Other urls found in this thread:





Not video games.

not video games, fuck off




there we go

don't kid yourself user


Lol threads came here with halfchan cancer, don't think they are anything but that

although I did chuckle at this one









That's all folks.


no, we brought them here with the exodus when we moved here back in 2014.

Go fuck yourself. I was having a good day.

Just keep posting and report these halfchan faggots who are trying so hard to fit in.

Why are you sad?
The daughter is still alive, stupid.

because the disease usually comes back


She's not actually real, it's just a drawing

Wait what, I don't get it.

What the fuck happened to PA, anyway?

Post more fishlips

don't you know? when you get sick, usually the disease comes back. doesn't matter what it is.

Ha, if that's the reason then every anime with the slightest level of cute girls is actually a tragedy in disguise.


What a time to be alive.

Pretty hard to get gallstones without a gallbladder. Or tonsillitis without tonsils. Or appendicitis without an appendix.

Some people think the smoke on page 23 is from incense burned for the deceased, and that it's the day where spirits return so visit their family. Also by his grey hair making him look much older while she hasn't aged at all.

They got too successful and obtained a sphere of influence as "people of interest" in the video game entertainment industry, which doesn't actually let them influence anything but forces them to follow certain PR strats or get metaphorically (possibly literally) clawed to shreds by everyone trying to ride on their coattails. Also kids and a wife, but actually that's not quite as influential as the rabid "journalists" who threaten those persons when displeased.

Did someone say yiff?

We have to back.

these threads were always cancer, faggots just use them as an excuse to post their shit

they also started after leftypol was made

what a coincidence


It's called: "containment". Stop being a slowpoke.


do you have any facts to back that up, /furry/?


There have been worse lel threads

The common, widely accepted answer is "Bald and Pig got old and medicated"

Why was Marty drawn by so many artists and yet none of them could make it look good or less stupid





Eat a cunt faggot. >>>Holla Forums7991838



Top kek


He linked you to a collection of sources, retard. Just google the name yourself.

I-is this supposed to be warframe?







gb2 waifu wednesday


Is that all? I wish actual Evangelion went like this.

No we fucking didnt. Not till the "second" exodus did we see them.
We went MONTHS with out this shit.


Nigga why are you upset, it has a happy ending you queers.


Wew fucking cancer

Thank god at least one of the mods isn't a furfag.

The father has white hair at the end.


not video games, fuck off

hey fuck you leather-head




That second one is retarded. There's only a few times at the start in Santa Monica where you can use dialogue manipulation to overcome enemies.

Every other time its a murder spree, especially the fucking Plague for the Angels questline

Plague for the Angels is a sidequest.



good stuff user




is this read right to left or left to right?
I can't tell




I've always wanted to see a good edit of this sequence. I was thinking Alfred as Holla Forums, Superman as moot, and I guess Batman would be vivian or something.

Would need all the panels though

I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.


Wrong thread, pal.




While I don't find your sentiments disagreeable, this not the time nor the place for it.

This looks fucking gay.

Are you making a current year joke or are you just a shit taste faggot?


Not enough dick sucking.

Yuri sucks.
Kane's where it's at.

Hey watch it, you might attract Holla Forums.

There are only two things I can't stand in this world; people who are intolerant of other people's fetishes, and yuri fags.



Hey, don't make fun of my sitting position just because you're inflexible. I bet you can't even teabag yourself from behind.

keep doing gods work mod


good job jesus, i knew you hated them too




Bravo, mods.

Is there any porn of the healers from Zelda II?



If you have an issue, here's a tissue

Fucking idiot.

What the fuck is wrong with Shadman sometimes?

Some of the shit he makes seems plain unfair to people who didn't do anything.

i like you

It's better than the badly photoshopped abomination we got. Oh, why did they have to reveal her face?


I fucking hate the faggot that makes this so much.

Shadman is shock value with wonky anatomy.

Baphomet is cute

You're surprised by the guy that drew porn of his mother, for his mother, for mothers day?


Wait, what?


Fuck you for forcing me to say something nice about disease.

he isnt the same sinse the war, i suppose

Dude literally drew porn of his mother, for mothers day.


I will never understand Oedipus Complex.

Maybe because it's some crackpot's theory that has no scientific basis.

Well for me it's more down to fact I wanted to jack it to decent milf hentai, but most of those result only ended in mother son stuff so I had no choice.

And people say porn doesn't rot your brain, sorry mum.

Nothing wrong with saying nice things about a certain disease that uses the power of love to ravage Africa.

I was just talking about the way the image depicted her, not necessarily every detail.

Also, those comments are making me laugh.

bagina in benis :DDDDD


Hating furries or not, that user only had one post. A porn dump is supposed to be 3 posts or more.
That ban was entirely unjust.

No it wasn't, faggot. Furries dumping unspoilered porn deserve it.

That was unspoilered at first? Must have been intentionally spamming.

It isn't just because you say so, faggot. It was entirely legal according to the rules. If it wasn't spoilered the mods are supposed to spoiler it just like with any other case.

That would deserve a ban, but you can't tell that from one post. Accidentally forgetting the spoiler happens on a regular basis.

yeah, Oedipus never wanted to fuck his mom. it was all inadvertent.

why are you mourning the loss of a furfag?

why are you mourning the loss of a furfag?

But it was great! Bans are hilarious, right? Especially with the witty red message. Oh wait

Yeah, "accidentally"

Maybe it was a joke ban of 1 minute, maybe the mod saw the post history of the guy or maybe the hotpocketeers are huge faggots. Who knows


I'm defending what freedom we have on this board. If we decide to give the mods an inch to ban someone over something they personally don't like then they will take it farther.

It's still going too far to do a ban on an assumption.
I just checked the ban list and it's a full day ban with the offense being to Rule 3.
It doesn't qualify as a porn dump for Rule 3 so the excuse would have to be that it wasn't spoilered.
A full day ban because the porn wasn't spoilered, when anyone else has their porn spoilered for them.

See above

Like I said, we didnt see his post history so we dont know if he posted furry porn in other threads. I also said the hotpockets might be huge faggots like that one guy banning anons for shitting on overwatch *Lately it seems he stopped**

If he was fucking up other threads shouldn't that have been mentioned as the ban reason? It would have been "cross thread spam" or something right? Not a pathetic Rule 3 excuse.
Also we probably would have noticed a spammer and wouldn't be having this discussion

The hotpockets being faggots is the more likely situation.
I'd be inclined to believe it's the same mod, and my hunch says it's Lime.

nice filenames facecuck.

You said you checked the board logs, it was LaBattaglia

I don't see any names listed. Just IP hash (of the mod?) and if it's the board owner or a volunteer.
It's my first time checking the public board log so I'm not sure how you check that.


What's the deal with this? Is it some weird art film? Is it real? If it is real what the fuck are they on?


It's from some edgy film called august underground mordem


anyone know if these ghouls ever killed themselves?

You can actually watch his testosterone drop by looking at the way his style is developing.

Alright, I have to see this.

It amuses the hell out of me that this guy has a show on nickolodeon

They have a show of cuckold propaganda, they would do pretty much anything

Is he fucking a corpse?


So it is just a hotpocket being a faggot then. Nigger bans people for posting full versions of pic related even when they're in shit threads that he bumplocks immediately after, followed by Mark outright deleting the shit thread. So you get banned for posting in a shit thread that got the plug pulled on it because of that. Bravo.

Probably because those images keep a shit thread alive instead of killing it. The retards who roll always forget to sage and keep the thread bumped for hours.

If there's two pissholes why only pee from penis?

That's kinda hot

I would normally agree with you, but you can't bump a bumplocked thread. Even when the threads are bumplocked they're deleted.

which? i havent watched nickelodeon in a while.

Why do you hurt me like this, user?


The Loud House or whatever

any straight shota episodes?



We posting these now?


Fucking faggots about to get me to look up MILF incest on Tsumino.

/k/ here. A firearm would most likely work in space since modern gunpowder has an oxidizer already in it.


report back if you find anything

This doesn't surprise me since Savino was a layout artist for Ren & Stimpy. No doubt, working with John K. would give you a few weird fetishes.


why did you post this

3ds is a portable wii

This is one of rare times where he gets something right


Holla Forums has been nothing but happenings for at least 2 months now.

I do actually.


post farts


It is, it survives in testicles and eyeballs


It's like a lewder calvin and hobbes

That's actually pretty clever



The comic isn't even wrong why someone's nation is best for the individual. Obviously the only one you are ever going to get is the best you are ever going to have.

What does she even have? I tried looking through several times and theres no mention what the surgery is even FOR

You know what's funny? The artist basically implies that the nationalists will be the survivors.

To correctly make the point the comic is trying to make all instances of "Nationalism" should be replaced with "Imperialism".



that guy seems pretty butthurt about a racist frog taking over the gop, huh

short hair and tan > just about everything else


Shit opinions,


A few more days and the stickies will start reaching into page 2





Bullets would hit with full force at 100 miles as if they had been shot at point blank range

always gets me

always gets me

Wow, thanks LaBattaglia!

What is that 9fag shit?


the third one is very true, and basically the reason why I stopped using forums for problems I have.

Thank you.

PS4 comic

Sauce on these please? Those are charming.

I assume drawthreads mate, way back when they were announced.

Thanks mod.

wew fucking kike


Why do you hentai lovers love girls with dicks so much?

It's like straight porn but with 90% less man in it.
I don't wanna lesbian, non actual sex porn, or some piece of plastic doing the job.
I'd rather have no dudes in the image I'm fapping to too, the more female body the better.
Futanari is pure 2D magic.

And the dick is not disturbing you at all? Would you be okay with blowing a, whatever those people are called?


It's not for ME to suck on, you dingus.
Futa on male is gay as fuck.
Futa on female is genius fap material.



Typical Holla Forumsfag behaviour.

Shit, oh well.

Thanks regardless, fam.

Answer this question.
Do you think straight porn is gay?

Man, I thought this was going to be a porn comic, with dead lolis. Dissapointed.


If you're reading that doujin with any interest in the generic blue-haired futa you're doing it wrong. She's just a means to an end to dick delicious brown goodness


the dick is to enjoy the act of straight sex without a man being involved. As men who like to fuck women, the idea of a penis going into a girl is hot.

The fact that two women are going at it are hot


two women going at it where one has a penis is hot

no kidding

Are there any more of these?

Nah, it ends here, sorry.


Anything ever happen to that faggot from the FBI who had ties to hillary?

Comey. he's the one who reopened the investigation, that's what's so fucking funny about it.
she's gonna want that money back that her people gave to his wife to run for office back in the day.

is she black now?


You could say that she's a super predator.

Would explain her criminal activities.




Are you sure you posted the right image?

don't bully sakuya

trips demand the right image

"her people" -> Terry MacAuliffe
he doesn't work for her, only he's worked closely with her since the 90s.
she's got hot sauce in her purse, nigga, of course she's black

That sakuya doujin will never be uploaded.




Shota and futa are good just not on men because that is gay.

Here's a pity reply you sack of shit.

i wish minionposting were a thing


Honestly the derail of the comic was funnier than the ban. Especially if you're reading and forget to check ID's. I say user did well. 8/10 made me laugh.

does anyone have "i killed a man and you i posted two babies one fox"?


so is this -stain/-stein thing just the world's best prank or has my schizophrenia finally surfaced?

you cool bro, here's some art


It's the Mandela Effect fam.




i upvote you sir

That is some incredibly garbage perspective, the legs aren't even attached to the rest of the body

Downvoted for saying upvote

That's human-tier, you double nigger.

fuck you

Kill yourself

That wasn't so hard now, was it?


Thanks mods.

Thanks mods.

He should have shouted Alarm Cock



I assume that wouldn't have worked in Japanese though. Sad!



Jesus today's lol thread is cancerous.
Are the mods ever going to enforce video games on Holla Forums or is this going to keep on being Holla Forums.2.


Do you want Holla Forums the lowest common denominator?

*to turn into

post that thing naked


I wonder what's causing this shit fest. Could cuckchan's imminent death be the cause?

given the chance would you fuck her until she slims down? and then fuck her more because shes attractive maybe?


No way. I like fat and chubby, but she's hideous.


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