new webm thread
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new webm thread
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Does anyone have that .webm where Mr. Crabs gets his money dreaming interrupted by hentai?
What is a good free video editing software for weebum making?
Really feeling the video games here.
Lets see what i got in my bag…
Oh shit, we doing show intros?
step aside pleb
This is very homoerotic.
Impressive, but can you handle this?
Awesome show, had a few of the action figures.
you got me fucker
fuck you too Jaffe
a webm for ants?
but twisted metal black had characters that go with the vehicles. it was the ps3 one that did that thing
Agreed, the last great TM game was 2. Black ALMOST was there but it didn't have the soul of dark comedy that TM ran off of and had all the problems you covered.
Paint it black really only applies to Mr. Grimm anyway since he was a 'nam vet while most of the other characters were unlikable twats.
made sense though since when you decipher Minion's code, that the whole game took place in sweetooth's mind
And of course we can't forget about our favorite Metallic Person of undetermined Gender.
Have you noticed how the japanese turn mixology into a classy thing while westerners do it with style?
what kills me is that i can't find my cia version of this
what they mean is that the vehicles from TM2 and such were kept, but the drivers were completely different people as the game mostly went for a "lol so edgy" playout of events with the exception of about two characters.
it sucked anyway
they all do still wish i could find it though
Yeah, you seem to forget that after Black we had Head On, that was the follow up of TM2. It had the comic style again and Calypso was as fucked up as ever.
wasn't that on the psp? if so, that'd explain why no one heard of it.
sauce? is this a movie or just a short?
Was remade/remastered with extra content from a cancelled TM game for the PS2.
It's a movie…… I just watched it after it popped up on a group page today…. It's a Fuck you movie.
Wasurenagumo is the title.
A short movie.
Goes about 20 minutes and is goddamm adorable at first, kinds sad/strange in the end.
Spoiler: The girl dies Not the loli
The one with the girls is better.
Is that a Prince of Bel Air reference at the start?
Kill yourself, faglover.
Is this like Superjail made by Japan, because if so I might watch it.
Yeah, it would be sexy as fuck
god damn flood detection
Holla Forums is a christian imageboard and homosexuality is satan. Get out.
If you think it's gay now…
But Holla Forums is a Judaic video games forum!
Well it makes sense for the moderator to be someone from outside the topic, that way there are no conflicts of bias
Jesus fuck, someone purge this horrid thread.
i miss that short fat bastard
you made me do this , it has come down to this
Isn't that pretty fast for a river?
Music source?
i told you brah, don't provoke me
Your actions affect innocent anons, please consider
>Tron Legacy could have been reboot :^) 2.0.
What was even the point of doing that I wonder.
It's the chorus lyrics. All that nonsense is the title of the song
Considering the enemy appears to be nazi, is that thing pozzed?
So not only one anime that got me interested this season was 6 minutes short music video, music in it was absolute shit.
my dark skinned brother!
stream that movie if you're so great
It's some sort of alt-history WW2. Rather than germany, france, britain, etc, you have The Germanian Empire, Brittania, Thermidor Republic, etc.
The story focuses on an made up nation that is basically an independant monarchy where Tyrol and Liechtenstein would be.
Thanks, but what I'm asking is:
Can I, as a german, watch this without being reminded of every goddamm movie i watched in school that wasn't a VHS tape about biology?
As in, "hurr durr evul germanians?"
Cause I like the idea of a witch with guns.
So are they playing pretend or something? I assumed that what the series was building up too.
Season 2 when
You guys watch WW2 movies in school? It doesn't seem like a very good idea tbh
These are for this.
never because it went by the route of
They're the antagonists in the story, as it focuses on the monarch for not!tyrol, who are being invaded by the germanian empire. Oh, there are some flashbacks to germanian soldiers massacreing whatever village Izetta was in, so probably they're evil.
Only to be ashamed to be german and pay reperations.
Well, you see where it led me.
Holy fuck. I needed this.
How can weeaboos keep eating this shit up?
BIg Guy and Rusty was the shit.
We went from this to My Little Pony and other Tumblr-fueled garbage in a span of 10 years.
Nigger, the whole anime is overpowered skeltal wrecking everyone. This wasnt a established villain or anything. The premise is that a max level lich ends up in a weird world that follows the same rules as the mmo he is from.
Here only one answer.
user, mlp was a thing since the 80s
Well, I'd wager WW2 movies where your side loses would make you want to actually win next time if you're a child, rather than be ashamed. Not being burger/british/french I did sympathize a bit more with the German army than with the allies.
You'd be surprised at the amount of seasonal garbage some people eat
Normally I agree, but Mr. Skeltal is a maxed out mage from an MMO that the main character spent countless hours and real life dollarydoos on capable of casting pretty much all magic imaginable. The MOST SUPER POWERFUL attack is some chump casting mid tier magic thinking it's the power of the gods because Mr. Skeltal is in a new world where most people can barely cast anything more than babby magic.
It's indeed one of the few animes to have a justifiable reason as to why the MC is OP as fuck. Better than Sword Art where it's just "I'm just good, lol"
I am so glad this died before the furries got their filthy little hands all over it. I really don't like the fact they are remaking it now.
Not the request user but i just watched it. What the fuck
he's basically level 100, its an anime based around a mmorpg that got its servers shutdown.
lurk more, faggot
Kill yourself, faglover.
Song name?
Christ that's good shit. This thread's had a higher than usual animation (Non-Anime) quotient.
I approve.
Legend of korra is god tier compared to what degenerate shit they are currently broadcasting
do kids even watch cartoons, hell do they even use tv without netflix? i though they have hangover for the drinking and fucking of the friday nights
Korra IS the degenerate shit they're currently broadcasting
That's incorrect, the one with the bald kid is god tier compared to Brown Erin, Whorra is on the same tier as Lesbian Jewverse, but nothing is on the same level as Prep the Bulldogs.
Only women think well of that shit show and it's because they have objectively shit taste (Same with a cuckold's taste, I blame estrogen).
There are no niggers or homosexuality in legend of korra
Not an argument.
Not an neighborhood kike.
what happened? did the writers got hit on the head?
i dont remember that part
There was one massive SJW writer, im surprised they managed to contain his shit writing for 4 seasons this much.
Korra, and all Water Tribe people, are based on Inuit people. They're snow indians.
Literally just niggers by a different name
wait, there are no niggers and whites right? they are just nips, chinese and snow indians
next you'll tell me that Korra and Asami are just tongue and vag buddies
It actually kind of amazes me just how few people know how to mute without admins doing it for them.
What the fuck
That kind of idiocy is what permeates a game when it goes f2p.
casual game, casual playerbase
Nah, I remember that shit was common even back when you actually had to pay for the game.
Forgot to upload this, only good part of this song
anyone got the source of this webm?
Well that's obviously the Spectre so it's something from DC.
I think it adds to it. for all the wrong reasons though.
I mean, everyone knows you can't have cgi be higher then 24 fps a second, your eyes would start bleeding. Its impossible I say.
It was a DC showcase for the Specture, google search will probably be the first thing that pops up.
What a stupid idea.
That looks like an x-ray tube to me… which further strengthens what you said: it's damn stupid
Do you have the version that's a cover for some animu song?
What song is this?
I've been trying to find it for days.
This one?
Damn,. What a waste of good pussy.
No, but holy shit that's fantastic
I think the song's title was something-something calculation…
Let me find it
Ren'ai Circulation… close enough
I know it was done for dramatic effect but sometimes when you do something so blatantly ridiculous it's just fucking stupid and it ruins the effect. Nippon really tries too hard sometimes.
So how do you spell that shit?
i only have that webm
i have this in webm form but i can't find it
hyde is a hilarious madman, not because what he actually does it funny, but what he gets away with and how he does it
that shit is buried so deep under layers of irony that nobody can say for sure exactly what the fuck he's trying to get across. jewing the jews at their own game is glorious
What the fuck happened with bill?
you could tell that for a single 8man episode they literally dumped the majority of their budget into hand animation. Fucking ridiculous.
this is more entertaining
unfortunately I'm too lazy to convert to webm
Did you make this webm?
is there a reason you keep shitting religious webms into this thread? they aren't entertaining and i'm taking a wild guess you're just baiting at this point.
if you want to redtext about how the martian microbe concept is ridiculous, why don't you provide an argument for it based on logic and reason, considering that's what forms the basis for that concept in the first place? Or can you not do that and simply muster a "pfft dis is dumb i mean just listen to it, no, wizard in the sky makes war more sense!"
Never whore yourself out to be a leftist talking head.
Otherwise you go crazy.
Like how Richard Dawkins proclaimed himself to be too stupid to vote on a matter as big as BREXIT (while claiming everyone else was as well, hence why no one should have a say).
Though honestly, I miss classic non-political Nye from the kid's show. Then he got old, was dragged in front of cameras to be made relevant via nostalgia factor as was used to """"refute"""" the obvious evidence against global warming "climate change".
Then he got onto the popularist nu-atheist bandwagon and now he's on the news telling people we come from Martians.
Refer back to Based Bezmenov:
Did she died? That would be hot.
But posting the same tired screaming fish webm is?
I got a better screaming fish webm right here.
Also, I remember a time when we'd dogpile on posters who mouthed off in a webm thread and didn't post a webm. And that was even after we lost control of "vidya only" webm threads.
Since I mentioned him already…
Jesus, a low-budget religious attack ad. Regular attack ads and religious/athiestic circle-jerking is already unpleasant to listen to, this is the worst of both worlds.
Sauce? Music name?
yes, a screaming fish web is entertaining. I'm pretty amused i needed to spell that out for you. The fact that you kept dumping religious webms instantly convinces me that you were/are either looking for a reaction or validation, and don't think I didn't notice you just deflected my question without answering it. Webm threads are like lol threads, they're here for our amusement and entertainment. sometimes we can have science or religious stuff if they're really interesting, but that's the exception to the rule. Constantly dumping clips of people dryly talking about religion tells me you either want to piss some fedora off or you want someone to get pulled into your line of thinking.
I have tons of Holla Forums related redpill webms but that doesn't mean i'm going to dump them here. Additionally, you didn't acknowledge my statement that you seem to be a hypocrite; apparently us having evolved from microbes that may have come from Mars billions of years ago is ridiculous, but a miraculous entity in the heavens that magically wished everything into existence is absolutely of solid, sound mind. One is based on actual possibility of how we understand things to realistically work in this universe, and the other is based on blind faith. That's not going to stop you though, is it?
I'm surprised you don't know it, but it's Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.
Type the lyrics out, search for it, and you will find it
And now I realized how stupid it was to spoonfed such an easily found song.
Please shame me.
if you seriously hadn't heard that song before you must have been living under a rock a couple years ago
Why not? It's more engaging than that tired and utterly unfunny screaming fish webm.
Besides, sharing the Gospel and refutations of stupidity is fun.
I know the song, I was lamenting that I spoonfed it to the user who didn't know it.
Thanks, I never heard of it.
Yeah. Spent the better part of today and yesterday trying to wrangle After Effects camera tracker, only to come to the conclusion that it's garbage, so I downloaded PFtrack, which was good, but way out of my league and doesn't work with MP4s. This two second thing is the culmination of my fucking about with AEs motion tracker, figuring out how to get that motion into a null, then parenting a PNG to it, then rotobrush so Gianna shows up in front of the text instead of behind it. All that time spent getting to know the software, I might as well post the resulting file.
I also made this, from my adventures with PFtrack, that camera tracker actually works.
You're still not arguing against his second paragraph there guy.
Plus, everyone knows who the one true lord is, webm related.
Now you're just being a blatant faggot and not caring that we all know it. The second time you've completely sidestepped any central point I've made to you, instead going all shillary clinton and focusing on something very minor and stupid and subjective. You realize you haven't responded to anything other than a wholly subjective "lel that fish clip isn't that gr8" quip.
brother, i just confronted you with the existence of potential hypocrisy and you've completely ignored it. That's stupidity: gloating whenever you think you've pulled a "gotcha" but ignoring anytime someone does it to you. "everyone is stupid but me" while ignoring anything you don't want to actually think about or consider is worse than the mega fedorafag shit you're railing against, hypocritical strike #2.
because it's not entertaining. Posting those here is like some faggot walking into a room of quiet conversation and going HEY GUIZE IM GAY YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT ME, LOOK AT ME IM GAY. That's exactly what you're doing.
stop being a fag.
I need the song sauces. Rewards to those who have it.
Don't get mad and post several paragraphs. If he is attention whoring, you do yourself no favors by sperging out.
At least post something that I can't get by going to church, faggot.
You're the one who is uppity about there being Christian webms because "it's not funny" to you. But okay.
We are very obviously and clearly designed, even down to our microbiology. ATP Synthase
This video? It's not of some centrifuge. It's a perpetually active within the cells of your body.
If you can look at this and say "Yeah, this came about by total accident" then we have nothing more to say. I'd be arguing with a guy who looks at Starry Night and says "Yeah, this all came together just by sheer accident, produced by nothing."
If you say "saying this came about by accident is equally crazy to saying it came about by divine design" then you're just fence-sitting.
You don't get factory generators by accident.
You don't get ATP Synthase by accident.
You don't get the human brain by accident.
You don't get you by accident.
Maybe that's what you need most, user. And watch your mouth
Well at least it was a test vid and not something you worked hard on because it sucks.
i think you're missing the point. i'm not triggered, i simply took the pains to provide a thought out argument because he claimed his line of thought was a "counter to stupidity." So I provided an example of why such a viewpoint is retarded, since "everyone is stupid if they don't agree with me" is retarded.
you just proved you have absolutely no sound understanding of science whatsoever. These things didn't occur by accident, they occurred by chemical trial and error over the course of billions of years. This is biology and organic chem 101. You are correct, there is nothing more to say, because trying to correct the ridiculous amount of scientific ignorance you have would literally require thousands of pages of information.
Now, to be specific before I filter you, considering nothing you say or provide is anything I'll miss out on, I didn't say "it wasn't funny." I said it wasn't entertaining. You're using this thread as your personal soapbox and therefore being a faggot, instead of its intended purpose: a bunch of fellow Holla Forumsirgins having a good times throwing amusing clips at each other.
What is the Infinite Monkey Theorem?
Throw together enough shit over a long enough time and you'll get every possible result; in the case of the elements which compose life, they just kept getting bashed together until life happened.
Now take your /christ/ webms to /christ/, where they belong.
i really wish i was there in the office to see how fucking mad everyone was when they found out that retard intern did that. on the flip side of that though, i cannot for the life of me figure out why a darker pencil or something wasn't used, you can barely see the thing
nigger wat
LoK was okay at first and then it descended into shit faster than a train over a cliff, what are you talking about
Or the universe has had many a millennia of trial and error. I don't think you comprehend how long everything has existed before us, how long it took to create us, and how long it took for us to evolve to the point we have gotten today.
There was so much time that something was bound to happen sooner or later. And for all we know, similar things have happened in other parts of the universe.
Ultimately, we don't know what exactly created us at this point. You can claim a God created us specifically, you can claim that organisms created from combustion between the right materials at the right time that was bound to happen at some point in time, it could even be both or neither. But we don't know and don't have any hard theory to absolutely confirm any of it.
Excuse me, hard evidence.
My whole comment could basically be summed up with that theorem anyway.
you'd think he would have done the sketch and then went over it with a sharpie so it would actually be permanent
The eternal living God created all things with the express purpose of bringing about a grand plan for His creation (aka )
"Nothing made everything, somehow, and that mutated into people on Mars at some point which left microbes on a space rock that landed on earth which then, over a long time, somehow mutated into ape-like creatures that mutated into human beings today."
That is exactly the argument of the Secularist/Materialist without hyperbole. The only difference is that the classic crazy phrase "We're all Martians" is added in to make it even more insane.
Did you miss the part in the webm where there is no evidence for these claims?
Again, you are arguing that you/mankind mutated from Martian microbes off a space rock.
That is not hyperbole. That is actually what the theory is.
Again, no evidence.
As for Gospel: Refer back to the other post I made, and also all of Scripture, which, unlike the Qur'an and Talmud etc., is historically accurate and bears harmony from beginning to end.
There. I answered your hissy fit. Can we continue with the webms now?
oh and
I'd post the masked SJW picture here but this is supposed to be a webm thread.
/ebon/ is a blessing
that vid would be way better if he spliced the actual video render into it at the end.
ironically, perhaps. it reeks of pozz.
I can oversimplify too, "magical sky guy zaps us into existence". Arguing this way only lowers the level of discussion (which is already low on an imageboard).
There is more evidence for that claim than yours. There has been experiments showing how bacteria evolves over time. We're currently looking at Mars and have looked at the possibility of microorganisms being on Mars. That's more evidence than what you put forth.
And no, Gospel is not accurate because there are many contradictions.
Funny thing is I'm not an atheist, I believe that we were evolved and that God made the engine on which the universe runs. I don't believe these to be contradicting statements, but somehow people treat them as if they are.
Oyvey goyim look how ehbuhl teh white people are be ashamed goyim.
"Trial and error" is a purposeful process that is initiated by a mind which desires a certain outcome. You can't have unguided accidental "trial and error". That's not how cause-and-effect works.
That's Creationism, user. "Create" implied both a creator and a purpose in creation like "trial and error". I think you mean: accidental result.
There we go again. Stealing from God, like atheism always does. And yes, we do know who created us. It's the same one who died for us, His plan from before the foundation of the world.
Says the apathetic user who thinks everything happened by chance, and even if it did not, we have "no way to know" and so we might as well not think about it.
You are saying that there is no way to know so there can't be a conclusive argument either way. That's fence-sitting on the most important issue of our existence. Either you don't care to think about it and don't care, or you did think about it once and don't care anymore.
And be right.
Fixed that for you.
Look, go take a bag. Put inside the bag an unbend piece of metal, a block of wood, a chunk of cheese, a spring, a latch and a couple screws. Then, before you start vigorously shaking the bag, tell me: How many millenia would it take for these components to randomly form a functioning mouse trap?
Do you see the absurdity of saying human beings, let alone all creation, resulted from random chance? …Let alone Martian debris.
Again, apathetic "I can't be bothered to think".
And that's your excuse for hiding your head in distraction instead of using your God given eyes and ears to see and hear what's put before you, and using your God-given brain to contemplate it.
Atheists and theists can actually have cordial, respectful conversations about god(s), existence, life, and all the rest, as long as both parties use and understand deductive reasoning and rational thought. Unfortunately the majority of people are emotional, simplistic motherfuckers that use ad homs, strawmen, and other ridiculously reductive fallacies out the ass, and nobody gets anywhere. It just spirals downward into shit flinging and the worst "debate" shit.
It happens far too easily even with intelligent people. Every single time I see a religion thread on Holla Forums I grit my teeth because it's the most fucking predictable thing in existence and you're saving your brain a lot of pain by simply ignoring it altogether, regardless of which "side" you're on. Religious Holla Forums threads are absolute minefields.
I don't really understand the reason of having them either.
Most of the time it seems the only people present are the ones who vehemently allready believe something and thus changing anyones mind is a useless endevour.
And since the subject falls down to pretty much how you think it is, and then you have people who allready made up their mind then the only thing that can happen is just a plain shit show that simply cannot yeld anything usefull.
Not one thing.
Why do you keep pushing this word?
HA! I KNEW you'd do this! Shame that I beat you to your knee-jerk reaction, because that explanation you just posted is exactly what Secularism + Martian debris theory posits!
You can't take it! haha You had to try to make my explanation sound dumb in order to make your actual explanation sound smarter by comparison. It's like Todd Howard taking a hammer to an average guy's knees so he could seem taller next to him.
You want hyperbole? How's this:
Martians came from nothing and we come from alien space dust
But that's not what I did, now is it?
Then don't do it.
Then go ahead and explain your theory in a way that you think better suits it.
Except he said, in that very webm, that there is not. He has no evidence. He has craters and impact marks. That's not enough to say "human life mutated from Martian microbes" user.
And which one of them evolved into a multicelular lifeform even remotely equivalent to fish, let alone humans? How about a tadpole? Can you at least get me a tadpole?
Yet you put forth none. Also, abiogenesis is not scientific in the way you think it is.
No there aren't. Unless you mean the numbers parts (ex. 1,200 in one book, 1,600 in another) which has a good explanation for it within the way Hebrew utilized letters for its numbering system. I could be wrong, but it's worth a look.
Also pic related
Ah, so a "I'm spiritual but not religious" kind of guy, then? Typical.
I am actually of the personal opinion that we should ban that kind of discussion on Holla Forums. Now, simply saying that is pretty fucking inflammatory, because that's a ripe target for accusations of suppression of freedom of speech and trying to quell either fedorafags or christcucks or whoever else. I doubt it would be a very well received notion.
But the reason I think it's something we should do is because those threads are absolutely pointless. Nothing good ever comes from them, it's just angry people out-shitposting each other, and all it does is allow tempers to flare at best, and at worst lets the shills take advantage of D&C, since it's an easy target. Banning existential discussion on Holla Forums would elevate the quality of the board because all it ever is is bad news over there; like i said though, such an opinion would not go over well.
And as I said, when the universe is doing nothing but floating around for millions of years, shit will form.
Incorrect. Especially the purpose part. I can drive and accidentally create a car crash. A planet can crash into a planet and create a creator. Bacteria can evolve and after years create a new type of organism.
Good one, user.
Tell me how to form a human without the human reproductive system and then we'll talk.
See, the difference between you and me is that I'm trying to figure out the mysteries that God has put before us. To put it autistically, God made a game engine with working code with the ability to find out how that code works in the game. You don't want to see the code and further the human race. I do.
Shaking a bag is only a single process.
The argument is more that if the materials for [thing] exist, it is bound to happen somehow at some point.
The source of the materials for life isn't known, so it's entirely possible that some creator is involved.
And as I said, nothing "forms" unless given form. You can't have asteroids collide for no reason and then '!WHAM! DNA, the human brain, the moral law etc.
Hence my point that there is no creation without a creator. Why Jesus, though? Read the Gospel and find out.
I don't argue for an amorphous deity like Gnosticism. I argue for the risen Christ.
My main point was just to show how intellectually retarded Secularism and further, Martian microbe theory, actually is, not to evangelize per se.
Have a read of Romans 1, though. Maybe you might be brought to consider something the world of distraction tries to keep from you.
…what? I've said it once. What do you mean "pushing?" We've been using that shit for, i don't even know, at least half a year or longer now. It's in the exact same vein as cuck, fag, etc. It's used specifically to designate weak willed, spinless, hipster, beta, antifa faggot liberal types and things they buy into. Your question is exactly like me asking you why you "keep posting" in this thread, Mr. (1).
The real question is, why do you get so triggered when I've only used a single word once? Are you perchance a Holla Forums faggot who's left his safe space?
i would just disengage man, it's not worth it
That was a damn good movie
You're bragging about arguing poorly, and that caused me to point out to you that you're arguing poorly? Brave move, Cotton.
And no, saying an even more hyperbolic statement does not make your previous statement not-hyperbolic.
In the pro-religious webms you posted. I don't care about what Bill Nye and Richard Hawkins are saying, as my point stands that there have been experiments that show more evidence towards my point than yours.
A project that started within the last century is not going to get the same results as millions of years of evolution. It took millions of years just to GET to a tadpole. Thank you for proving my point that you cannot comprehend the amount of time that has existed thus far.
Your link only proves my point though. The writers of the bible were human, flawed and inconstant, even with names. Some god for allowing sandpeople to get his words wrong.
Plus you can have asteroids collide for no reason, and the amount of shit that happens within that collision (heat, pressure) combined with whatever materials the asteroid is made out of can make some interesting shit. And if the first trillion don't do anything, it doesn't matter because there's millions of years for something to happen.
Ironically, I went against the advice I gave to you, I'm done after this post
I know the argument for God as a creator.
I've been to church enough for that.
It just really bothers me when people conflate the theory of evolution, which only posits a mechanism by which existing life changes, with shit like the big bang, martian microbes, and abiogenesis, which are theories for the origin of things that aside from big bang, which can at least point to cosmic background radiation, have pretty much no proof other than a hunch and are also totally useless anyway
Sauce Mein Nigger
I probably should have mentioned that I don't even believe that we came from Mars. I just think that it was potentially possible. I don't know what exactly created us, neither does anyone else. But we'll keep searching until we find out.
Now back to your regularly scheduled webm shitposting.
Oh fuck it's religious banter again
we need the scamper one where he voices some wacky dude in a black spandex bodysuit "rapping" absolute gibberish
I have two of that one, different sizes
While I'm at it, I'll dump the other Yume Nikki stuff I got.
still the highest form of art
I think that's all I have.
i've always wondered about the creation of that video, actually. it's obviously synched to scamper's voice, who's western. Yume nikki is obviously nipponese in origin. Either scamper gave his vocals to the original artist of Yume, who created the animation around his voice, or scamper took a previous Yume video and really skillfully synched his voice to the movements of the guy in black.
Unless Yume is made by some bilingual guyhere in the west.
Wrong one.
this one is semi interesting, i have others
The sound in that webm is actually from another game, animation was synced to that by whoever made the video in the first place.
The song is from Battleblock Theatre, for the secret levels.
The animation was made after the game.
Speaking of Stamper, have a video of him kill this fox.
that necrodancer one is pretty sick
that devs gets credit for making awesome tracks, i need to play pirate it again
It's like a before and after of someone getting cancer
GAME THEORY: Madotsuki is Frisk's SISTER?
Forgot a Yumi Nikki video, probably a few others too. But this ones from a really good album that basically remixed the simple tracks of the original game into amazing songs.
It's neat what such an interesting, simple, and ultimately unsettling game can inspire.
And now I must go to sleep, even though I never feel well rested anyway.
Have some NEET songs, in classic and moe flavors.
holy fuck i'm hitting cringe and rage levels that should by all rights be sending me into cardiac arrest, why the fuck did you post that
my soul is irreparably damaged now, fuck you
This is how we know you don't know what evolution is. Natural selection is a driving force that leads to predictible results. Science is about making models of utility with predictive properties. Religion cannot, and does not do this, so until you can come up with a better model that fits the evidence, arguing from incredulity just makes you look like a fucking idiot, especially since you don't even understand the basic principles of what you're supposedly arguing against. There's nothing wrong with being religious if you want to, but when you argue things that are demonstrably false, then you've fucked up.
Three or more of us already told him he obviously doesn't know the very basic cornerstones of what make science, science, among other things. You're wasting your time, buddy.
But if you have any webms of screaming fish feel free to post them, those apparently bother him.
Unfortunately my regular box has a fucked up NIC and that's where my webms are. I'm posting from a salvaged laptop. Also mobile posting doesn't seem to work. I'm dying.
Does anyone have the video where it's three guys in an office and one is trying to convince the other two that a chick with balls is hot?
Do we know what song that is?
I've never into webm before. maybe this one's alright
i havent seen that shit in forever
back in the day i thought that afro samurai was a western made production that used western VAs, and they simply used standard japanese anime style for the animation. watching this clip though, the acting is subpar and the voices don't seem to synch up to the lip movements. Makes me think this was actually just another dubbed project, I could have sworn AS had billed it as an orgiinal western production. strange.
Convert in vp9 instead. Your webm would look twice as good for the same size.
I remade these in better quality. I found the best source I could, then upscaled it using "nearest neighbor". Here are the results:
thank you. The version of this that got uploaded earlier is horribly out of sync, and looks like shit during the sprite imitation dance.
Dumping Holla Forums anime webms