Non-Violent Extermination

From the Latin ex terminus, out of a boundary, and exterminare, to banish or drive out. Extermination does not have to be violent, and in fact the most effective exterminations are often not violent at all. The goal of the exterminator is to compel the pest out of an area and dissuade its return using a variety of means and methods.

Humans exterminate each other all the time. White flight, gentrification, pogroms, running-out-of-town events, right down to simple unwelcomeness. The key to any effective extermination is to altar your environment so that it becomes intolerably inhospitable to the specific pest(s). What creates this inhospitable environment may be general or specific to the pest.

And that is best accomplished through largely, if not entirely, non-violent methods. By convincing pests to leave on their own volition, rationally or irrationally, you save a great deal of time, effort, resources, and emotional toil on your side.

There are three routes to address to bring about effective exterminations:

We've already seen creative instances of extermination-practices on this very board over time. 'Seed bombs' that are rigged with building-destroying plant seeds to slowly demolish undesirable neighborhoods or with lovely plants to enhance other neighborhoods. Right Wing Safety Squads reporting fire safety concerns at popular degenerate spawning grounds or calling your friendly neighborhood ICE on all suspected illegals in your area. Plenty of examples of salt-of-the-earth run-outs of undesirable elements in the webm threads. Even postering campaigns can be instances of generating inhospitable environments for undesirable elements.

ITT, we talk of creative methods of non-violent extermination that could be legally and safely accomplished by your average user or that which could be accomplished with group support. Holla Forums would never condone illegal activities in any form outside of a joke about your ill-paid employees, Mr. FBI. This is of course all an intellectual exercise in what might actually remove kebab or shoo the jew, and also to determine countermeasures to being exterminated from our soil as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

All jews will be exterminated. All non-whites will EVENTUALLY be exterminated. We're talking on the order of a few centuries for the last one.

We must exterminate the kikes and niggers because they deserve it and it'll be funny

I suggest exterminating non-whites through kind, gentle, non-voilent bullets to the head

Forcing people off of land is inherently violent you dumbass. Violence isn't strictly doing physical harm to someone's body, but forced migration will still do that.

Bear in mind that Nazis originally wanted to remove Jews, not kill them. The Final Solution was a product of circumstances that prevented plan A from being enacted. It's actually really fucked how people overestimate the malicious intent of the Nazis because the supposed evil intent isn't even necessary to produce the horrific results.

Too bad the other wants violence.

Well funnily enough they partially overestimate malicious intent because of kike word fuckery like what was meant by 'exterminate' (I don't remember the German word, but I think it's something like 'uproot' that got translated into this and then portrayed in a physical violence light by kikes for their obvious purpose?) which OP touches on.

That's pretty much a leftist definition, i.e., 'words can be violence'.



Again, the other side actively demands violence and is not willing to negotiate.


Exterminatus is the only way.

haha. not a bot i see :^)

(((Someone))) got really butthurt

FDFD to you too

I don't mind if we could do it non-violently. But once that's done, we have to actually finish the job by removing them from the realm of the living. :^)

I'm game


It would certainly remove individuals in messy fashion, but think of the human and material cost to your volk. People don't normally elect to be immobile targets. They run, they hide, they strike back when faced with overt violence. Such efforts are bloody and destructive all round and massively disruptive to the nation's life. Not to mention sympathies are created which could be exploited to the benefit of certain (((parties))). Also, you won't have Pogrom Tuesdays for very long before the people grow weary of darkie dunking and constant chimpouts. In short, direct violence is an extremely costly and unsustainable method of extermination no matter what group conducts it, and usually not very effective pound for pound. Besides, while DotR projections are par for the course here, anons are generally not one-man armies, nor FBI cannon fodder.

Let them exhaust themselves in wasting their energies as described above while more effective and efficient methods are taken up by those who are more clever. Does a man fight for something that he finds to be not worth the trouble to keep? Make his station not worth the trouble to defend and he will simply leave on his own energies rather than yours - that allows for scalability as it is said in business. Plus legitimate self defense is a cherished tradition in the West. Take steps to prepare for that first strike, then ensure they do not throw another after it.

Exactly. The transliteration of vocabulary is creepy. It is straight-up newspeak from 1984, and Marxists do it all the time to ruin the way you think. For example, Nation and State are not synonyms. Nation comes from the Latin natio, birthplace and consequently your race or volk. State is from the Latin status, which refers to your official rank in a governmental system. A Nation is literally made of blood and soil, while a State is a thoughtform only. Nation-States are when a nation creates a government tailored to themselves, and multiculturalism destroys it. However if you ask an (((educated))) mind today they'll tell you there is no difference between a nation and a state. There are many words that have been corrupted to serve such deracinating interests (Latin radix, root).

The Emperor protects.

More like muh dinner and distractions. PR only has an influence if it attaches to a coherent identity. No identity, no PR. But that's a different conversation.

Frankly, OP's post addresses a good starting point for the eventual full removal of subhumans. I have been noticing a complete disregard of anything other than just posting "kill them all". Either we are being shilled to remove any intelligent discussion or the 14 year olds on Christmas break already got banned from 4chan and are bringing their quality posts here.
Either way, sitting on your ass waiting for a magical go ahead on legal nigger and kike season will be fruitless unless the tides of power and public opinion changes. That won't happen as long as both groups are humanized and feel accepted.
With that said, a good place to make them feel unwanted and, in the process expose them for the destructive forces they are, would be the work place.
With the focus on "progressive" hiring practices more and more businesses are becoming full of shitskins, women and faggots. None of them are capable of the intelligence, creativity and dedication to work that white men are. This is, increasingly, going to lead to fewer of us carrying the weight of poor workers. I wouldn't recommend anyone risks their own job in order to make a stand (counter productive as you will just create another opening for an undeserving minority), but helping businesses see the error in their ways in subtle manner is a possibility. Pointing out failures directly attributed to them, doing poorer on work that may involve them, etc. Allow businesses to feel the pain of hiring unqualified persons.
At the same time, when possible, make the hires feel unwelcome (anonymously). Faggot's tofu disappears from the employee fridge every day. The tampons in the women's bathroom covered in mustard. Tyrone's chair constantly broken. Take a minute to make them miserable and try to get them to act out against the business.


And so we can and should, and it is done all the time in fact. Keep this in mind: The guest-host relationship is sacred, and violators of it are punished severely and justly. It isn't just those who are bad guests or hosts, but those who are too hospitable to those who do not deserve it. We have an obligation to exterminate those who have overstayed their welcome. So I guess I'll focus on one of the areas to give some actual examples to spur conversation.

It's a wall. A barrier can a literal wall that physically impedes movement which is gonna be yuge or it can be a 'soft-barrier' that doesn't physically impede travel yet still diminishes it.

In modern societies people need places to live and work in order to exist in a community. We have all manner of soft walls already in place for this - housing codes and business laws are the best examples.

If a person is disallowed from settling down in an area, they'll move on as surely as if they hit a brick wall. While direct discrimination is illegal for now, businesses are nonetheless vulnerable to social pressure that they believe will affect their bottom lines. The threat of good tenants moving out if undesirable elements move in can frighten many organizations to subtly, carefully, not offer their residences to pests. Home owners associations do this literally all the time, and technically could be set up for all white neighborhoods if plebs could invest in such social capital creation. If the business owner virtue-signals, it serves to signal to everyone that they are not to be desired, which is extremely useful too as a designated target of other methods of exterminating influence.

Easier still is to employ existing laws. We all know that many businesses hire illegal labor, and even today you can be seen as fully virtuous by plebs for reporting businesses for exploitation. Naturally you must extend this to private individuals too can't let the lazy or the compassionate get away with giving resources to pests, and a few solid cases of businesses and people getting massively fined will put up a powerful soft-barrier to entry in the minds of many. By cutting off their resources, pests cannot persist for long and leave on their own or become criminal. Both can be dealt with.

Erecting territorial barriers is also very common. The crude methods of marking out territory are done by gangs who graffiti areas and signal themselves with their dress and manner. This is done to signal friendliness to comrades and aggressiveness to outsiders. Humans will respond instinctively to what they perceive as warning signs that they are encroaching on inhospitable territory even if there are no guards there. So long as the belief is maintained that consequences follow trespass, the soft barrier works. But only so long as people believe them to mean anything visceral, which is part of the culture-building elements of the Discouragement focus.

Eh, it's easy to type out and expresses one's distaste, but such low energy shitposting is neither as useful or as entertaining as what Holla Forums is fully capable of. You're right that there won't be open season declared anytime soon, but effective extermination doesn't require a DotR scenario to work.

That's the right idea, and your suggestions for subtle behavior are the sorts of things to aim for. Going for the business angle at the same time as gaslighting or creating a sense of unwelcomeness is how to get them to leave on their own which is the most energy-efficient method of extermination possible.

One of the Ender's Game sequels had a nice little idea. As a form of passive resistance to an occupying army villagers would pick up a small stone and drop it at the same spot in the road as they walked passed. A small little custom that eventually blocks the roads to car traffic, and can not be traced to a single person.
Not sure if that helps, but the concept is nice.

This doesn't strictly fall under the category of non-violent, but I've wondered if hypothetically speaking if it was possible to create any sort of weapon that only targets specific groups. All I could think of was some kind of genetically engineered disease designed specifically to target high levels of melanin. Maybe something like vitiligo, but it causes the skin to burn instead of absorbing light? I don't know, everything I'm thinking of is purely in the realm of sci-fi.

It would probably be easier to just somehow initiate a new ice age.

This wouldn't work because the virus would eventually mutate and infect whites as well.

I think for sure that is the concept that is at the heart of all effective community actions. Dropping a rock at the right place is extremely simple and requires a tiny amount of effort, yet in the aggregate creates an insurmountable environment. So take that idea and apply it here: What are simple actions people can take to covertly create an inhospitable environment to the unwanted and a hospitable environment to their own? The more people who can be induced to do it, the better the effect.

Bacon targets Muslims. I'm serious. Waft the scent of bacon about every mosque you find to the grand irritation of its adherents and the delight of whites. Jews are afraid of being exposed as Jews, which means nothing to whites but everything to Jews. It might not sound like a big deal these little irritations and features, but Hannibal destroyed Roman armies in part by keeping them up all night and ruining their breakfasts. Every little element helps in making an environment inhospitable, like a bundle of sticks creates an unbreakable power.

Glow more.

Remove them non-violently from the land and sterilize most races. Race-mixed people I say leave the +60-75% whites alive, the rest should be sterilized too.


>Doesn't even realize none of the effects of this conversation requires the use of any words (((deemed))) naughty
Low energy pilpul right there. No shekels for you today.

Sterilization would help in long-term removal efforts, though one might argue it is a very slow process taking two or three generations to start seeing an impact. I think in concert with other efforts it could work, but effective sterilization could happen by disincentivizing reproduction through means like restricting marriage benefits, changing citizenship laws to reflect national standards (to differentiate whites versus others), and/or incentivizing white reproduction instead like the newlywed government loan that gets forgiven as they reproduce. More whites with a healthy attitude of being good hosts but not doormats would naturally push out non-members in time,

Do my kids get sterilized since they're 13% Amerindian? I married a Chilean woman and that's what happened. My kids have zero non European phenotypes and a triple digit IQ if that helps.

Given that user's argument, if they're above ~75% European genetically they'd be fine. Otherwise he'd advocate sterilization or some other method of preventing reproduction in that society.

They're 87-88% White, and their European side is largely Iberian along with German, Nordic, Irish, and French on my side. I tell my kids that they're White and to be proud of it though. They don't identify as Hispanic people.

Yes, that is what the word means in English.

Careful agent shlomo, you're using up all the words in your manual in one post, save some for later.
This thread is an obvious defilement attempt. OP and his kike buddies (you) hope to get right-wingers using the word "extermination" and "discussing methods of extermination" solely to drive away new recruits and to provide screenshot fodder for lazy articles written by 20-something vocal frying Buzzfeed journalists.
As I said, glow more.
That a given word means something in Latin is completely irrelevant to its meaning in English.
You can't understand why your thread is sinking, probably soon to be bumplocked, because in the briefing they assured you that right-wingers will lap up anything 'historic', especially 'being pseudointellectuals, latin is especially effective'.
Now you are lashing out at anyone who sees through your shamefully obvious operation, blowing through outgrouping label after outgrouping label, as well as revealing your leftist/'skeptic community' colors by invoking terms from philosophy.
Incorrect usage, but I will give you one: genetic fallacy, which is exactly what is being used in a vain attempt to argue that "exterminate" means "drive out" in English.
It doesn't, you've been exposed, now fuck off.

Lets anyone doubt the luminosity of your glowing and the emptiness of your claims:

They aren't White and you're a race traitor. In reality said "kids" don't exist and you are attempting to deploy an old fracture point technique.
The shill will make a post claiming girlfriend/wife/children/ancestry containing a low amount of non-White admixture, then posing questions about acceptance. They start with a low figure in the hopes that someone will say "that doesn't matter, you're White".
If any user makes the mistake of granting acceptance to such a poster, then the same ploy will be repeated again, this time OP will claim a higher percentage of mixture, more recent admixture etc. The objective is to constantly slide the definition of "White" to greater and greater levels of admixture. If rejected the shill will cite the previous poster and try to consensus crack by arguing that the difference between previous poster and him is so small that it's illogical to reject one and accept the other.
Classic tactic which has been employed for decades on WN forums.
Even if rejected, this "but it's only such a small percentage, does it really matter?'' has the effect of sowing uncertainty and undermining confidence.
This is one reason why the "one drop" rule can be the only way.

10/10 thread. It's wise to "do something" without getting obviously violent, which would only serve as a pretext for a state crackdown and public support for it too.

If you're into this level of action, you'd probably be better talking on TOR. Beware of stylometry too.

I can't tell if it is simple paranoia that drives you, or a pocket in need of shekels. An interesting case study. Lets dissect.
You first assume, again, that I care about the word rather than its implications. Call it whatever you prefer, so long as you explore the concept of compelling undesirables from an area in an efficient manner. I use 'extermination' because the meaning before the end of WWII was best understood as this very concept, rather than what is taught in (((public schools))) today. Rather than using a long sentence every time I want to employ the concept, I use a single word. I personally think language is important to preserve and to recognize corruptions of it that are used by Marxists and other subversives to poison your mind, but perhaps that nuance is beyond you. I will say that on the PR front, if your name is associated with your words, it wouldn't pan over well to use extermination in any positive sense given its connotation that you point out. That's obvious to the point of not even needing to be explained. What word(s) would better encapsulate the concepts this thread is attempting to explore?
Actually I'm relatively pleased with the response so far. Heavy esoteric topics like this rarely have much bumping, and that is to be expected and somewhat planned. This shit is only of interest to certain anons who like to mull over puzzle-like concepts. I'd rather have a few thoughtful anons have a nice quiet discussion than a gaggle of shills, spergs, and shitposters who obfuscate whatever use can be gleaned from the topic though a little spice is sometimes nice from time to time. If I have any desires for this thread besides not getting needlessly anchored, it would be to get more input on the actual points rather than your meta-schlomo theories that add nothing of value here.
Do you think anons are pseudo-intellectuals like the e-celeb shits out there? That's a very low opinion of the denizens of Holla Forums. I studied Latin and understand its value better than most who consider any dead language just 'food for fakes'. If you had any inkling of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, you'd realize how fucking important language is and why a well-organized mind might enjoy Latin in particular. But again, beside the point. This particular rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Pure projection. You are literally the only person here who is derailing and wailing about bullshit. Like I said before, these quiet slow-growth threads don't tend to attract too many undesirables, usually. But you're here, employing pilpul nonsense instead of talking about the topic. If you have so much time to fret about a word, perhaps you could turn those impressive mental faculties to the topic at hand: How do you push out and keep out people from places in society without overt violence? It would be more useful for lurkers stumbling across here.

Your dubs cannot go unchecked, plus good point to bring up about the gradual decay of standards of 'what is white'. I do disagree though with 'one drop' rule, as while this is an excellent way of setting an objective standard, it is a rather high goal.

Another fracture point that is pressed on such a rule becomes the, "Well you may be white, but are you Nordic/Anglo/Italian/etc? Not pure!? Get out!" So the solution I believe would be something like suggested that you pick some set amount of genetic percent that will objectively lead to purification over the long-run if paired with anti-miscegenation laws and cultural codes. 75% implies only one grandparent might be non-white, which while acceptable now might be unacceptable in two or three generations due to higher standards moving towards that desired racial purity. But whatever the amount is, you have to base it on some kind of objective standard based in reality and in relation to a higher goal. That should solve that question.

Point taken.

Destruction of habitat is what's making many animals go extinct. Currently it's what's being done to whites. Every year there is less and less area fit to live in.


The Final Solution was also a mistranslation. The real words were 'The Complete Solution' and referred to removing Jews from all of Europe, not just Germany. Lurk for another year for believing the Holocaust meme.

checked, but again it must be pointed out that the gentiles, the 12 tribes of Jacob, are descended of Shem son of Noah and thus are semites. "Jews" are nothing of the sort as they are descended of Jacobs brother Esau/Edom who mated with Caananite and Hittite wives descended of Cain betrothed of the serpent. This is all part of the Big Lie to get us to believe Jesus was a Jew. Not true.
Turkish ashkenazi khazarian edomites infiltrated the tribe of Judah of which Jesus was a member, bringing with them their babylonian language of yiddish containing the hard J. Later they would confuse the Judean/Judahite terminology by introducing the word "Jew" to confuse the difference.

Not only are gentiles the real semites, theres no such thing as a "jew" period.


Hey, OP.
Heard any ancient Babylonians kvetching lately?

Because they don't exist anymore.

Thanks OP. Good, commonsense stuff that can be easy to forget with all the libshit shilling.

41, pls


You could give black people in swing districts a one way ride to a district in California. There they would not impact elections as much and would compete with the illegal mexicans.

Other than that "drug tests for welfare!" is brutal and facebook boomer-tier PC. I bet no one has anything better than that.

Very true. Whites are being exterminated from their own conquered territories and usually without widespread violence. This is ultimately the problem with unrestrained immigration, legal and otherwise. It isn't the criminals so much as what the presence of non-compatible members does to 'Social Capital' in the target volk. Terrorism annihilates trust in a society, and that is how it truly damages it rather than the explosions or trucks of peace themselves. Reconquista requires just enough Mexicans to replace cultural values and institutions with their own, and it will exterminate whites as surely as gentrification exterminates them. Robert Putnam's essay on the topic and the whole book Bowling Alone shows how America has been decaying in social capital since the 60's, and that trend follows the (((diversification))) trends since then.

Mistranslations and misinterpretations are deadly to understanding. In the same way that gay turned from meaning happy, to meaning homosexuals, to meaning faggotry, so too do other word meanings get changed in order to warp the way people think about certain ideas. In bad cases, it can block your ability to even conceptualize certain ideas to begin with. A quick read through Less Than Words Can Say by Robert Mitchell will be extremely illuminating to those interested in how bureaucratic language literally makes bureaucrats believe they are not responsible for anything, and more.

Ultimately a successful extermination will make a population 'extinct' in the area they were exterminated from. It can mean either that the population doesn't exist anywhere anymore, or it can simply mean they have moved somewhere else. Violence is not inherent in either, and that is important because it helps consider the matter without that heavy moral impediment over it that Western minds struggle with so much. Still something to deeply think about how to go about it ethically though, even if it is non-violent.

There was a South Park episode where all the homeless were convinced to move to California so they weren't filling up their town and ruining it in zombie-apocalypse style. That is probably one of the easier ways right now, to basically make your society unpleasant enough and at the same time sow ideas for them to all go to somewhere far away they would prefer better. Eventually the idea would be to exterminate them all to Liberia or just reduce their population size to nothing, but the transitory time might require some pozzed cities to become reservations before they are eventually systematically reclaimed. You don't get to be impatient with this stuff. It took 700 years to exterminate the Muslims from Europe remember, though one can do it faster than that. The key to efficient compliance is to convince the person that it is their idea and in line with their interests.

This, plus the repeal of anti-discrimination laws, would make every other goal possible. Man made those laws and he can repeal them. It was Yuri's suggestion too.


It would certainly make it very easy to cut off the resources to undesirable populations. The word discriminate has of course a heavy negative connotation now, even though a 'discriminating taste' is a positive term. Either re-defining discrimination once again as something positive, or using a new term to mean the same thing, would help push it forward. That's like half of the Marxist game is to hollow out useful terms and refill it with their filth.

Another method would be to redefine what qualifies a person to be a 'Citizen'. Today it means basically nothing save you live in a place, but originally citizenship was something you worked for/inherently qualified for. Meaning, if you make whites only qualify for citizenship and perhaps some kind of service (military or otherwise), you can keep anti-discrimination laws but only apply it to citizens who are now by definition high-value whites.

What does that even mean, nigger?

It's a different conversation. Puzzle about it until then.

Those are literally the ones you want to sterilize most. We do not fucking want nonwhite geneflow into our genepools.

Shut the fuck up. No they wouldn't. Do you know anything about genetics? This isn't a democracy where every allele gets a vote and by having a majority the "white alleles" win.

You're telling them lies. They're mongrels in whiteface.

This. American whites had the one-drop rule and stayed white. South American whites did not have the one-drop rule and got absorbed into the beaner horde.

This is another shilling tactic. "That's impossible." "That's too hard a goal." "We have to settle for something more realistic." "We have to compromise."

At the end of the day by calling whiteface mongrels "white" you are not only lying but enabling A) white extinction, and B) the degradation of humanity. IQ points (and other adaptive traits) will slide and slide until you have what are essentially kikes; off-white looking mongrels with dark hair and eyes, sallow skin, and dubious claims to whiteness who lack the intelligence, the creativity, the beauty, and vibrancy of actual whites.

No mixing should be accepted. Ever.


Yeah, you know what the problem with that is? They come back. We have literally been kicking kikes out of our countries for centuries and yet they keep coming back to the point they might even successfully destroy us this time. How the fuck can anyone look at this history of failed "ethical alternatives" to literal genocide and conclude that we need to do it again? How many more fucking times, OP? How many more times should we simply kick kikes and nonwhites out and thereby endanger our future when they inevitably come back?

History is clear. Extermination doesn't work. Genocide does.

So, irrelevant to my point.


but no - seriously, OP Has provides aome great foosbfor thought, but the infestation is too large and widespread

OP's thoughts are helpful to bring whites together, but violence is ultimately the only answer imho. An important forst step though, not to be overlooked.

That's why StormFront would never allow anyone to claim admixture and stay a poster outside the Opposing Views forum. Daily reminder we should use similar tactics against the kikes.


Here's where it gets tricky, kiddo. There's only one surefire way to dissuade a return.

Dude just cut their welfare and release their criminals into their communities.

Look at what happened to Liberian population between 1982 and 1992 to find out what it looks like when welfare and legal protection is cut off for niggers.

I'm doing my part. Here's how:

First, I've fathered a white child. Shit happened, and I didn't get a second, but that's still on the agenda.

Second, I always prefer whites (ideally /our/ kind, but you don't always know) in business, commerce, and personal matters. In my old job doing insurance investigations I applied /our/ principles and dug extra deep to catch POC scammers and marginal cases who seemed to be niggers looking for a handout. I made damn sure they got the full investigatory experience, and I caught a shit-ton of frauds.

It goes without saying that I always report illegals to ICE 1-866-DHS-2ICE (

I try to spread the word with anonymous social media accounts, which look authentic but can't be traced back to me; at least, not easily. Those are for dropping a fresh perspective in high-traffic zones, like politicians' FB walls and George Takei's fag shack. I also seek neutral spots where I can drop a little bit of truth about Gud Boi Dindu #752 when there's a shooting and so on.

In my current job, I have some input into hiring decisions. I regularly trash nonwhites' resumes. Once in a while, I'm forced to hire a based nog or spic, but those are exceptions. All promotions I've had input on so far have gone to whites except one, which was a very old nigger who retired a year later. That one gives me a bit of cover if I'm ever spotted for my deplorable racism.

I have called the police on every nigger to park in my neighborhood for years, and about half the time they come out and find something that gets the car towed. That average is suffering now, since weed was legalized here.

The two times I have been on a jury, I voted to convict. It helps that both were guilty as hell, but one was a spic and the other was a nigger. In the latter case, I talked the others into a guilty verdict on the more serious charge, which most were willing to let slide. I think the guy got way more time because of that, and he had to do it in state prison, rather than the county jail because of the length of the term. Good times.

Finally, always keep the Jew in view. Never hesitate to name him. Draw others' attention to that saddest fact against which they fight: For good or bad, Holla Forums is right.

You're doing god's work brother.

Every person has the right to exist in their own land and to practice their own culture. Send the blacks to africa, asians to asia, and jews to hell.

Quality post, user.
What positions in your company have the most imput on hiring?

We the people.

when someone drives a car and strives to be the fastest and make first place and win, are they attacked and shamed for being racist?
when someone lifts a heavy weight and struggles to be the strongest, do people demand they be weaker so that they may be more fair to everyone else?
when someone gives their sweat, blood, and tears to protect their own family, their own people, and their own country, must they apologize for wanting to be free and safe?

loving your own people and your own country does not mean that you hate everyone else. it's okay to be white. you are not guilty of a crime for being the best you can be. you are not a monster for wanting a better world for your grandchildren. you are not a disease for spreading good ideas to your countrymen. you are you. do the best you can to be the best you can. help those around you be the best they can too.

We are often told that Holla Forums is always right, but to be truly honest we must give credit where credit is due. God is always right, and it is God who has chosen us to drink memes from the breast of life. it is God who guides us through this maze of darkness and deception, and it is God who will save us from those who hate the innocent.

it is highly unlikely that the board owner and mods on Holla Forums and similarly named boards on similar chan sites are not working for shareblue/another shill agency linked to the dnc and the un/eu/globalists.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

we are being targeted and subverted by multiple disinformation terrorist shill cells who hate us for telling the truth, and simply being who we are.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

never forget the connection that Holla Forums has to /x/

lol no they don't retard, go take your natural human rights back to the 1700's where they belong.

The non-jew pests, the negro and mexican golems, come and stay for one simple reason: free shit.

End the welfare state. Full stop. Get rid of it. Paco and Jaykwon will flee fast as their bloated lazy-ass legs will take them.

Masterful user, absolutely masterful.


I believe this is the only "non violent" answer, however it's a complicated matter. What would it mean to destroy the habitats of non-whites to the point that they would desert that depleted environment? We see the way they live in filth, squalor and horror to most of us and yet they don't retreat or give up their turf. So perhaps "destruction" of the habitat isn't the solution as much as enrichment is. If there's anything that non-whites can't stand it's knowing they are outmatched by a superior. It festers at them to the core of their being, knowing they "aren't good enough". In a way gentrification is the solution to the destruction of non-white habitats. By raising the standard of living in these renovated environments, the non-white knows it is no longer at home because of the quality of the environment. Perhaps all we have to do to make them uncomfortable is raise our own standard of living to the point that is foreign and threatening to them(along with creating the feeling of unwelcomeness and hostility that they should have on OUR TURF) and they will return to self segregation

Godspeed user

Agreed. But read it again, I think he was making a joke there.

Seed bombs' that are rigged with building-destroying plant seeds.

Ooh, tell me more.

It's a bad idea to shit up white nations to get rid of the undesirables to purify it because then we are stuck cleaning up our own mess and having to live in shit till then. Instead make third world countries better places so no one wanta to leave in the first place and will want to go back. Everyone likes keeping to their own kind and it will sort itself out. Most important is education, economic development, and disease erradication.