New wave incoming
New wave incoming
Hello friends, i'm a 4channer
oh user
bateman died a long time ago
Every day fiction becomes more and more like reality. When is the voting system going to be created?
I said this in another thread and I'll say it again, but do you think we'll ever hit rock bottom when it comes to the state of 4chan?
Of course, nothing lasts forever
Must we have a 4chan thread every day?
and when that happens, we'll move to a new site till it gets shitted up, rinse and repeat ad nauseam
Is this like the tumblr winter ball or the tumblr Holla Forums universe?
Is this anything new for them?
It's like terraforming but done by cuckolds.
no worse than Holla Forums "we like the kike" Holla Forums
I always get this strange feeling that after the USA elections, both Holla Forums and 4chan will be shut down. Either one who wins, I just get this parallel dimension feeling.
Most likely. I'm still upset the console-tan threads died here.
This is the only thing 4/v/ has got better than 8/v/, the BO isn't an attention whore with a cult of personality.
my thoughts exactly
If you're not already using uBlock Origin, you're doing something fucking wrong.
If you felt like killing yourself lately I'd advise to just listen to your heart.
Why don't you go back then?
The last thing I would do is kill myself, but after what, 2 years? I went back to cuckchan to check it out. I was surprised how little difference there was between both Holla Forums's. Kinda made me say fuck it.
Is that kaceytron's ad or an ad making fun of kaceytron?
Lad, they'll just use adblockers.
Click on it and find out goy!
We've had no increase in users. Not now and not before. None. Quit this retarded panic mongering.
When you piss in a glass filled with water some of the piss tends to drive out some of the water.
Thats cause the old ones are leaving and the new ones are flooding in, get with it man. The quality of 8ch Holla Forums has come to an all time low.
It is getting bad man, real bad.
Maybe the water left because of a guy who couldn't write code, a guy in a wheelchair who turned a blind eye, and a guy who owns a pig farm.
user there's no need to shut down anything.
Take a moment, read this thread.
Watch every single post in this thread.
Read all of them.
Ask yourself: "Is anyone here capable of making a single good post that would improve the quality of Holla Forums?".
Like legitimately ask yourself this question, think about it.
Once you give yourself the answer, i want you to think back to this Holla Forums since the day it was created, i want you to think exactly about what it has produced that can be considered of value.
I want you to think real hard about it.
After that, i want you to think about 4chan Holla Forums, even before moot left, even before GG, even before any of that shit happened.
I want you to remember a single thing of value that came out of Holla Forums in the last years.
Can you remember anything?
Can you even remember a single good conversation, i mean an ACTUAL good conversation you had with anyone on Holla Forums these past years?
Have you ever met a person on Holla Forums in these past years and thought "This is a good person, i now understand video games better and my video game knowledge is genuinely expanded thanks to this person".
user once you think about all this you'll realize there's zero reason to shut down either 4chan, nor Holla Forums.
It's dead, it's all already dead.
It's been dead for years.
A glass has limited capacity, an imageboard doesn't. The amount of users never rose above its usual numbers. Unless 100 or however many 4chan users arrived and 100 Holla Forums users left in the very same moment without even posting on the board at the same time, it's not possible.
You know what I noticed? People shitting up threads that have been here since 2014 claiming that those threads were sign of 4chan invading. So from what I saw, the people spreading the paranoia about muh 4chan are the biggest shitposters themselves.
Unless of course you want to claim those people who shitpost in threads about how everything is 4chan are actually the 4chan refugees themselves. Except that makes no sense at all.
I just can imagine the goons Mark has working for him on Holla Forums. I just lurk now. No point in even posting 90% of the time.
Halflets please go.
I probably missed some cancer on both websites, but even then halfchan would still have much more
That's fluid dynamics 102: introducing solid mater into a Newtonian fluid filled container aka shitting in a glass of water.
In the last few months there was a sharp increase in generals, shit-tier shitposting, organized or at least preconditioned response to certain topics and not the usual cirklejerk either and even our current sharethread has a bonafied 2016 cuckchan meme as related.
Give me a fucking break.
You missed a bunch on the fullchan catalog, but it doesn't even matter. Halfchan is so much faster that yeah, there isnt even a reason to compare them. I noticed Holla Forums has a shit load more weebfaggots. Which is fine, just catalog can be stale.
This, You cant even go into a Paladins/Overwatch thread and tell newfags why the games are so fucking bad and the history behind them.
And then vols/marks goons shadow bump lock threads in stead of just fukcking delete them. That pisses me off the most.
Maybe you should read the rules one day.
read rule 4
what's annoying is that the faggot didn't enable bumplock icons
Maybe because they were the people who've been chased out since 2007.
That would make it obvious they mark threads they don't like, and we can't have that.
I've had good discussion on both half/v/ and infinity/v/. If your preconceptions are negative it will become your reality.
Maybe its time to leave imageboards, stop bitching and actually play video games