active accelelerationism/falseflags, without a doubt the most effective tactic of modern time.

Cuckchan. Quite interesting despite the origin.

Wut animu?


You have my vote as my favourite european country.
Even if pic you can always come visit spain,i never met a fin IRL knowingly.

I want to visit Funland.
I planned Rally this summer but didn't make it.
I visit next summer
Also Arto Tapio Paasilinna is boss

Not Ubuntu though

yes Finns are elusive creatures
between saunaing, gondola spurdo engineering, vodka and swedish joke making, plotting for world dominance you can rarely see one outside Finnish forests.

I once came close to seeing one when he(they?) apparently drunk crashed an Opel Astra on a Highway stop in Slovenija.
That car was there for 6 months.
I suspect Finns came to retrieve some time later

I once s

thread theme


We the people.

when someone drives a car and strives to be the fastest and make first place and win, are they attacked and shamed for being racist?
when someone lifts a heavy weight and struggles to be the strongest, do people demand they be weaker so that they may be more fair to everyone else?
when someone gives their sweat, blood, and tears to protect their own family, their own people, and their own country, must they apologize for wanting to be free and safe?

loving your own people and your own country does not mean that you hate everyone else. it's okay to be white. you are not guilty of a crime for being the best you can be. you are not a monster for wanting a better world for your grandchildren. you are not a disease for spreading good ideas to your countrymen. you are you. do the best you can to be the best you can. help those around you be the best they can too.

We are often told that Holla Forums is always right, but to be truly honest we must give credit where credit is due. God is always right, and it is God who has chosen us to drink memes from the breast of life. it is God who guides us through this maze of darkness and deception, and it is God who will save us from those who hate the innocent.

it is highly unlikely that the board owner and mods on Holla Forums and similarly named boards on similar chan sites are not working for shareblue/another shill agency linked to the dnc and the un/eu/globalists.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

we are being targeted and subverted by multiple disinformation terrorist shill cells who hate us for telling the truth, and simply being who we are.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

never forget the connection that Holla Forums has to /x/

Fuck you and your anti mod bullshit, cuck.

Go to the Canary Islands. You will always be able to find Finns.

Finns party isn't run by Soini anymore, so you're misrepresenting it. Mestari is pretty Holla Forums.

I think you're confusing warnings not to back and support jews, with doing absolutely nothing instead. Which isn't at all what is being said.
Consequentially, voting for jews with the expectation they will do anything positive for your people is worse than doing nothing, but in fact contributing to your people's demise as all American retards who fell for the Trump scam will see in due course..

Anyone correcting you for pushing neocon kikes, is only doing their duty as a white man, instead may I suggest backing voting for people who aren't in bed with and controlled by jews.

Soini cucked for his Foreign Ministry position. Now the party is truly nationalist.
He's still a member of his party.
The Greens' Ville Niinistö is his nephew. Jussi is not related to either two.

Get your facts straight before you make a thread.

Seriously, that guy is slimy as fuck, including his praises and support for the TTPP (or how the fuck that EUSSR-TPP equivalent was spelled). He's controlled opposition and spurdo babby's entry tier-redpill at best.

Valehteleminen on rumaa nyymi. Ei persut sen jaonkaan jälkeen ole todellakaan nationalisteja sen enempää kuin tyypilliset civic nat-cuckservatiivit Englannissa tai USA:ssa. Ant-Religion of Cuck™ ja pinnallisesti anti-EU kyllä, mutta kun raavutat pintaa niin sama shekelijahti sieltä löytyy niinkuin Timpan valtakaudella. Kyllä Suomen vaalien laatu sekä Persujen kosherius nähtiin jo viime vaaleissa kun jytky sallittiin mutta edes itseään äänestäneet vaihtoehtopuolueiden edustajat (Muutos yms.) saivat mystisesti 0 ääntä omissa piireissään.

For anons not fluent in Finngolian, even after the split the more "nationalistic" successor of Finns party is your average civic nat cuckservative group hostile to Religion of Cuck™ than "true nationalist" party.

Väärin. Jytkyä ei sallittu, se tapahtui koska äänestäjät äänestivät niin. Jutkut voidaan voittaa, jopa parlamentaarisin keinoin. Halla-aho ei ole Hitler mutta hän on askel oikeaan suuntaan. Hänen jälkeensä tulee seuraava askel ja sitä seuraava.

You forgot to mention that Pekka Haavisto is a literal faggot. I didn't know Väyrynen cucks for Soros. And I was thinking of voting for him just for the hell of it.

I didn't even know about Niinistö's wife and children dying. Finnish politics annoys me so much I don't pay much attention to it. Do you think it was an "accident"?

Is there any candidate that is even remotely decent?


why are you bragging about women's suffrage?

And bragging out their women being total sluts?

those two go hand in hand

I've seen the third picture labled "meanwhile in Russia" as well. I don't have any idea where it actually comes from but it's retarded to post it as though it somehow portrays something positive.

If that's so the you guys are fucked barring a second Vapaussota.

*then you guys are fucked

XXXX: The year of the GNU/systemd/Linux/node.js/KAISER desktop, also REAL COMMUNISM™