What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Haven't played it yet, still progressing with my new character.

nothing ever went right

A low-effort OP for starters


Although it did some things right

There is a whip though.

It's a flail, rather useless as a weapon although it does buff miracles by 20% for 2 minutes after use. So it's the miracle version of the scholar's candlestick that you can unequip after use with the loss of HP being the downside.


The shockwaves and the B-team

I feel Miyazaki and the rest of From went into DSIII with mindset of wanting to kill it. DSIII has very little replay value, mainly due to the poor build variety as well as enemy attacks being a clusterfuck. Its not DSII bad, but leaves a hell of a lot to be desired.

With the DLCs, its even less effort because its mostly scrapped ideas and content that they have to make because the publisher says so. AotA and Old Hunters are the only good additional content for Souls and BB. All of DSII sucks, DLC included and AoA seems to be a big overpriced disappointment. Maybe they can turn it around with the last DLC but lets face it, the game was fucked from the beginning.

It's pretty short, and feels very uninspired and inconsequential. The best example of this is the Corvian village, so I'll mostly focus on that part in this comment.

90% of the encounters are utterly worthless, aside from the Corvian knights. Those Corvians who try to spit at you which builds up Toxic are so few and easily avoided it's not even funny. I doubt anyone has even got poisoned in this part.

Another problem is the treasure and loot you pick up throughout. It's mostly either Souls, coins, or Titanite, which again, feels completely uninspired (armor drops in other areas are also quite rare).

I can somewhat understand because of the lore these inhabitants of the Painting are supposed to be pushovers because they're rotting away, losing their strength, their minds and whatnot. But if I was in charge of making this DLC, I would make it so that every Corvian would spit toxic and acid at the player, and the Corvian knights would serve to finish you off. That way, items like moss clump and repair powder (which would actually serve a fucking purpose for once) would be placed around the area. I would also remove the bonfire in the middle of the village and place it all the way back, so that when you're going through this place, you're actually trying to survive with your equipment intact instead of mindlessly steamrolling dozens of shitters. This would make the DLC feel a lot more meaningful, still true to the lore, and prolong the play time without even expanding the size of the level.

Make no mistake though, some of these problems are inherent to the Souls series as a whole, where certain items serve little to no purpose, and the best strategy against many enemies revolves around R1 spam, or circle-strafing and backstabing them. The DLC only exacerbates these issues, making them more apparent than ever. On top that, anyone who's played the Nioh beta, can already tell the Souls formula has most definitely run its course and is in desperate need of an overhaul.

Bloodborne's DLC expansion which was 20 bucks and was 8 hours with loads of new outfits and weapons.
Dark Souls 3 DLC expansion which was 15 bucks was only 2 hours long with only 5 new sets and a bit of weapons.
Fucking kill me.

What'd be killer is if the second DLC expansion was the entire first game remastered on the DS3 engine.

I wouldn't say it's actively "bad", just that it's so mediocre it simply isn't worth wasting time on.

BB exists solely to move hardware. As they were fully funded by Sony to deliver a system-selling experience, they went above and beyond with all content.

As DS3 was funded by Bandai-Namco who don't give a fuck about quality, as long as sales projections are met or exceeded. Of course they would be, since it's the last title in the series and they took the lazy nostalgia angle (member anor londo? ooh, i member!) knowing people would be quick to forget DS2, and marketed it as such. Fromshit completely phoned it in for DS3, haphazardly slapping the world together like the did in DS2, and giving it the worst combat system to date.

It was a little short on length and content for the price.

Not bad though, great last boss and far better level design and atmosphere than anything the main game had to offer.

DaS 3 is a shitpile, but at least its not DaS2.

It's objectively the worst DLC in the entire souls series.

Hey did you like that section with decomposition and blood everywhere?
Guess what game did it first, and better?
Hey did you like the animu as fuck female boss with crazy moves zipping all over the place?
Guess what game did it first, and better, AND you had a better moveset and movement in general to zip around WITH her, making the fight high speed, exilarating and fun?

This DLC is like a dumbed down, stripped version of some elements in BB, both vanilla and DLC.
The entire DLC is "we really wish we could be working on BB right now instead of this shit".
In fact that sorta describes DaS3 as a whole.

Souls games were always medicore

If you keep pumping sequels to a mediocre game even the most retarded weeb will eventually realize the games are that great

This doesnt work for nintendo manchilds tough

All of DS3 is a dumbed down version of BB.


Youre not even wrong, the DLC only has 2 Bosses and most of the new weapons are shit, Going through PaintedWorld in DS1 was even a more enjoyable experience with more exploration and themeing, not to mention the arena is halfassed as fuck with only one stage and loadingscreens everywhere

TLDR Ashes of ariandel is actually shit, save your shekels Unless you really really care about the shitty duelling system and one new weapon youl actually use after sifting through the meme weapons

You mean Demon's Souls?

'Cause if you don't mean Demon's Souls, you are a casual.

But DS3 is already a reskinned version of DS1…


Poise has been patched in since the last patch actually.
If you use heavy armor your attacks won't get interrupted by most blows aside really heavy hitting shit.

It sorta doesn't make much of a difference because heavy armor still doesn't lower the damage you take enough.
Basically it'll never be DaS1 levels again, where you could just clad yourself in layers of armor and walk trough attacks not giving a shit.

Actually that makes me think, is that the real reason why so many casuals love DaS1 so much?
Because i always found it mediocre compared to DeS, and sure as fuck doesn't hold a candle to BB.
Is this what people want all along?
A game where you put 500 tons of armor on yourself and just tank the whole game?


Also never forget that fist combos were removed with this latest dlc patch, Yet CCS and bleedO&U are completely untouched

to this day i still see fags with DMBCCS in clubs/arena

The more I play and think about DaS3 the more I want to play Bloodborne. It looks just like my cup of tea and I'm confused as to why they didn't try and emulate the world consistency that was so well done in BB.

If From ever announce a BB2 I'd be willing to buy a PSQuad for it

overall the area is well designed
i'm biased towards snow levels myself so it could be the biased but i enjoyed the playthrough

but its waaaaaay too short

cool enemies, i love those freddy krueger looking crow people

biggest flaw is the 1.5 bosses and the overall length

but they must have patched a few things because the game runs silky smooth for me now and the new pvp arena is pretty fun

also that new gladiator sword is cool as fuck

Because they didn't have sony backing them up economically, duh.

all they had to do is make poise armour 2x heavier, the new Hyperarmour patch just makes using ultra weapons that much more of a pain

Youre wrong about casuls loving ds1, if they did, they never would have been pressured to made 2&3 ezpzbabbygames

Maybe if bandai gave them more time it could've turned out better but I'm not sure if budget would have mattered since they had a decent base to build on with their engine, they just didn't seem to care

Bamco are shit tier never trust them

I doubt more funding would've helped, the truth is both Miya and the team are bored as FUCK of souls games.
Anyone that played BB could immediately see the team pouring passion into that game because it was new and different enough for them to give a shit again.

Imagine working on the same shit for 4 fucking games, you'll end up becoming numb due to sheer boredom.


B-but why are you posting in a souls dlc thread?

You're not even missing much DeS,DS1,BB are the only souls games worth touching, dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise

Westerners ruined everything. Should have played a game about cute anime girls.

This. I'm not even buying this DLC, but I find myself firing up BB now and then just because the combat is actually fun and it matters what weapons you choose.

Or maybe M is just an uninspired shekelhungry one hit wonder dev, lifting 90% of all original content from berserk and other mango and claiming it as his own, ive known this for years but it will never become public opinion

Stop making excuses for devs


these 3 games all have one thing in common, well not just one but the point im trying to make is that these games are not squeals and thats the most important part

You can really tell they wanted to make bloodborne considering marvelous chester

Demons Souls felt like a passion project and so does Bloodborne. On the one hand you don't want someone to burn themselves out on an IP but then again, BB seems like something that could be expanded upon without tarnishing what made it great. Learning more about hunters or seeing what the ayys have done to other places would be enough for me

The only thing they don't fuck up is Tekken I hope I didn't fucking jinx it

environments/level design are great but the enemies (including the bosses) are all meh to bad. the main bosses would've been cool if you weren't forced to boss rush them

Holy shit are you smoking crack.
DeS is hailed as a great game solely by faggots with rose tinted goggles who just like BB fans needed a reason to justify their purchase.

They are both good games, but they have sever fucking flaws that DaS avoided.
Grass farming in DeS and grinding rates for colorless demon souls.
Lack of builds and variety in BB BEFORE the DLC which fixed quite a bit but doesn't fix all of it.

Where as DaS had a healing system that didn't work off grinding but a limited set of healing.
If you wanted more you could open yourself up to invasion.
If you ran out of humanity, you grind rats on single player or invade in multiplayer.
Weight actually mattered with quick, medium and fat rolling.
There were a wide variety of builds with only two useless stats which is rare for any of the souls game.

BB and DeS are hailed as the best BECAUSE they were on sony only.

Just like the new Neir Game, it was the
When it was exclusive then immediatly after it went multi-plat sonyggers flipped and said it was already tainted by the PC crowd.

Coincidentally something usually brought up at least once in Sony Cabals on how Prepare to Die edition RUINED the franchise because it released on PC.

I haven't installed this shit.
What's a fun, effective build I can play for solely PvE? I'm itching for another playthrough of DaS3 weirdly enough.

I wonder what it is about working with sony that makes them start giving a fuck about quality. Or maybe it's just namco that's a pain to work with, with the strict deadlines that have so far affected every single game with the name Dark Souls in a negative way.

3 is probably the most "complete" game in the series but only because it's in many ways the smallest and least ambitious. It's fucking depressing, man.

BB and DeS are better games than DaS.
Deal with it.

Bog standard knight playthrough. Pick the knight as your starting class and never change equipment


Massive funding and strict but reasonable deadlines, with their own devs adding their workforce to the Souls team.
It's not rocket science.


It's such a shame, you love snow levels so much yet you'll never experience the best snow level in the entire series.
Oh well, i guess shitposting on Holla Forums is more fun than playing video games.

Oh BB is a good game, its just not worth buying a PS4 to play and its nowhere near the level of DaS.

People really like to overstate the quality of DS1, don't they?

DeS had one archstone cut, DaS had an entire two-thirds of the game half-assed and enough content cut to slap together an expansion.

Fuck off with your platform wars bullshit m8. I don't even own a PS4 and agree that BB is probably the best entry yet, outside of the fact it runs like a turd.



Dark Souls was a great blend of mechanics with lore.
Humanity was a great system and anyone who doesn't agree is a fucking faggot to the extreme.

No it had 4/5ths of the game in it, a few areas taken out of the final areas is equivalent with an entire area being taken out.
They also didn't have sony heap of funding.

I can only hope they phoned it in this hard because they're saving the actual work for the big dlc, and not because they legitimately thought this was good

Wait, wait. It's not console wars to say:
But it's console wars to call someone out for saying that?

Really, faggot? You aren't even trying to be subtle about it. We both know everything he said was correct.

Remember the Dark Souls generals before PTDE came out? Full of smug consolefags spamming goldface. PC release comes out, and instantly the bitter consolefags start shitting up every single thread with "bawww, pc ruined the community".

Remember when that happened again with GTAV?

Remember when it happened yet again with Dragon's Dogma?

Now we're seeing the same thing right now with Nier Automata.

Yeah this dlc is the first truly crap thing from has done.

Do you have difficulty reading? I said 2/3 of the game was half-assed. Included, but low-quality. Although in my experience DaS fanboys will defend practically any level in the game. Guess you like big flat areas with mobs of enemies, must have been where DaS3 got the inspiration for all of its levels.

So DeS and BB are nowhere near the level of DaS but you still have to make excuses for why DaS isn't as good?

It's just physical form / soul form from DeS with none of the drawbacks of being in either, congratulations.

I have never seen anyone claim that PC ruined the DDDA community.

They should have just patched it to be exactly like DS1. It's just awful. I'm not even going to bother installing the DLC. I'm never going to play this shit heap again.

You weren't in the DD gens then, because there were a handful of posters shitting up every single gen for weeks after release with that shit.


I wanted to play Nier Automata when it was an exclusive.
I didn't shit in the thread, didn't say it was going to be shit, just disappointed it wasn't going to be multi-plat.
Then it did and immediatly afterwards it was.


Then posts
No nigga you have problems typing.
Confirmed for never playing the game.
The biggest complaint with DaS2 is that it did that and not what DaS did.
Strong enemies a challenge themselves no reason to mob, weak enemies come in groups to make them more difficult.
DaS2 and 3 just throw strong and weak chaff at you which makes the game a roll fest.
Even worse that DaS3 stam regen makes rolling forever possible.

Again you didn't play it.
Souls in DeS just dictated your health, and a few other mechanics.
Humanity in DaS was used for covenants, used to enhance bonfires which required returning to human which opened up for invasions.
If Humanity was dropped and never picked up a FUCKING ENEMY could spawn from it in someone else's world.
Humanity could be picked up randomly from mobs as long as the boss wasn't beat yet.
Humanity could change the damage of spells, it could also be sucked right out of your fucking body by Dick Wraiths.
You could go up to NPCs as a dick wraith and suck humanity from them and only a few would aggro.
Patches had 3x humanity as everyone else.

Putting Miyazaki on a pedestal as some kind of god of game design didn't help, the game is more linear than 2 was.

Their expansion was actually a DLC, and their dlc was actually just a couple minibosses and padding. More proof to the fact that From doesnt give a fuck about DaS anymore and DaS3 was just a cashcow for quick money with little effort put in.

Again, is that supposed to be mind-blowing?

The gap between each game isn't as huge as people make it out to be, you're just mentioning a few small features you liked about your favorite game, and only mentioning the less favorable aspects about the other games. Anyone can play that game.

This is such a crock of shit. If anything, after Nier was announced for Steam, in the very fist thread people were just shitposting about how the PS4 lost another game for a good while. Just like you came into this thread and were the first to start that bullshit here .

The threads then and the threads now are shit up by people saying it's overrated, it doesn't start platform wars. Shouldn't be hard to find an example if it happened to so many threads.

Ha, typical response, y-you've just never played it, I dunno what you're talking about.

The biggest complaint with DaS2 is TUNNELS, not big flat areas, unless you meant to say 3. DaS had plenty of mobs of enemies dumped with no consideration for their placement, if you don't remember it you need to replay the game. The Taurus Demons in the ruins, the golems and clams in Seath's domain, the golems in Darkroot, all of the Royal Wood

Right, "a few". Do I get to claim that you never played DeS now? You're incorrect.

What a coincidence. DaS3 had cut content too. And I wont be surprised if they "add" it back in for easy money. From doesnt give a fuck anymore.

One is plainly better than the other user
It's not like having areas connected in a non-linear fashion matters with infinite free teleports

No, no it's not. I suppose you think 1 is shit because it has linear levels too?

Where did I say it was?
Are you mentally impaired? I only stated that DeS and DaS have the same amount of cut content, glad you agree.
Its amazing how you flip events to suit your argument.
I have never suggested anything other then DaS being superior to BB and DeS and that the reason people like either and worship them as the second coming is the common denominator on them they are both Sony.

It would be even better if you didn't as from your argument you know and understand so little about the game, I get the feeling its either someone else's playtime or an adderal binger.
You just claim they are bad but can give no reasoning to as to why.
DaS2 was bad not because enemy placement was random but it was made to be as frustrating and bullshit as possible.

Well, if one isn't better than the other, then why the fuck are you complaining

Stopped reading there, you have nothing left.

Isn't that sort of the point of this DLC? There's another one coming too.

Why didnt they atleast include all the unused armors that they have in the files?


Maybe they'll be in the next dlc
Or maybe they're unused for a reason

How about you pay attention to what is being said? You mentioned how BB is "nowhere near the level" as DS1, then I said you were just overstating DS1's quality, then you mentioned a couple of features that you thought were cool to support your argument, at which point I said those things aren't mind-blowing. I never said that you said it was, but you sure as fuck clearly implied it.

So you DO think if people see BB as superior to DS1 it's ONLY because it's a Sony exclusive. Well, thanks for that.

Wouldnt be surprised. I remember an user a while back found a list of a bunch of unused assets. A few bosses, around a dozen armor sets, etc. And now theyre coming out with DLC. I should check to see if theyre actually just using on disc shit to sell for extra bucks.

Have any been used? They could be trying to pad them out so they dont need to work too hard. IIRC a lot of the assets are reused from bloodborne.

Can you think of a reason that content which is completed and functional would be left out of the game? Genuinely curious

Nope. None are in yet. I want that badass mage robe that I posted the pic of.

I don't know if it would be accurate to say that items worn by NPCs aren't "in the game"

Not everyone is a console faggot, user

Stop posting as well, maybe consider stop living.

I thought you were referring to the cut out content of DaS.
No I cannot fathom how anyone considers BB MECHANICALLY better then DaS.
There is let item variety, your offhand is always a gun, your weapon is always a gimick weapon except for the spear rifle and a few standard weapons.
Armor is weightless and cannot be upgraded.
Stats only offer a variety of builds, the DLC fixed quite a bit of this with new items and finally adding in Frenzy

You know Frenzy the mechanic in the game that didn't work properly in vanilla?

Also the Chalice dungeons which are I think a good step in the right direction or incredibly repetitive and bosses are fairly disappointing.


It was more a DLC for PVP than an actual extension of the game.

And it's pretty shit at that too, considering they don't really know what makes pvp fun
They're even saving extra maps for the arena for the next dlc


What went wrong is that Ashes of Ariandel was used as a patch to fix things that weren't really broken in the first place. They decided to add in the same arena PvP crap they had in previous games. Now the problem is, the PvP Arena has no real purpose. You get upgraded badges for winning, but that doesn't really do anything. You don't get access to titanite slabs for 80,000 souls a piece for having X badge, or some other tangible reward for putting in the time to reach a higher PvP rank. In that the system is lazy and really not well thought out. They give you a PvP system where you don't really have a lot of control over the environment, other than duel blocking the use of Estus and Brawl only allowing 1 use. The only thing you can say is that in duel it's completely fair, there's no summons, no extra invaders, no enemies to hide behind, no giant seeds, no bullshit, it all boils down to what you build for your character. If you have healing magic you don't have much of an advantage because it can be hard getting yourself a moment to cast. However blessed builds are now advantaged as hell, especially if they're high-faith builds. Someone with 60 Faith and the Sun Ring and a Blessed Weapon with either the Ancient Dragon Shield or a Blessed Shield regens at:

if sun + ancient dragon: 4 hp/s + 3 hp/1.5s
if sun + 2 blessed: 2 hp/s + 6 hp/1.5s

18 hp/3 sec is a lot of hp regen.

The game decides to add in new weapon types that I don't feel like they were necessarily good ideas. If you put blood on the Crow Quills or poison, the throwing knife too applies whichever you just infused onto it. So throwing 31*4 potential bleed/poison build up is a lot of bleed/poison stacks.

Or if someone puts sharp on the Quills, that makes it an S scaling Dex weapon that does a hundred damage with the weapon art, and the weapon art doesn't depreciate in value if you don't have any FP to use it. Add in that it's a Slash/Thrust weapon in the 2 hand form using the quills as a claw .. The throwing weapons are all super strong too. You ever get hit by someone throwing the spear? It does a couple hundred damage. Even if you have 1600 hp (why…?) you would only need to be hit by 8 spears to die, and it's a buffable weapon.

So what did they do well? They added in new weapons to breathe life into weapon types that you don't really see getting used. The only problem is, those new weapons are outshining almost all of the weapons in the vanilla game, so people are now changing weapon types to be OP, and you're just getting another Santier's Spear bullshit where everyone was using one with mundane because it was so ridiculously OP to have an infinite durability weapon with the movesets of a spear and a two-handed sword.

The Crow Talons are just outrageous in that regard too. The L1 uses too little stamina compared to the other Claw weapons in the game, and the L2 can kill anyone who gets caught by it. It automatically has bleed on it, so you could apply blood for more bleed, apply any stat scaling infusion, add poison… It's such a ridiculously overly versatile weapon.

It's just way too short. I really love the PVP arena tho so I'm not too salty, but the PVE content is definitely not worth the price.

DS2 had good expansions. Or atleast it had one good expansion, sunken king. Whats going on at fromsoft?


Why make an effort if people will buy your games no matter what?

Like what?


Sunken is better.

there's a new hammer called Quake Stone Hammer which has a neat battleart

The point is to have fun in pvp for the sake of fun in pvp. Its not made for fucking grind.
Are you serious nigger?


Yes people are doing it.

you fags sure like to argue about nothing, holy shit. And of course half the thread is shitposting about how BB is the best and never ever, or how shitty the consoles are.

Wasn't that the one with flame demon 2 electric boogaloo? That was the worst of the three.

You already lost me. The truth is that BB expands your moveset and the trick weapons are far more interesting and creative than your typical medieval weapon.
The dodge in BB is also better by virtue of being able to move in 8 directions while locked-on, while DS1 (as well as DeS) inexplicably limits it to 4 (and hell, this improvement was first seen in DS2 if you can imagine, along with being able to run in any direction while locked-on, and assigning the jump to a different button).

You might have point with build variety. But really, counting the number of different characters you can create isn't the same as having fun with all of them, and it certainly doesn't mean your experience will differ that drastically.
If you're wearing heavy armor, you'll most definitely take it off to run long distances or past enemies because you can't teleport until midway through the game. High poise engenders passivity because you can completely ignore most attacks without even flinching.
Being a magic caster has always been a pretty lackluster experience in Souls games. Only in DS3 I found them to be fun because of the Farron Flashsword and Greatsword, which go through walls and hit multiple enemies. Casting in general feels swift and quick in that game. But in essence, it's not that different if you're shooting arrows or using offensive miracles, almost all of which are projectiles at their core that you throw at an enemy until it dies.

In BB you don't plan builds around stats, but weapons. And most feel pretty different from each other and aren't just reskins. Do I think it's much better than all other Souls games? Not really, like I've said, I think they're all more or less on par with each other.

You're on a site where people instantly look for any potential flaw, and use that one minute flaw to instantly declare "GAME IS SHIT, DAY 1 PIRATE!"

Elitist faggotry is the bread and butter of this site.

the purpose is to have fun at PVP you triple nigger. The badges serve more as matchmaking than a reward. Most poeple that do arena have completed builds anyway so I don't know what rewards you would give them.

shit was way too short - should have just packaged it with the second DLC for one big one like in Bluntborne

but BAMCO wanted to bundle it with a season pass for more sales more than likely

the final boss was awesome though, so that makes up for some of the problems it has

So I guess in this instance, that minute flaw is "ITS ON A SYSTEM I DON'T OWN, DAY 1 PIRATE–ohwait"

Extra strong bosses to fight?

Like they already were? Because the criteria for invasion/summon in Dark Souls 3 is based on both soul level and weapon enhancement level, there's never going to be a situation where you'll be unable to summon/invade someone in an area, because there'll always be someone who can be matched up with you.

You got me, I don't care for it either. I've played every FromSoft game ever made, but I don't feel that means I need to start comparing games to give myself the feeling of superior taste. "oh tut tut, I liked Demon's Souls better than Dark Souls, tut tut, my taste is infinitely superior to yours hum hum hum.."

Fuck all that.

That's just the rough ideas off the top of my head

Thanks, neogaf.

yeah the final boss was bretty cool, but the gravetender was super shit. Feels like they shoved him in just to have some muh Sif nostalgia.

how does that even make sense? Also then you would be crying that you can't fight the bosses without grinding out gold in arena

So you're superior to the people who think that they're superior to other people? Did you think this post all the way through?

And you are aware that FromSoft made games prior to Demon's Souls, right?

well now you have more options to make it more fun. Also don't tell me that invading a 3 man gank squad 90% of the time is so much fun.
Arena duel is just fightclub duel with less wait time and matchmaking on badge, which is a straight upgrade. Then you have team battles that are difficult to organise fairly outside arena, and brawl that is impossible.

You have got to be kidding me. Of the three, Sunken was the worst. Worst level design, worst loot and worst bosses by far.
Iron King added the two best bosses in DS2, Fume Knight and Alonne.

yea… Gravetender is just a shit gank fight. Its not as bad as the 3rd reskin fights in all the DS2 DLCs, but thats not saying much

It doesn't though and when a BBoy tries to bullshit arithmetic shows were your heads at.
You had movesets for 1 hand, two hand, off hand, with certain weapons it changed.
You only ever use the same 1 hand for all of the trick weapons which means even less movesets.
Granted but hardly can be considered "superior" the game gave you more direction to roll, big deal.
Fun is subjective, I've seen niggers repeatedly to the same exact shit for a year on a mmo and say it was "fun"
Its does DaS have more builds or does DeS.
Never once have I had to do this.
I'll do this in ss13 where armor slows you down to 1/3 normal speed.
I wouldn't in DaS because its neglible how slower you run, its only about invulnerability frames when you roll.
This has never ever been the case and is the point only people who didn't play the game make.
Yeah in full havels you can infinitely take hits from the WEAKEST UNIT IN THE GAME, because your poise regenerates quicker then they can damage it.
This does not work for a majority of enemies, the wild swinging that hollowed soldiers due can stun anyone in any armor.
Wew, what are you even talking about.
The major complaint about magic in DaS3 was the opposite of DaS2, its as slow as it always has been however enemies move many times quicker.
There are items to increase speed but that has ALWAYS been the case.

And that tower was pretty fucking sweet too

DLC power rankings:

- artorias
- old hunters
- sunken
- iron king
- snow king (whatever)
- sonic unleashed
- dog shit
- ariandel

Post disregarded. Zero taste found.

Nice putting words in my mouth, no that's not what I said, please don't come at me with a chip on your shoulder because I really don't care. I was mentioning that while I've played them all, I don't feel the need to compare KF1 to KF3, because I like both games, and it doesn't mean I need to validate my enjoyment of the franchise by writing some stupid tier list.

Yes, I'm quite well aware of their games prior to Demon's Souls. Before DS3 came out I spent the month to play through EVERY From Soft game, from KF1 (Jp) to KF4, Eternal Ring, even the Armored Core games, which have a PASSING relation because of the Pursuer.

Spectating could be really low quality, we already see what happens when latency fucks up the animations of the game.
Or there can be no host, and do it server-side, which is what the PvP arena does.
Too abusable. Your mate gets into your match to spectate, and you instruct him when to activate something to fuck over his opponent. Your mate is unkillable but still manipulating shit.
So you want Jedi Academy dueling?
They already have that in the PvP arena, if you're in the lead and you kill someone, you get healed to full hp. It's your reward for being in the lead since everyone's gonna be coming after you anyway.
I'd like that.
As long as the rewards aren't all that great. Keep in mind that the PvP Arena is only available to people with the expansion, so adding in a resource grinder like that gives a certain advantage to people who have the expansion over those who don't.

DaS weapons had two or three moves at the most and they practically never changed between one hand, two hand and off hand. Among the hundreds of weapons in the game I think there was a significant difference for MAYBE 2% of those.
Are you fucking retarded

Well pvp is locked behind pve weakest boss but whatever.
They can change it into some dragon duel mode or some other similar shit. They also can release some bosses in pvp arena for that.
Just throw more shit at players basically.

Sure, people who don't care usually make overly-long posts about how much they don't care.

Oh yeah? How about the two Shadow Tower games? What did you think was better, King's Field Additional I or II? What about The Adventures of Cookie and Cream? The Tenchu series? The Echo Night series?

You're expecting me to believe you played a twenty-game series in a month?


Wew never played it did you?
Scimitar has its own unique moveset, when held in off hand its unique as well.
Daggers depending on the type all have their own moveset.
Rapier movesets are also semi-unique with light attacks being the same but heavy attacks all varying.
Some weapons interacted with rolling for example the scimitar would allow you to attack and flip backwards instead of kick.
Greatswords had different movesets, even the Zweihander where claymore had sweeping attack the Zweihander stabbed and could propel enemies away.

This is just off the top of my head.
Curved swords movesets where also all unique except for the one that give health back.

Also lets not forget boss weapons, weapons which required a fully upgraded weapon which was a challenge in itself, on top of souls, finding giant blacksmith and soul of boss, which often could be made into MULTIPLE weapons all with unique movesets.

There you go again. Here, I'll fulfill your wish fulfillment and call you a cunt and then you can bitch that I called you a cunt and be justified in acting like an asshole.

You cunt.

Does the game still run like fucking 30fps ass? Cause that was my major complaint. It ran worse then Dark Souls 1. Also, the entire world looked the same with no real break in atmosphere, which is the MAIN REASON you should be playing a Souls game. Bloodborne had the same effect. Besides the snow castle, it felt flat and really fucking boring. Those giant crabs were cool though.

I get 60 fps at all times, my friend, what kind of video card/processor are you using?

Well, that's where the arena switching would come into play
There's be one or two with different obstacles, one with a focus on monsters, one with sen's portable funhouse on it, and one that's no items final destination fox only

Still have no points to make, do you?

I'm not going to bother greentexting your whole post since you didn't bother reading mine in the first place, even the part that you quoted, since nothing you said disproves or conflicts with what I said.

Go back to reddit, I think you're a little too sensitive to be here.

But that's just to jew you. Nobody would buy the DLC if you didn't have to to use the arena


How would that even work? You switch the arena and then the stuff in the arena disappears and people fall to the ground level? What?

Even disregarding the abusable aspect of it, I'm just not sure how you expect this to work. It sounds like you want a Final Destination map where shit changes sporadically, but that only works in Smash because there's no fall damage.

Congratulations, you addressed one part of that sentence one time, scimitar offhand has a unique moveset. The rest of the post was about how different weapons classes had different movesets and how different weapons in the same class had different movesets to each other. None of that gives each individual weapon more than two or three moves, none of that proves that more than 2% of the weapons had significant changes based on which hand you used. Keeping in mind that your original claim was that DaS weapons had larger movesets than BB weapons because of all of the different ways you can hold them.

Magic in DaS1 and 2 was objectively the strongest choice for pve. Especially NG+ for DaS2. In DaS3 magic is pure shit. Not only does it scale terribly, do shit damage, and has the shortest range ive seen in a game, like 8 fucking yards, but it also randomly locks off enemies resetting your camera function and fucking you up. Whoever was in charge of magic in DaS3 mustve been raped by a magician as a child or something, because you really have to hate something to make it that shit.

Course, most of everything in DaS3 is shit, so its not surprising, considering the majority of weapons are useless, limiting you to a small range of weapons compared to its predecessors, the miracles are shit, and even pyro takes such a massive amount of investment that for its price point its not worth its above mediocre damage when anything melee is objectively better. Well anything melee that isnt absolutely fucked by the games fucked to all hell poise system that leaves the aforementioned half a dozen weapon types viable.

This might surprise you user, but there are Dark Souls fans that like the slower pacing of the original dark souls1 and 2 and not Bloodbornes CHURAZY fast pacing.

Other gear is functionally identical or there's graphical issues that they couldn't iron out is possible. Perhaps they just didn't like the look?

No nigger, I said it can only be changed between matches, like when there's nobody there

Bloodborne is slightly faster than DaS but I don't think there's a universe where it's cuhrayzee fast.

Certainly didn't stop them with other functionally identical gear

Denial denial denial denial denail
Get over yourself faggot.

Its like From works only at extremes.
In DaS2 magic or ranged weapons were almost needed because of the ganking enemies and needing to pull.
In DaS3 they heard complaints of magic so they completely gutted its usefulness.

Hrm. How about votes from the two combatants, the two who actually have to deal with that shit?

Except you didn't and still haven't, like I just said.

Dont even give me that shit nigger. I played that game. Those bosses move like a fucking homeless guy on cocaine. I swear i've never tried to dodge a big blob of fucking angry so much in my life. And they brought it over into DaS3 too. Though to a lesser degree thank god.

I blame nips. Probably using google translate for the complaints or some shit and end up overreacting as a result.

DS1 doesn't have unique running R2s, charged attacks, transformation attacks, different combos (some attacks differ after third or so), other weapons even have L2s with follow-ups. More to the point, weapons usually change significantly from their transformed states. It's not just a matter of changing between a horizontal swing and a vertical swing like in Souls games. I don't know how you can argue with this.


The point is to demonstrate this isn't a black and white issue like you made it seem.

I have. Why have my sprint gimped with heavy armor, when I can just take it out for a moment to run faster? It doesn't matter if it's a 5 second difference in the end. The pacing in DS1 is already slow as it is, even for something as simple as talking to a certain NPC or merchant you have to run everywhere until you get the Lordvessel. Movement in heavy armor only exacerbates that problem.

Pretty sure it can withstand one or two strong blows as well, but yeah sure, let's just go with that. Even then things can escalate. Anyone who's played enough of these games can tell you that the weakest enemy in big groups can push your shit in if you're not careful. High poise allows you to even stand still and do nothing, and you won't flinch. In PvP, this problem is obvious.

I'm talking about how you can cast certain spells in DS3 much easier while running or rolling.

*attacks differ after third hit or so

user, I think you might have autism.

Animations still can't be interrupted and inputs are still stored in a buffer, because of those limitations you'll never be fighting as fast as you can in a stylish action game.

With a tiebreaker from the host, that sounds fine

And you're a disingenuous twit.

And they still move Churazy fast. Take that poison motherfucker next to the cathedral. Dude practically vaults across the map with a shoulder tackle.AND THATS JUST THE FIRST PHASE! Then he decides to kick it up a fucking notch and im panicking half the time trying to dodge psycho.

Shit, even the first fucking boss charges at you like an ex-wife looking for alimoney.

What do you mean? I was being entirely sincere when I said I think you have autism. You move between sections A LOT in DaS1. And the enemies come back. Taking off and on your armor all the time is pretty fucking weird dude.

I'm 99% sure that Anri's SS, Sun Princess ring, Ancient Dragon shield and Eternal Oak shield have 2hp/s at all reinforcements.

The advantage of Anri's SS over weapons with an infusion is that it can be buffed with blessed weapon for another 2 hp/s (or 3 hp/s at 40 FTH) giving you 8 hp/s regen.

If you swap your offhand dragon/oak shield for a chime with Gentle Prayer it becomes 6 hp/s for 60 sec. Combine this with Replenishment (5 hp/s) or Bountiful Light (7 hp/s) for 60 sec.

If you go for a full regen character you can heal at most 19 hp/s at 25 FTH or 17 hp/s at 15.

Anri's SS only needs 10/10 and both Replenishment and Blessed Weapon need 15 FTH, you can become a low level invading cancer with this amount of regeneration.

Buffs don't increase the weapon art throw.


Exactly the fucking point. You move around a lot, there's a lot downtime as a result, so you want to do it the fastest way possible. Why is this hard to understand?

In short: It tries to be Bloodborne without the gameplay of Bloodborne. And Bloodborne wasn't exactly a shining gem in enemy placement/area development/mechanics. So in trying to be Bloodborne, instead of being DARK SOULS 1 you get a gross frankenstein game that nobody familiar with the series fully enjoys.

That's not even a problem considering grass is cheaper than shit to buy 99, give it to Thomas, and then buying 99 more.
Yeah, I agree that farming those were bullshit.
That's why I duped them.

Except I did, and you're outright denying that I did.

Except they did, why are you expecting combination moves from a game without combo weapons?
Fucking idiot.
I don't know how you can?
The direction you swing the sword is fucking huge, did you fucking play the game?
As others have pointed out, going to the fucking menu, unequipping everything just to move a fraction faster is stupid, especially when the distance you can run is already limited by stamina.
No its not, as much as only afro is a literal faggot, he made most of his videos showing how fucking inferior meta is.
Meta is always fucking inferior because its a crutch that doesn't replace skill.

You forgot your video


You might have a good position here if I just said no u, but I explained in detail why your "examples" weren't up to par, to put it lightly. If you're too stupid to understand the difference between what you think your examples are and what they actually are I can't help you.

They said there might be a DeS remaster, but it would be outsourced

Stop posting and quit life.

Which weapons?

Which is why I'm arguing BB has an expanded moveset. This isn't rocket science.

Equpping/unequipping shit doesn't take any time if you're used to it. And we're comparing naked to full suit of heavy armor, so yes, it does make a difference especially in this game where you have to move around a lot. On top of that, stamina regen is slower the heavier you are, so thanks for remind me of that as well.

If by skill, you mean swinging a fast weapon uninterrupted while in heavy armor, then sure.

They don't even have anything to do with them
What you claimed and what you need to support is that one-handing, two-handing, and off-handing weapons allows for much larger movesets than trick weapons.

Your examples were
a) scimitar has a different moveset offhand
which is the only one that had anything to do with it, and then
b) daggers have different movesets to other daggers
c) rapiers have different movesets to other rapiers
d) some weapons have unique rolling moves
e) the Zweihander and Claymore have different movesets
f) curved swords have different movesets to other curved swords
which do not even remotely have anything to do with how holding the weapon affects the moveset or how it expands the moveset of each individual weapon, just how some weapons are slightly different to others.

Holy shit how are you this retarded, I feel like I'm talking to a child

Yeah at the cost of offhand movesets, and two handed movesets.
You're right its not rocket science but you convulate the point so much I can see why it might be.
All weapons, running R2 was a jump attack or a charge.
If you are doing a naked run or just have played enough where you don't need the armor yes.
But removing the armor to run a fraction anywhere quicker is stupid and I have never done it despite 1000+ hours of DaS.
Also that doesn't change the point that in DaS you had to carefully balance protection, resistances and fashion by keeping everything under fat rolling, and if you were lucky or made a build for it you could quick roll.
There are so many ways to counter it, shield for one, parry another, backstab another, throwing knives which had flat poise damage, firebombs which had flat poise damage.

Fuck the highest poise in game wasn't even Havel's, it was the hollowed soldiers waist armor.
It had nearly 50 poise alone but no armor protection.

What the fuck is the deal with that stupid god awful filename?

too short.


hahah wtf

Hello? There's frozen weapon and frost snap.

You claimed that most the weapons had the exact same movesets, I brought up several weapons to refute that.
Which is why I brought up the Zwei and Claymore.
Regardless the Scimitar refutes your claim.
So does the dagger weapons which I was bringing up because all their attacks change in the offhand, two hand and main hand.
So does rapiers based on which hand you hold it with and two handed or not.
Stop posting at any time, the frustration of being refuted so precisely can't be good for your heart.


That's right, I don't.

Not even close. Direct quote
So the problem the whole time really was that you can't fucking read and can't even be bothered to go back and check to see if you misread because everyone else must be wrong, not just you. Kill yourself.

A bloo bloo
Good to know I won the e-argument.

So let me get this straight. You're counting the attacks you can do on an offhand weapon along with the moves of the main weapon? You're fucking delusional if you don't see how you're stretching this argument thin.

Jump attacks most certainly do not count as unique. You can do a jump attack in BB by pressing forward+R2 (which by the way, is different in transformed and normal states) and it's separate from a running R2. In DS1, a running R2 is just a regular R2. I've actually gone and just tested a longsword in DS1 vs the Saw Cleaver in BB. So I'll ask again, which weapons are you talking about so I can see it for myself.

Yes, I know you've never done it, you're just repeating yourself at this point. It's cool you appreciate DS1's snail pacing more than I do. However, it can become boring especially after so many playthroughs. This has nothing to do with being a Sony fanboy, because I actually prefer how DS2 and 3 handle this by allowing you to teleport from the start.

Its not complicated but for the mentally struggling I can see how it might be.
You had movesets for 1h swings, 2h swings and for some weapons different movesets all together for off hand attacks.

I can tell.

Why is it talks of DaS3 always have us argue with each other so vehemently?

Why is it talks of DaS3 always have us argue with each other so vehemently?


How fucking new are you where arguing isn't the norm of a group of cynical males believe their tastes to be superior?

Arguments on Holla Forums generally arent this heated, unless its about undertale

It must be the love nectar.

No idea. Seriously, what went wrong? I installed the patches to try out the dlc and now this happens.

Completely offtopic, but i'm listening to my nephew rage about some browser game he's playing and i'm loving it.
Only 5 and he's already a gamer raging at vidya.

If it's cookies from Holla Forums. Its not just love nectar that theyre made out of

As I suspected, you're fucking oblivious. When you equip a weapon in BB you have access to its entire moveset. But you somehow think it's comparable to having two of the same weapons in each hand, which not only makes your argument questionable at best, most of the time it's also cumbersome because offhanding a weapon is not always useful and will just increase your equipment load, and for what? One or two extra attacks?

Good job stopping at the first sentence, nigger. Refute the rest of that argument or fuck off.


Wrong language?

It's all the same codex release.

They made a fundamentally better game called bloodborne and then followed it up with a regressive installment.

Wew then you bring up moving goalposts later?
Nigga, its only about movesets, there are more movesets for each weapon then BB because there are.
Doesn't matter if you have to equip one in off hand, or if you two hand it.
I've been repeating the same rhetoric and only now do you take issue with whether its equipped or not?
Nigga you are saying that DaS2 and DaS3 are better because of teleporting, when DaS strongest point was the interconnected world and the difficulty of going back through new areas as well as showing your progression by running through areas your struggled with before.


Lurk more

Same to you newfag.
▲ ▲

Shut up you thick eyebrowed whore.

Next you'll say you don't like mugi.

I don't like weeb shitposters who are secretly hoping to have their boipussy stretched to the extreme.

That's gay as fuck user, what the hell?


Not as gay as weeb shitposters.

Also are there more chapters coming out for de^4 or did it canceled?


That's not what moving the goalposts is, because it wasn't even an equivalent comparison to begin with. Two weapons =/= one weapon, you idiot. And even counting offhand, most if not all weapons just gain one or two extra attacks and that's it. Still would have been less than BB.

That's a different matter entirely. But the fact you point out "running through areas your struggled with before" as good thing just makes me laugh when you can easily run past every enemy anywhere. At a certain point, it just becomes repetitive and meaningless, so I really don't give a shit if that's considered one of DS1's strongest points.


There's nothing gay about liking 2d girls!

There'll be more coming later this year afaik.


No news as of yet. "Serialization starting again this winter.", it said on the latest chapter.

Being in denial isn't nice, user.

Wew buddy you're still at it.
I get the feeling you've played DaS2 and 3 but not 1.
You keep on implying things are a certain way in 1 when they were something solely associated with 2-3.

Ok, then prove it. Also, at this point we should be in agreement that DS1 loses to DS2 in movesets because of power stance. Just to get that out of the way.

I'm not sure what your interpretation of "things" and "a certain way" is, so that argument was completely void of meaning. Try again.


I enjoyed Dark Souls 3 but can't even be bothered to pirate this

I think you mean just DeS and BB.

Also this game shits on anything by Neo-FROM.

it's your responsibility now to show him a game that isn't shit

you should at least pirate, it's not bad, just really short and small


heh, they were pretty much harder than the gravetender "boss", that is for sure

It was so utterly broken they even went the whole steps to never repeat it again.

It was so utterly broken they even went the whole steps to never repeat it again.

Whoa there bud, you might say something that offends someone who likes these games

And that health loss can be cured by any sane paladin who uses a chime and uses that auto heal.

How was it broken?
It only effected certain weapons to 15, you could have them all taken at a time, they fit into the story, they increased item location.

You're riding BB's dick, a game that was just as half-assed as other games from From UNTIL the DLC, which got extra love because Sony looked around and realized they didn't have anything else of quality.

Remember half-assed frenzy with the claws that didn't do shit?
Remember the spear knife meta?
Remember all the bosses that are completely cheesed by stunlocking with guns which isn't fucking hard at all?

You probably don't because your fucking riding Sony's dick its reach up to your brain and fucked your wiring.

>never EVER gonna get it because I don't want to go out and buy another console ever again

Yeah, you could have them all taken at once, and if you decided to pop one to be human, whoops, sorry faggot you never get that one back. It's the only real loss from death, but even then you just use them to give yourself more flasks. Humanity was an extremely useless, nearly pointless system; for people who were good enough to not need a fucking crutch like estus, which the game is easy enough to run through without using once, you wouldn't use the bonfire kindling. If you ever decided you don't want to look like jerky, because you actually care about the fashion souls, which is the only good thing ever anyway, you can get invaded, which I do admit does break up the boring easy parts of the game, but because of faggots who like to use the meta instead of playing for fun, they will invade with the purpose to give you a hard time, rather than to give the player some kind of challenge they can push through like fighting a suddenly new mini boss.
So using humanity was for online play, and if you died you couldn't play online, which meant you couldn't summon, which was also for plebians, but that meant you couldn't get invaded, which was something that could actually break up the monotone of an otherwise easy mode game. I have trouble going back to playing DaS because of how easy it is to play. I often stop playing halfway through my builds because I reach a point where there's more for my build to do, but I no longer care to do it because it's so easy for me. And any time someone brings up something being wrong with the game they get called out for not being good at the game, which frankly doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't happen in other games, but it's so prevalent here. I thing the real cock mongler here is you.
lol, I bet you play for stats and don't choose what "your character" would use at the time.
What a fucking plebian.

Yeah you used a Humanity to return to being HUMAN, which cost one Humanity.
That's a system not a broken one.
Right beside dying twice and losing souls, this isn't DaS2 or 3 you can't just repeatedly repair Ring's of Sacrifice.
Also yeah you used humanity to increase estus, this worked great for PvP as you risked being invaded.
Same with summoning.
Again your just listing how the whining about the mechanics but saying nothing of substance.

Healing is a crutch? You're telling me there isn't a way to heal in DeS? Grass?
What about BB you're able to recover health all the time.
You're whole bitch fest just sounds like Git Gud faggotry, something usually associated with PC fats not sonybronys.

This just screams "I'm so good this game is so much easier then DeS and BB now THAT is for True Gamers™ like me!"

Sorry didn't know I was dealing with a real tough guy.

confirmed for not playing the game he's arguing against

some of the general PvE in DaS1 was pretty easy in comparison but overall the bosses were much more difficult than those of DeS (especially the PTDE bosses) and upper blighttown is pretty brutal in comparison to VoD.

DaS2 was my first, I died about 30-40 times on my first playthrough of DaS1 and 7 times on my first playthrough of DeS.

I bet you just played DeS first which is why you think it's so much harder than DaS1.

it's dark souls, shit by default

We are arguing about DeS vs DaS
Keep up faggot.

pretty sure you were talking about das2 or 3 right there
right there it's just
it's right there you see
a little old spot right there right in your post
silly boy.


Claws with frenzy? You're thinking of beasthood. Check that Let's Play you watched more closely.

One and the same did you even play the game you defend?

No, they're not. They push against each other. They are not the same. Read the wiki more closely before you try to pretend you've played a game.

Hit the nail right on the head

As critical as I am of Bloodborne these days, I admit that when I first came upon Cainhurst I knew I was at the best area in the game. Cainhurst blows away any other part of Bloodborne, and it really made me wish Miyazaki and From Soft would tackle Castlevania.

Frenzy is kinda like bleed.

Beasthood is a buff that works kinda like that carthus pyromancy or pontiff eye ring that increase damage on attacking repeatedly.

Nah, there's no room for people that enjoyed the more meticulous pacing of DS1/2 anymore. Now we're all about going fast and looking good :^)

There's a room

Bamco forced them to make 2 more games in the first place.

Don't make me take you out back, son

RIP my Bane build. Fists are the most difficult way to play the game, why nerf them?

Holla Forums is dead.

Don't you just call it home?

But I don't live in Australia

Hey, was just lurking the thread and was reading the back and forth between you two. Just wanted to let you know that you're a fucking retard.

Just wanted to let you know samefagging is really obvious

While Bloodborne is an amazing game and probably only second to DaS (if you count the DLC) this thread seriously proves that some people will just worship anything as long as its a Sony exclusive. Not to mention how they completely refuse that there could be anything that isn't perfect about games like Bloodborne.

Jesus Christ.

i don't give a shit