Holla Forums games: Hope rides alone

Rev up those tributes!

Holla Forums games is coming since last thread died

Whats the allowed number of nominees?

Eh let's say three

non-kosher yoshi

Nominating Bucs Pepe, Smug Piplup, and Dick Tracy.

Smug Sakura and Genie Sakura

Nominating HD Scythian, Jew Breaker and the God-Emperor of Mankind


Oh and Jetstorm

putt putt and needles kane

bowl of cereal
orange juice

part of a nutritious breakfast

Nominating my champions Senator Armstrong, Nemu-chan, and Moonman.

RubbishRodent and Sissel

Woops, were you using this toast?

Eggman and Shadow

why did you eat my toast

Hugh Neutron, Doom Guy, and Big Green

The Beatless, A sunflower, and Sonygger

for my third, I'll do Cream's brother. If someone knows his real name, tell me.

Don't you mean Julian KEN-tober?

That works.

sleeping negro

Nominating Sonic and Hello Kitty, Master Chef and NuDoomguy

Palmer, Parappa and Pikotaro.

CIA agent Paul Blart, Runescape Gnome's Parents and Vivian James.

Headless Horseman

And we're off, all those not used will be used for next round - am making custom events just not yet

Oni, Low Man and Sam Hyde





You can do it Jew Breaker chan!

Watch them die by day 3 :(

fucking asshole


How in the shit did you select noms ?

This is the best district setup we've seen in a long time.



Three questions:

What the fuck are you doing host?


Nano machines are heretical


Oh, so you don't understand shit about the games then. Good to know.

because just straight up killing them would be no fun, we must backstab them


I'm more concerned with the host not fixing the broken Bucs Pepe.
Fix your shit, host.

Somebody forgot their meds

I tried but it didnee wanna work,

If somebody more rulesy wants to take over after this go for it


Sonygger confirmed Horus

God damn Vivian. She's taking no prisoners.

RIP Sleeping Negro

Like pottery



but sissel is a cat

You just keep doing shit that makes us want a new host.

its beautiful



Fuck you jetstorm

Shes got a plan anons

Nominating Todd Howard

Nominating Ebola-CHan, Ebola Ika and Ika's Butt

I tried to fix it



He's humming E1M1. he's getting hype!


Just how the juden speared jesus, The jew Breaker will spear the jews

Also Theme of this Thread


They must have heard niggers were nearby and were fighting the common enemy.

Obviously Doomguy and moonman want to backstab the faggots
pepes just in there for a laugh


guys, the gays are affecting moon man. send help

Jewbreaker confirmed for being pozzed

That a girl Smugkara

What is trashferret doing?

He's finding himself

a-am I doing better as a host?

Honestly I think pepe was just trying to give trashferret mercy
The guy was questioning his sanity on the first day

Moonman's preparing some new KKK outfits

This is at least passable now.

Is it the MS pepe?

Smugkara x Pepe

The gay community couldn't keep his hands off those berries.

That sounds like an STD joke


Vivian might actually pull through.

District 3
Together forever





Fucking someone stop Pulmer
Honestly I've already lost hope in this Tournament
not after Smugkura and Jew breaker were lost to us but not confirmed dead


I am kind of curious, why hasn't there been a version of these games using The Running Man?


To be fair the hunger games is based on a Teen book, which is why it appeals to teens
Also The Running man Came out long after books about people being forced into Tournaments for the populations amusement
Still They are far too familiar film-wise for me


Just fucking die already Pulmer




he gonna palm her luckies

Buc's Pepe, Vivian and Pulmer decide to band together and overthrow the government. Calling it now.

Is this going to end in them realizing friendship is more important?



A drawfag needs to get on this.



gotta prep the bull

what the fuck pepe


somebody die already, preferably Pulmer.


If someone doesn't die soon Bane is going to crash a plane into the games with no survivors.




Was it CIA?




I regret everything.




Like clockwork.

fucking kek

Does someone else want to host for Holla Forums games

"Unrest in the house of light" edition?

There was another who came before you, he was a smug frog and got cucked by a wo-man

or shall I go again


Go, go again

You da man, go again!

Gotta get groceries nominate two each so I can team them up and when I get back ill do it

smug anime girl and yungoos Trump

Bloodsucker, Cheeki stalker

A football wizard and Apollo's hamburger

Hex Maniac (F), and Gengar (M)

Citizen Snips

Smug Thrawn and Megatron

Shaggy and Scooby

Shaa Assnoble(m) and Not Sheev(m).

Choir Boy and Gamer Gurl

sad Ika and sad Horo

Liam Senpai
Tourettes Guy

The Goblin King

Gygax, Skeleton

he fucking said two you illiterate fuck.

Get rid of GB then

add gb with

Todd Howard and Papi

The GK and the GB

Nominating Ass Raiders and Top Yee.

In the year 20XX a VR tyrant runs rampant in the world of man but an old way may save us all…

The way of DLC

Might be longer than I thought if someone wants to take over understandable

Sakura with a gun, Anita, Mona of Nanalan

Oops. I'll get rid of Anita.

Knack, Shrek, and Fabio Enchilada.

He said two, but you want to combine Anita with George Lopez?

Sure. I'm fine with that.

Kamille and Quattro Bajeena


The Real Slim Shader

Communist Loli and The Jewish Police.


So an array of you would be a string?

Radical Yugoslavia and Punished Gondola

Doom Paul and Ron Paul

Cyber demon and mother demon

pls come back

also what the fuck

I can never decide if it is an X, K, or H. Also, I always fail my first captcha attempt of the day, so maybe I am just bad at captcha

Purple girl and a cup of hot coco to keep her warm.

The space immigrants are hacking your computer.

he's dead, isn't he?

He went to get groceries, assuming he lives alone how long would it take him to get over there and get enough food for a week?
I think it would be maybe an hour.

That's a laser shooter

He is having to crash some planes with no groceries

Damn you, google image search.

Nominating OP for the next games

he said somebody should take over anyway

But where is he getting them? I doubt that he would get lost in his own house.

A Preachy Turk and An dead french crusader

Grocery stores are disgusting places, I used to work in one for years. It is very possible that something killed him

Bullied Doppio
Baited Johnny

Forgot images


I suspect it's more along the lines that an user intercepted him and tried to steal his groceries.

That's not a Turk, that's an Andalusi qadi shitlord

Yeah I just got back, took an hour and I had to walk to the store

Did someone crash your car with no survivors?

I went on a two hour walk today to get iced tea and look for jobs

Are you trying to ruffle my feathers here user?

user, I think you got the wrong guy.

neat, I was afraid the thread might die.

A man destroyed the smug alliance and ruined Holla Forums with his new twisted version of /vr/.

The people railed against him, looking and begging for a hero to save them all.

These are the heroes of man…destined to overthrow the lord of VR himself but who will survive? Who will overthrow the digital tyrant?

Oh no, I just got a weeks shopping and walked to and from, sadly my bike isn't really all that great (just a crappy honda) so I had to go through the forest. Lots of birds today too, swooping season



Says you.

I can remake - do you want me to?

do you really have to ask?

This may get interesting

Do it. Doom Paul needs to shine

Remaking give me a moment, for the time being enjoy these

"Do you want me to be less of a faggot?", asks the OP obliviously.

pls add mine op

"Do you want me to be more of a faggot?", asks the poster obliviously.

there are exactly 48 tributes. all should be added


I think OP died for real this time.

Come on OP holy shite

Place your bets…again!

Would any anons like to share some final words of farewell to OP?

Citizen Snips willl dominate the world

Since I put up Apollo's Hamburger and the Football Wizard I'm going all in on District 1

OP is the slowest host of all time, holy shit.

Betting for the LoliLeftyPol and Bloodsucker.

District 9 baybee

Jesus Christ this is going to be one of the most autistic games we've had!

district 12 is objectively superior tbh

Oh well, I'll just count those zeta gundam noms as my own.

District 3 user.

Oh, no wait he actually did make it in, I just didn't look hard enough.

FUCK there are a lot of them


Why am I not surprised?

o fug gondola going at it right from the start

What is this formatting? Is this your first time hosting?

Is the host seriously editing the image one by one instead of just screencapping the whole thing at once with Nimbus?


…What's a nimbus, I'm screencapping using a GIMP and a Paint



ffs, go get Nimbus for whatever browser you're using. It will make your job much easier and faster.

Try just searching the internet for 'nimbus' and 'screencap.'

God I love this game

Screencapture addon for your browser.

g r e a t


Seems like /m/ may have a field day with this game afterwards if the keks keep coming.

Won't that radioactivaly interfere with the images?

RIP Scoobs.


welp. there goes half the tributes.

jesus fuck what a bloodbath

Nimbus works. Take it from someone who used it a couple of times for these games.

I stole your dubs.

Okay, well that can mean anything really.

Wow, that was fast. Go Loli!

All my faith is now put into Apollo's Hamburger, The FOOTBALL WIZARD has failed me for the last time.

fug. Once he wins, he'll have to take them to the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center.

Kike Squad is going to win this aren't they?



Host, just screencap and post the whole days/nights at once. Stop editing together the images.

Its okay its user's first hosting.

holy shit


There goes both my picks

I'm looking for Nimbus for Internet Explorer as we speak

It's not the worst 1st day we had


Just finish the game.



Quit pulling my pisser user.




Does anything more even need to be said?

Trumpgoose is doing a good Hillary impersonation


Smug Mug Anime QT injures herself
I feel like she's going to die.




no user, you did it wrong

Ok this is bait


IE gave me a bluescreen.



Please be joking

Yes actually

Notice the OS he's using


Okay, now you're just bullshitting us, host.


Its clearly shopped on, notice the pixels on the bottom right.

I knew OP was a faggot, but this is just ridiculous.
I'm not sure if I should laugh or feel disgusted.

I like it. I mean honestly thats a good man, windows 10 AND minecraft? I'll be seeing you at the cool kids club. I'll be the cool one there of course.

I think I see the problem OP

Oh shit he played us like a fiddle


We've been duped.


Ah yes, the fire rises!

There will only be fire!


I could believe that's the face of the man that wrote "The Sky and the Cosmos are One."

there goes my last pick. I vote for commie bane now


forgot pic

I wonder who it could be

Hope Loli is planning something.

Shit is going to happen.


Does flavour text like X receives Explosive actually change anything in the game for the character, IE make them stronger or is it just flavour text

That fucking bird

She might win
Well next we're going to see them backing ISIS and starting a proxy war in the games aren't we?

Well fuck

I bet he whispered lies into that poor boy's ear all night

Choir boy has been a slut for the entire game tbh

Goddamn Haipi.

I think it makes a probability of someone dying from explosives in general, like stepping on a mine, get higher.


Huh, didn't know it had any effect at all

burger smart enough to know he doesn't need food BECAUSE HE IS FOOD


Well, that's a guess.

betting on Loli or Hapi now

Hapi has turned into the predator.



Loli Commie had enough of Todd's lies

Loli in in a murder spree. Go, Loli, Go!


are we witnessing a revolution?

Someone kill that Baby Jew

Gygax has been converted.

Loli is the wall.



Loli better get well soon and start thinking straight again.


OP, can I ask why you're putting the commentary in the filenames? it's just harder to see that way.

Loli is fucked

Commie loli is about to get cornered.

Oh shit Anita is going to do some snackbaring

I love the file names, OP.


Is fun

Choir Boy dun nuffin wrong!

Hamburger backstabbing son of a bitch. Loli better hunt for his head the next day.



anita better not win this



Someone better stops Anita as soon as possible.


Anita must die!


well, it won't be P.E thats for sure.

Loli, I know you're doing lewd thing right now, but, goddamn, kill Anita!

She better fucking not.


Where did I see that before…

when will people die

the fire rises?

Fuck Anita is going to win isn't she?


Loli, go for the win!

mexico, a fate worse than death

It's worse than Mexico user He pushed him into Canada



If that happens the keks will be glorious.




I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Wait a second, whose fire is it?

She's probably taking her time to back stab Anita.

Around Jews…













What they say is true…
Death is too great a punishment for the evil of the world. Since the VR king took over. Since his reign it had come to this.

A world of senseless violence.
Why were they fighting? To overthrow a tyrant with more tyranical ruling? No.

She had to make a change…

(Join me in the end theme)

Is it too late to send the loli a Rick Dias?

I didn't want to say this but Anita you need to win

The fallout would be nuclear.

Better than letting Holla Forums winning anything


user, it's down to a cultural marxist and a marxist.

you just ate a burger you stupid cunt






Thank fuck, I thought I was going to use her death image there

Your file names remind me of the text you'd see on Ghost in the Shel SaC episode intros.

Apollo's Hamburger was poisoned

New game?

New gameu,

So the VR King has been overthrown and the Loli Empire begins

Two Nominees again

- Sorry that I'm slow at the start goys


Uncle Phil and KFC

Nominating Faggot Cat

My nominations for the next round

Mandingo & Dubs

Mavis and Micheal Pumpkin

Amateur game development

Bravian Dugtrio and Big Guy 40U

weeabo obama and miss TPP

Poppo (F) and Guildmaster (M)

Nominating Spooky loli and Flabbergasted pikachu.

moneybags and waluigi

Bigby Wolf and Seaman

Cow Cow and Zhang Jiao

I keked

Anti-Spiral and Clownpiece

ded thread


either that or OP is taking his sweet time

Probably cause there aren't enough for 12 districts yet.

Fuck I'll go again if OP wants these:
CIA's ass, Aniki, Patton Trump, and Angry Titus.

Communist Mecha and nazi Miku

Perhaps this should be made a boss battle to speed things up.

ahhh I was inputting as fast as I could and I'm still too slow ;=; fine I'll do a 24 one

Yet there were 29 sugs, 27 if you get rid of two from the guy who posted 4 before your post
Unless if we're going to 48 then here is two more
Awaken my Krispies and Vidya Trump

If you would like after this round, I could take over. I have a lot of experience running these threads.

If we're going for 48 I'm putting more down
Laughing asari and Mad Jelly

Yes plz, almost done

Is that So Rumia pic if we're sill lacking


Where's Clownpiece?

Where is Dugtrio

Who is clownpiece?

Oh no, where's wigglytuff?

I just put whatever was on screen or I had preloaded sorry


I think the KFC may win.


I think that's what you call a fail?

Funny that he's in the cruch has a Power Maul and just stole a Mace

this works


Jesus Christ Poppo looks vicious as fuck
Being the first murderer and getting a hatchet

I can already see the memes coming.


next round is going to be murder for sure

If noone makes a fire what was Waluigi looking at?
has he already cracked?

I think it will be a hug fest.


Mandingo is a beast and seman is useless at climbing trees

Holy shit.

Looks like KFC will be eating chicken tonight.

I hate black cocks

Ok seriously, Why is pepe seeing smoke and who made that fire at night?
It doesnt make any sense

The people running the hunger games are messing with them.

Perhaps the fire rises?

wew, we got ourselves some serious delinquents here


Okay we all know what happened there don't we anons? :^)

Also Waluigi needs put out of his misery.

I don't know how the ISS can listen when there's not atmosphere but whatever

Looks like it was Bigby's fire all along.

Looks like Laughing Asari literally ate frog shit

I read "bigby cooks" as big cock

He probably misses jewing Spyro all across Avalar


this is going to be a face-off between kfc and the big black cock, I know it




Seems straight out of /furry/

Bigby did the right thing

Mercy is exactly the thing that gets you killed


RIP tails.

Fag Cat gives Tails aids and he dies. Yip straight out of /furry/


So tails was seduced by fag cat just before being betrayed and painfully murdered

He got cucked as always


Fucking Waluigi stole KFCs prey, just after KFC got the proper tools to cook him
Fucking thief

smart move waluigi

Waluigi wew

That fucking faggot cat is giving everyone aids!

Also Waluigi the fucking bastard, KFC was meant to end him!



In the end KFC got his chicken through trade.
Thus ends that character arc.


He's going to die of aids. Plus this entire game has been dangerously /furry/


Faggot Cat goes in for the kill!


Well thats that.

fag cat confirmed shitty climber





a vampire, a werewolf, and waluigi. What an evil combo

That image makes it look like Waluigi is looking up at Bigby in fear, like he knows Bigby is going to kill him or worse, yiff him



Seems like a new Dreamworks movie.

It's gettin pretty spooky.


despite getting to the final 3, waluigi has consistently been a failure

and there he goes. Mavis wins


Goddamnit Waluigi you useless fuck.

Thanks new user for taking over

New game?

I hope so, Nominating Protoman

Fuck it I'll lead it
My noms are Wojak Pence and Bill Wilson CIA

And yes this mean New game

Anyone wanna host or shall I do it again? Keep in mind, I'm slow and like lore

Nominating Confused Momiji and Bloodborne Awoo Girl

Dixen and Dickson

Angel and Phil from 'Cisco

Okay so I'll assume other user backed out then

Round 3 with Windows 10 Paintsx2 Slow user

A guy on LSD and the Sun

10 spots left

That Old Guy, Lady of the watchtower, sad Tom Oko and Nana

I nom Idubbztv and Pink guy.

I nominate Garuda and Shiva.

If theres a spot left, I nominate "Is That Soda" And Rumia + The Fuhrer

Two mo

Leliel and Ramiel

is there a new thread somewhere?