What is your favorite horror game and why?
Silent Hill 2 for me. Atmosphere was and still is the best I have seen in gaming.
What is your favorite horror game and why?
Silent Hill 2 for me. Atmosphere was and still is the best I have seen in gaming.
Yume Nikki, it scares the living hell out of me.
Resident Evil 0.
If you overlooked its flaws and weren't a bitch about it changing a few things around it was spooky as fuck. Also Rebecca's hip to shoulder ratio was like 2:1 so she had an amazing ass, then they fucked it up in the HD version
I guess Clock Tower for playstation. It was one of the main sources of nightmares for me when I was a kid. It's between that and Fatal Frame 2 since they're some of the very few games to ever scare me.
I've got to say eternal darkness
everything about that game just really clicks well, it's a shame that it was on the gamecube though and not pc
You know that's actually Clock Tower 2? And that the original game for the SNES got an enhanced re-release on the PSX that has a fan translation?
Yeah, that's why I specified playstation. By the time I played the SNES one, I was too desensitized to be scared.
System Shock 2. As much as how replaying the game doesn't phase me as much, there are still some areas that give a sense of dread and suspense like the cargo bay. And then there's getting jumped by shit like spider annelids.
Shame the game ended on a cliffhanger. Even if it did get a sequel today, it could end up being watered down like having no inventory and such.
Fighting mutated animals couldn't be more ridiculous and silly
Silent Hill, the first one. It's so god damn good. One of the few games that actually make me nervous, even when I've beaten it a lot of times.
Silent Hill 3 for me. SH2 was good and all but I started with SH1 so seeing a conclusion to that story moved me and spooked me.
Heather and Big Boss are the only characters I've ever felt empathetic towards
Silent hill 2 is great and all but the gameplay is garbage so i wouldnt call it best by a long shot.
I rather say something like Resident Evil 4, Dead Space, FEAR, their stories are way weaker but the gameplay is great and the horror atmosphere is still there.
Afterall only numale sjw faggots judge games only by its story while completely ignoring the gameplay.
Are you just a bunch of walking simulators movie-games numale sjw cucks Holla Forums? Think about that
Check the catalog next time, newfag
spotted the first cuck
these games are different you mongoloid, they are action/ horror not Survival/horror
KYS fam
Im not the dumb faggot that still thinks "survival-horror" is actually a thing. You homosexuals use that in every game with shitty gameplay. If the gameplay is actually decent, SUPRISE, its an "action-horror" now.
People like you and these faggots playing Sony movie games are the same shit. You arent any less of a casual piece of shit just because you are older.
Silent Hill 1 and 2 might even have had acceptable gameplay when they came out and trash like the old Residetn Evil "lock on and auto aim fire" gameplay was all the rage but that craps doesnt hold up today in any way.
If you are asking me this in 2016, i will compare that shit to newer games and you nostalgia numale faggots can eat shit and die.
Gameplay > rest
cuck nº 3 spotted
He's not even trying anymore
Yeah fuck off, halfchan reject.
the first step is acceptance
go and join your pink hair friends
But he's right. "Survivor Horror" as a genre in the traditional sense really just means "Action Horror with bad controls, weak gameplay, and more resource management". The contemporary and correct definition of Survival Horror would be games that fit in the Survival genre with a horror atmosphere. Games like H1Z1, DayZ, 7 Days to Die, where your primary goal isn't to slog through a linear story, killing dozens of enemies until you reach the next boss, but rather, your goal is to simply survive.
This type of faggot will die before he stops saying dumb shit like that
Guess teenagers will never let this meme die.
Funny, since i played it before you were even born
That's a pretty awful comeback, I don't even care, but shit son work on your game
I guess wit does come with age
what are you? a homosexual?
only thing that comes with age is aging, dumb faggot
You know, I still don't understand complaints about silent hill 1 & 2's controls. The controls are perfectly serviceable, and the whole game is designed with those controls in mind, so they seamlessly fit the gameplay as a whole.
It's just a meme
I'm pretty sure they didn't change the models, only the textures, just like with REmaster. Except for the new costumes obviously, but I'm sure the base model is the same.
Who said anything about the controls?
Your life is a meme
Nah, they changed the model. An user around here had a picture where they compared them overlapping and they like halfed the size of her hips. She looks like a fucking trap now.
SH 1 and 2 have shit controls and shit gameplay. FPS controls or fuck off.
Well, if you're right it can at least be fixed on PC with mods.
Reminds me of how Yahtzee would go
Then goes on to talk shit nonstop about how the old RE's are shit because the controls suck and you're in a claustrophobic environment.
It's pretty bad. Compare pic related to the picture I originally posted
Weird nobody ever seems to mention shooter games like Carnevil or Chiller. Especially the latter with the sort of oddball feel it has to it, the gore and the music.
Wasn't Carnevil an arcade game?
Nothing better than horror in games with a main focus other than horror.
Random bloodcyka ganks still spook me to this day.
Carnevil was fucking great
Eh, it was no Time Crisis, that's for sure. The non-recoiling light guns felt like shit.
If only STALKER was a crypto-supernatural game, like the movie. I see a lot of Stalker and Andrei Rublev influence in Silent Hill, too bad the gameplay and puzzles are utter shit.
Mass Effect 3.
I was horrified by what future games might become.
the fucking laboratories man…
Why live? I miss horror vidya like that. I just want a game that made me unsettled like SH2 or the tail end of Deadly Premonition.
As favorite, a tie between SH 1 and 3
Yes , I know that 2's story and execution was groundbreaking, but 1 and 3 pushed their respective systems to the limits of that time and the rusty and gory shit looked awesome.
But the game that has scared me the most, by far, was the first Fatal Frame.
As a kid, I beated the first alone in yhe dark in my big brother's old 486 and loved horror videogames ever since, but FF's sound, the ghosts yelling in pain, the mansion design and the fact that you had to look dead straight at their faces to kill them created a unique game.
And the only one I've ever had to quit in all my life because I was really terrified
they're kinda lame. If you find yourself immersed in stalker you're way too forgiving to the games flaws.
T-Thanks auto correct.
Fatal Frame 2 was great when you left it paused for around 5 mins or so. :^)
I quite liked Outlast and the DLC.
To the muh atmosphere snobs: This game has creepy tension, fine buildup AND fun jumpscares. It's the perfect mix.
Plus it's more or less the only walky corridorey scare-a-thon without a fucking insanity meter.
Also holy dicks, there is a ton of Eddie Gluskin fanart out there.
You could say this about literally every horror game ever made.
I can say it especially about stalker because it's a game full of ridiculous bugs. Can't really say it about silent hill. Maybe you should play less PC games.
>implying Super mario world has flaws
And this is why you never reply seriously to people who use reddit spacing.
1.0006 has much fewer bugs. Game is quite flawed for some reasons, but the bugs are not one of them. I still find Silent Hill to be a hell lot more flawed gameplay-wise and story-wise, though the aesthetics are superior.
you casual pieces of shit dont get the last word, never ever
I only like action horror games myself. Normal Horror games are just too boring for me.
I honestly can't even tell if we're getting flooded with 4cuck refugees, reddit, ctr or bait at this point.
what's ctr?
This thread is the true horror game.
AITD 2 has the best combination of horror and action, too bad the controls are piss poor.
what are you on
It's called looking at the situation. Are you that new or do you not have an ounce of foresight?
polite sage for off-topic
Correct The Record. A bunch of below-minimum wage shills being paid by Hillary Clinton's pacs to flood Trump websites like 4/pol/ and 8/pol/
Remember all the other times they came here because of 4cuck being "compromised"
What situation? Is turning a video game thread into trumpcucks vs shillarycucks cumflinging a kind of foresight?
I seriously doubt a Clinton PAC would be shitposting on a video games board.
Reddit spacing bait poster and the bait poster who goes "Play less PC games" when you call him out on baseless bullshit Even though I started out in this thread primarily talking about a console game
You've never played Driver 1 and 2 I guess.
Not an excuse for poor design choice. They should make the character move slowly and have poor reflexes, not ruin the game with bizzare, utter shit, cramp inducing control.
Wasn't the cliffhanger being that Shodan now has a human body she can control, sounds like clang to me
I have never seen someone so spectacularly triggered by linebreaks.
Sorry user, that game was made when the devs assumed you were going to read the book and actually try to play the game.
Look at the shit he's saying
I've finished the game twice you dense little cuck.
Abandon thread
Could someone please post that pic comparing Rebecca's ass sizes? I'm overdue for my daily dose of rage.
CAPCOM scares me
Redbull SFV costume dlc
Darkstalkers is not dead
Yeah, more or less. You find out the woman she possessed got attacked but found some cyber implant. Said implant may as well been SHODAN's fallback in case you ever managed to destroy her magnificence.