Now that the dust has settled, what went right?
Now that the dust has settled, what went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
these numbers
Was it even a decent game? I thought everyone was just giving him a hand.
Do people not like yandev now or something?
Nice trips
I hate you both, lurk until you understand why.
Thread's instantaneously shit, nothing to see here folks.
People think Shill Warrior being worse than DooM4 was what broke Holla Forums faggot contrarians
But it was this game, and they are still tsundere for it
Its like poetry, it rhymes
I have the same question as these anons >>11063000. Why all the hostility? Fill me in broskiā¦
normalfags are gonna lose interest by the time it comes out and Yandev will probably kill himself knowing he wasted his only chance for recognition
/r/ing the screencap
"Now that the dust has settledā¦" has long been a template thread on Holla Forums offering no interesting discussion or insight.
That makes this a shitpost thread and you insist on bumping it.
please lurk for at least a couple of weeks, you people are killing this place
forgot my sage,
check this dubs
There we go, thanks user.
Oh, and you forgot the part where he threw a temper tantrum on Reddit about how everyone else hates him in a veiled attempted at getting sympathy from them.
i take it it worked since he hasnt come back apologizing
Oh, he played them like a god damn fiddle.
Did you seriously expect anything more from a jew?
So he's shitting on his old base to appeal to normalfags. I guess in that regard, he's just like a real game dev now!
Dropped before I even picked it up. The creator being a massive faggot is just gravy.
Fuck off, shill your game on Kotaku.
Or are you still mad the SJW didn't mention you in the CON leaks?
Thread theme
Sorry user I didn't like the game so I never checked the threads about it. The only time I even knew yandev was coming here was when he sperged out and ran to reddit.
Hey yandev. Comming back with your tail between your legs when the normalfags stopped paying atention to you, the sjws hate you and you completely abandoned us?
I really hope you die, faggot.
He had a meltdown and ignored a poll about some pointless shit, then fucked off to reddit.
Basically people eventually began spamming YanDev's threads and Yandev would angrily respond like a fool, he would stop listening to suggestions like possibly making another email account for fans to send emails to, he would consider bad ideas with his game where his game would eventually have no direction like wanting to change genres from an under developed "stealth" game to a full on Yakuza open world beat em up, it eventually felt like he cared more about easter eggs than actually working on the game, and it culminated in a thread about him being at an anime expo and the massive meltdown that followed.
I think the whole thing is interesting to follow and talk about, and I find it more silly than anything looking back on it.
Dude, not even Notch went as full retard as this dude did. After that spergout, people started posting chatlogs and such showing that he has a huge history of attacking anyone who criticized his code, even before he started Yandere Simulator. The dipshit doesn't even know how to read a stacktrace.
Huff some zyklon you fucking kike.
Shit thread, check em
>Same Notch that wrote cuckposts on tumblr about how minecraft had no genders page is dead
Nobody never saw it coming
Got a few laughs out of how butthurt cuckdev got when Holla Forums wouldn't worship him.
Just in case you are genuine, I'll explain: After a meltdown like that he'll need several years before everything cools down.
Yeah he can stay out.
I feel it's imperative that these are posted every time yandev o yandere sim is mentioned.
is it that hard to use switch statements
everytime I see these continuous else if loops I die a little inside
That's higschool education. I went to a private school to learn how 2 use if and loops in vb6.
Waste of shekels if you ask me and it explains why everybody is computer illiterate.
He is right on something, as a video games board, this is full of incredibly bitter spastics who like to talk about anything but video games.
Meanwhile, I'm self-taught and a lot of the tricks I've learned are from people going "that's nice, but did you know it's a lot more efficient to do (thing)" and them showing me examples of how to pull it off. Yandere Dev didn't do that, he accused people of "shitting on his work."
Maybe, but it still isn't an excuse to deflect that he goes with the minority in polls and generally doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
Funny part? He never did fool me since cults of personality never end well. Case in proof: m00t and kikewheels
You see, when you make a videogame, spend hours and hours implementing may mays instead of working on it, then censor something despite more than half of your playerbase being against it, you're bound to get some people against you.
The difference between Holla Forums and hugboxes like reddit or tumblr is that the fact of being anonymous gives you the chance of saying every little thing you want to say without risking having repercussions about it.
If you were to say "Yanderedev is a fucking kike" on reddit, you'd get people harrassing you because of your opinions even after the thread is closed.
While that might be true, he would have an entirely different reaction if everyone stopped acting like edgy retards. I cant say I expect much different, but nearly everybody is so out of touch with reality its almost a turn off.
I actually saw the thread go down, from what I could tell, people were being generally polite, at least by imageboard standards. He waited like an hour for two posts calling him a cuck before finally responding with that wall of text that basically said "fuck you guys, I'm out of here."
A switch wouldn't make, for example, the second image any less of a clusterfuck.
Approaching the problem that way is retarded in general.
If I'm correct, the teacher's reaction and game over clause depends on the precedent held by each type of offense.
Instead of making a state for each and every fucking combination, he could use a bit flag that covers each type (Weapon, Blood, Insanity, Lewd).
Then he'd check the flag for the highest precedent offense that is active, and do the appropriate action for that.
He has zero problem solving skills.
I take this as evidence he's not actually an autist but just an incompetent fuckup, because it takes an autist to have the obsession to look at something and say, "how can I do this more efficiently?"
I'm just starting out, but since I don't like actually interacting with people in a non anonymous environment online, I've been applying the logic of quantum mechanical principles, theorems, and matrices along with the general experience from optimizing processes from solving sudoku and redstone minecraft mechanisms before they had all these newfangled command blocks. I might be overthinking this.
hmm, why was this bumplocked?
I will give you the benefit of the doubt, because I am still pretty skeptical, but going way too far isnt the best criticism ever.
tbh those threads were golden, qq more
Yeah, that's not a bad solution.
Yeah, pretty much. Welcome to Holla Forums.
why is this wrong?
i know nothing about coding
wew lad
It's not that it's "wrong," exactly, just that it's inefficient and has potential to snowball into a complete mess. Still not the worst thing I've seen, there was this one Minecraft mod that had 80+ nested "if" statements just to check if an item didn't have a blacklisted ore dictionary value assigned.
With kikewheels the not ending well part has much more serious implications.
Someone post the image of him going nuclear