This is a Jack Frost board.
Please refrain from posting such filth
What are you?
Shouldn't you be monitoring your diabetes or something?
O-Oh my apologies.
Not anymore, welcome to Holla Forumsespair
Fuck off Teddie fags. Teddie is a shitty character from babby's 1st JRPG and should be treated as such. He lacks the quality character of Jack Frost and should stop appearing in this game and every other game that copies him.
PC release when?
Mate SMT is better than dangitronpaul any day, but you're being a stupid faggot here.
I realize now that the one good thing about DR3 was it took a break from Monokuma, five color coded ones doesn't fill me with confidence. Tennis midget's voice on the other hand does fill me with confidence.
I have the entire anime but i still haven't watched it because apparently i need to read the comic they made about the psycho bitch and her sister first.
At this point this series is more like a chore than anything.
What's the point anymore?
You don't need to read any of the stuff to follow the animes since the first anime is just a shitty version of the first game and the second retcons how the sisters act anyway and completely ignores all the events from the books.
Also you don't have to watch the second animes at all because D3 is fucking trash
I felt this way with evangelion, what a steaming pile of shit that was.
Superior demon coming through
Just like play the game
But its just
Even if the manga is better though.
Holy fuck you are stupid. Just play DR1/2. That's literally all there is to it. If you have a Vita, you can play Despair Girls, but it's not necessary.
D3 isn't a game, it's an anime.
Divided across 2 series you have to watch alternately, one ep from one, then from the other.
Then the finale is a separate arc composed of a single final ep.
You can't "play" D3.
So this new game is technically D4 essentially.
Do you seriously think this new game won't have references to the D3 anime?
Looks like more of the same.
I'll wait for impressions on how the cases are before buying.
Monobear as a character was stale and cliché when DR1 came out, I'm not sure I can handle five more of him.
I seriously think V3 will not reference D3 in any meaningful way because D3 was a fucking travesty which in the end affected the setting and characters not at all and V3 is supposed to take place many years in the future.
You're dumb as shit if you believe this. Unrelated, Maki is best girl.
Anti-Evangelion shills confirmed retarded
i didnt know they made a cartoon
DR1 was just okay. Why did you guys bother with the second one or the anime?
Its your own damned fault if you watched the Rebuilds you fucking retard
I watched the show, I meant it as "you have to watch X and X too". That is complete bullshit and anyone trying to pull that shit should be slapped.
I stopped caring after DR1, to be honest.
Weebs are always looking for a new opportunity to get cucked
i only watched the show and the movie, does the new movies have good mecha fights? that is the only reason i watched the show anyway
The only reason you watched NGE were the mecha fights?
Literally the only part of the whole thing that was made exclusively as bait and switch for mecha anime otakus, people Anno himself considers the biggest simpletons on earth?
What the fuck, is Holla Forums composed exclusively of kids we used to make fun of for being retards back in the day?
It sounds like you completely missed the point of the show anyway, so yah, sure, go watch the rebuilds, the plot is fucking retarded and the characters are flanderized to shit, but I guess if vapid mech fights get you off, go for it you fucking faggot
sage for off topic
is there any other reason to watch the show that isnt for the fights?
You are the anime equivalent of a dudebro that plays COD and MOBAs all day.
Did you just completly check out during the episodes that didn't immediately have mech fights or something user? Yes, there's a whole fucking lot of social commentary on the otaku culture in japan at the time and life in general
what said
Not really unless you want to get wrapped up in how totally deep and introspective it is. Maybe you'll even end up sucking it off on an imageboard someday
like what? i only remember some whinny kid that hates his father and misses his mom, that no body liked.
Shut up and suck my dick
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door.
Well then he should watch something that isn't evangellion
NGE doesn't mock otakus, or mecha fans.
I just said Anno thinks orakus and mecha fans are idiots, i never said NGE insults them.
Anno used to be an otaku himself, he speaks from the point of view of a person that was personally very intimate with the scene.
The purpose of NGE isn't to mock anyone.
The mecha portion of the anime is bait and switch, but with another purpose in mind.
it was on Locomotion at the time, so i watched it and moved on with other shows
I find it hilarious how after all these years, NGE still manages to get so many simple minded morons mad.
What the ==FUCK== is a Dangan?
I plan on but still havnt watched the several animes about summoning historical figures to win the holy grail for this reason.
also king arthur is a cute girl which riles my autisms.
Fucking christ whoever drew that needs to stop drawing right away.
Sorry you got meme'd on by some cocksucker who should have died in a fire.
I don't know which part corresponds to which word but Danganronpa translates to Bullet Rebuttal iirc
fairies are for love
Daily reminder that LWu is danganfag and she loves jonko.
Out of all of the main SJWs, he actually has played a lot of games and enjoys playing games, Even if he does have shit tastes.
I think Flynt largely tows the line to feel accepted for once in his life.
You still deserve to be mocked.
Pure coincidence.
is that godzilla?
Shit list
new protag a cute, she is a bit chunky or comes off as chunky more so than Komaru and not fit like Hina
Looks like a utter piece of shit.
Damn, just look at the legs of the middle guy in white.
Bad art style, bad everything.
The moment Valentine lied was the moment he went wrong.
It's just a gay croc from some kemono doujin.
that's the anime, of course it's shit
shittiness of the games is a different matter, but it's still a "yes"
Where the fuck do you guys get all these br chan's?
Haha bear funne xd
Dont act so tsundere
tumblr loves it because muh quirky characters, Chihiro, and monokuma being le so random, no wonder that fag pretends to like what's popular
literally everything wrong
Which he got away with for a decade+. If it wasn't for those meddling kids and their stupid Jotaro, he woulda got away with it.
My brethren.
Don't forget the muscle woman
What a good list.
the internet?
Forrest Kaysen did nothing wrong. York was just in the wrong pLace in the wrong time.
I found the sequel more interesting, I forget the name but the guy who kills himself to frame the gamer gurl was a nice character overall.
Christ how bad is it, the first evanganglion was already pretentious enough to appear as if it came straight out of San Francisco, how could this be any worse.
Better, actually. The first one is largely just a recap, but Shinji actually acts on his own now, when Ramiel shoots him, he gets up on his own and shoots back. The second one has him being more dominant and even Asuka smartens up. He gets Rei out of her shell and even arranges a dinner with his father, everything is good, he hardly even cries.
3/Q is where it went wrong. Most people who hate the Rebuilds seem to use the "it's not as deep/Asuka doesn't get her period/Muh hedgehog" arguments, and really, they're fags. But the 3rd movie is where things diverge completely from the original show, and things get weird.