Evolve is Officially Dead

Our Final Message To Our Evolve Community

We won Holla Forums… we won.

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't know post-purchase rationalization could reach this level.

Never cared about the game, i don't even know what it is about other than the lewds of that alien.

Of course we won… this is the house we built.

What the fuck happened during the publisher transition from THQ to 2K Games? this is the same as Battleborn, they pushed the E-sports bullshit too hard.

Should have kept shilling it even though the porn existed.

>evolve is five and a half years old

Does this mean the servers will go down too? Is there even going to be a sequel, whats gonna happen to the devs? I also wonder what this mean for Battleborn since it seems to be in the same boat, if not in a worse scenario.

You do realize they had to develop the game, right?

Whaaaaat? Where did time go

Personally I never got why Holla Forums hated it so much.

It shouldn't have been 60$ but that's really all it did wrong. People meme about it having a ton of DLC on launch but that was mostly people misunderstanding how the unlock system worked/

Anyways, I never bought it myself, but I did play the beta and thought it had a lot of potential and had fun with it for the two days I played it for.

They started development 5 years ago. It was released February 10th of last year.

No it isn't you stupid fuck. God, I'm so fucking tired of the retards on this shitty board. You people think you're SOOOO smart but in reality you're just retarded as hell. Sage

As a piece of shit that flopped really hard

What the fuck?

The porn was fantastic.

I'm a little pissed off, I enjoyed the game.
I put money into it.

So how much time it lasted?

Its because people probably expected it to be Left 4 Dead in space, and all they got was basically the Tank fights stretched into a full game. But the problem is that the game as it is doesnt have any longevity, even when it went Free 2 Play. If it was around the same price point as CS:GO or Battlefield 1943 I'm sure it would be better received.

No dicks?

what does that have to do with the wraith

A little over a year. At some point they made it free to play.

Sauce please. I see a young looking girl, but also a curve meaning most likely adolescent.

Fixed it.

So it went to being shit to being cancer, how much time before the fags that buyed this game realized they were scamed?

Wasn't this game extremely hyped up as some kind of revolution for FPS?

Probably never.


Open wide



I'm just getting a picture of a crying polar bear.


A completely sensible diagram instead of an autistically thrown together college too much to ask for, eh?


I didnt make it, you're welcome to clean it up.

He is known as "Suicidal Po" around here

I don't give a shit about what happens to the game. Don't lump me in your "we" faggotry.

They did.


I never played evolve and never will but it seems to take all those dino games like orion and mash em all into one shit fest with mobile level microtransactions.

He said polar bear, guys. user is actually an eskimo fighting a polar bear to get to shit anime porn.

We won? But I didn't have to lift a finger. I didn't even install the game!


Here's that evolve shill that was on here

Is that a bad thing?

You have to actually try to be this fucking retarded.

Everything about Evolve was trash. From the shitty game to the faggots who spammed every drawthread for a month with 'pls draw porn of this "monstergirl" that is not anthro furfaggotry in any way pls :))))'

Kinda jumping the gun aren't cha? The servers are still up and 2K has no intention of closing the servers soon. They simply won't make new content.

It's honestly in a spot worse then death. It is kept alive on the life support of Free-to-play but no one involved cares enough to help it recover or finish it off.

Good thing I didn't spent a cent on it.

Look up "Ex-Hentai PRX"

It's a firefox/chrome add on.

surely a higher quality gif without watermarks exists

It's been broken for a while now.

If so, I don't have it.

Is that you Private Pyle?


It's not broken.
For any in the dark, here's the chrome fix:
Go into chrome://net-internals, and go to HSTS. Delete the exhentai.org domain. This way, the site no longer automatically loads as a https and the extension works properly.
You're welcome.

i don't know why but when i tried chrome, Holla Forums and some porn websites would never load using Https, i was suspicious of someone trying to snoop at my anime porn

I… I actually liked playing as the muslim / half alien hoe in the free to play release. Bypassing the monster's armor was pretty cool feeling, like I was actually doing something to help the team. Too bad the game was unbalanced as fuck

They wouldn't have failed if:
1. it wouldn't have been hyped to hell
2. it wouldn't have wasted so much money on marketing
3. it would have had a wild life vs hunters mode with hunters having a giant mech and wildlife having the monster
4. it wouldn't have been some goddamn unbalanced

But, whatever, maybe a future dev can look at this and learn not to repeat the same mistakes.


I'll pass.


user, as we have seen time and time again, the industry doesn't learn good things, it only picks up more and more bad habits.


I was actually enjoying the game by playing one or two matches a day, it was pretty fun but when they released the cash shop and dropped my coins from 50k down to 30k and raised the price of the hunters and monsters by 100%. I just didn't want to play anymore. I have more than enough to buy every hunter and monster but I didn't since I was waiting until new characters and now thanks to that shit I can only afford like 2 monsters/hunters.

I can learn from this.
Just need to liek meak gaem.

Tastes aside, I can understand being upset over a game you really loved being discontinued.

But to compare it to a break-up with someone you dearly loved? Come on, my dude.

Why don't you retards just do it the normal way? It's really not hard. It doesn't even cost any money.

It's annoying, you have to edit your cookies rather than just putting your username and password into it like a normal login.

As long as you log in to e-hentai before visiting exhentai, your cookies are fine and you don't need to do shit.

That's not a polar bear. It's the mullato offspring of a polar bear and a black bear, and it's crying because it knows that it's a half-breed with inferior genetics that will never live up to it's true potential and never have a true place to belong in this world.

Well this is sad, I wanted more wraith porn.

I'm reading this thread on Chrome AND using secure connection to Holla Forums.

Even then, you have to visit e-hentai and login there first, rather than going to exhentai and logging in directly. It's not a very big annoyance, but enough for me to take two seconds to install an extension, that bypasses a step that takes two seconds.


Exhentai automatically deletes anything tagged with incest. Of course that means just that incest manga remains untagged there, but still some galleries disappear from time to time. WTF, rape is OK, NTR is OK, every perversity possible is OK, but somehow only incest is not kosher?

This isn't really a victory. Though, fuck Turtle Rock for just dropping the game like that.

So I know not to ever bother with it.


It's just like…a little bit of incest. A teaspoon of it. Barely noticeable in the aftertaste of good loli.

Seems counterproductive to me that they stopped before they even finished implementing microtransactions into the game for the rest of the world.
I mean, these are the guys that made hundreds of dollars of DLC skins at launch, and then they just stop right before turning the game into a microtransaction filled cashcow.
Eh, I didn't spend a penny in it and got some fun so whatever.

Would someone really do that? Tell lies on the internet?



Good. Glad it fucking failed.

I wasnt aware we were fighting

You're a faggot.


Nerds deserve to be shamed and degraded into submission. Bring back bullying.

wwew lad


And nobody was surprised.

Daily reminder that the game got so bad, even he gave it a negative review later on down the line.


Does anyone know how to get passed it on mobile?

I don't know if you can. You can try logging in to e-hentai first and hoping the cookies work like they should on a regular computer.

Isn't there a copy on nhentai?

most likely not, nhentai has like 1/100th the library exhentai, or at least for the stuff I try and look up.

So are you for using a 4chan webm.



Kill yourself for the love of fucking god, kill yourself.

goddamn son

Haha, you have problems son. I think you should go back to your hugbox, you just went full retard over a single sentence.

well, it was fun while it lasted and at least i'm glad i was able to experience the game while it was alive again

even so, stage two just made the original game's problems even more apparent - most games were just one-sided stomps, unless the hunters were a stack, in which case the stomp would be in the other direction

oh well, that's all she wrote

yeah, neat (but nor original) concept buried under mountains of bullshit. Well at least I got to play for free, and I can say with utmost certainty, no one will miss it except the most delusional people who bought it. It was all well worth it for the porn though.

You're the faggot who instantly assumes that a webm without sound must have come from 4chan, I think you're the one who desires the hugbox.

What do think it would be like to fuck a creature that's four times taller than you and weighs more than a car?

Realistically? Not like much considering it would have vagina made for a dick about four times the size of mine own, but assuming that's not a problem, probably like fucking a leather couch but more ergonomically designed, and warmer.



You guys didn't do shit, the game failed on its own merits.


The whole experience would be so arousing that size really wouldn't matter.

Gonna add to this, the game idea of a group of hunters tracking down a big alien monster to kill or be killed sounds like a good idea. But in the end it appears that every match starts out as an annoying "looping chase" to find the monster like in , while the monster does a runner to gain strength to kill the hunters, which sounds pretty boring for the Hunters. No shooting, just running.

There should have been:
- Either make the Monster has an optional RTS like interface to command other monsters/wildlife/body swapping to give the players other creatures to fight. (Gives Hunters some danger/more stuff to shoot at for more frequent firefights/reduces boredom)
- Wildlife (AI) hidden around the environment that the Monster could bait Hunters into getting attacked by because they went into it's territory (Similar to above)
- Dynamic environment/weather that has hazards that can harm/affect Hunters but the Monster is immune to. (It is an alien planet, it could have some strange harmful weather)
- An entire Monster team vs Hunter team (possible 3vs4 or 2vs4)

It fucking crazy this game was years in development and no one realized about the "chasing lull" into trying to hunt said Monster.

It's funny that Nintendo came up with better (and shorter) asymmetrical multiplayer games in Nintendo Land than Evolve ever will.

Those involved with this game will remember, 2K will learn to never publish a game like this again, Turtle Rock will probably never make an asymmetrical shooter again.

If this isn't the best bait I've seen this month I don't know what it is. 9/10 easily, still laughing.

No shit, Sherlock.

most of the stuff you suggested was already in the original game in some form or another

- mutator that made wildlife hostile to hunters
- giant animals that can ambush and incapacitate the hunters (tyrants, megamouths, dune beetles)
- evacuation mode (dynamic weather and environment mutators that were added on to each subsequent match, could have a beneficial effect or a negative effect on the monster, hunter, or both)
- some of the game modes (namely nest and defense) gave the monster player one or two minions that fought alongside it

the problem was that most of this was never seen because the hunt gamemode was the only one that was ever advertised, which was the aforementioned wild goose chase

Didn't help that when it went F2P, they cut every game mode save for hunt, so you could only play those if you were a good goyim, and even if you did buy it, you now couldn't play those modes after F2P anyway.

yeah, if anything was consistent it was turtle rock's ability to make bad decisions

but we didnt do anything and they still got to keep the shekels.


jesus christ these flashlights dont even fucking tickle.


*Just go to >>>/xen/


Should have kept shilling it with the porn.


t. someone who has only played 3 games

That would imply it would be dry, you'd get nasty friction burns if that was the case. It'd almost certainly be at least somewhat damp.

Shame, asymmetrical multiplayer is great


As deserved as it is, it would have been nice for this game to deliver. As happy as we can be for shit games going down in flames, we'd rather have good games right?




I bought it because I liked the game and I didn't consider it overpriced.

Consider the situation: an IP with solid art direction and actually good setting didn't deliver 5 billion users, meaning that now 2K has abandoned the project while keeping the rights to it. A game with good, challenging gameplay fades away while the market is filled with Facebook-clicker game tier trash with generic Pixar-atmosphere and waifu-baiting. The message is clear: interesting mature scifi settings and complicated gameplay mechanics cannot compete with instant-gratification normalfag-shit with autoaim, killstreaks and lootboxes.

Enjoy your "victory".







Sad, isn't it?

If you want to try something new, you have to get it perfect on the first try, or the idea will be abandoned forever.

But if you do manage to catch lightning in a bottle, they'll keep you making the same thing over and over, yearly, for more than half a decade until everyone is fucking sick of it. And then it will be abandoned forever.

what the fuck did "we" win? I've never played this game, never wanted to play this game or even know someone who played this game. Its existence has had literally zero impact on my life and it wont have one when it goes under. Nothing is going to change because of this. No one is going to learn anything from this like no one has learned anything from the times it has happened before this one.

I like games good games.

Evolve is easily in top 10 releases of this decade. No matter how you look at it.

look at this cuck mad becuase we killed his game, LOL ;)


But i remember it having good numbers when it went f2p. Seems like the game has deep problems that they couldn't fix and people left. I personally didn't even want to play it for free, just didn't seem interesting to me

Only DLC there was at day one was cosmetics.

The only gameplay-affecting DLC was new characters, which was shit, but it's really not much different than what amplitude did with their mini-expansions. You could still play with these characters, you only couldn't pick them from the character selection.

Not saying 2K and TRS didn't do some awful decisions, even beyond the DLC shittery, but the game was good nontheless.

One major problem being that anyone who preferred playing monster is fucked when it comes to queue times.

It's spoilered for a reason.



It's hard to have a smug enough face for this.

All these people saying they're glad it failed, whilst I'm sad that it wasn't the game they advertised it to be.

"Objectifying" women goes against their protocol, user.

What they did do, however, is add a muslim half-monster, in response.

Your fault for buying into the shit they were trying to sell, user.
If you can't see through their lies and hype then it's all on you.


It's beautiful.

Nigga did you see all the transparent shilling and bullshit hype leading up to its release?

Seeing them fail so hard is cathartic after the cringe inducing avalanche of bullshit the marketing campaign was and the atrocious DLC policies that came after.

I didn't buy the game when it was first released, but was interested in the concept behind it. When it went F2P, I installed and played through the tutorials, then tried my first couple of games. It's a very solid game, with good hitboxes and character diversity to keep gameplay interesting. True enough Stage 2 needs more game modes, and with this it looks like the game will slowly fade into nothing.

I do think that the game has design choices that even people here on Holla Forums, which claims to hate casual gamers on a majority scale, hate because of the actual mechanics behind the game. The game requires actual thought, as the footprints and birds aren't the only indicator of the monster's location. Dead bodies change in size depending on the amount of evolution bars they grant the monster, meaning you can understand how the monster is picking targets and set up traps to catch him while feeding at large clusters. Sounds from footsteps, sniffing, and watchers also reveal the monster, in a less direct way with no obvious indicator on your HUD. The monster also has to constantly be aware of his environment, sniffing and listening for gunfire and voices, so that when he gets caught, the fight will be on it's terms to get a quick upper hand on the hunters. This kind of gameplay is very unforgiving to new players who are used to instant congratulations for completing the tutorial, and it also means if you try and play it mindlessly, you will almost always lose unless the enemy is also new or bad.

tl;dr Evolve has complex character compositions and gameplay elements that make it challenging and unforgiving to players expecting to be spoon-fed wins.

If you were in wwew during the Planetside 2 threads, we've actually fought and killed that faggot multiple times when the Construction update was released.

The legends were True.

I work with guy who purchased it and some other game that went f2p. We laugh at him.

At this rate, do you think they're banking on the last dime, or are they doing it for free?


Fucking THIS. We'll get rid of everyone we hate if we make this reality. Yes, we, because Holla Forums may not be one person, but WE can have a general census on things.

Nerds were never useful, we need to eradicate them.

You didn't do anything. Not even normalfags gave a shit about the game after a month and every reviewer who wasn't paid off by 2K slammed it to hell and back for having less content than the first Titanfall.

The Spring threads here sure were fun.

Why did Mark the Jew have to spoil all the fun, though? Ever since those days, he's been doing nothing but "protecting" the latest AAA to come out of the woodwork.

Because sometimes he handles things poorly.

For what? It's like watching an autistic child get run over by a car for playing in the middle of the road then claim "WE WON Holla Forums"

I dont know, it might be a "we did it reddit!" joke or it might not be because the OP is a (1)

is the porn going to die now?

Was there ever any doubt that Evolve would die?
>overpriced day one admittedly purely cosmetic, but still DLC
I also remember a video some user posted in one of the old threads where some guy did the math to prove that the season pass was an even worse ripoff than the half-million dollar man
Which reminds me

This isn't a win, this is just them losing so hard they broke the scoreboard.


The devs have been obsessed with making an esports game, ever since the first L4D, I would not be surprised if the entire dev team is too busy now working on some Overwatch clone or some shit like that.



Shouldn't have thrown stones in a glass house user, no anime girl will save your dignity now.

What ever do you mean?

There is nothing anime girls cant save

It seems there's been a revival of SFM porn this season.

Get ready for all the futanari.

No one wins when games die, fucking moron.
A free game, nonetheless. Im sure you never even played the thing. You might aswell be happy that tf2 is going to die soon, not mad that it suffered through what has to be the biggest descent seen in one single title.

You are Neo Holla Forums. Where you attach onto the blind hate that was had for Evolve, without ever knowing why.

Enjoy your cheap VR games for the next few years boys. AAA will realize it is the way to make the most profit, they are already pushing for it now. With the death of actual games, comes the birth of the VR market.

Watch , when occulus is the thing, you'll be sad you wont have shitty free evolve to play.

Then why didn't they save Gyro Zeppeli?




Again, it's not a win, it's just someone losing really badly because they were fucking retarded, and it just wouldn't be right not to cheer on as the wages of retardation are delivered.

Evolve didn't die because we willed it to die, it died because nobody willed it to live.

Thank you for your assistance, $0.05 has been deposited into your account. Please continue to Correct the Record®


But why couldn't it be some game that had no redeeming qualities, like Overwatch or GTA5?


Eh. Dickchicks is commoner trash, now.

Real cultured folk dig passionate embracing between a homogeneous heterosexual couple in first person.


Is the game worth trying before it dies?

i hope its hand holding and cuddling

It is free at start so I can easily say you will get yours money worth.

It's already dead.

Unless you want to get a last good look at the Wraith being rendered by the Power of CryEngine™ before the game gets wiped off of the servers, don't bother.

That comes later.

haha totally fitting in guys

Go ahead. It got dumbed down pretty hard at f2p transition, but hey, at least it's now casual friendly…

Besides the fact that I think it has stuff behind grind for new players. This wasn't really an ending as much as it was a sudden sloppy cut.

Boy, this place sure is better than cuckchan! :)


That hat must be huge.

It's a big hat.

What's the matter? Did you pre-order evolve and not realize how bad it was until it was too late?

into ur moms ass


This, fucking christ did people become retards.

They are very large girls.

About two meters tall, at first, if I recall, and they only get bigger, as they make madder gains, and their height isn't the only thing that sizes up.

Which would you?


Since the game is dead, anybody got a hack for it that I don't have to pay for? I just want to fuck around in the training mode with the monsters now.

Middle, she seems to have the biggest thighs.

Their post doesn't even say what will they do. Just faux emotional garbage and shifting the blame.
I guess the magic trick of F2P didn't work?

if it were f2p from the get go it might have done better

F2P needs meaningless content, this at release was less than a skeleton. It's still not much.

The whole point of F2P is that you milk the people who want to cut in line/special snowflakes.

It's supposed to be annoying, it keeps out the faggots who will flood it with shit porn and leave shitty comments. Keep the normal fags with e-hentai, leave ex for people are who are smart enough to use google.

Unfortunately not very active these days. XCOM 2 and its snek, which sustained it for a while as well, seem to have died off.

Circuit? You've got lovely handwriting.


Oh, I am in no way saying the panda is a bad thing, if it weren't for it they probably would have taken down their more raunchy things. I'm glad the panda helps keep faggots out, but if I have deduced how to get past it, why not make it easier to access every time I want to access it.


Someone isn't from around here

baka gaijins are very desperate to have something to look down upon

Against who? The only reason evolved died was because it was shit.

Are there any vidya awards that are actually objective and not completely worthless paid-for hype that doesn't even guarantees sales?

What a shitty game.

The game is boring because there is no action in the part where the monster is staying away from the players, if both groups are good then this chase will last a very long time each round. And the constant repeats of exact dialogue can be grating.


The burn could be worse. I'm good.

You have worst taste

there's an addon. it still works with ff at least. you're complaining about something that isnt a problem because you yourself cant use google. kys

nigger read the thread, I use the add on because I figured it out once and I am lazy.

Thank you. Proper cursive is the mark of a sound and honest mind, and as such has been taught to children for many years. Not being proficient at it means social death.

The Wraith makes me feel weird things.
I want to French kiss with her

Man, it sure feels good as all fuck to know that a bunch of idiots with no self-awareness that peddled an excessive DLC mentality as something good and desirable get their shit kicked in this fucking hard. RIP in meme evolve.

Good choice. Good choice. Seems to be the one everybody makes, when asked which to take.

Aren't there monsters that can morph into human females? Aren't they used to lure humans into fucking them and then eventually they give birth to human/alien hybrids?



Brad was good boy, he dindu nutthin'

Funny how she doesn't need to be depicted so provocatively for anyone to get the >>>/d/ over her.

She truly is the sexiest vidya gaem character. All the talent went into her design, because her creator knew what was good, and took advantage of a triple-A game's development to make it come to fruition. God bless.

Well he was forced to be on a drug at gunpoint (to the point of basically OD'ing on that shit) that changed his personality and prevented him from doing anything other then acting on his impulse desires.

BUDDY, his daughter, however, has no excuse in Lisa the Joyful since she's resistant to the drug's effects, and to reflect this there's no detriment to taking it in-game like in Lisa the Painful, where never using Joy and instead selling it off is a challenge.

You should be saying that Buddy was the dindu here, pleb.

Truly, this gentleman's talent was wasted on such a shit game.

What's going on, in this here picture? What's with her mouth?

Buddy was only crazy cause Brad raised her wrong. Buddy a good girl, she dindu nuthin.


Were stages in evolve ever not just: Creature gets bigger?

I mean you're literally called evolve, that's the point of the monster, and the best you could come up with is it just gets a bit bigger?

You can't just french a freaky beast, user.

You get tongued.



For the best. It was complete shit . I remember me and my cousin renting it at the video game store and being disgusted and bored when we realized we Had all of 3 monsters and no hunter differences, and most were locked and required us to play Boring repetitive matches to get them. Franky I'm surprised the game lasted this long. Now we just need stillborn to finish off memelands. Inc

that is basically how evolution works in the real world. Complex structures are really hard to produce but adjusting the size of existing structures is really easy and can change their function quite a bit. Losing structures is also relatively easy and tend to go through a vestigial state where they can either remain somewhat indefinitely or, if there's enough pressure, disappear completely.
Example: basically all mammals have the same number of bones, same organs, even the same placement of everything in their bodies. Birds are more distant to mammals than flying mammals are to swimming/walking mammals and have many fused or lost structures however because they all evolved from a common ancestor, they have the same base structures but in different sizes and shapes.

It's all about that wise man's genes, baby. The more colonists they abduct, and patrols they ambush, the more wise their generations grow.

They can manipulate blood for a reason, you know. Just one look at you, and you're already "pitching a tent". From there, they have their way with you, and that's why this is a situation where you can't just leave your best and brightest to guard everyone, when they'll just nick the first man they see, and high tail it. Gotta start blasting the shits, and not with what they want you to blast them with.

what is it with young women and that character, daddy issues?


Ok yeah that's cool and all, but this is a video game where a monster induces some kind metamorphosis they call evolving by eating a lot of food.

I don't expect it to try to be realistic in the sense of what happens when it evolves.


Yeah, it would be cool if the monster changed based on what points you allocated when evolving, so if you had max fire breath as goliath, you had a really firey mouth or some shit, and if you upgraded the rock throw you had anchor arms. But all this is expecting too much from turtle rock, as here we are in a thread about how the game was so terrible it is being canned after everyone shat on it.

I'd prefer to fuck her right in the pussy

There is fucking evolve porn and I didn't know?!?!

There's a lot of it.


Beautiful, I'm so glad I happened to get on Holla Forums and see this.

You're not reading it right, mate.

If anything, he put their funds to good use, making the creature of his dreams. The fact it's model is out of the shitty game it was originally from makes it all the more worthwhile.

Just hope somebody extracts the soundfiles, before it all disappears. For archival purposes, of course.

What do you have, dickitis?

RIP another game with high skill ceiling that didn't cater to the casual audience.

I-is there more like this?
I'd like to be tongued by the Wraith

checking them digits
laughing at that post

posting some laughing whores

wew lad, to think people like that post amongst us

You're joking right?

Just look at this thing.

Is there anything it was designed for, other than slither, eat and make little Wraiths?

Brad is only obsessed with being a good father because Marty raised him wrong and raped his sister he didn't do nuthin

user, literally every animal in existence, is designed to eat, and make more tiny versions of itself. I do still love wraith though.

One cannot simply sodomise her, user.

The entirety of her body is one of lust. Even her elbows are fuckable.

No, why would I be.

Please, user. You have no excuse.

I first fantasised of this thing from a fucking fever dream. It was unreal.

And nothing of value was lost.

Nope. Have a concept piece.

Still waiting for your cleanup

Get off the board nigger.


What about an animal that makes tiny versions of itself with another type of animal than it's own, you know, like a Wraith?

Well bugger, I thought I heard the game had wildlife (at E3) but got removed from the final release, didn't know it was mode exclusive. Didn't know about the other stuff either.

Well, great there goes any incentive to even try the F2P version out of curiosity.

Not an animal but viruses do that

This is quite the inverse, though. Rather, the "virus" gets inseminated by its "host", and intentionally reproduces with the hereditary influence of its mate, for the sake of a generational advantage. How else do you think they've managed to attain such attractive figures?

Why, if they keep this up, they'll not only surpass humanity, but depopulate them, in the process.

How about we don't do that. If that's what you're going for, you might as well suggest fucking the Gorgon too, since it lays up to 300 eggs a day.

Evolve or die.

are you fucking kidding me the porn single handedly stopped the shilling for evolve on Holla Forums.

Jesus Google has penetrated even Holla Forums. And this is the site that dears to bitch about Windows.

i dont see why the dodo would go extinct its so fierce

That's not an option.

They can smell you, user, and they'll close the distance damn quick, too. At 286km per hour, you're only asking for it, if you so much as flinch at the sight of one flying at you. What are you going to do? Are you going to try and run, or are you going to fire wildly at it in desperation?

Joke's on it. I'm a practicing Christian who had control over his sexual desires enough to resist orgasm.

>Holla Forums's win condition is "games being terrible & dying"

Which denomination?

Even the botnet faggots are better than you.


fixed that for you m8

Literally a yuri game
Yuri is lesbians
Lesbians are rapists
This is not a difficult concept


Good games being made would mean that Holla Forums would actually start to play video games instead of shitposting and whining on Holla Forums all day.

Thus it's obviously not a valid win condition.

Ok I guess?

Works for me

Well then fuck me….I'm not going to see porn today then

Yeah, log on first. Then copy paste the directory……../g/989711/bf2801f08a/ after the main http

What are you gay user?

Half correct.

It's for a reason they ended up losing on ishundar with 2 bases left against the TR at the end, only slightly better than the Good Goys NC.

They were always shit.

Converting to Catholicism currently.


Catholicism? Really? Have you heard about all the shit their clergy does, from top to bottom? Yeah. You'll break way too easy.


Unless you're Irish I really don't see why, the Pope has basically gone against everything it stands for.

Bi is bullshit, user. You're a goddamn faggot. Deal with it.

Except that's wrong you retard, she very clearly feels the effects of it. That's why the background turns into those red squiggly things whenever she turns psycho mode, that'd the "oh hey this is a Joy trip" effect. You can use Joy safely because of the ending, not because of some magical resistance.
Polite sage for OT.


/r/ the webm of Wraith in the game's menu screen, where she's swaying her hips

That doesn't ungay you, user. Once you like dicks, that's it. No middle-of-the-road.

Here you go.

Automatically deleted, you say.

Where would you like to meet…?