Been in a coma for three months, came around this week. What did I miss, Holla Forums?
Also what happened to the filenames?
Been in a coma for three months, came around this week. What did I miss, Holla Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
A chance to leave this wretched world for good.
How do you do things like eat and drink and poop while you're in a coma?
Besides the obvious, I meant. Anything good come out? All gaming press has is Mafia III and No Man's Sky. Those too for the wrong reasons.
Nope, if you have a vita though piracy is a thing now.
Catheter. They shove a tube up your urethra. Food is delivered intravenously and a nurse takes you to the bathroom.
When I hear about all the nasty shit people in the medical field have to do I just wonder why the fuck anyone would pick a job like that. It can't be worth the money, right?
Nintendo Announced it's new console.
It's shit.
You get to help people '3'
How the fuck did you manage to get into a coma
What, Nothing? No good games at all? Waat about at E3 and gamescom? Anything good announced?
It is worth the money. You'll know once you see medical bills. Plus you get to cut people up legally so that's sweet too.
I saw. How is it shit tho? A tegra powered unit that is also portable. Soundslike a solid deal to moi
Car accident. My poor widdle Polo GT died a horrible death. :(
Gay Sex
Post your car. What are your injuries besides brain trauma?
Gay Sex>>11070930
It's 2016, so no. Nothing good announced. The only games I care about got announced way before E3.
Some people are excited about the new Zelda, but it looks like shit to me.
So how many people did you kill by being a shit driver?
No good game came out, no good game was announced. NMS and Mafia 3 were so bad even normalfags don't like them
My Summer Car
I think the other anons have covered what you've missed. This year as a whole has been fucking slow; if 2017 is like this I would say that vidya has totally stalled. With the Switch and the Xbone 4K and PS4.5 coming there might be some invigoration, but it had better be strong.
shadow warrior 2 fucking sucks
dn3d gearbox re-release is garbage
nintendo NX more like nintendo switch the console off
battlefield 1 is bad
mafia 3 doesnt compare to mafia 1 and 2
aragami is the worst garbage
anime is good
They scrapped my car while I was out cold, the bastards. Pic related is the model. The rest of the world calls it a Golf GT.
None, sadly. Not even myself.
Which one? Mate says Mob Psycho 100 is good and I have a month or so of rehab before I go back to work.
What a time to be alive amirite?
The filesize limit is 12 instead of 8 now.
Imagine if you were comatose for over a week longer, could've woken up to election news
Fucking hell OP. A friend of mine got almost seven months over a broken leg and we're talking slavland and not some pansy ass sweden tier shit
You should have stayed in your coma it would have spared you the suffering.
I still can't believe that fat Jew ate a whole cake.
Which ones? i've been wanting to watch a new anime but most are fucking terrible.
Multiple fractures, muscle atrophy, PTSD, and a bunch more shit that's mostly healed, except for the head stuff. I'm on brain pills so I'm dumb and happy as of now.
Third world countries have their perks, user. Plus I wore a seatbelt and shit heals when you're out cold for months.
Now I'm extremely interested
Well I'm grasping at straws, friend. I think I was up during E3. I remember drinking a lot.
Mark decided to celebrate Holla Forums's birthday by buying a cake. He then proceeded to eat the entire thing himself
Use your brain, what fat jew could we be talking about? You gotta use your brain or else it's going to decay even more than it already is
Nothing too exciting. During 8chans birthday this year, mark posted pictures of him eating a Holla Forums ice cream cake.
He ate the whole fucking thing in one sitting.
Fat kike… Fat… Kike
It's obviously Ethan from h3h3, innit?
lol I hope he got the bends.
I'll be the one to ask
What was it like?
Not Holla Forums but Trump got caught saying pussy in 05, got leaked before the 2nd debate, offended Cuckservitives, and then in the 2nd debate told Hillary he's going to hire a prosecutor just for her trail
Haven't got all my memories back. Shrink says I am supressing traumatic memories and related memories. I'll regain them in about a year.
Sorry for being a killjoy.
Was it like everything happened in a second, and felt like you woke up a second later? I'm the same as this guy, wanting to know
Isn't that how Hillary shits
That tape really killed him.
I really hope Trump wins by a miracle, Hillary's fear mongering with Russia is freighting. I really believe we'll be going to WWIII with her as President.
Golf and Polo are two different models
It really didn't, female vote stayed the same, black vote went up huge and only cuckservitive vote went down which always comes back up as you're seeing in recent polling
Brianna Wu came out as a guy.
Anita Sarkesian has announced that she's voicing one of the characters in Dead or Alive Xtreme 4.
Julian Assange is presumed dead.
That tape changed nothing where I'm at. Actually made people want to vote for him more since it showed that he isn't a political correct pussy.
I wonder what sort of a retard cares about shit like a politician using vulgar terms in a private, off the record convo. Most of the attacks on Trump are so fucking irrelevant to his possible performance in the office
What about those European countries where everyone is forced to pay insurance?
>Anita Sarkesian has announced that she's voicing one of the characters in Dead or Alive Xtreme 4.
It was post-by-post too
Not American so don't give a shit. No offense.
So to sum it up, I travelled 3 months forward in time and Silent Hills still isnt a thing, Nintendo's new console is arse because reasons, games are a thing of the past, Americans are going to fuck themselves either way and Mark is a fat jew.
Are they? I didn't know that.
Well if you're gonna press me… Last thing I remember is leaving my brother's house. And then oddly having dinner with him and his wife. After that a lot of confused screaming, and then the first thing i know is a series of flashing images. The images get faster and faster and there is sound. Actually, there is a lot of stuff. Then I realise oh shit, it's my entire life. And then I woke up in a hospital.
Because he made a sex-related joke once in his life? Hillary has done much, much worse. Like that time where she defended a pedophile who had raped a 12 year old girl.
Neither but if you're a bong Brexit happened and if you're Australian Pauline got in the senate
And yes the Golf and Polo are two different lines, the Polo is .75 times the size of the Golf
Archive pls!
Assange might actually be dead
I'm indian
in b4 pooing in the looing
Mate tells me we almost went to war with Pakistan last month
The doctors and nurses here are underpaid, leave as a consequence, and those who stay need to work double or even triple shifts to cover the manpower shortage. I heard stories about nurses being forced to work several days in a row, using their breaks to find an empty bed to sleep in for a while, before someone wakes them up because of one emergency or another.
I agree she's done worse, but it seems like people don't give a shit. The MSM is rigging the election by never talking about anything Hillary's done. It's 24/7 bash anything Trump says.
The average American isn't going to look at all the emails leaks and other scandals, they'll just watch MSM, John Oliver and SNL for their shitty political views.
Trump might still win, but I'm just extremely pessimistic about the American people.
Well maybe more relevant is that the Philippines has a guy for President who compared himself favourably to Hitler so you can be a Super power by 2020 with Duerte
We don't know,
watch the following for this years aoty
Well, supposedly US had his internet cut during peace talks with FARC and Ecuador. Wikileaks has been real sketchy with no proof of life for about 6 days now.
no wonder why you crashed
Implying I didn't poo in a pan
Thanks bro, you da mang
I think if the US had him killed it'll be a PR disaster for no reason at all. Guy has done all the harm he could didn't he?
Traffic's bad down in the plains, but I crashed in the Himalayan foothills. Went round a downhill hairpin a bit too fast and shit happened.
Kerry was threatening the UK to revoke the diplomatic immunity of the Ecuadorian embassy and threatened both with grave consequences.
While he was in the UK making those threats a post on twitter went up from some random person that the embassy got raided. Roger stone also claimed it was raided by armed police. We had anons on the ground filming the embassy with periscope even going so far as to go in and ask if he's ok and only got very sketchy responses about how they can't comment and an appointment has to be made online. Same for phone calls.
Internet was cut the same morning for him and no sign of life has been given other than very out of character statements on the wikileaks twitter and old videos from years ago claiming he's alive.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is insanely good
Oh yeah. People related to him started dying the last couple days and their names were mysteriously misspelled when wikileaks gave condolences on twitter.
Well, shit. That bad, huh. I hope the poor guy gets away with this.
I'll keep an eye out for it, thanks.
Reading up on Duterte. Actual right wing death squads?, Guy's A-OK in my book!
My sister was a nurse and what she said usually happens is they get sick of NHS bullshit and move to the private sector. Now she evaluates people disability claims instead.
The ADL declared Pepe a hate symbol.
They consider pepe the equivalent to a swastika now.
Oh man are you in for a ride
You're pulling my leg? C'mon mate, try harder.
I'll search it on google to be su-
Wait, more leaks? Sauce pls!
the kike left no evidence , he ate the whole damn thing
Pepe the frog, much decried meme stolen by normalfaggots on kikebook, now returned to sender with due interest. Requesting the pee pee poo poo series in it's honour!
You missed death.
ouch you son of a bitch my stomach hurts ahahahaha
Almost forgot that King Nigger's brother has been hot on the banter, being pro-Trump and anti-Hillary/Obama
He's the white sheep of the family
Oh.i'm pretty dure hillary will drag you into war with pakistan in less than an year btw.
There is a new skyrim edition coming out thursday, if you care about it.
Civ 6 is better than 5, worse than 4.
New pokemon game looks nice.
Turns put nintendo treehouse is full of prostitutes.
Myanmar is still shit even with s truce going on.
you better not be a dravidian nigger
kim dotcom is on the anti hillary bandwagon too
I wonder how long before they find him assassinated by those evil, evil Trump supporters who wanted to hurt Obama by attacking his family
If Kim is the one doing the hacking then her whole "Russia" rhetoric goes right out the fucking window
Turns out trump was right about the 400 pound hacker.
US is an ally of Pakistan, sends them hundreds of millions of arms and armaments a year.
*pure blooded aryan brahmin bro, can trace my ancestry to the original lot of aryan immigrants from central asia, not even joking*
Buggered that spoiler up. Oh well, so it goes.
Also, hundreds of millions of $$ worth of weapons and shit. Excuse my autistic ass please.
Not only that, the World Health Organization declared >tfw no gf a disability
The world keeps hoping mudshits and you curryniggers will nuke each other into extinction.
So you're high caste
You know looking back at the last couple month' I wouldn't believe any of this shit actually happened if I woke up from a coma. Reading it post after post made me realized just how fucked up everything has been.
Can't believe that nobody's told him yet. Hotwheels died 2 months ago it was depressing.
Bah, who cares about what the UN says. Last I heard their Human rights commision was chaired by the sandniggers from Saudi Arabia. Which is a remarkable feat of idiocy and pig-headed unwillingness to face facts in the face
Please don't remind us user…
did they ever catch the guy?
Yeah. The highest. My caste was priests and healers in ancient times.
Friendo, if we and the pakis let the nukes fly everyone dies. Nuclear fallout.
Nice try faggots. You could have said Josh did it for additional lulz
you should've paid the ransom fam, told you no police or feds
I'm willing to plunge the world into nuclear holocaust to get rid of both of you.
And you assume everyone wouldn't be laughing their asses off and patting each other on the back for a job well done.
It was all part of his masterplan though.
To be brutally honest I hope the nukes fly too. I'll be the first guy out while you people starve to death a year or two later. Either case, I'll be way past caring.
Maybe he was experiencing a fecal emergency and made a sudden stop when he was a designated shitting street?
I mean, in India they drive like sandniggers.
The whole point is to get rid of all of you.
of course you do you're from india ; that country is already a shithole , it's not like you have anything to lose
for some reason codemonkey needed to change them in order to implement deduplication for Infinity, the imageboard software that is used here. cry all you like about how Josh ate your puppy or something but Infinity Next does not have this problem, the filenames can be whatever you want them to be with or without deduplication. also, Holla Forums's fork of Infinity is effectively proprietary now if you hadn't heard, and they aren't gonna do anything about that as far as i can tell.
i guess nobody mentioned Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced with a trailer, but i see absolutely nothing interesting about it. it has some green area but thats about it.
loads of unannounced games were leaked by voice actors who are trying to get more money out of their employers, but as far as i can tell they're all shit or under vague code names. heres an article about the list
theres also an open source reimplementation of the Gothic 1 and 2 engine called REGoth that you may not have heard of, since the first videos showing it came out in July, although the source code repository opened in June. here is the repo:
a new version of Trailblazer (doom mod) came out too, pic related. you can get it here:
its only been 3 months, if you paid attention to the E3 stuff back in June, including the stuff that came after the main conferences, you'd have noticed most of the interesting stuff/shit stuff related to videogames.
I do, in fact, feel in charge
There are millions of Indians scattered across the world, every time I go on a vacation I always see a bunch of Indians there, it annoys me more than you think.
They are indeed a disgusting breed.
Is that some kind of sick fetish?
Wanted to type SAW, but I fucked up.
I'm sorry.
But now that you mention it, I do wonder what the percentage of curryniggers with a scat fetish is. I wonder if it's higher than the global average for other races.
No. Just daily life.
Thanks user, you're a swell dude.
Your bourgeois ways disgust me
you know what, racism aside, I'm interested too.
On the GG side of things, Crash Override Network (SJW setting up anti harassment) had their chat logs leaked.
They were organizing anti-GG shit, showed them for the egotists they are.
Broteam read some out on a stream before they got pulled.
Denton continues to lose money, Univison (Mexican company owned by Saban- guy who ported over Power Rangers and Hillary Supporter) bought out Gawker.
When an SJW called out Trump for (false claim) grabbing a woman by the pussy- a woman that the SJW had actually been pussy-grabbed called him out. SJW turned on him overnight.
Palmer Luckey (Occulus Rift creator) was accused of supporting Trump, and the media did hit-pieces on him.
Ghostbusters bombed HARD. Milo was kicked off twitter for triggering the black girl in it (despite her getting followers to dog-pile him). But Milo is touring US universities.
FTC confirmed they used GG work to change their rules/prosecute.
Mombot baited an SJW into doxxing her, only to reveal the picture of her was just from a Japanese wi-fi advert.
Hillary referred to Trump-supporters as a "basket of deplorables". The term has galvanized anyone anti Hillary, anti globalist, and anti SJW. She also passed out during 9-11 memorial, and had to be dragged into a van. It was "heat stroke".
CNN claimed only journalists could look at Wikileaks since they have permission to look at "hacked material". They've flip-flopped between Russia being responsible, and the messages being fake.
Hmm. So good, bad and HURRAH THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD. Good on you GG autists. Keep doing your thing.
It's all in good fun unless you raise to the bait. You're pretty chill unlike that one currynigger that sperged out when they mentioned designated shitting streets.
But, yeah, I'm pretty interested in this. I can't believe nobody did a study on this.
Touche, faggot.
Yeah, I can believe it. We have a few issues left like poverty, starvation, muslims and communists. Nothing major.
Ignore the spergs. You know how patriotic retards can get. Also, maybe it's because I don't live in the shithole bits of the country but the first i ever heard of DESIGNATED SHITTING STREETS was on here so none of this actually affects me.
What? No really, what? Don't be that guy, user
Are you sure about that?
lets not pretend america is free from poo
Yes, after which he crashed a plane with no survivors.
You better study up pal, it's 2016.
Can you illuminate the present gathering as to why your people love to shit in the open so much? Is it some religious practice or something?
Back to Holla Forums with you. Subhumans are not welcome here.
I don't live in that shithole. By the way, may I ask you: is it mostly muslims or mostly hindus in India that shit on the streets? I feel like it's one specific group that keeps doing it.
no fucking way that's real
ya blew it
Pretty fucking sure user. I've only been living here my entire sodding life.
Then again my house has fibre optic internet while the rest of the country is basically Australia in terms of internet and the place I live in has a per capita income of about the same level as the US while some of the worse states have the same comparable to sub-saharan countries. So maybe I don't really know.
6 billion people, a few hundred million toilets. You do the math. Open defecation is a major problem in the countryside, so says the government.
Holy shit, i regret waking up so much.
I was handed this book on campus.
It indeed exists.
The man who gave it to me looked at me funny when I ripped it in half
ikr the hatred rampaging through this chan is so bad smh -.- hard to believe
Smaller halfchan exodus to our Holla Forums some days ago
Holla Forums also took a hit and is shittier than usual most left again so it should normalize soon I hope
I lost memories, user. I have brain injuries. I was probably up during E3 because I distinctly remember drinking a lot and laughing at stuff. Wash dongs 2 iirc (>>11070963).
you werent meant to wake up
please take me with you.
And turns out his decent looking girlfriend was seriously into GamerGate(cosplaying as vivian) so the press and SJWs ran off her off the internet for having wrong opinions. Harassing women online is fine when they do it after all.
But the map posted clearly shows that not even niggers are this bad, and I'm pretty sure that the whole of Africa combined has less toilets than India.
Trump is winning in a lot of swing states despite what the biased media is telling you. Britain is now technically free from the EU. The Philippines got a very badass president who loves to cuss at Obama and the UN, and is killing druggies left and right.
is this the book that bitch Quinn wrote?
I'm going to bully you for not reading the ost properly.
Are you a literal nigger? Were your parents related before they were married? Do you eat paint chips for breakfast? Do you have extra chromosomes?
I'm a computer engineer not a social scientist. Census in 2013 or so showed there were very few built toilets in the countryside though.
May god have mercy on our souls
Also CoD is dying, Xbox One S and PS4 slim are now out, some guy in the NFL kneeled during the national anthem which cause NFL ratings to tank, Pokemon on smartphones is now/was a thing, Deathwing comes out on November for PC.
What I'm trying to say is I'm not bothering to research shit for an imageboard discussion.
Inasmuch as I know, the Urban and Rural areas are entirely different countries, on the one had you've got money and malls and mercedeses(?) and shit and on the other hand running water and electricity are considered luxuries in the countryside. So are toilets apparently. So the triggered currynigger was probably a fucking hick farmer or something.
I've got a computer user, and if this thread is right the only game on console I want to play is Bloodborne.
Not really. There's Forza Horizon 3, which you can play with /ogc/, Persona 5 and Nier 2 but you may want to import if you understand moonrunes, the Beserk game and Nioh. That's pretty much all the console games you may want to look at. Also RDR 2 since it has no pc port but it kinda looks like GTA 5 + RDR imo.
Eh, they'll port RDR2 over to PC. GTA V was console exclusive too at first, remember? And Forza is on PC too. I don't understand moonrunes and the best berserk game is Dark Souls
Thanks for at least trying though. You're a swell guy.
I was just asking for your input as a local. I was always curious why India stands out in this one thing so much compared to the rest of the world and I've yet to get a satisfactory answer.
Can't wait for Rockstar to announce RDR2 is going to be multiplayer focused, with a Shard Card equivalent. They've seen how much money they're making with GTA:O.
How much money did they make? I thought nobody plays GTA:O anymore?
I don't fucking know to be honest. We're a conservative lot and shit and rape are usually off limit topics in the public discourse. Its probably the population density coupledd with the fact that there isn't enough money and resources as Japan (comparable density of population). Also we were a socialist country with a closed economy up until 1991.
The government is doing stuff now. They've got grants and programs for building toilets under the swach bharat scheme and they've built millions of toilets since 2014.
Here's the website if you're interested:
It's not like I felt it or anything. I was out cold, remember?
A shitload, and it's predicted they're likely to hit a billion before it's completely dead. It was enough to basically forego releasing any singleplayer content for GTAV and solely focus on the multiplayer.
There's still an active userbase. Don't have the exact numbers though.
is your dickhole loose now user
Why don't you come on down here and find out yourself, hotshot?
Dude you're like indian Big Boss. Go start a private military company
Alright guys, it's been fun. I'm clocking out now.
Those are all major issues especially since some of those are so predominant.
It's mainly the poor that shit publicaly. There's tens of millions in poverty and many of them live in filthy slums so not shitting in a toilet is the last of their concerns.
Good luck brotha
sorry for reminding you about your loose dickhole
The Indian version of Big Brother is called Bigg Boss
A busted head and brain damage does not a big boss make. I'd like to start a PMC but my dad'll kill me if he finds out. Guns are ridiculously hard to get hold of here anyway.
Sorry, I was just being flippant when I dismissed the country being shit.
That's just Big Brother but gay, because Salman Khan's hobo murdering deer-hunting ass is on there. Why doesn't Pakistan nuke Bombay already?
y-you too
You too mein freund. It's been lovely.
is this true?
You missed Trump about to lose to Hillary
Daily reminder that a recent plot to uncover 8ch users making them click on random links was uncovered by Holla Forums, NSa provided the tools
Alright, then here's the archive link instead,
Trump jewed the jews. In fact jews fucking hate him.
He woke up just in time for that
Fun fact: Tak Fujii also had a catheter in a hospital, except he wasn't in a coma.
I could be mistaken, but the author of that book might be our hero Ben Garrison.
That must be fascinating.
I see you are a dirty shudra. What a shame.
Get back into that coma.
Oh, No Man's Sky came out.
It sold well, but was so boring everyone hated it. They even quietly slapped a sticker on the box to hide they pulled multiplayer.
The devs have been radio silence since.
The PSP is 11 years old.
It's either an Arab or some southern asian with a rich papi. Thanks for proving me again.
I hope you like M&B since the sequel is now visible on steam, albeit not released yet
inb4 anons larp about muh 40gigs
if you really thought that the game will be that big that you're an inbred retard
Remember to vote for god-emperor trump
Furi was a breddy fun game.
N++ also came out and it's A++.
Shenzhen I/O, a new game by Zachatronics(Spacechem) about circuit design, and it's really noice
The recent Shadow Warrior 2 is nice. I really enjoyed it but I see where others might not so I suggest trying before buying.
There was a recent Assault Suit Leynos remake, it's not as good as Valken(obviously) but it's pretty fun.
Otherwise I don't know what else to recommend.
Talk about a boner killer.
I chuckled.
Dravidian subhuman needs to leave.
That's… Reassuring. Say, didn't he get fired by Konami?
Thanks for these matey boys, much appreciated. Awesome trips btw.
I'm not that rich, yo. I'm squarely middle class. The car broke the bank and it was the only thing of value I owned besides my PC. And I bought it with my own money.
Is this memes? Memes have changed. Nice Hitler dubs tho.
In that case, Skyrim remastered is coming out in a few days, so you'll probably appreciate it in your current state.
What made your family and/or friends decide to wait and see if you woke up? Was there a time limit? Like if you didn't wake up in a year they'd pull your plug?
how the fuck did you even wreck?
Hey, at least you survived longer than Monty Oum.
The political world is in absolute turmoil. Trump is rising after tons of dirt on Hillary was leaked, Julian Assange may have been taken from the embassy, some people claim CTR shilling is trying to make wikileaks seem unreliable now, and Sam Hyde/Charles are still on the run and training in guerilla soldiers camps in Canada.
I honestly fear they will steal the election from him and put Hillary on the throne. Everything that has been going on seems to indicate (((they))) are absolutely hellbent on accomplishing this, even if they have to show their complete hand.
It's a fact. You had CNN first telling the viewers they could go to jail for looking up the leaks and then saying they were a doctored and falsified smear campaign against Hillary.
and when it got to the part about Holla Forums you still decided to come back here?
Apparently people want to declare India a terrorist state for removing pakis, you might find that interesting. The NX was announced AND IT'S A FUCKING TABLET. And that's it really.
Wasn't there some singer who went "if you vote hillary I'll literally give you a blowjob"? I ain't american but that just screams desperate.
Your turn
my dick
It was Madonna. I guess she's getting desperate to stay relevant.
That's what they all say till I visit their papi's house decorated in gold.
I have the very same car, but with the 1.4 TDi 105hp.
How the fuck do you crash a car that's that easy to handle?
You either had 2 inch tires or you were hitting that hairpin way too fast. I'll assume both because you're an Indian and Indian's can't drive for shit.
i wish i was dead
Jews jewing is bad. Someone you like jewing is good. Remind me, why is anyone with a functioning is supposed to support you?
I work as a nurse. It takes me ten minutes to help someone to the washroom and clean them up afterwards, then I spend the next 50 minutes chatting with a coworker about JoJo's and Pokemon.
The ickiest things I've had to deal with have probably been infected late-stage pressure sores, and even those you get used to after a while.
I specialize in palliative care so most of my patients are mostly unconscious anyways. It's pretty relaxing.
Have you seen indian roads?
Can anyone show source on this? I need some more laughs.
Parents, and afaik mercy killing is illegal here so I'd be a vegetable for as long as I want. Also that Asula is cute and I want to hold her extremely gently until she agrees to go out with me
C'mon dude, most of the time i'm down there with you guys, calling OP a faggot. Been doing this since I was 13 and that was a long ass time ago.
I love this place, warts and all.
Interesting. Better fill the officer's post grad exam, eh? Removing all that kebab, why let the armed forces have all the fun!
Yeah, the Spaniards never captured more than a paella factory in Kerala so nobody actually calls them "papi" here. Also he's really not that rich. Else I wouldn't have to take student loan atop the state subsidies on college
I honestly don't remember what happened. Could have been a deer or something because I drive sloooow usually.
I think I get it now, are you talking about the flag? The wheel is the Ashok Chakra, it represents truth and dharma and was the symbol of the Mauryan Dynasty, whose Emperor Ashoka was responsible for the spread of Buddhism and unified the entire subcontinent back in 1st Cent. BCE.
You think that's bad? You know they deal with people who can't shit? They stick balloons in their ass and blow it up to stimulate the colon into wanting to squeeze shit out. If that doesn't work? Manual extraction.
AJ Styles is the champ and beat John Cena twice.
Also: Bailey got moved to main roster and diva's division is awesome
What the actual fuck is going on in that pic? Please tell me that's some sort of extreme irony.
Nope. Part of the show "You're the Worst" which replaced a decent show called The League.
It's in it's Third Season.
I lost the League to this.
Hey guys, I was in a coma for the past 1-2 years. What games did I miss?
Reading these in order got gave me a good laugh.
I didn't know thai girls with penises were guys. Are you telling me I was gay for my whole OE?
That has to be the most cancerous example of reactions to a post superimposed over the post. Fucking hell.
Nevermind. You guys pass in my book. Of all the Indians, these guys are the best even though their mustache is abnormally huge.
Thanks for that, had to check myself.
Kerala is run by actual Communists user, It's the last bastion of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
And I live up in the hills of Himachal Pradesh
Those were the mountain bits the Top Gear guys drove into
Stop watching TV.
**I have quite the story with this guy. I can't tell you guys now since I have to leave for work, but is anyone interested in hearing it when I get back?*
God damn it.
Sure, I'm listening.
I disagree. I hate a lot of things Nintendo does, but the Switch looks OK so far.
I bet you miss being in that coma.
Alright, back from work so I can post.
Before I continue, note that I am over two meters tall and my father is relatively close to two meters.