Zelda Breath of the Wild

Its a Open World Survival game with gimmicks,

Great thread.

Did you confuse us with cuckchan Holla Forums?
They're the nintendrones, this Holla Forums is all about shitposting, and PC mustards that stopped playing video games entirely 20 years ago and just shitpost all day.

Reminds me of Skyrim, I'm so HYPED!!

Get #Rekt OP you fricken loserr!

Didn't we already know this at E3? are you such a fucking weeb you need to watch gamecenter DX to see the gameplay when its already out there?

come on

I agree, OP! I have personally not seen anyone hyping it, but I want to feel cool and above it all like you! :)


Is there somewhere I can watch the new Gamecenter episodes in English?

They were all hosted on youtube for everyone to watch, full subtitled, and we had threads on Holla Forums discussing each ep.

Then one day a faggot from Holla Forums reported them, and from that point onwards all eps on YT became copyright striked forever.
I think that was the very first moment when i realized Holla Forums was changing and some unwanted elements were starting to seep in.


Ignoring OP being a retard, I feel like there's a good chance they fucked this up.

Fuck crafting menial items, fuck collecting redundant shit with description pop-ups every few seconds, fuck managing inventory. In general fuck most of the "survival" rpg crap.
There's also too much of nothing going on.
If you overlayed a giant grid over the world and looked at it like Zelda 1, there would be tons of squares with absolutely nothing.

What the fuck is with this new game center CX? You have no idea how much it would piss me off if they would completely replace Arino with that gay hipster teen fag. Why would they even do that?

And if Arino is not replaced, WHY would they a second game center CX with a hipster?

AKA non-whites

Goons who hate everything anonymous stands for want to poison the imageboard well. Its what happens when world domination LARPing neckbeards get too immersed and full of self-importance.

Arino isn't replaced, this new mini series is just made to shill for upcoming games. Arino is still in the actual show.

Huh, that's a relief. But I don't know what triggers me about that new guy, maybe that he is young and he is imitating Arino. Doesn't seem any better than a shitty let's play if you don't watch Arino.

The pop ups only appear the first time you grab something.

Looks fun, this video would have flown under my radar
thanks OP
Looks like it's the same areas used for trailer footage in the Switch video

All right, I'm really sorry to interrupt this thread again with my autism, but I seriously, seriously hate how that guy has glasses just for show and tries to imitate every gesture from Arino. Every gesture.

Yeah no, that's incredibly autistic, and no before you start to whine about the atypical newfag/oldfag autism shit, I'm going to lay it down to you right now.

The whole "gimmick" of 'hating everything' is severely autistic it isn't even funny, what's worse is that morons like you took the gimmick in such a serious way that honestly makes me wonder if you're actually self-aware, same with the dumb fuck reporting all the gamecenter CX videos on youtube purely for the fact you stated with that's what anonymous stands for, actually thinking that 'anonymous' is a fucking thing when it NEVER was you stupid fucking nigger.

Thanks to idiots like you, morons whom are more likely non-white and have nothing to call their own, you know like an ethnicity or nationality to actually be proud of, you start making up this idiotic attempts of 'filling the void' by taking what was just a fill in for people whom didn't want to be faggots using a user name on a website that honestly doesn't need such a thing, but then we get the non-whites flooding Holla Forums assuming the aforementioned anonymous is a 'group' probably over the faux news bullshit, or just extremely desperate and pathetic to try and feel apart of something, therefore feel better about themselves for not being white.

Why don't you go back to watching that autistic cuckold le I hate meme everything like the dumb little fuckstain you are? Fuckin' memers.

It was still the best game at E3 because E3 was just so fucking bad

It's not Game Centre CX, it's Game Centre DX you retard, it's a spin off.

I KNOW, and I hate it.

Why is it so hard to admit that Nintedno has gone completely to shit?
This looks really low effort and the only good parts seem to be the climbing and snowboarding.

Nigger where the fuck do you think you are?
Just sage, post and move on

Holla Forums faggots get excited
Holla Forums faggot shill whatever turd that may come for free

Are you new here?

OP, i hope you are not hyped by any games until they actually released


you can argue about your precious "GOTY"s all you want but it won't ever change the fact that BotW is going to be fun

Half an A press is still an A press

I know Nintendo has gone to shit, my Wii U is collecting dust and Switch looks awful. Pokemon is no better. Zelda moght actually be my last purchase from Nintendo for a long time

oh fuck

at least one of you is alphablaster, fuck off

Compare it to any Open World Survival game
Its the same exact bullshit

Too late

Its actually the other way around IRL

Considering the world is half empty and focuses on crafting I dont think so.

What a way to go


Anyone has pictures of a very manly Link? I don't think he would look good in a silly elf costume with a beard and huge biceps.

da fuck user?



Straight shota is gay, user.

There's that too

You seem mad
Here, have a nice song

No, the show's producers realized gaijins were watching in on Youtube after Holla Forums sent Arino a get well soon card.


You you faggots close your eyes and pick a thread at random to post "console wars!" in?



fuck off

you too

Zeldo is a game, not a console Nintendo cocklicker.

They're blind in the mind user
WiiU has some good games like Dong Freeze and Bayo 2, but this trash isnt one of them,
Its the last WiiU game by Nintendo before they drop support and its a Zelda game, so theyll grab to it and praise it no matter what, just like they did with the piece of shit that was Star Fox Zero.

When did I ever mention that?
I was just criticising the fact that there were a lot of anons here on the E3 general hyping this shit up when it looks mediocre at best.
Can you stop being a loyalist retard and open your fucking eyes for once?

I actually forgot that exists.




Muh religion of peace

All video games suck until otherwise proven

All video-games that dont suck must be reviewed 5 more times to insure it does not suck.

well looks like I need to kill myself

Hah, nice one.

third times the charm?

Watching now. Know moon, too, but that probably doesn't matter much, since most of it is shits and giggles.

I was bored of the old Zelda formula and didn't touch the previous few games, but I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. Also looks like Dragon's Dogma, which I loved.
From what I watched so far, the only thing I don't like is the durability system(stick broke after a certain number of hits). Dunno how far they'll go with that, but I sure as fuck hope it ain't TOO tedious.

Did anyone like Star Fox 0 or care for it?

How can you fuck up this hard?

No one
Some fags here were quick to defend it thought

I feel pain sometimes.
But I did get dubs.

Sure do


Sakurai's meme needs to stop

Ditch the Switch.


americans sometimes call them that
it's a nickname.

I mean ,what;s the problem with 3 bars?

It means you have Sprint.

I don't know shit about phones, but what's that about? What's bad about Sprint?

Im with Koodo

They're on par with AT&T for their Jewery.

It's exactly what we were shown back in E3.

Is there really any service provider, whether it be internet, television, or phone, that doesn't screw you over?

its literally the worst game ever made

Thats not Other M

For internet there are a few places with small local ISPs that give good service and aren't complete jews, I think

Sprint has remarkably bad coverage from my experience with it.

Got this translated?


Who, me? Ha ha ha no.

Nobody actually expected this to be good, did they? Even before the Switch It Off was revealed to be a tablet with a controller.

The best game of 2016 is the game Trump is playing against Hillary and her Media
The best game of 2017 will be Trump playing against Merkel, Trudeau, that Mexican and their puppetmasters

That's not Mass Effects 2/3

Lots of people have drank the Kool Aid user, you should have seen the E3 cyclical.
It was Cuckchan: The Thread

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

Embed related

I'm reporting this thread.

Sounds horrible.

Mass Effects 2/3 is worse than John Flynt's "Masterpeice"


If you say so

Game looks fine.


What looks fine?

God I hope Trump manhandles trudeau. I hate being a canadian. Especially an albertan right now. Being under liberal government is suffering.

oh god I just went to look up which provinces were lead by which parties and the parliment of canada website makes a point for each party how many seats are held by women and the percentage of women in each party.





Holla Forums is literally more gay then HalfChan /k/.

And for those who dont know, they had sex with rifles, posted pics and got off on the guy having sex with those rifles.

Gay posting needs to be ban worthy


that was my reaction too, user.

That's what you get for not playing Twilight Princess

Good link, although it was clear from the video several months ago (or more) that Nintendo tried to cash in on the open world meme once they noticed it getting big, and it's too late to regret that choice so they have to push it.

Mind you, if one doesn't get annoyed by the gimmicks, it should still be a LoZ game.

Oh come off it. A very few people were.

I hope you lads are thoroughly enjoying the Current Year (tm). Meanwhile my province will vote whatever the mega union tells them to.

What a hero, this is unfunny goon translated garbage, Arino is about as funny as cucktubers are but because he is le ebin japanese you faggots pretend to be entertained by it.

who the fuck is alphablaster

He ruined tf2c

Where the fuck have you been?
This is news to you?

I want newfaggots to leave forever.

He banned a bunch of shit, right? Is that how he ruined it?

I think he's trying to communicate but I can't make it out through all the buzzwords. Do any of you know what the hell he's saying?

Alphablaster I recall kept pushing for unfun 4-team matches, deathmatch maps, goofier maps like wacky_races_v2 (which are great fun but not when played constantly), and had the most autistic practice I've ever seen where he'd track your entire internet history and ban you if he caught so much as a single whiff (even an imaginary one) that you were a furry or misc. other """""degeneracy""""", then ban you for the slightest misstep after. keep in mind he himself was caught on /erp/ or some other board trying to cyber with or as shota Link

Never went in there myself because TF2C never interested me but I've gathered that much from skulking threads, so if somebody could clarify that'd be nice.

game center was translated by goons, and therefor is faggy, and the japanese equivalent of youtube e-celebs. Everyone who likes it is only pretending to do so

Why is he


Thank you for the buzzword-to-intelligible English translation.

Begone Alphablaster


No need to get all passive-aggresive about the truth.

top kek


That is what makes me want to play it.
That guy and all the other footage of complete and total fucking dipshits not grasping the basic gameplay.
He even had a guy telling him what to do.
If getting people to be bad is one really cunning marketing scheme it is working on me.


You like paws don't you, faggot?

I dobd particularly hate them but theres better things to jerk off to first

No matter how many times I see that trailer I still can't see beyond the buggy debris and corpse along with the piss poor graphics of the PeeCee.



The game looks well made and full of fun tools to mess around with. I don't think the show it in this video, but there's all kinds of ways the environment and tools interact with each other. Like an explosion could create a fire, and when you glide over that fire the hot air gives you a boost. Or there's that video where link freezes time and pummels a stone ball with a hammer, and when time unfreezes it goes flying.

I'm really not going to be disappointed unless they fuck up the dungeons and bosses somehow.

This is a designated shitposting thread, don't try and point out that the game is good in a thread like this ever again.

Miss me yet?

Nobody has or ever will miss that steaming pile of boring linear shit.

Easily the worst mainline entry.

I'm sure people will be extolling its virtues when Breath of the Wild comes out.

Oh okay then good

*continues to shitpost*

This is the strangest hard on

I wonder how people will try to spin it

The only good shotacon is straight shotacon and you know it.

More benis = better

Link is a cutie fuccboi.

I know someone who actually holds these opinions, bait or not, someone out there actually believes what op posted.

They specifically have none of the story related elements in the game. They physically removed them, whole towns, whole cities, and none of the game has been shown outside of the small area from the demo.
Food is literally just health, or buffs, where do you get survival from?
Game literally isn't even out.

Yes I'm mad

it could be worse

i want to feel zeldas breath on the wild on my dick
i want zelda to fart on my dick

Is it gay if you don't know the brownies have cum in them?

You might as well have said "zelda cycle" while ignoring the awful fact that those that love a game will keep talking about it while those that hated it move on with their lives and play games that aren't shit.

I think BotW, as a concept, would be amazing if done right. However, it's also a concept that is very easy to completely fuck up. Given Nintendo's recent track record, the latter is much more likely to happen, but maybe, by some streak of chance, they got all the right people to work on it. I'm not holding my breath for the game, but I'm hoping I'll end up being pleasantly surprised. Even if it ends up failing in a lot of ways, I'm almost sure I'll personally end up finding it worthwhile for a single playthrough, at least. I have yet to find a Zelda game unenjoyable, though I haven't gotten to SS, yet.

I wonder if they'll bring back the selfie feature from Wind Waker HD. It might have been included to test it out for BotW, in the first place. Given how they're making the game very open and available to fuck around it, they would be crazy not to have a way to document your adventures to post on miiverse or whatever.

So is Nintendo looking at inspiration from other games?

Vesperia, Skyrim and now pic related?

I'll never understand the appeal of Japanese game shows editing. It's constantly punctuated by a narrator, every two minutes (or less) they stop the gameplay to explain something. and don't get me started on instant replays immediately after you saw 10 seconds of gameplay.

I swear, I enjoy game center much more from webm clips from/v/ than watching the show itself.

It's about the will, so no.


Holy shit you're that faggot from Holla Forums that thinks there's such a thing as "Royal Spanish" language kek, this is rich, do that thing where you go "mememememe"!