I've never played W40K and I want to get into the lore, but there are so many games and side game spinoffs that I dont know where to start or which ones to pick
is there a list of main games that are recommended to play first?
I've never played W40K and I want to get into the lore, but there are so many games and side game spinoffs that I dont know where to start or which ones to pick
is there a list of main games that are recommended to play first?
Almost all of them are shit. Just play dow1 all the campaigns from all the expansions
Its a meme, the lore is shit
DoW1, DoW2 are alright. Space Marine is okay for playing it once. That's about it.
If you're really interested you could try and get Chaos Gate somewhere, it's basically XCOM in Spess.
Excuse my Reddit spacing. I have no idea why I'm doing it. It just happens.
Oh and battleflet gothic is really good as well if you like space rts
ok thanks, ill start with these, I didnt realize the side games were bad
Games Workshop was very protective of its IP for a long time but these days they seem to fling it left and right, resulting in a lot of shit-tier mobile games and such.
Be aware that DoW2 base game is pretty trash, and only gets kinda better with the DLC campaigns
Also, Chapter Master can be quite fun, and Battlefleet Gothic is great. Other than that, no good WH40k games to speak of
Be aware that DoW2 base game is pretty trash, and only gets kinda better with the DLC campaigns
Also, Chapter Master can be quite fun, and Battlefleet Gothic is great. Other than that, no good WH40k games to speak of
Rites of War and Final Liberation are your friends and you could also try Slitherine's Armaggedon.
Now if you're really trying to get into lore fluff be warned that A: Some degree of militant headcanon is mandatory B: Some asshole will shit on your favourite faction and call it official retcon and C: You're gonna need to read shit. Lexicanum and 1d4chan for start.
It's also worth noting that you should've gone proper /tg/.
You can read up on stuff online. It's just something you gather through time and interest.
DOS SpaceHulk was great.
Oh, also, the real beauty of WH40k lies in the books rather than the games
Oh, absolutely.
Why is what happening, friend?
I wouldn't play the vidya if you want to get into the lore, it doesn't cover much in depth. Start with this, a wiki run by fa/tg/uys which is an entertaining read: 1d4chan.org
C.S. Goto is hated amongst 40k fans because he doesn't understand or care to understand 40k lore while writing about it, resulting in some fucking stupid and retarded shit.
You're just jealous that you're stuck with plain old boring heavy bolters.
Battle fleet Gothic : Fun space RTS with a pretty meaty campaign.
Dawn of war 1: one of the top RTS's out there (get all the add on's, soul storm at least)
Dawn of war 2: a not bad RTS/RPG mix
Space marine: great action game, no replay value
The new space hulk game might be good… sadly, That's it as far as good 40k video game's go, Start with space marine if you want to get the lore.
I want to fuck kriegers
He wrote the Eldar stealing Imperial Tanks to use in battle due to their better arms and armour.
Haha, fucking what? This is some of the most retarded shit I have heard.
Don't be like that, the man is the king and queen of slaanesh lesbomancy and eldar slash fiction
Play DoW1 and all its xpacs (soulstorm just for mods like ultimate apocalypse) and read the lore from the wiki.
You'll end up with a satisfying level of exposure to the universe while spending the smallest fraction of the money you would end up dropping actually getting into the tabletop.
These are your friends.
Start reading things you find interesting, and remenber, imperial guard = best faction always.
Warhammer is for normalfags.
Then you mustn't have read much written by Goto.
Extract of a 20 page long torture scene of Taldeer.
Also he's the one responsible for the back-flipping terminator armor…
What the fuck?
is that fucking erebus
Yup, good thing hes long gone from 40k now.
Also, have this op,
Beside CS Goto being a lore-raping moron and the writers of rulebooks and otherwise giving no consideration to verisimilitude over grimdark thematics, I do have to wonder why the multilaser isn't more widespread in use over heavy cartridge weapons. Considering you can bash together four of them on a Rapier weapons platform- yes, it's 30k tech, but it's rather mundane 30k tech that hasn't quite gone out of vogue, just become rarer without quite reaching outright relic weapon status in anything other than age for being too expensive for what it is- and power them with its single reactor, even if said reactor is a little disproportionately powerful, and considering that tripod mounted lascannons are a thing, mounting a single multilaser and its power pack to the standard Imperial Guard heavy weapons tripod seems like a piece of cake.
Now, by all means, the Heavy Bolter is the superior weapon shot for shot against harder targets just comparing the (admittedly scrounged up and possibly immodern) statlines. The Multilaser statline is 36" range, 6 strength, 6 AP, Heavy 3, while the Heavy Bolter is 36" range, 5 strength, 4 AP (lower is better) heavy 3. But as most things you'd consider mounting either of the two on are probably not going to be slinging shots at things where the boltgun's strengths matter, the multilaser is perfectly serviceable. Furthermore, while the multilaser is presumably somewhat expensive in terms of tooling to manufacture, it's not enough so that it can't be mounted on every single IFV and scout walker in the game-spotlighted Guard that isn't carrying something punchier, and certainly can't be more expensive to produce and service than the electrically primed motor-fed explosive gyrojet .998 caliber/1 inch/25mm round slinging Heavy Bolter, which is all over the place in the Imperium. It also handily beats out the Heavy Stubber's Range 36", Strength 4, AP 6, Heavy 3 statline, while being at a similar physical scale.
Between the three, the Heavy Bolter is big, overall expensive, and a bit finnicky, in addition to using ammo and thus being a nightmare for the Departmento Munitorum, bolt ammo no less, which takes relatively skilled labor and/or machinery to produce. If it wasn't for the Imperium spontaneously forgetting how to make bolt style HE rounds for autocannons and instead using interwar tier uncapped AP slugs as standard, it'd be quickly obsolete as a heavy anti-infantry support gun, furthermore, relegated to laying suppressive fire and specialty roles like Space Marine use as the Imperium relearns the value of middle-caliber field guns in killing lots of people with massed direct HE-FRAG fire as compared to sweeping lots of autocannon caliber shots across a line while landships with nominally-120mm-but-actually-400mm rocketball rounds give them the IS2 treatment. They'll still do all that, just with extra middling HE doing more legwork. The Heavy Stubber is chunky by our standards but rather light on both weight and firepower in 40k, being a smattering of various .50 BMG slinging variants of mid-20th century machineguns, including the ol' Deuce herself, is dirt cheap to produce and takes no higher technology, hence its being thrown on absolutely anything as a pintle weapon, but it's still a motherfucker in Imperial logistical terms for using ammunition as a non-specialty weapon, even if getting the ammo from local workshops is trivial. Still blows big enough holes in orks, though, and is thus used as filler just because it's around. And multilasers are between the two in firepower, presumably cheap to produce albeit maybe with moderately expensive/old and difficult to reclaim tooling, and most importantly, use power packs. That might mean self-sufficient generators, or it might mean drainable packs that may or may not be rechargeable but most likely the former, and an enterprisingly radical and rationalization-minded Magos might even rig something up to feed off of multiple lasgun power packs in turn, enabling a gunner with a team of loader assistants to constantly swap drained magazines out as the gunner changes feeds to maintain a constant rate of fire with near to no gap in between long bursts.
Very attractively, you could link a rechargeable battery to a vehicle's engine if you've got advanced enough manufacturing to use slip rings instead of cables (unless you don't have a fully rotating turret or don't care to have one, in which case use cables anyways!) and presumably you do considering there are at least primitive electronics in Russ turrets, meaning fire can be more literally constant and only limited by overheating, which the multi-barrel assembly can likely take a great deal of. Put a couple centuries of work and tech heresy accusation dodging into enhanced and variant designs, and you can probably get the beam to heavy bolter-esque levels of effectiveness, thin beam settings piercing through armor and turning the occupant into a walking shrapnel bomb as his guts rapidly vaporize and send fragments of bone and armor every which way, or else crudely pseudo-raster scanning over poor bloody infantry on wide beam mode to cause mass blindness and surface-level flesh melting. As there is no ammunition feed to accommodate for, just a power line, you can also fit it into a more compact space with as much of the weapon and trunnions being forward in a turret as possible, meaning you can use an M60 style cupola-turret. Much maligned and ineffectual historically if I'm not mistaken, yes, but that's never stopped the Imperium, and it's much wiser than having the commander pop his head out to lay down anti-infantry fire. AA work certainly isn't on the menu, so the potential loss in high angle fire is not overly worrying.
Where are my laser Ma Deuces with MG42 levels of spray, Holla Forums? The tech-priest said there would be STC printouts. Where are they? Why isn't the Departmento Munitorum bitching harder about all this fucking ammo they have to get the Mechanicus to manufacture, organize and ship? Why aren't there big hat Guard generals asking for more goddamn lasers? Yes, the Imperium is as byzantine as a space supergovernment can get, but I don't see how anyone with a logistical mindset can be doing anything other than screaming up the chain, 'MORE LASGUNS, GIVE ME MORE AND BIGGER LASGUNS SO I CAN KILL THE XENO' until even the High Lords of Terra hear a vague screaming on the wind and have the errant thought of, 'You know, we need more lasers if we're going to fight literally everyone at once.' And if that makes me a black Irish midget leper, then so be it.
Don't forget this sweet thing.
That timeline is absolute shit though, they even put the Unification Wars before the eye of terror opening and don't even mention the Iron Men rebellion.
fuck, missed the pic
Is there even any indication that Rapiers are rare? I always figured they just weren't used much because mass producing carriable weapon-team stuff was cheaper and easier to transport.
Rapiers were mostly used for infantry firesupport for Astartes Legions or elite Army regiments like the SA, and at least for the former Rapiers are pretty much worthless due to the marines shifting focus over to hit and run tactics and special ops.
Now, for defensive purposes inside fortresses, space stations and IN ships, they would probably still be popular.
That's precisely why they're rare.
And that's mostly where they're still used.
From the following page,
You don't need an unmanned tankette with a dumb AI gunner just to move a heavy MG or light field gun around, nor to move four around at once. It has some novelty in that you can most probably set it rolling slowly down a corridor delivering heavy marching fire, and also that the crew do not need to necessarily stick too close to the gun and risk eating bullets or grenades that wouldn't kill the rapier but would kill the operators, but the maneuverability and thus ability to establish a good gunline of a rhombus with the forward corner down instead of up is going to be awful in rough terrain, and it isn't too useful to have four smaller guns on one platform in most situations even if it's in an ideal position. Either have a tripod with direct meatbag interfacing and a plain gunsight, or a single gun on a cheaper motorized platform with a digitized ranging system, or in the last point on firepower, just make a bigger gun that'll do more than four little guns in a hurry and probably weigh a bit less than the four bolted together, and certainly take up less volume. The whole platform is a duck, albeit a quite useful duck.
I can see them doing it if they didn't have tanks of their own.
And let's face it, basic imperial tech is robust as hell. IoM vehicles are generally better armored
Man I just hate how they overused that meme all the time. I mean, for Neutron cannons, automata, Ark Mechanicus BBs, and so on, I get it, but a Rapier is just a conventional weapon on a small tracked chassis. Same with the Vanquisher cannon somehow being really expensive and rare because…it's somehow magically different form any other medium caliber shell-firing tank cannon they make?
Would be more fun if they just fluffed it as regular equipment but the Admech being particularly autistic or Jewy about issuing it.
I can just imagine whole Forgeworld's worth of Volkite weapons produced ever since the Heresy, but the Magi refuse to issue it because the correct request forms all burned up in the siege of Terra and now no one knows exactly how to write them anymore.
Hey, hey now, it's artillery so the crew is T7! Correct procedure is moving the crew in front of the weapon to tank wounds, now get moving soldier or I'll have to call the Commissar!
That was a fantastic read, thankyou for posting this.
To be fair, getting all that shit into a cramped crewless tankette thing is probably pretty finnicky as far as construction & maintenance goes. But more likely it's the high-output low-size generator & gun convergence system that are the problem.
The Vanquisher has been retconned as using (between two canon cannon variants) either a giant squeeze bore gun or to throwing stupidly complex super-SABOT, in addition to no longer being able to sling standard battle cannon HE or any form of HE, for whatever reason. It's more complex than space Deuces and flashlights, sure. But not much more complex than a stupidly huge Battle Cannon firing a stupidly huge round. 120mm my ass.
I imagine it's more because the Martian factory that has been producing them this whole time has been doing so on autopilot and is full of swarms of very angry chaos infested Men of Iron sealed behind very big doors. Most of Mars' subterranean levels are totally lost to all kinds of bad shit getting unleashed during the Heresy, as I recall.
Is this the latest and greatest iteration of Devilfish hovercover brand cheesery?
Not really, the only factions that can really abuse it are IG/DK with artillery emplacements and Orks with Mekguns, due to the large and cheap squads they can add to the guns. Meanwhile, Rapiers and whatever the Eldars' are called can only have a couple of crewmembers.
They'll be static units anyway (Unless you add a Bigmek in KFF to a Mekgun unit so the whole unit gets Relentless) and the crew only use the guns' T at range, so they get swept away the moment something charges them. Plus it's a meagre cheese for such bottom tier armies anyway.
pls spoonfeed
From the eyes and the edge of the lips, looks like something something Eroquis. Just look through sadpanda until you find it I guess, or your dick gives up.
OP if you are still here watch "if the emperor had a text to speech device"
It's basically 40k abridged and utterly great.
Catholic Space Nazis in the future is about all you need to know.
I recently played through Eisenhorn Inquisitor. Average game but good way to get into the world.
Catholic Space Nazis in the future is about all you need to know.
I recently played through Eisenhorn Inquisitor. Average game but good way to get into the world.
dont you mean interstellar army simulator which is in no way related to geedubs intellectual property
Whatever you do, just never, ever, buy the tabletop stuff. It's absolute trash and it gets worse every year. GW balances it like a suicidal tightrope walker, and jews the shit out of every shekel they can snatch.
No. The Black Templars are Catholic Space Nazi's. The Ultramarines are Roman Space Nazi's. The White Scars are Mongol Space Nazi's. The Mechanicus are Cyber Punk Space Nazi's. The Kreig Corps are Pre-Nazi Germany Space Nazi's.
Is it okay if I only buy a miniature that I think looks cool such as the [current year] Archaon for use as a living room decoration?
You didn't get trips, you didn't get it right and you can't spell for shit. Have some Nazis and go back.
I wasn't even trying, but I still hurt your feelings.
Just a fa/tg/uy tired of neo/v/ using my hobby to shitpost
For vidya Dawn of War 1 is your best bet.
Underage fags don't know about Chaos Gate or Final Liberation. Chaos Gate is the tits, think X-Com with Space Marines.
My nigger. It's a shame the newer one is so average. Come to think of it picrelated was pretty good too.
Go home Holla Forums, nobody likes you.
How do stormcucks saying this anywhere but their containment board not see the irony?
Spend a shitton on that and almost as much on all the paints and stuff that you'll need to make it look good? Wouldn't recommend it.
Stop projecting, Holla Forums.
is it unfathomable that stormfag shitposting is loathed by people outside of that board.
I was looking forward to this because I liked EYE and 40k, but it seems people here hate it. Any idea why?
It's time for you to go back to >>>/cuckchan/ This is the exact kind of shit we exodus in the first place over.
Ya got me, I don't care though, if what other people wanted affected me I wouldn't buy games ever.
Is the pile of shit that follows this statement supposed to be an example of good writing?
How the fuck could you think backflipping Termie armor is remotely acceptable? No, there's no "Everyone makes mistakes :3" defense for some fucking bullshit like that.
You, the people who raised you, and the community who supported you instead of murdering you are total irredeemable shit and should be executed in public or nuked from orbit.
No, he's say that he hasn't seen the full width of Goto's retardation. Very clearly that's what he's saying.
There are heretics in this very thread not recommending Space Marine
Nice dubs, but you must be a total idiot if you can't see how those exact words read with different inflection could be interpreted as a defense. Then again, English might not be your first language.
I've played DoW2, the expansion campaign and Retribution. They play like an hybrid RTS/RPG, many did not like them for this reasons but I thought they were fine.
I have the first DoW with all its expansions but never bothered with it.
Who the fuck made this?
It's all fucking wrong.
That because Space Marine is mediocre at best
For le emprah xD!
Find friend who playes 40k tabletops and ask if he would teach you. Im pretty sure he will want to have someone to play with too.
thats right, i wouldnt really recommend space marine as a video game.
maybe as a space marine simulator, but its just gears of war, which i wouldnt recommend either. yet its somehow worse.
Neat, I might check it out.
Start with any game and have any Wiki opened to see exactly what is going on.
I would suggest Space Marine as first because it shows how Empire of Mankind works.
Also I can recommend Dead Man Walking novel. Main hero is regular citizen so it shows how fucked everything is.
But it is great in showing how stuff is in Warhammer universe from ground perspective.
I don't see it either, especially in the context of the full post
fucking flag
"It-it's not our fault that we end up fighting everyone else, it just happens! It's definitely not because we've been brainwashed into becoming bloodthirsty lunatics that are now lead by an unnatural abomination on a genocidal crusade across the entire fucking galaxy!"
"You see well, but do you not see what the fuck are you doing, you absolute madman, you're making things even worse what is to come?"
I-it's neither true or false, it's j-just a different kind of truth!
Going full retard wasn't his fault too. Of course. It was the ayyliums, blame anyone but yourself for your fuck-ups.
Three of the four Chaos Gods appearing after the Golden Golem? It's more likely than not likely at all.
And of course it is petty, low-scale squabbles in a backwater part of the galaxy that made Chaos Gods as powerful as they are. Not a Galaxy-spanning war between true superpowers that involved systematic extermination of all life by one of the sides. Not the fall of a lesser Galaxy-spanning empire that resulted in a birth of a fucking Chaos God. Not Krorks making sure war and suffering will be everywhere, whether you like it or not. No-no-no-no, it is the precious bald apes, the Universe revolves around them, after all.
I was wondering whether there will be any mentions of Slaanesh at all. I mean, it was born long before the locusts discovered means of space travel. I mean, it was certainly the war with Iron Men (who were totally turned on infallible humans by Chaos, or aliens, or something else - don't forget to blame anyone but yourself!) that caused the warp storms, how could it possibly be anything not human-related.
Anything sentient except the four gods in the Warp in the state it was after the wars between star fags and lizard fags? Really?
I meant to say that it was conceived long before that. But is it even relevant since its birth didn't affect the entire Galaxy in any way.