StarCraft II Thread


The multiplayer, playing as Terran.
Honestly I never knew there was so much to the game and it's killing me because lots of the same strategies I used in SC1 don't work here.

Any tips for someone relatively new to SC2?
StarCraft general.

U wot?

Holla Forums's so shit at video game they get triggered by the mere mention of esports let alone sc2.

You're not gonna get anyone who's not shit at video games here, I've tried.

You're not gonna get anyone who's not shit at video games here, I've tried.
First of all form a decent paragraph if you're going to shitpost, secondly Holla Forums is not one person, thirdly there is no thirdly, and fourthly the reason people hate SC2 is because it's shit. Not because of esports, who don't like SC2 either because it's shit.


hmm I wonder if people from 4chan Holla Forums are migrating here



Why's SC2 shit?


Start Craft is dead

Move on

That moment when Holla Forums gets triggered and proves someones point.

inb4 muh shill
inb4 da jooos
inb4 muh cuckchan boogieman
inb4 muh reddit boggieman

E-sports is absolute cancer, and this is coming from a CS tourneyfag.

Your reddit is showing faggot.

"I'm retarded"
"Okay, so you're retarded"
"See! I just proved that you're retarded not me!"

Why are ranks so meaningless?
Why is Blizzard in charge of muh ESPORTS in any way shape or form?
What happened to actually decent ladders and competitive?
Why are people still trying to make Starcraft II a competitive game in current year despite Blizzard's constant refusal to allow it to develop its own strategies, balances, and builds?


Since this is a blizard thread, I have to ask:
How much did Warcraft 3 and WOW fuck up the lore?

Literally ask anywhere else and stop bumping this thread. There's massive amounts of documentation on it just fucking google it you mongoloid.

Rape the lore from when? WC2?

Its painfully obvious you need to go back.

I don't know the lore from WC2, but I'm assuming it was just battles and shit between orcs and humans.

WC3 introduced otherwordly demons and undead, turned the orcs into noble savages that are actually aliens who were slaves to the demons. Also elves. Humans are dumb and nearly go extinct because every other force in the world go against them. This upset a lot of older fans, no doubt. I don't mind because it's a good game with a fantastic custom map maker.

It's still a thing? What happened? They used to always overreact and nerf shit into the ground unless it was muh Terrans. And before someone decides to be the smartass: they nerfed Terran shit too, just weren't as trigger-happy with them.


Yes. It was your run of the mill high fantasy, but it wasn't the colossal clusterfuck WoW is. Don't know much about WC3 as I've only played the base game and it only introduced moderate amounts of fail.