ITT: Talk about MegaTen games

ITT: Talk about MegaTen games

I started emulating Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei on a SNES emulator on my phone and I'm having a good time with it. Finished Daedalus and just moved on the Bien. Any anons played this version of the first two games? Is it better to start with the actual originals, or is this remake a better way to experience them? I don't think the core gameplay is outdated, but the interface and general playing experience seems like it'll be harder to swallow with the originals proper.

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I haven't played that compilation yet, along with the strategy RPG games on the SNES, but I am pretty sure that it is just megami tensei I and II just with updated graphics.

Yeah, that's exactly it. It's got a few bonuses added in too, like certain items carrying over from I and triggering new events in II. But for the most part it's a pretty standard remake. I never played the NES ones though and I'm digging it so far. Just wondering if there's any reason I should play the originals over this version, or if the remake is the best way to experience them. I'll be using an emulator either way, especially since Kyuuyaku never got an official English release

Kyuuyaku is pretty much better in every way to the originals, and even more playable than SMT1 and 2. That interface is sexy as hell.

Genma, Herald, Tyrant, Fiends are cool too
Devil Summoner non-Raidou

Devil Summoner

I'm on my 5th overall (4th on this file) playthrough of SJ, getting very close to 100%. Went Neutral for this final playthrough.


Devil Survivor I can't decide on which one
Devil Summoner

Im playan SJ currently too.

I found the gameplay surprisingly addictive along with the gorgeous soundtrack and i am absolutely loving it.

Postan my 2 favorite themes from there.

I fucking love the vibe the music gives to you.

It gets me pumped.

None at the moment, wanted to play Raidou, does it emulate well?
Strange Journey
Nigga pic related
Tyrant, fiends, I dunno

Best game in the series coming through. Nocturne kiddies get out.

Best ost too

Daily reminder that Dagda was right.

Hey, I remember this melody from the Shinjuku Under Wonder Ground boss battles in SMT Imagine. One of the best times of my life.

Devil Survivor DS




Devil Survivor

I liked SMT II more

Hang on to your anus, for a long while.

dagda was your only friend, which is why you had to let him go. friends only hold you back.

would you please die for me?

I'd like it more if it didn't have a pants on head retarded encounter rate.

I've played SMT1 and Nocturne and liked them but got distracted and stopped playing each a few hours in. So now I figured I'll try out SMT4 since it's on a 3DS I can play it wherever I shouldn't get distracted. It's kind of a bummer so far though. I liked the SMT and Nocturne because of the interesting setting but SMT4 is just a generic fantasy RPG. Granted I still like the whole fusion system and trying coerce enemies onto your side. Does the setting and plot get more interesting or is SMT4 just the dud in the series?

SMTIV is a bit of a dud, but not for the reasons you think. Keep playing, the setting gets more interesting.

Naw, just drop it.
SMT4/Final/Apoc are pretty garbage

Alright I'll keep pushing forward I guess. After playing this and SMT4A if I like 4 enough I plan to try and play SMT1 and 2 on my phone.

They're still significantly better than a lot of other RPGs; I think they're still worth a play, but they are markedly worse than a lot of other games in the series.

I'd say they're worse than a lot of what's on the market. Even though I'd say the press turn system is probably my favorite way to do turn based combat, in 4/F it's so poorly done I'd go so far to say that both 7th dragon VFD, EO4/5 do it better.
They have a broken combat system and Apoc is worse than 4 in that regard just because of how they decided to make smirk even worse.

Can someone explain what smirk does the game has yet to explain it and I'm too fucking lazy to do research since I'm not having any issues fighting stuff.

t. Sasuke Uchiha

Increased damage, stupid high accuracy, stupid high crit rate and stupid high evasion rate

Basically, it's a random chance when you hit a weakness or crit (or certain other things that you don't have yet). But it forces a crit on your next attack, and adds special properties to some skills. Most notably it allows Hama/Mudo to instant kill in Final/Apoc

Hana/Mudo already instant kill or do you mean it's guaranteed to hit? If it guaranteed a crit doesn't that mean you can just chain off smirks for the rest of the fight?

Hama and Mudo missing and failing are 2 different things, if it hits it then goes off it's 30%/60% chance of working

The mechanics for Hama and Mudo changed in Apocalypse. Instead of being instakill every time, they instead work the same as any other elemental attack and do damage. But when you're smirking, they behave the way they did in IV, where any hit becomes an instant kill.

In Apoc, Hama and Mudo and similar skills only deal Light/Dark elemental damage. They go back to the old-fashioned random (but rather high) instakill chance if the caster is smirking, though.

In Apoc they changed them to deal damage if you're not smirking, IK only if you are.
Oh also here's a pro tip.
There's no defense stat in 4/Apoc so just stack your damage stat and 1 shot bosses.
Literally every boss can be 1 shot if you're doing it right. In apoc they put in damage gates to prevent this.

Oh really so then when a monster is weak to light/dark what does that effect?

Oh really?

So how so I do it right? Do I just put all my stats in magic, strength, or dex?

you get once more off your press turns when it hits, it doesn't increase the hit rate like some believe

If a monster's weak to light/dark it just affects them like a normal hit from a weak element would. You gain a press turn, it does extra damage, and you get a chance to smirk.

Your choice, Magic lets you abuse almighty attacks so you can ignore enemy resistances
Str is bad avoid it
Dex is highest damage, but you'll need a little agility and luck just so you crit every now and then.

Well the good news is you let him go even on his route. He truly did everything right.

It's always nice to see fans working to revive abandonware.
But to be perfectly honest, SMTI's playerbase is nowhere near as big as Battlefield 2's, so I can't be too optimistic about this one.

smt4a and soul hackers
devil survivor 2, though its a close call the characters of 2 win me over, subject to change when I finally get around to playing nocturne and finishing sj
kohryu or huang long
devil survivor

What's the fucking difference between Persona and SMT? Is it just a fancy name for Persona or the other way around?

Regardless of what's the answer, I wanna fuck Aigis.

SMT is about demons and gods and giving the finger to YHVH
Persona is about making friends and something about evil darkness or such, no YHVH

Shin Megami Tensei is the mainline series that spawned numerous spinoff series. The Persona series happens to be one of said spinoffs, and it surpassed all other Atlus works in popularity.

new Devil Summoner fucking never

Persona deals more with psychological elements than SMT, which is pure occult.

unless you count the final route, in which case it's also about friendship to finger YVHV

Friendship does nothing, they're getting damned in the next life and all those thereafter. The creator god of that universe remains the same and his humans will bring him back.

The SMT: final protagonist does with friends what the SMT II protag did with only demons.

In that route they're all getting fucked in the ass as hard as Hijiri.

Oh of course, the second YHVH gets enough followers to revive they are going to get fucked so hard their eyes will spin. I was just saying the SMT II protag already did what they did without as much help.

These games aged like milk, it took me 5 fucking years since beating SMT1 to finally get on with SMT2.
Do MT1 and MT2 have multiple endings or are they at least linear?

They can rot in whatever hellhole YHVH makes for them while I chill with my Goddess and Godslayer on my new universe.

They're both linear.

Urging myself to start smt2, but have no opportunities to do so properly.
mt1 chimera.

For comparison

One nice thing I'll say about KMT is that it really knew how to set the tone for the game (webm related).

Thank fuck, guess I'll muster the willpower to beat them this week.

Nigger this song is from Ifā€¦

The original Megami Tensei games haven't been translated fully from what I remember and even if they were the SNES remakes are objectively superior.

KMT (the SNES remake compilation of MT1 and MT2) has been translated for a long while now silly doofus

Original light novel series translation when

First two have been translated for 10 years now if not more. Only the third never got translated.

There's also the second series, New Digital Devil Story

Completely unrelated to the series, hope you realize that.

It will be a while before the framework comes up. Once that's done though, it's slowly incorporating the content piece-by-piece.

Plus, we're trying to get translations done for more than just items, but items are a very large part (especially since CAVE was abusing the cash-whoring.)

If we have someone who could do 3D-models and small animations, we could try an experiment with any demons that were not included in this game.

Were do you lot show updates or progress or whatever the fuck at? I'd like to keep an eye on it.

We don't have any other screenshots to show out, but we do have a git to show the files if you want to see how it's being made. Just don't expect any visual updates yet. I can show more translation progess on posts if you are interested with that.

Main project is COMP_Hack

Will you be making it actually playable and not a walking/grinding simulator?

Of course it is, but Imagine's version is probably my favourite.

They seem to be using the Japanese version of the game rather than the (((localization))), so it ought to be fine.

We are using the Japanese version of the client and server files. We are translating them (albeit a little slowly.) We're going through the items because that's the most amount of text to translate.

We want to make sure the game works first, and once we do that we will start adjusting a few of the things in the game like movement speed, experience each level as well as experience gain. A personal project of mine would be to re-adjust both the equipment and the dungeons.

Right now the main developers are organizing the data so they can continue on the framework. The others may or may not help on coding the stuff that's been on the backburner.

(Screenshot for fun.)

That game had issues, but it was one of the three MMOs I ever really got somewhat into (the other two being WoW and "old school"-era RS.

please make the economy great again

are these the most overhyped "hardcoar gaymurrr" series that Holla Forums has ever shilled?

its just a generic jrpg with grind and "so mature" edgy teen story

It's fun

The only reasons I could think of are the soundtrack and to see how the series started, i.e. retrofagging.

Which ending from Apocalypse did you think was the worst?

Skill balancing is going to be a required thing, that I will assure. That skill from the mask is going to be one of them.
Along with fucking digitalize and it's retardedly short timers and ridiculous boosts.

There's one more thing, original MT2 has the option to join your Friend and have a boss battle against the Witch (Heroine). KMT(II) doesn't have that.

Merkabah, probably. Not only is Shesha on the loose, but the suicidal chariot won't even nuke Tokyo until they find Flynn and it'll be way too late to do anything by then. He's not going to grant amnesty to anybody, not even himself, and this means Mikado is fucked even in the best case scenario because they all have a curse placed in them by the angels that turns them all into demons if the archangels are away for too long. It's a ridiculously shit deal for everyone involved. Lucifer isn't any better but at least he gives you any incentive at all ("Hey kid wanna be the Demifiend for a day?").

Holy fuck
I want that smug-faced Pierce keychain

The franchise is from the original JRPG generation, it has aged better than the rest of them, and there's still nothing else quite like it.

Oh boy, what could possibly go wrong?
Good luck, though.

I might make a thread on /monster/

It is.

I haven't played SMT4A, But I do need to get around that though, as well as SMT4.

Yeah, that's going to be something down the road, making it work is the more important part.

Persona 4 Golden
Strange Journey
Probably Diety
Persona pre-three.

I need to build up the desire to finish Golden. I got it as a christmas gift last year but I can't play it for more than a couple days at a time then I drop it for months.

you can safely skip both.
They're hands down the worst mainline MT/SMT games.
I'd go as far to say they're demi-kids level of bad.

No defense stat means that attack is all that matters. Smirk system in Vanilla 4 can mean you just lose fights from Go because you got a bad AI partner who attacks into the boss's strength causing him to smirk. in Apoc that's fixed, but they introduced other problems like abilities having things on smirk, Smile Charge (forces a smirk). None of it matters though because your MC will still 1 shot every boss because >lmao who needs defense in games. In apoc it's worse because MC gets pierce all near the end meaning you can just completely ignore everything and just one shot the entire rest of the game.

Seriously game is bad. 4 has a way worse plot line, but a good 70% of Apoc's plot line is jerking off about how cool the protag of 4 is.
The remaining 30% of apoc's is nice though. Except the whole power of friendship thing, and them making every SMT game non-canon including itself because "lol there are infinite universes"

IV is ok, it has some issues, some bigger than others (alignment points and heavy law leaning sidequests) but I enjoyed my time with it. Let him decide instead of shutting everyone down that has some intention to play it.

Apoc is what you make of it.
Y-yeah, all those two bosses left including the one that Smirks, fully buffs, and fully debuffs in one press turn, can pierce through all resistances, and drains MP.
A lot of that is spent with Flynn being in a comatose state and being treated as a tool absolutely everyone wants to use for their own gain. And it works due to plot things on the 7/8th moon.
This line of reasoning doesn't make any sense, also we've known all along about the Amala since Nocturne. The only endings it can't make canon simultaneously are Apoc's own two neutral endings as YHVH is destroyed in every universe he controls at once, so whichever one you saw first, that's the canon one. It has to be one or the other because the moment YHVH returns from the Bonds route he won't allow a repeat cycle to happen ala eternal damnation, and universe creation is the final destination as Nanashi takes ALL of YHVH's souls into his new universe.

also the reason demikids is bad is because of the eye cancer color palate, devil children played pretty good

oh right, I forgot the complete abortion that is the DLC for both games.
The game pretty much requires you to have it for some of the stupidly high macca grinds if you want to get stuff from the special shops. and in Apoc there's a demon market that gets you demons with very strong skillsets for next to nothing, that are ready to transfer skills ASAP.

Can you pirate the DLC? Is the DLC at least interesting?

And how are the good parts of apoc? I only saw some snippets here and there, someone did manage to post Satan's form in Apoc.

The 7 heads idea was clever, but I don't think it's as good as his other form.

You can pirate the DLC in both, off the top of my head for apoc there are two demons that are DLC exclusive, a "new" dungeon it is a remake of a dungeon from SMT 1, and farming DLC that gives you money, levels, and items quickly.

The good parts hit "pretty mediocre". Unfortunately they're few and far between the games just are not good. If you're a big SMT fan I'd say play it just to see how bad it is. If you're someone just getting into the series or someone who isn't devoted enough to play IF then avoid both of them.

The DLC is pretty much pure cancer though, you can pirate it though.

real spoilers ahead though
that wasn't satan

The most interesting parts of the DLC is the Hunter Notes unlocked after completing them, specifically the Mikado one that involves the Demonic Gene manga.
The high points of Apoc is seeing the banter between gods and seeing the true relationship between Lucifer and YHVH. If you end up liking the main cast, that's just a small bonus for when you kill them.

That is Satan. Set and Zayin were just the required fusion material last time.

That's been that way since SMT2.

I'm convinced that isn't the actual Lucifer,because Lucifer was supposed to be a seperate being and YHVH's favourite angel until he decided to rebel,
For fuck's sake,we saw both Satan and Lucifer fighting in SMT2 Chaos route.

The other thing that pisses me off is that this is supposed to be beating the shit out of YHVH and "Finally" killing him,but the real Lucifer isn't involved at all,instead only having a supposed aspect of Satan wearing his name like a fucking school play costume.


But seriously, look at this
You see this?


'these Nips mock and deride Westerners for getting Buddhism wrong (despite the fact that Japan is as atheist as they come and not even half of them really get it) but then they get aroused by GNOSTICISM and think THAT'S BIBLICAL THO"


Where is the higher deity?
Where are the other emanations?
Where's the only-spirit Jesus?
Where's the "ALL MATTER IS EVIL, SPIRIT IS GOOD" concept?

I can't do it! I'm done! The fact that persona 5 has its overarcing theology rooted in an even flimsier bastardization of Gnosticism just gets me sick!


not to mention
PARADISE LOST/DANTE'S INFERNO were the major inspirations for the lore of Shin Megami Tensei (with some Far Eastern paganism thrown in). So why?


I'm gonna make a novel about Japanese forefathers being biblical Trinitarian Christian lolis who hated the idea of Japanese nationalism and were best friends with the Chinese shotas.
ā€¦Okay, I'm not, but I want to just to piss off all of Japan forever. I'm so infuriated.

on purpose or because they were lazy.
Just want to clarify that there's a difference between not knowing and decidedly not caring to know despite writing TWO WHOLE VIDOEGAMES ON IT

I feel bad for Christians in Japan, too. I thought living under six-pointed star media was terrible for followers of Christ.

I keep forgetting how unbelievably terrible Japanese media is.

The Lucifer you once knew is dead and has been for a very long time. He rebelled, he was killed, and gets brought back by the Axiom to serve as controlled opposition to YHVH, always ultimately helping him gain more notoriety in the end. The culmination of all of that is he ends up simple fusion material just as Set was.

About how long are the KMT versions of Megami Tensei I and II?

They're exactly the same, just ports made into a compilation for the SNES. Some new hidden stuff and easter eggs, nothing too remarkable.

As for length? I dunno. Decent-length RPGs, 30-40 hours?

Cool, thanks for the info.

This is stupid

His design in SMT IV or that he is just a puppet?

SMT has always been syncretic. In this case, they conflated YHWH and Ialdoboath, which several early Christian texts do as well.

The religion didn't magically appear at the council of Nicea, it mutated for three hundred years before that. There were even roman polytheists who revered Jesus.

What is that? You mean the Dead Sea Scrolls?
What do they have to do with SMT4 and SMT4A's idiotic lore rape and Atlus's newfound obsession for limply bastardizing Gnosticism?

But not heavily Gnostic leaning. You know that. It's always been "techno-demon anime apocolypse meets Paradise Lost & Dante's Inferno" with everything else thrown in.

What are you talking about?

Definitely that he looks so heinously out of character with who Louis Cyphre is supposed to be (the cunning shape-shifting blond-haired and often blue-eyed world/time-hopping leader of rebellion) and his redesign is lazy and makes no sense.

But more than that (since everything was visually ruined by the art redesigns of SMT4) is how he's just a puppet.

Seriously? How does that fit at all with who he was in all the previous installments?

I knew, from the moment they introduced Mastema and made Lucifer a pretty lady I knew they would ruin this series.

He looks nothing like the classic Dante's Inferno design either, which I suppose fits the abuse and death of the series known as the SMT4 Duo-Execution okay it's not known as that yet but it will be

If Yamai's team is truly unfit to work on SMT lore, who should take over?

does it get lewder?


I agree with everything else you said, but could you elaborate on why Mastema being introduced into the series was a bad thing?

As far as the Shadow designs go, that's as lewd as it gets in Persona 3, unless I'm forgetting something. Persona 4 has a very lewd Shadow boss as well.

I thought the hierophant fight was pretty lewd.

As I've been saying for years, MegaTen is the most redpiled video game franchise there is. This will only become more obvious as time goes on, you just watch and see.

Steven needs to hurry up with that demon summoning program, we'll need it

We'd all probably die in the nuclear fire anyway because we don't live in grorious japan

know where I can find a translated gba rom of smt?


The scenario surrounding the fight is pretty lewd, but I don't think the Hierophant shadow itself is more lewd than Priestess shadow.

It doesn't have one anyway unless you mean the iOS port.


i thought it was a 8 goddesses cult, pr are they the same?

I'm sure it's connected.

smt, devil survivor, p3fes
doing blind playthroughs of survivor and p3, the smt encounter rate is crazy high but its pretty fun so far

Get stun/para/bind bullets as soon as you can to help with the encounters. SMT1 may have been the only game I didn't mind the encounter rate because auto-battle was so fast.


I would have done either the earth goddess joke or the normal goddess joke, but it seems like they had ties with hillary and she's with the media machine. That pretty much kills any joke that comes around.

**Is If,,, ever going to finish it's patch yet? Aeon hasn't updated that page in a damn long time."

Why the fuck can't your main character in soul hackers learn magic? I've wasted so many points. Fuck.

protagonists couldn't learn magic in the earlier games, I've heard people say that int and mag play a factor in conversations in things like SMT 1, but I've never noticed it.

I see, oh well. Guess I just have to start over.

it doesnt hurt to check a faq for the basic stuff

If you are far into the game I would just walk it off and carry yourself with powerful demons and Nemissa.

I'm not too far, plus I've been lamenting the fact that I didn't pick the zio/megido nemissa too.

10 Magic lets you equips pieces of masakado armor which gives you stat boosts, you didn't flub too hard.

mag or int? I went mostly int


Also fire nemissa isn't too bad if you chose that one, its not as good as the zio/megido option but its still better than ice.

I picked iceā€¦

You could try to use the magic swords via fusion and see if you get good damage with those.

bufumissa best missa aesthetic wise

Hate to just ask a question, but does anyone know the location of the tengu horde in SMT4A? I fought one but I cannot for the life of me recall where I fought it, and I'd like to grind against them to level up demons for fusion

Isn't that under the divine powers base?

I've never played a SMT game whats the best one to play first?

Asumming you came from Persona 3, Nocturne and DDS are good starting points and maybe Strange Journey but is waaay to hard on some parts.

I suppose I might as well try.

cosmic egg, the 2nd or 3rd part I think

Someone could recommend an optimal stat distribution to each SMT1 character? I have played it but never finished it before.

I just started playing myself,apparently magic isn't really used on your main,went full magic like a retard

Q5: How should I distribute my stat points for the Hero?

A5: The short answer is that it depends on your playstyle. The long, technically correct answer is to focus on Stamina and Speed early on. Try to max Stamina by level 30 or so, then start working on finishing Speed and start putting points into Strength. After Speed is maxed, start putting points into Luck as you finish Strength. Finally, start working on Luck. While doing all this, put an occasional point or two into Intelligence. Try to have about 25 Intelligence by level 25 or so.

An important caveat: you don't need 40 in a stat to max it. Due to the stat bonuses from the final equipment sets, you'll have a +7 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Intelligence, a +4 bonus to Speed, and a +1 bonus to the rest. This means Strength is effectively maxed at 33, Speed is effectively maxed at 36, and Stamina is effectively maxed at 39. Also keep in mind that there are a LOT of stat-boosting Incenses to be found throughout the game. Don't waste points in maxing out a stat if you know you'll get 10 incenses that boost that stat later.
Q6: What about that stat distribution for my other characters?

A6: Again, the simple answer is to use the stats in a way that matches your own playstyle. The min-maxing answer is as follows:


Max out Magic ASAP, then work out Stamina and Speed. Since the Heroine is best used as a Gunslinger, don't bother putting points into Strength. Likewise, Luck is useless on everyone but the main Hero, so avoid that as well.

Law Hero

Put points primarily into Magic, as it will make him very helpful for dealing damage thanks to Zan. Also put some points into Stamina so he can take a hit.

Chaos Hero

Put points into Strength and Stamina. While he does have magic, it's not very good magic. Especially considering a large number

All in INT.

Anyone know if the PC spin off is worth playing? I heard it has some lewd monster grillz.

Should I go right to Nocturne after completing IV and Apocalypse or try something else?

Nocturne is considered by a good plurality to be the #1 best in the franchise. Save it for when you know you can appreciate it.

Strange Journey is also considered to be the best, though by not quite as many. 'Twas my entry point to the series, and a magical experience.

go DDS while you're still on the hindu lore ride

I wonder, would trump be considered the Human ending route? Would Hillary be the demon route? What is the Angel route?


But user, turtles don't have souls. :^)

It's Chaos, Law, and Neutral, Holla Forums-kun.

Fuck, you are right.

What was with SMT4 that made me just stop giving a fuck over half way through. That was such a depressing feeling.

Too easy? Lack of any real consequence in your alignment choices? Alignment barely having any purpose to begin with?

That and the gameplay felt like something was missing. Even SJ felt a lot more satifying than SMT4.

I have a simple question for you guys, do you or anyone one you know can make 3D models and/or animate them?

Thinking of adding some new demons if we can hit the testing phase, but we need a demon that has no record in the game at all. Someone like Sedna or even make Kek.

How are the devil children series for the game boy?