It's time to wake up Link!

It's time to wake up Link!
I'm fine with the weapon durability meme and the cooking as long as there's no crafting. And the Master Sword better not a have a fuckin durability meter


Boy I can't wait for a week straight of people posting about this


Yeah.. It's going to be fun to have a dozen BotW threads up at once.

fuck off, nintenshill


Isn't that already confirmed?

So what if breath of the wild is a remake of the first zelda?

I think its only cooking.

a survival game and an adventure game are very different.

why doI bother rewplying?

The thing about weapon durability in games is that it can either get in the way and hamper the experience, or feel like a tacked on mechanic.
I might be wrong though, and haven't played every game ever made.
Weapon durability in DaS and DaS2 come to mind.
In DaS there's very little consequence to having your weapon degrade until it breaks, and even then it's an easy fix and takes ages for it to break.
In DaS2 you're weapon will probably break a lot more often, especially in the beginning or in areas with few bonfires.
I never had my weapon break in DaS, and did at least 3 times in DaS2.

I want to be able to cook and eat weapons too.

Nah, it's only cooking for consumables. No crafting or repeairing of weapons, tools, and armor. Which is fine. Because that would give me second thoughts on whether this is supposed to be a fresh take on third person adventure, or EBIN SURVIVAL CRADFTING xD

That could be cool if you only needed to do it once.

That's an incredibly vague statement and I have no idea what you're talking about

How fucking stupid do you have to be?

I was really hoping for a Zelda title without the Master Sword. Imagine having different weapon types.

Weapon durability can work, as long as dungeons and challenges are spaced out and timed out in a way that a player has to carefully choose how to engage during their time. Do they choose to go all out and bust their weapon after the first few rooms? Can they even choose to avoid certain encounters to maintain equipment durability for harder foes and bosses?

If it's something that just happens constantly, then it becomes an obnoxious hurdle that forces players to either go out of their way to stock up on weapons ahead of time, or stop what they are doing to run back and grab other weapons to keep progressing.


Weapon durability is only acceptable in 2 situations, one of which does not currently exist.

The first is survival games (other genres can work too) where sparse resources are an integral part of the game's design.

The second, which does not exist, would be an MMO where crafting is actually meaningful. Having to find a smith to repair your weapons and the smith's ability affecting the quality or something would add to the player interaction and economy in such a game.

can't mods delete shill threads?

Actually I just thought of a third one; games where only some items have a durability, and those items are stronger than your default weapon, making them essentially work as temporary boosts.

>You got the Master Hand


it's ok to shill nintendo on Holla Forums

Define shilling in this instance.




That's what imageboards are user
Transient forums with more central image display functionality

A single line break is not reddit spacing.

Pics related is reddit spacing, and you retards take the bait every fucking time.

I've never encountered a game where weapon durability wasn't just a clunky, artificial time waster, and the implementation is always both unrealistic and un-fun. Wew, my gun goes from brand new to a rusting, broken shitheap in 300rds! Or better yet, my weapon breaks in 100 swings, but only if those swings hit an enemy, since flesh and bone dull a blade, but whacking fucking rocks or clanging off stone walls doesn't.

Games that have flashlights that burn through batteries in 5 fucking minutes or less piss me the fuck off too. What is even the point of that?

they're never even high voltage lights either. They're always those dim brown lights that could run on a potato if you really wanted em to

I'm not getting a Nintendo Switch just like I didn't get a Wii U/Ps4/Xboner. Its not worth it to get these consoles.

This. I can wait for the PC release a few years down like I did for the PC release of all the other ones. In fact, Tr4sh is just on the way. The cool thing about nintendo games is they're all mostly single player or couch co-op. So there's no need to actually get them in the moment to make sure their online is populated, because they almost never have online.

Magical/rare/special weapons will be unbreakable, the gameplay videos already showed that.
And i hope we don't use the master sword until the very last boss of the game

Can't wait to see Mark trash this to appeal to the edgy contrarians of this board, but as soon as it comes out he'll be playing it on Steam constantly.


How is that a meme? Here have some OC



this tbh famalam ramadamadingdong

And how is an extremely limited durability on the master sword a bad thing?

Deku sticks in OoT were already this.

Please kill yourself for thinking this is a good idea

If the Deku Tree was made out of Deku Sticks, how did he succumb to Ganondorf?

It's a neat gimmick that makes you consider the positives and negatives of using a high powered weapon, with only a few, or one shots. Fire Emblem did this, and a few other games did the same.

While I would say ' Different strokes for different folks ', it would appear that you want an easy game to chill to. We have Wind Waker for that already.

Because if it runs out of durability it breaks.

Master Sword, considering it's rusted state, is going to be a weak weapon that has infinite durability. Near the end of the story you'd end up restoring it to it's former glory in order to defeat the final boss.

as long as the game clearly says its the only thing in the universe to kill Ganon and it only has one swing, that should be alright.

It's been nigh canon since the start of the series. If anything, it would cause the streamers and children to emit salt on massive levels because they never knew.

It would be better not to even say it does exactly that.

I mean, think about it. Streamers and Kids would never be able to finish the game unless they started from the beginning, due to the fact they used their nuclear option too early. It would be pure oldfag master race edition.


Is english your second language, faggot?


Having a single use weapon to skip any boss doesn't make the game more difficult.
How about making the bosses hard, the last one super hard, but instead of using a simple plot device weapon to kill the last boss you have to git gud through all of them?

That's retarded, user. As much as you want to "epic prank" those newfags. Not even a bad/incomplete ending should be hidden behind not using it.
Say you try to kill it without using the master sword even tought you didn't use it yet. You wouldnt' be able to beat it by your own means and would be forced to use the plot device. Kill yourself.

I'm fine with crafting as long as it's Monster Hunter style crafting (ie. in-game recipes) rather than Minecraft crafting (ie. wiki).

I'd prefer no master sword. God knows it gets fucking old playing games in the same series with the same fucking staples 20 times in a row.
BotW looks so damn good right now because it's different, and because they've apparently ditched the heavy on-rails story and handholding, going to what made the first game good. It's going to be the worst bait and switch Nintendo has ever done if it just starts out looking open until an hour or two in when the main story takes the controls from you. This is the important thing. Crafting is probably going to be unintrusive at worst (and at best).

Maybe the Master Sword is the eternal "last ditch" weapon- it's shit but you never lose it so Link always has something to bash enemies with. Part of the game will be making it good again, and by endgame it will be the ultimate weapon so you don't have to worry about durability when going through the last battle.

go back to reddit

I wanna see the master sword have no durability but be a mediocre weapon. Like… not the best but good. Or unbreakable but wares down over time and you have to keep it in good condition, but it won't break.



BTW these were apparently translated from the game center video. Woulda been posted in the thread here but nobody who was posting there would've cared anyway.
-“Just over 100” mini dungeons
-Each area has “1 full dungeon”
-There’s an underground system
-For every 4 heart pieces you collect, you get a new heart, for every 5 hearts you get “1 big heart”
-“Every location has its own town” -Every town has side quests, story elements, and “a secret element we’re not discussing just now”
-There are weapons that don’t break
-You can store items at towns



Cuckchan is currently having a major 7th exodus.

Name one game where weapon durability added something positive to gameplay rather than detract from it.

Over what this time?


Gookmoot the dataminer is turning cuckchan into SA Goonshit 2: The Electric Boogaloo?

What am I supposed to be seeing here? The flowers took over?

The Eastern Abbey area is the ruins of OoT's Castle Town and Hyrule Castle

there's another area resembling the archway/hills leading up to the castle but I don't have any pictures of it

Literal gold accounts, saying boards may be deleted, and making some Clinton Capaign member's name an insta ban on Holla Forums. The retards fucking flooded Holla Forums with threads not too long ago, then proceeded to get laughed at for only now realizing cuckchan was compromised (and also not knowing how to use the catalog).

I think this one's pretty common.

It doesn't look very similar though.

the entire area near the Temple of Time is supposed to be reminiscent of OoT's Castle Town

That actually sounds pretty cool. If they manage to get rid of all of those disgusting FPS drops, the Switch may be the first nintoddler console I purchase since the N64, and the most recent console since the OG Xbox.


surprise surprise

It's the same design as the area from OoT. The Temple of Time also has the same design as the one from OoT. Those two things along with the presence of Koroks leads me to believe that they might be going for the "Hyrule got unflooded after WW" route, which is dumb. If they were to go that way it would be 100% better if they had some aquatic shit going down as enemies instead of generic magitech octopi.

Kill me.

old man is ganon

You can't deflect every criticism by crying console war you know. Weapon deterioration is a horrible mistake and nintendo seems to really want the skyrim audience with this game.

Weapon deterioration makes sense if you can pick up a shit ton of random weapons from enemies

Jesus fuck, listen to yourself. Next thing you will tell me is that the Amiibos are nothing but a boon to the nintendo fanbase.

Must be a lot later since WW-Link and Tetra fucked off to the other side of the planet and created a kingdom that later got infested with train fetishists. And that place was still islands so the water must've been there for quite a while.

I think old man is the king of the lions. Similiar hair, both have a huge nose, dark skin and white-ish hair. I just can't imagine Ganon with a blondish beard.

Well, at least we know where those who buy all train simulator dlc live

Why would anybody want this? WW has the about only 'conclusive' ending we'll get out of a Zelda game.

The koroks are there cause they based a lot of this game on Princess Mononoke.

That beard's white, he's near a fire that makes it seem yellow.

No one wants this, but there's no timeline where there would still be architecture left from OoT other than the WW one, since it all gets rebuilt/redesigned in the TP and LoZ ones. It's dumb but it's also what they'll probably do.

Downfall timeline

Literally any game after OoT that's how time works user. There's more to work against a theory of this being post-WW than supports it.

Taking BotW Link fapfic prompts

Might write one if I like your ideas

Hey, weapon deterioration can work.
It worked fine in Dark Cloud, and that game was great. God damn I wish my copy of Dark Cloud wasn't busted in half

That's great, it's going to be the opposite of MGSV

At least the gameplay shown for Breath of the Wild hasn't been just pre recorded with commentary, there's less of a chance things will be severely misunderstood that way.


So just the Maker's Finger from Dragon's Dogma?

why would crafting be where you draw the line?

i wanna downfall into her fishy vagina

I mean there's a lot of people that obviously didn't watch any of it.

I watched all of them and the closed gameplay really over sold the game, it made a lot of things seem dynamic when they were just scripted, that's one thing nice about Breath of the Wild, the day they showed the gameplay they let people come in and fuck the games shit up, so we could tell if something was scripted or not.

Why are you pretending that the most popular games on the Wii-U don't have online as part of their cornerstone? Smash, Mario Kart 8, and splatoon have ton of more mileage because of their online. Something you will have missed out on. And probably will continue to miss out on with their inevitable "switch" versions.

The only thing you'd truly get the most out of using cemu for is Zelda, And Bayonetta.

Developers are incompetent and don't know how to make meaningful and long lasting gameplay experiences so they just make resources get consumed faster.
Basically, devs only know how to make arcadey bullshit that's not meant to be played for more than 1-2 hours at a time.

I'd like it on the grounds of the goddesses never being able to get away from their fuckups and the mortal world suffering as a result for it. Also seeing Ganondorf again and him pretty much just being proven right the conflict will always be eternal, no ifs ands or buts no matter how much Daphnes comes back from the dead. Especially with other beings like Malladus quite readily attempting to take the King of Evil title for themselves, and the Triforce still presumably being out and about.

That's assuming CemU doesn't eventually incorporate some method of online, I'm aware you can finagle online play with Dolphin for Wii games to some capacity.

It'd probably be awkward as all absolute hell without a Wii U pad connected somehow though.


Durability is okay in MMOs, since it helps take some gold out of the economy and provide penalties for death. Also in some cases it is useful for permanently destroying items to keep crafters in business.

Of course the Master Sword won't have durability
It'll just have Power Charge you need to replenish to keep it viable :^)

It's retarded because Wind Waker made that finality of hyrule work and then we got two games that concluded the new generation founding a new land elsewhere.
That's twilight princess ganondorf and he's still around, and downfall is still open ended as well, and FSA ended with Ganon being sealed away underneath Hytrule Castle where he is now rising back out of according to BotW plus master sword is back in the sacred grove and not embedded in Ganondorf's skull

Nigga Hyrule Castle is miles away from so that's not the place

That's true on paper. In practice, permanent durability loss is just a way for the publisher to sell cash shop items that restore permanent durability. In the case of the worst publishers, they just let items permanently break so that the player has to put real money into the lotto again to replace his Disgustingly Overpowered Sword of Game Breaking that took 350 US DOLLARS worth of tries to get the first time.

Finality of Hyrule for all of two seconds at which point Link and Tetra fucked off to found Hyrule all over again.

I doubt FSA ties into it since Nintendo would have to acknowledge the Capcom-created games in an official capacity to go with that beyond tying everything together via Hyrule Historia. Hell, I don't remember if HH even makes mention of Four Sword/Minish Cap. Wasn't Ganon's Tower in WW part of Hyrule Castle, or was it just a stone's throw from it or something?

It does. They even tied it FSA into TP by claiming that shadow Link was a manifestation of Ganondorf's hatred of TPLink for killing him.

stone's throw

I thought it was the result of some magic mirror or something in FSA itself. I might be half-remembering something from one of the mangas though.

Maybe WW Ganon's Tower is a repurposed Temple of Time or something given the Master Sword was in the castle's basement? Would explain the tower being that close to the castle as well as being its own physical location when it's usually just the castle made evil but there again I'm trying to make sense of Hyrule's geography which changes drastically to suit each game's needs and keep things from getting stale

It might've been the HH doing some retconning to fit the two games together.

Ganon's tower seemed to lack any iconography from the temple of time and was much larger than Hyrule Castle and we have already seen the temple of time in BotW which again is miles away from Hyrule Castle then again there seems to be more than one temple at this point.

Sounds like a retcon to me, I haven't paid much attention to the HH in general or even really given it much of a read anyways. I remember there being a plothole with Twilight Princess where the Triforce didn't split in its timeline because Link tattled as a child and Ganondorf was executed, then Ganondorf has his Triforce piece anyways.

Guess that one's a wait-and-see thing since you made a good point Ganon's Tower didn't resemble the ToT whatsoever, but like you mention there might be more than one temple and the Master Sword doesn't really seem to have any definitive resting place besides a prerequisite pedestal.

I don't recall if it was stated but I always figured that because Link still had his when he was sent back the other two just automatically went to Ganondorf and Zelda. Then he loses it when he enters Termina, a bunch of stuff happens and his descendant is born with it.

It's more often than not been in the Lost woods, but with BotW there will be four games with a place called the temple of time and only two of them have given it the same interior architecture, even if the overworld location doesn't sync up.

Summer is eternal here

embrace it wintercuck

none of these features are necessarily bad, it just depends on the game and the implementation.
also, cooking and crafting are basicly the same mechanicly.

Can you maybe go to 4chan, please?
or commit suicide

no i want to witness your suffering