Why is Halfchan coming here?

Sorry if I'm not up to date on everything but I've noticed a shit ton of halfchan posters here lately I can tell when they refer to the board as dead and use the Holla Forums hates vidya meme unironically.

Can some kind user explain why there is a sudden influx of halfchan lately?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hiroshim00t was planning on nuking the site cause they "can't afford server costs" so the cancer decided to flee here.
Now we have reddit, tumblr AND cuckchan to deal with.

I noticed, they had been coming slowly but in the past week or so shit just got out of control

i think this should be on the meta board, the migrationg might be because of the 4chan pass


Because that board has turned into Something Awful 2.0 with twice the price of admission.

Time to build a wall I think.

how and why

On one side, halfchan dying is quite the happening. Hilarious as it is, as said, the influx of other sites is quite noticeable. Remember, as long as halfchan is sorta alive, we are stay safe.

they are coming here because someone who i shall not name fuck you Jim already took down that wall that kept people scared away

Why would Tumblr come here?

Wait they have to pay to post at Halfchan now please tell me your joking user?

4chan Gold actually became a reality, so maybe some of them finally realised how shit it had become.

If you try to post the name of the head-honcho for Correct The Record you'll get banned from the entirety of 4chan for a week.

*we are safe

To laugh at our rejects

Here's a better question: How do we shoo them away?

Probably because they set up a wordfilter that 14 day bans anyone who says the name of the kike that owns CTR, Benjamin Fischbein, so the retards who didn't leave during the first or second exodus are finally seeing that cuckchan really is compromised top to bottom.

post cp

No you post gore

That's fucking hilarious but its shitty for us now that retards are coming in full force.

more like a well

only if the mods are asleep

Is this serious?


i love when they're all juicy like that


The 4cuck Pass is exactly that. Currently they try to disguise it by saying certain IPs from certain countries even with proxies, I actually tried it for some keks are blocked from posting due to abuse (total bullshit of course) and that 20bux allows you to bypass this restriction.

I wish I was joking, but it is actually funnier because it's true.

I never thought I'd see the day…

You can also have it show how long you've been a pass owner in your posts.


It's basically premium namefagging aka double cancer

I tried in Holla Forums and Holla Forums and nothing happened



So I found this.

His name is Dan Fischbein

are you insinuating that has been a ruse by a 3rd party that plays both sides trying to stir up drama between them ?


Didn't we all came here from cuckchan? It's like muricans complaining about british coming to their land. It is user forum. Anyone can come here and shitpost. In short: OP is a giant butthurt faggot.

you have to go back

We all left cause of the pure cancer and the faggots who chose to stay despite all the cancer forming and now come here to shit up everything.

They stopped doing it on Sunday.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do
i.e have sex with /cuteboys/

wow, you must be some sort of l33t haxx0rz if you found /qa/

yeah, except we chose to leave that place willingly we didn't wait for the last moment like the eternal fence-sitting fags that also chose' to stay behind despite everything because muh board speed and le ironic nazi larp xD ;so if it's all the same to you why don't you fuck off back there or alternatively to /freech/ where you usually congregate

There is no influx, you're only manufacturing a boogeyman to fit your self-built paradigm.

Jim's side of the story is getting more and more believable.

Because all physical things must come to an end.

I've noticed an upswing in trumpcucks, is that due to the normalfag halfchan influence?

Most anons here r voting Trump. kill yourself

Yes there is.

Its more to trigger people from leftypol and sjws trying to hid in here.


Trump support is legitimate and we all know it. if it wasn't, 8/pol/ wouldn't be so busy deleting mentions of anything critical to Trump, like his "anti-semitism" checks, his flip-flop on issues, or pic related.

I hope you have some bleach on hand

Fuck off.

Quality 8ch poster

Same logic SJWs use against Wikileaks.

Sorry. Hillary needs to go away. And lets be honest… we are really electing Kaine if we vote for Hillary, because she won't make it through her first term.

Fuck off skinwalker.

He wants to kick out the spics.

Again, same logic SJWs use against wikileaks or anyone criticizing their corpse.
But anyways, It seems that Imkampfy goons are in full force tonight, so you'll just ignore that and go back cry to Holla Forums about how I'm shilling Hillary so hard. Good luck to you with your Trump election, hope he doesn't flip-flop on the wall after he gets elected.

Except shilling for Hillary is exactly what you are doing. Pic related.

Fuck off, immigrant.

"politics" is dead and has been for a while.
Holla Forums has been completely taken over, anything slightly critical of trump (or their groupthink) is an instant ban. when a community abandons free speech and freedom of information they are no longer legitimate.

Projection here is staggering.

I hate both candidates. I hate Trump less. That is all.

I'm not voting for either, but Trump bashing is misplaced and Hillary is barely human.

The easiest way to identify cuckchanners is to post lolis

We got out at the first sign of danger. These guys hung around for two years while their house was falling down around them, never noticing there was even a problem. Doesn't give me the greatest impression of them.

yeah, they're not used to weebshits not being told to fuck off on Holla Forums

that's a pretty good idea actually

also ROB threads make them come out of the woodwork like crazy

And the muslims, if you understand his "ONE NATION ONE GOD" talk.


I know it funny that Jewt lost his site, but I kind of felt like this was going to happen.

If you could give m00t one thing he was able to keep the site running, ChingChongBingBong ran the site into the ground in less than a year ? two years max ?

m00t was even a better admin than dudwheels, he lasted longer.

Still not seeing a bad.

Spics are freeloaders…

Sandniggers are freeloaders who blow shit up.

Found one already

Maybe if you weren't so concerned with fitting in you'd realize he's in your side.

Moot's "moderation", which was basically him electing friends to moderate random boards, destroyed niche boards which you should check. /u/ and Holla Forums have become SJW, along with others. Just sort through it.
4chan becoming SJW garbage with help of the mods is worse than death in many ways.


The front page says it is only to bypass the captcha. Was it updated recently?

On that.
If you switch IPs but still have 4chan cookies on, it'll bullshit a excuse about your current ISP being banned and that 4chan pass can avoid it.
Try repeating those steps and It'll show you "COUNTRY/ISP BANNED BUY 4CHAN PASS TO AVOID THIS".

When I used my cell phone router to simulate changing IPs I got this message, but after viewing the message I was free to post again. Nothing about my ISP being banned.

No way this is serious. R-right?


Well I am glad that shit has gone to hell then.

Holy fuck, not even 10bux faggots are this bad.

tumblr and reddit at least want to be here, cuckchan only comes over when theyre having domestic problems. hey thats what every exodus was.

Mods do nothing.

Rob threads ARE cuckchan.