
I think its time it finally happens. what about you Holla Forums, do you wanna be part of history? I have a pretty good idea on how to do it.

kike free first post

we take a thick steel cable, something really capable of a good yank without splitting, and wrap it around whats circled in red the shape should be perfect for massive amounts of leverage, and hook it to a fucking train or trolley that comes on the tracks also shown. Top pops off, Franon collects the flag.

oops forgot the file

Set a drone on fire then suicide ram it into the flag poleā€¦

it's time you go back to your own board >>>/hwndu/

Satellite tracking. Every time the flag flies over look on the Internet to see where it is.

lol go for it but you better be good or i'm going to laugh at the bestgore, nobody should be fucking around with a moving train.

there seems to be a tram station right there across the street


Isn;t there a board for this?

This is clearly felony level vandalism and a good way to get us shut down. Also it's not funny. HWNDU was hilarious because it was innocent hi-jinks. If you can get a steal cable around the stupid thing then you can just cut it down and not damage historic architecture. The only person who wouldn't be concerned about preserving beautiful heritage buildings is a kike shill.

Fuck off.

It's so pathetic it might be funnier to leave it up.

"The lieu unique is the national center for contemporary arts and music venue in Nantes, France. Opened on January 1, 2000, it is housed in a former biscuit factory at the center of the city"

i hate when isis destroys those sculptures and former biscuit factories what just blatant disregard for human achievement

imo sure there were innocently funny parts of the whole ctf thing, but the real gag was watching as stanley yelnats took giants leaps to a public televised mental breakdown

Fuck off our board you stupid cunts.

That flag sure is white. It is like he wants to disenfranchise POC


could a car be subbed in for the train, it seems like the train would cause all kinds more attention, whereas you could go back behind the building, get the cable wrapped, and floor the fuck out of a car


Instead of this massively poorly thought out tv/movie inspired 5th grade mentality plan.
Why dont you stupid fucking niggers attack the flag supports at its most vulnerable point?
Pic related faggots