Games with the highest cuck concentration?
I nominate anything made by Valve, Blizzard or Riot; specially on _EU_ servers.
Games with the highest cuck concentration?
I nominate anything made by Valve, Blizzard or Riot; specially on _EU_ servers.
All games not made by a white nat soc male
They're the biggest consumers of interracial cuckold porn.
And jews are the biggest producers of interracial cuckold porn and cuck propaganda.
Yellow fever is just a phase among many young white nat soc males. With enough activism, they will no longer desire east asian males having sex with their white women.
Probably Senran Kagura judging by the thread that's up right now
Who else makes game?
Overwatch, its what I see all normalfags play.
this thread is straight dildos
i studied cuck porn to defeat the jews: the image
u dun fucked up
No white natsocs like watching white women get fucked by niggers. Way more than normal people. It's a fact.
I can see CTR has you working overtime.
Are you even a real human? You're like a walking stereotype of Holla Forums
ooga booga go back to africa
It doesn't change the fact that it's a show made by a cuckold porn producer, where he essentially brought the plot of his cuckold porn into a children's show with all of the sex removed, with clear references to his porn by including jargon speak from his former business even in the fucking title.
Get off the board, you're the ones who belong on reddit. Better yet, kill yourselves for defending subversive media designed to brainwash children.
So is everyone who isn't white the enemy of America? Like I get that Muslims are bad, niggers are bad, but are Asians bad too? Don't they have lower crime stats than whites?
Everyone who isn't a White American is the enemy and deserves to be gassed.
bethesda games, valve games (especially csgo), kojimafaggots have the lowest T
All asians need to be deported from the US. I don't care if they were born here or not.
I genuinely know what his favorite game is. Because that has to be the game with the highest cuck concentration. Sadly we all know he would never state his actual favorite game and instead would state some troll reply instead.
That said. Skyrim/Fallout is definitely the game with the highest cuck concentration.
wtf i hate jews now
Look, I don't think you know, but about 99 percent of games are not Gone Home and Sunset, but you wouldn't know that considering that you're surrounded by that sort of shit daily, considering that you work with SJWs who can't have fun at all.
Again, get off the board. Your comments show that you have no knowledge of video games.
God damn, what a fucking faggot.
This is fucking hilarious!
I'm surprised how good the automatic captions on that video are.
what is wrong with cucks? NTR is not THAT bad.
How did ntr/cuckold explode in popularity so suddenly? Around 3 years ago it was still pretty rare.
Now it seems to have overtaken anal as the #1 shit fetish.
It's not the race, it's the idealogy.
Muslims kill everyone that isn't them (this is in their doctrine), so fuck them.
Poor Africans (actual) and poor US Blacks, while different in some ways, generally fucking freak the fuck out and do most of the crime instead of pulling themselves out of the hole they bring others down with them, so fuck that subset of blacks in particular.
There are xenophobic asians, but no one really cares since they don't suicide bomb people.
There's redneck whites who basically abuse their kids, so fuck them. These last ones are generally the minority, however, so there's not much to fuck.
However, there are those of every race who treat others with basic decency, and parent their kids right to treat others the same way.
So DON'T fuck them, they're good.
It's how you act. If you act like a parasite, if you riot and loot, if you kill and steal, you get what you deserve, which is a boot to the face or a bullet to the brain depending on how much of an asshole you're being.
But those who are decent, those who pass on decency to their kids, they deserve no bullet or boot. they instead deserve the basic rights everyone is owed as human beings. Nothing more, nothing less.
Act like an animal, get treated like one.
These people you see here that say horrible things are plants, possibly by you. All of them are (1) posters, which tells you exactly how fucking fooled anyone is by your fucking asinine drivel.
It did not explode in popularity, it got pushed.
But who could be behind such a trick?
it was always popular in japan
What in the fuck?
Collective societal sociopathy
You say that, but it really just boils down to whether you're white and not Jewish or not. I don't know about this plant shit or whatever but plenty of people are saying this shit unironically. When the left is absolutely nuts, but the right decides that their best bet is to become what the left says they are then I don't know what you want me to do.
finded megaphones and insane vocal minority which conviced the silent majority that what's hip is the insane vocal minority's opinions which sank a bunch of companies that tried to pander to what they saw as a vocal majority.
Social studies isn't simple shit, dumbass, there's always a complex reason for a trend, and most trends are manufactured by people in marketing.
These past 9 years (assuming it started in 2007) have been the result of an extensive marketing campaign by the rich elite, because of their fear of loss of power due to the emerging markets created by the internet, which is ultimately just a last dance before death.
They're dying out, they know it and they think they can stop it, but they cannot.
Make your own decisions, because honestly everyone has gone through and will go through what you're going through.
I just call out retards when I see them. Back on topic, a lot of problems in the black community is due to a social meme virus propagated and drilled in by their considerable criminal community, they can be reformed, because a lot of the people calling out behavior from hate groups like BLM are the blacks themselves.
In fact if anything comes of this, once BLM is defeated (which will happen) the blacks will face social reform that will make their communities much less criminal in the long term.
Genetics aren't a deciding factor here, they're an influence, sure, but any person can be trained into a moral pillar just as they can be destroyed into a hipstery faggoty mess. This current conflict is the result of a collaboration between the media and government over the course of 20 years, if not more, in order to distract the population from the elite's actions. You only need 20 years to make this shit happen, and it's a mess to untangle, but it will be untangled.
There will be some silent death of certain people, and this is not a threat, it's only a prediction. And you probably won't see a bit of it.
Hey, it was HIS topic.
I remember some Brit getting thoroughly ass ravaged in L4D2 when somebody jokingly called me a nigger because I was playing as Coach.
We are fucking doomed.
Goodnight anons, it was fun well it lasted.
We always were.
Nobody from here talks like this, go back.