I dont get it. This place takes pride in being a bunch of hipster contrarians that blindly hates anything popular whenever they can. But its full off Nintendo manchilds which are the biggest normalfag casuals in gaming.
I dont get it...
Feel free to leave.
Woah, she is moody
Ebin, simply ebin.
obscure amounts of nonsense on here that's why.
It's even funnier watching retards actually try to defend blizzard
its almost 2017 granpa, get on with the times
thats what im saying, its like people here are beyond retarded or something, its not even shitposting anymore
OP is right though. Not sure why so many Holla Forumsirgins still approve of Shitendo. The last good thing they did was the Super NES and arguably GameCube plus some of the handhelds, but by 2005 at the latest, they have become complete shit. Wii U is complete cancer and those who unironically like it are actually even more retarded than Sonyggers, but good luck in ever getting them to get their heads out of their ass.
Now watch as the very Nintentoddlers OP was talking about proceed to tell me to go back to reddit or cuckchan when it is actually they who will most naturally fit in at those shitholes.
Fuck off retard.
Just be yourself.
I dare say not a single poster here was introduced to Nintendo by the Wii.
Feel free to leave.
You have to go back, Cuckchan.
I've a question.
Why is there not a single thread mocking Xbone Slim or PlayStation 4 Pro?
-yet there's plenty of duplicate threads bitching about Switch daily?
The answer is
No one gives a flying fuck about Sony or Mircrosoft.
Even the Sony & MS shills/fanboys realize it's easier to shit on Nintendo than try to hype their garbage.
\ / \ 丶 i. | / ./ / \ ヽ i. .| / / / \ ヽ i | / / / \ -‐ ー __ ANOTHER SHITTY THREAD! -- 二 ( ( () ) ) = 二  ̄ (´・ω・`)  ̄ -‐ ‐- / / ヽ \ / 丶 \ / / / | i, 丶 \ / / / | i, 丶 \
Because the Bone has nothing going for it and the PS4 Pro/Slim whatever is just more of the same. Plus the Switch was just recently revealed so of course there are going to be multiple threads about it. Sage for shit thread and for OP to check my dubs.
It's probably because the Switch is the most recently announced out of those 3.
Who insulted your favorite game? I'll rough 'im up if you tell me!
I dont get it. Cuckchan takes pride in being a bunch of pretend normalfags that only ironically follow trends on anything popular whenever they can. But it still has to bring it's faggotry here even though this place is full of underage reactionary edgelords and dead .
People were making fun of the Pro and the Slim when they got announced too. Lurk moar retard.
Nintoddlers are actually not that prevalent here
Pokefags that think Pokemon is still the best game ever made though? Fucking full of 'em
Regardless of whether Switch was announced days ago there are no threads about PS4Pro or XboneS at all. No "New information". No "Look what was just confirmed". Nothing. People here genuinely don't give a fuck about Sony or MS latest consoles. No hype, not even negative hype to watch them fail.
Whereas with Switch it's like how Holla Forums or Holla Forums would bitch about Channel Awesome, but could never stop watching Channel Awesome & bitching about it. Y'know? "I hate this but can't stop talking about it" Autism.
I could understand why you'd think that, if you were a cuckchan refugee looking to shitpost with consolewarfaggotry
Don't forget the retards actually playing jrpgs
\ /
\ 丶 i. | / ./ /
\ ヽ i. .| / / /
\ ヽ i | / / /
二 ( ( () ) ) = 二
 ̄ (´・ω・`)  ̄
-‐ ‐-
/ ヽ \
/ 丶 \
/ / / | i, 丶 \
/ / / | i, 丶 \
Here. I updated the image.
It'll be handy with the way things are going.
great thread OP
We'll I like Nintendo. But you don't see me bitching.
What I meant to say is bitch about others tastes.
Except when it's cock of doody.
It's almost like it's not one person or something. Go back to cuckchan and stay there.
Yeah, sure…
Sony sucks for becoming cancer like Micro$hit. Nintendo pretty much fucked itself with the Wii U and we'll see if the switch is the killing blow or not. PC is shit with pretty much all non indie games being steam exclusives. Vidya is still fun though, but the industry is full bullshit.
Also can't we just get some sort of FAQ up for all the refugees so we can get rid off all these blatant refugeeposters?
There were a while ago. You guys are just retarded and jump to conclusions too quickly without looking at your surroundings.