Losing control?
Do you own any fun alternate controls like wheels, fighting pads, joysticks?
Losing control?
Do you own any fun alternate controls like wheels, fighting pads, joysticks?
Other urls found in this thread:
This shit makes me go left.
Morning everyone!
So might might be getting carpal tunnel or something. Both my m8s who have it say it sounds like it. This will kill me if it lasts too long.
In better news xenoverse 2 launches tomorrow. Hopefully its not like late tomorrow or anything.
it's far too cold
A Wingman Logitech Extreme 3D from like ten years ago
Actually like 15 years ago, christ. Half my life ago.
Fuck off pedo.
you'll not see him being banned for rule 8 though
Fuck off blogging anime tripfag
My essay was a fucking disaster and now I'm drinking. How are you fucks doing?
A flight stick but I don't use it very often
Nobody cares about your feelings pedo.
What does everyone expect to happen when Trump wins?
From my wrist up to my mid hand will randomly feel like shit. I hope it doesn't get too much more serious for either of us.
ROB user is a massive attention whoring faggot
even more than the faggots who post in these threads (「・ω・)「
Its fucking weird as fuck.
Wish I had a flight stick for KSP, would be comfy as fuck with some of the cockpit mods it has.
Good luck with that shit.
What happened in the essay?
I voted today. I'm really tired. That's all I really have to say.
I have some flight sticks.
Salt will inherit the earth. Those quads are a sign from Kek.
At least his threads are fun to watch!
We'll reach salt levels we can't even imagine
Massive salt and probably a assassination attempt.
Yeah they said to get a wrist brace and take breaks if it starts to act up. Should try it user. Mine feels a bit better putting down games yesterday most of the night.
Thanks fam
he's slightly less a massive attention whoring faggot then mark
eitherway his threads are getting shitposted like I knew they would
What, i thought nintendo shilling was wrong?
It's ok when Nintendo does it!
my disgust for the amount of switch shilling on the board was only overlooked by disgust of clear cuckchan threads just shitting up the board
It's not as bad as the shitload of template threads.
Dead thread
Quick what are you
not vidya
They're not expensive. Mine was like $30 new.
I nuked half of it at the last minute because I found a stronger position than my original one. Problem was this left me with only six hours to hunt down new sources and quotes to support me and find new opposing viewpoints and I just didn't get it done on time. Normally I'd take the late penalty but because of the peer review system we use this had to be turned in, finished or not, or else I'd fail both assignments.
I really doubt anyone at nintendo is actively marketing rob the robot
I'm sure those threads come from one of the various social engineering think tanks the american government funds
30$ is like crazy money to me right now. I had 12$ the other day after buying xenoverse 2 and felt like a king.
I'd buy a daki instead anyway if I had 30$
Blame Mark.
I only Get Quads when I talk about Donald Trump. It's creepy but also pretty cool.
Nothing on all fronts. Trying to figure out what car I'm going to buy for winter. There's some pretty safe looking smartcars that automatically put the breaks on if they sense a collision, but they're so damn expensive.
The jew destroys all that is pure
it is kek's will
Nice try.
Persona and WWE 2k17…no bully
nuthin right now
comfy music
Well, hopefully you don't sound like a flip flopping sperg.
No it's a bunch of cuckchan fags coming in with that shit.
yes, I own like 5 arcade sticks. the only reason I owned consoles was for fighting games.
I also own a HTC Vive because I fell for the VR meme. At least I have porn.
I wonder if kike kids even have any purity when young. Probably not.
I've got an Icecream shop near me with a Giant Bernie Sanders & Hillary painting inside on it's largest wall. Do I go inside with my MAGA hat on the 9th? I'm in Chicago which scares me, but the Smug levels are going to be through the roof.
That's why I said I wanted a conversion van. What's the cutoff year for all the bullshit you mentioned?
falling for the VR meme isn't so bad
I don't know, either what I said or the redditcuck strain of cancer
are you actually going to by ice cream there and do you really want spit flavored ice cream?
ded thread is ded.
After Burner
Pretty tired, and I just woke up
I vote the latter.
Aren't smart cars made by gay people?
do it faggot then, once they spit in your Icecream sue them for health violation.
I'm gonna wait out like 5 or so years to get any VR shit and see if anything cool actually comes from it. If there isn't any custom waifu games then why bother
2010ish really. Maybe earlier if it were a more expensive car at the time it came out.
But seriously though don't ever fall for the self driving car meme. That shit is the devil.
english muffins
Evangelion, i don't understand the 2deep4u meme it seems rather tame tbh
>Feeling? I don't feel anything anymore
apart from the millions of $30 tech demos. You can play Illusion Soft games.
Aren't Jews gay?
Had some meh Chinese food earlier. I need to find a new place since this one is too inconsistent
Coke and whiskey
A little IA/VT Colorful
Rewatched Swiss Army Man and Best Worst Movie
New Order
I just want to put that damn paper out of my mind and relax. The AC is fixed so at least I'm not burning up anymore.
I fucking wish. Who knew a pillow could be so expensive. I bet it's worth it though. A year ago I'd have said never ever but the idea has really grown on me
You a britbong or somethin?
No good AI no buy
I posted something about a cheap half daki thing in that thread with the newfag on /mai/ if you wanna look at it. Shouldn't cost more than 20$ though its not the best solution.
you can tell that the site is dying though, it's like half the posters just packed up and went leaving only the more autistic ones with a bunch of other sites trash coming in
I think summer was just barely keeping this place afloat and when people went back to college it just died.
When the mods give in to whiny faggots and ban 4am I'm just fucking off and quitting the internet for the most part. At least the jews won't be able to track me then.
Not even once.
Yeah, Site quality has been on a rapid decline for awhile now.
I've been searching for better alternatives though most of them are deadchan.
Sup guys. I'm doing some shitty late night studying. Writing a dope melody that DMX would appreciate for my music assignment.
How are you all doing tonight?
they've always done the whole, we're neutral and better than you because of it deal. At the end of that episode they imply the next will be about clinton scandals.
The 2deep4u stuff mainly comes at the end. There's still lots and lots of symbolism to parse through but it's pretty light, especially when compared to the outright nonsense of the last two episodes.
I doubt even with that it'd come out that cheap for me. I'd still need to commission art for it.
Besides, if I go for it I want a proper daki. Full size, double sided, non-lewd
You don't need an alternative!
Just play video games all by yourself
How about twice?
Post that shit nigga
And I'm good. Need to grind out like 10 levels on a game today though, not gonna be fun.
Yeah I just plan on upscaling and retracing a nice HD pic for this thing so I don't have to spend money on custom art yet. Even though k-on is super popular I hate all the dakis I see online so I'd have to go that route too otherwise.
Whats got you down user?
I'm sad Holla Forums.
I just found out what's been keeping me down and it left a sour aftertaste in my mouth
Whats going on user?
those whiny faggots are the mods and their friends, the board has been held by a circle jerk who are very fucking biased and massively hypocritical
let us know when you find something promising
cold and depressed, how're you plank?
what's wrong?
Just like old times then?
I wouldn't mind doing that.
Ay plank! you better post that shit
same as always
same dying thread.
I don't have the money either. Fuck, I was supposed to get a job a month ago. October flew by
What's eating you?
I work as a subcontractor for a flashing company, and i'm crammed with work. Usually that's a good thing, constant money is good. But I think I took on too much work to handle.
And you? How are you doing?
heres a (you) now spill the beans
piece of shit called in sick so I'm in tonight
I have a few controllers, here is how I rate them
Great but draws enough power to knock out low power usb pairs
decent series decent D-pad but not SNES/PS2 tier, works
D-pad is shit but decent otherwise
I got a moment of lucidity this morning and i've took some time to think about why i don't make myself lucid all the times, and i remembered that whenever i do i can't stand the stress and anxiety.
I'm basically forced to be uncaring and ADD-like or the stress paralizes me from accomplishing anything.
Trips for truth
That wouldn't surprise me in the least at this point.
I'm gonna try to get a job in Dec mom really got on to me about it for like 30 minutes the other day, might get internet shut off or kicked out if I dont
I'm just writing it down. I don't really have anything to record it with. Shit playing video games sounds a lot funner than what I'm doing. Maybe I'll take a shower and just finish up studying.
Nice trips. I'm a bit tired and stressed out from school shit. What's got you down bud?
4 am has its ups and downs. College kids are going through midterms I think so that might account for ded thread.
do tell
Flashing company? Huh?
I'm good. Hungry and dunno what to eat though. Probably ramen for the 3rd time today. Then games all day long.
Sounds comfy.
get a better keyboard
fuck I just remembered I still need to vote, ballot on my desk and everything
good man voting
Bacon grease gravy with sausage chunks is the fucking best shit ever. My fam makes these huuuuge breakfast feasts on the weekends some times with all that shit. Then whatever is left over gets thrown in a bowl for breakfast burritos for dinner. That shits the bomb.
I use a laptop for web browsing and chat stuff so that won't help.
well 1:43 am. Showering at night is actually pretty comfy. Shit if I keep taking music classes I could probably write some dope vidya music.
don't be lucid then?
it's less what's got me down and more my means of not being down has crumpled so it's harder to forget my downs
I feel like my brain is on anxiety pills
Can't be a NEET forever. Just think of all the shit you'll be able to blow your money on though, it's worth it
Do you live on your own? Showering at night would bug my parents too much.
I lose my sanity fast while working a job and start drinking every single day. I go from being a jolly funny guy to just being a broken mess. Not worth it.
Sounds easy to you.
Feeling lucid is amazing and i love it, just for it to be overshadowed by bad feelings a second later.
Feels like snorting some cocaine, i wanna do anything and see everyone, but never lasts.
does your laptop not have USB?
do you not sit at a desk wearing PJs and an over shirt and slippers where you can plug said laptop into it?
yeah that's how I am
you had best learn to deal with it now because now that you are aware of it you can never go back without a nagging feeling tugging at the back of your mind about how you need to be doing other things that actually matter
say goodbye to playing vidia for 3 days straight
well if you don't have enough control over it to prevent the bad that can come with it then you shouldn't really mess with it till you do
why don't you buy your own cheap good food?
I just had 2 heaping bowls of rice with soy sauce and broccoli and a bit of shredded crab
oh and a spoon full of pesto on the side because my mom gave me some
all of it super cheap
pretty much this
you've lost control now there is no going back.
Fuck my parents have been on a diet for months and now that I think about it I haven't had my breakfast feast in forever.
I hate this shit they never buy anything good for the house and cook crap food all the time. AND FUCK FUCKING WHEAT FUCK BREAD. Gimme the good white shit.
I lay in bed comfy under a blanket with a laptop table above me.
Ha! I can't play vidya since last year! Except playing with my gf but that qualifies as well spent time
Might just be an altered status i can't keep anyway and that's why it turns out bad, like bipolar disorder sorta.
But feeling that good bothers the fuck out of me.
I think I'm going to sleep now. Remember to hug you're waifu
Well shit. Maybe try other work?
What's the matter 4AMmers? Got no good vidya to play? Lost in the world? I don't want to hear it.
Get in here and show me how good you are.
Cheap food just isn't the same though
I feel your pain.
G'night user.
Night fam!
And considering writing a book soon.
I don't. It probably bugs my parents too but I don't care too much. I usually shower at night and then wake up and go to school. Sounds kinda stupid but I love taking long hot showers and I'm always in a rush in the morning so I don't have time for that shit.
So you're saying you have no way of getting back up anymore?
that is fucking terrible ritsu
get a large wireless keyboard or something
I find that hard to believe
but I went for at least a few months without vidia when I knew what I had to do also my gaming beast was out of commission at the time so the worst of it was anime
night fam
the fuck is this?
I cannot imagine playing a fighting game without an arcade stick.
But I don't even play Street Fighter V anymore.
loading, what is it
I don't know who I am supposed to be but I love it
I plan to do one as well, you would be the one in purple
Ayyy I hear you there. My showers are always an hour long.
But I wake up like 3 hours early so I'm never rushing in the morning.
like, as in, why do you have to do that shit to feel something which should be normal?
no, I'm trying to find another thing but the last thing was so fucking perfect though since it was actually fulfilling but fuck me though I gotta fall into bloody hate boner for a circle jerk AGAIN
same as what?
So episode one of the batman telltale """""""game""""""" is available for free on Steam. I tried it. What do people see in these """"""""games""""""""? They're pretty much entirely made up of cutscenes that use QTEs and that are interspersed betweeen point and click segments in which you've got to interact with objects in the environment and find clues.
Might as well be a movie if you ask me.
a video game
test your might, son
this is fantastic
well it's kinda frozen
Yeah it's true.
I even have good vidya to play but i just can't bring myself to do these things alone.
And along with that i lost the ability of caring about books and movies too.
All i can do is socialize now.
That wouldn't work at all with my set up and wouldn't be comfy at all.
I think people got suckered in by the first couple that made it feel like your choices mattered. Anyone with a brain stopped giving a crap about them once it became obvious that wasn't true.
Decided tonight I'm going to go survive in a tent in the woods near where I live.
I've got two options:
Actually also there's a ridiculously far away woods with a lake in it (I really like lakes) but I don't want to have to walk that far and also i'd probably get spotted and raped by some farmer or something so it's not an option.
Also my upload speed is literally 0.39mbs right now it's making me want, no, NEED to kill myself so pretend I posted some cute anime girl or something.
I just have way more disorders that you people can fathom.
I hang thight tho.
make sure to enable 60fps mode in the main menu's options screen for super smooth experience
heyuhl yea fam das ryt, i should add sum'or dem nyckas up inz tho fo'real fo'real monica. ain't rly touch it since da night i added eybody.
uz can get like brocolli n rice cheap af. pesto take like 2 seconds to make, olive oil, basil, and pine nuts. pine nuts used to be pricy af monica but I think they found a new way to harvest em or sumn cuh dey came down big time. can use walnuts but not quite da same monica
nigguhz hatin wheat brad.
Home cooked mash Grevy mash potatos and
Steak all with a big slap of butter on top
I need to go to sleep.
n parmesan cheese 2 fam whoops fam mah bad monica
Whats the point of camping if the woods ain't dense? If you can see civilization it ain't camping.
Stay in the slightly dense woods, and then the next day walk to the more dense woods.
This is some weeb shit man I like it.
blame two things, tale tail because they're massive fucking jews and blame casuals for fucking enabling the jewishness of tale tail
I'm replaying the sam and max pointy clickers and there's alot more gameplay in them then the fucking walking dead games
will they be lost in the rain?
what you should do is buy your own woods so that you don't get removed for any reason
why not both?
I should thank you ROB if you weren't on tonight I probably would get banned for rule 8, so thank you
Fuck off, pedo.
fuck I myself am having a hell of a time doing anything that isn't social, I think I have too much shit to organize and I need to get rid of some shit
get out of bed ritsu
it's a really nice piece monica
my mom put's a dollop of mayo in her mashed taters to make it more creamy
Because I'm only staying one night? How can I stay two places at once?
Our population is ridiculously high for such a small island, land is not cheap. Houses are ridiculously expensive too. For a semi-detached council estate pile of wank house here, you could get a really nice house in America (there's a catch though, you'd have to be around Americans)
I've got about 15k. I could maybe buy a tree if the seller was feeling generous.
Hey 4am, quick question, but I need some help right now picking college courses. Would taking classes to become a 3D modeler be retarded? Ultimatley, I just want to become a designer/director, and I thought I'd use being a 3D modeler as a way to both support myself and get into the industry.
You go to one for a night, and then spend the day+night in the other. You must become innawoods
You never know until you try
I don't give a shit about profit. If anything, I want the game industry to be more niche. It's just always been a dream.
have a lookie here mate
my mother owns a forest, not a very big one mind you but she owns it, however she can't live in it unless she works out a reason to be living in it, if you were to just squat in a random forest here then you'd be kicked out within a week since that shit is not remote in the least
yes they would be retarded I've first hand experience of this, any and all video game design courses are a con, go with a good programming course
I don't have a chair and my desktop is on a table next to my bed though.
RIP you
das wut she said fam
bout my whistle, i mean mah heat, i mean dat stik monica.
good luk on ferengenor
Can you describe your experience?
godot engine
buy a fucking chair
I know you talkin bout yo boi ma boi
Theres no room in my room. Its tiny, has two desks in it already. Plus its comfy
I hate that I'm actually awake for these threads lately.
do you have a tower of CRTs in your room?
Losing control?
Nah but I'm hoping to get at least one for my NES I'm getting this year.
why settle for just one? And why settle for just NES?
I recognize that setup! I'm horrifically ass blasted I don't have the money for a pvm and the cables.
Ritsu you're a hoarder and not in a good way
why do you have 2 desks
take a fucking picture of each desk I need to ridicule you for this if they aren't at least good desks
the course was split up into two groups, one was full of chavs and faggots, the other was autists, the teachers were all just doing normal courses but with a video game flavor slapped on, however we never learned anything of how to program, just the easier such like the art stuffs and never actually learning design at all, it was very clear that it was just a cobbled together course banking on the video game crazy at the time since gone of the teachers had any experience in the industry
shit was a waste of my time
y dis nigga got so many microwaves tho?
At least I'm not fat anymore. Ran 6km last night without slowing down or stopping, lots of it uphill in the cold. I only really feel anything during/after exercise these days, and even then it's not much. I feel like every bit of discipline or motivation I have stems from a sense of self-loathing so deep that you could drop Pluto into it and you'd lose it.
for cooking fools like you
Thats comfy as all fuck user. And just cause its all I could afford. Also don't know enough about them really.
The desks don't matter, the collection of things on them does.
One of them is just stacked with trading cards worth 1000s, figs, and vintage games. The other is covered in waifu figs and my screen for desktop.
Maybe, my sleep schedule is pretty fucked. Sleep for a few hours twice a day right now. Also thanks for encouraging me to work on my vn, unless that was the other tripfagging
That's pretty neat fam.
he's going to modify the magnetrons to create a weapon to surpass metal gear
Now my charms are all o'erthrown,
And what strength I have’s mine own,
Yeah that was me. Hows it coming along?
And I'm in the same spot. 2 naps a day. Hate this schedule.
Blood, death and chaos.
Blood, death and chaos.
Oh damn, that's a sweet setup!
I can't even find the space for the one I have, which isn't even anything special.
yooo dat ho luv breakfast yo damm
good for you fam, you see through the lies
what you need to start doing now is filtering them by asking questions about them to make them think that you are interested in them when really you are just grading them for relationship quality control
here is a good one fam, "what are your hobbies"
One of them is just stacked with trading cards worth 1000s, figs, and vintage games. The other is covered in waifu figs and my screen for desktop.
Then get a bookshelf and git rid of one desk so you have room for said bookshelf
after doing that you will have room to use our remaining desk, as a desk
fam you clearly don't understand how magnetrons work
Why the fuck am I awake. I need to go to work in 12 hours but I'll start getting sleepy a few hours before I have to go work an 8 hour shift. I fucked up.
Also I'm moving on Saturday to Arkansas from Texas. I can't fucking wait because I love being innawoods and I haven't experienced cold weather in like 5 years. Wish me luck.
Shit, that's what I'm afraid of, but the lure of getting professional help with 3D modeling is a bit too much. Though I'll definitely take programming classes. Do coding classes count under stem? Also, when did you take that course.
A post so true, kek felt the need for it to be said twice. Are you ready to die for america and israel karen?
peace was never an option.
Gtfo kike.
Damn good coffee
you'd be better off going on 3D modeling sites and learning from others there
I don't know, I don't think STEM is an English thing but this was around 7 years or so ago
I actually still wouldn't have room for a chair really. I've got a gun safe and entertainment stand for my tv and a dresser.
My room is fucking tiny.
How is Arkansas with gun laws and all that?
Bad goyim. 35 shekels have been withdrawn from your account.
Yeah. Been trying to fix it by using five hour energy shots to stay awake during the nap I take in the middle of the day, but somehow the next day I'll go right back to falling asleep twice in one day.
Not very far, might post some stuff when I get a lot more done. unless I fix my sleep schedule, then it might be a good while before I'm back in these threads.
oy vey.
Pretty good. Last time I was there my and my cousins shot 3030s and shit in the middle of the woods.
So what do you guys think will happen if they completely rig the election?
you need to find a routine that makes you tired so you can get a good 6-8 hours of sleep before work. Do you exercise? fap often?
No matter what I do I sleep for 4 hours. Doesn't matter how long I stay up. Which forces me to nap again.
Can't wait to see! Though hope for your sake you fix your schedule.
Fucking nice.
Civil war
Relax goy. You're bein antisemitic.
Im worried if they rig it no one will rebel
And we'll just get used to being slaves
I'm expecting a big march on DC if that happens.
I will admit I'm a bit of hoarder but I mostly collect cool shit so its fine.
So, wtf is up with south park lately? The last 5 episodes have been pure concentrated liberalism lately.
You mean you dont shitpost on craigslist about vidya? Its how you get to know the shitposters in your community.
One can only hope. Anymore of whats been happening and were going to be the ones looked at and excavated 400 years from now proving white people existed in america, and it wasnt in fact inhabited solely by blacks.
South park is owned by jews user.
This was to be expected
Because they're either showing their true colors or are doing deep shitposting.
But it isn't shitposting. They're actually talking about vidya
shanty town dat shit
though these prices don't seem so bad tbh
Ritsu why don't you program, you can do it from your home in your room?
they are liberals and one of them is a jew
this is normal
Thanks, Ritsu.
They hate Trump, so they've been bashing him like crazy. Hopefully after the election's over they'll start bashing the crazy left again.
Shit man I'm pretty horrible with women too. Even some that seem alright and I could probably get along with. I met a girl a few semesters ago that watched anime, not just the popular ones either. She wanted me to ask for her number but being the dumbass that I am I didn't. Girls never take initiative so she didn't ask for my number. Oh well.
Oh. I did not know what. That'd explain the liberalism lately, considering their house of cards is done once trump gets in.
Then I guess you know what you must do. Go ruin it
Like blighttown in DaS1?
Don't mind the rape spider. He was dropped on his head as a critter.
Are you the one writing the vn with the android girl to fist and get mgs references from the consequences? Pretty sure i've seen you post about it here before.
Too late for that. Might have a cream puff anyway.
MnB recently. Minesweeper on my phone now that i'm waiting for sleep.
Rick and Morty. Just finished season 2. 10 episodes a season is pretty short even if some of the episodes reeked of no ideas left.
We wuz founding fathers the musical. We were listening to jazz before this but the landwhale socjus lesbo insisted on some cultural appropriation and diversity. Glad she'll be dead before 40
I hate computers.
I found it ironic they never went after hillary, or the rapes, or the dead black kids or anything really. Just made her seem like a useful idiot, and made two trumps considering canadian trump and his wall.
I dont get this. Why is it whenever you approach any form of media, theres always a jew involved?
Yes. Now go, ruin all their good times. Or just shitpost amicably. Whatver floats your boat. Just dont meet any in person. Serial killers are on craigslist.
it's because England has VERY strict conservative laws on the environment and buildings and stuff as well as the fact that the land is actually owned by the crown and you don't really own it, just technically rent it
Ritsu, you're on a computer all your life.
I'm upset there isn't much more of this.
There's serial killers on imageboards, and yet that 4am meetup still happened.
That's why there was only ever 1 user
my nigga
what? you don't own the land you buy?
when did this happen?
Going to post the other 3 because I can, and I'll patch up any replies with the second post
"work a towel closet"
they have some deflation spiral price manager robot at the center of the great satan that keeps your pvc prices to the wallet rubbing constant
"im just saying sonys going to come out with"
in the 1900s durrign early black and white silent films a bunch of wealthy jews moved west from the east coast movie scene and made hollywood
they have been involved with the media ever since
also I could go on about jewish subversion in all pre media forms but the short of it is where there is power, jews will gather
This guy gets it
Science is a jewish plot.
smoke did a road trip, part of why he is so cool
git gud ritsu
"i dont even know how you cant make a shoe rack"
Be wary of any meetup offerings.
Sometime in July if I remember right. There were only a few people in it because a lot of people didn't have the money and a few didn't even want to go to begin with.
It's actually social construct
Brits arent actually free men per se. Theyre just indentured men, forced to live on the crowns land and do their bidding if they want work, or toys to make life seem less horrible. And now many in their government are trying to replace them with a more malleable model of men from other lands.
I get that, I mean why is it even in small time media. Whenever something gets big a jew always manages to worm their way in or have helped to create it and are in the center of it. It seems without fail, 2% of the pop makes sure to be in all forms of media and entertainment. Unless its very physical.
Ah I see, you're shitposting. Now I understand.
Yes. Fun fact, the reason why homoko and red-user are no longer around is because smokes, put them in his basement pit. You dont want to know what for.
I feel sick
ch'yea boi do it big monica full on ooga booga where ma gibs at nycka
Go to bed.
Homoko is being tenderly loved, while Red is being used to pump out pro-Nazi propaganda, obviously.
Science is a tool of the evil western white man!
It really amazes me how similar sjws are to hardcore evangelicals
Words have meaning you shitlord racist nigger.
Not really. I do hate the things if I have to do anything technical on them. I'm not retarded and can figure stuff out by looking it up but god its always annoying as fuck and you always have to try 5 different things because fuck computers.
What kind?
Everything feels sick
the poor souls
If you don't the spooks will get you.
I dont think the corrupted in blighttown even got gibs. I also think they were a hivemind serving the bed of chaos at the bottom. A society similar to that of a beehive or other, similar type of eusociality.
Yeah…sure. Thats what happened.
Thats whats great about computers though! You never stop learning. Theres always something new to find out about. Some new tech, or some new mechanic you can use or manipulate. Its great.
it's a small island that isn't based upon capitalism like america is, the crown is the ultimate owner of evey bit of land in England but the land is split into different sectors and managed by parliament who get paid by the royals to do so
it sounds bad but only because americans still think jerking off and pissing in the corners mean the dirt that they're on is utterly theirs when in actual any kinda force greater then theirs can claim it without even blinking, this is still left over from their cowboy days though
nepotism, look it up
basically jews hire jews fags and "Minorities"
in what way damnit
Science ain't gotta need to explain shit, cause it's science
user, im talking about small time channels, new media popping up in other places, etc. Not just new branch divisions of existing media or just new positions.
Spooks don't spook me you fucking spook
Why are you here? Please leave no one likes you pedo faggot.
stomach sick, sniffles, coughs, headache, grogginess, etc…
Learning something I'll never use again or will be changed in the very next update a month later is useless though.
Morning. Looking forward to Titanfall 2 getting released and I just found out that you can unlock it in 2 hours via VPN use. Ruined my plan of getting shit done today, but I'll still be picking up my anime figs from the post office on my way home at least.
How are you all doing?
hey there faggot
I'm here because I want to be, you think I'm going to go anywhere because some people don't like me? nah it doesn't work like that
to be young and hopeful again
what did he mean by this?
They went down willing though.
I've heard things you wouldn't believe.
Ignore him, he's just a pedo from Britain who thinks his country matters at all.
I don't think you understand how connected jews are
they are the "International Clique" after all
take a couple ibuprofan or other headache meds but eat something too, saltine crackers would help but really any grain to put somthing in your gut and help keep the pills down
then go lay down and bundle up in bed for a bit
It's a more than just some, pedo
In other news, I haven't eaten anything in about 13 hours, I only ate once since I've woken up
Doctors are for pussies.
I really wish Titanfall wasn't shit. The idea seemed nice, but like all nice ideas EA ruins them all.
tired ramblings of a slightly annoyed but rather depressed spider
ignore it if you like
good something to eat
Its why you must embrace learning and the need to constantly improve yourself.
Im dubious about the cover behind big rocks, but I do like big mechas.
If it's from smoke-user or any of the people he's knapped, it's all lies. Stay away from that dude, hes trouble. Just like Spike Spiegal.
Even the random user from the middlewest who makes a youtube channel that gets big?
Trimming that winter weight fam-pai?
shut up Britain matters!
it's VERY important!
The world is temporary you don't really own anything in your short meaningless life
Britain a shit
I feel as if the poll had a very unfair bias. I vote we redo the polls.
Fuck you vote or die
I live with my ac on at the lowest pretty much 24/7
It's always winter
Britain stopped mattering after coffee became widespread and they turned into irrelevancy. Sorry eh
Explain your reasons why it is then.
What do you mean by this?
He may even try to get you to smoke! The monster.
Britain matters like an individual hair matters.
But Skyrim Enhanced Edition is the best AAA game of this year.
6 degrees of seperation user, if somehow they aren't jewish I bet they know a jew personally, even I know know a jew personally
choose 1
I'm appealing to moderation. Both these sides are too extreme, and frankly, the only sensible choice is to be moderate.
My favorite thing to do is to put the ac on during winter with the window open and overload the sheets and comforters with only my head popped out of the blanket.
we'll rule the way again!
you'll see
well said my son.
What anime figs?
Self improvement is for losers.
That's no accomplishment
Does poal.me not work for anyone else? All I get every time I bring up a link for it is nip, no matter the browser.
It's an amazing accomplishment.
next person to talk sh*t about Britain is really in trouble
you wouldn't
the gameplay trailer on Holla Forums a while back showed the protagonist covering behind huge boulders while in his mecha. It irked me. I expected big mobile suit battles, like the federation against zion.
As do I, oddly enough. Did not see it coming either. He didnt even look jewish.
Self improvement is the only worthwhile goal a man can strive for. All other goals are simply a means to help improve oneself. Unless the improvement of the self is a sidegoal of the maingoal. Which makes the self improvement the heart and driving force behind said larger goal.
What about baby seal clubbing?
Britain isn't worth the space it takes up.
nice empire
everyone in Britain should commit mass suicide
It's been awhile, but played the beta for the first game.
Sure there's more, but like I said it's been awhile. Maybe the 2nd game fixed these issues, but since it's EA I doubt it.
because of their fucking miscegenation jew spotting is a difficult skill to master
Is it bad im dating his sister?
stahp bullying poor britfag
I agree, little shits had it coming anyway. We didnt give them permission to be on our land.
not if you go fast
truth, but a good pilot can make it last
also true, customization is very limited but its done in such a way that the choice matters a lot, nuclear ejecting in the middle of 3 other Titans is GOAT
yeah really, fucking DLC was entirely maps
32 player limit is bullshit, or was it 16?
entire game is arena matches
your kids will be jewish
Only pussies have a problem with seal clubbing tbh.
I kinda want to go get a burrito but I'm also aren't that very hungry
At least they'll be on the winning side I guess. Besides, curly hair is cute as fuck.
Agreed. Besides, its cultural. Who are they to say no.
No more fighting you two! Be nice!
Fuck the seals, club the seal protectors.
No, fuck you.
Todd please.
Just because it's a AAA doesn't mean it's shit off the bat, we've just been conditioned to expect shit from recent years.
I think they're the loliboat statues I ordered
Just paid for the other two this morning of the complete harem
There's no cover system, it's just cinematics. They had that too in the first game trailers.
Pilots are quick and agile while Titans are powerful and sturdy. While in your Titan you would wanna stay by some kind of cover though, as to not stay out in the open I mean.
It's not like Quake where you can snipe without just using the center of your screen.
The first had different titans with varying agility to tankiness. This second kind of side stepped that so it could be like that. But if you weren't a retard you could last all match in your Titan.
I could see your argument on that, but I'm not sure as to how you see them bland and colorless. The best map is the virtual sim with team colored glowing walls that were made to wall run on. Another map has a city design with sakura tress and the pink sakura petals in the middle. I find that hard to call colorless in the least.
Yeah that was kinda shitty, but with it they made them a ton more interesting than just bots. The grunt chatter was pretty awesome- walking with them you could listen in on their gossip. They would talk about how they wished they were also pilots and how they shit their pants when they saw enemy titans.
Yeah I can acknowledge this, but they learned and have one now in the second game.
Respawn has been acting more on it's own, so I'm hoping they jump off from Origin onto Steam or just become independent.
It's as shit as it looks. If I don't keep it swept back, it curls just right to get under my eye lids. Being in the way of headphones is not nearly as bad as that.
You gotta admit. Curly hair IS cute right?
He DESERVES to be bullied!
Exactly! Can always count on america when someone needs to be killed!
We don't kill them. We just give them FREEDOM from the mortal plane.
As long as you don't hurt eachother..
no bully
You could do that in both senses in the first though, different weapons, three mechs, mech abilities and passives, and even their AI voice.
In 2 it looks like there is gonna be paint and stuff.
Max was 16, but only in a specific mode. 5v5 was the usual for most modes.
I think Respawn needs to let loose and have battle field matches of like 20v20+ players, but have a limit to like 5 titans down at one time.
See this sounds more interesting. I wouldnt mind a crouching mechanic but not over the top cover, keep it like half life 2 where walls half broken down or small buildings can be temporary cover till destroyed but not that useful. Also adds another mechanic to it, where you'd sacrifice line of sight and vision for temporary security in the hopes of a better situation.
What if they dont want the freedom?
I'll stop bullying him if you give spider a kiss on the cheek.
You could've just said you were gay.
Jews have disgustingly curly hair though.
Britain is still shit.
fam please
half a year ago my mother told me that a co-worker when discussing her heritage said that the name of her mothers mothers mothers mother from germany had a jewish german name
my face, my soul
They either get FREEDOM from the mortal plane, or hamburgers and guns.
Nobody cares about your opinion pedo.
I'm american, so I'm objectively the best
It was good the first time, stop being retarded.
Not every AAA is bad though.
GoW is a AAA title and I loved the fuck out of the first game- was fucking amazing.
Not after miscegenation. Now they have nice curly european hair. Or at least she does.
Dont worry user, Jesus was a jew, and he fucked them over worse than anyone, and made christians the new jews! You just need to believe in yourself.
Shit, i'd take mcdonalds over death anyday. Mcdonalds just makes you hate yourself for a while.
Depends on which part of america. If its anywhere near california or sanfran you can fuck right off.
Another country freed from tyranny.
cry more
still a jew
Huey stop being retarded.
how are the rest
I believe in my marlin 30-30 sports carbine and the justice it affords
as far as being jewish I find the very idea of it repellant, "Hey kids did you know that you'rs cultures greatest achievement was being the only country to get kicked out of one hundred and 3 countries?"
I've never even heard of a jewish achievement that could not be argued to be the work of someone else, or false
this bothers me enough that I forgot to post an image
I'm out, good night and take care
Why am I persecuted so?
This is for you
That reminds me, I hear the DaS3 dlc dropped. Has anyone got it? Is it any good?
What about einstein? Hes jewish and did a lot.
The rest of the world really should thank america for its constant service tbh. They've become very ungrateful.
What, you're not huey. Im Huey. And I did nothing wrong!
The artist left out central america and the caribbean islands.
I don't know, I never got a 360. I do have gears 4 since friends are playing it. If I didn't have to reboot into a win10 partition I would like it a lot more. The campaign is a lot weaker than 1, and didn't get the four player co op that 3 apparently had according to my friend.
Hoard mode is good and MP is as good as the first- fuck the shotgun still. It does have the crate drop meme that all the other games are ripping into for the dosh it gets, but I have to admit I'm grinding MP for that nerf Longshot and Snub pistol skin.
Overall ok, I think it should've been only 40 bucks though.
No, There is no way your Huey because, I'm Huey
But I did nothing wrong!
They can't understand FREEDOM
It's North America, not North+Central America
Go away smug poster, you've overstayed your welcome.
Post something productive like porn at least
North America includes central america and the caribbean islands though.
This is for you too
How about I smug on you as well?
No it doesn't you faggot. They aren't even relevant.
More smug it is
what did he do besides the theory of relativity that will one day be tossed aside?
PS it's a shit theory
sounds not worth it fam
Is there a problem?
Fuck off tina, you're not fooling anyone.
So poland understands freedom best of all?
Wasnt he instrumental in the creation of the atomic bomb?
Post more.
Yes it does. Are you going to try to argue central america is its own continent?
yeah, by writing a shit tone of letters to the US government demanding that they nuke Germany
It was a dream.
It counts as it's own continent you double nigger.
This one is special, just for you, from me
Makes sense. Everyone knows poland doesnt go anywhere without his plunger. Why didnt america bring freeom to ukraine?
This is why Ritsu unfriended you.
They had their FREEDOM already
Ritsu is a faggot
heres a real scientist
I'll have you know he identifies as a bundle of sticks. Check your privilege you shitlord.
It's worth 40 bucks.
There's a limit.
And Russia TOOK it. Why didnt america stop them!? Russia with nukes STOLE democracy!
Is that why you tried to have sex with him?
There is never a limit for smug.
They took it with their own SQUATDOM
I'm telling you what it's worth to me.
well it's worthless to me
fuck windows 10
was fun shitposting with you all
no one was supposed to know about that
No, there isn't
you're on a roll fam
night fam
I'm sorry to interrupt, but spider just got banned for avatarfagging; for 3 days
Why didnt america Squat BACK!
You brought this upon yourself.
Check these shitlord
It's Kek showing his approval.
They're the masters of SQUATDOM
I really like those.
funny I don't hate the guy
very impressive
Well there you go. Feel free to not buy it. Winblows 10 sucks ass and I see why they forced it for it, but there are ways that could've been done to have it for at least 7 or 8.1 but fuck M$.
I also dumped my folder of saved images I get off from the 4am thread, so I can get more
The time for smug has come.
If theres one thing kek loves, its smug aimed at her enemies.
Ooh. Brutal. I wonder who did it. They might have got him for porn posting too, with that dick pics on the spiders in full frontal.
Konata stop, pls.
Wait. Are you saying someone is better than america at something?
Its too late. We know everything. And nite.
This one is just for you. Don't bully
We're too free to not let others not be good at things. We're still better at everything though.
jigs up i guess
i really have to go now
But, can your gifs jpeg?
You're gonna end up dead on the floor in your NEET apartment due to smug overdose. Calling it now.
But you just SAID russia was better at squatting!
Kek will provide.
but can your gifs jpeg?
I knew all along. You should have expected this magic girl.
I have an awful headache
Special edition
But they aren't better at FREEDOM SQUATS
Akari is Satan confirmed.
W-what is this sorcery…?
Theyre better at patriarchy squats! And we need to be better than them! America should be the best at everything!
You take that back!
But we're better. It's true.
that's a man
Shower had it coming. Besides, it's healthy.
No were not
Pure black magic of corruption affinity.
Is it wearing a skirt?
They would have used Goddess if it was a female
I have a really awful headache, so I might not be on in a few minutes. Help me mokouanon
I think I should get more sleep in on my schedule, I was up for at least 28 hours yesterday. I only got 5 hours of sleep
rip in pepperoni
good night fam
I'm gonna head out too, need to get work done
It's still gay if its in a skirt.
But dark magic is illegal!
Kek is multigendered. Both male and female.
You should sleep more. Cuddle with your waifu.
I don't have anyone/anything to cuddle with
It's already 4AM, and I woke up at least 16 hours ago
The hamburger meats finally reached the end of my colon. I got to go find a shower anons. Night.
You should check craigslist for people in your area.
That sounds horrible! I don't want to get HIV or mugged
But only girls wear skirts user. It's a scientific fact. It's another thing if the girl is cute or fuckable though
I agree with tis.
I have Steel Battalion