Here's a new "Fellow White People" compilation of blue checkmark twitter. I have a lot more saved up but I wanted to limit it to verified users for this one.
"Fellow White People"
Stellar quality
Great work user, have a bump from a fellow white man.
Keep them coming.
It is extremely important to document their hate for our race.
And this will not go unpunished.
Nice work, OP. Have a bump.
As somebody said:
War is hell, but this peace is fake and gay.
I can sense the Racial Holy War is coming.
As a fellow white person, it is my duty to bump this high quality image
my krautness and blue eyes cannot deny the quality of such a thread. the very notion that kikes consider themselves white at all is entirely laughable, and i have had to deal with it personally, producing a music video for a kike son of a polish kike refugee in which he refers to himself as "old white california hippie" ie "OWCH". i told him he isnt white, but his kikery prevented him from listening.
So do I. I know fags keep calling us out for being FBI for wanting the war to begin but I want a racewar right fucking now. I'm so sick of misceginators and jobless coons everywhere living better than I do. HEBA HABA DOOBA DIS WAYT GOW MAYN
Excellent content OP. Need more like this.
Doing good work OP.
Thank god these inbred parasites are ((())) themselves and building our databases. Any day they'll start put the stars on themselves like last time.
How about next time we do the concentration camp thing, we make them wear a blue checkmark instead of a gold star?
Fucking hellfire. Is that Billy Joel?
Off by one, but I like the way you think.
Tony Goldmark is a contributor to Channel Awsome. He's infamous for having disgusting dirty fingernails and literally crying it's anudda shoah when people told him to clean his fucking nails.
Ive found pic related works perfectly for demonstrating Jews arent white - for 3 reasons.
First of all, its Rahm Emmanuel, so that alone is worth exposing. Whos that guy? The Mayor of Chicago, and one of the main reasons its so bad.
Second, hes winking. It goes great with captions. "Fellow white people" *wink wink
Third, hes extremely brown, and it just does an all around great job of showing kikes are brown, just like Kushner is still a kike even though his skin is light, kikes are brown. Its like having a 1/4 nigger and suggesting they are full blooded white, just because the nigged mixed into whites. Niggers are black, kikes are brown, and neither are white regardless of how much they mix into us.
The Art of War:
We'll win our race war when we've red-pilled enough normies that our still greater numbers, combined with our superior skills, make swift and devastating victory inevitable. Things are progressing nicely in the right direction, IOTBW continues to be a glorious success, with Paul Nehlen exemplifying the Overton window shift and helping to push it further along. At the moment, our best bet is to keep doing what we're doing. Trump is not /ourguy/, but he's in power and moving things in the right direction. The anti-whites are so lacking in self-awareness that they're exposing themselves by their hysterical reaction to him, and pushing more people to our side.
Once our ideas gain political clout, we won't have to fire a shot to start the battle. Our best bet is to simply to turn the kike's own Golems upon them. We should keep getting the word out to red-pill more niggers about the kikes' role in slavery and disproportionate wealth, "Jewish privilege" being the truth rather than "White privilege". Then, when we cut welfare, the nogs will launch an orgy of crime and the kikes will bear the brunt of it. Of course, they will still attack whites, and this is where those among us itching for the fight, who naturally are well armed and ready to defend their homes, will get lawful opportunities for first blood. As a bonus, they will slaughter each other in record numbers.
When things escalate to the point of open street warfare, the confusion will open opportunities to deal with the worst of the kikes and race traitors in academia and the lugenpresse. We should think of ways to use the nogs to do it wherever possible.
By this stage the smarter kikes will recognise their game is up, and be fleeing in droves to Israel. We should let them go. The ultimate reckoning for the kikes will come when their foolish destabilisation of the Middle East region bites them in the ass, with a de-kiked US unwilling to stand behind them. The "Samson Option" will turn into a busted flush when, inevitably, their Muslim neighbors have nukes too. Mutually assured destruction relies on both parties being sane enough to have survival as top priority. They've been playing with fire by toppling moderate dictators who were keeping a lid on religious extremism. People willing to fly airplanes into buildings are willing to use nukes. If the last person alive bows to Allah they would consider it a victory. A Middle East regional nuclear war is likely in the medium term.
Hitler was a great man, but his major flaw was his failure to recognise the necessity to play and beat the kikes at their own game. The real Shoah will be millions of kikes hoisted on their own bloody petards, and burned in the oven of Israel. It will be glorious.
"Uptown Girl" was all about the early Jewish experience in dreaming of stealing the White man's world, namely as the narrator being a filthy New York yid stealing an upper class shiksa and dragging her down into the filth and mud of the Jewish hovel of negroism and greasy kike grabby hands.
"Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she's never had a backstreet guy
I bet her momma never told her why
I'm gonna try for an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world"
Bumping on good OC, OP. JudenCheck symbol was a nice touch!
I've paid my dues and lurked long enough.
Thank you user.
I have a lot of these
There should be a smuggie of this.
lol fucking kikes, good job. where did this "fellow white people" thing come from, they must have all gotten the same memo.
Are (((they))) trained on the "fellow white person" line?
Nigger they don't call it the Redpill becasue it sounds cute. All of your old heroes are dead. Everything you used to love is kiked. Get with the program dad, jesus.
How do you do fellow white people?
Someone needs to meme into creation using "fellow goy" ironically among the goys.
Did we ever have a confirmation that the Twitter profile parading as Spectre actually was Spectre?
What an absolutly vile jew. DOTR can't come soon enough.
Fuck. I've never noticed this. The kikes are so fucking envious and have always been stoking anti-white sentiments.
They're really like niggers: I resent whites but I want a white woman so I can defile her and end her bloodline.
Got a source for the first one?
Means I bet she never had it in the anus.
Fucking kikes.
Peace is nothing more than a flanking maneuver
You want a real fucking oooph tier redpill? Some user posted this a couple weeks ago and I looked into it and he was fucking right. Listen to as many songs as possible, genre does not matter, as long as it sounds good enough to be able to say "I can tell this guy put a lot of effort into this, he wanted as many people to enjoy it as possible" i.e. as long as you can say that there is artistry in the effort put forth..
And while you are listening, look up the lyrics and read them. Read between the lines.
I don't want to say what it is and rob you of that "holy fucking shit" moment. Try it.
user realizes all music with vocals are degenerate
Nope. Do what I said. Try it. Its not about degenerate shit.. its about something else. Listen to random shit that 'sounds good' even if its not what you would normally listen to. Like the kind of song that doesn't get stuck in your head in an annoying way.
They are all about something. Very heavy on the metaphor, really need some autistic thought to see it but.. Check out embed related, check out that fucking intro.
Now go listen to some fucking music and read between the lines.
I'm getting sick of this shit. What do we ultimately do about this? They aren't going to stop or decrease in number and hardly anyone is gonna take count of all of them out there, because they don't just do it on Twitter.
This whole Jew playing white on the internet thing needs to be brought to a screeching halt.
I always thought it was "white-bred" world.
user, just drop the fucking redpill on us, not all of us are going to go out and research every little fucking thing. We each have our personal specialties, some follow sports, others various news feeds, others local issues, some are art user's, others can build epic vids, others are bitching with quips and sayings. So do you really think most of us are going to run off and listen or research who knows how many fucking kike shit songs to figure out what fucking cryptic shit you are talking about?
I'll go out on a limb and say, Sex or Drugs. Even Dirk's bottoms up song is only about fucking an woman and nothing more, degenerate country kike shit that it is. So if its something other than this obvious as fuck shit, spill it faggot.
Has nothing to do with sex or drugs. If you cant be fucked to listen to a fucking song.. when what the fuck are you doing right now that you cant have music in the background? Pay attention to the lyrics. That is it. If you don't believe in coincidences you will notice it pretty fucking quickly.
Uptown girl was originally written about a guy he knew. Just some fyi
spoonfeed me! quit fukcing around! i dont listen to degenerate music!
user, see:
Lets reiterate this.
I am not digging around looking for some highschool user's new theory of everything and some magical enlightenment that is obvious if 'I just do this!'. Thats fucking yahoo clickbait tier shit. Explain what the fuck you are on about or be forgotten like the faggot you are coming off as. Your argument will be weighed by us and judged as worthy or not, and if worthy in some user's eyes, you may be amazed by what the guys can do with it. Or just be an faggot whom pretends you are better than everyone else because you listen to faggot music the yids use to brainwash the goy. Or is this too fucking hard to comprehend and I should start grunting in nigger speak to get thru to you?
Look at this image an realize some user had to actually explain their own fucking understanding to the plebeian user's to spread the real truth of the matter. By doing so, they broke the fallacy that 'you cannot see race by the skelleton' shit which was an big thing ten years ago, which most user's and normalfaggots couldn't even if you waved an million fucking dollars in their face, which made the fallacy true. Until smart user explained WHY its bullshit to us all, and now today….. good luck trying to spread that meme of 'we are all the same on the inside' shit. And hence why its an very rarely used meme by our enemies now. An fucking user, broke their back, by explaining. Because nobody is going to fucking study everything regardless of how important you think something is.
starts at about 10:45
Fucking top-tier work, OP. It's so clean I kind of want to print it as a poster.
We are the only ones who allowed to be.
The only ones with that privilege.
Let us keep it that way.
when did I say it had to be degenerate music? I said ANY. Maybe I'll make a thread later but judging by you fags being completely unwilling to so something as simple as listen to fucking music leads me to believe it would be a waste of time anyway.
Which is only further expounded by the fact that you faggots ignored my other post.
he got buttraped by his gay dad
Is this the guy that felches Conan?
aesthetic as fuck, user
I think you saved my screencap.
Check out the rest of that 1940 Nazi 3-pack if you haven't:
Did you spend 6,000,000 hours in pain changing it from "white" to "nigger?"
By simply using a chrome extension you could be reading good articles,after all the kikes are just holding a distorted mirror
R/ing the pic of twitter messages from a kike who explained that jews weren't white, but since they looked white they had an obligation to infiltrate and subvert, to shill for minorities. if it helps, the first time i saw it posted the filename was "shapeshifter" something or other. that one pic is nicely condensed and is more overt with greater redpilling potential, IMO
one of the panels was the one from bensvoice shown in this pic but the other panels are missing. it was only twitter messages from this guy, no one else
I have a folder just for this. Some of them weren't put together well, though.
that's the one i was looking for here
thank you, user
No worries, user.
There may be some duplicates since I saved them all from another thread which had duplicates.
could've just stuck to saying a faggot hebe
So many (((fellow whites))) on twitter for some reason. Purely cohencidence.
That's all I have, I hope we can document this sick Jewish subversion more, there's bound to be many more (((fellow white people))) on twitter who attempt to do this.
Holy crap. That has a ton of meme potential.
basic pattern recognition, user
bumping for redpill potential to lurkers
Also notice how he says girl instead of woman.
Okay then. Whatever point you thought you were making will simply go unheard. If you don't care enough to clearly make your point, why should anyone give a fuck what it was?
Hang them from lamp posts with a placard around their neck that reads:
"I was a traitor to my race"
They are such complete and utter cunts.
It constantly amazes me that anyone could even be that much of a cunt, and yet their entire race, every single last one of them, is an irredeemable cunt.
God gave us the perfect example of what not to be when he created the jew.
Stonemason here, Caesar Stone is a Jewish stone supplier in isisrael, they dominate the market through mass advertising , they even sell their stone slabs way more expensive than their competitors even though most engendered stones are the same shit. Recently a few stonemasons have been diagnosed with Silicosis and guess what those kikes over a kikestone did in response, try to bully companies to sign a 200 page contract just so they are not reliable or sued from their toxic engineered stone, Chinese stone is the worst, cheap as shit and it can warp and catch fire if put under flames from all the plastics in the stone.
Tip to anyone thinking of getting stone bench tops, stay the fuck away from Caesar Stone. Go with a natural stone if you can afford it but if you want a good engineered stone go for someone not Caesar Stone or something made in Spain.
Even the fucking logo looks like two hands rubbing
It looks more like a nostril to me.
Big nosed, Hunched over Jew feverishly rubbing its hands?
I posted this the other night and somehow it mysteriously got (((deleted))). I wonder if a mod is one of them listed on this pic. Anyhow, I think the most effective propaganda is the ones like the OP and the 1st pic here where there is a COLLAGE, rather than just one picture, this way normies can see the actual pattern; that there's a BUNCH of Jews doing this. I don't have photoshop, so yea. Lots of instances of this behavior one one pic is nice.