4 AM

Losing control?

What video game gives you the most nostalgia?

Other urls found in this thread:


only popping in to say hi


Suck it 4AM

Jak and Daxter.

i wanna die

no one likes you

fuck off pedo

Morning everyone!

Managed to get a little money yesterday. Got some cigs, some tacos, and xenoverse 2 finally. Gonna be a fun week now that I got something to look forward to!

Hello how has life been

Why are you giving Mexicans your money
They need to go back

Pretty good. Actually have a couple of dollars to my name for once and might get pizza today.

How are you user?

Nope, I only eat murican spic food.

Fuck off pedo

I cannot wait for the maintenance guys to come fix my AC. It's fucking 85 degrees in here
Delta Force 2 or some of the Jane's simulators

Reminder Hide Karen posters, report Karen posters, Don't respond to Karen posters.

fuck me.


Pretty good, I'm going on a trip tomorrow for a Job Trial and I've made progress in my Homebrew 40k Codex I'll never use

At least fall is coming up. Man fall is weird this year. Half of everything is still green because its so mild.

Job trial? That like a job fair?

You know posting unspoilered porn is grounds for post deletion and bans. You should hide that cock dude.

But its winter user?


A job trial is where you work a day or a couple somewhere so the employer can see if you're good enough for the Job

It's actually a Joystick

It can't get here soon enough. The high was 95 today

Not where I live. The southwest isn't always a nice place

That sounds incredibly anxiety inducing. Good luck user.

Sounds kinda comfy tbh

It was like 64 in my house earlier today, was chilly as fuck.

Ignore all those who make it clear they use an imageboard on external entities. That includes Mark, but nobody actually likes Mark.

I had issues with him, but I was using a great sword and heavy armor thinking poise actually worked and heavy weapons weren't like throwing shit at enemies. Granted it was at launch and once I switched to a straight sword and dropped the heavy armor the boss on a second character, he was piss easy.

It's the middle of autumn.
t. Midwesterner

Not really, it's just doing stuff in a Kitchen

Useful member of society and neet friendly pen and paper RPG with nazi wizards from outer space.
Also trump

End of post.

I used the lothric holy sword for a long while. Piece of crap really but fun and sexy. I basically would just ping that guy with the laser magic constantly, draw aggro, and dodge so my shit eating team mates wouldn't die.

Like fancy kitchen or min wage kitchen?

Fucking hell, Trump better win. I don't want to die in some frozen shithole or drown in a radioactive rice paddy field fighting against Tsar Putin and those communist devils from mainland China for Hillary.

super dodgeball


ayy gurl ayyyyy

i luh me summa dat t-bell fam shit always ryt fam 6 fresco bean burrito tuesday comin up

nahh main u fukt up karen coo ah monica

say wut nao monica?


Back to pedochan with you

Either way, reported just to be safe.

That sounds horrible. Fall is the nicest season.

I bet you didnt even play planetside 2 with everyone.
And fall is comfiest season. theres nothing better than going out with a sweater.

Just escape into mexico if they institute a draft.

u got pro'lumz monica dam du

I'll trade you. This heat is miserable, especially when you can't escape it

Will you be registered in time for the election? It's only a couple weeks away

These niggers like okeefe and wikileaks need to start dropping their bombs fucking now. Early voting is going on already for fucks sakes

I was going to try those new rolled chiggen tacos, basically taquitos I think but they look good. Forgot though. More of a burrito guy usually.

Yeah been there fam. AC went out in the middle of humid TN summer once. Basically spent hours sitting in cold baths.

Thought as much.

You better have gotten a hamburger and a gun as celebration.

Lassica did nothing wrong getting that information about Nacho, who raped and killed a girl in 1990.

is TN the perfect storm when it come to humidity in dem dam dawg days?

Assange is dead and okeefe was probably scared into submission. There wont be anymore big bombs. Its on trump now.

What did he mean by this?


Rest in peace Assange

Hey I was only doing that to draw aggro really. Still fought him with the sword when he got close.

Its not as bad as like Louisiana or florida I'm assuming. Its comfy humidity for the most part.


And okeefe is still pumping vids out, probably gonna do another today.

One year I lived in a town that actually experience all four seasons. It was really nice when things started cooling down and leaves changed color and stuff.

I've been camped out in front of a fan all day. It helps but only just

Thank you for this confirmation Kek. May he rest in peace, and may Trump achieve glory in your name.

I bet you didn't even Simple infuse your weapons to get passive mana regen.


What do you think?

I hate fans so much. Too loud. I'd just go sit in my car and use its AC tbh

My old one had a straight electrical plug so I could put my laptop in. Was nice.

How else would I spam my laser sword?

I quit the game the second they got rid of that "glitch" without making simple useable after

So you do play with Holla Forums then. So why act like you dont?

If only it were for happier reasons.

And theyve been rather tame, considering all the talk about her talking about niggers. He was probably "persuaded" to give lower level shit they can either sweep under the rug, or use to take out lower members that have gotten inconvenient.

Its great. Especially for walks, when all the leaves are falling. Its almost therapeutic.


Seeing as it's right near the centre of my Nations capital probably Fancy Kitchen, though I did work one that was Fancy and Technically below min wage

So what's the story are you a Chink or are you a Whitey born in Taiwan

Doing a great job

Aw shieeeeet nigga is it 4AM already?
Well I bought a Thinkpad T60 today. I should totally Libreboot it when I get it. Is it possible to install something like LibertyBSD on a Libreboot machine, or am I restricted to GNU/Linux shit? Should I install FreeSlack? Maybe I can go all the damn way and install Gentoo. What do?
My crown came out for the (((third fucking time))) today. Those assholes really botched that job so I still gotta figure out what to do.
I also added a 4th monitor to my growing cyberdungeon. I'll post it if anyone wants to see it.
How is everyone doing tonight?

On an unrelated note, did anyone else know Rick Astley released a new album this year? It's pretty fucking good, like legit. Thread theme because I said so. And I was right he'd make the perfect James Bond.

I don't like this user

Also From yesterdays chat I started another sports board. >>>/sportz/


The first two vids were pretty damn bad for her. People are fucking sick of BLM shit no matter how much retarded SJWs online say otherwise. This third one wasn't as shocking really but its proof of illegal shit at least.

What country you in fam?

I'm sorry, how much do I have to pay to earn your forgiveness?

Well see Niggers don't like it when their status of Prime Victim is taken away which it has by Mexicans and Muslims
That's why Trump has 25% of the Nigger vote


lolis are not for lewd nigger

pick 1 fam

mo'fukkn SAVAGE

oooh lordy

ikr but dat shit goin down da memory hole fo'real fo'real

dey got bofa dem clinton's lyin under oafs n ish n dem niggas don't even care iz real out ch'yea monica



You could infuse staves with simple gems? I'm still upset the simple/blessed infusions are fucking hot garbage, because it would be the only reason I even have a shield on me.

There's a difference between shitposting in a group in game that has the association with 8ch either not shown at all or obfuscated, and joining 30 4/Holla Forums groups along with minor imageboard groups.

My dick


Answer is always install gentoo.

Also based as hell song

posting these because i am insane in the membrane

Thought you couldn't get 3 working last time? And where the hell are you finding all these stray monitors?

Humidity is amazing. I love that thick soup during a summer night where you can barely breathe. Or you come inside all wet and shit from just walking outside.

Hmm nah? I just infused a shield and got infinite weapon arts.

Seeing as I mentioned that the place I'm going is right near the Centre of my nation's capital it seems like doxing myself if I mention what country I'm from

Im still waiting for that supposed vid of hillary calling blacks niggers. Hopefully theyre legit.

Not at all, you should embrace relationships and closeness.

I'm a chink

I already registered

I celebrated by trying out Tikka Masala if that counts for anything, I think I'm addicted. I'm also in California so no guns.


u crazy monica

yoooo rik astlee bak…n he whyt? wut famm….lool…nononono boi no, holy shit omg das a fuggin whyt boi fam wtf

I jus hope da cubs lose

Normally I'd have it on low so it doesn't make much noise and keeps the air moving but today I've had to keep on mid or high. It's obnoxious but it's all I can do to stay cool

Who was it that mentioned Viscera Cleanup Detail a few threads ago? This is pretty enjoyable but large maps are a pain what with having to lug buckets back and forth from dispenser to mess to incinerator.

Guess so. Doubt anyone is going to go to this capital, go to every restaurant and go to every cook and be like "Are you random anonymous poster online at 4am?"

It probably will be, okeefe ain't lied about anything yet. He needs to get on releasing it.

He mentioned having something on kaine so I'm guess thats today or tomorrow. Then hopefully he gets the racist vid out by the end of the week. Its getting too close to the end to be holding this shit.

It really irritates me that weapon arts are completely dependent on the same bar that magic is.

wew lad

Of all the states you could have moved to, you chose one of the worst.

How fucking long do you think it would take on a 9 year old computer? I've only installed Gentoo once and I didn't really use it for anything. I take it that it's very BSD like? (because it uses a portage system)

I couldn't get 3 working with proprietary drivers in GNU/Linux and the free drivers are too shit to use with my hardware. I have a bunch of monitors lying around. Installed DisplayFusion and got 4 working in Wangblows earlier though. The 4th one is the newest addition (the 5:4 LCD monitor on the upper left)


Gee Yui, how come your mom lets you have 2 CRTs?

Where you living anyway?

And nah cicadas, frogs, fireflies, humidity. This makes the perfect summer night.

Thats why removing the simple thing pissed me off so much.

That is some seriously comfy shit. Stop making me want to get more monitors. You seen my figs everywhere, you know I don't got room!

nice setup


NY fo da moment. Wifey got da crib in SC, fo da moment.

oh das nice fam i fux w/ u



I wanted to go to one of the southern states for guns and not having to worry about being lynched for being conservative(instead I would have to worry about being lynched for being a chink but I would have guns to protect myself).

In the end I thought I would be better off with family and friends that were already living in California rather than going in blind to the South.

I'm enjoying how Ron and Jim are refusing to remove mods on Holla Forums despite them breaking rules.

My anus is practically a black hole due to how invasions have worked in 3 since launch.

I own quite a few, they're just not in use right now.

Go to a thrift store! Trust me you can ALWAYS find room for more monitors if you really try.
Thanks fam. When I get a new graphics card in a few weeks I'll have non ancient shit and I can probably get Slackware running no bullshit again. and maybe moreCRT monitors

They don't seem like the super duber sony fw900s or the like either

well ye monica if u keep takin bak door dik u gonn b able to fit 3 in at sum point nigga dam. launch mean birth ryt?

Ay SC can be pretty comfy. Spent some time in charleston before.

Southerners don't give a crap about chinks. We don't got no chinks. Sides the ones working chink food places.

Whats wrong with them? I barely did them really.

Have I found a gateway into the 70s?

Dont be ridiculous. No one uses you as a means to an end.

Well, lets review.
Assange lawyer, as well as friend who is also involved in wikileaks are dead.
Things are looking mighty suspect.

Why is that boy in a skirt?

Not necessarily.

Yeah I really should. Got no money though.

Got any evidence for that?

The black one on the right is a professional grade monitor I got brand new in the box for cheap in like December of last year. Max res is 2048x1536. The left one makes for a great /cyb/ IRC monitor while the high grade one is great for gaymes/animes. I'd totally love to get one of those dank 16:10 monitors Sony made but that will never fucking happen. or maybe it will who knows

70s monitors are tiny and shitty.

Get 15 dollars together and hit a thrift shop. Shouldn't need more than that for a few monitors.

Oh yeah sure fam. Im gonna get right on that.

It was talked about on Holla Forums. Youd have to search there for the info. I only remember a thread where twitter was down, and Holla Forums was sperging out. Then i found out it coincided with men going into the eucadian embassy. It'd make sense if they wanted to stop him releasing his dead mans switch, unless it was a person.

15 dollars is like 3 packs of smokes though. Almost 4!

Unless they kidnapped him, tortured him, and got him to give up the codes for it then the dead man switch should be fine.

Have a feeling he would be ready for that with a suicide option.

Taco bell is the best when drunk, or high, or both.
U feeling it mang?


You can spare some cigs to have more displays with your waifu on it. It's a long term investment!

Should have moved to the midwest nigga.

Gee Yui, how come your mom lets you own a whole lot of CRTs?

Triple gangbang rapes aren't a fun time.

All invasions prioritize worlds that have at least one white/yellow phantom, invaders have 30% less health and half the estus (so do summons, but that doesn't mean anything when there's two of them with the possibility of a third jumping in, along with other invaders damaging you in the crossfire), there's two covenants specifically made to help fight off invaders, all invaders have friendly fire - meaning you can accidentally kill someone trying to help you which directly lead to fightclubs being made which are shit because they devolve into meta faster than you can blink, for 99% of the game updates it was piss easy to stunlock someone with a shortsword while they were wearing full Havel's with the most recent update "fixing it" despite not really fixing it.

wew lad

I thought you were trying to quit smoking

Considering you know shit about computers and it too you that long to get them set up. Someone like me would be doomed. DOOMED!

What'd the new update do?


I am smoking less at least. Done from a pack a day to like a pack every 3 days but I'm slipping a bit there. Used to be a pack a week. I do go about 2-3 days a week without any cigs at all though.

I dunno. She lets me have a huge ass HDCRT that sits behind me too.

All these assange related repeating digits is getting freaky man. Kek must be trying to say something.

Not trusting you're waifu.

The difference is it took me a long time to set them up on multiple cards that were like 5 years apart on GNU/Linux. On Windows you just plug the damn monitors into the computer and plug the power into the wall and it (((just werks.))) It really is that easy fam. Do it for her.

That's a lot of monitors, makes me wish I had more.

It extended hyper armor for larger weapons and buffed the "poise" of heavy armor. It doesn't matter, the pvp was so bad for so long that people were recommending going back to DaS2 for pvp content.

She needs to get a grip.

If I had a wafiu that became real and had feelings for, I'd tell her to go date someone else because I know I'm shit person and she should have better. :^)

I'm too /cyb/ for my own good fam.

/ 4 a m /

T r u m p w o n ' t w i n

F e e l t h e s o r r o w

[ M E M E S A R E D E A D ]

Shillary and co are trying to make these leaks more about him and "russia" so I have a feeling hes just stepping back to let the leaks speak for themselves. Its probably fiiine

I need a new desk first really. Mines shakey as shit and I barely trust it to hold the monitor its got on it now. A second one would break it.


CTR you seem to be lost you don't get paid for posting here
go back to >>>Holla Forums

Fucking really? God that shit was so fucking boring as it was. Every time I watched two faggots just wacking each other over the head until one died because they both spammed hyper armor. Fuck das3

Get out.


Can't even get dubs lmao

So why not just get a shitty waifu so she'd be perfect for you?

Oh yeah sure, its not like the fate of ww3 hinges on one election.

It's more in line with what you would see in DaS1 when someone rolled up a Giant Dad, but I think they also lowered the poise value for light armors so you can't have someone in rags stunlocking -for 2 hits no matter what- someone in the knight's kit with a fucking broken straight sword and nerfed straight swords as well. At least I think it happened, because everyone started using Yhorm's machete but kept the CCS.

I'm too broken to think even the worst-tier waifu is not above me.

/ 4 a m /

T H A N K S F O R T H E ( Y O U )


Kind of slow tonight

That sounds like good progress, though I have no frame of reference despite my dad and sister being smokers

Post Karens

I think the new mgsv update added an ability to deploy without weapons. A bare handed option.

Whyre you so broken inside?
Sorry, im saving my best (you)s for karen-chan.

WW3 might be comfy at least. Lot of us NEETs are too broken to be enlisted so we'll sit in our NEET caves, cuddling our waifus, and wait for the nukes to start.

Hopefully from doesn't shit up whatever they do next this badly. Hoping for some AC next.

Get out Karen!

just post karens if you want (you)s just watch


some things:


New SIGGRAPH 2016 Simulation.
New meat simulation.

Who are you trying to fool Imposter.

barely 3 nigga nice trips, ain't no tax out there boi?



u make it sound appealin

2d food look real good sum times

she is mad adorable yo

how u think a sci-fi show about a dystopian america w/ a drafted brigade of all neets would go? like a new F Troop or sumthin.

you think that'll work fam?

Yesterday was just really fast. This is the new average fam.

I don't think you can ever really quit without going cold turkey and I doubt I will or can do that

FUCKING FINALLY. God I always hated that you were forced to bring a rifle cause I wanted to go in pistol only. I hope thats an option.


Hey karen!

Why can I upload images?

I can't upload an image to anywhere, I tried uploading a .gif yesterday to Twitter and it took literally (literally) 15 minutes

Just came back from an hour walk at 3AM. I like to imagine I'm the last person on earth as I walk. It's so quiet. I don't know if it's the election or what, but it felt so strange. Calm before the storm maybe?

ignore these posts

decided i'm just going to kill myself


(((literally)))? fam?

peace god

I buy cheap smokes. Used to be 4$ a pack. Now more like 4.5

NEETs are of no real use tbh

Driving at night 10x more comfy.

So there's this girl, who works at a electronics store along my jogging route.

About a month ago, I went into this store to buy a gaming headset, while being rung up, I was doing everything in my power to not say anything, was just trying to be in and out.

She then starts a conversation with me, to break the silence, asking me how I like this brand of headset.

I look her in the face to reply, upon which, she starts to stutter a little. "I don't know, first time buying them" I say in response.

After she's done stuttering, she starts talking about price, upon which I comment on it, and we end up small talking for about 2 minutes or so.

I then finish the conversation with "Well, ya'know what? I'll let you know how the headphones are" I smile and head towards the exit.

a couple of days ago, I had to buy a controller, so I go in, and get a controller (along with some other stuff) she was there again, though I didn't get her on the register, I ended up going to the register about a lane over.

As I was checking out, I felt as though someone was watching me, so I turned around briefly, and there the same girl was, completely turned around opposite from her lane, looking at me, smiling.

I smile back, finish checking out, and go on my way.

Yesterday, when getting my water from the shop, I ended up getting her on the register again, I asked her if her day was busy, and it seemed like she was flustered when I asked, and had the cutest smile on when she commented it was slow.

I might be slow as shit though, but uhh, does she like me. My friends comment that it sounds like she does, but ya'know how customer service is, I feel like she's just being a good employee and I've always been pretty weird in terms of asking women out at their place of work.

It's just been on my mind as of late, because she's a real CUTE.

ty 4 the (you)s fams gud masterbaitshun material

I like it like this. It's maximum comfy.

The prospect of nuclear holocaust bothers the everloving fuck out of me. If I had a bomb shelter and the equipment to grow my own hydroponic food along with a meshnet to other 4AM anons in shelters and an exercise bike to charge a laptop I'd be down as fuck for WW3 but that certainly isn't the case.

You know it monica.

Here's those screenshots of Shizune I made in Custom Maid 3d on my brother's vive.

Yeah. Getting pretty fed up with not being hired by anyone so I've been thinking of just inventing shit like Stu does.
Reading up on troll science in the mean time.
Crash Bash. My brother and I spent so many hours trying to get 125% on that game as kids. Still a great party game too.

your turn

Neat. Post more. Preferred more girls being beaten but not crying about it. Little bit of fighting back is best.

Does that include being able to not take a primary but still have a sidearm and special weapon? I liked going around sniping but always felt a little too well armed lugging around an assault rifle or grenade launcher all the time

git gud

It's always like that around that time. Most people are asleep at 3 AM, even the hooligans


just ask for her number and nice reddit spacing loser

pall malls son?

das y it would b funny tho

get tfo fam fo'real


yw monica


washu mean troll science tho fam?

here, have another.

kill me

Yup. Last time I played I went in with nothing but pants and a silenced .45

Are you the fake karen?

Hardly. Once the best soldiers get rammed theyre taking everything. Just like ww2, once the casualties starting getting higher, they didnt care, everyone gets to fight. Even you.

You ever get that thin chick walking a block behind you all the time when youre out at night? Like she makes sure to always stay a block away, but always in sight? Its weird.

Yeah. You can do anything, ranging from no weapons in primary, secondary or back, to a full loadout. I was having fun going in with nothing but a sniper and pretending to be sniper wolf. Then bikini with a water pistol only.

But why?

The further you descend into neetdom with no connection to the outside world, the worse you get. It doesn't help I was the fat kid that everyone shit on for most of my school life and had "friendship" with the other losers who I never saw outside of school until highschool (I rarely talked with people then anyway). I've never been trustworthy of others due to that, and getting most of your social interaction in general from 4chan and then Holla Forums for a decade and not much else will change someone for the worse no matter what you do.











Nigga just fucking do it. Worst case scenario you just avoid that store from now on.

It'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine.

My fams got all kinds of stuff besides the shelter bit so I might be fine. Dads kinda weird.


Yeee fucking love my pall malls. Cheap but burn forever. Kinda dirty tasting but thats part of the charm.

hey can somebody here please be my friend


is that sum drakengard fan art monica?

yea i used to fuk w/ em bak when dey was like 3.13 maybe 10 years ago nao. feel u on dat dirty tase, kinda got to be all i could taste after awhile.

there is no point for me to live anymore.
I eat, sleep, drink and. I do nothing in return. I will never do anything productive with my life.

u r a disgusting fag bruh

You might want to tweak that forehead. It goes up a few inches past where it should. I think her hair and eyes could stand to be a bit darker too.
Still, pretty good/10 I should install that sometime and really fuck up making Peko

Fun. I should look into reinstalling or maybe just buy the rerelease when it comes out

Demon's Souls nigga.

Fuckin nice. I might maybe buy it for cheap on sale on steam at some point then.

And by that point I'll be chilling with my m8s in moose country.

I like some better smokes like injun spirits and lucky strikes but that shits too expensive for a NEET to afford daily.

No user! You have to see humanity go to space! Space is awesome and fun!

I type in the quick reply box, which is about the same size as the box used for my ticketing system at work, I'm supposed to type in paragraphs and put a space between them when I'm finished, it's a habit that does not carry over well on imageboards and causes people to sperg out.

Well now I'm just overthinking this, but uhh, how do I ask for a number when I'm going in to get my water after Today's jog? I mean, fuck, how do you even segue into that. I'm a bit inexperienced when it comes to cold approaches, all of my relationships were through mutual friends, or people I've met through said friends. Do I just go into the store and go "HELLO PRETTY LADY, I AM BUYING THIS WATER, WOULD YOU ALSO GIVE ME YOUR PHONE NUMBER SO THAT I MAY INQUIRE ABOUT THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES YOUR STORE PROVIDES IN GREATER DETAIL?!!??!"

American spirits are good and iz can cop em regular no problem, deyz jus last 2 long n i mostly smoke in da whip

aww shit, dat red eye nigga was pretty ruff.

nah fam, it make niqqaz rabid up inz

No, fuck off

space is literally fucking nothing.

You can stretch that to how ever big you want you fucking troglodyte. And just ask her for her number. Just be like "ayy hon can i get them digits and we can get some m f steak sometime baaayyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

as long as u have gondola it'll be aight monica balee dat. believe in nuffin else, jus miracles n memez monica das all u need.

re: videogame nostalgia… my only happy memory of my dad is watching him play Doom when I was a kid so definitely that one. feeling pretty good but have less than 100$ in the bank and am worried about lasting through the winter with no money coming in

But it's got lots of dangerous planets and places to colonize, what's not fun about that? Are you not interested in space colonization user?

Sounds like you need to start taking walks to indtroduce you to the outside world again, just a little bit at a time. You'll even feel better, walking during fall!

You should restart /ssft/ imo, then you get pick of the litter on steam friends!

Rerelease has nothing new, other than the cosmetic dlc and shit, at least from what i've heard.

Canada is importing mass amounts of muslims friend. They even have radicalization centers in their mosques. Canada is the last place to be for peace. Unless you go far west, to alberta or BC.

Space is gay. Underwater is where its at. We need rapture.

you sure do have a lot of games. where do you get your neetbux.

I don't give a shit about reddit at this point since Holla Forums and Holla Forums are nothing but reddit users pretending to be hardcore pre-2015 Holla Forums users. I just think it looks fucking ugly and could be concatenated to save space. I'm smart enough to not bitch about it most of the time because it does nothing but cause shitflinging on both sides.

Once you got a handle on the game, he wasn't that bad, but for a new player he's a nightmare.

The only time I'm going outside is when there's a gun pointed at my head. I'd ask them to shoot first.

Hey nerds I request the rest of the Keions wearing MAGA hats. If they don't exist make them as I must complete my set so I can shill for the God Emperor with weaponized anime.

that's what's so cool about it.


I have a job.

Does that faggot really show his disgusting faggot cock to perverts on the internet?

Please leave.


oh so you're a normalfag

I never bought it to begin with so I figure if I ever do it I'll grab the version that comes with everything. Maybe then I'll actually finish it since the version I played didn't let me go past the mission where you redo the beginning

Please kill me

Belrose is a huge attentionwhore. He also has a Tumblr page and browses 4/lgbt/

I rly can't think of a better example of puttin somn in game like dat u stricly speakin can do, but literally rly prolly can't. Maybe if DeS wasn't mah first souls game i'd been like ye ye w/e but it was triflin af atm monica.

If given the chance I would kill him based on that information and that information alone.

For what purpose? Then the amount of time it would take for me to stretch it out, my reply would no longer be quick, thus defeating the entire purpose of the quick reply box, you rude dude.

And how the fuck do you even say that. I mean let me type out the situation that is most likely going to happen tomorrow. I'm going to walk in, get my water (which is the start of her shift, based on how many times I've seen her) while being rung up, I smile at her and just ask, out of the blue "Hey, you're pretty cute, would I be able to get your number?" or "Hey, you're pretty cute, would you want to grab some coffee later in the week?" which would (I assume) lead to her giving me her number anyway.

Both situations just seem, I don't know, out of the blue, but then again, let I said, most of my dating experiences comes from people I've met through other people, so there was more to work on in terms of gauging interest. Which is why it's been on my mind.

The deep sea is pretty fucking interesting, there's the possibility that there's tons of species down there that remain to yet be cataloged or found by scientists


Shit like pic related.

I did it completely from memory and couldn't keep checking my phone background to see what she looks like. Colours were limited to a palate rather than hues so I couldn't go darker.

No, and I never will be.
not until we fix the shitstorm we have on earth, witch will never happen.

Whats so terrible about the outside?

You mean ground zeroes?

Not big on free speech eh?

I started with DaS and after ~4 play throughs of it I played DeS. This was before 2 was even announced.

Belrose did nothing wrong. HomokoxBelrose 4am's OTP. Anything else is a lie.

Literally everything.

I like my smokes to last forever, gives me more to do and more of a break from my NEET cave.

Think my m8 is in west canada, dunno how far though.

He says its the boonies though.

Half of 4am is europoors and aussies

Well we've only seen a few of the horrific things in the marianas trench, and we know theres a massive kraken out there, as well as probably some huge type of whale. Thats not even mentioning all the other deep sea spots we cant get to. One day well find pandoras box and all bets are off


Cute is a bad word to use right off the bat, just ask for her number, go in there, buy something, get her on registration, and just say "Hey can I get your number" and tell her your name if she doesn't know it already.

Not when it's used for terrible garbage like faggotry or communism.

Even Homoko calls belrose crazy.

But hope is the only thing left in Pandora's Box.

what's keep you from taking the plunge?

Gay. I bet there's a mod to add more colors though

No, The Truth. The mission where you redo the hospital escape and find out you weren't actually Big Boss. After he rides off on his motorcycle it'd get stuck on a black screen and I couldn't get it fixed.

oh i thot u meant troll science fam

u thinkin 2 much nycka jus wip dat dik out ch'yea on dat ho boi spin dat cripple lookin bitch around and smang it bak 1 time fa'me monica.

oh wao monica. yea I got des cuz I had a ps3 and it looked like da only exclusive rly worf da while n ooh boi was i ryt fam

i feel ya on dat 1 pep.

shieeet i hope dat snake from da norse myfz down there monica

That's kind of sad user, I always try to have an optimistic outlook on life. Even if there's some bad things going on, I just want to see us go to the stars and watch technology advance. I try to be optimistic!

We could easily explore that shit if we wanted to. But its where the ayys have their bases so they tell the governments to fuck off and not do it.

I don't have it, but there's a post where Homoko said that he was in love with Belrose. If someone could post it, I would greatly appreciate it.

DeS and DaS are really the only two games worth playing in the series. I don't have an opinion about Bloodborne because I'm not about to buy a PS4 just to play one game, and I don't really know of any other games on the system.

I believe it. Lets do it anyway.

I agree with you, but it also implies interest (but then again so does asking for the number to begin with) but, let's say, I say literally just "Hey can I get your number?" and she replies with "Why?".


The more technology advances the more the general population gets dumber.
Thus creating more retarded idiots dependent on technology.

that's good for you i guess, I've lost all mine.


But the atmosphere and the leaves and the air are nice right?
Isnt homoko with someone else now? I wonder if it bothers his boyfriend seeing people constantly mention him with his ex.

Yeah thats west. Hopefully nowhere near fort mkurray.

The worst part of pandoras box is it will be empty
Hope died a long time ago

Hearing shit you dont like and defending their right to say it is literally the core tenant of free speech.

Weird. Not like you missed much anyway. After that its just subsistence missions and extreme missions. Such a disappointing ending.

The one that killed thor? Isnt it dead too? It'd be a great side attraction for a zoo though. Id pay a dollar to see the king of the snakes.

Pressure is intense down there. The trench was searched, very minimally by jack coustous. But not much, due to lack of funding and it being so dark and hard to navigate. He could only be down there for like 15 mins iirc. The big issue is theres no profit to it and no one wants to donate the millions required to go check what could be an empty ocean floor.

ayys b gettin me rabid monicas

samesies monica. wanna try BB cuz it look mad polished but rly rly same w/ da ps4 ain't worth it monica. ps3 was barely worth it. got p5 comin at least.

jus tell her u won da local pussy eatin contest at da last mo'fukkin fertility festival.

fixed that for ya

He got so scared of them chiming out he's just gonna leave them be.

Don't worry user, things will get better!

Hope is a myth, user.

Make your own board and circlejerk there like Rugga did.

If everyone filtered 4 am and we got no new lurkers, we'd slowly die off.

yea yea dat nigga. also dibs on da horse



Empty sure yeah. And why do you think they get no funding? We send shit up into space and on useless rocks all the time and that shit gets funding. I'm telling you, ayys.

Hey guys did you know it's possible to give people cancer through the internet now?

"Because I was thinking we could go out sometime" is it that hard for you autists? I mean shit she won't ask why unless she's just as autistic. Asking for her number shows interest, saying "you're cute, can I get your number" just sounds creepy sex pervert considering you don't really know her. Worst that can happen is she says no fam.

Yea fam fuck free speech tbh there is literally nothing wrong with book burnings either.


That's how the story goes at least. It's far too late for hope at this point.

He's never going to get rid of them. Why don't you get a band of people to just sage bomb the threads like they did every time sft showed up.

No. They never actually dated as far as I know, I was the one who started it to annoy the shit out of Homoko. As far as I know, Homoko is still dating the e-bf, but I haven't had contact with people who have contact with him in ages.

It'll have more worth eventually.

The thing with deep sea creatures is that they're very accustomed to the incredibly high pressure. That means when you bring them up to the surface, they sort of deflate.

So put a bunch of job applications in yesterday online, haven't heard anything yet. How long should I wait, before I should reapply?

Only a fool doesn't know that

ps4 u think will fam? da only thing i'd think of usin it fo is sfv and/or kof.

Wait for a reply. If one doesn't show up in a week, call them and ask if they have reviewed it yet. If they have and didn't contact you, they aren't interested in hiring you.

Yeah man shit's pretty spooky. Deep sea horror is best horror.

heres one that I made

Sound delicious.

Can't I just tell her to put all the money in the register into my bag, along with her phone number?

It's dependent on how much you want to play the two games and how much the online cost means to you.

i fo'got about dat. iz jus sum shit das so triflin i dun think i could rly bring mah self to fuk w/ it.


The only hope is in death.

You ain't gonna see nothin like that at the fish market.

But hope is good!

So long as I get gungnir.

Well getting into space can possibly lead to colinization and then new planets to inhabit. The sea less so. It'd be cool as fuck if there were ayylien cities down there though, We could steal their tech and make waifus real.

I got coloncancer from an user on Holla Forums.

You should ntr homokos e-boyfriend and fuck homoko

Wonder what it feels like to deflate due to less pressure. Must be horrible. That fish is ugly as fuck btw.

if u r jus finna shitpost niqqa i hope dat bitch gotta man and she shut ur shit down, cuz u a str8 up busta ass niqqa


Now I remember what I did today, I rewatched Afro Samurai. Good times

You could probably pick up a PS4 pretty cheap after the new one comes out and drives the price down. I've only played a little bit of it but it's pretty fun, though pure dodging with no shield safety cushion takes some time to get used to

DMX go back to picking cotton.

That's why it's a myth

Give a few years, nips love their seafood and fukushima killed most of the ocean.

Aliens giving us waifu tech is all I hope for these days really.


Pretty sure some of them have it so bad they pretty much evaporate. They use the pressure of the water to hold themselves together so without that pressure they fall to pieces. I imagine the deeper you go the worse the effect will get.

that's double degeneracy


n u betta not b no mo'fuckin ice giant under there or i'ma get rabid all ova again.

i did eythin on my farmville already

Thanks user. Hope it doesn't take that long though, really want a job as fast as possible to get some money before Black Friday.


There's always local play and the story modes, but it depends on how much you can enjoy that.

Death is the only certainty.

wew Too bad Homoko is a cunt.

Don't take my advise too seriously though, I've never worked a day in my life and still have no driver's license despite being 21.


Funny you mention that I just sold mine yesterday because it's a piece of shit with no games.

Saaame tbh.

holy fukkn shit yea dis nigga cold

cain't do it monica

You know they got it, especially if theyve been around japan this long. Theres no way they dont have it. And its time they share!

settle down there, im about as much an ice giant as a son of odin.

You're not one to talk with that cuteboy you got back in ausland.

I didnt say date him

I would guess it's like a sort of slower explosive decompression, like being ripped to shreds while your internal organs rupture slowly. This is a crab getting sucked into a pipe from the insanely high pressure.

they don't exist user, just let go.

Honestly you aren't missing much, had mine for years and I hate driving. Shit scares me, feels like I'm driving a giant death machine.

I have a feeling if we ever create a weapon that creates black holes aliens are going to come down say "stop this shit, have some fun toys instead" and give us stuff like that.

Or kill is instead. Either is fine.

Get out of here with your false trips.

Quit mixing me up with Tor.

someone didn't read the podesta emails.

user, your very DNA is created by aliens.

That's true, but would you really want to spend money on current gen consoles? Even previous gen consoles had more of an improvement previous gens.

Just means you'll have money for bettering your house or for helping your friends.

I would expect him to be too clingy, so I'd like to avoid that. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

My issue is that I haven't been past the mailbox in 2 weeks easy.

Driving in the day isn't fun, or driving in traffic. You have to drive at night in the back streets and not give a shit if you die, fun as fuck tbh.

kek doesn't lie

Nah Homoko will just accuse you of being a cunt when the opposite is true.I know first hand.

[citation needed]

Vade retro satana

Poor creb-chan. She didnt deserve this.

Theyd kill us. Imagine if you had a simulation going, which could break into your basic pc, from your virtual server you set up. And your little minions keep creating more and more complex murder machines, until theyre now a threat to you. I wouldnt give them anymore advanced tech, even to keep them happy and hopefully peaceful You know those crazy little niggers are gonna reverse engineer the tech and make waifu mobile suits or some shit for advanced warfare.

I didnt mix you up at all shizune

Its a fun ride fam. You should try crazy for once. Keeps life interesting with lots of turns and quick reaction moments. Youd love it!

Why do you think when I crawled back the first time I never talked to him?


Good enough citation?

Wouldn't it just be easier for me to make a hole in my stomach right above my dick so I didn't have to go to the trouble of finding someone else?

Citation: Nag Hammadi Scrolls and Zecharia Sitchin

Probably deep code talk fam. I hope. ayys are scary

I think it's time to sleep now. See you all tomorrow maybe

>[email protected]/* */

not buying it.

That sounds painful!

Night fam

Just buy an onahole user they're pretty darn cheap.


How big is your stomach that you can fit your dick into it by putting a hole above it? Also this would be extremely painful and prone to infections like chris-chans pussy

That's why you drink a bunch and get a shitload of aspirin to take until the pain stops.

Hands are free :^)

Average burger size.

Baldur's Gate 2



But drinking is bad! Your liver!
I'd like to get drunk at least once, but I don't want to get into any hard drugs. I want to be clean!

Chris is a roller coaster of pain. I'm going to be really upset when he dies.

That's why you just drink enough to where it doesn't hurt when you make the hole. It's too late to be clean, you've been here too long.

Please don't speak of such horrors.

Yeah but onaholes are pretty good tbh
I'd use mine more if I wasn't too lazy to buy more lube.

Okay, wait. Post a side pic of your penis and belly for the comparison.

How old are you?

I thought that faggot would've been dead by now

his death will be a mercy

I'll be fucking celebrating. God is merciful to the good though, so he'll probably suffer through AIDS and other STDS before finally being allowed release from his suffering.

Your "god" ain't got nothing on mine.


I've been masturbating dry so long that I don't think I'd be able to use lube.

With the way the hole between his anus and dick is progressing, he probalby doesn't have too much time.

At least we had a good time watching him.

For him or us?

And neither does yours.

There's an old sayin down here in the south:
only the good die young


doesn't matter

Wheres the fun in that though?

We'll all get release with his death.

Certainly not old enough to drink, considering the people running the laws in a state next to us thought it was a good idea to raise the smoking age to 21

doin dat on a consistent basis is double dippin on yo liver tho. stickin to shit like vodka n stayin hydrated is best reasonable way to avoid or minimize hangovers dependin w/o no drawbacks otha than pissin a lot.

Sometimes it's best to lay the mare to rest, as she hath long been perverted by the staff of degenerate physical obfuscation.
lol nevermind it's a hoot


There is no fun, only pain.


You don't mix them unless you're going to kill yourself, and eventually your pain tolerance will be high enough to where it doesn't hurt. Even then, you'd be dumb to not do it in tandem with a few other methods.

Christ, he's still going at it? Didn't he get arrested for a misdemeanor at a gamestop?

Okay, fine. Just the penis then

How old are you user?

even if u b takin em da nex day wut i'm sayin cuh.

Last I heard he was begging for money and his mom was dying.

Here's the end result.

Only if you post yours.

That's why you don't take them all the time.

who here /REMOVINGELF/?

Yeah once shes gona hes going to be homeless. Though I doubt hed have too much trouble finding autismbucks or something.

You first

There is nothing wrong with Elves.

You have to give up things in order to get them sometimes. This is one of those times.

Ok, I'm out, G'night faggots.


Biggest disappointment of that vr maid game.

ay budy


Blame Mark not keeping the "bans" in place like he did last year.

I do not consent!

he tried to gas gamestop?


Hes going to end up living with her corpse for weeks after she dies.

Night user!

A lack of consent hasn't stopped people before.

Elf Fetishists need to go

this show would have been a thousand times better if he picked Rem


Fixed that for you

that's a nice touch

He tried to mace an employee because they told him to stop coloring Sonic's arms because the redesign for Boom happened.

Elves are superior to man. Emilia is better than Rem anyway.

It's cute when you squirm like that, keep going.

There's is nothing wrong about having one or two elven sex slave sluts, user.



This is good, isnt it?

You sound under 18. You shouldnt be here little guy.



yeah all those great cleaning skills and cooking skills and unconditional love and respect and ability and conviction and competence

that's extra degenerate

feels bad man

Are you upset that you aren't included in on it? Don't worry, I can satisfy both of you easily~

I'm going to need a timestamp user, how do I know that you aren't just stealing someone's photo?

Rem a shit.

This is the correct answer.

You just sound like a tease.

nice comeback


Give and you shall receive.

I'm 10, sorry

It's the truth. Why go after a maid who's lusting after your dick when you can go after the superior character?

user you got any reason why she is superior to Rem?


They'll probably want it more now you stupid cunt, fags are super predators you know?

This is your fault.

First you give an untimestamped one then i'll do a timestamp one you tease

You let Uncle Adolf win right?

Oh wait, shit!

This is your fault.

Fucking disdain for plebs

Sorry fam gotta get max level in like 2 days.

I got a number off, I'm 9 now

Why on Gods green earth would I taste the pussy of an elf slut?

Can you get him in your party?

The greeks may have been gay as fuck but even they knew only the lowest of men ate pussy


At least you're not one of those degenerates that like black elves.

The MC chose her, and that's reason enough.

How can I be sure it's the real you? For all I know, you grabbed it off some /cuteboy/ thread.


You are the plebest of plebians

You're just making excuses being a shy goose. Its clear you're too chicken to show your penis. And that's okay, you can work up to it someday!

thank you satan, I try my best

I really hope the character customization is better in 2. I really want to create a cute Majin this time.

There will be no preaching of satan here, evil-doer.

I bet you think Huey was the bad guy.

Hell, you didn't even show your penis.

Have you tried asking him nicely?


I honestly have no opinion on him aside from shitting in the shower is disgusting


Good work my child, remember to commit sodomy and slam meth in my name!

MGSV Huey you dummy. No wonder you like the shit character.

I showed part of it! Half first, half after. Basic marketing.

Please show your penis, i bet its real cute!

Stop that.

Good luck!



I don't do that shit hitler sama, nice test though

user I'm way behind on MGS and probably will be for years

Penises are incapable of being cute you dolt poof.

Sorta I think. You can recruit people in town somehow.

As long as they don't fuck up my favorite moves Im happy.


toplel plebs
There is absolutely nothing wrong about having elven sluts as war trophy

Recruit Hitler.

With that attitude, I'm not posting it at all.

Just remember that he did nothing wrong.

Sodomy is degenerate though Satan.


poorly phrased but if I somehow got elf bitches I would have them teach me magic

I don't doubt it

A true hero.

Rick Astley and Dokken

Good idea. Being a mage would kick ass.

Stop filling his heads with lies you faggot, ENJOY THE BOAT RIDE FAGGOT, NO SHOWERS TO SHIT IN THERE!

yes, yes it would


At least you tried 990c61!


Alright I'M GOING TO BED. Goodnight fellow sperglords~

night fam


Why is this so satisfying? You do this too right anons?
I think the neighbor saw me when she was going to work

It's okay, I still think you're cute!


Fool. That would only be your downfall.
Rule #1: Pic related

Too bad you aren't.

Try harder. Have you tried using force?

I piss outside while drunk and having a smoke almost every time. Max comfy.


Can you hold him down for me?

Woah! No bully!

I don't even want elf slaves to begin with

I could probably do something aout it but I don't even feel like thinking about it

It's so satisfying isnt it? It feels just like freedom.

Anyone you think is cute is far too attractive to ever hold a conversation with you.

The truth hurts.

Plus it helps mark your territory and keep animals away.

I don't know, he might bully us

It's not like you could carry more than 15 pounds for any length of time, so I'm not worried.

Not true! Bully me more daddy!

I want a 3rd floor apartment some day so I can get a neighbor on the top of the head with my urine. It'd be great.

Would you like that?

what kind of weak piece of shit can't carry 15 pounds for an extended period of time

my fucking coat weighs 5 pounds dry

No, because the best form of bullying is being nice to someone who likes the feeling of being bullied.

That's the point you double nigger.


It's the ultimate form of bullying.


Watch this. Apparently a girl forcing an open marriage backfires horribly for her.

No it's not! It's mean!

You're as dumb as liking Rem implied.

No need to think about as the answer is simple.


Sometimes you have to be a little mean. Besides, you like it.

Just got beans and wieners.

I don't! It's the opposite of bullying!

You don't understand. Pretending to be nice to someone only to spring on them that it was all a ruse is the best form of bullying possible.

Too lewd! No bully!

I dream of having a loving family

there is nothing dumb about that



Finished eating beans and wieners. They were good.





So you like bullying! Youre too young being bullied at 10! Wait till you're older

No! It's mean!

That's the whole point!

Kill yourself faggot.


Woah! I never said that!
I'm 7, get it right

If I took that suit off, will he die?

I bet you'd love it having someone bully your boipussy!

No it's not! It's like lewder S&M. It's supposed to be fun for everyone!

Thats horribly illegal on Holla Forums! Dont go near spider or belrose

it would be extremely painful

Reminder that this exists

Yes it is!

He's a big guy.


for you

I'm glad we had this discussion.

I'm done you baka! No hand holding for you until you apologize and bully right!

me too

I fucking hate faggots. Your defense mechanism of "oh yes bully me daddy" is so fucking fucked. You know it's wrong, and when people point out to you, "you're a disgusting faggot" it hurts you, but instead of taking it to heart and improving yourself, you just decide to pretend it doesn't hurt and you like it. Fucking stupid.


Yeah! You tell him 990c61!

fag in denial alert
wasn't smug enough

I just realized I can get exosquad shots with helmets on

top fun

I wish I hadn't sold my G27, I had tons of fun with rfactor and the initial D mod. even if I couldn't drift worth shit

well I'm gonna bail now, got to finish up work

you all have a lovely night

I dreamed that I was in a puzzler/RPG. My crippled and suicidal friend was kidnapped by the villain, and I had to solve a bunch of puzzles to find her. In the time it took me to do that, the villain had killed her and turned her into a scabbard. I found my friend wrapped around her own sword after I finished everything. I still feel kind of guilty about that.

I came back to say hi again