after we gas the kikes are we going to make sex slavery great again? women are all whorish cumdumps so why should i have to feign monogamous affection toward her?
Is this degenerate?
yes, stop acting like a turkroach or nigger.
Fuck, I really hate being addicted to porn. I always thought to myself I could kick a drug addiction but it seems I wouldn't be able to. I'm so addicted I need to fix myself.
Don't click on these threads. Kikes post this stuff to break your will and spirit. Start lifting and put a rubber band around your wrist and whenever you think about looking at porn pull that band out as far as it can go and let it hit the inside of your wrist.
thats why we need rare sexy shitskin sex slaves so we can be satisfied and our women wont be able to muh vagina their way back into feminist cuckoldry. guarantee theyll fall in line if they are worried about losing top tier men to slavish sexual succubi. its never going to be genuine with women though, the fucking agency lacking soulless cunts they are.
while reasonable advice, you bumped the thread friend
you don't deserve those trips, you don't belong here
Yes you are degenerate, clearly not well adjusted. Go post on a different website, you clearly are not functional or productive and hence are no use to anybody.
Enjoy your post-modernist nihilism and eventual an-hero.
You need to get out more. So, go ahead - get out.
That butt, it's the taste of a nigger.
I don't think that's how it works.
Good advice I'll try the rubberband because I'm dieing of porn addiction it's really fucked me up.
As a floridian that knows that his ancestors used to fuck his black slave bitches, I felt it was my obligation to follow in their legacy by trying to impregnating as many sheboons as I possibly could, denying their wombs to niggers. As I grew older, I learned that it was better to have no halflings than 3 half-niglings. I'm currently married with 6 full blooded white children, with a 7th on the way so I hope that makes up for my past degeneracies.
well i wouldnt sexually enslave aryan females even though thats what they desire seeing as 50 shades of rape was the most popular womens book of all time and you must be low test to not like thick asses and slamming titties.
ok mate what the fuck id obviously tie my slaves tubes so that didnt happen. the fuck were you thinking?
Is OP a faggot?
You will still need an addiction to crutch on while recovering from the really damaging one. Physical exercise of any sort is good. Walking long distances is good for the mind.
what about not bumping shit threads?
I started working out but immediately lost motivation. Porn is holding me back from becoming a better person, it's that damaging. I have to get back into working out.
Get fucked sandnigger, women are not goats. Stop watching porn and start reading about how Europeans view women and what place they had in society in the past before christianity kiked itself into our society
Men and women are two sides of one coin and HAVE to complete eachother to form a family.
Gass yourself, niggers reproduce anyway so you're not denying them anything. They are subhumans that just look for a hole to fuck. And tvey'll be chasing white women on top of that.
Finally, someone deserves their dubs ITT. Don't treat women poorly. Anti-woman shills are full of shit.