Highlights: Mal'damba buffs, Fernando and Ying nerfs, Salvo is useful now, major changes to Seige mode, and
Highlights: Mal'damba buffs, Fernando and Ying nerfs, Salvo is useful now, major changes to Seige mode, and
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't believe they're not nerfing buck
You know that Fernando's charge is getting nerfed today, right?
Safe travel is not that good and it would require way too many points, Towering Barrier helps you stand on the point longer and/or help your teammates.
You'll want launch because of Bomb King's poppy bomb to avoid getting killed out of the map.
Heat transfer is to appease the nerf of Fernando and make him able to do charge like before.
Evolve is self explanatory.
Last Stand is much better than Safe Travel at any time, add that you have Towering Barrier so they'll take forever to destroy the shield, so you'll always reach 50% of your HP back. If you're doing your job, after that 50% Max HP back the healer should do his.
This just tells me that you guys don't play competitive, at all.
Every 8 seconds now and only if you charge. And yes, 1k shield is nothing when people use wrecker and taking into account that it is only for you meanwhile Towering Barrier is for everyone. Also when you have the shield of Safe Travel, Bomb King stickies explode on contact, increasing his DPS even further and killing your allies next to you with it.
You said it, half of Towerin Barrier and only for you, meanwhile Last Stand can heal you up while your shield is up.
Seriously, do you guys play competitive?
Why are you asking for a build if you're going to suck dick anyways?
This is russian + aggression tier of stupidity.
he's literally impossible to hit, he's the fastest champion with the smallest hitbox. i swear to god i was shooting him with ruckus, point blank, while he kinda wobbled left and right and i hit him maybe 3 times. got out-dpsed too.
I never said Last Stand is bad, in fact is way too good. I said that Safe Travel is bad.
Casual matches should not count but nice
Nigger, if they destroy your shield that has 2K HP, you think 1K for you only will save you? Nigga please.
Mal is not Pip.
The point is that they're on separate cooldowns
Just try it, you'll realize how useful it is
If you keep Towering 4, you have to remove Evolve 4 (500HP) for a 1k shield that is only active when you charge.
Meaning that Last Stand will get you healed less because your % of Max HP is less, meaning that since Aggression is the worst item in the game 500 HP always active has 30% damage reduction meanwhile that 1K shield is facing 100-150% increased damage against it because wrecker is always at the minimum at Lv2.
In short, that 1k shield which is temporary, gives you less effective Health than Evolve or Towering.
It's really not hard to understand if you play competitive. Ofcourse if you play casual you may as well put whatever.
Top 3 winrate builds all have safe travel 4
Yes, and Charge is getting god damn nerfed today.
So you've been saying a card is bad because of a patch that hasn't been applied yet
We've got a soothsayer here.
What the fuck did they do to Skye?
I just did her ult three times in a match and barely killed two guys, it's range is now nonexistent and does zero damage.
Bullshit, it still hits pretty damn hard and can one shot most low health champions. They nerfed it in the previous patch, take a look at the notes. If you wanna get more kills with it you have to place it better, and if you can, place it during a fight when they're distracted.
Stop playing the game please.
They over nerfed it so your bomb placement has to be perfect in order to do anything. It has damage fall off on the edge of the explosion. Its still a decent ult but it has the highest %chance of doing fuck all depending when you use it. Once you get used to moving behind shit to avoid the AoE it becomes trivial.
If you're using the masterpaladins stats, they don't distinguish between casual and competitive games. And sure, safe travel is good in casual because people in causal are retarded, don't buy wrecker, and don't stand behind your shield. It stops being good in comp.
maybe, the main reason i would take that is because of how low a cooldown charge had
so… why dont you guys just play overwatch?
because we're poorfags xd
I actually tried overwatch on a friend's pc, it's a mess of people and explosions everone doing their own thing. Paladins is not much better, but it's free
Make your own fucking board >>>paladins
There, now shut the fuck up. Hi Rez is cancer and you should all kill yourself.
i dont like the maps and the reliance on healers
Holla Forums with a video game theme is at >>>/cuckchan/
I generally prefer the gameplay, OW runs like ass on my computer/don't want it on console and Blizzard has burned me in the past. I've been waiting for a resurgence of the genre ever since TF2 went to shit, it has been a while since FPS games actually had populations.
Having only played dps and support before this game I have to say I've been missing out on the fun.
Sixty bux and visually boring characters.
I can't stand Flank myself. Front Line and Support are the most fun roles in the game, with Damage being pretty decent if you can get a decent team. Kinessa in particular can be the shittiest character if your team is shit, or one of the most fun if you get a good one.
Suck off Blizzard's HQ director to get more money for your shilling.
I'm never buying another Blizzard game ever again. Also Paladins doesn't have horrendous mouse smoothing or half a dozen snipers. The time-to-kill is lower, there's a better mix of projectile and hitscan characters, you can't switch characters so counterpicking is actually possible, every character has mobility options giving them all a decently high skill ceiling, support characters have half decent damage and mobility so they're more fun to play and have a non-zero chance of winning a 1v1, you can increase the FoV to 120 or something like that, ultimates charge slower and aren't as game-changing so teamfights aren't just screen-filling explosions of particle effects, etc. etc.
what? its 40 in the usa.
hard to play corner pokey when coldsteel is waiting around the corner
$40 for the download-only version, $60 for the only physical version.
well thats kind of heartwarming i guess. i remember when the idea that digital should not cost less was catching on because retailers would bitch and whine. poor aussies got it the worst.
The extra $20 has nothing to do with the costs of printing the disc and box. It's for the 4 or 5 shitty skins, player avatar icons, and Heartstone card backs they throw in.
so its a physical digital deluxe edition?
I have killed edgefags as Buck many times bro.
The web attack is truly the best way to deal with dodgy cowards.
what the fuck
your average paladin player, ladies and gentlemen
also nice chinese bootleg video game. if you want to play a good game, don't play a shit game that rips off a shit game, you underage retards
Threadly reminder that /owg/ is literally POZZED
you guys keep repping this game instead of Overwatch. It doesnt really look better, but I havent played it. Why is it actually better?
Customization with cards, and it's the least money-grabbing f2p I've ever seen.
websling is great and i want to like buck, i just hate his shotguns dick range. every time i pick him it turns out my whole team has sudden infant death syndrome so i never have an opportunity to do anything but either do diddly at long range or get devastated by a firing squad who actually pays attention to sound cues and other indications of where the enemy is.
Its free
Do you like teamwork oriented class based fps games? You might like Paladins. Biggest difference between the two is being locked into your character (no switching mid game) and characters are customized though card loadouts that modify abilities. Lore is non existent but the characters are failure archetypes that have fun personalities.
Frankly isn't much reason to play this over OW. But its harmless on the grand scheme of things. Competition is a good thing on a consumer standpoint especially as time goes on and Paladins gets to a finished state. Great alternative for people with low end PCs and hard times financially. Also has a perfect F2P model on a dev profits:player competitive ratio. As a player you don't need to drop a cent to be competitive and have all the content needed.
Girls are cute and pip is hip what more you need. Although multiplayer games are a complete waste of time on the grand scheme of things
i dont like overwatchs maps and i think theres too much of an emphasis on healers. paladindus has some strong healers that im not very fond of, but at least theres readily available healing reduction upgrades if you end up needing them.
i think the characters are more well rounded in general, probably because they know youre stuck with your choice. of course thats not always the case and some characters are hyper specialized, and it could just be that im in shitter league. i rarely feel completely stumped but sometimes it just gives you those auto lose teammates. you know, mercies who pocket a single bad player, lucios who dont know how to "amp it up", the ana who should just switch to purple butt lady. at least the out of combat regen or life steal upgrades can give you a chance. as well as ults being less cancerous for the most part, so if you get steamrolled its probably going to be the old fashioned way and not just their entire team realizing only you need to die.
cards are cool but sometimes i feel theyre no brainers and some cards are just not worth picking under any circumstances. i feel like they should continue to play with the system. maybe not all cards should have 4 levels, having their effects condensed to a smaller number to make them worth picking up if that suits your play style.
It's decently fun and it's only filled with the same shitters you are used to from TF2 instead of all the retarded monkeys in OW. I play both cause fuck it but I'm genuinely having more fun with Paladins than OW at the moment by a tremendous magnitude. It also helps that Kinessa is a thing and the game doesn't try to take itself seriously / competitively.
Basically Hi-Rez is the equivalent of gathering a few nerds from high-school to your house to a class tournament while Blizzard is the equivalent of tryhard tourneyfags trying to get into EVO and failing miserably at every step of the way.
Oh and I forgot the most important bit of it all, ults are less cancerous like noted. The designated Snipers ultimate only makes it so upper body shots grant extra damage instead of map-hacks in a game where flanking is actually possible, the designated tank doesn't have an instant-cast wide as fuck AOE stun but instead makes it so he cannot move while him and every ally in range cannot drop beneath 1500 health no matter what, Skye's ultimate resembles tracer but isn't utter shit against shields, can't stick to enemies, and actually gives you a fighting chance to move out of the way unless you're lagging horribly, and Pip can morph you into a 1500 HP chicken but you are a fucking fast chicken that has a fighting chance when it comes to avoiding incoming damage - just to name a few
Ultimates just don't feel as annoying to fight against or with while being way harder to charge. In the shitter bracket you will be lucky to get like one and a half-ults out per game, part of that also being the fact they aren't in your face about their existance.
Also why the fuck is Grohk so shit, Christ almighty. I really just want to do a deck focusing almost entirely on heals but it feels sub-par both on him and on Pip.
It's free and more enjoyable.
In contrast to the many salty people who are replying to you, I do play Overwatch. In general I do find Overwatch to be better than Paladins because it's just simply more polished. Overwatch is a lot more balanced and has miles better map, sound and art design. But just because I find Overwatch to be better doesn't mean I can't enjoy Paladins too, only someone with the mind of a ignorant child would think so. I also think that Paladins have a few things going for it over Overwatch. The loadout card system is nice because you can slightly change your play style and experiment with different ones, it also add some decent progression other than just getting a few skins or ranking up in comp.
probably because his ult doesnt heal himself for some reason, i dont see why it shouldnt since no matter what youre doing with it means putting his ass in danger. but damn his weapon just puts people in their place, the only thing wrong with it is how fast it runs out of ammo. i wish his cards that improved the ammo werent trash. fernandos does 15% per level while his does 5% but i can see why they wouldnt want it to have +60%. this is one of the things i was talking about earlier where some cards should be condensed. its just not worth putting 4 fucking points into a 20% battery boost when theres other things he absolutely has to take. its not usually a huge issue unless you have to burn down fernandos shields, as long as your teammate takes a few potshots at what you zap its going to die fast.
card him out to be fat, extra health and that emergency shield. your healings going to be sporadic no matter what you do, but youll be more of a threat to flankers than they are to you and youll be able to tussle with anyone who brought along cauterize. maybe i appreciate him because i like soldier 76.
i heard they originally were going to put some kind of loadout system in overwatch. i guess they wanted to follow some kind of design philosophy where everything remains consistent.
I'm guessing the nerf hit him hard
He was OP initially, being able ot hold the point on his own for tens of seconds
Is this the new Overwatch clone?
Why woulf you play ASSFAGGOTS FPS?
Why would you discuss it here of all places?
Go discuss this trash somewhere fitting like Reddit or 4cucks.
Ult making him so vulnerable is honestly the weirdest shit in this fucking game since I don't even feel its that great. The basic attack outputs more DPS unless you consistently hit two targets and the heal aspect of it is just barely better than a Ying that plays defensively with her illusions. At least make the fucker noticeably faster.
I'm glad they didn't, this shit is already giving me cancer with just how retarded most people are, I can only imagine how much worse it would be in OW. Seriously, what the fuck is this.
Because why not :^)
it wouldnt really make it any worse just because people are unable to grasp these simple concepts. if theyre stupid theyre going to be stupid either way.
No user, you misunderstand.
You are the cancer
Try and imagine Zarya with that extra ult generation thing and watch people grab Agression and stuff.
I have yet to figure out how to properly jump everywhere with link so I'm merely a tumor. Those fucks are pure cancer tho'.
Fucking hell, you fags are too obvious
Stop coming here to discuss this garbage.
dead game
I'm sorry user is our discussion of a video game you don't like triggering you?
Its not the fact that I dont like it.
Its the fact that its a shit casual game in Early Access by a shit company that will abandon it at the first sign of a new trend.
Its the fact that you play this garbage instead of ones with actual content and good mechanics and find it ok to discuss it on a niche discussion site instead of everywhere else where the same exact discussion is had.
Name a fucking game in this genre with good mechanics and actual combat nigger. Quake, UT, and the rest aren't the same fucking thing before you try and be a smartass.And by your logic literally nothing could be discussed because it is also discussed everywhere else or do you genuinely think fucking nobody else talks about porn games or XSeed?
Ok so from what you just said you clearly don't like the game. I'll agree it's in beta and High Rez could drop it at any point but I'm enjoying it and it is less casualized then Overwatch is. None of the ults auto target enemies and really some of the characters like buck need skill to be played well.
Stop responding you idiots
Between this and faggotwatch, why is Holla Forums so casual?
Pip is the best champion
Time to make a new account
Every fucking time.
I don't really blame them, because skye seems like a mediocre champ (only really capable of picking off borderline dead guys and squishies on the sidelines)
Skye shits out damage thanks to her right click that removes 30% of their hp and increases damage dealt to them by 15%
Honestly her right click and stealth are bigger assets than her ult imo
she is amazing if played well like most flanks
I own both, and this is more fun to me for some reason.
Skye is a fucking racecar able to be anywhere at any time, git gud
How do some people have numbers in their usernames?
proof there is a god
I think if you put in a name already used it slaps a bunch of numbers on the end.
How do i into Buck?
4 reconstruction
leg day, stomping ground, vigor, giga siphon
Jump on people that don't have escape, net, shoot, keep pressing Q, marvel at how it seems to be always up
Server's up boys
She's, for comp, the worst character in the entire game at the moment. That should tell you enough.
anyone who needs to be in groping range to do damage is in an awkward spot. shes reliant on cooldowns against competent players, but her cooldowns are long
That's why like 10/12 of her cards are about cooldowns/durations/ammo
Skye has many problems but cooldowns aint one
Jump on damage dealers, watch as they flail around trying to whittle down your 3000 HP jacked body that regenerates as you fill them with lead. Finishing by licking the tears streaming from their face.
everytime buck jump at me while i'm playing ying i just fuck him up, few buck were good enough to not get juked to death by my ying skills.
Could bomb king always deal 2k+ damage with just two sticky bombs?
psa deft hands doesnt do anything for grover
Theres a bunch of cuckchan /vg/ rejects and shills meeting each other everyday on Discord to play this trash.
Notice how most times one of the thread is on the frontpage and the other is not
what do
what an awful decision
Why the fuck i always get killed by androxus or viktor when playing as Drogoz ? i mean they dont even aim for me fucking hell, they just randomly shoot around me and still killing me, is this game made for plebs whit pads ???
RIP, art direction.
did it have any to begin with?
I think they pretended to be fantasy at first
If you're referring to killcams, Hi-Rez fucked them up and so far as I know they haven't been fixed. The camera doesn't actually line up to where the player was aiming.
Could be worse frankly, could be a Wigger skin like they did in Smite.
Is it just my impression or are supports better played as flanks/damage with the heals being a side effect?
Only pip, the rest get btfo pretty easily tbh
Other than ying, but she's so much better as a healer.
I played mal and i pretty much dominated the entire enemy team, i can kill every damage before they're able to kill me, and if a flank manages to get the drop on me i simply heal and kill them.
Same thing with ying, clones heal me constantly and when they're about to expire i send them to explode. I don't do as much damage but ying is harder to kill. Ying doesn't even have to do anything to heal, that's why i said heals are just a side effect.
The other supports are the same, just spam your heal as soon as it's off CD and you're good, you can go damage. There's no reason to focus on healing.
Then the enemy were shit players tbh fam
Salty OverCuck detected.
Go get your poz loads from this passive bitchboy. .
Sci-fi phantasy.
potgs? explain pls
Do you fags play controller or keyboard?
Ive only recently started playing and have been using bomb king; and I suck.
art direction is a meme, you know damn well people buy skins specifically because theyre out of place
So, we got notplay of the game in this patch?
The fucking thing is on auto pilot all the time.
as least you can skip it and go to the results
Why is it so hard for some people to understand that this isn't a deathmatch game and that you need to stand on the point?
i find that usually theyre preoccupied with someone semi competent flanking them and winning a 3v1. unless of course youre talking about the kinessa who thinks shes awp camping
Yes, there are people this retarded among us that they can't dodge an ult that got nerfed into the fucking ground to a point when it does nothing anymore.
No, I'm talking about retards chasing enemy ice bitch while I'm supposed to deliver a payload or cap a point 1vs4.
How does the new scoring system work? I thought supports were rewarded for healing more but in this pic the other pip earned more because he did more damage and solo kills?
You are already dead,
People are very unaware of how bad they actually are at games so they don't really see abilities as designed, they just think they know what it does and since they die to it, it must be OP.
Frankly the only change it needed was having damage fall off when you're farther away from the impact zone. Getting stuck in an ult and being unable to do anything felt awful, but with the fall off at least you can lower the damage incoming. With how easy line of sight is to break in this game you really only should die to it if you in mid movement ability and can't re-position yourself. I haven't been killed by a random skye ult in forever. The first few weeks were awful with Skye since few people understood how it works but now we're at a point if you don't get it you're just bad.
HiRez probably wants to buff her since she is one of the weakest flankers, depending on your playstyle Buck is probably better to play and Evie/Andy are objectively better. But if HiRez buffs her the baddies will collectively loose their shit.
At that point just pick another damage and see if you can just straight up overpower the other team. Better then just playing a tank and being miserable
people dont understand when evie teleports behind them and slaps them on the ass with her staff so its unlikely they even realize that big red/yellow "oh fuck" symbol exists
shitters will always stand in fire
Because Blizzard can suck my fucking dick after Nostalrius.I really don't even give a shit if it's the inferior game, I'm just playing it to spite them at this point
Fuck off, faggot
You don't deserve to have fun.
I stopped playing Overwatch when I started playing Paladins. I wasn't enjoying it anymore.
You should stop playing video games altogether tbh
overwatch is amazing in regards to art, gameplay, polish…
…but the community is total shit and inbred beyond all belief
thats why paladins, while a shitty chinese knock-off, will succeed
if its free you dont feel as angry lol
We don't have faggy auto-aim bucko.
you know its going to happen eventually
I tried actually. I have a very competent Buck loadout but I spent most of the match chasing that one platinum Ewie who outhealed my shitty damage with her blinks and ice block and straight out flew away from me time and time again.
Buck has garbage damage. Play Androxus instead and force-feed her your demonic weapon.
you can use VCs during play of the game
I know the play of the game thing is blatantly taken from OW, but shit, it makes so much more sense here than in OW.
These shit threads get more cancerous by the hour.
They're the same shitty fucking game
Only big guys allowed pal.
i imagine its satisfying but i cant see squishy grohk working out very well
It only works if you already have all roles taken care of and play with damage in mind. This allows for your lightning gun to kill any character that isn't a FL or buck in one load.
Add deft hands + reload cards to that and you can fire almost permanently, making grohk rival with most dps characters in terms of pure damage, plus his utility.
now does deft hands affect recharge rate, or only the lengthy reload when you overheat the weapon?
It affects both, which is why it becomes useful once you use Thunderlord IV (+20% magazine). I also believe it adds to Electrostatic IV (+24% ammo regen if not overloaded)
Honestly Grohk can by far be one of the tankiest characters in the game with his maxed healing totem and ghost walk combined. I prefer to use reload 3, totem health 3, and maxed totem heal % so the totem can survive burger king bombs while your reload just about lasts through the duration of ghost walk.
Objectively, is this game any good?
I don't want to pay for Overwatch because it looks shit and Blizzard caved to some retarded concernfagging SJW, also because fuck Blizzard, and Valve's doing their damnedest to kill off TF2 because the players are too problematic or something, so I've been looking at this, but is it okay? How much of a toaster will it run on? I don't care if it's exactly balanced as much as if it's fun.
I deserve bullying.
Play of the game
m+k of course
Its decent, runs better then smite on computers, its free so just try it.
I've been having some fun with it, It's pretty barebones content wise at the moment though, with the only 2 game modes being a variation of Control Point and Cart Pushing, with the maps not being much different either
Game runs at 150 for me on a GTX 750 so even below that you should be fine
Okay, I will. How big is the download? I'm low on disk space and my externals are mostly full.
I'm fucking SOLD.
Hope they patch this soon
thats… actually neat.
eh the gameplay is better than overwatch but everything else about it is an (often hilariously) broken piece of shit.
like yeah.. the big problem i have with overwatch right now is that the game kind of devolves into sitting around at a chokepoint pointlessly plinking away at the other team hoping someone gets a lucky kill or gets an ult. especially seeing the new map they made which is nothing but a series of really tight chokepoints really made me start disliking the game.
meanwhile, paladins is very open with multiple routes to everything that tends to be available to most of the cast (unlike overwatch) and the gameplay is snappy enough that you'll always feel like you're doing something helpful for the team even if you're sucking (unlike overwatch). also, a lot of the characters are like more fun versions of the overwatch characters they blatantly copied.
the thing i dont like is how mobashit the game is. more so than overwatch. but at least unlike a moba, you dont entirely fuck yourself over not having things perfect and buying the midgame stuff gives you something to do while you're dead.
and yeah the damned thing needs more gameplay modes. which again, why it being such mobashit sucks so much cause its locked into a specific gameplay paradigm.
but hey its free, if you are interested just give it a go, otherwise wait for the next FotM game.
More or less this, OW has a major issue with its love of chokepoints and flanks only a few characters can access without some really gimmicky shit. I wasn't expecting much from Paladins at the start but the fact you got so many fucking flanks makes me enjoy it tremendously. Plus most characters are mobile as fuck all things considered.
huh, I thought max file size was like, 10MB and was reencoding
Ron raised it again. He's like the exact opposite of Hiro.
ok then
This "Reddit Spacing" meme needs to fucking die People act as if double spacing didn't exist before reddit.
Reddit spacing is a real thing, but most of the people that idiot quoted weren't doing it.
This is the latest goon tactic: Accuse random people that aren't actually reddit spacing of reddit spacing to bait people into replying to them.
It takes less than 5gb.
No, it's not.
It's not a real thing, you semi-literate retards have just never read a book, article, paper, or anything longer than 2000 characters until you spilled over to shit up Holla Forums.
Reddit spacing is not putting blank lines between paragraphs.
Reddit spacing is putting a blank line between every fucking sentence.
Like this.
They do this because some sites, most notably reddit, automatically merge lines separated by single newlines together.
So if you wrote this:
it would get merged into
In order to get around that and write in a more casual, chat-like style, they put a full blank line between every sentence.
Hence, reddit spacing.
It's a real thing.
It makes it really easy to recognize people who came from there
Redditors get really butthurt when people notice them doing it.
Goons love to take advantage of this to troll.
They are also trying to confuse people about the meaning of reddit spacing to take away one of our ways of identifying outsiders.
My favorite part of that new voice pack is two of his lines being
in a Boston accent which you can chain together for extra memes.
Yeah… ten losses in a row. Taking a break.
I am sad they added play of the game here as well. I hate it because you have to press space and spend more time not playing the game
Assuming you win half of your games that have a 1/1056 chance of happening. With so bad odds you are VERY unlucky or a turboshitter
First time playing online 'team' games?
10 game streaks happen all the time
you think its a goon thing? it might be a goon thing, but i also like to shitpost and theres probably also many instances of the age old tactic of "offense is the best defense" at work. i can act completely foolish as long as i draw a line somewhere and say this guy isnt on "our" team.
i would like to be able to say Holla Forums is immune to such low level shit but it is not.
same, waste of time when i could be queuing up for another game.
well at least thats better than pointless upboats
Got all the cards in the game finally, pretty reasonable time for a f2p game to have all the "competitive" required content I've been enjoying myself. Evie is probably funnest to play, Fernando and Ying for easiest to carry games with.
I should buy the cards that I don't have but I feel lazy since I already have all the cards that I need on my manyloadouts. They'll appear eventually from chests if I dont feel like wasting gold.
Gluttons for punishment after what they did to Tribes. Enjoy your even shittier Overwatch wannabe.
You really don't need to buy them all, I just wanted to see how long it would actually take. I've been fairly slack in playing most of last patch. Now I don't really have any excuse to not play competitive, muh ladder anxiety even though I'm seasoned in these types of games.
Yeah man, it sure is awful when the free game I didn't pay for doesn't give me my money's worth :^)
I feel so punished.
i played tribes 2 but i skipped ascend
A F2P with nothing I need to buy feels like a trap.
It has begun boys.
Is pip as useless as he seems?
give those brazilian shitters "what for"
He's actually great.
I don't face the BRs, this is the world leaderboard and it seems that Im nº100 at the moment.
if you need him for a headbutting strategy then yeah, hes not gonna compete with maldamba and ying and keeping your tank on the point through sheer healing.
at his best hes playing off flanker, harassing their damage dealers and supporting your real flanker with a big burst of healing plus your own slow and damage to make their job really fucking easy.
in a roundabout way thats still about keeping your front line alive.
Okay, finally finished downloading and tried a match. Did the tutorial, saw tutorial videos, said "fuck that" and just jumped in. Cart, obviously. I'm playing this to begin with because I don't want to do Overwatch, finally am trying to leave the abuse of TF2 now that Pyro has been shat on over and over by the devs and will be yet again, and I'd just now heard Paladins even existed.
I got a random spread of heroes (this game really is infested with LoL style and features), picked Fernando at random and tried to muddle through. Started trying to shoot enemies and realized I had picked essentially a Pyro by dumb luck. Slower, sure, but everyone seems slow as mud in this game, coming from TF2. At least they have horses.
So I think I got sort of carried by my team, because I died three or four times on the second push and didn't get any of the "top [whatever]" trophies, three other players did. But I got to a "15 streak" by no-death on the first push, strafed and burned some of enemy players and just glued my ass to the point/cart when there were no enemies, went after them right away when they appeared.
I'm guessing the streak has something to do with the points I got for cart and point, more than combat? Or is it just "dealt damage 15 times without dying"? Is that a good streak or shit?
Also what's the chat key? Some guy on my team was like "newb team" and I couldn't even call him a faggot, also had no way to apologize at start of round for being new. Also is health on kill a decent starting upgrade? I just didn't have time to read them all so i picked that one for being obvious and helpful, then once I got three tiers of it I went with the "barrage" or something like that offensive upgrade. Also not sure what my ult does, but it seemed to work okay when I popped it, and right-click is like a punch or a melee or something?
I have no idea wtf I'm doing, my shitty net stuttered the game up three times in the first match, but despite that it seems like a lot of fun and I roasted a bunch of what I can only assume are also first-time players, except when I was getting stunned by someone later on.
You play with bots until lv 5
Fernando is a tank so you should get haven or blast shield tbh fam. Unless like there's three healers on enemy team or something then you can get cauterize first maybe.
Chat should work fine.
Like just the other team is bots? Because the guy on my team actually typed something, after I looked under keybindings and saw nothing about text chat and figured it didn't exist. Also the gamemode said "vs human players", or maybe it was just "with human players", not bots. It was under Casual, not Training. I'm not saying chat is broken, I'm saying I don't know what key to press to chat, and it's not T or Y as far as I can tell.
So they just weren't killing me at first because bots suck in general? Also grumpy bomb is actually cooler than I thought it would be, even though it's annoying to play against. I'll try defense Fernando next, and I'll try to remember I can sprint this game. Thanks user.
Other team is bots and sometimes you have bots on your team
Enter should bring up chat screen.
You can check out which loadouts have the highest winrate and get some idea when building your own deck.
Okay, thanks. I got best Front Line too, also OOOH I LOOK GOOD.
Thanks for the link. Be honest with me before I get out in the wild, is Fernando an OP shitter I should avoid or people will rightly hate me, or a respectably balanced tank?
Lastly, Heckle is incredibly well-named, I was thinking to myself "why does this low-health bitch keep coming up in my face and trying to heckle me?" before I even saw the name.
Fernando is currently top pick, not a bad default pick at all.
Bots are pretty shit, they'll kill you if you're inexperienced but once you catch on to the patterns they're fodder.
He's toppest tier, but he's a tank so not really popular.
Good luck m8
This time it was a new map and I kept getting to the point way before the other noobs and having to shield against the whole bot team until they showed up to help. About levels, is it you play bots with every new character until that char gets to 5? Are they ranked separately, too? I've never actually played a ranked game before because esports is shiiiiiiit, should I worry about ELO hell for any reason or just have fun?
This time it was a new map and I kept getting to the point way before the other noobs and having to shield against the whole bot team until they showed up to help. About levels, is it you play bots with every new character until that char gets to 5? Are they ranked separately, too? I've never actually played a ranked game before because esports is shiiiiiiit, should I worry about ELO hell for any reason or just have fun?
Until your account level is 5
Don't think character levels matter at all other than getting 12 to lv 4 for ranked
Shouldn't have to worry about elo if you're good
I'm not good, lol
I actually just was with a team of such noobs that we almost lost, they didn't know the objectives and were just sort of running around, but towards the indicators at least. The AI actually got to start pushing their cart.
Fug, I'm player level 5 now and I keep getting "a player failed to join" on my matches. Someone poisoned the waterhole?
i do tend to have trouble dodging her ult with dwagon
thats just something that happens once in a while in these matchmaking games. sometimes youll see it happen a dozen times in a row.
Alright. Played my first match, we lost, I played a part in that but none of my team was very good. About Fernando's shield, does it heal him or something if you shoot it? Because I was flaming at the enemy Fernando and numbers were popping up, but I don't think I was necessarily burning him through the shield.
Also Skye is hard to deal with, always invisible and then pops out behind me and puts a few bolts in me after others have worn me down, it's like a spy but not limited to melee range.
I bet a dwarf drew this.
Those numbers of a different color of damage are abortion numbers, shields have a limited amount of HP. Sometimes you want to save your CDs for the shield to run out or burn it down with wrecker/teamates.
Skye is fairly easy to deal with once you understand how she works, if she is giving you trouble in a game buy illuminate and pay attention, she is dead if people know she is coming.
Yeah, I saw Illuminate but I'm a greedy whore and need as much Haven and Lifesteal as possible. I won this next game, so I guess it's not just that I suck. Fernando seems like a good beginner class, I finally remembered to sprint when necessary, mostly just sat on top of the cart on both offense and defense waving my shield around, and tried to fireblast glass cannons with Q. The main things that kept killing me were this acid pool thing that would pop up, and that grenade that turns into a spectral fear snake or whatever, and makes you run away and get shot. I think both of those were from same character, not sure though. I even made our cap (we were offense first) by throwing a firebomb, then putting up shield and flailing it around giving no fucks alone in their base, almost died before capping but not quite. Our team's Skye even gave me an "Awesome" voice emote thing, Fernando gets all the bitches. What happens if both teams cap, keeps on going or just the one who capped faster wins?
About shields, probably I'll generally try to wear them down whenever I've already popped my own shield and can't outlast/outstrafe. Cart pyro is nothing new to me, but cart pyro with tank health definitely is, and it's a pleasure. I can always get a rank of the reload time reducer to stay less vulnerable.
I hope Dire Need is good, I just spent some hard-earned jewgolds unlocking it and am going to replace Heat Transfer with it.
Fernando is just solid all around due to his damage output and never dying wall. Veteran is also good to take on him since you can go from 1-100% really quickly and catch people off guard/stay in the fight longer. Both those abilities came from Mal'damba, look at his kit in game.
Game to me feels like tf2 during the fun days
Heat transfer is decent since you can charge more, Dire Need is kind of a gimmick but more shields = fun
Dire Needs range is fucking pathetic honestly. I mean it's a fun gimmick but unless you're running with a premade that knows to stick close to you it's not really worth it unfortunately.
Yeah, I realized everyone's too far away, oh well. Might keep. Still won though because naive faggots keep trying to get the drop on me instead of taking cheap shots while my shield is down. Had a good team that knew how to press on them while I zone controlled and ate away health. I'm too slow to properly strafe but I'm still doing pretty well on casual so far. Does casual match new players up with each other so they don't get overwhelmed, same as I would assume competitive does?
Game isn't as good as TF2 was fun-wise or strategy-wise, but better than it is now even with less depth. People actually sometimes help with the cart instead of going off to try to be MLGproYOLOswaggers in 1v1s.
This time, I'm putting full points in both Evolve and Towering Shield, and I'm swapping out Running Start in favor of Heat Transfer and putting my leftover point in it, but I'm keeping the meme card I bought anyways, just non-upgraded. Could swap out Fearless Leader instead, but I do sort of want to feel like I gained some small thing when I make a kill. My main challenge right now is remembering I can't go as far as Pyro can without jumping off the cart, because I'll get ganked and gangbanged from being so slow. TF2 "pros" may laugh, but I've had a lot of fun on pubs being designated cart pusher half the game and spending the other half chasing medics and snipers I see on the way down side alleys.
No, most people are just utter retards. Look over the talents picked in a round and you can gander how shit the players are by how many Aggressions you see picked instead of Wrecker, Cauterize, or Bulldozer.
So apparently I'm not bad already since I'm like 4-1.
This last game, I met an IMPOSTER. First time I saw him, he was already low on health so I killed him. Next time he actually got the drop on me but couldn't stand up to my meaty brawn. His shield seems to last a little longer than mine, or maybe I deployed it earlier than I remember and forgot, but he was puny and I crushed and mercilessly bullied him all through offense, then at the end I abandoned our last duel and let him kill me while I hit his nearby teammates a little to give my team an easier cart cap. Felt good, because I got to push him around the whole defense round too. Their team basically just waited inside spawn for my shield to go down, and then all kept running away because I charged. It's a good thing you can't have more than one of the same hero on the same team, or a team of Fernandos could box your average cart offense inside their own spawn the entire round.
Also, who's that Bowser-looking fucker? His personal shield makes him a pain to deal with.
makoa, he's the second best tank
His shield's pretty big so you can just go inside and deal damage to himsefl
It's like mannconomy but much worse, and what the fuck is a heartstone card?
tumblrinas believing that everyone is a special snowflake.
Remember that time when people called Fernando a shit character and a waste of a slot?
He's the most popular FIRST PICK in competitive besides Ying.
He has the biggest win rate of all characters as well.
Fernando is the best character in the entire game, I really wonder why the last nerf was only 2s on charge and nothing more.
At least he is not as disgustingly overpowered as Skye (now worst character) was, since she had an "I win" button ultimate for cappin ga point in overtime.
Makoa is the second best tank but gets shat on by Drogoz and Bomb King (because his shield is not as good as Fernando) big time, Fernando can say "Fuck it" with his ultimate, Makoa says "Fuck me" with his ultimate against Drogoz.
It's always like that. Its usually Murrica not knowing shit.
its kind of silly that they reduced the ult duration for drogoz, so you dont have that extra second to fly around fernando before punching him in the head. honestly, if your team cant kill drogoz in the 4 seconds that nobody can die maybe they dont deserve a tank.
what people? no i dont remember that being a commonly held opinion, but i remember thinking buck was terrible. it was just that im used to having to do everything and he cant really break up a close knit formation.
Nice update.
What the fuck have they done
In earlier patches he was garbage for a short while so they weren't wrong. hasn't been that case in a while though. The nature of Fernandos kit is hard to balance without going full overboard OP, its decent now but he still is number 1. They're probably being gentle with his kit so they don't over nerf
I kind of wish they hadn't put in le auto rocket jumping soldier maymay lizard man, and damage classes always seem to get their ults quicker than I get mine as tank (no big surprise), but maxed shield and situational awareness are still often good enough.
I'm taking it Skye gets buffed and nerfed a lot and never quite balanced? I tried Viktor and he seemed okay for ambush, but I was forced onto cart one game because we had no tank and everyone else (including a drog) was busy not being team players. That didn't go so well. Viktor dies very quickly to another Viktor + any other second enemy.
Lizard man isn't to bad, the ult will kill you no matter what in some cased but if you're quick on movement you can straight up dodge the golden instant kill bastards no matter the character. Fernando can get ult at the same to,e but moral boost most likely needed. Its so satisfying cock blocking his ult .
Skye is worst flanker right now, also play tanks more if you want balanced teams :P
I'd been playing nothing but Fernando, so I thought I'd try getting a second char to level 5 for the achievement, and Viktor is basic tutorial man so I figured I'd try him next.
Yeah fair, pretty much gotta instant lock and hope for the best. Viktor is an extremely familiar play style and very strong. His kit is just all good
Is the game sucking dicks and not starting for anyone else here?
I don't have that problem lad.
Maybe you gotta install DirectX.
Seems to be issues at the moment,
I don't even remember putting that there and deserve shame.
You deserve to get shot in the back of the head lad.
It's not the game itself. rather the matches themselves, it's like the game falls into a loop of some kind and does not load matches, register character select and such.
I really like the tray popup when you match, it's nice to be able to browse around when it's taking it longer to put one together.
Also it removes the excuse for the faggots who don't ready up.
These "helpful" suggestions are already annoying me lol
"Try to avoid Cassie's extra damage shot after rolling". Great, I'll get right on that while she's shooting me from the side from a window far away while I'm in close combat with a tank.
So how the fuck does the color code work with hero portraits?
Grohk buff fucking when?
Comp worth getting mastery 4 on characters you don't like fucking when?
i have no clue, im assuming gold is the best and anything less is reserved for fruitcakes
Bugged shit, it might tie into mastery but at the moment its just a bugged mess that can be ignored
There's like 6 tiers over Gold
I figured seeing as I saw a fucking purple Makoa that went full out in aggression and other stupid shit.
sure, 6 tiers of homosexuality
Gold just means you have mastery 4 and can use this champ in comp. The rest of them are determined by the highest mmr you've ever achieved with that champion, so if you win 10 games in a row by sheer luck and get diamond then plunge back into the trench you still have diamond or whatever.
Not being able to change characters mid game is killing this game.
Cassie Deck - Infnite bump
Possible other picks
Anti 2k100 and under combo
Anti-Skye combo (evie can escape, skye can't)
Anti-buck and other tanky characters
With this, you can kill any champion other than Fernando.
With a correct build (magazine extend x2 at least) you can loop Fernando until he dies
I don't know if CC reduction affects it, but if it does the combo is then broken.
However that's damage reduction one loses then.
Enjoy the ridiculously broken build while it lasts. You don't even have to aim that well.
A bit of practice and you'll
Alright i tried another combo that would kill 2k hp champions in two arrows with aggression lv1, in record time
By the way, killing blows on airborne champions do not trigger Sky Warden.
i cant imagine how annoying she was when blast shot had knock back on it
How does ult build up work exactly, off raw damage?
Just had a game where Victor would have his ult every 40-50 odd seconds, it was insane. Only had chronos level 2 at max both rounds
im not sure if there are other contributors. but i want to note that it doesnt seem like damaging shields builds ult.
Yeah seems to be just raw damage
With the grenadier build viktor gets almost unlimited ammo when played right.
After so many teams where I have to say every few minutes "push cart pls" in chat and still no one comes to help, it was nice to get someone who did.
It's like one in twenty pub games but its still a nice feeling when it happens.
call me crazy but it looks like deft hands is making its way into the spotlight. sure its not cauterize or wrecker but at least its effects arent a joke
But why? Ying is best when not played focused. A Ying that doesn't shatter is a baddie, and Ying's capable of stupidly high AoE if played right.
Does feel like it but it's still shit since people buy it at the start of a match like retards. Like I don't mind it as a last pick on people like Androxus or Grokh as a 3rd-4th pick if we don't need anything else from that category but fucking Heaven / Riding Mastery / Illuminate / Rejuvenate are still a shitload better as your first items.
Professionals and winrates disagree
Because I would rather not have some random shitter rushing in or trying to flank with Ying, only dropping Illusions for the xXx420deathballxXx and nothing else. Don't get me wrong, Shatter is fucking great but I'd rather have some fucking healing than a retard trying to get a high KDR with her when we need those fucking illusions to stay up to contest the point.
At least my winrate is still really fucking high. 60% or so. It feels inflated, but I never play with premade parties or anything. I just don't belong at 1900 Elo. Anyone else get this issue?
I just don't like the idea of stripping away tactical options because bads can't handle them. We have enough games for bads, and Paladins is already riding the edge of being a casual game.
It is a casual game m8, every game within this genre is casual regardless of how much money Blizzard funnels into it or how much shit retards gobble up. Paladins is a fun casual game is the only thing that matters. Also I'm not talking about removing shatter you dumb shit, I'm talking about players in pub games that actually fucking use the hero correctly - as in heal your fucking team and use the Shatter when you can actually secure kills with it or if everybody is topped off and you need that extra burst of damage / you don't need to worry about healing as much for the next few seconds.
How the fuck does one even check the ranking in Casual? And how the fuck do you play Buck, like seriously, I feel like the God damn pellets intentionally miss their mark when you strike a hero but when you try and check the spread on a wall it's fucking magical.
git gud
Buck is a bully. Find someone weak and bully the fuck out of them. You cannot handle a 2v1 and your damage output is low, but you are agonisingly hard to kill and escape from. If you get close enough to land headshots, you can kill most damage dealers in 3 or so hits, especially with net damage. I personally suck at flankers and prefer to force wins as damage dealers.
Also, you can use to check your Casual rankings.
Guess I gotta grind for like fucking 4000 until people stop being shitters.
I can't land headshots for shit with most characters because it feels like the bloody hitbox is placed in a rather weird angle to the side of the head instead of the temple itself for most characters. Quite frankly I don't have a grasp on it. As bully, I'd had more success as Eevie than buck simply because I don't have to worry about the God damn pellets doing 400 or so damage when I have my dick rammed in their mouth. His turn rate also feels sub-par / sluggish. The deck I'm using probably ain't helping either.
Yeah, not a great deck. I am no Buck Expert, but you should probably copy some decks from the leaderboards. Most of them are pretty similar. Also, having an Elo over 1800 puts you in the absolute top percentage of players or something. Nobody ever gets better, not even in ranked.
Fucking kill me, Pete.
focus on regenerate, max out the cooldown reduction. you probably dont need that much legs. giga siphon is awesome consider maxing it if youre maxing regenerate cooldown reduction anyways since youll have that much more lifesteal uptime.
I prefer having that card that reduces restoration CD by 4 seconds
Why would you do that
I mean payload
Grinding those try hard games before finally committing to ranked. This game is really enjoyable. I play support role in every game I play due to the whole "most players are selfish dipshits" thing but its really fun in this game.
Because it's the better game mode, fuck the Payload variant in this game. I have no idea if its bugged or some shit but there was literally no overtime back when I tried it and most of the maps felt sub-par to me.
I don't trust the leader-board decks for shit honestly, most of them just look back on paper and I ain't got the autism to go through all the ropes of trying to see if they are worth it from a min-max perspective. And I'll try more CD reduction and Giga although I was frankly thinking of just taking it out since fucking WORTHLESS PELLETS GOD DAMN.
Not sure how to feel about elo, it's like everyone who's actually playing is in the top 1% and the rest are throwaway accounts or something
And the damned site didn't record three of my wins while recording all the losses.
Don't trust it too much.
I stick to point/cart, you know whenever I'm not on my own against most of the enemy team where I have to fireball and charge and bunnyhop around like a retard waiting for my shield to be ready again while actually making no ground. I can't effectively use my ult for shit, but I'm just starting out still. If no one else is around and I'm not pushing last cap, I'll just let myself die rather than waste it, I try to have at least two other people around whenever I pop it.
You could always practice in casual, you filthy casual.
The overtime only happens if you're on cart and stops like four seconds after someone leaves the cart. You have to be even a little closer to the cart than in TF2 to push it in this game, I think. Overtime's quick by design, largely because it's all progress-based rather than win-based. Here's the basic gist:
It's a lot different, and the matches are shorter, and it's often frustrating because your dumbass team will leave you with a hologram way too close to carry by keeping the other team from getting to, but it's pretty fun I think.
Casual mode is absolute garbage. Grind all your champs to level 4 then get the fuck out and never look back.
If you're fighting a Drogos it's usually a good investment to just Ult if there are people relatively close to you, just so you can bait out his ult by being a nice juicy target actually pushing the payload instead of having him take out one of the other people on your team. Other than that, ye', keep doing that shit.
As for Overtime in payload, fuck that mode in general. Only reason I played more than one game was because Siege got unlocked once I hit level 5. The fact you don't keep your items between rounds is the most aggravating shit in existance as well.
Amen. Shame there aren't enough fucking fun heroes to grind though.
Man they really give you fuck all for chests now.
Boy the recent patch sure makes credits easy to come by
yeah when they said chests give gold I thought it would be some extra bonus
Chance of getting a usable item was like 2% as it was
Still, free game
But I'm telling you that cart is gr8 m8
Just had the most arousing round, I started pushing cart and holy shit our Makoa shows up too, and then when my shield wears down, he's still on the cart popping his shell so I'm inside it. We kept alternating out with him running off to hit someone occasionally and me just throwing fireballs and finishing anyone close to the cart. A little ways in, our Skye came over and helped push too since we were so safe behind the constant shields. Other team was pretty noob even for casual too, we could pull stuff off like Makoa pulling one in and me charging them to finish them off, so on. Also I stood on top of the cart and just shielded and flamed at them until they went back in spawn, then went around the corner to heal while my team took potshots. They finally killed me once they had one minute left on their clock, I don't think I died even once while we were pushing. That probably boosted my casual cart KDA for front line, it was like 0.53 on that site, which I actually feel good about given most of my combat so far is 2v1s, 3v1s and 4v1s.
Somehow I doubt you guys when you say comp is better, people said Valve servers are trash too (true) and then I found that not only were community servers worse, but private servers were yet worse than pubs and everyone playing is trash or market gardener autists. Also tiered is almost always cancer in my experience, with shitters raging and screaming at their teams for not playing the way their autistic brains think will work for some reason…so I'm a little reluctant to even try it.
Do they ever give you things besides cards and gold? I mean, you can just buy cards with your gold anyways, dunno what else it's even for other than skins. Maybe we should be hoarding it in anticipation of some really cool update. Unusuals when?
anything in the game (probably minus the exclusive items) can be gotten by chests
Oh so the [generic real-money-representing-currency] items too?
As long as they aren't limited I believe so. I imagine they will implement the smite system where they shuffle them around in various crates.
Emotes which you can't buy at all, plus parts of skins like weapons/heads. I've gotten a few but mostly gold. No emotes/anything of note in last two patch cycles.
Is it me or are the servers shitting themselves? Everything feels sluggish as fuck for some damn reason.
Press F9 to see fps and ping
Deft hands is extremely helpful for Grokh, it's pretty much a must for him.
In all fairness it's somewhat hard to get a decent healing score in Casual due to how retarded the playerbase is on a regular basis. Fuckers charging in or trying to snipe from afar instead of being near the fight making it hard as balls to properly get some heals out as anything but Ying - and even then it's not the easiest task in the world.
Also they need to add a fucking channel system so I can just que with you fuckers, I am getting tired of either full retardation or 5man stacks.
I got the red colour for Grohks weapon in a chest. Whopeedoo.
you would kill yourself for thinking this game needs one
I honestly have good memories of the d2g channel just because I ignored all the autists and shittalked Dante while queing with him for easy wins. Its your own fault for actually trying to use it for chatting m8.
Is it just me or would the game be ten times better without flankers? They are basically just damage dealers that have effortless and guaranteed escape methods.
Why do you hate fun, user? Are you some sort of anti-social retard?
More like, everyone should be flankers
damage dealers without dps
These "effortless escapes" are countered by the class they're meant to wreck: supports. Every support besides Ying has some sort of CC that slows or prevents movement. The most significant of this is Grover, who can completely disable any movement abilities for a relatively long time when you upgrade duration, effectively making them sitting ducks for you and your teammates to whittle down..
shit, didn't mean to add that second period at the end
Are we playing the same game?
Shatter = No heals
Shatter = Stupid AI pathfinding getting stuck on walls
Shatter = 500 - 1100 damage if lucky and people are retarded enough to not move or destroy the illussions.
Congratulations you did less damage than the damage you could have patched with heals to your own team.
You just play pubs, dont you?
Nigga, I'm around 1500 Elo in casual because I play with friends that suck at the game and we do retarded things meanwhile im on the top 100 in the ranking in competitive. Do not treat casual like competitive, casual is casual nigger, try out things there.
Without Cripple, Grover would be the worst character in the game. He is just shit, not the worst like Skye, but shit.
what the fuck are you doing
>mfw your post when I main both of them
Well he does get shut down pretty hard by cauterize
And he deals so little damage when you get in his face
press e
You're truly retarded.
Yes, Grover is shit because of that and his big ass hitbox.
The only good thing from Grover is his cripple.
Fucking Pip heals more than Grover.
When you see people with a brain using cauterize, and Pip players not being selfish you'll see that Pip will always heal more than Grover.
I feel like this is a decent enough deck for Gronkh.
You can call LOL a trash game all you want and you will be right, but if there is one thing it did better than all these other games is locking server picking behind a paywall, so wonderful things like this are a rarity.
And i can't believe i forgot the most amazing part about that match, he bought wrecker
absolutely. i got like 2 voice packs within 3 chests the other day, ive gotten a few skins before too. though i forget who they were for.
i was reading patch notes the other day and at some point they reduced the range on spiderman ivy. i dont see why they would do that. he pretty much needs to use it to heal anyone specific and cant afford to drop cards to increase the range in piddly increments of 10%
If you don't like memes take your scrub asses back to IGN fgts.
It kind of would, all they're good at is cheap-shotting combat classes and it only works after the enemy combat class has been wounded by another direct class, so it's just sort of a buzzkill that ends satisfying fights with dumb shit no one could see or prevent.
But when they don't do what they're "meant to", no one can counter them effectively unless they fuck up.
Hitboxes are actually very important. For instance, Pip with all of his various bullshit would actually be a pretty balanced support, but the small hitbox makes him an overall bastard. Grover on the other hand is like a sitting duck even for frontlines, unless the player is clever enough to compensate.
Jesus fuck this Gourd is hilarious and the Salt you can draw from Fernandos as they try to stop you from forcefully making them drop their shields with snake is palpable through the screen.
This overmeme generation is a fucking disgrace
Always so reliable…
I got Skye's voice pack as my first real drop finally.
The Gourd isn't so bad and I never even worry about the snake because I can't predict when you'll pop it, but Mul'Daba's too chunky for me to charge and flame or take down with a fireball, so I just have to jump around waving my dick uselessly while I wait for the acid stuff to wear off.
The maps are even less corridor than TF2 though, you're just blind or something tbh fam
The Gourds a real money-maker honestly, if there were any cards that would increase its AOE further I would pick them up in a heartbeat just because the damage / healing is honestly nothing to scoff at. Ying is still the better healer just because she has more burst heal and you aren't required to fight on a specific point to get heal so she allows tanks to disengage for a bit then jump back into the fray with full HP. Still, Snakefag is fun, shame he is reliant as fuck on a decent team - arguably more-so than every other support in the game.
I actually had a few decent teams lately, and they got mini-shields from the card I bought. I'm thinking I might switch up some, give that card full-power even if it's a meme card, to reward good teams. I'm not a good enough Fern to carry against an average casual team without at least one other decent player caring about cart on my team, and I don't really want to do the whole "build like the top rankers" thing because it takes fun out of the game. So I might put full power into the shield sharing card and nerf the shield card, or maybe that and the health card evenly.
Lately, for powerups, I've just been going straight Haven to third rank on Fern, but sometimes I put in heal on kill or even bulldozer (no one ever seems to help me take out the cart-area turrets). Should I balance my upgrades more, like get four cards before upgrading, or is sticking to Haven viable?
Dire Need is a meme card thats also shit. If you have a premade that knows to stick close to you it can do wonders but in the average pub people will refuse to be within 200 units of you unless you forcefully go to them - which is more than likely away from the point. You can do a fireball build if you don't wanna copy a tryhard meme build. As for Items in general, grab what you need. Sometimes that means not Heaven. If you got a good healer on the team that actually knows how to heal - and the enemy don't grab cauterize / grabbed it on a hero such as Ying - then max out Rejuvenation and laugh in the face of everybody as you become unkillable and your support ends the game with some 120k healing done. Bulldozer is only good on Nando if you get level two I feel but its so cheap it's worth an investment if you're swimming in credits like you are supposed to be. And generally speaking don't deck yourself out unless the game is going rather poorly and you need any small advantage you can get, Heaven / Blast Shield / Rejuvenate / Morale Boost level two and three are generally more important than getting the third and fourth item at level 1. Also heal on kill is pretty shit I feel, grab Veteran if you don't have any decent healers or Rejuvenate if you can afford being greedy with them.
Cauterize. Cauterize cauterize cauterize. Nando can reliably apply cauterize to every single enemy on the point, making their healers worthless once you get level three. If you've got Ying or Mal on your team, just go straight for Cauterize 3. If you have neither, get rank 1 veteran, then go straight for Cauterize 3. After that get haven/blast shields and master riding/chronos, but the most important item Nando can get is Cauterize 3.
So you're telling me a team that's nowhere near close enough to get shared shield is going to take advantage of a two-second window where the enemy can't heal despite them not being around me to know I'm flaming? I'm not sure how shields wouldn't work but cauterize would. Two seconds just seems uselessly short to me, I mean I'm not going to kill everyone I manage to touch just because they can't heal when I have no allies by me.
2 seconds every time you hit them, m8. What, do you only shoot them once? You should be constantly flaming everyone on the point, keeping them burning and cauterized. That means your healer can heal you, and their healer can't heal anyone.
Your damage might not be close enough to get shared shield, but even idiots like to shoot people.
You may not have realized this, but Fernando's weapon operates on charge, not ammo, and has a shit range, and unless a charge is ready he moves slow as shit.
Ha. Haha. Oh, my sweet summer child, what nice matches you must play.
Extra reason to grab Cauterize since it isn't dependent on the amount or type of damage, just that they get damaged
Not if you're staying on the point like you should be, where everybody has to come fight you
Not in most cases outside of really open areas, his speed is good enough even with shield up.
Yup. Which means you can flame everyone for a bit, charge for a bit, and never have to actually reload.
Stand on the point and his range doesn't matter.
He's fast enough to do what he needs to do, and with cards he can get even faster. He's got a bunch of cards that boost his movement speed, why don't you try some of those instead of your shitty meme shields?
Yup. It sure is nice being in the top 5% of comp.
Also how the fuck does this God damn thing do its calculations, this is horseshit. Fucking impossible to play Eevie nowadays it feels, there's some weird input lag or something going on that makes it annoying as fuck to properly hit targets or avoid getting hit with the ice-block.
The problem is that they don't all pile on me because the enemy usually isn't THAT retarded…they set up sentries and mines and come at me from all angles at once. Obviously. Otherwise I'd just shield and laugh at them instead of spinning my shield around like a spastic retard between charge/retreats and fireballs, like I constantly have to. Seriously, the teams I get half the time I'm 4v1 just by being on the cart where I'm supposed to be. His speed is not good enough, he's slower than flankers and damage dealers which are what always are flanking me if I'm on cart. Fernando is good but he's very vulnerable while waiting for everything to recharge, and if no one shows up and finishes the guys you flamed off while you're shielding on top of the cart, when it wears off you're still 4v1 or 3v1 with very few options.
I think the heart of the problem is:
I'm playing cart because it's less boring than siege (though siege having a cart portion does help), so they never have to touch the cart if the rest of my team isn't trying to push it, they just have to fan out, whittle me down, and then go back to chasing the rest of my team around in irrelevant side fights.
Because tbh after shields my next picks are my health and shield health. Because Fernando isn't an ebin ganker, he's a front line. It works great when I get a team that works with me (I do, sometimes, though very rarely a decent healer playing to actually heal), and I can't push it all on my own when I don't have a good team no matter what I do.
Be honest, are all of your games with turbo-autists grinding to practice the same old combos and maneuvers over and over and over and raging in chat about "shit team, don't kill muh rank"…or are the people in Paladins comp actually fun to play with?
There's your problem m8.
Another thing, too. Why are you guys SO MAD about Aggression. I mean yes, wasteful, but I can't help but wonder if that extra 5 or 10 percent damage is causing people to kick your ass because you chose something team-oriented like Wrecker. Otherwise, wouldn't you just be smug? Or are you complaining about your teammates picking it?
Pretty sure your problem is that you don't know what fun is m8
You probably aren't even using your leg as a mousepad tbh
Because a 300 item negates 1200 worth
Not in comp. That's the thing, most people in normal mode are shitters. Everyone who cares about playing well and has enough champs at level 4 is playing comp.
Deft hands is okay on certain champs who have long reloads. It's great on Mal, for example, because his reload stuns at the end and the faster you can get that snake out the better.
The people in comp are fun to play with. Sometimes you'll even have people talk about which champions to pick during the pick stage. People use VGS for things other than woohoo spam. It's pretty nice.
Stop playing payload. Play siege. The game is designed for siege.
Aggression is garbage because 5% a rank is tiny and even rank 3 is negated by a single rank of Haven. 1.15 * 0.9 = 1.035. People complain because their teammates pick it and waste money.
Because its utter shit that does absolutely nothing, I don't care if its on the enemy team only. It still pisses the shit out of me because eventually I'm going to have to que into those retards on my fucking team. In a stomp game you usually do 25-30k damage as the main DPS on the winning side and 15-20k on the losing side. Aggression at level one means a grand total of 1500 and 1000 in a best case scenario. That's fucking nothing. Evie has more health than that, Yings Illusions have more health than that, hell fucking Grokhs ward has more health than that with a little upgrade. Let's say that's unfair, let's say most games aren't a stomp. An average person playing the primary damage deals around 55-65k damage a game. Let's assume they deal around 30k before grabbing the second upgrade to streamline shit, that leaves another 35k damage with Agression 2. That's 3250 damage done through Agression. That's barely a life and a half of a Ying and that's spread out through an entire game through all enemy team members. That shit is not enough to kill anybody even if you divide it by only two people.
TL;DR Fuck out of here nigger, get Cauterize or Wrecker.
Deft Hands has its uses, I don't deny that, but not as a second item and certainly not as a first item. It's a luxury on practically everybody with the possible exception of a DPS Grokh.
I don't know, you sound like the opposite of fun, and you play comp. And siege.
I know why Aggression is garbage, I can do math actually.
You too, you play comp and you're raging about anyone ever picking Aggression. I've never once bought a rank of Aggression and here you are telling me again and again why it's bad when I didn't ask and we all already know just by looking at it and the things next to it. It's not like this is some deep lore, and it's not like this game has depth anyways, so take it easy son.
I ain't got the levels for that shit since most heroes bore the shit out of me and I don't feel like grinding it out just yet. Also fuck your shit m8, you straight out acted like you don't understand why people hate Aggression and then pull out that shit. Granted we knew you were a retard ever since you mentioned you prefer Payload to Siege but still.
Bitch how you gonna try to put words in my mouth when this is a written conversation? I quote from
m8 wat even is that K-On looking but not K-on sheeeeiittt?
New thread where
Nelo here.
We aint grinding "same old combos" we are playing even casually. For many people that are actually good at vidya the ranked is like casual play for us, so we chill there and play.
If we rage when we lose with "shit team"? No, because at our level we don't get "shit teams" except when you get an AFK nigger or someone that goes aggression/refuses to teamwork and flames to top it.
In short, rankeds are fun to play and it's forced Siege luckily since the payload maps are fucking awful that punishes many characters, making damage/flankers way too important.
In all seriousness, how's the starting matches in Competitive? If it's semi-decent I might have to force myself to stop picking Eevie / Snakefag / Ying / Fernando / Viktor and start grinding to get enough levels to try it out.
I dunno, flankers are a pain but they aren't THAT bad on the payload maps, and I'm saying this as Fernando. You guys are all supposed to be 1337proMLG and all that, I don't get what spooks you so much about cart tbh fam
The cart now moves at max speed with only one player, meaning that the tank is AFK bored on the point most of the time.
It also imbalances even further characters making them unplayable, at the same time, the payload maps I have seen are a clusterfuck with many bottlenecks were spam is rewarded and thus skill is not needed.
In general, I do prefer a king of the hill in a team vs team game with little players, a payload only game mode would be better if we had at least ~18 players in my opinion.
My friend, like in casual, but with people that are running away from retards and retards that think they are hot shit. However there are less retards than people that actually try, after a tiny bit, you'll get into matches were noone buys aggression except someone that took Kinessa cause its Timber Mill.
I do recommend you to find someone of your level and play duo ranked, I didnt do duo ranked till I got into the top 100, were everyone and their mother is duoing except the top 10 who are really good at the game and nice people to have. I love to shitpost when they're on my team or on the other team on the ending lobby, it's fun to find their smurfs because of the way they play or because they blatantly have the same name with a number on it like Bird does.
However, even these top players are no gods, so a team of "nobodies" can destroy them if played well and with a strategy in mind.
I'll give you an example of the typical retard that flames
Quite frankly in all the hundred or so games I've got so far the only semi-decent players I found were an autistic Androxus Main that can't really play anything else and an Autistic Waifu Ying Main, everybody else that's on my friend list are basically retards that added me after I went on tangents regarding Agression or some other shit. Which is why I'm kinda hoping for the Holla Forums chat room shit to become a thing so it's easy to find partners for queing
i had Skye's voice pack from the beginning without ever opening a chest…
I think we get a somewhat random assortment of unlocked characters and assets. That or you started before I did and earlier versions had more unlocked.
Thanks hirez
I don't know what makes you more of a retarded child, that you slammed your mouse hard enough to break it or that you paid extra for a more "pro" mouse that's actually just waaaay more fragile…or, really, that you ever paid over $20 for any kind of mouse that wasn't plated with precious metals.
The fuck are you doing fam?
Sorry I'm not a limp wristed poorfag?
If you're not, why do you need a mouse with slightly less click weight when the cheap Dell/HP ones are already as capable of as many cps as you can deal out?
You are a manchild that smashed his fucking mouse because of a fucking CRAPCUNTS genre game.
Maybe you need to stop being the faggot here.
kys faggot
I'm scared onni~fam.
Get a duo partner while soloQ ranked nigger.
Nigger you DO know that the display % on it is as bugged as the one on the Veteran upgrade, right?
That means that when his totem is up every team mate and Grohk himself regens 40% of their max health per second +whatever the shitty default healing rate is. That's enough to bring anyone from near death to peak within 2.5 seconds regardless of how much health they have.
It makes any tank standing in your circle immortal for it's duration which can also be increased with crackle.
There is a reason why his ult is so shit. His base skill set includes the best heal in the game and personal invulnerability. Decent DPS too.
His ult is used as a last resort thing:
When they destroy his totem and people need healing or when a tank is behind a shield wiht low HP to kick him out of the point.
It's not useless, it's situational as fuck.
Speaking of Grohk, does anybody have any idea what the total health of his totem is without any card upgrades?
Oh its bugged. That makes sense I remember weeks ago people were saying healing rain is worthless because 3% of hp gain is minimal, but if its bugged that would make a lot more sense.
I'm shit with him but hes obviously strong.