Last Remant

Ok Holla Forums what should I expect from this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

a convoluted mess

An obtuse but rewarding battle system. Also a fetish for four armed panther men.

I hear grinding in this game will fuck your shit how do I progress properly?

Don't grind.


What happens if I grind?

Very diminishing returns for you while the enemy fights even harder.

You will deeply regret it


It would be very painful

Don't feel bad for using a guide. Even reading everything there is it's a fucking mess.

For you

I personally believe people overexaggerate the flaws for Dragon's Dogma. It's still serviceable, everything can be easily learned through experience and it's a generally smooth ride. The PC version also pretty much eliminated pawn chatter, one of the biggest flaws.
The Last Remnant is the best example I can think of when you want to talk about a game that does everything right but also everything wrong. The gameplay is great and feels great, kind of addictive. Visuals are still really good and won't age like milk for a while, the soundtrack is amazing. The lore is really interesting, and I love the designs and art of everything in this game. Honestly, everything in this game is something I should love. It's total franchise bait.
The reason why we won't see another TLR game or anything else from the IP is because the game design is absolutely fucked. You are given a bare minimum tutorial explanation on how the rather complicated battle system functions. You are not told what this word means, you are never shown how many skills or skill trees are within skill trees. You are never informed about the crafting and how much of which ingredient makes this item. There are insane difficulty spikes for BOTH not grinding AND grinding too much, this issue is most evident at the Gates of Hell section. Gates of Hell is relatively easy if you're low level, but the multi-union boss that comes immediately after is a motherfucker piece of shit cunt. If you're high level, reverse the experiences with those bosses. Also, while the battling is addictive and fun, it messily combines strategy and RNG. Quite a few battles, especially bosses, can fuck you over because you got unlucky with the crits and damage and status infliction that will occur. It's nearly impossible to turn around a fight when you are very low on morale which is EXTREMELY important.

The game has a level system which never goes into greater detail, but also a scaling rank system, called Battle Rank. Depending on your battle rank, the game will make certain encounters easier or harder, but of course, as you would guess from my post, the game does not accurately inform you how fucked you are until you have fucked yourself. The PC version does lower the extremes this system used to go to on the 360, but it's still bad.
This game is extremely enjoyable if you love to read very detailed and extensives guides/wikis for about the same length of time you spend playing the game. Or, like me, you could just bash your head against the game until you guess what these words flashing on the screen mean.
It's a straight 5/10 game that I enjoyed, and because it's a 5/10 that fucked up in design so bad we won't have another.

I'm looking at the wiki and just how fucking complex is this game?!

Well, it was designed by Akitoshi Kawazu, Square's most notorious autist.

Yeah, "autist" is how I would describe how this game was designed. It assumes you know everything about it's personality after saying "hello, my name is The Last Remnant."

I'm actually impressed how hardcore this game is its like a JRPG version of Dwarf fortress.


Don't fool yourself, please. The Last Remnant is only hardcore in the sense that you don't know shit and will probably never know shit. Have you watched someone who never picked up a controller in their life play a video game? You're that person, except the game is TLR.

Even better, Kawazu has been been with Square since the beginning and is pretty the last of the original well known members (Sakaguchi, Uematsu, etc.) still at the company, not to mention he's the one with the most love for western tabletop RPGs like DnD and Avalon Hill.

Someone at Square must love him and his design sensibilities.

The one thing that could have actually saved this game would be the ability to ACTUALLY FUCKING SELECT the action you want to use, but no, you're forced to select from these 5 randomized actions per group that is selected. Imagine you want to heal because everyones nearly fucking dead, but none of the enemy groups gives you an option to heal. That's TLR in a nutshell and it makes the game a lot worse.

Is it possible to beat the game without a guide?
Because I really don't want to bother with it and just want to play.
I have enough autism to explore everything before moving the story forward, would that be enough?

I already tried it once and fucked myself over by grinding like an idiot since I assumed it would be like every other JRPG. Only later did I find out the truth.

It's also one of those games that does not try to remind you what your objective is (say you don't play for a few weeks). So, I would say beating the game without a guide is possible, just extremely confusing.

So they keep him around like they do Yoko moonman Taro just out of he is interesting?

I need to play it now just to see if you user's aren't fucking around.

My brother owned this game.

It didn't look too complicated, though I remember him literally taking deep breaths when getting into fights and muttering all kinds of shit to himself

That shit is the worst.

Quest logs are a good thing.
I cannot explain how important it is to be able to track your progress especially in a semi-open game.


The MC is homosexual and there is no gameplay.

Its a benchmark.

what is he working on now? what was the last game he made?


alternatively, the MC looks way better in OP's picture compared to how he looks in-game, his costume is also retarded.

Fun, and the most br00tal soundtrack ever conceived

A little grinding is ok if you're doing it efficiently.
In theory, the system is meant to incentivize looking for challenging fights over just killing the trash over and over, to maximize skillups over a long combat and more opportunities to use skills. There's ways to break it, but that's the idea behind it.
You can use often use tactics to overcome enemies that seem unbeatable at first, and that's why I love the game.

Even if you fuck up the main quest can still be completed. Just be aware that the main quest is likeā€¦not even 20% of the game, honestly.

Your formations suck and you're developing characters wrong

He looks like a lesbian in all appearances but he gets some cool armor on the second disc


I guess I need to reach that part, not sure what is the second disc but I hope you are not referring to that costume where he just has the country's flag on the front.

A new Saga game that no one is talking about.

To get brutally raped until you learn to do some reasearch.

This is your new best friend

The game is going to fuck you in the ass if you try to pull the common JRPG cheese strategy of over-leveling.

If you can't get past certain part you need to upgrade your skills and weapons instead of just grinding levels because the stats you gain from a level up are shit compared to the difficult increase per level.

You are given more than enough to figure shit out, the problem is not the game but the CURRENT YEAR gaymans who don't want to explore or do some research before playing a game like in the early 90's.

I figured a lot of things on my own by merely paying attention to the game and by trial and error.

But you can, if you are going to bitch about something at least do some research user.

Because SaGa games are even harder than TLR so only a very niche group cares about them.

user, you're like literally my hero. Way to put those casual normalfag hipsterfags in their place. +Upvote

Maybe user expected to select which specific skills and spells to use or something.

I remember playing this game ages ago
shortly after getting to the area in the 4th image there, i got stuck at a boss battle permanently
I don't remember anything about the game, except that I was in some tunnels or something, I believe below the city shown in the fourth image there.
I made it to a boss, and could not beat him. I don't remember why, but the guy was horribly powerful. I could go back, either, so my progress was completely stuck and there was absolutely no way out. That's where I left off, and this is quite a few years back.

I didn't grind or anything, I remember just walking around exploring and progressing through the quest in a uniform, smooth manner. I wish I could remember more, but the game completely fucked me over, and the only way I could have gotten around it would have been to find an earlier save (I don't think they exist?) or to completely start the game over. It was horrendous.

How much trial and error did it take to figure this game out?

BTW, since I am not supposed to grind, should I try to avoid encounters often or just get through every encounter on each dungeon once?

I feel like I've seen this thread before.

The one in this vid?

It took me like 7 months to fully 100% the game in hard difficulty.

You don't need to spend 7 months with trial and error, you can get the basics from the wiki and only use it later if you are stuck.

You should only be killing enough to progress the story or lvl up skills/weapons, just don't grind for levels and you will be fine.

OK, I'll have to re-do everything just in case.

Yeah actually, I think so. I wasn't sure for the first couple minutes, I didn't remember any of that cutscene, but as soon as I saw the priest with the fans I recognized him, and I know for sure I've fought that boss before. If you can show me the boss that comes after that one in the game, I can make a definite confirmation, because I don't remember if I beat that one or it's the one I got stuck on.

My memory is pretty hazy but I thought the the place I fought the boss was a darker area with bricks for the walls. In any case I know for sure I made it as far as that video.

I cant believe there are people dumb enough to get stuck on a benchmark

Weebs are fucking cancer ffs

I've noticed you sperg out on other threads does japan trigger you?

It's just not fair. Why does Emmy have to be so shit?

The MC is the most annoying faggot in all of existence.
The sterotypical animu idiot taken to an extreme I've never encountered before.

I honestly like the game but the MC fucking ruined it for me.

A game that would be better if any other character was the MC.

Just learn the basics(flanking, skills lvl up, classes, etc.) from the wiki and plan ahead your build.

I advice you to focus on psionic skills as soon as you can to keep a better morale control over the fights, also ALWAYS keep several saves around in case you fuck something up.

That boss is pretty annoying because he can spam enthrall and just constantly fuck your shit up but overall he's actually easy compared to the other bullshit bosses you find in challenge battles like the fallen.

He does it because anons keep feeding him delicious (You).

I hope you are talking waifu wise because game wise she's one of the strongest DPS in the game.

Thanks user this will come in handy

100 hours of turn based autism.

This game has the most convoluted obtuse battle system I've ever played. Story is OK if you're weeb enough.

Two fun facts that point out how completely BATSHIT INSANE Square was:

Those were strange times. I did my part and payed full price for it but the game sold poorly.

yeah so after looking around the web a bit more i found some people saying DON'T GO INTO THE AQUEDUCTS because you'll get stuck with no way back, and if you do that too early without really knowing what you're doing you're completely fucked. I think that's what happened to me.

I only played the game once, and half of what I did was based on educated guesses. Half the mechanics are not explained anywhere at all, so while you could see certain patterns in what things had what results, you didn't actually know exactly what you were doing. That was my problem, I had NO idea that so much autism was required to play this game, that's pretty horrible design. I mean it seems the game does lots of things right, in wonderful ways, but it's infuriatingly esoteric.

One of the most fun JRPGs ever made.
One of the most confusing JRPGs ever made.

Furries and shit gameplay.

from a randomized list of predetermined actions the game chooses for you, dipshit

Our standards have improved and this game is nowhere near "old" yet. I'm not asking for shit-tier Skyrim instructions of simplicity, but more like Morrowind and it's directions of where you need to go. But Last Remnant has none of that. It doesn't have one or the other. You're actually just an autist that enjoyed the game. I'm not an autist but I still somewhat enjoyed the game.

But that's wrong, you can decide which commands you get if you set up your unit slots and formation stances properly.

Here look at my commands
And this is only my 3 man unit, i can get way more specialized commands from 5 man units.

I progressed through the game without wiki/guides just fine, i have no idea how people can get lost but whatever they can just read the wiki if they get lost.

Aren't those "random" things basically the same as just Attack, Skill, Magic and Defend in the grand scheme of things? as in, no real variables when they choose among each main category?

Yes and no, depending how you set up your union it will have preferred actions, like for example irina priority is revive>heal>unique>everything else but other support units will probably go heal>debuff>unique>revive>everything else.

So basically the commands have different degrees of specialization depending on the character, formation, union slot, position in battle, etc. it sounds complicated but it isn't that hard after you get a feel of each character.

So from what I remember of playing the game ages ago, I would seemingly get a "random" list of actions each time. They would usually be the same things, like attack normally or with magic or martial arts, but sometimes I wanted a certain character to heal and the option wouldn't come up. Then, next round, I'd get the option to do so with that character for seemingly "no reason."

You're saying you can completely control the entire action list if you know what you're doing? That would be pretty important, and it's definitely NOT anything I would have missed or not been able to figure out on my own if the system itself was fairly straightforward. The game didn't mention any of the sheer degree of customization involved or required to get the action list i want every character move, so this wasn't simply an issue of "not handholding."

Dorf Fort isn't all that complicated once you understand the mess of the UI and the core of how it works, I'm assuming it's the same thing here. That does NOT mean that DF or this game are "just refusing to hold hands, that's all," they are obtuse in their own right. This thread makes me want to revisit the game though, now that I understand the autism involved/required, I'll learn shit ahead of time (i hate using guides because it's cheap, but i suppose this is an exception).

Yes if you master deadlocks and union setups you can pretty much get the commands you want most of the time

You don't need guides, just use the wiki whenever you feel at loss.

Grinding is only a danger if you jump in unprepared. Once you understand how everything works, it's not too hard to stay well ahead of the level scaling.

This fucking thread is making me want to play this game all over again.
Just when I was starting to dig into my backlog, too. Motherfuck. Stop making me enjoy vidya, Holla Forums; it's unnatural.

Feels bad man. The game is essentially the last proper SaGa game in all but name. The dev team is a team up of SaGa and FFXII veterans and holy shit was it glorious. Too bad the game only got cult hit status several years after the PC release.

This is one of the worst "games" i ever played. Of course Holla Forums casual faggots would like it.

Blizzard might be an awful company staffed by retards, but they had one great idea: that you shouldn't have to go outside of a game to understand that game. Yeah, if you want hidden values and minutiae, go to a guide or wiki site, but most of what it takes to succeed at a game should be contained inside that game.

I've got Last Remnant in my library and I've never played it.
Personally, I kinda love playing games while reading a wiki alongside so I'm gonna give it a try after I finish Grim Dawn.

Two questions though, is there a way to avoid gaining experience? Like is there an item or passive skill that lets you fight but avoid EXP gain at the end of a fight?

Also, how intrusive is the story, I feel like for a game thats so focused on the battle mechanics, those JRPG story moments will take away from the pace. Thats the one thing that bothers me about JRPGs, the fact that I gotta sit through skipping all this shitty dialogue.


No, because EXP isn't what determines enemy scaling, besides there isn't such a thing as character levels in the game.What causes the enemies to scale is something called Battle Rank, which is primarily determined by the number of battles you fight. It's sort of a balancing act between fighting enough enemies so get the stat-ups you need to keep up and avoiding pointless battles.

As for the story, it's a JRPG so it has cutscenes and plot dumps but they're paced out with rather large chunks of gameplay in-between.

iirc, you can get plenty of stat-ups while not screwing your battle rank in one of the quest dungeons. There's a bottom floor with lots of respawning bugs. You can get in a fight with up to 20 of the bug squads to get plenty of stat-ups, but not get significant battle rank increases.

Make sure you get ALL the side quests, you can miss out on whole towns if you don't pay attention. Also make sure you take that big guy from the very first side quest with you he becomes a beast

i was supposed to grind wasnt i

No just play better and change somethings up about your units and formations, maybe upgrade your gear. The game is very tactical in that way.
You can actually grid if you want by trying to group as many enemies into one fight as you can. This makes it so your characters get better but you don't gain battle rank with makes the game harder, of course the grinding it's self will be harder though. As long as you do your side quests and don't actively avoid fights to much you should be fine without doing that though

That's one of the two or three places you can actually grind stats in the game. The other two from what I remember are some Unique monsters that respawn on entering and exiting the area that they're in.


tactically rng horseshit

items gain "experience" not people. what you want to avoid doing is increasing your Battle Rank; in order to do that, you use some time shift ability to take on as many creatures are humanly possible when you're wandering around in hostile territory. It allows you to increase things faster while keeping BR low.

Brother, the pace is fucking slow no matter what you do. It takes you 20+ minutes to defeat the Gates of Hell and that's even knowing what you're doing with a fully "party." The story elements may be a short breath of fresh air from spending 5 minutes in battle every 60 seconds.

I'll give you a bit of advice: you can taunt monsters. If you press the button to start a battle outside of its range but within earshot, monsters will get pissed off and will chase you to the ends of the earth until you fight something. This effect also happens if you run past a monster during timestop but don't initiate the battle. Any monster you tag in the frozen time gets pissed off and chases you. You can gather gigantic armies of monsters if you git gud, but be aware that if you fuck up, the best case scenario is getting into a one-on-one. The worst case is letting a massive army of very angry monsters get first turn advantage on you because you don't have timestop and you pressed the battle start button too late.

Battle Rank is the measure of difficulty the game uses, and it goes up faster if your army is kicking ass. So if you're constantly engaging in very one-sided battles against small groups, the game thinks "Oh, this is too easy for him, let's bump it up." But if you're fighting and barely getting by the skin of your teeth, units are getting KOd but you're still winning, the game slows down your battle rank gain, thinking the game is too hard and you need time to catch up. It's up to you to determine just how much your army can handle, and mastery of the game's mechanics can overcome most of what the game throws at you.

Well sometimes your union's lynchpin gets punched so hard he dies. There's a special state for that, it's called a Botched Union, and the surviving members lose their shit based on their personalities. Some will completely fucking shut down, others will try to fight back, a rare few will try to keep your union alive until help arrives, but you won't have control over the union until you revive that guy. My very first attempt at fighting the Conqueror boiled down to a one-on-one between Rush and the Conqueror. The Conqeror can KO units when he drops his sword and resorts to his fists. Rush was the only guy in my last standing union to have an accessory that prevents instant death. Unfortunately, he was not the leader of the union he was in, and his personal stat is Bravery. The dumbass tried to kill the Conqueror in a one-on-one. It was great.

You should expect to play a few hours, then realize you have no idea how to play properly because the tutorials are confusing and the battle system is odd. Then after reading an FAQ decide to delete your save and start over but after a few more hours of playing realize that you are not autistic enough to give a fuck and never finish playing it because the story is trash there are much better autistic JRPG's to invest your time in like Disgaea.


That just makes the analogy more appropriate since plenty of people say that Dwarf Fortress is only hardcore because of the graphics and the ui.


If its a traditional turn based JRPG the story is usually the only reason to play. If it's a tactical RPG like Disgaea or OgerBattle I can see where you are coming from. fight me IRL!


I bet you also try to pretend you are a fan of kingsfield in dork sowells threads

That picture is from Digital Devil Saga, you philistine.
Nocturne is one of my favorite games

implying anyone with taste cares about your 4chon hipster weeaboo trash when they can be playing a really good JRPG like Mass Effect.

Um no Skyrim is the best RPG ever

you know now that I think about it. you are absolutely correct.
does this look like the face of a man who would do that?
tell lies on the internet?

Piss off, memelord.



I've been playing and finishing games for the story since 98.
It's pretty sad gaming turned to shit and now we have people who can't read, sit still or concentrate for longer than 10 minutes.


Learn the game by yourself, they said. Don't rely on guides to understand the mechanics, they said.

i dont read brown, sorry

i dont read brown, sorry