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UN General Assembly rejects Trump's Jerusalem move
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Good. If the US wants to play hardball with these countries, they should just start nationalizing US-owned assets in their country, cutting off all trade with the US, and dropping the dollar.
I just can't wait for Shlomo's outrage. Bellissimo.
So really only posturing. The UN has censured Israel for its expansion countless times, and nothing has come of it. As long as the American congress will still fall down to their knees and suck Schlomo's cock, nothing regarding Israel will change.
Shlomo is going to pay Congress to withdraw gibs.
UN has no power
it's marxists larping as world goverment
You don't have a fucking clue how literally anything works, do you?
Happy the God Emperer is playing the sacrificial lamb redpilling all the normies along the way. Brave! MAGA! TRUE PATRIOT!!!!!
It's the fact that matters, a fuck you. Jews were outraged when UN dared to vote against it last week. Oh my, what antisemitism, save us (((USA))). Anything that triggers Israel is good.
Trump continues to outjew the jews
All that dosh lads.
You also recall their little panic attack when the Obama administration was abstaining or whatever from that vote before the transition and Trump got his Kushner-owned panties all in a bunch. That's what that whole Flynn thing was about.
The countries with the US is a who's who of literally who.
Will President Trump just pull us out of the U.S. at this point? I think he said he would pull funding/support from any country that votes against it didn't he?
*Out of the U.N.
Afghanistan alone is $4.5 billion. Very nice Mr. President
That would be too good.
Oh, UN, you impotent governing body, you.
I reckon when Obama got in being the nigger he was, he didn't know he was going to get jewed and was angry at Bibi by the end of it all.
Here, let's calculate the dosh boyos:
So are we actually going to stop sending gibs to the green countries? That would be fucking epic.
Data on Wiki is from 2014. latest data is here, can't archive:
It makes sense to can the welfare, it isn't the Cold War and we aren't paying them off against the Soviets anymore.
I really hope Trump follows through with his "cut the aid" threat.
LOL, what the fuck happened to this shithole?
There was always a bit of that (especially due to the moderation here). However, the reason for the large increase in zionist/alt-right shit is the fact that cuckchan just decided to go the malware route. This resulted in a lot of (((alt-right))) rapefugees coming here.
Stared into the abyss for too long. When you memeing about Trump being competent for a year you can't just hit full stop at 90 mph.
No nigger, this was all about him being a good goy and then throwing a tantrum when the rest of the world told him to get fucked.
If uses it to can funding for niggers., I'm not against more money.
But he has to follow through with it first, else he's just being a good goy.
Was this the plan the whole time?
Top Kek, and people still deny the 4D chess.
888888888888D chess?
Worst-case scenario (not necessarily probable). U.S. is a ZOG puppet, EU is still under Jewish control (but more leftist so they care for those poor palestinians + global economic shit). As a result, how can everyone (jews) be happy? Simple, the U.S. helps its greatest ally in defeating palestine while the EU defends those poor palestinians from the evil "drumpf/Trump".
White people die, global kike makes a killing, & zionist kike gets his greater Isreal. The perfect plan.
it certainly aint no accident.
Fuck off back to your cuckchan botnet.
How could you think otherwise Trump has done far more for Israelis than Americans
Those red dots must represent countries experiencing full blown turbo communism.
the probable & worst-case referenced the overall "plan", not the individual parts. Also, to clarify, when I say globalists make a killing, I refer to money.
Yeah man totally ebin ebik!
Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.
It's just chess in a blackhole user ;)
It's (((CNN))), what do you think?
He lives rent free.
You stick out, almost entirely by syntax alone. If you were more than 5 minutes new, you'd understand why.
This. As to Trump cutting aid, he needs to actually do it before any 80 IQ screeching about 4d chess is justified.
Some real winners on this list.
It never fails shill kun. Cry some moar.
When will he do it is the question? Before or after Christmas anons?
I want 300% tarrifs slapped on all finished goods. I want to cut trade ties with the world. I want to cut off the fucking food supply that the US hands out in exchange for political favors and just for NOTHING to shitskins so 2.5 billion of them starve in the next ten years as the UN claims will happen if we stop giving niggers and pajeets effectively free grain.
That's a creative way to admit you made a mistake.
Likely after. He wouldn't want to eclipse the tax cuts.
Interestingly enough, reducing the budget to make room for tax cuts would involve cutting discretionary gibs.
it's almost like it was on purpose
Looks like Dilbert Merchant was right; he predicted the turn to "effective but I don't like it" months ago.
Hmph. Didn't think about that. Clever.
Pursuasivity merchant has many calls like this. I may just buy his faggot ass book.
If Trump cuts foreign aid to the green countries, it will reduce the aid budget from 49 billion to 6.7 billion.
3.1 billion of that is Israel
Also map of votes.
The Jerusalem thing was just a ploy to give US an excuse to drop tons of foreign aide. And it worked.
I love how canada and mexico abstained from voting. They just know Trump will rake them over the coals with Nafta even more than he said he would.
Nice try goldberg.
Just goes to show blacks > spics and are redpilled on kikes.
Have a relevant webM instead
Except they're not. They're trying to spin it as a flaw.
Map with proper alignment.
These retards are playing 166D hardball now.
They're all saying it now
Trump is absolutely downright genious.
lel @ this astroturfing kikel
Not saging because retards who lack foresight get BTFO nicely in this thread.
The aid money should be spent on the American people.
Isn't Jerusalem the capital of modern Israel since about 22 years ago anyway? It was just never officially/symbolically recognized. All that dosh over what's basically political virtue signaling. I want to see how much money we could save.
They never signed it because the kebab were bombing the shit out of the jews at the time, so Bill Clinton-Barack Obama tried to pay them off but failed miserably and allowed the kikes to continue genociding them.
>"Trump is using the kikes to reduce the foreign aid budget by like 43 bil! Fucking BASED!"
On average, funding for our UN dues is only around 8% of the total international affairs budget, which is just over 1% of the overall federal budget.
The money clearly isn't worthless if you can buy US goods with it. The AID sent over seas, as far as I'm aware, isn't even just raw cash but instead actual resources priced at those prices being shipped to those countries.
Also, even if the debt is meaningless, 43 billion less going into it is better than 43 going right into it.
That's what the jewish shills are scared of. Why do you think they constantly harp on TRUMP IS A KIKE?
Right now we have:
1. Israel is going to be very busy with Palestine
2. We have an excuse to cut off or limit foreign aid funding to the tune of 6 billion dollars.
3. We have an excuse to cut off or limit funding to the UN, to the tune of:
Theoretically, we could stop all aid and stop funding the UN, and just build a border wall.
Or, we could take that money and send every single person in the United States a $20 for lunch.
Jesus Christ, you deserve to be a debt slave.
Wew…. This board really has gone downhill since the election.
Been here a while, but that's cute. Would you rather say "I'm tired of retards that can't think laterally and see how things tie together".
You don't have a problem with this? You don't see why it's a great thing to have them on our shit list?
We've recognized Jerusalem was Israli clay since Bill Clinton was president. Is moving an embassy that big of a deal? Doubly so now that Palestine is chimping out over it? Don't you think Palestine chimping out and firing rockets for the past week might keep the jews a bit busy?
Don't talk like a faggot, user.
Your pic related is a fine representative example of the US establishment whose assets would be seized and whose dollar would be dropped. I imagine you're trying to put forward the exact opposite impression, though.
So let me ask and try to get things straight because i dont understand.
Trump declares that the country HE RUNS recognizes a city to be a states capital.
He does not say that everyone else has to. BUT somehow the UN needs to get together to vote on…them disagreeing? Please, could someone tell me what the fuck is going on and why this is a big deal? I just dont understand why the rest of the world gives a shit on what one country thinks is someone elses capital. I mean couldnt America claim the the sun is a planet yet the rest of the world could ignore that? Or would they need to gather at a UN meeting to vote about how much they dislike it?
The rest of the world isn't enthusiastic about surrendering to judaism.
I still dont get how the US saying that a city is a captial matters at all.
I mean every state has a capital city right? Why cant israel have a capital? What is so important about israel not having a capital or having this specific capital.
I honestly dont understand why this shit is such a big deal and could use some explanation.
I'm currently eating a ban for "unspecified reasons" for pointing out that the Flynn controversy was sparked when Trump and his mossad agent son-in-law ordered the general to try to get some anti-israel UN vote shut down because Obama was going to abstain and let it pass. That was in a nuked thread about the illegal immigran employing, town-wrecking, child slaver uberkike Trump just commuted.
Fuck off, faggot.
Im asking a question because i dont understand the subject matter. Yet im told to fuck off? How the fuck is that a response? I seriously need someone to explain why the fuck this is a big deal.
It's been recognized as such since 1995. We're just officially moving an embassy.
user, I'm just tired of doing this same thing every other week. It gets old.
Every god damn time, "TRUMP IS A KIKE SHILL" REEEEEE. The tor posters come. This goes on for a week. Then stuff moves and you guys get BTFO. Then it's never talked about again, and you guys never go "huh, that didn't work out how I expected, maybe I should take a moment and think". Nope, you just tilt full scale into the next TRUMP IS A KIKE SHILL!
Seriously man, what was the last scandal that had you screaming that Trump was a kike shill?
Me neither. Why don't the jews just let the muslims have the city they live in?
So basically this is absolutely nothing but yet people want to somehow bitch about it now? I guess I shouldnt give a shit about this topic because its absolutely nothing with a side of retarded from the rest of the world. Thanks for the info.
radioReligion of Cuck™.org/historia/duke.htm
Because they have been banned en mass every time Trump's unmitigated, unrelenting zionism comes to light. Every single legitimate, paid shill is operating with a paid VPN. That's what Trumpstein's anime posters are doing everytime they (1) up a thread.
Trump is a fucking kike shill. Deal with it.
The political left, including the gay Jew angry at Daddy National Socialists hate Israel so much that they screech uncontrollably every time the God Emperor makes a deal with them.
Honestly, just stop giving gibs FFS!
Embassy is getting moved, shows the USA officially recognizes jew city as the capital of Israel. Palestine has been chimping out and firing rockets into Israel the last few weeks.
Rest of the world chimped out as well. The UN decided to tell the rest of the world how evil we are for following a law we passed in 1995. They had a vote to condem us.
Trump has now made the Israli's very busy. He's got a list of what countries he can officially say fuck off to. He's got an excuse to severely cut back foreign aid We've also got a handy dandy excuse to point out why we should stop providing 30% of the UN funding.
If he's going to keep following the same patterns he always does, expect some tweets on the matter, calling the rest of the world out, after Christmas.
See above. You also didn't answer my question. What was the last TRUMP IS A KIKE JEW PUPPET scandal? I honestly don't remember.
Thank you very much.
There's probably at least one anchored thread, if not two, still present in the catalog. Might jog your selective memory, Chaim.
It's really too bad TORposting restricts image posting. This would be a fitting spot for Hitler on arguing with jews.
Because Jerusalem used to be the capital of Palestine before the 1940s. After the war, jews started taking over the country, piece by piece, and along the way they had this little genocide of the Palestinians that's been going on until this very day. So you see, why there's controversy on this subject.
Sad. Get better at shilling.
So America picked a side and now everyone is assblasted. To be fair I hate muslims more.
D-d-does this m-m-mean that the JWO is kapoot?
B-b-but d-d-does this mean it's a win for globalists?
Another point: Trump might delay talking about it due to wanting to pimp his tax cuts out over the holidays. His tweets seem to reflect that.
Okay, so why don't you link me? Are you referring to the pardon? I paid no attention to that.
Also, riddle me this: Do you think Israel is happy that they're going to have to recognize all the Arabs currently living there as citizens?
See above.
They won't do any such thing.
Seems like the narrative was BTFO by this guy's posts, ending with this one:
The only response was "s-so??"
Fault me for not arguing the point myself if you want, but I agreed with d50964's posts in that thread
"So?" Is the appropriate response. Internecine kike squabbles have nothing to do with filthy, worthless, dirty kikes being present in our Western nations to spread their filth and criminality.
Don't worry, I can tell you're the same poster.
One and done. It will be glorious. Night night kikes.
I hate jews more, at least muslims will usually admit they are your enemies when they bomb you, Israel will just false flag while pretending to be your allies.
Are you lost?
Israel is the best that could happen to the world as it acts like a curse for the Jews.
It would be even better if Israel openly defied the UN on this and takes Jerusalem anyway.
they will.
so what the countries that don't have a mark represent?
They don't need your kike money.
I appreciate it. That missed me, I'll do a little digging into it.
I appreciate that you're able to have a relatively reasonable conversation, and appreciate it.
Fox News spinned it as a great thing just now. "65-128! I was surprised to see that many actually, including important countries like based Mexico and Ukraine on the list of countries too fubar to state the obvious!"
168 countries vote against the US
Somehow cuckservatives claim the entire world is anti-semitic and Israel dindunuffin
Fucking hell when why do these cucks enjoy the taste of mutilated cock so much?
And yet it still should be $0.
So who the fuck cares?
Top kek
Kek, I'm glad he hasn't ever gotten obnoxiously political. That's one funny-ass-nigga.
It's not polite to laugh at people with mental and physical disabilities.
shit thats actually 4d chess isnt it
UN: Y-you can't do that
US: lol, fuck off
Hooly fuck thats hilarious.
I honestly don't know whar Trump and his un turbo jewess expected.
PLEASE DO, you have no idea how much we want that, just fuck off and leave us alone.
So does this mean Trump follows through with his defunding threat? I was under the impression the threat would happen if the UN actually blocked the move, instead of just announcing a wish to block the move.
I'm surprised that they don't break up Palau and Micronesia into 300 different countries, and register them all in the UN.
Don't give them ideas, user.
Nikki Haley laid it out: the UN can't intervene because it's nothing to do with them where a country moves its embassy in a country that it has diplomatic relations with. The vote is entirely symbolic from the outset. That's why she was so clear - if you vote against us you are not voting to do anything, you are just pure virtue signalling.
maybe the US should do the same and cut off the fucking 60 year old umbilical cord from FUCKING ISRAEL. can't any of my Presidents get anything right?
What did Holla Forums mean by this?
Slowly slowy catchee Hymie. If he drops foreign aid from say $47bn to say, $12bn … all of a sudden Israel gets 1/4 of all foreign aid. Which looks like a lot. For one tiny country. Which isn't exactly poor in the first place. Could be trimmed a bit? Maybe $500mn? Which all of a sudden becomes a real saving for the Foreign Aid budget, rather than pocket change that's not worth arguing over.
Welcome to nu/pol/
Based imkikey flooding Holla Forums with T_D shitters and completely subverting the board into somehow being pro-Israel
*runs off to the horizon*
Israel needs multiculturalism to survive
We will transform Israel to be a multicultural paradise.
>5 years later, the three countries caliphates still loyal to the UN wake up to the sound of sirens. The three white people still alive thank Donald Trump for ending their misery, as the alien bombs detonate
Kill yourself, you fucking kike faggot.
No. Stay in. Nuclear veto everything. Stop paying for anything.
That's the way to U.N.