heroes dont die
1 liek
one mercy
heroes dont die
1 liek
one mercy
Other urls found in this thread:
( Jack Spicer )
It's tough being the support carrying the teams HP to safety...
Healsluts are the worst.
My father is.
I'm agnostic atheist.
They also made SC2 multiplayer free to play, did they not?
Of course~
As a registered healslut in Killing Floor, I resent that.
Con: You'll deprive some lucky person of getting to know and be close to you.
Pro: They'll never know you hang out here. :D
Ah. Well, I hope you have a nice dream!
Sassy like Mama Cassy. Also, gassy. Not at all classy.
I'm rhyming. Please kill me.
What about heal-tsunderes?
Such kindness
Write me some sweet poetry
some of that street slang you know
gutter gurl
You don't feel undeserving of it.
Unless you're secretly a massive asshole, in which case I'll stop.
That's the scary part anyway :(
I'm not but it is a little overwhelming
How's your day been?
Holy shit they did?
Yeah its pretty round-about but they did.
Specially if the team is pretty much flankers and snipers, literally impossible to heal
'twas a good few rounds tho
I'm still sour that they cancelled Ghost, to be honest.
uh huh
i've been having lots these past many days.
One day... i'll earn enough chest from leveling up to get her a pretty valkrie skin?~ ♥
thanks for playing fun game with me!
nini thread family
My ex knew about this place. He thought it was all girls talking about video games. I didn't try to correct him.
Roses are red
Lilies are white
Just like your bed sheets
After boys' night
Happy day nappy!
Valkyrie is metal as fuck good choice
Bai bai
We can play again saturday if you are up for it
Shit, that had potential. Titan too. Knowing them, they proly had a good reason
After boy's night? Whats that?
boy's night is the time of month when boys bleed out their assholes. hence the red sheets.
Rest well, Theseius.
"I'm bored of this."
"Yeah, same."
When you the guys get together for a slumber party in their nighties. They have pillow fights, play Mystery Date, and compare wieners.
Guys do that, right?
lol It's probably better off that way.
I meant the con part was the scary part.
I just woke up and I haven't done anything yet
Agreed. I think it'd be really cute if you had someone to share some special time with. Is there a reason you may choose to stay single? (You have to answer if I'm being too nosy.)
I think I'm gonna go do some stretches and push ups in a minute.
And maybe grab a snack.
i thought I was the only one
we sometimes rub them together... but its only bants
I thought that was called the Strawberry Moon. I learn something new from you every day!
Because it freaks me out.
I tried.
Sabs, careful shrugging so much.
Your shoulders might get stuck like that.
Well if you need Elma Time, take all the Elma Time you need. ♥ Nothing wrong with that.
They are stuck. Please help.
She is seeing Hermano.
strawberry mooning is a common thing on boy's night so it's an understandable mistake.
sorry for not replying to your steam message. i didn't see it until the following day.
Treat them nicely
No problem. It didn't really need a reply. I do hope you had a good day though.
No. Never. This is war.
Nailing Hermano!!!! you know hermano?!
Except the intense desire for contact but not having the mental capacity to break that barrier and the loneliness that comes with it.
But yeah, I'll take my time. Thanks, Sabby
I'm going to pull myself together and pretend to be a functional human
Guys, honestly.
Long-haired Youmu might be my fetish.
Tfw I know that feel.
Good luck!
Got plans today?
I don't remember how to get from making out to fucking and it's miserable.
Honestly, I don't really know how to relationship very well.
I go into each day with no plans or hope for the future
They just keep happening and I keep my corpse puppet moving because hunger is painful
You're still young too, and it takes two to make it work. So maybe you'll find someone who brings the best of you and vice-versa and it'll happen. There's always hope.
Whats everyone watching?
Other media consumption.
I'm listening to Rihanna say "work work work" over and over 'cause one of the DJ's has his monitors turned all the way up and his door open.
That was pretty dark.
I can't pretend I'm any different.
make it stop
That sounds like a good time. That song is hella layered. Well written. I cant believe they managed to make that in our era. I figured that art of song writing was lost to time.
Go and murder that pathetic inbred for having a shit taste.
I like the googly eyes
it's kind of stupid that they included the banana peel part
now the terrorists know how to beat these things
peel my banana ;333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
That would hurt.
Oh my god.
I bet Paul SImon hears that song and thinks, "What the hell did I do with my life? God, I wish I could recall every copy of every album I've released and burn them in shame."
*revs up chainsaw*
I wondered how long it would take.
only if i can dress like a qt muslim girl
and you dress like the robot
I am in thread... I am always THAT denominator :(
To each their own Sabrina. Wow. That is awfully judgemental and arsey of you.
speaking of ass
Nijab or hijab?
And I suppose that wouldnt be out of the question.
I'm a depressing person
I fucking love Boston Dynamics
hijab. i can't jerk off looking like the thing from spirited away.
I said dark, not depressing.
Jokes on you, you can't depress me,
I'm already depressed!
Did you vote, love?
The best possible choice out of the two.
i'm not registered to vote
Well I'm pale as fuck until you look inside~
Why didn't you register, love?
I'm pretty pale all around.
well tbh I thought What's the point i'll have killed myself before any sort of vote anyway
but things don't always work out how you think they will.
Things haven't worked out in the past 104 years, you idiots need to vote
No darkness in your heart?
Some kind of internal light source?
Does your butt glow?
Spark of hope, or something?
I dunno.
I'm not sure how I feel about hope
I think she's a swell gir-
Oh, you mean the concept.
Hope? Girl? Would explain why it always fuckin' fails
Lol git rekt,nj
I would smash peaches too
Oh wait she died, wtf
I'd smash peaches ass, but to be fair Link is best nintendo princess
boy link best link
Wow, that was short, but solid 10/10 game. Didn't even want to look at my phone once while playing.
r8 mine
you have shit taste
I'm not that lewd...
kill me for enjoying games with an actual story.
post cock
lewder than I am.
Mine kinda syncs with Tokai's it's embarrassing.
if you arent playing dark souls at sl1 no weapons no armour you arent gaming properly
Princess Peach is a monster that infected the people of the mushroom kingdom with a fungus meant to mind control them and turn them into the toads, goombas are the true heirs to the mushroom kingdom #makemushroomkingdomgreatagain
also hi everyone
I'm more into it with people who I don't talk to on a daily basis, I've posted my cock or me dressed up on 4chan and random discords plenty
boring little dog
the sad part is there are people that actually have these elitest video game opinions. what a sad world they live in.
pm cock
might I guide you here
I'm not a dog, you slut.
I sent you like 3 pictures of it before
lmao what a fuccboi
so you did send more
i-i'm not a slut
once I finish
Lost cause
finish in what way?
Because people are selfish and hope for too much
Even if you aren't you clearly like being called one, Slut.
You know what way
You do it too.
vid of you finishing please :3
Desu should've been at the Orlando club.
Sometimes I just want you to put me on a leash and collar and make me kiss your feet while you spit on me and call me a dog and a slut
elitist anything opinions are usually bad, mmkay?
Maybe I should do that.Slut.Worm.
They will learn not to bother or hopefully drop dead
Maybe, where should I cum
No one wants to see that
lmao fite me casuls
anywhere where i can get a good look at it, but if you feel like being extra lewd with it by all means :3
Tbh, Desu's bark was cute.
Not as cute as mine though.
I can really bark.
I do.
I wake up every morning thinking of how bad I wish you were next to me so I can kiss your chest and movy my mouth lower and lower until I wake you up with my mouth over something
I can't.
Yore tew fst.
god I love vidya.
good vidya can put me in a good mood for a while.
Desu, Subtle and I are together now. You need to back off.
People hope for too much... and the second their hopes fail them they blame others for it, people are worthless
damn right i am
glad i could fix that for you fam
I haven't played dark souls since it looks like shit
I would freak out of I was getting morning head
Indeed, hope is an illusion for the deluded and the weak. Aren't you supposed to be resting tho
I don't think I'll ever have to worry about morning head.
i have my laptop on my tummy
i also hate when deluded people hope for miracles...ugh... why are people so fucking stupid
It's an awesome alarm clock.
ur missing out fam
Humans instinctively attack anything that touches them in their sleep lol
Maybe some other time I don't even know the site
Every morning?
Is that a trap?
>blasting eye of the tiger
Good times
cooking curry?
People that touch me when I'm asleep generally recieve harsh words and/or getting hit in the face,
-is curious and clicks-
Well I think of other things involving you some mornings, but mostly yes~
Some improv stuff
-hug- you're weirrrrdd~
How did you even find this place even
Not when your pee pee is getting sucked
one of those meals where you just slap a bunch of shit together and hope it works, eh?
litally me and my dumb brother everyday
Steam sales are live.
hmm...maybe...maybe you're right... I won't disagree with you on that
im sorry...
Blame the west. And the liberals.
stop that ._.
don't have to tell me twice. she's generally a piece of shit to those close to her whenever she gets a chance
always do
ehh... how is she a POS exactly? I'm thinking about living with her and Ui for a few months
-hugs my brother- i love you...
Chipotle and fingers crossed
Good lass.
ohohoho I just realized that
yesterday I read that I lost the game
but I did not realize that I lost it until reading it again today
my mind was so far away it somehow did not register
is that even possible
fuck you
s-she's my hero..
I wish i could do that
That's not happening anymore, they're moving to east coast and ui is going on his own way.
I swear when I was living with her I could never talk to her about anything I enjoy because all she would do is take a big fat shit on it . I had to leave the house a few times too because she beats her girlfriend and I can't be around that, I grew up with too much violence. she's got her girlfriend in stockholm syndrome and she just leeches off of her.
Alice's chat is full of those cuck fuckers
w-what the fucking fuck D:
Also I'm sorry you grew up around violence...
tfw no money
I know these feels.
MGD is buying games left and right cuz his family is rich af
not even surprised
she was so nice to me on Steam... i'm surprised...
I feel like, because of the timing this year, I'm going to get a bunch of friends giving me shit on my birthday.
lol traps are cray cray
milk them for everything you can get
I don't want them to get me anything though.
M-maybe i can get kanra to buy me another game
This-chan is so cute.
I wish she would this me.
I just kind of don't really like it.
thank goodness for summer
heres your (you)
you can pee on people though
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That drains the Minatsuki....
Where do I get my refund?
Smiles, get on here and post cock.
dinda wanna buy the tank dating simulator
youre gonna need to contact mods about that
There aren't any mods here.
me either... I like to work for the things I get :p
Omfg he has a Jew hat too... if a Jew peed on me I will empty my clip in his head
new meme
well then im afraid youll have to wait til they come back
No, I mean there are no mods here.
I'll dinda put up with it for some people, but... eh.
Japan don't give a fuck
did they died?
post undies
kek af
I hate when Shiro buys me games... I feel bad because I can't give him anything in return v.v
Minatsuki is pure!
Give him your body.
I'm sure he'd enjoy that.
lmao i wear boxers
post boxers
He's 15, stop.
hes 15 now?
bitchin, literally 0 cleanup.
im 17 in a month though
qt confirmed pedo
i kida wanna see what that looks like
aww yiss
cmon fam, you can do better than those
shits legal here fam
you know this from experience
It's 1:30 and I've finally had a shower
Time to get dressed and make breakfast
what do you mean
I had cookies for lunch lol
why bother?
theyre plain as fuck fam
gibe cookie
idk they comfy tho
I don't live alone
god I can't wait to live in a place where I am under no social obligation to wear clothes ever
I only had 2.
I take them from work on my closing nights.
so apparently I gotta wear longsleeves in arizona now if I want to go out because literal random strangers can petition to have you forcibly admited to psych facilities for appearing suicidal/harm to yourself.
Elma's swimmin' in cookie and I'm over here eatin' a granola bar like a chump!
I wanna see yours, when you have a chance.
So, like, after breakfast.
Ad hoc bastardised enchiladas done. Super bastardised
post scars pls.
You win for being healthy.
Sucks to be you Cuntface
what you want are a pair of those undies that are form fitted fam, the ones with a pouch for the goods. you might feel a bit exposed in them but by god are they comfy
granola is the tits tho
Also two strangers just straight up randomly walked up to me and grabbed my fucking arm and it took all of my willpower not to punch them directly in the face. and this was immediately AFTER coming out of the ward. I still had my medical wristband on for christ sakes.
Post your scars tho
I dunno, Elma. I think this thing prolly has as much sugar as your coogies.
I'mma yell at you if I ever managed to chew the rest of these crumbsum nyum nyum.
'S nod ba'myum nyum...
ok yea but give me
n-no thanks
these work out well, i feel like those might be a little loose
I can check into that for you if you want.
my phone and desktop are one 2 seperate posting speeds
ok yeah but how?
They're gone.
Do it. I await your pernicious phillibuster skills
Not bad/10
Too many prescription bottles in the frame though. You should put those away somewhere.
Cut deeper next time
if they're not on my desk I will likely forget them.
I think there's pills for forgetfulness too, btw.
whattaya mean by "check into that"?
cut open your stomach and reach in there
I'd forget em :^)
I don't cut myself.
you said they might be too loose
vomit in my mouth
yeah so
But if I remain ignorant, will the sugar not make me hyper for two minutes and sleepy for eight hours?
So mean today! What's in them enchiladas?
Do you put it in your coffee?
The ones on my arm are p deep, and I have a cis burn from over 2 months ago that still hasn't fully healed
not unless its in bar form, but anything with oats in is basically my crack
You probably live too far away.
Carve my name into your arm
The samsung Galaxy S6 has an amazing 16M camera that can take photos with amazing detail.
that is, if you manage to pull off the black magic that is getting it to focus.
i-i don't understand what you're trying to say
im in MN familia
ERP vomit in my mouth then ;^)
You must be as regular as a clock.
Is that what it does??
Absolutely not.
im saying id play with seeing how easily you could be exposed with them, silly
i try to tone it down a bit, because in all honesty i just cant keep eating oat stuff if i dont want to get life threateningly obese
Yeah, it...it makes...the thing what does...zzz
You'll get a gladiator belly. Sadly, it will be a historical and not a cinematic one.
*opens up ur mouth*
like uhm... tugging on them in places while i spin around for you?
feeling up where places might be too loose?
Have a nice life.
im not beefy enough to go full gladiator mode, at least not yet
Slow cooked pastrami inpepper corn sauce in a wrap with red onions and tomato and sour cream, smothered in fajita beans and cheese with a chipotle and red onion stuffed pepper
Also I'm stun, n-not mean. Anta baka
rude as fuck
I'm takin a shower now.
take wetpics
ideally ones that wont put me in jail
Aww man life as a cutting faggot sure is hard
How is that gay
So gains before grains.
I'd tie revy up. just sayin.
fat arm...
you cant simply loung about in the buff
thats the plan
my guts still out a little further than id like it to be tho, and its not even the fat thats pushing it out of line...
What does that mean? Does it mean you are smelly?
Heh you planned eats?
nice post fam
Well then.
Interesting, thanks.
Shut up
he has enough pictures lol
hail lord satan
looked like a blankpost at first
Alien embryo?
You're smelly! You smell like sour cream and tsunion!
And umm....I got no plans yet.
nel is the best waifu in bleach.
fite me
What if it was?
i would tie Rin up and stare at her awkwardly until she looked away
I liked Rukia.
But I'm vanilla, what do I know?
Rukia master race
certainly looks like im pregnant with something
the post would have been more worthy of the reply
Drink it instead.
I'd give you some sour cream ;3333333333333
Nothing in your noggin that you are craving?
I thought I typed something but I didn't.
Its not like my posts I make when I get home are any good though.
I always say something like "don't worry i'm here"
You too
blankposts are fun too
Actions have consequences! Why do you think I made you watch Junior?!
Scoot...maybe see a urologist...
Nothing in particular. I just ain't hungry today. I had that granola bar 'cause it was noon. That's about it.
What's up, Chief?
im going to miss high school...
hey eva~
eet is tim to stack up those keys
i may have to tone down on the food
but then again, gains
i dunno
*gentle hug*
Blood-chan, fill out the degeneracy test, I'm actually curious about your results.
I might actually like it if you did.
Hey ban remember the dude I was telling you about earlier ? He bought me a game
Is it noit meant to smell like that :/
y'all need jesus.
Fair enough, I guess we all get like that sometimes ^^
< < Ive gone to flavour town
Desu buy me a game.
ok so now what do i do with them?
It's tough finding a balance, especially after your metabolism craps out.
I heard property values there plummeted after Taco Bell started serving breakfast.
It wasn't me
-cums- >/////
I'm buying subtle one tomorrow..
shush and post cock.
next chest in 18 hours
Don't do it though.
I'm pretty monogamous.
aye, i was loosing weight when i first came here, now ive put weight back on ;_;
what chat services you on fam?
What game was it ?
I love him very much
no you are.
Maybe this place is depressing and it makes you eat your feelings.
From the guy who keeps asking to see my wiener.
Post result
This is test is too long, Jack
LMAO what is that game even
final fantasy 9, steam servers are shit now though so it just shows I have a gift with no game rip
piggy princess
That can't be sanitary.
Like, snowballing is one thing, but... eugh...
I kinda wanna see your result too.
Hey, this happy baby otter should cheer you up. Just look at his little tail wiggle!
i got ass pregnant
will you be my baby daddy?
I'm not doing this
I want to drink his cum
These questions are too personal
i'm not doing this either
aye, though ive never been one for depression eating. if anything i eat when bored and doing nothing, probably one of the reasons i was loosing weight when i first came here.
gib account name
I did it and it's not very interesting :v
loco you are a REAL SMART ALEC sometimes
Shovel what?
Shovel-chan best girl
Okay I'm done
here look at my ass that my ex took a pic of back in 2000
Wow, it's like you don't even care.
If I said please, would you give me your results on skype?
Look at this beautiful kitty :3
the past looks so scary
i want to it on fire
...what result? i'm not taking any pregnancy test
keep going
It's a meme game
I want to kiss her lips
I'd do anything and everything he wants me to do
I dunno I never played.
Are you even gonna install it?
Call me trap-slayer
once more
with what?
you can do it
I dont get it
We've got one, but it's a faglord.
Oh, I meant this.
He looks so fagtacular.
i gave up
So fluffy. I might actually cry.
Maybe run a lap around your house after every post.
Heh, you see...'cause...'cause Taco Bell breakfast is nasty. Heh heh. Heeeeee. Yes.
90% vanilla then the other 70+ are dominant, rigger, master/mistress and owner
I hate all memes.
I wanna kiss NOT YOU haha
A faglord?!
Make him buy me games.
i'll take it only because it lists bicurious in the orientation
im usually doing other stuff tho, if i was gonna lose weight id need to do proper cardio
I want to spend the rest of my life caring for you and loving you
I'm trying to get doom from him
I'm sorry Jack, I can't take this test for you
No one must know how I really am in bed
Baby otter is not for setting aflame. He is for giving bottle to, then petting with your finger 'cause he's so tiny and adorable.
Otters are kind of assholes, though.
Only male cat in the house and it's still the bitchiest one.
How is that boring?
Someone took it, got Vanilla and Dominant at 90+ and everything else sub-10.
I love you.
Show me your results on skype or smth.
Otters live in rivers so you can't set them on fire anyway
It looks retarded
Why do people like baby animals? All they do is poop everywhere
Yeah get me it too so I can play it for like 20 minutes.
Okay I'll do that
Even more of a bitch than Chen?
I got nothin'.
They're tiny and cute. That's about it.
Am I the only one who thinks Sabs should do the BDSM test?
im just gonna lift for now, then cardio like fuck when ive got some muscle to me
Sorry we only have 3 tacobells here
i have heard of their notoriety
can I has pets?
no. this is adorable.
Yeah. they were feeding baby foxes to foxhounds. it was in the news
made me sad.
It will just end with like full sub results.
I love you
Yes, even more of a bitch than Rin too.
Not you.
The 2hu one.
hes clearly asking for it
I actually kind of imagine her getting full Vanilla, and full Experimentalist, and like, nothing else.
2hu's are kinda massive bitches though.
Except Youmu. She's just headstrong and half-baked
Pls, only a girl cat can look that good.
Hopefully the rest of your life is a long time
I-I need pics
Relatively, I think.. eh maybe not
Did they really take it seriously when they did that?
done, message me
mind you that i'm taking this 1AM in the morning
mind is a little bit corrupted at this hour
Actually, I took it a few months back and got mostly domme results. I may still have the screencap on my laptop. I'll check later.
Good for her.
*gives baby otter pets*
Prove it
You have a fag cat.
Kind of shocking.
This test is so fucking boring, I give up
I dunno.
We were just kinda posting our results our chat, so he may have decided to mess with it.
But knowing the guy, it's accurate, so probably.
Me. :D
You're just being Tsunchi~
*wiggidy waggity*
I saw that on FB yesterday.
Baby otter too cute!
How to handle cute?
This is why you bully me?
t-take that back
g'night, rin
Even the bdsm test thinks we're perfect for each other
Besides I'm still a virgin and I don't even know what I want yet
I like to be dom'd I guess
What's in it for me?
alright I'm tired as fuck, gonna get some Zs. peace
Life school though
idk how to paly teetmo
But you said you'd show me your results, I was really happy.
It's platonic love tho.
G'night, Mananka.
May I have a hug before you go?
I'm pretty sure you just sit in your room mimicking your cat for hours.
50% off
I like taking control and teasing in the bedroom. I don't have the patience for being teased or anything.
There is no handling cute. You just have to start baby talking and giving little pets or you'll explode.
And yes, that's pretty much it.
Getting to experience a soft, cute, squirmy little baby creature. But if it's not your thing, that's fine too. I don't like human babies.
True that.
Of a faglord cat?
Probably my least favourite, but alright.
Sleep well Manaka.
unsubbed because it was nothing but videos about how it's ok to be a fetishist
Well then.
That's interesting.
You mentioned it with the heels.
Just seems so antithetical to you.
So learn how to be a scout then?
Ugggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay but it'll be in a few hours
Buy it for me
I once had 5 baby chihuahua on my lap, I didn't enjoy it
Hey, I have two.
But thats just an angry face.
Is it not okay?
I am going to get a box full of kittens and test this thesis.
If I die, tell my family I was a fucking idiot.
How can you expect to finish a game with 250 hours of gameplay when you can't even do a test 6 pages long
I can wait.
it's fine but i don't need 2 videos a week about it
Like get off my fucking case if you like to be cucked i don't want to hear about it
hes being tsun and he knows it
Hi Blood-chan
... you have a point... I'll finish the test...
You write too much
I triedonce but it was so hard I did not even get to the cookie part
You don't write enough
I've only been intimate with one person though, so if I get into another serious relationship like that again, maybe it'll be different.
Anyway, I'm blogging at this point. Sorry.
I imagine they were kind of rowdy.
We're going to have a roast instead of a wake!
hahahaha holy shit I did this in a call with someone without realizing it, 30minutes later I was passed out and woke up to her doing the same
What's your MOS?
I'm enjoying it.
I'm learning about you.
How do you feel about rope?
You be you then.
just go on-hit teemo and be kinda tanky.
He'll probably zap your balls with lightning or something.
Finish the test, you'll have the game.
aaaa I have not played onhit looloo in months
dom me pls mistress sabrina
What, you gonna roast scoot :/
Because I don't have much to say
They traveled in a pack, the oldest ate first and hopped on my lap then the rest followed soon after
I was only kidding about having the game, I don't want it... and my computer can't run it anyway
Sad. Our bodies will just have to do the talking.
I'm at the 3rd page now
sabs choose me
i'm small and i can make my voice do cute foreign things
Is bebop efucking BC?
Are you into pain like that?
You probably already have her box though.
who isn't
gladitorial ass to ass right now i will fuck you up elma you whore