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Might as well just call it the Nintendo Bait & Switch.
Come here to post this.
Are you shilling the article?
Damn, is there a single company that wont lie in ads now? We're only a few months away from the March launch and nothing in the trailer represents the final product.
Idiocracy is real.
Fuck you. I'm reporting yoh if you get like 30 (you)'s. I made this same fucking joke when the system was announced but nobody cares. Fuck you andyour repost humor. Go to Reddit.
Because a dozen views from sole faggot on an imageboard are worth shilling huh?
Yeah, no shit. What you thought those were actual systems running actual games? Are you fucking retarded?
How fragile is your ego, get a grip.
Fuck off sonyfags xboners!
You cucks are just mad because Nintendo actually trying something new and being original
A videogames promotion is nothing but Bullshots.
No shit, faggot
I know this is bait, but people actually believe that this is new despite it being exactly the same as Wii U, but you can detach the sides and take it further.
So they can't really run what the show? What a shocker. It's probably going to sell millions.
Wow, really? I thought Nintendo just had some amazing new display technology that was just incredibly photogenic! And here you are telling me that they WEREN'T just recording a real TV?
Well, you'd at least expect a disclaimer. Lying to you customer, even by omission, doesn't seem too smart a business decision to me.
With the Smach, they at least explained that they were showing footage streamed to the PoC prototype from the dev board containing the final hardware setup on their page. Though of course, nothing like that is mentioned in the video demo, either.
All they were saying was it will run games, and unless I'm mistaken they are showing footage of games that will be run on the system. That's not lying. Using editing tricks to get games on a blank system actors are pretend playing isn't lying.
I always figured every live action vidya commercial did this.
Here they come
Nigger, I don't even own a Wii U and am not a Nintendo fag, but if you're so retarded that you think a teaser video is lying to the customer when literally all it's saying is "It will play games" then you are autistic as fuck and should get that looked at. All video game advertising does this, if you weren't underage you'd know that.
I can't argue with that logic.
If you want to pretend the teaser trailer is promising you anything other than "it runs vidya" then I guess you can call them liars for not showing actual footage, but if you ask me that's autistic as fuck. It's the teaser trailer for a console showing actors not playing a game, if you thought it was real then you are gullible. No one would look at the screens they showed in the video and say "Yep, that looks totally real. This must be exactly how the system works" unless they were a fucking mark.
see guys! 60 fps and HD resolutions!
It doesnt even have a disclaimer saying that those games arent actually playable.
Ive never seen other ads/teasers do this aside from vidya content that doesnt actually represent the final game, and most have tiny disclaimers.
The fact is that those other ads advertise games that actually are on that platform unless they're cancelled/changed midway which is just as bad unlike this shit where they advertise games that are not on the platform.
Fucking kill yourself shill
Hindsight is 20/20
You can't honestly believe everyone is so skeptical. This is normalfags we're talking about here.
Unless I'm mistaken they only showed games being developed for the Switch, so why would they put that disclaimer down. They are games you can play on the system, they just edited the footage in to place instead of trying to capture from the actual system while still making the actors and the set look good. What makes you think it's advertising games that aren't on the platform
Kill yourself tinfoil.
At the very end it says "Game footage not final; graphics and features subject to change"
Take that as you will.
Dick his Khan
Even when retards have this shown directly to them, they still want a reason to be outraged at the company they hate.
Nintendo provides more than enough reasons to be disgusted without pretending that you can't figure out that this is demo footage.
Skyrim is in that footage as well and Beth already stated that they only let them use the footage and nothing else.
Your argument is debunked
Kill yourself shill
It doesnt even exist nigger
Well it does exist, just not on a switch.
It would be funny if spic mario isnt even a game in development
reminds of that host that got fired for laughing at a poo in the loos name.
Literally every article I can find about Tood talking about the Switch trailer says he is "dancing around" the subject, simply not confirming anything. Unless you have actual proof that Bethesda has outright said there is no Skyrim for Switch then I don't think anything has been debunked, you're just trying a little too hard if you ask me.
So in other words the Switch doesn't drop frames when running Breath of the Wild portable :^)
Also last I checked no other Nintendo console announcement ever showed games the same day as the announcement, just proof of concept shots and prerendered demo footage.
Then they're lying by omission which is even worse.
It probably is
Literally all hardware with screens have their content put in post production so they have better control over what's shown and when. Did you faggots really think they reshot scenes for different parts of gameplay or if someone fucked up? Are you retarded?
Know what else doesn't exist? A game that Nintendo has announced for the platform. Not only are they not misrepresenting any games (none have been announced), they aren't misrepresenting the footage they ARE using because they've explained to you that it doesn't represent any final product whatsoever.
How have you lived your life until now with this great of a mental handicap?
How the fuck is this news?
Every LCD screen you see in video is edited in, you can't film LCD screens or they look like shit.
Jesus how bad will the game actually run then?
The footage was probably from the Wii U version
How much are you fags paid per post?
It is okay, though. This was a console announcement not a games announcement. Also
Not officially confirmed does not equal a "yes we're making it" or "no we aren't". Lrn2marketer speak.
I see absolutely nothing saying it won't get on the system, I see them dancing around the subject. At this point I'm convinced we've struck autism, now let's see how far you're willing to go. Will we reach the legendary (200+)?
It's not an advertisement. It's an announcement. For the hardware, not the games.
Not to shift the blame off Nintendo, but why would Bethesda let them use footage from Skyrim and then just say "no we're not making Skyrim for it at all" not even a week later? You know, aside from Bethesda being a bunch of liars, which is nothing new.
Not only are you retarded, you're illiterate too.
Just when you thought nintendrones couldn't possibly sink any lower.
Hey, those consoles actually had games.
Their logic was "to show we support the system unlike the Wii U"
I have the legal documents which proves I stole the idea and now you must pay me royalties every time you say "Nintendo Bait & Switch"
More games than the Wii U
Did you came straight outta Know your meme or something? It had more worthwhile exclusives and 2nd party support than the Wii and 360 did.
Fuck modern Nintendo and fuck Iwata. Faggot fan boys can go to hell. Nintendo should have died with the Gamecube.
Oh, I get it, Bethesda is lying because they won't actually support it aside from maybe one game. That's the way it's always been, 3rd parties hate Nintendo (for several good reasons and a few retarded ones).
say hello to 4ch user, today they came in waves, tomorrow we'll drown in retardation, just look at the first page
Careful, you'll upset sonyggers and weebs (same thing). Didn't you hear about [insert shitty anime game here]?
there is no way that the system will continue to play to play as you pull it off the dock
the game will pause when you do it. they make it seem so smooth in the trailer there is no fucking way that it will happen like that
Nintentoddlers should be gassed
Ill be laughing when it doesnt happen
Are you mentally ill?
Who the fuck is surprised?
Every year these shitty companies do the same and every year people here complain about it.
Dont pretend you're playing devils advocate, you're fucking awful at it.
Nigger we had Miitomo and Pokemon Go threads here.
These are some of the most loyal drones out there.
They've been making rumour threads about this shit for years, hit the jackpot with the Tegra originally laughing at it and now are defending a goddamned tablet with a battery time of 3 hours.
I own a Wii U, and I'm pretty sure that's wrong and/or retarded. In addition I'm going to say a lot of those are shit, and in the end probably mostly Nintendo and/or Platinum games are left, leaving the "10 good games" everyone talks about. I should note that's about 8 more games than the PS4 has.
It's probably like pulling out a headphone jack or unplugging your video cables. Plugging it in might take a little though.
we need to sue them, this is false advertising & literally stealing
Hows cuckchan?
The PS2 actually did have games and demos at announcement, though
Kill yourselves. Nintendo is a shit company
What did they lie about?
Next time provide an archive and some actual information about the article and then kill yourself you stupid fuck. This is no better than clickbait, fuck you.
Having the games displayed running on Nintendo Switch
That it has games
Its this how it feels like when browsing Reddit?
Filming this with actual gameplay on the screen would be incredibly difficult, has anyone here ever heard of moire grain pattern or actually tried filming or photographing a screen? They'd have to use incredibly expensive cameras that have a filter on the sensor specifically designed for this application not using a typical low-pass filter; if the grid like pattern from the LCD matrix matches up with the photodiodes on the sensor the captured image becomes a blurry mess. This specialized cameras are used in architecture and fashion photography not filming.
They'd also need polarized light filters set at the right angle to see beneath the transparent panel on top of the screen. Every movement would need to be planned out in advance detail.
And even if they did all this properly they'd still have to deal with white balance and other details afterwards, meaning the final would be only slightly less doctored than what we have now.
I've taken hundreds of pictures of screens through dozens of different lenses, cameras and even a microscope. Filming it is a much bigger hassle thanks to asynchronous refresh rates between the display and the camera. It practically can't be done properly by a typical production company.
They should have put a disclaimer for purely ethical reasons but anyone who thought the video was real footage is an idiot.
It was real footage
Just not footage taken from the actual console.
Also see your own post
Most of those exclusives are Steam tier indie garbage.
Now I've got a question, where did all the footage come from? We can assume that the new Mario game came from Switch, Zelda could have come from the Wii U or Switch, and if a Splatoon expert could confirm or deny if it looks like the Wii U one that would be nice. Skyrim might have come from the PC version? Did it look like the PC version, or did Bethesda just give them some footage?
Also, this isn't anything new for Nintendo. Remember that Banjo trailer for the Game Cube? That trailer for a Zelda game that people thought was real, making them even more pissed at Wind Waker? Basically all game companies do this shit, even old Nintendo, so while it's worth it to get pissed off over it, it's also to be expected.
Alright, here's another question. Where's that site that curates exclusive games for the new consoles that got decent scores? I know, it uses Metacritic, but it might take into account user score? I forget, it's worth checking out.
no the game will change it's state. I'm also the assuming the CPU will underclock when pulled off
PC and PC-based devkits, like usual for "work in progress" promotional footage.
How much is Nintendo paying you to shill?
This thread is bait and OP is a fag as always
That's assuming the Switch base is actually anything other than a streaming device. I'm not so sure of that frankly. Given that the shit framerate is from the edited footage itself (and the entire video doesn't seem to be 60fps to begin with) we don't know fucking anything about the system for certain.
Here is a commercial from Sony.
The footage shown on this PSVita was added in post-production.
Here is a presentation from Microsoft.
The footage shown on the television was added in post-production and does not display a real game at all.
It was obvious. Next you're gonna tell me that water is wet.
But they didn't announce any games. Them lying would be if they announced games and then showed the fake footage and then said the footage was fake. How can they lie about games that don't exist yet?
Ad hominem
Hold the fuck up, what?
Water isn't wet, it is the substance that causes objects to become wet
What if you put water in water. Then it becomes wet.
Oil can also make things wet, does that mean oil is water?
Next you gonna tell me the Holocaust didn't happen. Retard.
Oil is the nazi of waters
Oy vey ill have you know they refined my grandparents into fuel for cars
But they showed them.
just because i didnt respond doesnt mean i didnt chuckle at it
also i made the joke first so maybe i was feeling like you are right now
are your grandparents dinosaurs? ah i get it. jews as reptilians, clever.
Notice in the bottom right it says "simulated screen visual" as a disclaimer
Also did they go and say that whatever sports game it was playing wasn't confirmed to be on the system later?
But they just said they didn't show games
You ruined the joke
It's a charger with HDMI out.
If the Switch gets any performance boost from being docked it's from turning up the clock speeds since it doesn't have to worry about battery life, not extra hardware.
Right at the start it says "Product vision: actual features and functionality may vary"
But they did show games. Games that their console cannot run
Its ok though, remember when people complained about all those shitty dumbed down games and cancelled ones that console manufacturers shilled themselves?
Neither do I
But those weren't games
Goddamn, now that hes gottem BTFO hes going all out.
So you're saying when it says "Game footage not final; graphics and features subject to change", that makes it all okay?
Uh what? Nintendo said the footage wasn't of Nintendo Switch game software and thus they aren't games. Use some logic, user.
So what was the point of a preview if they still can't confirm shit to any extent with this thing?
To get normalfags hyped for the new Nintendo brandedTegra tablet.
Fucking shit, I didn't know that Nioh was announced as a PS3 game at it's launch. 11 years, … those niggers needed 11 years to make a Kessen style strategy game into a DemonSouls clone with samurais, fuck me.
whats next? Will we see Rockstars "Agent" on the PS5?
No the footage was added on after filming. The screen during filming was probably covered with sheet of green paper for compositing later.
And as for showing off simulated gameplay footage I remember they did something similar when the Wind Waker was first shown off, the cel animation effects looked much better at initial reveal than in the final game. Especially in the lava part, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was prerendered. Was really disappointed and haven't played a Zelda game since, doesn't seem like I missed much.
They get away with this because these aren't advertisements. They can show off whatever they want and claim anything about it on their own youtube channel or at conferences. Asides for some ineffectual whining on the internet there's no issue and it makes them look good. It's going to continue.
In this case it is okay when Nintendo does it, otherwise they'd have consumer watchdog groups giving them shit for blatantly lying. They can lie all they want in this manner and do so with impunity.
What was the point of being hyped now when "HYPE" news gets forgotten in a week or a month and they're releasing it in march. What games are there to be hype about if they're go
Do you have any confirmation that the Graphical changes will be better on release? if not then
That doesn't stop then from being shit or prove poeple calling them a shit company are wrong, it adds to their points
What did you say to hand waive Metroid Federation Force and Color Splash?
It is a preview that doesn't represent the end game product or it's capabilities. It's false advertisement when other companies do it and it's false advertisement when Nintendo does it too.
like people on the internet, which you are so happy to ignore
stop being a shill
They weren't advertising games, though, they were advertising the console and how it controls. Your logic is saying that this "Got Milk" commercial is falsely advertising a video game when the advert is about milk.
Yes, its called a disclaimer. What nintendo did is false advertising.
it must be my birthday, because now i get to kill all of you
But they didn't falsely advertise anything
So nintendo has always been shit.
Good to know.
This happens in every ad ever. If you watch an ad for a television, the shows the people are watching are edited in to make them look more crisp and clear, and the exact same thing happens in ads for vidya/consoles. Only a retard would believe otherwise.
I'm glad we agree then.
They did, they show the Switch graphic capabilities
No they didn't, since those videos in the announcement weren't games running on the hardware
Yes Nintendo is shit because of milk, user
When a video game console can't show actual video game performance or capability of any kind then yes it is false advertising.
That doesn't disclose that the game footage was not actually running on the system or that titles shown may not actually be on the system
You're playing against your own examples.
Holy shit, take a step back and reflect on why the fuck you are defending a shit company.
You're responding to the wrong person. He's not the one defending them.
You like all of the companies, then. Yes?
Actually wait, I'm wrong.
What that post confused me for a second.
But the subject of the video wasn't video game software
Nice nonargument, and where am I defending anybody? I'm just pointing out facts and logic.
Who cares? That's not the point of the discussion.
But you aren't wrong, I haven't defended anything.
Is there a reason why this is a direct link?
I'm lazy. Besides all the evidence is in the picture anyway. You're not going to learn anything by clicking the link.
Fuck off, shill
Good argument.
WAIT isn't this false advertising?!
well i guess the lack of vidyas to show might explain why they wouldnt say any damn thing about it for such a long while.
Why don't you care, user?
No fucking shit.
Who was retarded enough to think that any of that was actual gameplay footage being played on the switch? No company does that. One of the major reasons is that filming a screen causes flicker because of the refresh rate and frequency of the backlighting, not to mention lighting issues. Almost every screen you see in a commercial is always added in post.
If they wanted to announce or broadcast games, they would. That was clearly a console showcase.
I'm not even a nintendrone, you faggots are just pathetic if you thoought any of the gameplay footage wasn't added in post. You think they actually have the actors in these commercials play games and they film them playing games? How fucking stupid do you have to be to buy that?
No user I'm not retarded.
Watch those commercials carefully. In the corner there SHOULD be tiny letters saying
or some other legalese bullshit. But I'm not up to snuff about US law.
the switch is a device whose purpose is to run videogame software. If they are failing to actually show it running video game software it fails as a product and misleading consumers in commercials that it does run video game software it is false advertising
fuck off shill
so what was being shown, tech demos? wiiu games?
What did they show in the preview. Did i just imagine splatton, mario, and zelda? okay fine they weren't video game announcements
What was the point of this preview if they literally have jack shit to show besides mini controllers and a brick?
Not video games. Nigga are you pretending to be retarded?
It is ingame footage, it's just not being played by the actors in the trailer on the specific Switches shown in the trailer. That doesn't mean it's not running on a Switch (Spla2n is definitely being played on a Switch since there's fucking nothing else it could be running on, for instance). This is completely normal for trailers like this.
I'm glad I'm not as dumb as you, user
No you dumb shit, read threads before you post in them
I'll bite. What are you trying to say, user?
Is this not a video game console?
Examples of how the console might be used, using existing and future games for current and future consoles. It's been like this for every console for the past 15 years. Even the GameCube was showcased with games that didn't come out on it, so was the Wii, so was the Wii U. Remember Super Mario 128? That Space Worlds Zelda demo? All the Wii and Wii U tech demos that didn't become games?
No. Thinking that showing 5 seconds of a game from an oblique angle is them announcing that game is just stupid though.
It was a console commercial. The entire point is to show the "mini controllers and a brick" that are the console.
No, that's what is saying
No its not.
They released with two big announcements.
One being
Followed up by
It was meant to be spraid on word of mouth, "You can PLAY SKYRIM GUYZ!!11"
If you don't see this you are legitimately retarded.
He's saying the exact opposite.
I'm asking you to explain yourself, not point to someone else.
I don't care about Skyrim, and if you do you're a gigantic cum-slurping homosexual.
Okay obviously they always edit footage in because taking video of a video looks like trash.
BUT why the fuck did the framerate dip when the guy unplugs it while playing zelda then? If you're gonna bullshot, why not bullshot a good framerate? Do they actually care about lying to us and didn't want to face the backlash when people later find out the processing is throttled in portable mode? Was it just a fuckup in the editing and it ISN'T throttled?
But its technically not breaking the law so its OK goyim
So gameplay was faked but that was STILL the best they could do?
False equivalency, those are Nintendo games that may or not been canceled before the release of the console.
We are talking about 3rd party games which was a huge announcement for the Switch.
Now it turns out all the games advertised that aren't Nintendo IPs are not actually being made for the Switch and that they "may" have some games from the dev houses.
No you're pretty stupid, there is nothing that is done on an ad video which probably cost a million in production that isn't discussed to death.
They know exactly what they are doing, you're fucking retarded so you don't.
And the fucking games released with them which is why they discussed 3rd party support and showed Bethesda up along with someone playing Skyrim.
Fucking nintendrones, like fucking christ get some self-awareness.
That isn't whats being discussed moron.
That's debatable, I think this would fall under bait and switch.
The reason video game companies rarely get sued is because people still view the industry as one mainly for children.
In 10 years however law firms will catch on and things like this will be taken to court.
Skyrim wouldn't be a meaningful indicator of third party support anyway. It's a five year old game.
They announced from the beginning that those were tech demos made to showcase the console, and not actual games in development, just like they did with the Wii U Twilight Princess thing before its launch. Just like they did with the Call of Duty thing for Wii U before its launch. Are you underage, or are you just purposefully ignoring that this is literally nothing new in any way? This isn't even close to the first time they've done this with third party games.
That isn't the point retard and you know it, but your want to defend Nintendo and the idea they're for us "Real GAYMERS".
Nintendo revealed Skyrim as most Jap devs think its the best game ever AND they want to grab casuals.
Eh I dont know, big companies tend to get away with a lot.
But it would not, you tard.
how come it's not false advertisement?
Okay. then were back with the issue of what was the point of the preview if no games can be confirmed. How the console is used is entirely dependent on that
not backwards compatable so it can't use current games, which is another point against it.
They should actually show and confirm some games so they would actually get
If they are going to show footage of a game being played on a console then go "we can't really confirm it" defeates the pourpose of a preview if it is just misleading in every facet of the commercial.
and like a console, a mini controller, and a brick you can't do much of anything with it(or no fucking pourpose of buying it) if it doesn't have games for it. We don't know the capabilities of a console if we don't know what games it can actually play. Why do they not have games for it?
Because you don’t know what words mean.
did you people also think those were real wealthy millenials living in studio apartments that would be $3k a month? then stepping outside on the roof to play Mario Kart with their urbane, diverse friends who also have $3k a month studio apartments?
nothing in ads is real, you dense motherfuckers.
Okay so it's misleading as hell.
Now why are they advertising a brick to consumers that can't play any games yet? What is not legitimate about saying this console has barely any games(Zelda, CoD, and Sonic) and nothing going for it and will be no different from the WiiU in turn out of games or potential amount of games since they advertised different companies developing for it last time and that failed?
Also by your own words you admit they lied.
Those aren't even tech demos its video footage of another system running Skyrim scaled down.
Its not even a tech demo.
The Nintendrone scrambles with terms to debase and argument, now he scramble to accuse someone of underage and defend with "ALL THE OTHER KIDS ARE DOING IT!111"
I do, you cannot advertise a product or service offering things that are not actual part of the product.
Fucking Red Bull got sued because they couldn't prove that it "focuses the mind".
They are showing 3rd party support but other then 3rd party companies saying "they might" makes something for it the games they showed weren't actual fucking games and are not actually available on the system so that would be false advertising FLAT OUT.
Hey! Why'd you leave so suddenly?
You didn't answer my question.
Most likely PC ports running at settings projected to be that of the Switch.
Feel free to webm anytime
Those people exist, but not for long. WW3/American Civil War 2/California earthquake soon anons!
It could be running on a PC with developer software, like any game that is in development.
Or it could just be a modified Splatoon running on a Wii U. Or it could even be a simple animated mock-up video and not even actually a game.
Does this hold any merit?
is nintendo shitting on their audience a surprise for you fuckers? what are you fucking retarded?
Why is ReviewTechUSA bad?
I don't even know what these are. Last Metroid game I played was Hunters on the ds and it was pretty good.
It's false representation which they can partake in as they please. Advertisement is something entirely different. They're not buying ad time to show this video off. They can't help it if gaming sites spread news of their fabrication.
We're both on the same page about Nintendo lying but you seem to be taking it personally. If I were a shill I wouldn't be saying that this console doesn't interest me and neither did the wiiu. Also this is the first time I've been called on shill on this site and I've been using it since before GG when my posts were deleted on Holla Forums early 2014. I appreciate your vigilance but in this case it's misguided.
True I don't really watch trailers or commercials, ever.
Absolutely this. If you were to record off a real screen the image would look like shit. Not to mention it would be really tedious for the actors if someone had to sit there for half an hour to get the game to an interesting point and then the actor makes a mistake while playing and they have to give the console back to the guy playing to get back to that spot.
Don't some companies do that at E3? Pretend it's running on a console but there's actually a PC hidden somewhere?
So here's where we get to have this convorsation. Either you leave your ego at the door, like every other "normal" user, or you make yourself a tripcode and get riddiculed by us for tripfagging/namefagging.
Unfortunately, if you choose either, you lose.
Which is pretty pathetic.
Third party support is an old game from 5 years ago that everyone already played. Honestly, am I the only one who finds this hilarious?
Anyone remember Capcom 5?
You lieing fuccbois! I made the joke the second the Nintendo announced the name.
I fucking told you jabbering retards this like 9 times when the trailer came out. God damn you're retarded.
More often than not.
If this news triggers you guys just wait till you find out the people in that trailer aren't actually friends.
I don't get it.
Bit of trivia: Xbox 360 demos were running on Powermac G5s.
Thanks anons this legitimately made me laugh.
The videogame industry is a funny one aint it?
Doesn't the wii u actually run on some rudementary for of linux though?
He's saying that whoever thought the commercial was just recordings of people actually playing video games is retarded.
oooOOOOooooh, I get it now!
Or bayonetta 2 at all, fuggg I only had a xbox360
You will never play the PC version of Splatoon wasting away on some company harddrive.
well then who are they?
That girl is so autistic in the video. she is my waifu
You'll never get to play time splitters 4 because of incompetent marketeers.
I called this shit the second they showed Skyrim footage.
I wonder if they even have a working prototype yet.
Who would ever hit anything with a giant chin like that?
Her chin is so big it'd be hard not to.
who wouldn't
Moonman needs some love too
aw shit nigga!
it's like a target for my cummies.
Karen just wants to have fun
Did anyone really think the footage was actually happening during the video?
What a fag.
who cares you stupid goyim
Something about autistic French women.
who, fat hermione or the autistic man from snl or mad tv or whatever?
i suppose i just answered my own question
I'm sure Skyrim will be on the Switch, if for no other reason than Bethesda needs as many console plebs as they can using BethesdaNet so that they can push a subscription service and/or fill it up with ads and make fat sacks of shekels. Beth fags like to rag on Sony for the PS4 mod situation, and say it's going to hurt the PS4's standing, but really - the no-mods-allowed stance is going to hit Bethesda a fuck of a lot harder - right in the coin purse.
See, Bethesda is offering "mods for free" right now (but limiting it to 2GB per console to dissuade excessive downloads). They needed the PS4 and it's userbase to download larger mods in larger numbers - so that they can sell the story that BethesdaNet is so insanely popular that it's becoming a major strain on the company to keep offering it for free.
Sony's not playing ball with them, putting their asses out on the line to cover for their lies, so now they'll have to lean on Nintendo as their second rail in "Paid Mods Plan B".
I won't say Skyrim WILL be on the Switch. I will say that Bethesda will be pushing Nintendo HARD to get Skyrim - and Mods - on the Switch.
Gillian Anderson used to have a chin, which was strangely attractive. Then she got plastic surgery.
God I want to fuck loli Natalie.
The Nintoddler butthurt is off the charts.
Thats a daily occurence though
This. Cuckchanners are baiting hard.
The reason is being new.
Please contain your autism
Its been 11 hours
Long story short gameplay of the games from the vidya were not final.
Would you believe that even I didn't read the article?
Serious question Holla Forums: anyone know who that actress is? I need that information for masturbatory purposes.
If that's what they thought was good enough to show imagine how bad the real deal is.
The one thing Nintendo does to peak my interest and they don't even give the truth, meaning all we got out of this was the shape of the console. Way to blow it, Nintendo.
Dead Phoenix?
Fun part is the Xbones are running Windows 7 right when Microsoft started being hellbent on killing it
The Xbone is running Windows 10 nigger
that was from the demo of RISE, and that game runs on any windows, the game was still in development when they showed the demo so that is not an XBone running windows 7 idiot.
Idk about the Wii u, probably they where trying to pass a custom build as their OS for the demonstration
No, sorry. I'm a nintendrone and I can't defend that. It's like they are doing seppuku.
I don't know who can plan all of this shitfest of an announce switch was, and think "yeah this is just what we should do as a company to best sell it"
This is insanity
Does anyone have an archive of the switch announcement thread? It was full of hilariously shilly posts
bait thread
i'm going to trademark that shit and i wanna see you do anything about it, bitch
you just missed the point entirely microsoft
This reminds me of actually going to e3 once (right when they were showcasing the xbox one) and playing some random shit games on one of these booths microsoft built. Me being a little rebel unscrewed the glass case it was inside and pressed the power button on the console and the game still worked, it turns out the xbox one was just for show and they probably had a PC hidden somewhere
It's not, they just rused people into believing the games were running on a xbox when there was a high end PC running windows 7 inside each of those little lockers. From what i heard a game crashed to desktop (kek) and it all fell through
You have to go back.
you have to go back too
women are both retarded and the devil, they cannot understand beauty only works for determining a good mating partner. She's still as "ugly" as she was before with the pre plastic surgery chin and her attempt at deception is pathetic
No, the PS4 runs on BSD
No, the WiiU does NOT run on Linux. I imagine it runs on a proprietary kernel similar to the 3DS. Which uses 2 different kernels for running firmware level and usermode applications, ARM9 FIRM and ARM11 FIRM respectively. Much like how the Wii used a IOS (internal Operating System) for loading games and ran on an integrated ARM core alongside the PPC core
It really took a news article for you idiots to realize this?
smh tbh fam