Jewish IQ myth

Anyone have the Jewish IQ myth inforgraphs? Please dump, don't have saved. I'm only talking about the Ashkenazi IQ myth, not Sephardi, etc

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If Ashkenazi Jews didn’t have high IQ’s, they wouldn’t have fooled our ancestors into believing they are but innocent hook-nosed tribesmen. Read the Bell Curve, you illiterate simpleton. Ashkenazi jews scored the highest overall out of any other race. People like you love scrutinizing all non-white races when it nurtures your self inflated ego, but as soon as you discover a superior genetic trait not homogenized within our genetic heritage, you deviate from your own standard and dilute the facts with disingenuous information backed-up by unreliable sources.

you need to post proof or tits kike. I see neither

Richard J. Hernnstein was literally a kike

Jews excels at word twisting and bending, due to their deceiver's nature. That's why we have so many jewish writers, lawyers and actors. They aren't intelligent and creative.


That too. They are tribal creatures, primitive as they are.


They're just psychopaths. Look up Jewish neuroticism.

Kevin Mcdonals claims that the modern ashkenazi jews have a higher IQ due to the fact that low-IQ "european jews" were much more likely to either be assimilated or killed during the middle ages than the high IQ ones, thus having an eugenic effect.
The mizrahi and sephardi jews, in the other hand, either simply payed for their dhimmitude condition in Religion of Cuck™ic law where an infidel can be let alone given that it pays a tax

The claim has been asserted when the statistics bring up the fact that the ashkenazi jews have 10 to 15 more points in IQ than europeans.
Remember that there are a LOT of dumb europeans that drag our score down. Culling the underclass is a real thing. If the retards are wed out of our people, our IQ would be at least as high as their, but do we want that?

The jews probably consider conning goyim as a sign of intelligence.

I heard a claim taht the original meaning of con job doesn't come from the word confidence. Its from the various spellings of the Kohanim tribe name. Cohn or Cohen is the origin of the word con.

a lot of "IQ" averages stem from average education levels instead of actual testing.

Since Jews are over-represented in IV League schools they automatically get a statistical bump. Though most if not all of them are non STEM degrees which literally means bullshit degrees with little to no actual intelligence required.

Jews have an average to low iq but have a higher sq (satanic quotient™) than anyone on the planet.


Kikes have a natural talent for manipulating people, their way of life is to be parasites of a society doing only the kind of work that further increases their influence over their host.
And IQ just seems like a bullshit concept anyway, it certainly can't be used by itself as a thorough description of someone as with any evaluation boiled down to a mere number. Knowing that someone has a very low IQ doesn't reveal whether they're a violent hood nigger or a harmless asylum patient with mental development problems.

I own a copy of the bell curve. To my knowledge, the book does not even bring up Jews.

It doesn't. His follow up book "Coming Apart" I can recommend too.

The author of this is a fag, but the data and arguments he uses to explain how Ashkenazi Jews aren't as smart as they claim is very much valid.

He takes an honest approach by using DNA tests in Israel, and taking into account just how Ashkenazi Israel is, and that if Ashkenazis had a 115 average IQ, the average IQ of Israel would be way higher.

Way too easy moshe. You didn't even wait to see if the cheese was fresh.

Israel's average IQ is 90…

if the Jews were so smart they wouldn't need GOYIM money to survive.

also note a kike mod anchored the thread because the truth hurts.


Except low IQ DOES play a major predictor in criminal behavior and mental development problems — especially those who were raised illegitimately by

If it wasn't clear the first time, what it doesn't show is which of the two or any other number of possibilities it is. Someone with a low IQ could be anything, the violent nigger or a mentally ill child or a senile demented grandma or an immigrant deaf janitor with barely elementary school education. IQ is just a number.