So is this the gookshit version of mount and blade ?
Has anyone tried it ?
Is it gud ? Is it fun ?
Tiger knight
Other urls found in this thread:
This actually looks fun
I don't doubt that it's a grindfest though.
Probably better than "For Honour"
This company does communist indoctrination software.
F2P Chinashit.
Not even once.
If its from korea or china avoid it like the plague, particularly if it has no box price. They don't make videogames, they make propaganda and "free" digital heroin.
and this
Bannerlord better have that formation feature
Well, fuck me and obviously it's bloody romance setting
I was wondering about that. The combat seems to be really close to it but it seems to have a strategy element to it so I thought mount and blade is closer.
Which game is it closer to anyway ? Mount and blade or for honor ?
Looks about as boring as the actual thing
Ingame sound design could use work, it's always interesting seeing Chinese products
you can tell some things are there and some aren't, and it's like watching the western/Japanese middleware and talent scene develop all over again. Voices are clear and sounds are dirty at random intervals, in particular the soldiers remind me of the original Dynasty Warriors.
Visually, the assets seem pretty sleek, and UI elements are heavily inspired by the company and director's prior work on MMOs. It's a mixed bag but they've meshed it together well enough you can tell it's a central team indev.
Gameplay has many elements of Mount and Blade but a more involved unit management system that reminds me more of the later Dynasty Warrior Empire games, despite the combat's tonal shift.
The environment is a bit of a letdown and could have been a strong suit, it looks like all the combat's on the yellow river and all of the interesting environment remaining tends towards muddy, convenient, and sometimes lazy. By establishing a foreign, unique, and vibrant setting Tiger Knight would have established local audience in China, too, since all they get is Europe-inspired affair. China is shades of dark green, bright reds, archaic structures, thick groves, and lots of mountains and rivers, and the environment should reflect that. In the video, you get
pic related, if it's meant to be the Manchurian grassland everything should be a surreal lime-green
I'm OK with this one, really, but the muddy textures and colors are still here tonally
pic related on the Euro-style
pic related, though
So on and so forth, it's a bunch of somewhat interesting to not well delivered content without the art to match and that'll hold back the game from being super competitive.
Not everything has to be graphically amazing but this is where "just above par" or even "pretty colorful and vibrant but still shit" would go the extra mile. You can tell they did have visual designers, outfits are really well done or structures with tons and tons of detail, but the environment and setting got very little of it.
Similarly, I worry a bit about variety, since
I can excuse the lack of giant cities even though most Chinese conflicts went urban, but come on, now.
Baidu owns that branch of the company, the gave dev branch is seemingly unconnected at this point.
Their team made nothing but MMOs prior (like most of China's current gaming scene).
Ideally, they'll learn how to into UI over time, but it's certainly why I'm not touching the product.
what the fuck.
Fucking gooks man
What of actual gameplay ?
Health sponges or you die in 2 hits ?
Siege maps ?
Army sizes ? What can you take control over and what can you not ?
Are ranged units powerful or do they just do moderate damage?
What about those archers/crossbowmen with shields, can they actually stop anything or are they there looking cool ?
Multiplayer numbers ?
Wake me up when it works.
They'll wake your computer whenever they want now that you botnetted it with their shit.
Dont install this game, then they have you. Trust me.
Fuck if I know, going off the trailer and mostly what's visible, thus discussion on UI and scenery rather than intricies of combat.
Doesn't look too much tankier than in Mount & Blade, but it is somewhat, looks like you need to get slammed 6-8 time to get in real danger
Looks like it's siege in most cases, with the map conducive to that
They seem fairly large, but I think it's actually lower than peak Mount & Blade, 50? 75?
Player ranged at least did 2.5x melee damage on headshot
I'm curious too, there seems to be a bit of a problem with AI that would stunt this game a bit, if not as much as a game like DW
Steam says 16v16 solo (Napoleonic style battles) and 10-14 with 40 soldiers for PvP, no word on units in PvE though so I'm still guessing no more than 80?
Looks like the majority of complaints are UI and connection issues. I still think their "famous battlefields" are pretty shit, though
Fucking Turkish cockroaches seem completely unwilling to add a tactical, overhead, RTT styled interface to command the fucking troops.
but there is you massive faggot
It's the same shit as Warband with fancier icons.
im not spoonfeeding you mouthbreether go find it yourself
Okay, I see you got shit.
maybe you should go back there and hang with all of your cool hip friends
Yeah, I know, because whenever you a leftist out on their bullshit all they can do is give one of several variations of
I asked for evidence, you did not provide it, and what's even more embarrassing, defaulted to tumblr-tier tactics. Either give me proof, be it video, screenshot or dev comment, that shows this supposed tactical overview or go fuck yourself.
you are so fucking stupid just look at the gameplay that came out you faggot
Get a room you two
I've seen all the gameplay. The only thing remotely close to what you're implying is the siege pre-battle deployment phase.
Nowhere else have they shown any other troop control interface that is that different from what we had in Warband.
Now, it might be true that the siege camera will be available outside sieges, or even during combat, but until there is actual confirmation I maintain that they have done jackshit in that department. I so desperately wish they had include a Total War styled control interface so you could actually effectively command your troops.
We will once you stop masturbating.
from the clip, it looks like theres directional blocking and attacks similar mount and blade. On the bottom of the screen it looks like a UI element with abilities so probably Mount and Blade with special/super moves.
tiger tiger tiger
its a fun game. stop just watching the fucking trailers and actually play it
Can you go into a little more detail?
mount and blade type game. it is a 5v5 where each player starts with 20 men each and your goal is to kill all other players or kill their marshal which is in the enemy camp. there is different posts that you can capture on the map that give you different things like spawn units, get hp back and get some boost's i think. You can equip shit and upgrade your units and get better ones after saving up experience points
also there will be roman men you can have later and some middle eastern ones i think
Why would anyone want that?
it is a reason it will probably come last. they might just put them in there so the romans can fight someone. the map they showed it showed when rome was at it greatest, so not many they could actually fight other than east
also the game even thought it is meant to use strategy to win its pretty much just attacking early game when you only got melee guys
but so is M&B
0.5 yuan has been deposited into your account
any one else downloaded this game and would like to team up?
china is a really interesting place, with interesting history and geography, but unfortunately its full of chinks, even worse chink commies
Just tried it, honestly it's not bad since it is quite literally Mount and Blade mixed with Dynasty Warriors with World of Tanks tier progression.
So far got to try the "PvP" and "PvE" mode
The standard PvP is mostly your box standard 5vs5 moba arena type shit. It seems actually not bad on paper but when you actually face against players it's just a zerg fest to see who can get to the enemy base first and kill their commander. When you face bots in this PvP mode pray to fuck they don't have Crossbow units cause they will fuck your shit up and no you can't get them.
PvE seems to be 5 player co-op. One mission at the moment where you "Siege" a fortress. However before you can storm the fortress which is the fun part you have to waste about ten minutes in spectator mode watching afk people fail 1vs1 duels with bots cause they weren't paying attention and went to get a drink while they waited for you to finish your duel. Then you get a 5vs1 boss battle then finally you get to storm the fortress. It's interesting and fun at first but it gets old very fast.
Overall it's actually not a bad game, especially for F2P shit. It actually feels smoother and less clunky than Mount and Blade but that's not saying much, this game does have lag and performance issues. However once you get to Tier 2 units fuck me it immediately becomes a massive grind and the only way to really grind at the moment is the PvE cause nobody seems to be playing the PvP mode; probably cause of the OP as fuck Bot Crossbow units or the fact that each match is just as I said earlier, a zerg rush to get to the enemy base without really engaging each other.
Also forgot to mention Duel Mode which is basically just Mount and Blade Team Deathmatch mode. Again you'll be grinding for exploit which isn't fun and a lot of the equipment you can unlock isn't as good as Tier 4 stuff, hell even some Tier 2 and 3 stuff.
what server are you on? i am on eu and have no problem wiht lag or get into games
>sounds are all garbage except the shout when units are given an order
It's shit.
Why do gooks always do this shit?
It sends jolts of pleasure into the autistic part of their brains.
Only if you suck.
Step it up pleb.
im expecting this game has spyware or a rootkit or pando media booster or some shit or i'd play it, looks kinda fun.
worst of all chink corporations and government, but i already said corporations
I just played through the tutorial but I'm heading to bed before playing an actual round.
Basically it's a smoother version of Mount and Blade Warband, but it's multiplayer only - however, instead of just one character you have yourself, an adjutant (NPC underling) and a squad of soldiers (who are managed by the Adjutant when you're dead). The game treats progress and upgrades (both of you and your troops) like World of Tanks or War Thunder.
They're planning on adding Rome soon, you can make a Roman general as your character but you can't use Roman troops yet from what I understand. After that I think they'll be adding India as a faction.
It's not bad. It's an improvement over Warband. The tutorial is hilarious because the Chinese who made it can't write or speak in English properly.
Oh, and Waifu Generals are locked behind a paywall. Men only if you're free-to-play. It's gotta be said thought that it feels a lot more fluidic in combat than Warband though.
On Europoor as well but I noticed it's quite inconsistent. Times I do get into games, others I can't.
I noticed that armour actually works in it to an extent. Instead of mitigating some damage if you take a weak hit you can actually take zero damage and the armour absorbs pretty much all of the hit.
the armor thing works the same way in warband
WoW is a fucking grindfest tho
Didn't they change it so you reach max level just by the main quests now? At least for the later expansions? Or am I thinking of something else.
That's because it is Mount and Blade with tons of stolen mods.
Seems like you can control only 1 squad at the first few levels and combat is pretty limited to objective capture.
Also it has those horrendous f2p game menus.
Definitely below what I expected.
As if, they teach "socialism with chinese characteristics" these days which is basically just the same as american capitalism, only they don't pretend the corporations and government aren't working together to fuck you over.
Yes but that's true for almost every MMO nowadays.
But either you raid, or you do world quests (previously dailies) over and over to get marginal upgrades. Even if you're a raider and are exalted with everything, you still want to do world quests for artifact power for more marginal upgrades.
I don't mind a bad UI but shit needs to be properly translated, like what is this upgrade tip? What is that even supposed to mean?
It's not just the UI. This game has tons of levels for you to upgrade and tons of upgrade per unit you can use. You have to grind for every single one of those.
It seems horrendously grindy.
To add to that you buy gear for yourself, where at start you use a shitty sword and for your units. 6 or so items per unit. And you can have a variety of units.
There is also some sort of battle helper. At start a guy on a horse with a bow. There are at least 10 types of these that you can unlock and probably gear up.
It feels like a ton of shit to do. And multiplayer only
I've gotten to level 10, doesn't seem too grindy actually. You play a few rounds and you can usually unlock a few pieces of armour for your soldiers. Like 5 victories and you'd have gotten enough to unlock the first round of upgrades, and most of the troops don't have more than one or two levels of upgrades.
I noticed while playing that each piece of armour has different coverage over the body. The body template takes into account armour skirting on chest pieces, or lack there of.
It's in dire need of translation, but if you've ever played War Thunder/World of Tanks you'll know what you need to know in order to play no problem. It's a very similar layout.
That upgrade tip is basically 1) unlock item with Exp (and special Exp called Prestige) then 2) purchase it with Copper. Same as how it's done in War Thunder.
plebs gonna pleb
holy crap this shit is as grindy as World of Tank.
The game just launched, of course people are going to talk about it.
Why don't you just filter the thread, poorfag friend? It's clear you don't want to talk about this video game or be here.
fuck off Chang.
Okay whatever friend but just filter the thread if it annoys you so much.
yea, and?
This is the P2W Chinashit that you were trying to derail the mountain blade thread with. Good stay here.
Nah that was me, not OP. I didn't see this thread in the catalog so I posted in the MBW thread. I came here after I saw it.
Imperium when?
Imperium when?
Do you mean the player model or the adjutant? The DLC only unlocks the female adjutant (instead of working up to unlock her with cold hard cash) while female PC models comes out when Rome does.
How is this pay to win? I haven't seen any cash-shop exclusive things yet. If you're referring to the "pay-to-progress-faster" parts, you can go kill yourself you lazy fuck.
Their is decor items, but nothing major currently.
But do be warn that this is a company that like to make their games pay 2 win hell half way through the games lifespan
Yes gaijin, grind to level 80 to unlock your stuff while my archers rape you from your level 1.
Within 24 hours we have, in two separate threads, the same screenshots posted with the "I just downloaded this" story.
What is the problem with simply saying "hey, we came here to promote our game." Why are you so afraid to admit you are shilling? It is not the act of shilling that is so pathetic, it's the need you feel to pretend to be an impartial consumer. Why are you so utterly incapable of being straightforward? Is it just in your slimy nature to be deceitful, even when there is absolutely no purpose or benefit?
Then, on top of being a transparent shill, you lose your shit and get offended over one comment describing your P2W garbage as P2W garbage. If you do insist on roleplaying the part of someone who just happened to stumble upon this game, at least don't let yourself get so easily drawn to the shitposts, like the vermin that you are.
Screams F2P garbage to be completely honest. Would be a fun concept… if made by a different developer and not F2P garbage.
I'd rather just wait for Mount and Blade 2.
Oh, so you can't make female generals yet? My mistake. Not that I'd want to, DLC can go fuck itself.
I think you can purchase some basic damage increasing items? I was given fire arrows for completing a challenge, I assume you can buy them on the store.
Regardless, there's a VIP account. Just like Premium accounts in War Thunder and World of Tanks it means if you pay you get more experience, your soldiers get more experience, and you can convert gold in experience to just straight up purchase upgrades without having to play that game. That's pay-to-win. That said, the grind early on isn't too bad, made more difficult by everyone trying to be Johnny Rambo and not working as a team - just because it's got chink heroes in it doesn't make you Dynasty Warriors you fruitfuckers.
Because it would be a lie, you memefucko.
This may come as a shock to you user, but some people can enjoy a game, and when they say a thread about said new game with no one actually giving out details, they wanna help. You buzzwording, cocksucking faggot. If people talking about videogames upsets you so much than just filter it and go back to your LOL threads.
Where did you get WoW from my post? It's just as cancerous.
Do you not know how games like this work? Quick early "progress" to be met with hours of grinding once you're in midgame to get anywhere.
The game would be good if other players have a grasp of tactical awareness instead of reporting you when you're retreating to protect your marshal while they charge ahead and get surrounded and buttfucked from all sides. The amount of times I have to explain to people what a chokepoint is and why they're not getting pass it even if we throw everything at it only to have someone else flank us from behind.
It's been a while since I played World of Tanks, but it's far less grindly in the lower levels than what was. If this is their version of quick progress then later on the slog might be less than other games like it. Dunno, I guess I'll figure that shit out when I get there.
Every match I tell people "Stick together, support one another, easy win" and "all head north or south?" then maybe two or three will go the same direction, there's always one faggot who decides to spawn on the far side of the camp with no one, someone rushes middle, then the group breaks up before hitting the first objective point and we all fucking die. It's infuriating.
It's a strategy game, people need to strategize or they lose, and if you lose it'll take forever to earn exp for you and your troops. It certainly doesn't help when you have players ignore downed players in favour of spending a minute killing NPC's that aren't doing anything or attacking anyone. Videogame players are mostly either idiots or faggots I swear.
Who told you that? It's just a pvp game.
That means this whole thread has been an assload of unique IDs making a couple posts and leaving. It's a shitty thread without discussion getting bumped by shills.
gameplay is atrocious
UI is horrible, cluttered at times and just unnecessary. very unappealing
No English speech, all subs and words, as well as horrible translations
I couldn't stand to get to any troop commanding, i may re download when the romans get added but thats it.
2/10, least they are historically accurate
gameplay is atrocious
UI is horrible, cluttered at times and just unnecessary. very unappealing
No English speech, all subs and words, as well as horrible translations
I couldn't stand to get to any troop commanding, i may re download when the romans get added but thats it.
2/10, least they are historically accurate
well fuck
You got to say, I'm actually interested when I watched the webm on the first post only to find that it's a multiplayer game and this third pic smells of fagbook daily quests shit.
TL;DR it's a pay to win bullshit.
It got even worse when I switched to training up my archer corp and can't charge in to save them with heavy infantry like I used to. Then people were literally laughing at you for bringing archers when archers are the kings of chokepoint killing.
Never do this if you're up against a party though. If they are competent, they'll scout you out (that's why you don't stack generals in the front. The game has close to no LoD system so use the fog of war to throw off the enemy scouting) and box you in. Some maps like the one with the fort in the middle, those side camps with only one gate are literal death traps if your whole horde went in there, got cockblocked at the entrance and someone mans the catapult against you. All they need is two corps of spearmen with shields and one corp of archers to block you completely and get 2 corps to kill your marshal. Even general intervention wouldn't help because rushing past the block only gets you stunlocked by arrows while advancing with your troops without pikes is handing them the kill.
The quest system rewards you for doing shit you're already logging in the game to play for. I've personally never went out of the way to even look at the quests. Just opening rewards in my inventory when they do show up.
That's about average for a thread user.
That's nice user, but adults are talking. Go play with your legos until it's time to go.
Yeah there is. It's not good voice acting, but it's there. Usually just to tell you when you've sighted an objective. There engrish is hilarious and terrible though, there is that. I get the impression this was budget port.
You can buy a flute that summons a mythical horse.
I will agree with you on the UI, fucking horrendous. I still don't know what half this shit does.
If you mean the calendar, that's the rewards you get for logging in. There are challenges you can do to get rewards, like killing adjutants or players and shit, but they're static and don't recycle daily.
I've played one game with that system and it's full of shitty p2w bullshit. I'm not touching this piece of crap even with a ten foot pole.
Okay, I was just clarifying something. I don't care if you ultimately play or not.
Just out of curiosity what p2w stuff did you encounter? Because the only p2w shit I've encountered is a female adjutant and a VIP account.
That's the definition of fagbook daily quests shit. Op asked if the game is good and you came along to discuss the game in response and reply to every negative comment about the game to correct them and set the record straight.
A daily quest requires a quest, otherwise it's just an incentive to log on.
Are you saying that Holla Forums should never ever be allowed to correct each other? Is you being correct regardless of reality that important to you that you need to create an atmosphere of no corrections? I played the game, corrected some people on some stuff they'd gotten wrong. Is correcting people now salt-inducer?
Yes I'm saying nobody is ever allowed to correct each other, you dumb shit. That's what I'm saying when I comment on your emotional attachment to defending this generic p2w grindfest.
general level 15 here
playin this all day erryday
Okay hun. Whatever hyperbole makes you feel like you're not a retard and are the victor.
Have you unlocked any cavalry yet? I'm making a b-line to Wei tier 5 cav.
I have faced cavalary in games before and they felt very underpowered. My level 4 halberdiers with metal armor take them down very easily. The level 5 cavalry seems very basic and there was only 10-15 of them compared to 20-25 soldiers you get at level 4.
Yep, that's pretty much the same thing I've encountered on the game I was talking about even though it's not a game like this, the essentials could be the same.
I'd rather play Dynasty Warriors Online (but I think the game is already dead) when they used Dynasty Warriors 4 or six (I forgot) graphics.
At least, I'm expecting the game to be fair to everyone. Also, it's a shitty Multiplayer. Nothing beats a Mount and Blade style of gameplay with fief management.
The only cavalry I've ever encountered is Scout Cavalry and I can't for the life of me find that on the faction troop trees, they always seem piss easy and nonexistent. I'll keep pushing forward to Wei tier 5 cav and see how they are personally. It's not like I'll abandon my Wei spearmen anyway, I love me some Wei soldiers.
That's certainly true. It's not an innovative game, that's for sure. The only thing that makes it standout and be worth a damn is that it's the China mod that everyone wants and has never gotten.
There's only one thing I'm reminded of when tigers are brought up and it's KING OF THE WILD WILD WILD
Characters are locked? Do you guys happen to know if dlc's are installed by default? Because if they are I will try a dlc unlocker and see if it unlocks shit.
aww fuck, it's one of those games that use their own server and currency and shit. That kind of shit needs to be banned. I doubt a dlc unlocker is going to work there.
Fuck you
Yep. That's an Eastern MMO alright.
Is Rome happening?
Played this yesterday. Its very fun, often its like im the only one who knows how to directional block so im always kicking the shit out of everyone else.
is this the latest Tencent game?
Well fuck you too Tiger Knight.
Guys it's pretty wooden and you control 1 squad at start and have to grind yourself up to bigger battles. Typicap f2p menus. Wooden controls. Very limited squads. People ignore objectives completely.
Not really good.
Sorry for making thread.
i think you only ever control one squad and coordinate with other players, not sure though.
what do you mean by wooden?
You'd expect you could do more with that 1 squad, since it's just 1. But your orders are basic as fuck.
At best you get a charge or catapult action. And at worst autoattack the nearest control point.
If you face archers you can't even give orders for shields up and your guys end up dying like dogs before they reach said archers.
You only movement boost is a charge. That is so wooden you can't even change directions fast because you somehow became a truck. It's also timed like a wow sprint.
Rotating weapons is tied to mouse movement and not very responsive mid combat in the clusterfuck of 2 squads.
Basic combat grants you 1 life, so if you get swarmed by a team you have 0 chance.
OP pike, axe and poleaxe charge got nerfed. Horse is now a deathtrap unless you're pro-tier
Also, Rome gets released on official release. So does waifu general.
Nigga, they're Chinese, you can't be a chinese dev without the government bitching you about indoctrination software.
Like, it's asking for a North Korean produce that doesn't has North Korea plastered all over it.
Do you know how long until said official release?
No idea, the chink side of it is basically saying they want to gauge how much people want india before setting a date because they have no idea what white devil wants.
If everyone hate Iran and Pooniggers, the release will come earlier
you just sound like a shitter, you probably run off solo and die every time
To be fair the game doesn't do a good job at explaining a lot of it. I only found out that you could change formations a few hours ago. Fuck solofags though. Fuck them to hell.
At start you get exactly 1 adjunct. You can sidestep archers, but your troops cannot.
That was the dumbest mode I've ever played. You can't tell me you seriously like this invisible walls shit ?
I think he's kinda right though, sure you get per adjunct formations but once your on the battlefield your options are limited. you cant order to tighten or loosen the formation and the actual shape of the formation means nothing compared to the arbitrary bonuses each formation gives.
Its definetly lacking, but it is quite fun. Im at rank 5 wei infantry.
Finishing training gives you enough money to buy adjunct number 2, who can carry you all the way to save up for the last adjunct
You want AIs to be sidestepping archers like some sanic? You might as well scrap archers then because they are only there to ensure standoffs between infantry instead of instablobbing. By talking about how you can't get your troops to avoid arrows instead of 1) Maybe park them further from the archers and wait for guys with shields, or 2) charge into the archers ahead of your guys to disrupt their shooting if you're confident at not getting stunlocked from arrows and killed by their general. To me that just sounds like a butthurt bad player that constantly gets ganked and killed because he wants to be a hero.
Was this the PVE epic battle mode? If so kek, you failed the equivalent of kindergarten.
New patch, no soldiers able to use catas until tier 5. Only way is for players to use it now.
Yeap sounds more and more like the PvE map. Did you push the siege tower to the wall on the left? Did you even read your objectives?
Which does about 5 damage a hit. It's babby mode for crying out loud.
Babby mode confirmed.
Yeah, because that was the map used to ease newbs into getting used to commanding troops and fighting at the same time. It's literally babby mode and you failed it lel.
Read closer. Some adjutant formations are tight version of the original like for the square. Tighter formation actually helps shielded infantry on the march and pike/halberd/sword infantry on the charge. Loose formations help anyone without a shield on the move from arrows. The shape as far as I can tell does mean something.
A triple wedge (something the last adjuctant gives you) in my case has tricked more than one general into thinking my pikewall is weak, only to have him charge straight into the middle, kill one AI guy, gets swarmed by another 20+ AI with pikes while I just pike his head from outside. Him issuing the follow me order at that point doesn't help because the wei heavy pikemen have shitloads of health and my pike does anywhere from 30 - 100 damage per hit.
Meant to quote you on the last point here
Read closer. Some adjutant formations are tight version of the original like for the square. Tighter formation actually helps shielded infantry on the march and pike/halberd/sword infantry on the charge. Loose formations help anyone without a shield on the move from arrows. The shape as far as I can tell does mean something.
A triple wedge (something the last adjuctant gives you) in my case has tricked more than one general into thinking my pikewall is weak, only to have him charge straight into the middle, kill one AI guy, gets swarmed by another 20+ AI with pikes while I just pike his head from outside. Him issuing the follow me order at that point doesn't help because the wei heavy pikemen have shitloads of health and my pike does anywhere from 30 - 100 damage per hit.
How do you call this heap of garbage formations ? Control is limited to 1 squad only and you cannot even tell them to raise their shields.
Why even bother with putting in roman legions at all ?
It's so painfully limited in what you can do it's beyond shit.
3 players sitting in a spot waiting for another player do 1v1 an AI. Is this your idea of fun ? Waiting 8 minutes for the other players to finish thier fights because the archers cannot hit a target for the life of them?
Getting hit by arrow after arrow is fun for you ? And said arrows do nothing , yet your hero looks like a porcupine ?
This is barebones instanced loading screen after loading screen the game.
australians can't play it properly
on asian servers i get anywhere from 150-250 ping making it impossible for any pvp combat without just spamming
Is it your first day playing games in Australia? You'll have to get use to it mate.
Do you even have infantry with shields? The wei spearmen have a spearwall ability while the tier 4 wu infantry have the ability to change from 2h to sword and board by activating shieldwall.
Because as far as I have seen, all the systems needed to do a tortoise is already in. AI does what is described on the can.
You're so painfully limited it hurts to explain obvious game mechanics to you.
Yeap you're definitely playing babby mode. Kek.
Bring a shield? At higher brackets most players are at least adept at headshotting stationary targets and that does about 60-80 damage easy. A shield is almost mandatory if you don't plan on being pure cav.
What the fuck are you even on about? I'm inclined to call you thick already.
I can't believe how much my online gaming skills improved from I moved from upside down land to londonistan kek.
It plays like a game from the ps 1 era. I did bring a shield but when I check the catapult they shoot me through the cata regardless.
I'm not dying, I'm winning most fights actually, but I find it incredibly clunky and bad.
It reeks of bad. From the wooden horseman charging me and stopping so I, the footsoldier can walk up to him and stab him.
You can tell the roman legions will have shield formations ? When these other shmucks have the most basic of charges ? I can already see it being a high level skill and having the romans run around like idiot footmen into slaughter for the first 20 levels.
I thought it had proper troop control. Not 4 AI options and autofollow, which I am not sure how you fell in love with.
I had some hope for this game. Now I see it for what it is: instanced garbage with minimal control and with an ugly shop, like many other asian games I've tried before.
Not even the same guy. There's a difference between shilling and explaining to a guy who got the mechanics exactly wrong. Why are you even still in the thread again if you're already seeing this as a facebook game? Don't you have better games to play?
Don't engage him. He just wants attention.
I know there is a handful of you. I saw it bumped to the front age again so I was curious.
You guys posted these same screenshots and these same "I just downloaded this/ I'm just here to talk about this" story on the M&B thread before you were told to fuck off.
Then you start a new thread and endlessly bump it in a butthurt tirade against everyone who is dumb enough to try it and then realize it's a pile of shit. You're not correcting anybody. What you are doing is called hedging. You're trying to explain away all the glaring problems with this game because you want people to spend money in it.
Are you kidding? PS1 era games play awesome compared to today's. It plays like if M&B got mosou added to it. My complain would be that the direction ques are sticky instead of resetting to center after every action like M&B
Did you raise your shield? Was it pointed at the archers? You do realize shields need some user input to work as intended right? Like IRL?
Do you even play PvP? Beside both of you complain a lot and most of the complains are from the babby mode PvE map.
Do you realize cavalry are not tanks? They are pretty easy to stop in enclosed areas, areas with loads of infantry running around etc. Banging into things slows the horse down to the point where people on foot can stab them with a long stick. That's how we have been doing it for about 4000 years now. Slow them down with tight formations or wall them in and stab them with sticks longer than theirs.
No, they don't have charge. Charge is a tier 5 skill last I checked. The Wei heavy pikemen get charge. Everyone else has raid, which lets your AI troops rush independently to the objective (the marshal in context of conquest mode)
Mate, I have been using tier 2-3 troops to play with friends and my troops are already not even doing what you're describing. What the fuck are you even on about?
You don't because you're a scrub now :^)
Different formations place troops at different positions relative to you. loose formation puts troops around you, marching formations behind you, line formation ahead of you. It's actually easy to control what your troops are doing because all they care about is orders, their formation, their position relative to you and your orientation. It's about as easy as M&B's commands and the difference is that they have the eastern thing of special abilities and don't have M&B's fire at will type of charge but instead an attack objective now type.
Find me an online game that doesn't do that nowadays.
If you're actually playing the game, you'll realize the game doesn't have a shop. You buy new gear when you unlock it for your troops. You research for your troops, unlock the eq, buy it for them, then for yourself.
Yeah fuck right off mate. You're just a pain in a butt to be around. I hope you're much more of a joy in person.
In terms of how limited they were in terrain exploration, invisible walls etc.
Man… I'm telling you I got hit while working on the catapult.Which part of not having your shield while pushing a catapult is lost on you ?
Yes I did. I expected a lot more
That is true, but the terrain being limited as it is means horsemen are at all times slowed down and even then the AI is nothing to boast about.
But that is exactly the point. You have 1 skill that lets you rush into combat with your troops. That is incredibly limited. How does this elude you ?
Well m8 I'm describing how shit the units feel at low levels and you are talking to me about fun with friends.
The control options are incredibly limited. It has nothing to do with skill level. I thought I could control armies or at least multiple squads.
I was given 13 guys.
But those are preset before combat. During the combat itself you do very little but aim your troops in a direction.
A huge number of them don't. What are you even on about with this ? How can a fucking game call you awesome for losing ?
You shot yourself in the foot there and even then, there are some consumables.
I expected a game that lets you control armies and do lots of shit with them. I got a squad simulator.
Shameful display
I haven't seen those in the PVP map. Sorry mate. The only invisible wall I came across were the moats and destroyed walls of the PvE map.
So you were using a catapult, and complaining when something shoots an arrow at you when you're using a catapult. I failed to get your point.
Been PvP-ing with 1 friend at a time. Game's comfy as long as you have people with tactical awareness, people who don't rush off into a blob of 4 infantry and an archer corp to anhero in the first minute.
But that is exactly the point. You have 1 skill that lets you rush into combat with your troops. That is incredibly limited. How does this elude you ?
No, that skill lets them charge (as in double tap W charge). If you want them to advance, you park them right where you want them and either get them to hold that spot, or use the raid function if they are facing the right direction (so they will kill everything on the way to objective etc).
That statement is to say I have been hanging around low tier troops far longer than I have to in order to bump them to tier 4 bracket matches. I'm telling you I find no problems you were describing. Sorry that having friends trigger you. I forgot this is Holla Forums.
Player control is less limited than M&B if that's what you're asking. They copied the M&B formula down to the chamber blocks and added dynasty warrior shit to it to get the gameplay to be more casual. Most troops come with different skills that would had been part of M&B troop orders. I agree with you there.
It also has everything to do with skill level actually. A bunch of heavy infantry parked in front of a chokepoint with archers behind them does more damage than same two squads advancing and getting mowed down along the way. It's a PvP online game. Controlling armies is a bit asking for too much don't you think? The multiple squads are your teammates. If they're too dumb to think for themselves (as had happened to me too many times), then yes, you'll absolutely rage at that session. You're supposed to work together and not get picked off one by one. The number of troops increases when you go up a tier. I believe the highest tier comes with 40 guys. I'm currently sitting at 25.
No they're not. Activating a shield/spear/pikewall during battle can turn the tide and I have done it before. A shield wall blocking a road from the flank to the centre forcing the enemy to retreat back to base then go to centre again because his guys were getting wrecked by my teammates while I was having a standoff with him. That sort of thing. If you want them to maintain formation at all cost, press the ~ button. It locks them into the formation you prescribed to them instead of actively guarding a spot by pursuing an enemy via a zone of control. That's the setting I use for holding routes and my soldiers will not even leave the formation to stab people if they are out of range.
On the topic of formations while we're at it, changing your troop formation from tight lines to loose scattering and then telling them to follow you can mean your troops abandoning the AI vs AI fight and instead surrounding you (and hopefully poking the enemy general while doing so and protecting you from his AI troops instead). Where the formations place your troops does matter.
And now you're upset at a chink game for not having perfect English. Do you really need to nitpick this point? Really?
I'll give you the benefit of doubt for the other stuff, but not this one. Which part of game progression do you not get? Are you purposely obtuse or are you normally thick as pigshit? It's progression that unlocks as you research your troops and you draw from the same pool of equipment as your troops. How hard is it to understand the game doesn't come with a formal shop like in other online games that says "spend cash here"?
You honestly expected too much.
Which is still what it says on the can
user, having 10 pikes constantly poking at you is not fun. Nor are you going to solo past that unless you pull some sanic shit. some people have succeeded. I had a match where 1 person killed all 5 generals and their armies because he was a beast with a poleaxe and none of the 5 generals brought a pike or pikemen
Maybe I did expect too much.Then again I never touched mount&blade and assumed it offered much more.
But then you have to look at this shit it fucking added chinese to my languages. I did not put chinese in there.
It's botnet tier.
This user was right.
Probably because they allow you to register your name in Chinese, so the game installed the equivalent of a codac for typing.
You should try M&B. The combat is simpler, but the commanding troops aspect is muuuuch better. If your computer can handle it, 500 v 500 isn't a dream.
Since when do games play around with my language settings ? Any chinese who wanted to would have just used his own settings.
Yeah i will try M&B.
Since when do games play around with my language settings ?
When was the last time you played a game made by chinks?
5 years ago I think
Without a different company handling the translation and servers? as far as I can tell, the chinks are going solo this time around.
My point is they probably don't know about it and someone needs to go complain about it first.
Anybody know how the game handles toasters? I'm a sucker for shitty WoT/WT-like games, but I am still rocking a laptop with integrated.
I don't think the toaster would handle it well.