End Racism. End Progressive Stopthink

Holla Forums, I have been thinking it for a long time, and I am now sure of a new goal. Let’s end racism.

Racism, or “racism”, isn’t a word anymore, at least to us. It is merely a tool of (((progressives))) to stop all disagreement and ram through unpleasant policy by threatening to label those who oppose it with a scarlet “R”. While some of us can openly defy the label and call out the emptiness of the word, it’s time that everyone will be able to do the same.

In our efforts to destroy the word entirely, progressives have done most of the hard work for us. In overuse, they have shown how vacuous the word actually is. Most Americans don’t like “racism” because it carries enormous social costs to be labelled a “racist”, but even the most extreme tumblrinas cannot articulate the moral or ethical “anti-racist” arguments. They say it’s wrong or evil, but they have no reasoning behind this. If they cannot explain their arguments, nobody else can either, and the word itself will cease to exist when it no longer has any meaning whatsoever. As such, our goal is to remove all meaning from the word by two strategies: Dissolution and Distraction.

The dissolution strategy: Make normie memes that address “racism” nihilistically. Show how empty the word is. “Y’all don’t mind if I (blank social phrase)” serves as a valuable example, as well as any other “deep-fried” meme, as they focus on those elements of society that are hollow and decomposing. The association here would be valuable, and would numb normies to the word, as a punchline. The essential goal here isn’t to create feelings of any kind, but to continually hammer at the fact that it has no meaning whatsoever. Most progressives (coastals, college kids, homosexuals, etc.) have never encountered “racism” and never will. Make them believe that it’s all just meaningless, and we can immediately demoralize their base.

Two: Make Holla Forums memes that address “racism” as a translatable word: “anti-racism is code for anti-white” was a good start, but ultimately we must transition to making positive associations with the word, and transitioning to a different meaning, such as “When they call you a ’racist,’ they’re calling you a ‘patriot’.” Or “A ‘racist’ is someone who takes care of themselves and their family.” The goal here IS to create feelings, as those on the fence are those who see the problems of multiculturalism and progressivism, but cannot quite get over the idea of being labelled something so “icky.” These people are faggots but they will be necessary in destroying the cultural Marxism of the time, if only for a short time. We can energize them through these memes and contribute to the destruction of racism at both times.

While “racism” is my immediate focus, other words are ripe for destruction, and could be easily adapted to this strategy.

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It's already easy as I've seen it in action. If anyone calls you racist, you just go "yeah, and?". Watch them malfunction, they can't do shit and it'll be the shortest conversation ever.

That's actually a huge reason I've thought of this. Personal levels it is incredibly effective, but I want to make sure the same effect applies society wide. If we can make people think "yeah, and?" WHENEVER they hear "racist" liberals will have lost their number one weapon.

This needs no announcement as it is sure- You, Polska bracie we are 110% backing YOU up. Slovenija

My bad.
Missed thread.
Polite sge

Being called racist is no more than a political tool nowadays, impressive that on america and Europe are making a hard time realizing this
are all of the seriously that heavily brainwashed?
while on other countries are "racist" to each other like nothing and nobody says a shit about it

Just bastardize and over exploit the world until it's meaning and power is empty. Words mean nothing when their original meaning is long lost or if they lose their power level. Take for example "muh n-word". If you see a friend say "n-word", just ask them "why are you saying "nigger" that way?". Their automatic response will be muh wacism. Then you can respond by mocking their answer, laugh at them, or simply say "So?". They are not going to know how to react afterwards and will be a little bit desensitized with racial realism and racial slurs. You kill two birds with one stone

The word*

Its already becoming a meaningless buzzword. Anyone with a shred of common sense is called "racist".

You're right, shitskins should stop being racist and start being realists. End racism.


Aside from being 'racist' blacklisting you from some more desirable jobs, or entire industries, right now it's completely conflated with low education or 'evil bigots'. Need to combat that somehow. It's too much for lemmings to handle, every racist in every piece of media is either severely punished or reformed per the Hollywood code.

We have no hope over controlling traditional media, but making high-quality, high budget games laced with wrongthink would be a good place to start. You also are guaranteed massive amounts of media exposure, because the (((gaming media))) is too stupid to use their old tactics of completely ignoring someone.


This. It's hilarious watching them grasp at conversational straws when the "raysism" trump card is deflected. It makes them think too, why is "racist!" an insult? I like salami more than I like bacon, what of it nigger?

I think that's part of the solution, but from a different area. What I'm describing is a complete destruction of the term, where "racist" doesn't have its current bite. Games with wrongthink are more about fighting the narrative itself.

But that's the thing, they don't think. The actual reason racism could be considered bad is beyond most liberals, and they don't even care what the explanation is. We're attacking their arguments, and that's easy, but we need to attack how they interact with our arguments.

The biggest difference is, the niggers decompose when they are dumped on the sea.

wan't racism a term invented by the mexican ice pick holder, Leon Bronstein(trotsky)?

The only argument I've seen is "racism is bad because it leads to murder/genocide".

then ask them how an ideology that rejects race has been responsible for the largest genocides in history

I'm not educated enough on that subject to go into that line of reasoning. Highschool/college doesn't cover that at all, and I've been catching up on other stuff since then. And I know you can't get a straight answer out a leftist, I need to know enough about the related subjects to be able to tell when they're lying to me

This is still too much engagement. We can't argue with insanity, we can only discount it to nothing. I honestly don't see a value in arguing with liberals about this, because they've formed their ideology around assumptions. How do we turn the assumptions themselves into mush? Because there's no value in engaging with them, there's only value in convincing everyone else they're insane.

Tell them they need to grow up, learn some history, and stop being traumatized by the past. It's time to move on.

This works well when engaging with feminists, they can't help but churn out unrelated crazy nonsense, but sometimes I worry that's how I sound to normalfags when I talk in public. Happened earlier, actually.

Having to explain that really threw me off.

I couldn't, of course, say "We're European, we build the best civilizations, of course non-whites are going to flood in"

The point of arguing with leftists is to change the minds of any fence sitters in earshot. Have them scream and holler about you so that you can draw in more people and make it popular to mock the left

Ask them to define racism, it's hilarious watching them trip over themselves. As soon as someone pulls out the "Racism" card, it's evidence that you've won whatever debate you were having. It's the literal equivalent of saying, "Yeah well you're wrong because you're a mean doodoo head."

Why not? I BTFO out of my open borders loving Grandma. Most normies don't realize immigration only goes ONE way, and when you make them realize that they have to stop and think. These idiots genuinely don't realize we're being invaded - she honestly thought that Whites were immigrating to Africa and the Middle East.

Still don't see how that's bad tbh.

Newsflash user, we're fighting an Information Guerilla war - and we're winning. There's a reason the MSM is covering what happens on 4chan.

That's engaging. I want racism to be literally meaningless. They WILL NOT be convinced by fact, and that's obvious by now. Say "racism" 1000 times to yourself, and it sounds like a fake word at the end of it. I want the same fucking thing to happen with the idea it represents. How do we do that?

I thought they were covering 4chan because they're too stupid to blacklist ideas, and are all tripping over each other to be the first to report

It's called CTR for a reason.

Generally, when dealing with normalfags (my wife included) I try not to explicitly point out that we're superior in every way to most non-whites.


Anything that came out of (((frankfurt school))) is absolute garbage made by commies and their successor ideologies. Taking away their precious verbal weapons can have a telling blow on how much they can do shit, this also includes their all-time favorite (((conspiracy theory))) and the much older kike-twisted term (((regulation))), of which it originally meant to make something regular/commonplace/standard,etc. but (((reinterpreted))) into another term for restriction, which they specifically did just to fuck over the 2nd Amendment.

It's very confrontational and aggressive, faggots hate confrontation and aggression.



Goddamn, "conspiracy theory". I get met with that one any time I imply that our government isn't being 100%, entirely truthful with us. Also the conditioned response when you bring up anything with the jews.

We know all of their conditioned responses, actually, there is absolutely no excuse for any of us with any amount of training to lose in a debate setting.

Is the plan to replace racism with other words to confuse the left?

If OP wants to end the leftycuck weapons of mass verbal destruction, better include EVERYTHING they have so people will never have to deal with this kike-ish wordsmithing spelltricks ever again.

Xenophobia is one word for replacement, but we're gonna have to make another that really brings it home, and one that (((they))) will never be able to use.

Just tell them that the term racism was invented by Monsanto to appropriate native culture and hurt the environment and prevent women from speaking out against their

I am less interested in the words you want to use at this point. I didn't think I understood your OP and was seeking clarification.

Oikophobe and Xenophile make for interesting alternatives to the xenophobia paradigm

Whenever I hear anybody say that someone is racist I just say that 'I don't think that works as well as it used to. Nobody cares anymore, so what.'

The point is; the very definition of the non-word (((racism))) has to go back to where it belongs, in Trotsky's graveyard. I'm merely suggesting to include ALL of the left's verbal arsenal along with it. And no, I'm not OP.

Just hearing anyone use the word racist in any way and in any type of discussion is automatically labeled an idiot in my view.

I didn't, and still really don't, understand what your plan is or how it works. I'll just bite the bullet and accept being a brainlet on this one. If you would please give me an example of how your plan will play out. I'm not trying to be an asshole I just don't get it.

The yeah and, can be accompanied by "Yes, I'm able to discriminate between the people of the world, can't you?".
Discriminate means just to tell the difference.

If we're just doing word swaps we should take their buzzwords.

Perhaps focus on the self hatred and guilt that has been forced onto these people.
Take eminem as an example "I want to die because I'm".
"It is a pity that you have been made to feel guilty for your own birth, what a terrible thing to make a person feel that."
They might question it if they aren't 100% infected.

Just define conspiracy.
"A conspiracy is a group of people planning something in private" - sounds like a government, doesn't it????? isn't that their job?
When was the last time you invited to the white house for a cup of tea and a chat about foreign policy.
Ha ha, you've even been made to define what a government does.

Things like that, if you trigger the emotion of shame, and keep yourself confident as though they are the nutjob, it can lead to them questioning themselves and shaming others in the future.
It is a social chain.

Thanks for quick meme idea.

it's simple. they are entitled and want other peoples stuff. most western countries are very generous. There are loads of ngos that go around distributing fliers and such that encourage turd worlders to flood into our countries. And if its not the gibs, its the security. A quick analysis of colonial africa should be more than enough to illustrate this. The weaker tribes flocked to the initial European fortifications to seek protection from stronger (genocidal) tribes.

The personality types that most normies exhibit nowadays means that you should avoid micro-fascistic phraseology like calling immigrants a plague. Normies have been immunised by deconstructionists against such microfascisms. You have to work harder to circumvent this to release their natural urges. Keep that in mind, the populace is filled with micro-fascisitic sentiments waiting to burst out and be free. The best way to approach this is to deconstruct the idea of deconstructionism; that it is a mode of thinking promoted to control them and hurt people they love and care about. The aim is to promote them to operate in self-interest. If done correctly you can build up critical masses of fascistic thought that more and more transitions from the real non-real to the actualized.

as for countering normies who spout off muh conspiwaceyyyy theeweess this video shows you how to btfo them out

sorry for being a double nigger in advanced. tried to upload the mp4 but it wouldn't work


To end racism is to lobotomize everyone. That's what the commies want anyways.

Next time say it.
"Africa has been given trillions over decades, yet they haven't sorted out their own countries. They'd rather just go to Europe where they are handed everything on a plate. I thought we were supposed to be encouraging independence and making the third world a better place, how can we do that if they've all given up."

Don't be afraid to push a little further with each conversation.


I've taken to responding "thanks, you too!"
It drives them nuts.


it's better to help them in their own countries too lol, why do libshits hate niggers?

Seen that one before and used it in a conversation.
It is irrefutable, and if you push "we should be helping them in their own countries, if they are all encouraged to come here, how can they ever improve conditions in their own countries - it is irresponsible that politicians are pushing this, like they want the third world to stay impoverished".

Turn it around like that so it makes you the concerned one, and the politicians the ones causing harm.
It works to turn people halfway at least.

Race-ism = Marxist thought crime

Racism once meant racialism or love of one's race.

Racialism is a racist person to Marxists, and Marxism is the cultural religion of Western society now. You can't change that.

Good meme idea but I think you need scarier looking migrants in the boat.. These look like happy tourists

Tell them you like NASCAR.

This is easy. Use the momentum of the left like a judo move.

"All White People Are Racist"

A fact that is bandied about in far-left circles that will end up backfiring on them. If anyone accuses you of racism.
"Well duh, all white people are racist/whites are inherently racist".
If they deny they themselves are racist, they've just confirmed they are the one afraid of being labeled as racist, thus you can weaponize their own ideology back at them in response.

By the way the only sequel to the Its Okay To Be White effort should have been;

[b]All White People Are Racist/White People Are Inherently Racist/The Founding Fathers Were White Supremacists.[/b]

The reason this would work is because why would your average white normie expend so much effort into proving how non-racist they are, if no matter what they do they are racist? The very act of these white normies trying to prove themselves as not racist needs to be shamed, as it already is in far-left circles. The far-left has created an environment where white liberals even tip-toe around the subject and admit their original sin of white-privilege/inherent racism before they can even speak.

Trying to "End Racism" is dumb and will be seen as a reactionary to the anti-white tide. Its Okay To Be White worked because it utilized memes from the left, Its Ok To Be Gay/Minority/Whatever and made them show their hand.

Gender, maybe. The propaganda purpose is to to conflate its meaning with biological sex.

Since its de facto meaning is "white guy" (almost no matter what he thinks or does), we could start using it among each other like blacks use "nigga". 'Sup, racist?

ay lmao

You don't say.

Then tell them that there is nothing wrong with genocide of non-whites

I like "misonordic".

It's also fun to get them talking about their diversity shit and then just say "wow you're so racist."

They also malfunction if you beat them to the punch.


Could you not necrobump shit threads?

Sage negated, Eli

It was never a word.
