A guy on halfchan /teag/ hot access to the secret mod forum and screencapped some delicious butthurt.
A guy on halfchan /teag/ hot access to the secret mod forum and screencapped some delicious butthurt.
Other urls found in this thread:
Mark pls change the board title to
Holla Forums - 4chan discussion and meta
How do you know what cuckchan is doing?
well this thread isn' t about 4ch, i misread, i am dumb idiot
i don't get this mentality. did they just think that making mods is suddenly gonna make them rich? aside from some of the half life mods, what reason would they have to think that?
whether a jewtuber makes money from a mod or not, the mod maker isn't gonna get or lose any more money, so they're just butthurt about something they should have known from the get-go
Modders are fags. This is nothing new.
If they're so desperate to profit off modding they could've gone to Minecraft and shived each other in the back over 0.02$ from referral links to crappy dl sites.
Fucking hilarious. You don't own shit if it isn't your game.
Fairly certain those are the regular forums, cancer filled as they are.
Just nuke bethesda/zenimax and every who owns skyrim and/or fo4
You can own the rights to the writing, characters, ans scenario.
Depends what country the game and the author is from.
Mod writers are one of the weirdest people, second only to speed runners.
No no no, you are right.
and any new assets you create for it.
Yeah Russia and China will really not give a shit one way or the other about copyright infringement.
and any new assets you create for it.
Yeah Russia and China will really not give a shit one way or the other about copyright infringement.
Why are so many people doubleposting recently?
Because they need to fine-tune their cuckchan brand proxies?
I only hit reply once. No idea why it posted twice.
Holla Forums is going to shit.
Actually, there's apparently a sekrit club subforum. Look at this (fairly recent) news item:
Click the link, and even if you have an account:
Dubs confirm.
Doubleposts are fucking rad. What are you talking about?
Damn, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
What a bunch of entitled insufferable cunts. They should all jump into lava
I hope they all lose their court cases in hilarious manners, recorded for the public to see
Then they have a proper furry meltdown for us to laugh at
Then the bailiff beats them for yiffing
The paid mods fiasco really did bring out all the greedy entitled cunts in the Bethesda modding "community". They smelled shekels and even a year after it got taken away they just can't let go. I love it.
A potent mixture of autism and greed.
But the only people that own those games are the people that pirated or atleasted cracked it if they bought it.
Basically, they're spoiled brats who never grew up.
Is there a single based mod community out there? I feel like there's obvious answers but I'm to ignorant to see them.
I stand corrected and further appalled by that cesspool. and apparently you need to buy in or at least beg for access
I can't believe there are people even more cancerous that youtube fags.
I recognize some top tier drama whores like Elianora on that thread.
Doom's cool, probably the most active community out there and barely any big drama.
Morrowind was nice, and searching for mods was/is comfy, hope OpenMW makes it go into a renaissance.
Forums usually have protected subforums for VIPs like moderators and such.
It is a forum you can only see if you are a modder that has hit at least 10k endorsements total. The forum is mainly to talk with the Nexus admins about website features and such but gives a feeling of a cool kidz club.
Why do forum owners ever bother with having a secrety-secret/restricted-access forum when it invariably bites them in the ass because they think it's safe to talk shit about the rest of the website there?
>I'm the jew if I complain about it
so they can feel elite or some shit
It makes sense in terms of moderation. But these stupid super duper secret club house for special users shit is cancer.
Who's the bigger jew, the guy making money, or the guy complaining about not making money?
The answer should be self-evident.
Who's the bigger jew, the guy making money, or the guy complaining about not making money?
The answer should be self-evident.
Modders for Bethesda titles are without a better word cucks.
The guy making money.
You seem to have the situation reversed.
They shouldn't be making money off my shit. Fuck those youtube cunts and their ad money, I hope everyone who makes money off youtube burns in a tire.
If you're this obsessed with maintaining complete and total control over something you've made, don't release it publicly.
if you're a mod maker and your mods are popular enough to generate ad revenue on youtube, why not just make your own youtube videos when you release a mod? That way you can generate revenue for something you've created.
The Freespace community seemed pretty good the last time I was there. I haven't checked it out in a while, though.
god dammit this is gonna end up like the custom maid community fuck.
ask me on twitter for the password to dragonborndildos.zip :^)
Please keep missing the point.
off topic but skinner is right. children these days are retarded libtard hipsters
You can taste the salt.
if Bethesda wants to copyright strike the Youtuber and take his ad revenue, they can do it. Nintendo did.
…wait, you don't think that mod authors own copyright on the base game, do you?
I don't give a fuck about mods being free or not, what the terms of fair use are and whether or not anyone's making any money.
Because I will pirate and I will crack that shit so hard if I want it, and I don't care who it harms or what I have to do to get it. I get so little out of life I might as well take my fair share somehow.
And I'll do it dick in hand, fapping to horse dicks and fox tails, because that's what makes me happy in life, and me being happy is all that matters.
And this is why reddit formatting should be a red flag to everyone.
You don't deserve anything.
It's almost like Mod Authors don't know how to make money.
The big thing I'd like to interject, and not directly to you, but to modders who are upset about youtubers: Do they really think their little mod is what's causing all the views? Granted some views will come directly from people interested in the mod, but that video won't even show up in a search unless the uploader has spent time climbing the ranks and working on the metadata to get noticed. People don't just fucking roll out of bed one day and decide "shit, I can get 100,000 views for this mod", channels build up their subscriber count and meta-presence over time and that is what leads to solid view counts that give sums of money. Not to mention that making the video probably wasn't free given equipment costs (I'd toss in programs too but there are free ones that work fine). If mod authors think that is money being stolen from them then I would like to see them (as you suggest) form their own channels and see if they get even close to the same view count with just their mod alone.
yeah, that's what I was thinking. If people actuallly watched YT vids for the mods themselves (and I seriously doubt it), people would flock to the vids made by the developer himself, who could give a lot of insight into the process and behind the scenes stories.
I feel like their argument is about as strong as if the Dragon Dildo company were to start demanding a percentage of revenue from camwhores who use their product for paid shows.
Back in my day, walls of text were met with nothing but cries of Too Long; Didn't Read. It's actually more consistent with book formatting, which has been proven to be easier to read. However, since you so desire a wall if text, a wall of text is what you will most regrettably obtain. The very idea that you would connect what normal people consider good formatting to reddit speaks volumes of your own mentality. Surely, such a desire for an endless discharge of ceaseless information only points to one possible answer: you are autistic. But no, you don't have normal autism, no indeed, you are special. Most autists hate sensory overload, but you, you enjoy it immensely. You're sadomasochist, as well as autist. You get off to the pain and suffering your mind reels in agony from as the world all closes in on you in a violent, endless shrieking cacophony. You need this pain, this pleasure, because it's the only way you can give daddies cummies anymore. Truly, you are a sad, sad specimen of humanity, and I deeply pity your family. Perhaps one day you will learn the simple pleasures that come from ease of reading, but until then your family is suffering, dying inside and contemplating suicide every time they hear you shrieking as you orgasm from your autistic pain. If only, they think to themselves, if only we had taught him to read with a book. If only we'd taught him of paragraphs and line breaks. We would never ever have had to go through this hell. That's what they think every night as they cry themselves to sleep, and it's all because you hate paragraphs. I hope you're proud of yourself, user, I truly am.
Maybe not, but I'll take it anyways. It's not like I'll ever afford to own it all legitamitely, and I'm not the type to be content with a little or few.
Eh, I just felt like shitposting to be honest, plus I always like making fresh copypastas.
All furfags are trash because you never shut the fuck up about being furfags.
You don't even seem to understand that term is an insult.
Some of the modders in that thread claimed that they don't really care about the money. Honestly, I believe them. This is about ego, not money. Some e-celeb (who like pointed out will have actually put work into building up a following) reviews their mod, and the modder comes face to face with the fact that they aren't famous. They can't acknowledge their own failings, so it has to be the e-celeb's fault somehow.
If they didn't have massive egos, they'd either ignore it or treat it as free advertising. Instead, they demand that the e-celebs kowtow to them.
For me, it's more a case of
I'm completely silent on the subject otherwise. I don't even participate in the furry community, not even here in Holla Forums, on /furry/.
So was faggot, but now it's hip to self identify as a fag. Just like nigger and nigga, insults become identities, and I'm moderately proud of being a furfag, if only because doing so pisses off the haters.
I get all my pictures from either here or google, so I have no idea what you're even talking about
Yeah, you seem like the type that just loves to be the center of attention.
If anything, I'm just feeling especially braggadocious tonight because I'm drunk and I just beat Dark Souls 1 solo.
Also, I felt like adding my own two cents because I miss the old Holla Forums when /scurv/y pirates like myself told the corporate jews to fuck right off, pirated their games day one, cracked them day two, leaked them day three, and I'd rather furries be seen by Holla Forums as fuckfaced philanthropists with a selfish streak like me than snotnosed jew lovers.
Fucken lel. I'll outline the real situation.
Just contact advertisers and put some coke cans in your skyrim mod, kid.
I don't think they're saying anything wrong. Modders are even more underappreciated than dev programmers. When it comes to such things, games are shit. Heck, the fact that voice actors and artists get more money is shite.
All I see are faggots being faggots. Now a leak would be something like showing DarkOne colluding with Bethesda during the paid mods scheme or Nexus hiring the Mod Organizer author to kill off the competition to Nexus Mod Manager.
Also, as someone who's been lurking in the Bethesda modding community since Morrowind, yeah, most of those complaining in that thread have been doing so for ages or have been pretty fucking vocal about it to make up for lost time. Little by little they've gotten all sorts of features stripped - like endorsements - to protect the safe space. I stay clear the fuck away from them because you're always one "Report to Mods" click away from being nuked.
We found the butthurt horsepussy mod makers.
Just report him for his continual derail.
I find it funny that they release something with no monetization then get butthurt when they aren't being paid.
W e w l a d
I almost hope paid modding comes back just so I can host the files for free and reap salt.
You wanted attention? Well, you got it. This is fucking pathetic.
You are why people hate furries. It's often less about the furshit itself and more that they must let everyone know about it. That they are complete and utter attention whore autists. Like you have just proven here. Please OD tonight. Fucking hell.
Just stop replying.
Well, yeah. It's something I never had the determination to do before. For years, Ornstein & Smough were as far as I could get. I'd try for weeks at a time and then give up at the seeming impossibility, then wait a year or so to try again, playing games that eased the pain. Even this time it took me five straight days to finally beat them.
I know I've been a casul babby before, and as a result am not that good at gaming, but I think this week was the first step towards changing that.
All that being said, I only came in here because the OP was shitting on furries for being on the side of paid modding, and I initially came in here because I just wanted to let him know that not all of us are like that.
This. The one constant between all modders across all games is that they're a bunch of fucking drama queens.
You're not supposed to profit off of freeware faggots, its supposed to be part of your portfolio, now go hand in applications you fucking losers
kys no fun allowed who doesn't offer real solutions autist
A few of them do have points.
When some screaming chode makes bank doing a lelsorandom playthrough of something you spent hundreds of hours on without seeing a single dime, it can rub you the wrong way.
I suppose that's just the injustice of existence. Some people get internet access. Others get kidnapped from their parents and turned into child soldiers. Oh well.
honestly the cancer of youtube are people who make videos about mods
You are human trash. Your life has less value than a plague rat. Mix yourself a nice draino and bleach cocktail and see how many shots you can take.
something's going on with the new captcha functions to make you doublepost
I made oblivion mods back in the day so I have access to their gay secret club. More shit incoming.
literally a clause of
People with dragon names/avatars always seem to have egotistical tendencies for some reason.
Maybe they're being true to their fursonas.
Just go back. Jewtube e-celebs are cancer.
Hahahaha what a bunch of delusional scum.
They want to get paid for a hobby while moaning that someone else is getting paid for their hobby even though Bethesda pushed paid mods for their own profit to fuck them over.
Hahahaha what a bunch of delusional scum.
They want to get paid for a hobby while moaning that someone else is getting paid for their hobby even though Bethesda pushed paid mods for their own profit to fuck them over.
You do know that 8ch didn't always have long format filenames as it does now, right?
eh? they cant make patreon or ask for donations? because?
They can accept donations, but I don't think they can set up a Patreon. Patreon is a little too direct.
The only reasons why Bethesda games are as big as they are right now is because of
>a: the most casual , braindead ,shit-eating grinned fanboysany company can hope for a target audience
>b: an army of useful idiots making mods that fix their broken ass ,bugged out of hell games 4free that their mouth breathing fanboys can then proceed to watch another person play on youtube
Patreon is still a donation just like Paypal. They somehow think Bethesda truly gives a shit about the couple of dollars they would receive.
Skyrim has the best porn mods so literally go fuck yourself nigger. Go be hardcore with your black bull while your wife gets dark soul'd.
Not really. There are no other games in Bethesda's style. They basically have a monopoly on their own genre.
He honestly thinks he deserves money for making changes to a videogame!
What insufferable faggots. Anyways I'm off for tonight.
Because apparently Bethesda are gigantic kikes
as i said
>a: the most casual , braindead ,shit-eating grinned fanboys any company can hope for a target audience
thanks for being this quick to prove my point
One last post.
The modders should be happy their mod is getting exposure, though the overlap between people who play games and people who watch people play games is probably thin.
Alchestbreach be damned
That Witanlore game looks kind of neat, on the other hand
These are high levels of faggotry, these modders should just band together to make a game or something instead of wasting their energy bitching about youtube shitters.
jesus christ you're retarded
Like I was gonna lurk until i saw this shit.
Just name one game that came out in the last 8 years that is close to bethesda's recent titles in terms of gameplay and scale. Then explain to me how this is equally or even more accessible for modders and players.
Your argument that the useful idiots exist is for those three reasons: It's recent, it's accessible, and it's the "only option". You very clearly can't affect any of the first two but since you have people on Holla Forums who DO mod you can at very least mention a single title that is more worthy of recognition that meets this criteria. Otherwise, you're just another shitposting elitist who's trying harder to fit in and garner attention than anyone who legitimately gives a shit about the injustice you're so willing to whine about.
Well honestly, furfags perfectly match the criteria for Bethesda modding in general namely because.
Really furfags and genuine autists make up a significant portion of internet art and accrew massive funds for stupid vanity projects for much the same reason.
As much as the internet collectively shits on them, they shouldn't under the massive potential power of ego and unbridled human stupidity.
However, the biggest downfall of the modding community is its natural tendency to provide attention and elevate content creators to godhood, whilst at same time trying to exploit human labor without maintaining any form of quality control. Sure a small game can get away with a relatively decent community and still have excellent mods, but the number of idiots in any given community far exceeds that of anyone of any form of intellect. That and given enough monkeys (stupid people) with typewriters (modding tools) along with an infinite supply of bananas (internet brownie points) one will eventually produce a masterpiece that will elevate them to godhood and grant them privilege over the masses, which allows them to groom other idiots for leadership positions.
And that ladies and gentleman was how Nexusmods was born.
Holla Forums likes to hate on ecelebs, but the fact is they're entertainers that leverage their own skills/talents to earn their success. I watched one once called Markiplier, playing FNAF, and I realized how much effort it took to be entertaining for minutes on end while literally nothing was happening in the game.
That said, I do think the mod developers own their work, and should be able to control it, which includes demanding a cut. But a cut of monetization is dumb, it should just be attribution instead.
If they wanted money, they could have wasted their time on something productive instead of free service to a corporation.
Mount and Blade : warband
bethesda games typically have a very small scale. The common expression is wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle. Mount and blade has scale. Kerbal space program has scale, both of these games have fantastic mod scenes. Scale doesn't mean just having a big shallow map.
embed related.
Why is Yupiel so smug?
How do people convince themselves that someone else's recording, editting, etc. is somehow their footage and that they should own the rights to it?
If you make cookies and give them away door-to-door, and you find someone making a video about eating one of those cookies are you going to be mad about it and claim that video as your work?
Oh my fuck, I just realized this guy, who I've seen have autist meltdowns since my time modding Oblivion, has since been promoted to be a STAFF member! Truly the inmates have taken over the asylum.
Also, that signature quoting "le racism and sexism"… Every. Single. Time.
It's jealousy. They see all the big-name YouTubers cover swaths of mods and run off with all the shekels. It's why making YouTube a career is frowned upon in general by all communities.
Though the people getting upset enough go after them are batshit insane control freaks desperately trying to pull a Samson Option with cherry bombs.
The guys who made Enderal and Nehrim deserve money more than DSP.
E-celebs and streamers are a big thing on Holla Forums nowadays.
Try again.
I think they're directing their anger at the wrong people. Nexus is the one at fault imo. Nexus should offer these kikes an option to charge per download and watch as their mods die to lack of interest because no one wants to cover their mods in their videos.
Anyway, modding is something that should be done for the love of the game and not financially motivated. People can donate if they like the work as mods are a wild wasteland and it's a fucking miracle at times if they work properly. More to the point these people are amateurs, there's zero guarantee of quality. Would you just pay for a haircut from a women on the street because she was holding a pair of scissors? Fuck no, you'd go to a barbers and get a haircut from someone who's had some training.
These leeches need to get a real job.
Doom, Mafia 1 and Cave story
No surprising.
Also, holy fuck the guy behind that Dragon mod is in this thread?
What was the fucking point? It just went on and on, and it was a nice detailed thing but it simply never went anywhere significant or interesting and was those showcases for mods that looked good but never really gave back to you as a player, it was really kind of sad.
I also know trainwiz lurks here and the guy with a boner for vietnam behind the better tropical forest TESIV mod.
Do you have a youtuber's cock in your brain ?
i just went by this faggot's parameters and i still had to dumb it down to stoop down and compare it to a Bethesda game
apply yourself
I'm pretty sure they're not legally allowed to do that.
The Witcher 3.
The first Witcher is arguably easier to make content for than Skyrim. Skyrim isn't actually very accessible when it comes to making actual content, that's why you see so many item and location mods but mods that add real content are so rare, Neverwinter Nights is probably the game that's most accessible to modders when it comes to making OC. The TES games have a huge deal of graphical mods, shallow additions to the gameworld and system overhauls/additions but if you're looking for real content you won't find much.
As in they don't expect anything off the mod maker you dipshit, stop snorting cum off the back of Elianora, it's affecting your ability to comprehend words.
Probably not. I was being facetious anyway.
Why do cunts keep doing this?
Can't even make your own character or play a non-swordsman. Huge amounts of mechanics are already missing, just due to that fact. It's not a direct competitor for Skyrim.
You're right that Skyrim's tools aren't as accessible as they could be, and that it contributes to the lack of quest/content mods. I've only dabbled in both the CK and the Aurora Toolset, but even I can see where the CK leaves something to be desired. For example, making new dialogue in the CK is a rather convoluted process, whereas NWN had a system that was simple, intuitive, and just as effective. Unfortunately, Skyrim is the best we have at the moment.
This exactly. You should only ever make FOSS/freeware if you either want to put it on your portfolio or are really passionate about the project and don't care about making money off of it.
You shouldn't go into it with the goal of getting money through donations or ads because that only happens to the best of the best, should they choose to let it (and it's not even very much money anyways).
Life isn't fair and anyone who expects it to be is a retarded faggot. The eceleb faggot that makes bank for no effort can do so because there is a market for that kind of thing with an established means of gaining profit (the ads). The dedicated modder that makes nothing for a lot of effort does so because there is virtually no means of making money from it. If they want to make money, they should go pursue something that allows them to rather than whining about not getting paid for their work.
I mod because I want to fix problems I have with games or add new features, not to boost muh ego. I hope you guys don't consider all modders faggots.
They certainly aren't all faggots, it's just that most of them are and they're easy to make fun of.
I'm one too
the world needs more people like you
We dont user, alot of modders do a good job at modding and letting people share and distribute some of their work, but there is alot of modders whit an ego bigger than a semi truck, some modders put their work behind a paywall, some steal models from some websites and claim them as their own fuck you russian krysta cunt
We dont hate all the modders but there is alot of faggots thinking they are above the "normal player" just because they fix shit. We need more people like you, that do this to fix, add, and make things better.
no homo
What I always found really interesting is the difference in mod focus between Skyrim and New Vegas.
Skyrim modders mostly focus on make believe bullshit "roleplaying", adding shitty mechanics that don't add much to the game and are only there to entertain those cancerous cunts that want to "immerse" themselves into the game and digitally LARP.
New Vegas on the other hand got a shitload of good quest mods, and there's at least three big total overhauls with their own stories and gameworlds in the making that I'm aware of.
Despite me being mad that CDPR went back on their promise of modding saying you can't play anything but a Witcher in a Witcher games is rather silly.
It actually is. For the longest time Skyrim was the open world RPG (using the term loosely here), the game that set the bar for the genre (which was so low it's kind of pathetic nobody could lift it higher) until W3 came along.
My hopes reside with Bannerlord. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be much out there that could gain the same momentum Skyrim did in terms of modding.
Maybe, but a lot of people consider the lack of character creation to be a dealbreaker for an RPG, or at least a significant flaw.
I'm not convinced of that. They're still such different experiences that I don't think they're in direct competition with each other. Skyrim still has a lot of things that Witcher 3 doesn't. People might enjoy both games, or only enjoy one, but no one is going to consider Witcher 3 to be a replacement for Skyrim.
I mean, how exactly was Witcher 3 such a wake-up call for RPGs? Because it has better writing than Bethesda? Everyone already knew Bethesda needed to improve their writing. Witcher 3 doesn't exactly revolutionize combat, RPG mechanics, or character progression, either (the reason for the last one being that Geralt's potential skillset is relatively narrow in order to fit his established character).
I really haven't seen people being very specific about what Bethesda should learn from Witcher 3 aside from better writing and bigger, more populated cities.
Oblivion porn mods were shit
Skyrim doesn't even let you pick a class and you're effectively just playing cosmetic variations of one character.
They're very different beasts with TW3 being a game focused on narrative and Skyrim being a simulationist sandbox but apart from being easy to mod I don't think Skyrim has much going for it. Race selection for example doesn't do shit besides giving you a few small stat boosts and one power, imagine if race selection actually mattered in Skyrim.
Anyway, I do think they are competing and TW3 blew Bethesda's efforts out of the water. Bioware is pretty much dead at this point so CDPR is the current king of the hill when it comes to big budget expansive western RPGs.
Bethesda drones are not people, they are feces eating machines in human shape. They don't even want proper character creation, they just want the game to let them play pretend. They don't much care about world reactivity.
And what are those supposed to be? I'm genuinely curious because the gameplay is shit, exploration is largely pointless, there is no attempt to force the player to specialize because you can become a god in every single discipline, the story and writing are amateurish at best.
Skyrim is a really, really shit game that is only as popular as it is because the mouthbreathing normalfag hordes have no standards whatsoever.
Open world RPGs. There is a difference.
Why would it need to revolutionize any of them? The combat is serviceable, and with a few tweaks it can actually become challenging, it lacks any proper RPG mechanics, but it does have choices and consequences, and lots of them, and the character progression is light years ahead of Skyrim, you actually have to take a moment and think about your build.
Not being a shit game for starters. You're starting to sound suspiciously like a fan of the game.
I remember playing a porn mod that integrated the sex into the game. For example, paying a fine in sex rather than gold.
Did morrowind even have sex mods?
No you faggot this stuff is not free. I bought access to your mods when buying Skyrim. Believe me when I say I wouldn't buy this shitty game otherwise.
I believe you, and I don't believe all modders are faggots.
Creating stuff is fun, may it be mod, castle in Minecraft, or city in Skylines. There definitely are people making mods for fun and to enjoy game more.
Actually system of grinding every skill is quite good and can work in RPGs. Of course Skyrim made the worst example of this system, Elona was actually good at having no-class system.
Simulation implies the game could react to input in a way that small changes could go full butterfly effect and change the world in a meaningful manner as defined by a set of rules. Skyrim simulates nothing and the only changes you can perform have very tight outcomes that usually only affect your questline. Had it been a true simulation, participating in the civil war or even indirectly helping one side or the other by, for example, stimulating the economy of their main towns, could have had a solid impact in the whole game world, but instead, you just kill the leader of the enemy faction and that's it. It's just a sandbox.
I remember a mod that did that and only that, but it was text only. And it was fucking hotter than any other sex mod I have seen. You could even intimidate the guards during the coitus with your succubus-tier sexual experience if you had a high Personality
Text tends to be hotter than visual porn for some reason unless the visual porn is drawn and shows both parties in absolute pleasure, but that's rare
It doesn't have you formally declare "I choose to play [insert class here]", but it does let you do everything that the prototypical RPG classes do. You can't be a pure mage in Witcher 3.
That's a lot of assumptions you're making, including that one has to be a "Bethesda drone" to enjoy creating their own characters in RPGs.
I thought it was decent enough, just unbalanced in certain areas.
Yes, eventually, in the very late endgame, when you probably would have been massively overpowered even if you did stick to a defined role. And just because I *can* master everything in Skyrim doesn't mean I *do*. I make up character concepts and stick to them.
Here's my question: If I'm just not into Witcher 3's story and world, is there anything to recommend it? If not, then it comes down to it being a good RPG because it has a well-written story, which isn't exactly a novel concept.
That's because I am. I have fun with it, despite its flaws. Sorry if that bothers you.
I never said it was a good simulation, the way it focuses on different systems interacting does make it simulationist. There's no narrative focus at all except for flavour.
That's not the problem, you have no reason to create a second character to experience the game differently because they all play the same. It's not that the game restricts you but that it doesn't that makes it so shallow.
You're deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying. Yes, Bethesda fans don't like a lack of character creator (as their grumblings about FO4 have shown). This, however, does not mean they understand what a character creator, or different characters, are supposed to do.
Bethesda games lack reactivity. Playing a Nord or an Argonian changes very little, if anything it all. You certainly won't get anywhere near the reactivity you would in something like Arcanum. This is especially apparent in Skyrim, that takes place in Nord lands, and Nords being notoriously ethnocentric, yet you really don't see much of it.
This is further compounded by the lack of any notable skill checks in dialogue. A dumb character will get responses as eloquent as a genius character, and a character that knows his way around a furnace will get the same options as a mage. Hell, there isn't even any difference between the two because there is nothing stopping you from becoming the archmage of the guild and a legendary blacksmith on top of that, and an assassin, thief, fighter, etc.
In Bethesda games one character is just like any other, and will experience the same things the same way.
Then we really have nothing to argue about. You have objectively shit tastes in games, but especially in RPGs. Skyrim is an abysmal game, and one of the worst RPGs in existence.
Because there is very little unique loot, and what there is is both underpowered and lacking in anything to make it stand out. You can make more powerful items by crafting within a few hours of starting the game.
And what is there to recommend about Skyrim? Fallout 1 doesn't have a particularly good combat system, or that many mechanics outside of dialogue, but it's still considered one of the best RPGs of all time specifically because it allows the player to role play a given role, make meaningful choices and roll different characters with drastically different ways of progress through the game.
All these are things Skyrim lacks. W3 does too, but at least it has meaningful choices that don't boil down to good/evil, a character progression system that allows for different playstyles and there is a point to exploration.
It comes as no surprise to me you're this much of a fucking moron that you'd say having good writing is nothing that special because it was done before.
You could have said that before we started this discussion so I didn't waste time talking to an idiot.
Go back to cuckchan, friend, redditors are not welcome here.
You can't make a dumb character in Skyrim because there are no attributes.
But it's not that it's not a good simulation, it's just that it isn't a simulation at all.
But there is no interaction between different systems. Each system is its own system and progresses linearly as it was scripted to do so.
A simulation is a set of rules that will attempt to determine the outcome of a situation given some starting parameters. Different starting parameters will give different progressions and potentially (but not always) different outcomes. Skyrim doesn't take into account any other parameters than "you have started this questline", and then progresses linearly, following the exact same path it does for every player regardless of the world state. Impact on the game world is minimal ("whoops, you killed this character; you can't talk to it anymore" is as good as it gets), and impact between systems is nonexistant.
Unless you take into account level scaling as a simulation, in which case it may be the worst simulation ever made.
I wasn't talking about quests but emergent gameplay. Like putting a bucket on an NPCs head to make them blind, placing poisoned food in an NPCs inventory or just waiting until they have fallen asleep before robbing them.
You get my point. How can they even be called RPGs when you never really play a role? No matter what character you create they all play the same, and by the end of the game are very similar in terms of stats and equipment as well.
Thing is, to people that play Bethesda games, simulation quite literally means playing pretend. They are playing the game, and playing it in a specific way, without the game reacting to any of it of course, while the "real" simulation is taking place inside their heads.
It's quite possibly the most bizarre thing I've seen in vidya yet. One of them will decide to go be a hunter, and will pick bow and arrow and go hunt, using his own made up rules, and do this for hours, and all the while the game is not registering any of it, no NPCs acknowledges what he is doing, the game does not give rewards for particularly impressive catches and there is no quests about being a hunter.
that's an oddly specific period of time, my man. What was released in 2007 that made your balls shrink up?
Oh look, it's
as well as Titan Quest: Immortal Throne and Spider-Man 3 on the PSP.
This is likely a funny error in game logic rather than an actual rule. The engine probably projects a frustum-shaped field of view from the NPC's eyes towards the rest of the world to determine what can it see (including your character). It will then raycast towards all the relevant meshes in the room, and if there is nothing in their path, that object will be listed as visible for that NPC. However, since there is a bucket in the NPC's head, all raycasts stop immediately.
Had this possibility been contemplated, putting a bucket on an NPC's head would have made him notice you, since most people would indeed notice someone is stuffing their head inside a metal cylinder.
I guess this one counts. It's pretty shite, though.
This one is as simulation-y as having to sneak past guards in MGS by learning their patrolling patterns. Fuck, even Ocarina of Time had a section like this.
There is nothing wrong with roleplaying and intentionally sticking to a skillset or set of activities. There is something very, very fucking wrong with the game being unable to acknowledge any of these things, no matter how common your role may be. I would understand not registering the player trying to roleplay an alien that came to Nirn with the Portal 2 space core since it's so fucking bizarre nobody at Bethesda could have thought of it, but shit like being a blacksmith, a merchant or a hunter are so basic it demonstrates they weren't even trying.
Blushing makes me highly erect
Every character in Skyrim is a dumb character.
You do realize those two examples are probably the worst ones for emergent gameplay?
Not only are they immersion breaking, they also show bethesda's complete inability to add little things that make the world feel real.
But yeah, it feels like every character in Shitrim is an idiot. There's one quest where you can beat an lizard fuck's wife, but later on you can get him a ring and he acts like you never BEAT HIS FUCKING WIFE IN FRONT OF HIM.
In one way, the latter is an intentional rule, but that doesn't make it any less intentionally idiotic.
that pic reminds me of how awesome the races were in Vampire. You got different reactions based on what race you were, some NPCs were more willing to trade, others would run away in fear and disgust. Even Vampire leaves games like Fallout 3-4 in the dust.
The intelligence of your average modder.
I want 4chan to go home.
They can complain all they want, but it won't make them any money at the end of the day will it? get strong/smart or get owned, that's how the world works. chances are they're mostly middle class so it's not like they're starving to death.
We're laughing at stupid modders not saying jewtubers are right. Lurk more.
What happened to modding because you were passionate about a game and wanted to make it better? Where the fuck is all of this ego power trip and monetization shit coming from?
I make mods for my own personal use first and foremost, and then I release them because there's other people out there with similar tastes who can enjoy them as much as I do. That's what modding used to be all about. What the fuck happened?
Ease of use of modding tools
Furries being accepted
and, of course
You it will just bring in the skyrim faggots right user?
What's the point of having a sekrit modding forum that only le cool kidz can join? Are they planning to screw people over? That's usually the first reason for elite secret clubs.
Wait do people actually do that shit..?
Bethesda modders are worse than Nintendo confirmed…
I have too many conflicts in this argument to pick a side. I want mods to be free but I also think people should be paid for their work.
For every mod that becomes fundamental to playing Skyrim (like SkyUI) there's 50 shitpile mods that don't do anything of value.
I think donations is the most appropriate way to do it but Bethesda won't allow that to happen on their own platform (which we all know is coming) so what should be done?
I don't fucking know.
Arcanum is such a fan-fucking-tastic game. I'm gonna go play it.
These guys aren't real modders, just people looking for attention and an easy career.
Modding is fucking easy, i get drunk and make mods with my friends for fun.
These guys are just fucking pussies.
Fuck off faggot you are insufferable.
You can tell that some of the modders involved in this are here.
Furfags are autism incarnate, furfag modders who treat the modding community like it's their personal cliche are the worst, it's why i stopped interacting with the nexus at all and just have a ghost account with nothing on it.
Most of their mods are pure trash, if you haven't noticed, they almost always do sex mods or pregnancy mods or some fucking gay autistic shit that only furfags would waste time on.
When was the last time you saw a modder who made anything of value act this autistic?
They crave attention, it's obvious as fuck.
The Jedi Knight franchise modding community was always really great. RIP in peace.
Sorry that your brain doesn't work.
So I'm playing Arcanum, I want to recruit Geoffrey but he wants me to be evil. I've just been playing through "normally" as I would call it and my alignment is 99. How do I do some hoodrat shit with my friends and lower it? Just kill random people?
Diablo 2 Community was good, lots of great stuff
The only thing that we needed was D2SE 2.3
I've heard the Torchlight I & II Communities were fine as well (As those games had explicit mod support)
you guys are about as dumb as halfchan people
It's not "cliche" is "clique."
Are you me?
ho boy
No see the point is I know he meant clique and assumed that cliche was a typo. Because my brain works. Instead of making a greentext reaction image post about a simple typo, I went the other way and insulted the other guy. I can see why this would upset you, since you're used to the other way.
Speaking of my Brain Working, I found a helmet in Arcanum that lowers your alignment for some reason.
From one furry to another, piss off.
Weren't there some modders who deleted their stuff because of this year's US election?
Which mod was that?
Civil War Overhaul, the one that destroyed save files and crashed the game regularly.
What a cuck.
Truly the most powerful man alive.
I remember his description for Civil War Overhaul, where he bragged to Bethesda he had "fixed" the civil war and saw fit to add diversity niggers into the Nord ranks because he found the troops to be too white.
Cucks are truly vile creatures. Even if I didn't think of Trump as the far lesser evil I'd still want him to win to make all these disgusting leftist shitstains go apeshit.
As much as I hate jewtubers thinking what they do is a job these idiot modders don't seem understand making money from reviewing shit is perfectly legal, they have no legal right to stop others from doing it or take the money for themselves.
Fucking hell if they want to make money from their work that badly why don't they just make their own games? they have the know how so why not put it to use instead of making mods then complaining.
She is Wallstreet the candidate.
I didn't even notice that holy fuck.
Does this surprise you? Shillary helped a pedo rapist get off plus she defends her husbands many counts of rape but feminists will proclaim her as their savoir but call Trump a rapist for shit talking in a locker room.
Leftism is a mental illness.
Add the actual flag
Mad modder confirmed.
just wow
Oh the irony
your theory is okay but I truly believe if it was really a furry, they wouldnt have used italics and probably would have added some gay picture along with their post.
t. ex artist that drew for commissions that had to deal with that horrible userbase. The money wasn't worth dealing with that sort of autism.
Just so you know, the stench of furry shekels will never go away.
I rest my case your honor.
Congrats. It's been 24 hours and we got a total of 2 games that do not fully match the criteria which was as follows:
Those two were Titan Quest and fucking Spiderman however, STALKER, TW3, and M&B are much closer in terms of similarity bravo.
So out of a generous pool of 8 years of productivity, we managed to come up with a grand total of 3 games that even come close to the shit Bethesda has been pumping out of their corporate coffin for nearly a decade only one of which has received coverage equal to a Triple-A title.
This is why this game is perceived as the "only option" because while this is obviously not true, this is very much a desperation genre with very few companies willing to make games of this scale.
When you have a game that has as broad of an appeal as Skyrim, which has had an extremely active modding community since the days of Morrowind onward with open support for modders and the creation of tools geared specifically towards them, built on an engine that hasn't changed since the scene first started becoming popularized what the fuck do you expect?
I'm glad you all weren't so god damned braindead as to post smug without a proper response, so bravo to you few faggots, but this little thought exercise should show you the real reason bethesdashit gets so many Mods.
The genre is damn near barren and Skyrim is the most popular in a small outlying group of games.
People wont stop making mods for Bethesdashit simply because mods beget more mods as mods will build dependency on dependency on dependency.
The only way for Bethesda to potentially lose their business is for another, equally popular game to steal their userbase and provide better support or for the community itself to implode due a forced migration (i.e. the major sites go dead or paid mods become real).
If you actively WANT more modders in your games community your game has to be the next BEST alternative when the TES and FO communities eventually implode.
TL;DR Mod communities need a major bolstering or we need more games in the genre to divide the fanbase. Either works.
not reading that shit
Yeah, it is hard to meet the criterias set by Bethesda games, since most game devs do not have the good will to burn through to deliver barely functioning games that are snorefests.
the quality is THAT low now?
Medieval 2 Total War.
The sheer power of autism drives them to make some really great mods.
don't worry the burning sensation in your asshole and the numbness in your ass-cheeks will subside over time
The nexus truly is a magnificent place.
furrys are fucking disgusting
Did you just wake up from a coma?
gib stories plx. I had a buddy who used to draw furfag smut, and he always had some good story about drama and weird requests from his clients such as two furfags who kept commissioning increasing violent hate art of each other's fursonas and this dude who commissioned an incredibly specific piece of vore art (character must have one of his socks halfway down, his anus must be at least 2/3rds visible, the fur that ate him must also have a cheeseburger, an entire cup of soda, and a giant pizza slice in his stomach, his fur had to be a specific shade of orange, and many more weird overly specific details)
I wish I still had contact with the guy. He was really good at near flawlessly imitating the artstyles of a bunch of webcomic lolcows like Tim Buckley and Tom Preston. I'm sure if I showed him shit like Zen Pencils and Assigned Male we could have them fuming about "shitlord imitators" ala KC Green and his feminist robot comic or halfchan-era Ben Garrison
I have no idea why I always hear drawfags in drawthreads always say "do furry commissions".
They're fucking hell to deal with, it's not worth it if you have any self-respect.
They're saltier than fucking Bethesda.
They're saltier than fucking Bethesda.
Furries and horsefuckers, the blight of the internet.
I don't know what these faggots are crying about, they knew what they were getting themselves into when they signed up to be a mod creator. Yeah, it's shit that faggots on youtube can make inane dribble that passes as content and make a decent amount of cash, but that has nothing to do with modding. So, some youtube fag made a video about your mod and their viewership gave them views which in turn gave them money? Well, their viewership would have given said youtube faggot money anyway. Big fucking surprise, is it? I mean, for fuck's sake, look at pewdiepie. You think that faggot is popular because of the content he creates? Fuck no. The content is a catalyst, a platform, that he uses to facilitate his nonsensical, verbal sewage that his viewers consider to be so incredible. Granted, it's fair to say that a majority of his fans initially found him through a love for whatever type of content he covered (i.e. video games/let's plays), but that's not the reason they stay after years of the same old garbage. They stay because they're impressionable children who find almost anything entertaining, or morons, and who happen to enjoy his antics.
In short, people are drawn in by the "content" but then stay for the channel operator/e-celeb behind it all, therefore, as long as people enjoy watching the wretch on screen, they're going to come back, and said wretch could talking about types of pumpkin for all the good it's worth without losing a sizable portion of their viewership. It's part of the reason YouTube is shit, but that's an entirely different discussion.
people actually bought mods as well when it came out
Normalfags will throw money at anything.
Good lord, I knew Nexus was cancer but I didn't know it was THAT bad.
I don't think you understand how paying for mods would theoretically work from an actual transaction standpoint, and how it would actually make your mods less played if you started charging for them.
Companies don't allow you to sell mods by themselves. Like if you setup a random site "buy my "premium" skyrim mods" eventually Bethesda would shut you down because it violates their EULA that states you can't charge users for it.
Rather Bethesda was charging users to download mods on the Steam workshop.
There have been instances of games that implemented paid mods in the past that were successful. A good example is way back in the day for Neverwinter Nights, Bioware created a website that allowed you to buy total conversion mods. However this store front was very meritocratic. It was curated by Bioware and they only put up the better ones for sale. Some were even produced by independent studios. This was easily the best system for "paid mods".
If paid mods did occur the way Bethesda/Steam did it what would invariably happen is hundreds of shovelware and clone mods would flood in. You produce a cool sign mod? Expect all of the assets from it to be stolen and sold by someone else. You can't make a store front like this that isn't regulated.
In essence you would make .06 cents in total? And your work would be undervalued compared to if you released it for free.
Because they want to make money doing as little work as possible.
Making game modifications has always been a good entry point into actual game design and a hobbyist community.
It's like wanting to get paid charging people for your fanfiction and getting mad that people who read fanfiction on Youtube make money off you.
These people are mad that they can't do an hours worth of work as a job
Most of these people are the same kind of people who jump at the opportunity to make a shitty game in Unity with pre-made assets.
These people feel entitled to be paid despite not having any actual talent in what they're doing. If they did have talent they'd be focused on making a portfolio and getting a job. Not making way, way less than minimum wage making shitty hats in Bethesda games.
It's like the ultimate concentration of millennials in one website. They're crying "why can't I make money off this". They have absolutely no work ethic and nobody has told them in their lives that their work isn't good enough to spend money on.
i thought Bethesda was taking %50
and valve and the mod creator spilt the other %50?
i thought Bethesda was taking %50
and valve and the mod creator spilt the other %50?
why did it post twice?
Why not? Double the posts, double the fun.
Did you just fill out the CAPTCHA?
yeah but it said i failed as a human and that i should try a different one and then i passed the android test
I'm sorry to tell you user but you're a robot.
You were adopted from a factory.
I knew Nexus was bad when I found out that there was a burqa mod for the Mass Effect trilogy because someone got triggered by the female characters showing too much skin.
But a burqa mod is a good thing, it would cover up the ugly face models BioWare made. There's a reason why Tali is as popular as she is.