What does this image represent?

What does this image represent?
Illuminati, Freemasons or simply (((them))).
But why is it that an ancient egypto-aryan symbol represents our enemy? Because we allow it to.

The eye of horus offers protection, but has far greater esoteric meaning.
The eye above all else doesn't have to be a symbol of repression or larping jews.

The red pill makes you open your eyes and see the world for what it truly is in all its intricacy.

In interacting with others it is not the tongue alone which wins people's minds, one must always see how people react in the subtle ways and allow that intuition to guide ones tongue.

No, the Eye of Horus belongs not to the degenerate masses, nor should it scare any of you. It is our symbol and we can take it back.

Imagine the day (((they))) can no longer use their phony psychological esoteric power without being called racist or white supremacist.

Other urls found in this thread:


The origins of the Globalist/Communist cult

Before Hegel, before Marx, Moses Hess, and Rothschilds there was the Vatican writer and anti-Protestant Thomas More, author of Utopia.

In Utopia, there are no lawyers because of the laws' simplicity and because social gatherings are in public view (encouraging participants to behave well), communal ownership supplants private property, men and women are educated alike, and there is almost complete religious toleration (except for atheists, who are allowed but despised).

More used monastic communalism as his model (cults), although other concepts such as legalizing euthanasia remain far outside Church doctrine.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian Nobel Prize-winning anti-Communist author, and survivor and historian of the Soviet prison camps, argued that Soviet communism needed enslavement and forced labour to survive, and that this had been " …foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of socialism, in his Utopia"

Utopianism infecting 1800's Freemasony

After Thomas More was executed for Treason against the British crown by siding with the Vatican, utopian thought moved to the occult section of European thought. By the 1800's the neo-Freemasonry, modern esoterics, and neo-Templars can be explained against the background of debates about the origins and character of True Christianity.

It has been pointed out that these debates included contemporary forms of Romantic Socialism, or Utopian Socialism, which were seen as the heirs of the Gnostics, Templars, and other mystics.

Eliphas Lévi (father of the modern occult pre-Crowley), being himself an adherent of these schools since the 1840s, regarded the socialists and Romantics (such as Lamartine) as the successors of this alleged tradition of true religion. In fact, his narrative mirrors historiographies of socialism. Consequently, the Baphomet is depicted by Lévi as the symbol of a revolutionary heretical tradition that would soon lead to the "emancipation of humanity" and the establishment of a perfect social order.

Baphomet = Templar's god of unity, wealth and wisdom… which became a sabbath goat later with Levi and Guaita

Baphomet symbolism is now being used by the Globalist along with other occult, Templar-Religion of Cuck™ic and Freemasonic symbolism because of their revolutionary origins and opinions on the state of "True Christianity" or "Utopianism"… later known as World Socialism.

Because some of the Templar got redpilled while digging up the past during their occupation of Jerusalem and tried to revive the old ways upon their return to Europe. This brought down the wrath of the Semite-led Christcucks on them, forcing the survivors to go underground and fuse with the remainder of the mystery cults to form "secret societies" such as Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism which used Christianity as a facade while being truly composed around the more ancient ideas of European religions. However, none of those groups were secretive enough (we're talking about them now, after all) and were infiltrated and subverted by the Semites and their treasonous, Christcuck dogs.

Fuck off to /x/ you nigger.

I always thought it looked like a fishing lure.
Is this bait?

It would be fun to see the eye of whores to be memed into a hate symbol.

Isn't actually the pineal gland in the brain where DMT is made? The third eye is that gland because DMT is the spirit chemical/hormone/drug etc. Its why fluoride is a big problem, it rots and stupefies the gland and massively impacts and limits the production of DMT.

jewish supremacy is real.

Extremely thought-provoking and interesting. Thank you for this background (also checked)

More consize but you make similar points

So the both of you then see the Templars as an originally positive force (against the judeo-christian utopian ideals), later corrupted? I've had similar thoughts but not as evolved as yours.

I specified psychological power, the symbol is loaded with it.
I made sure not to make this thread about magick.

This guy gets it, the whole kek thing was getting there but it lost steam.

You've got the biology right, I've not seen entirely trustworthy research of pineal crystalization, but that could be (((by design..)))


Let's end it, one of their power-totems at a time till they have nothing to symbolize their evil.

Kikes abhor anything that trigger them likes of Killary rely on neutered greek gods or their pets, IE Minerva
Moloch is utterly powerless
Go for Ogdoad instead Kek got our back why anyone should bother 3rd generation gods when you have primordial chaos raising hell
Let's make a fictional example
You are already blessed by Nyarlathotep whom spawned Cthulhu and other great powers

This pretty much.

What I am saying is that of their culture of malevolence is so weakened they have to resort to blatant displays of their symbols, why not deal the final blow.
Kulturkrieg goes both ways.

(Again I don't mean in a religious or magick sense but psychological, there is a time and place for the spiritwar)

Seems forced. The rise of pepe/kek/heket the egyptian fertility goddess that takes the form of a frog, memes were a signal to (((them))) that we understood their judeo roots and so pagan deities of people that enslaved them were to be used. It worked well because it didn't need to be forced and was well received by normies, and nobody but kikes understood the underlying threat.

Then why do you not recognize the Eye of Horus when you see it?

What is that supposed to mean, the entire OP is about the Eye of Horus

shit thread, thats the eye of horus you mongrel

>memes were a signal to (((them))) that we understood their judeo roots
kill yourself kike

What fucking shit shilling is this, it says it's the eye of horus in the OP

Do you kikes just read the first word in a thread now?


Nobody said Kek was forced. I'm saying this idea is.

By asking Holla Forums you are just fishing for /x/-tier niggers to come up with retarded theories about how Jewish from the 11th dimension teamed up with Lizard people to enslave Ancient Aryans or some bullshit.

Either accept the historical meaning given or get the fuck out of here.

Of course it was fucking forced. The whole "kek" meme is the work of Discordians.

ya, actually, the OP was so crap all I did was read the first sentence.
Stop IP hopping OP you massive faggot.

coulda fooled me, sounded like you were saying exactly that.

You go ahead and off yourself now faggot
Praise Kek , praise him for all eternity.
You forget the digits user

Yeah I posted that too. I asked what it meant to (((you fucks))). I already know it's true mening, but I hardly think that is why it's featured in every fucking pop MV.

I can tell you are fucking terrified of losing this symbol.

The 5 senses

you mean… is rael?





TL;DR - it's a symbol of protection from god(s), and of knowledge