Discuss debating the holocaust and rate how I went on /r/AMA:
Discuss debating the holocaust and rate how I went on /r/AMA:
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Only 1.5 million kikes died in the wulucaust
No thanks.
Post relevant screengrabs.
There is no point in debating the holocaust much less even in a place like reddit where consensus decides what is right by means of le upboats.
Tbh there is no point in going out there and redpilling people on something so pervasive as the holy hoax. IT TAKES TIME.
Do not use the chimney argument. The chimney type actually was patented in germany.
Don't use shitty holocaust arguments that you can't back up 100%. Solid statistics only
The whole "gas chamber" in Auschwitz was built after the war, german patent or not.
Hows about instead of being a nihilistic piece of shit, you go into enemy territory and debate them? Contrary to what you may think, they will give you the time of day because they love drawn-out debates and proving themselves to be right. They just want sources and to not be called retarded faggots every other other sentence.
Holy shit what is wrong with your demented honeypot posting.
Go back to craigslist
The opposition loves debates, sure that’s why they are so open to discussion with everyone. That’s why none of us are user here…
Well obviously I am not, but I am not the average person.
What holocaust?
The holocaust did not happen, but it will.
How about instead of sucking cocks you actually fucking try to do something that will work.
It does work. Go there and present yourself as someone who has a genuine interest in having your beliefs challenged, and they'll welcome the chance to "rescue a poor miserable soul with the potential for redemption", then laugh as they realize the horror of their mistakes. They can be more civil than you give them credit for, if you can have the patience to not call them a nigger.
It literally doesn’t work. They delete anything that disagrees with them. How many fucking times do you think I’ve tried? I’ve had over 50 fucking reddit accounts; they’re all permanently banned. Nothing–and I mean nothing–works.
Wrong. It was about 275,000. From ALL causes.
Did you ever compartmentalize your views so that they ever only see one innocuous viewpoint while simultaneously making it clear you're "one of them"? I see no reason for them to not consider truths on the Holocaust if you give them enough of the right qualifiers, else they assume you're the full package and insta-ban you.
Heres the 21 holocaust questions meme that kikes redid, asking us the questions as if we had to prove things instead of them. Anyways, all 21 blown the fuck out regardless.
I tried every method I could think of. Overt questions actually don’t get banned immediately all the time; only after you refute their first “rebuttal”. Using COINTELPRO tactics and sentence structure against them always gets them to take the bait, but they never actually leave with a changed belief. Remember Yuri Bezemov: “You can take them to the Soviet Union and show them the concentration camps, but they still won’t believe it.” Our equivalent is showing pictures of the postwar books (like Encyclopedia Britannica) which state it didn’t happen. But we can’t even use the Red Cross’s documents anymore, BECAUSE KIKES HAVE COVERED THAT UP NOW. archive.is
All the evidence one would ever need to find out for oneself that the Holocaust did not happen: pastebin.com
I find that debating Jews and Holocaust proponents doesn't actually accomplish anything.
One should instead just post the evidence, demand that they investigate it for themselves and leave it at that. Either they'll accept the truth or keep believing the Jew's lies.
Here's the 21 answers to those 21 questions formatted.
bang up job mate, our ancestors are smiling down at your courage to risk death and or jail. if you are so brazen i would suggest the /r/changmyview as well since you seem to have pre-canned "sources" ready for the classic come backs of the plebs on reddit. justs make sure your grammar and spelling is always spot on, or the reddit ppl will discount an argument with even the slightest grammatical error LOL. ebil nathze
Show us the patent oh wise one.
The jews have ambt the game up.
The truth is that moraalisesti st of the revionist around debating arent really well adabted or knowledgeble on the subject. They may have watched couple of YT videos and they get shit wrong.
Jews have a new tactic. They use two pictures to "prove" holocaust. The other one was the picture that supposedly turned eric hunt into a believer. At least one of the picture is debunked by Germar Rudolf in his report, but we don't have it memed. So the average board user is getting confused and blackpilled.
Both pictures are posted all around non-english imageboard with cordinated shilling. So i suggest some kind of made-easy-counter meme picture.
Here are the jew pictures.
It would be great if the answers were sourced too. With a bit of graphic design, a nice infographic could be made and it'd be a great redpilling and counter-argument material to toss around.
What debate? Hitler was deporting Jews, not slaughtering or experimenting on them.
It still plants seeds. The Holohoax is the easiest redpill to prove, there's no reason not to expose it at every opportunity you get.